Clairvoyants true or false. The battle of psychics is true or a staged show

Lately, no matter how much I turn on the TV in the evening to watch something light, I immediately end up on the “Battle of Psychics” program. Undoubtedly, this program is produced by top-class professionals: if you turn on at any minute, the show literally drags on and it’s already hard to switch, you want to know the ending. And after each program the question arises: is everything in the battle of psychics true?

I would like to believe that yes - after all, everything looks so honest, but at the same time, my mind tells me that something is wrong here. Maybe the truth and lies about the battle of psychics are somewhat shifted, and some of it is true, but some of it is fiction?

My brother did not miss a single program of the “Battle of Psychics”. He believed that all this was true and that psychics really had properties that other people did not have. One day he saw one of the participants on the street and approached him with a question about himself, about his past and future. And he replied: “Young man, my consultation is paid. Pay for the services and then contact me.” So maybe the truth of the battle of psychics is that this is just promotion of stars in order to ask for more money for a consultation than from ordinary, non-famous psychics?

Is it true what happens in the battle of psychics?

There are only two ways to answer this question. Exactly the same as with magic tricks. When we see a magician who, before our eyes, snatches a dove out of nothing, this is true for us, it is true that the dove appeared out of nowhere, this is a real trick. But looking into the essence of the trick, seeing how the magician masterfully first hides the dove and then pulls it out of his sleeve into the light, it immediately becomes obvious that this is just a trick. So it is with the question “Is what is shown in the battle of psychics true?” Yes its true. And yes, it's a lie.

On the one hand, in answer to the question - is what is happening at the battle of psychics true, there is no doubt - of course it is true. All modern shows are built on truth - directors and producers have a desire for everything to look alive and not faked, and this can only be achieved if the participants do not work according to a rigid script, but from themselves. Therefore, the psychics there are not fake, but real ones - that is, people who are sure that they have psychic abilities, or those who cleverly try to convince everyone of this, including the director and screenwriters.

On the other hand, is it true that the battle of psychics is just a show? Yes, and it's true. The heroes do not have any real psychic abilities. This is magic that the public believes in. It often happens that the “psychic” himself is confident in something that he does not have at all.

Read this article and you will learn:
Is it true that the psychic battle show uses real events from people’s lives?
Is everything in the battle of psychics true or is it fiction?
Is everything true in the battle of psychics and do real psychics really come there?

In fact, the question is not whether everything in the battle of psychics is true. And this is why this topic is so popular today and why each of us personally likes watching this show so much, even regardless of whether they show the truth or lies. Why do we, like zombies, strive to watch the sequel? And doesn't this have a detrimental effect on our mental health?

Spectators and truth seekers at the battle of psychics - why and why are we watching this?

Those with a visual vector naturally love fairy tales and fairy tales. They experience strong emotional swings at the moment of experience together with their heroes. These are wonderful feelings, the highest form of development of a visual person, when he can sympathize with another person.

The problem is that we, the audience, can be emotionally swayed not only by compassion, but also by fear. Especially if we have problems, labels from childhood, phobias and fears. The more we are in fear, the easier it is for us to become afraid of something else. This is exactly what the creators of the psychic battle show are playing on. Are the stories they choose for the program true? Basically yes, this can be seen from those viewers who ask for help. But often this is a part embellished by the scriptwriter, it seems to be true, but the colors are deliberately thickened, the number of deaths in the family is greatly exaggerated. This is done on purpose because the writers know that it makes us freeze with fear, bury ourselves in it, and emotionally swing from it.

We watch the program as if under hypnosis, and we are afraid of what is happening to the heroes of the show, the battle of psychics, and we cannot tear ourselves away from the screen - we are waiting for the continuation. Fear makes the heart beat faster, because we try on every story, like clothes, on ourselves - what if this happens to me, or to my family? This is better than any horror movie.

