The history of the icon of the blessed sky in the village of Upper Bulay. Icon of the Blessed Sky - prayer, meaning, what they pray for

What shall we call You, O Blessed Mother of God, Immaculate Mary?
With what hymns shall we exalt Thee, exalted by Heaven and earth, Angels and men? For there appeared upon You a mystery unheard of for centuries on earth and unknown to the Angels in Heaven, more than mind and word, the incarnation of God the Word, born from the beginning from the Beginning Father without a Mother and incarnated in Your womb and born with the imperishable seal of Your virginity.
Oh, the miracle of all ancient and new miracles! The immutable word of God Himself about the victorious seed of the woman will be fulfilled and perfected in the Husbandless Virgin.
Oh, the immeasurable depth of the wisdom and greatness of God! What names shall we call Thee, O Unbrideless Bride? Shall we call Thee the dawn of the sun rising in the sky? But You are Heaven itself, from You the Sun of Truth has risen - Christ our God, the Savior of sinners. Do we call You the gate leading into the paradise lost by our ancestors, abounding in all blessings? But You Yourself are a blessed paradise, having grown the Flower of incorruption, healing and driving away the stink of sin and the stench of ancestral corruption. Shall we call you the young Immaculate Virgin who has not known marriage? But even to old age you remained uncurved and virgin until birth, and in the birth, and after the birth of the Son, you remained. Shall we call Thee Pure and Holy Mary, who with Her purity surpassed all mothers and foremothers? But You not only gave birth to That Child Christ, but You also carried Him with Your breasts and nourished Him with Your mother’s virgin milk, the One Who nourishes every creature, Whom the Heavenly powers stand before with fear and trembling, and Whom every breath and creature praises.
Oh, truly You are wonderful in wives, wonderful in virgins, inimitable in mothers! We fall before You before Your Divine face and before Your holy feet we cast down and lay down all our thoughts, desires, intentions and feelings. Sanctify them with Your Mother of God charity and lift them up, like the sacrifice of our humble heart, like a little-valued mite of our spiritual poverty, to the Throne of Your Son, our Savior, so that the message of destinies will guide our path to salvation and the inheritance of His Kingdom, which has no end forever and ever. . Amen.

Troparion, tone 6
What shall we call You, O Blessed One?
Sky? - as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth;
paradise? - as if you have vegetated, the color of incorruption;
Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible;
Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice of the same
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy image, through which you heal our illnesses and raise our souls to God.


Also read on our website:

Earthly life of the Virgin Mary- Description of the life, Christmas, Dormition of the Mother of God.

Apparitions of the Virgin Mary- About the miraculous apparitions of the Mother of God.

Icons of the Virgin Mary- Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most icons of the Mother of God.

Prayers to the Mother of God- Basic prayers.

Lives of the Saints- Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

For the beginning Christian- Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Instructions in spiritual life, basic information about the temple, etc.

Orthodox parables- Collection of small parables (stories)

Literature- Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and occultism- Orthodoxy’s view of fortune-telling, extrasensory perception, the evil eye, corruption, yoga and similar “spiritual” practices.

Superstitions- Description of some superstitions.

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The Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” belongs to the group of “Akathist Icons”, the main meaning of which is the glorification of the Mother of God as the Queen of Heaven. They pray to her for guidance on the path leading to salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The iconographic prototype of the image “Blessed Heaven” is the icon “Wife Clothed in the Sun,” which depicts the Mother of God and Child standing on a crescent, with a crown on Her head, the figures surrounded by golden rays forming a mandola-like radiance. The iconography of this image reproduces the vision of John the Theologian, described in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation (12:1-17).

« And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun; under her feet was the moon, and on her head was a crown of twelve stars... And she gave birth to a male child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron..." (12:1,5).

According to one theological interpretation, the image of the Wife is interpreted as a symbol of the Church of Christ. This iconographic type originated in Germany in the 15th century and became widespread in Western art. It is believed that it came to Rus' in the 17th century from Poland through Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, giving rise to several iconographic types of Mother of God icons, for example: “Sunny”, “Blessed Heaven” and others.