Being filled with compassion is the development of the visual vector, so watching melodramas and dramas is very correct for any visual person. And it’s even better to have compassion for living people, to help those who need our help. But relying on fears is a road to nowhere. With each new swing, a visual person receives even more fears, even more phobias, even more suffering.

So, is the truth shown at the battle of psychics? Yes, a truth that brings us more suffering than pleasure. By watching such programs, without knowing it, we impose on ourselves other people’s fears and complexes that are absolutely unnecessary for us, we drive ourselves into an even greater state of fear, from which we risk not getting out for years.

Who are these psychics? And do they show the truth at the battle of psychics?

In fact, some people who have the olfactory vector actually have intuitive abilities. But these people live very closed lives and you will never see them on television. Psychics who come to the show Battle of Psychics are the same spectators as the spectators. Often they also have a sound vector.

Visual people with a developed visual vector have very good peripheral vision; they notice little things literally out of the corner of their eyes. Communicating with a large number of people, they notice (they develop a subconscious base of people) that all their “patients” have similar fates and the same things happen to them. After all, in fact, all rapes are very similar to each other, and for a person who has encountered this more than once, it costs nothing to describe the crime in detail even without knowing who its main characters are. Any investigator in such cases can be considered a psychic. But we don't think so. Why? Because the investigator does not seek to impose on us the idea of ​​​​his extrasensory abilities. The same applies to other “mysterious” cases: deaths, murders, misfortunes. Over the course of his life, such a visual “psychic”, and even with a skin vector, a cunning deceiver by nature, understands that there are people who believe every word he utters.

The investigator wants to investigate the case, and the “psychic” deceiver wants to make money on his so-called abilities. Of course, there are many cases when he makes mistakes using his “extrasensory perception,” but this can always be effectively explained, because no one knows how it works, which means you can always get out of the situation. If, in addition to the image, a person also has an oral vector, then such a “psychic” has literally magical properties for his client - of course, because by nature he creates a vivid image that we ourselves literally see, even if we never see it was. Oral people do not mind intimidating their client, embellishing what is actually much simpler.

Some people have an absolutely negative attitude towards the “Battle...”. Like, these are all choreographed numbers, this is a show for the sake of money and audience love. So which one of them is right? Let's first consider the evidence that the “Battle of Psychics” is a lie.

  • Firstly, the creators of the program themselves claim that they carefully select participants and travel to the most remote places to conduct castings. And those who really have a gift go to Moscow for testing. Thus, it seems that all the selected participants (about 10-12 people) out of tens of thousands of applicants must be incredibly “strong magicians”. What's the end result? If you have ever watched “The Battle of Psychics,” you will have noticed that in every test, in every episode, in every season, there are psychics who “can’t guess” anything at all. So how did they even get to the “Battle...” from such a crowd of people willing?! Probably so that there would be someone to “kick out” from the show. Here is your first argument that the “Battle of Psychics” is a hoax.
  • Secondly, every season there are some “eccentrics”. These are psychics with strange attributes, huge jewelry, gender changes... In addition, people with any limitations in communication (for example, those who do not know the language) or even health (impaired vocal function) also get to the “Battle...”. Isn't this being done in order to attract the viewer? Second proof: “The battle of psychics is a hoax.”
  • Thirdly, famous people are invited to the program (or get there thanks to their “wonderful gift”). For example, the legendary Vlad Kadoni. By the way, a participant in the show from the same channel. Coincidence? Don't think. Or actor (and part-time artist, musician, screenwriter, designer) Sergei Pakhomov. Probably, the program's ratings began to fall. And who better to raise them than fake celebrity psychics? This means that the “Battle of Psychics” is a hoax.
  • Fourthly, let there really be people with some kind of mystical abilities. But will they be eager to go on television? Will they “spray themselves”, waste their strength and energy to amuse people on a weekend evening? Hardly. One more “against”.
  • Fifthly, there is another battle going on inside the “Battle of Psychics” - with the so-called skeptics. The latter should seem to think that there are lies and “staging” all around. However, after successfully passing the tests, they very artistically show their surprise, open their eyes wide and take hold of their hearts. Doesn't seem real.
  • Sixthly, the presenters of the tests, the presenter of the program himself, are also celebrities. Why not some psychologist? Also suspicious, attracting viewers.
  • Seventh, the program and its entire concept were “stolen” from their Western colleagues. Almost one hundred percent similarity. And the magical voice often invites the viewer to check whether he or she has some abilities (for example, to guess in which car a person is hidden). Next, think for yourself.
  • Eighth, there is always a final test in the episode, which is in the nature of an investigation into criminal events, suicides, family curses and other terrible things. And what is important? That the strongest and most powerful psychic is sure to be the last to begin the test. Well, how can you guess that it is he who will cope with the task best today, if this is not a staged show? But that is not all. In most cases, this psychic still remains to talk with the hero who turned to the program for help, “without cameras.” There, a session of “calming” takes place, telephone numbers are exchanged for further help, possible names of the killers are pronounced (the viewer hears all this, as if from afar, because there are no cameras...). It touches your soul!
  • Ninth, when the program ends, the credits begin, indicating that the organizers of the program do not guarantee any psychic abilities of the show participants.
  • Tenth, in every episode (or almost every one) famous people also appear as heroes. They are looking for something in their apartments, they act as “Mr. X” and so on. And very often the episodes have bright emotional moments: psychics swearing at each other, crocodile tears of the heroes and the psychics themselves, fainting, refusals to take tests, and much more. This is such a staged deception at the “Battle of Psychics”.

The organizers of the program call all accusations against them the machinations of enemies and envious people, because the program has good ratings and many people love it.

The time has come to make arguments that the “Battle of Psychics” is true. There is only indirect evidence:

  • The new program “Psychics Are Investigating” takes place with the participation of “strong” (judging by the usual releases) psychics and law enforcement agencies.
  • The last test of each issue (see point “seventh”) most likely involves real heroes. It is unlikely that anyone will play a grief-stricken mother who comes with a fake noose and a photograph of her deceased son.
  • Assurances from the founders of the program themselves that everything is fair with them.

Groin and naked Marilyn Kero. Exposing the battle of psychics.

A few years ago, an unusual show appeared on the TNT channel - “Battle of Psychics.” Still not knowing anything about Yuri Burlan, I was then in a not very harmonious state. I was looking for something that could quench my inner thirst, the thirst for answers to eternal questions: “Who am I? Who are we? Who is here besides us? Where are we going?" - and so on.

With the advent of the program, the question began to ripen in the minds of TV viewers (as well as in mine): “Battle of psychics” - is it real or a show?

Impressionable and quickly carried away, I succumbed to the charm of the show’s competent direction. The skepticism quietly itching inside was defeated when I saw how incredulous the presenters and the psychologist-consultant of the program were (everything seemed very truthful). How defenseless psychics look - simple grandmothers from distant villages, modest young people with kind faces, thoughtful, outrageous gypsies and “witches”, so vulnerable inside.

Bravo, directors, I take my hat off to your talent and precision on target. What purpose? To the audience with a visual vector.

The whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics”

My charm did not last long. Do you know how skepticism returned to its rightful place, and then the revelation of the “Battle of Psychics” followed? I just watched the Ukrainian version of the show. Alas, the direction clearly failed there: very loud, pretentious music at especially “solemn” moments, whereas in the Russian version there is a more accurate musical accompaniment; no attention to the personality of the psychic, no demonstration of his doubts, experiences, etc. - which, again, is present in the more thoughtful direction of the Russian analogue of the show. And so on.

In general, even then it became clear to me that we, naive viewers, were being presented with a high-quality product. The one you want to watch, the one you want to believe in. It was then that the first opinions appeared on the Internet that the “Battle of Psychics” was a “scam” and just a beautiful hoax.