The earliest image in Rus' of this type is an icon from the local row of the iconostasis in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Nikitniki, dating back to the 40s of the 17th century. In this image, the Mother of God is depicted with the Child on her left hand, wearing a crown. Her figure is surrounded by an oval halo of radiance. Below are kneeling Georgy Khozevit and Andrey Kritsky. This image lacks a crescent moon under the feet of the Mother of God and rays of radiance. The first widely known revered icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” in Rus' is a copy from an ancient icon located in the Archangel Cathedral, was painted in 1678-1680 by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich by masters of the Armory Chambers and placed in a chased silver frame. The old salary, stolen in 1812, was replaced with a new one in 1815. In 1916, the miraculous icon was decorated with a silver chasuble and overlaid silver cherubs on the margins, which have not survived to this day. This image is still in the iconostasis of the Moscow Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. Another name of the icon is known - “What shall we call Thee” - according to the text of the Mother of God of the 1st hour of the radiance shown inside, emanating from the Mother of God with the Child:

What shall we call You, O Blessed One? Sky? - as if the Sun of Truth has risen; paradise? — how you have vegetated The color of incorruption: Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible; Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

The beginning of widespread veneration of the “Blessed Heaven” icon of the Mother of God is associated with the name of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), who in 1853, during the period of renovation of the iconostasis of the Archangel Cathedral, ordered the collection of historical information about the miraculous image. The celebration of the “Blessed Heaven” icon took place twice a year, and a prayer service was also held daily in the Archangel Cathedral before the miraculous image. Many parishioners brought lamps, candles and oil to the icon.

There are two versions about the origin of the original Mother of God icon “Blessed Heaven”, from which the copy for the Archangel Cathedral was made.

According to one version, it was brought to Moscow in the 14th century from Smolensk by Sofia Vitovtovna, the wife of Moscow Prince Vasily Dmitrievich, where it had been sent earlier along with other ancient icons from Constantinople. The Byzantine version has become firmly established in all printed publications of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

There is another, Western version, according to which the icon was brought by Sophia Fominichna (Palaeologus), the wife of Tsar John III, from Lithuania. This version is based mainly on iconography. On the Vilna Icon, the Mother of God was depicted standing on the moon, and above her head angels held a royal crown.

In pre-revolutionary Moscow there were three shrines, in front of which parishioners prayed with special feeling and to which numerous pilgrimages were made: the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the icons of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” and “Blessed Heaven”. Through these shrines, the Lord bestowed grace especially abundantly; through prayers to the Mother of God in front of these images, many miraculous healings were performed.

It is significant that the “Blessed Heaven” icon, which united the spiritual culture of the East and West, was revered by both Orthodox and non-Orthodox people. It is known that one Lutheran woman received healing from the image, who saw the icon in a dream and sent her Orthodox governess to pray at a prayer service in front of the icon for her health. This command was carried out by the maid for six weeks, after which the sick lady recovered and began to come to the cathedral for prayer services.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the blessing of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, a copy of the “Blessed Heaven” icon was made for the sacristy of the Church of the Vaul Dormition Skete of the Romanovo-Borisoglebsk district in the Yaroslavl province. Currently he resides in the Resurrection Cathedral in the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.

Perhaps one of the most famous today is the altar image of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, painted by the wonderful artist Vasnetsov. The history of this image is very unusual and even wonderful. In 1885, the famous artist was invited to paint the cathedral by the head of finishing work, Professor Adrian Prakhov. Vasnetsov was forced to give up work in Vladimirsky due to his son’s illness. One spring evening at the dacha, he was captivated by the sight of his wife with her baby son in her arms. The child reached out to the wondrous spectacle of the spring garden that opened up to him and clasped his hands. This struck Vasnetsov so much that the thought suddenly occurred to him how nice it would be to paint the Virgin and Child, just like the people dear to him had just appeared before his eyes. He immediately decided to paint the Cathedral and the next day sent Prahov a telegram about his consent.

And at this time, in the cathedral itself, the Lord showed an amazing miracle, which until then the artist had no idea about. To prepare for painting, the cathedral was plastered several times. One evening, Adrian Prakhov, accompanied by several people, entered the cathedral under construction. The plaster dries quickly enough, but not evenly. Looking for a long time at the plastered space on the wall intended for the altar image of the Mother of God, Professor Prakhov and his companions saw on the wall of the cathedral under construction a full-length image of the Mother of God, carrying in her arms the Child Christ, whose arms seemed to embrace the whole world. Under great impression, the professor sketched an image that appeared on the wet plaster, and everyone present certified the correctness of the drawing. There was no point in calling the ruling bishop so that he could see the wonderful image on the wall - the plaster dries too quickly and by morning the entire wall would be ordinary, white.

Later, when Vasnetsov presented Prahov with his sketches of the altar image of the Mother of God, he extracted and showed the artist a sketch he had once made of the image that appeared on the plaster. Prakhov himself told how Vasnetsov was amazed at the exact coincidence of both images of the image of the Mother of God. For several minutes, speechless, he said: “It was God’s order.” Vasnetsov painted this icon for about two years. The traditional image of the Mother of God received an original and unique interpretation under Vasnetsov’s brush; it was canonized and began to be called “The Gracious Sky.”

One of the locally revered copies of the image “Blessed Heaven” is in the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills. The icon appeared in the temple in the 50-60s of the last century. Information about her is very scarce. According to the stories of one of the oldest servants of the temple, now deceased, Maria Andreevna, the blackened icon was found in the dump of the Moscow State University dormitory and students slept on it, using it instead of a board. Some time later, after the icon was brought to the temple, it was miraculously renewed. The restoration artist added only a small missing fragment in the lower right corner of the icon. This image is especially revered by believers. An akathist was written especially for him, which has since been read weekly in the church.

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Blessed Heaven" is set on March 19(March 6, Old Art.), in addition, the celebration of the image takes place on the Sunday of All Saints: in the Orthodox tradition, the celebration falls on the first Sunday after Pentecost.

The “Blessed Sky” icon is also considered the patroness of the airborne troops. At one time, she was the patroness of the legendary pilot, hero of the Great Patriotic War A.I. Pokryshkin, born on the day of her celebration. And the sky was favorable to the hero - an “invisible force” protected him in battles.

And in our time, its beneficial effect has not been forgotten: in Chechnya, for the healing and spiritual guidance of soldiers, a field temple was opened in honor of the “Blessed Heaven” icon.

More recently, the “Blessed Heaven” medal was established to reward efforts to protect the air borders of the Fatherland.

Troparion, tone 6
What shall we call You, O Blessed One?
Sky? - as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth;
paradise? - as if you have vegetated, the color of incorruption;
Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible;
Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice of the same
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Gracious Heaven” they pray for guidance on the path leading to salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as for healing of various mental and physical ailments, for safe travel by air, from heresies and schisms, for instruction in the Orthodox faith.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Icon “Gracious Heaven”