Torn by doubts, I began to look for information about the show on an esoteric forum, where I had visited from time to time before. Surprisingly, the regulars of this forum, “magicians” and “sorcerers,” contemptuously called the “Battle of Psychics” a setup, a fiction, a show designed to entertain the lazy average person. Real magicians, the forum members assured, would never go on a program to publicly demonstrate their abilities: true psychics supposedly already have a lot to do.

Who then takes part in the “Battle of Psychics?” Charlatans who want to make a name for themselves, win crowds of fans-clients and arrange their own comfortable life - this was their answer.

For a while he satisfied me, skepticism rejoiced, and visual faith in miracles faded.

I received a completely different, complete and everything-explaining view of the problem after studying system-vector psychology. I finally understood what “Battle of Psychics” is - true or false, a well-produced show or a real find, the discovery of the century, a chance for all people awarded with paranormal abilities or a way to make money.

“Battle of Psychics” - show or reality?

Alas, the whole truth about the “Battle of Psychics” is that it is a truly colorful show, addressed to naive and greedy for everything mysterious and wonderful owners of the visual vector. Moreover, these are not only television viewers, but also movie and pop stars, who are regularly invited as “independent experts” and participants in mystical tests of psychics.

Why do we, viewers, believe with such pleasure in the existence of otherworldly forces, extrasensory perception, magic, telepathy, clairvoyance? Very impressionable, emotional, with a wild imagination, we joyfully attribute a mystical origin to things we do not understand. An insightful “fortune teller” told us that our heart yearns for a tall, handsome guy? “How did she know?! She's clairvoyant! - we whisper with sacred horror and eyes widened in amazement. And now “Battle of Psychics,” a staged show with carefully thought-out details designed to evoke in us empathy, surprise, sympathy, fear, horror, and the desire to create an emotional connection with one of the characters, hits where it hurts.

We get hooked on the show like on a needle. Because it is pleasant to sway in these emotions: it is our need to experience ups and downs in the entire emotional amplitude of the visual vector. But this method leads nowhere, only to a dead end. Because this emotion does not give anything, does not develop us and does not fill us.

So, is “The Battle of Psychics” a deception and a malicious scam? No, it's just television. Where the leather producer will find any way to attract our attention: he uses the appropriate surroundings, themes and meanings, selects typical characters, and creates a whole exciting plot. And emphasizing that everything happens in real time in real life makes these types of programs especially attractive.

To increase channel ratings and attract new audiences, new, never-before-seen programs with fresh plots are created. But not everyone “shoots” and becomes popular. The paranormal show “Battle of Psychics” hit the bull’s eye, like many mystical TV series and films in the horror genre. Why? Because the visual need for such scenes will be relevant as long as we, potentially the most sensitive, capable of reckless compassion, will be content with build-ups that give nothing.

What about psychics?

We have become very insecure people. We look into tomorrow with fear, looking for at least some kind of peace and a way to look beyond the screen of the future. We ask: “Battle of psychics” - fact or fiction? And we ourselves are just looking for confirmation of what is true.

Fortune tellers, psychics, magicians, sorcerers - they all know very well that we need to be reassured or frightened, that we need to promise something. Just don't be silent!

Do you dream of getting married? This means that next year you will definitely meet your betrothed! Are your relationships with the opposite sex not working out? Oh, there’s damage on you - you need to remove it urgently, and everything will immediately stick together. Are you waiting for a bag of money to fall on your head? Now, I clearly see that in a couple of years this is exactly what will happen!

  • How do they affect us? Read more about the mechanism of influence in the article: “Psychology of influence. One Snake Charmers"

Oh, how alarmed we were when “proof” appeared that magic, clairvoyance and other fictions were not fictions at all: after all, they show REAL stories on TV! Well, just think, on an entertainment channel. What does it matter?

Not everyone can believe in this so immediately, unconditionally, and still timidly ask: “Is ‘Battle of Psychics’ a show or reality?” But the very formulation of the question suggests that its authors are inclined to believe that this is reality. More precisely, they hope so.