What shall we call You, O Blessed Mother of God, Immaculate Mary? With what hymns shall we exalt Thee, exalted by Heaven and earth, Angels and men? For there appeared upon You a mystery unheard of for centuries on earth and unknown to the Angels in Heaven, more than mind and word, the incarnation of God the Word, born from the beginning from the beginning of the Father without a mother and incarnate in Your womb and with the imperishable seal of Your virginity. Oh, the miracle of all ancient and new miracles! The immutable word of God Himself about the victorious seed of the woman will be fulfilled and perfected in the Husbandless Virgin. Oh, the immeasurable depth of the wisdom and greatness of God! What names shall we call Thee, O Unbrideless Bride? Shall we call Thee the dawn of the sun rising in the sky? But You are Heaven itself, from You the Sun of Truth has risen - Christ our God, the Savior of sinners. Do we call You the gate leading into the paradise lost by our ancestors, abounding in all blessings? But You Yourself are a blessed paradise, having grown the Flower of incorruption, healing and driving away the stink of sin and the stench of ancestral corruption. Shall we call you the young Immaculate Virgin who has not known marriage? But even to old age you remained uncurved and virgin until birth, and in the birth, and after the birth of the Son, you remained. Shall we call Thee Pure and Holy Mary, who with Her purity surpassed all mothers and foremothers? But You not only gave birth to That Child Christ, but You also carried Him with Your breasts and nourished Him with Your mother’s virgin milk, the One Who nourishes every creature, Whom the Heavenly powers stand before with fear and trembling, and Whom every breath and creature praises. Oh, truly You are wonderful in wives, wonderful in virgins, inimitable in mothers! We fall before You before Your Divine face and before Your holy feet we cast down and lay down all our thoughts, desires, intentions and feelings. Sanctify them with Your Mother of God charity and lift them up, like the sacrifice of our humble heart, like a little-valued mite of our spiritual poverty, to the Throne of Your Son, our Savior, so that the message of destinies will guide our path to salvation and the inheritance of His Kingdom, which has no end forever and ever. . Amen.

Troparion, tone 6
What shall we call You, O Blessed One? Sky? - as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth; paradise? - as if you have vegetated, the color of incorruption; Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible; Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice of the same
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy image, through which you heal our illnesses and raise our souls to God.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Icon “Gracious Heaven”

What shall we call You, O Blessed Mother of God, Immaculate Mary? With what hymns shall we exalt Thee, exalted by Heaven and earth, Angels and men? For there appeared upon You a mystery unheard of for centuries on earth and unknown to the Angels in Heaven, more than mind and word, the incarnation of God the Word, born from the beginning from the beginning of the Father without a mother and incarnate in Your womb and with the imperishable seal of Your virginity.

Oh, the miracle of all ancient and new miracles! The immutable word of God Himself about the victorious seed of the woman will be fulfilled and perfected in the Husbandless Virgin. Oh, the immeasurable depth of the wisdom and greatness of God! What names shall we call Thee, O Unbrideless Bride? Shall we call Thee the dawn of the sun rising in the sky? But You are Heaven itself, from You the Sun of Truth has risen - Christ our God, the Savior of sinners. Do we call You the gate leading into the paradise lost by our ancestors, abounding in all blessings? But You Yourself are a blessed paradise, having grown the Flower of incorruption, healing and driving away the stink of sin and the stench of ancestral corruption. Shall we call you the young Immaculate Virgin who has not known marriage? But even to old age you remained uncurved and virgin until birth, and in the birth, and after the birth of the Son, you remained. Shall we call Thee Pure and Holy Mary, who with Her purity surpassed all mothers and foremothers? But You not only gave birth to That Child Christ, but You also carried Him with Your breasts and nourished Him with Your mother’s virgin milk, the One Who nourishes every creature, Whom the Heavenly powers stand before with fear and trembling, and Whom every breath and creature praises. Oh, truly You are wonderful in wives, wonderful in virgins, inimitable in mothers! We fall before You before Your Divine face and before Your holy feet we cast down and lay down all our thoughts, desires, intentions and feelings. Sanctify them with Your Mother of God charity and lift them up, like the sacrifice of our humble heart, like a little-valued mite of our spiritual poverty, to the Throne of Your Son, our Savior, so that the message of destinies will guide our path to salvation and the inheritance of His Kingdom, which has no end forever and ever. . Amen.

Troparion, tone 6
What shall we call You, O Blessed One? Sky? - as if the Sun of Truth has risen; paradise? - as if you have vegetated, the color of incorruption; Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible; Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice of the same
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, and honor Your holy image, through which you heal our illnesses and raise our souls to God.