You know, it’s so easy to blame personal failures on damage, the evil eye, black magic, and envy. We like it - to shift responsibility for our lives to others. Having believed that magic exists (and this is precisely what the “Battle of Psychics” contributes to, no matter whether the truth is shown in it or not), we get a mythical but simple way to control our lives: went to a psychic - removed the damage, learned the future , cleared my karma. And live in peace.

But this doesn’t work: only a person can change his life, correct the mistakes of the past. And without the participation of black or white magic. Having understood himself, he will no longer want to throw responsibility for his own life off his shoulders. After all, he will understand how to control the present and the future. And how easily he is manipulated...

November 06, 2017

Young scientists explain to TV viewers why investigations in such TV projects cannot be trusted

Marat Basharov has been leading the “Battle of Psychics” from 2009 to the present day.

more on the topic

How do the strongest participants in the show “Battle of Psychics” live?Last weekend the new season of the program “Psychics. Battle of the strongest." While famous magicians, sorcerers and witches are investigating mystical mysteries on the screens, the site recalls what happens in the everyday life of clairvoyants. And they are concerned about completely earthly issues - pregnancy, separation from husbands, litigation, illness and money.

A group of young scientists is actively working to explain to television viewers why they cannot believe everything that is shown on TV in various “mystical” shows. Let us recall that this year, at the presentation of the All-Russian Prize “For Fidelity to Science,” established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the “Battle of Psychics” program was awarded an anti-prize for the popularization of pseudoscience. Scientists even established a prize named after Harry Houdini (an American illusionist who exposed charlatans). Video blogger Mikhail Lidin, a member of the RAS commission on combating pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research, candidate of biological sciences Alexander Panchin and his colleagues, before the start of a new season of television projects about magicians, sorcerers and psychics, recalled that they would immediately award 1 million rubles to anyone who passes the tests and confirms your "gift".

For two years, scientists have been trying to find psychics who, in a controlled experiment, decide to test their abilities. Only 12 people dared (among them the participants in the “battle” and “Black and White”), but none of them passed the tests. For example, the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Bakhyt Zhumatova in one of the episodes of the program could find a hiding place in the house, and in an independent experiment of scientists she could not cope with a similar task of finding money, failing several attempts.

Bakhyt Zhumatova became a finalist in the TV show. But any means are good for self-promotion.

A member of the Harry Houdini Prize expert council, Mikhail Lidin, conducts investigations on his YouTube channel (meeting with program participants, filming witnesses, experts) in which he proves that everything that happens in a show about psychics cannot be taken at face value. And then pay the magicians money: the reception costs from 50 to 70 thousand rubles for the “stars” of the “Battle of Psychics”, and from 20 thousand rubles for everyone else.

Mikhail Porechenkov spoke about his previous work as the host of the “Battle of Psychics”: “There were such participants! We really believed it. But these are the first seasons. And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who give advice to psychics and enter into agreements with them in advance. And when everyone realized that this was bringing money to someone, from that moment I left there.”

2. Mikhail Lidin singled out the three most prominent participants in the new season of the “Battle of Psychics.” This is Marina Zueva (since she was approved for the show, she began paying for admission), 17-year-old Nikita Turchin (previously acted in extras for TV series, graduated from a theater school and did not hide the fact that he dreamed of cinema and television, and found a way to get into “box”), doctor Konstantin Getsati (the spirits of his ancestors help him in his trials), brother and sister Zhan and Dana Alibekov.

Until recently, Nikita Turchin ran around to castings and television extras. And today he is already the star of a show about psychics. Photo: social networks.