“Gracious Sky” is an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, according to legend, brought to Moscow from Lithuania by the wife of Grand Duke Vasily I

Sofia Vitovtovna as a parental blessing.

Based on the sample brought by Sophia, the icon painters of the Armory Chamber in 1678-1680 made a list of icons for the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin (in the local row of the iconostasis, to the left of the royal doors). In 1682, master Vasily Poznansky painted an applique icon for the Church of the Crucifixion in the Terem Palace of the Kremlin.

The iconography reproduces John the Theologian’s vision of the Woman clothed in the sun. The Mother of God is depicted in full growth, with the Child on her left hand. Her figure is surrounded by a solar mandorla, and under her feet is a crescent moon. The heads of Mary and Jesus are crowned.
The celebration of the icon takes place on March 19 (March 6, old style), as well as on the week of All Saints.
Locally revered copies of the image are available in the Moscow churches of the Trinity on Sparrow Hills and the Archangel Gabriel (Menshikov Tower).

People pray to the “Blessed Heaven” Icon of the Mother of God for healing from mental and physical illnesses.

People turn to her when they ask for guidance on the path of the Christian faith for those who lead an unrighteous lifestyle. On the icon, the Mother of God is depicted in full growth, on Her left hand is the Infant of God.

Some call this image of the Mother of God according to the words of the prayer “What shall we call Thee.” The Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” enjoys special veneration in Moscow, since since ancient times it has been located in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

Icon of the Mother of God

The Icon of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” belongs to the group of “Akathist Icons”, the main meaning of which is the glorification of the Mother of God as the Queen of Heaven. They pray to her for guidance on the path leading to salvation and inheritance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The iconographic prototype of the image “Blessed Heaven” is the icon “Wife Clothed in the Sun,” which depicts the Mother of God and Child standing on a crescent, with a crown on Her head, the figures surrounded by golden rays forming a mandola-like radiance. The iconography of this image reproduces the vision of John the Theologian, described in the 12th chapter of the Book of Revelation (12:1-17).

“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun; under her feet was the moon, and on her head a crown of twelve stars... And she gave birth to a male child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron..." ( 12:1, 5).

According to one of the theological interpretations the image of the Wife is interpreted as a symbol of the Church of Christ . This iconographic type originated in Germany in the 15th century and became widespread in Western art. It is believed that it came to Rus' in the 17th century from Poland through Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania, giving rise to several iconographic types of Mother of God icons, for example: “Sunny”, “Blessed Heaven” and others.

The earliest image in Rus' of this type is an icon from the local row of iconostasis in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Nikitniki, dating back to the 40s of the 17th century. In this image, the Mother of God is depicted with the Child on her left hand, wearing a crown. Her figure is surrounded by an oval halo of radiance. Below are kneeling Georgy Khozevit and Andrey Kritsky. In this image there is no crescent moon under the feet of the Mother of God and rays of radiance. The first widely known revered icon of the Mother of God “The Gracious Heaven” in Rus' - a copy from an ancient icon located in the Archangel Cathedral, was painted in 1678-1680 by order of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich by masters of the Armory Chamber and placed in a chased silver frame. The old salary, stolen in 1812, was replaced with a new one in 1815. In 1916, the miraculous icon was decorated with a silver chasuble and overlaid silver cherubs on the margins, which have not survived to this day. This image is still in the iconostasis of the Moscow Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. Another name of the icon is known - “What shall we call Thee” - according to the text of the Mother of God of the 1st hour of the radiance shown inside, emanating from the Mother of God with the Child:

What shall we call You, O Blessed One? Sky? - as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth; paradise? - how you have vegetated The color of incorruption: Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible; Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.

The beginning of widespread veneration of the “Blessed Heaven” icon of the Mother of God is associated with the name of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), who in 1853, during the period of renovation of the iconostasis of the Archangel Cathedral, ordered the collection of historical information about the miraculous image. The celebration of the “Blessed Heaven” icon took place twice a year, and a prayer service was also held daily in the Archangel Cathedral before the miraculous image. Many parishioners brought lamps, candles and oil to the icon.

There are two versions about the origin of the original Mother of God icon “Blessed Heaven”, from which the copy for the Archangel Cathedral was made.

According to one version, it was brought to Moscow in the 14th century from Smolensk by Sofia Vitovtovna, the wife of Moscow Prince Vasily Dmitrievich, where it had been sent earlier along with other ancient icons from Constantinople. The Byzantine version has become firmly established in all printed publications of the 19th and early 20th centuries.

There is another, Western version, according to which the icon was brought by Sophia Fominichna (Palaeologus), the wife of Tsar John III, from Lithuania. This version is based mainly on iconography. On the Vilna Icon, the Mother of God was depicted standing on the moon, and above her head angels held a royal crown.

In pre-revolutionary Moscow there were three shrines, in front of which parishioners prayed with special feeling and to which numerous pilgrimages were made: the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the icons of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy” and “Blessed Heaven”. Through these shrines, the Lord bestowed grace especially abundantly; through prayers to the Mother of God in front of these images, many miraculous healings were performed.

It is significant that the “Blessed Heaven” icon, which united the spiritual culture of the East and West, was revered by both Orthodox and non-Orthodox people. It is known that one Lutheran woman received healing from the image, who saw the icon in a dream and sent her Orthodox governess to pray at a prayer service in front of the icon for her health. This command was carried out by the maid for six weeks, after which the sick lady recovered and began to come to the cathedral for prayer services.

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the blessing of the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, a copy of the “Blessed Heaven” icon was made for the sacristy of the Church of the Vaul Dormition Skete of the Romanovo-Borisoglebsk district in the Yaroslavl province. Currently he resides in the Resurrection Cathedral in the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.

Perhaps one of the most famous today is the altar image of the Mother of God “Blessed Heaven” in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kyiv, painted by the wonderful artist Vasnetsov. The history of this image is very unusual and even wonderful. In 1885, the famous artist was invited to paint the cathedral by the head of finishing work, Professor Adrian Prakhov. Vasnetsov was forced to give up work in Vladimirsky due to his son’s illness. One spring evening at the dacha, he was captivated by the sight of his wife with her baby son in her arms. The child reached out to the wondrous spectacle of the spring garden that opened up to him and clasped his hands. This struck Vasnetsov so much that the thought suddenly occurred to him how nice it would be to paint the Virgin and Child, just like the people dear to him had just appeared before his eyes. He immediately decided to paint the Cathedral and the next day sent Prahov a telegram about his consent.

And at this time, in the cathedral itself, the Lord showed an amazing miracle, which until then the artist had no idea about. To prepare for painting, the cathedral was plastered several times. One evening, Adrian Prakhov, accompanied by several people, entered the cathedral under construction. The plaster dries quickly enough, but not evenly. Looking for a long time at the plastered space on the wall intended for the altar image of the Mother of God, Professor Prakhov and his companions saw on the wall of the cathedral under construction a full-length image of the Mother of God, carrying in her arms the Child Christ, whose arms seemed to embrace the whole world. Under great impression, the professor sketched an image that appeared on the wet plaster, and everyone present certified the correctness of the drawing. There was no point in calling the ruling bishop so that he could see the wonderful image on the wall - the plaster dries too quickly and by morning the entire wall would be ordinary, white.

Later, when Vasnetsov presented Prahov with his sketches of the altar image of the Mother of God, he extracted and showed the artist a sketch he had once made of the image that appeared on the plaster. Prakhov himself told how Vasnetsov was amazed at the exact coincidence of both images of the image of the Mother of God. For several minutes, speechless, he said: “It was God’s order.” Vasnetsov painted this icon for about two years. The traditional image of the Mother of God received an original and unique interpretation under Vasnetsov’s brush; it was canonized and began to be called “The Gracious Sky.”