“Marina Zueva is a witch from Portugal. Local media are silent about her. But she appeared on the talk show “Let Them Talk” in 2014, where she came to resort to the help of television, and not clairvoyance, to find the father she had been looking for for 45 years. She now claims to have been a witch from a young age. Another transformation. Nikita Turchin calls himself a psychic key-holder, claiming that with the help of keys he reveals any secrets. Zhan and Dana Alibekova are brother and sister. This same Jean has long appeared in farcical shows, and the abilities of his sister Dana were discovered while working as a gynecologist, when she managed to persuade a woman to refuse an abortion and keep the child... The obvious contender for victory this season, Konstantin Getsati, “guessed” the person in trunk three times in a row. The descendant of the Alan magicians, as he was introduced, stated that in the 2nd or 3rd year of the institute, when they were dissecting a person, he heard his voice, and so he began to contact the spirits... The rest of the characters are less colorful, but clownery is apparently needed for contrast, so that future finalists look more serious and less ridiculous...” says Lidin on his channel on the Internet.

3. Mikhail Lidin and like-minded people are fighting for such TV shows to include notes stating that everything that happens on the screen is fiction, and not real investigations and events. “I have a video recording of the story of a guy who, in the tenth episode of the 13th season, pretended to be an alcoholic. Psychics of six people figured out that he had been “drinking for four years.” The man even had to cry on air while talking about his difficult fate. Thus, he earned 25 thousand rubles before vacationing in Bulgaria,” says Lidin.

4. “A participant in the 16th season, Rossa Voronova, said in an interview for my YouTube channel that information about the heroes and tests on the project is leaked to psychics chosen by the editors. And those who are undesirable are tested themselves. From communicating with different heroes, I concluded that information is provided in doses to certain psychics, so that it does not happen that one person comes and guesses everything. And for the heroes whose situation is being investigated, the knowledge of the magicians comes as a shock,” says Lidin.

Mikhail made sure more than once that before recording the stories of specific people, program staff visit them - they find out facts from their biography, details of the story. And then the psychics themselves arrive.

5. Mikhail Lidin recently recorded an interview with the hero of the program “Psychics Are Investigating” and his lawyer. We also spoke with the victim's lawyer. He explained why his client had complaints against the creators of the television project. Alexander Chumakov reported that after a resident of the city of Cherepovets lost his wife, he became one of the suspects. But after many checks, including a polygraph, Roman Ksenofontov’s involvement in the disappearance of his wife Christina was not established. The woman’s mother wrote to the program “Psychics Are Investigating” to help find her daughter. Roman willingly agreed to participate in the recording of the project, since at that time he still hoped that they would get help. After all, the search did not bring results. The lawyer said that first the program staff came to Cherepovets and found out from Roman many facts and details from his life.

“The broadcast resembled a farce: the psychic said: “It seems to me that the killer arrived in a blue car,” and the voice-over immediately clarified: “That’s exactly the color of Roman’s car.” The same story with the scar and everything else... The program contained slander against Roman. The psychic “saw” that Roman hit a man on the head with an ax, and after a while this man died. The viewer is not told directly who the killer is, but it is not difficult to guess. Roman worked as a plumber, but the man was asked to quit after the broadcast, his friends turned away from him, his daughter from his first marriage at school began to be ridiculed and threatened by classmates, as a result of which the girl developed anorexia due to nervousness, Roman stayed in new jobs only until he re-entered show on the air... Therefore, we filed a claim for moral damages in the amount of 5 million rubles from the TNT television channel, as well as with a demand to remove this episode of the program from the air and issue a refutation,” says lawyer Alexander Chumakov.

The episode was first shown in the 4th season of the television project “Psychics Are Investigating” (episode 10), then it was repeated at the beginning of 2017, after which Roman turned to a lawyer. The release was blocked before the start of the trial.

Former participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Yuri Oleynin was convicted of deceiving people. Photo: archive.

6. One of the former participants in the “Battle of Psychics” is serving a sentence for deceiving people. People turn to psychics in difficult moments of life, so they rarely write statements about fraudulent activities of magicians to whom savings are attributed. But some have already paid the price. Thus, Yuri Olenin, a participant in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics,” was sentenced to three years in prison. Yuri Olenin and a group of people created and carried out activities at the Center for Parapsychology and Fate Correction. In this institution, people were defrauded of large sums of money for the help of magicians and sorcerers. Having gained popularity in the “Battle of Psychics,” Yuri Olenin accepted an offer to broadcast on a radio station, and people called him on the air for advice. Olenin’s assistants then called radio listeners and offered to solve their problems at the reception, for money. More than 20 people were injured and gave the psychic 16 million rubles.