One of the locally revered copies of the image “Blessed Heaven” is in the Moscow Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on the Sparrow Hills. The icon appeared in the temple in the 50-60s of the last century. Information about her is very scarce. According to the stories of one of the oldest servants of the temple, now deceased, Maria Andreevna, the blackened icon was found in the dump of the Moscow State University dormitory and students slept on it, using it instead of a board. Some time later, after the icon was brought to the temple, it was miraculously renewed. The restoration artist added only a small lost fragment in the lower right corner of the icon. This image is especially revered by believers. An akathist was written especially for him, which has since been read weekly in the church.

The celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Blessed Heaven" is set on March 6/19 In addition, the celebration of the image takes place on the Sunday of All Saints: in the Orthodox tradition, the celebration falls on the first Sunday after Pentecost.

The “Blessed Sky” icon is also considered the patroness of the airborne troops. At one time, she was the patroness of the legendary pilot, hero of the Great Patriotic War A.I. Pokryshkin, born on the day of her celebration. And the sky was favorable to the hero - an “invisible force” protected him in battles.

And in our time, its beneficial effect has not been forgotten: in Chechnya, for the healing and spiritual guidance of soldiers, a field temple was opened in honor of the “Blessed Heaven” icon.

More recently, the “Blessed Heaven” medal was established to reward efforts to protect the air borders of the Fatherland.

Troparion, voice 6
What shall we call You, O Blessed One?
Sky? - as if you have risen as the Sun of Truth;
paradise? - as if you have vegetated, the color of incorruption;
Virgo? - as if you remained incorruptible;
Pure Mother? - as if you had in Your holy embrace the Son, all God. Pray to him for the salvation of our souls

Kontakion, the same voice
There are no other imams of help, no other imams of hope, unless You, Lady, help us, we rely on You and boast in You, for we are Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

What shall we call You, O Blessed Mother of God, Immaculate Mary? With what hymns shall we exalt Thee, exalted by Heaven and earth, Angels and men? For there appeared upon You a mystery unheard of for centuries on earth and unknown to the Angels in Heaven, more than mind and word, the incarnation of God the Word, born from the beginning from the beginning of the Father without a mother and incarnate in Your womb and with the imperishable seal of Your virginity. Oh, the miracle of all ancient and new miracles! The immutable word of God Himself about the victorious seed of the wife was fulfilled and perfected in the Husbandless Virgin. Oh, the immeasurable depth of the wisdom and greatness of God! What names shall we call Thee, O Unbrided Bride? Shall we call Thee the dawn of the sun rising in the sky? But You are Heaven itself, from You comes this Sun of Truth - Christ our God, the Savior of sinners. Do we call You the gate leading into the paradise lost by our ancestors, abounding in all blessings? But You Yourself are a blessed paradise, having grown the Flower of incorruption, healing and driving away the stink of sin and the stench of ancestral corruption. Shall we call You the young Immaculate Virgin who has not known marriage? But even to old age you remained uncurved and virgin until birth, and in the birth, and after the birth of the Son, you remained. Shall we call Thee Pure and Holy Mary, who with Her purity surpassed all mothers and foremothers? But You not only gave birth to That Child Christ, but also carried Him with Your breasts and nourished Your mother with virgin milk, the One Who nourishes every creature, Whom the Heavenly powers stand before with fear and trembling, and Whom every breath and creature praises. Oh, truly You are wonderful in wives, wonderful in virgins, inimitable in mothers! We fall before You before Your Divine face and before Your holy feet we cast down and lay down all our thoughts, desires, intentions and feelings. Sanctify them with Your Mother of God charity and lift them up, like the sacrifice of our humble heart, like a little-valued mite of our spiritual poverty, to the Throne of Your Son, our Savior, so that the message of destinies will guide our path to salvation and the inheritance of His Kingdom, which has no end forever and ever. . A min.