The beginning of Yuri Olenin's career.

The whole truth about the project "Battle of Psychics" April 16th, 2013

Back in 2007, I participated in the launch of the television project “Battle of Psychics.”
At that time I was also procrastinating on other projects, but now let’s talk about “Psychics”
This is a format TV project. Original "Psychic Challenge"
What does it mean?
This means that companies like create programs
and then sell them to the whole world.

More precisely, they do not sell the programs themselves, but the rights to create a similar program but adapted for the local market.
Along with the rights, they sell the so-called “Project Bible”.
The project Bible includes a description of the technological process, all kinds of recommendations and advice,
for the correct filming process, description of competitions, castings, graphic and audio design and much more.
In principle, the Bible is the mistakes of others from which you can and should learn.
Moreover, they paid money for these mistakes and it is not wise to fill your own troubles.
But apparently it’s not quite customary for us to learn from other people’s mistakes :)
Therefore, the technological plan for filming prescribed in the Bible, as well as the staffing schedule of the personnel required for the project, were ignored.
When a consultant from the company that sold this format to the TV channel flew in to monitor the filming process
and compliance with the conditions of the format, she was very surprised.
She constantly insisted: this is not possible, you can’t work like that. She didn't understand how we could stand it.
In fact, the project was filmed very quickly.
Basically, everything was done not “for tomorrow” but “for yesterday.”
The programming department decided when the first program would be broadcast,
and no one cares that half of the staff is not yet there, there is no script, and even sensible psychics have not been found.
There is a broadcast date and everything needs to be done by it. you are professionals :)

No money was allocated for filming either. Since the budget for the entire program was not signed :)
How to create a program budget if you don’t know what will happen in 8 more programs?
The script was only for the first program.
Basically, the night before the first shoot, I created a budget for the entire first season.
On the first day there was a casting in Kyiv, there was no money yet, but it couldn’t be cancelled;
people bought tickets and came to the casting, pavilions, decorations, catering, special equipment and much more were ordered.
As a result, I took out my money and paid the necessary expenses from my own pocket, and only then knocked these funds out of the accounting department, since I kept all the checks and contracts for reporting.
So you can say I was the first sponsor of the program :)

Now about the castings.
We've all been looking for psychics. Real ones, not charlatans.
Does it seem so complicated?
We took the newspapers and rang through the advertisements; there were piles of them in the newspapers.
But everything is much more complicated.
Since we need real psychics, and not charlatans, we immediately warned all applicants about this.
Therefore, many immediately refused to participate.
Those who were ready to prove their exclusivity passed a series of tests.
For example: There is a photograph of a person in a tightly sealed envelope. Preferably printed from film or Polaroid.
The applicant must feel the energy of this photograph and tell everything that he feels about the person in the photograph.
Such a simple test allowed us to weed out the majority of MAGICIANS AND WIZARDS.

Now comes the fun part.
I am often asked if the psychics participating in the program are real?
I answer. Don't know!
When we selected, everyone was real, not fake.
This also has a problem.
After all, real psychics are not bright characters; they look like ordinary people, and not like you are used to seeing them in movies.
This is bad for the show. After all, the viewer wants spectacles, so that they beat the tambourines, throw dice, roll their eyes, etc.
And in the frame there are ordinary average residents.
I even had the idea to introduce some fake characters in the next seasons.
Find a colorful Shaman, a red-haired Witch, and some black guy with Voodoo magic.
They will play 3-4 programs and then we will gradually introduce them to the jury meeting.
That is, the finals will include real psychics with abilities.
Perhaps in subsequent seasons they did just that, or maybe they went even further. I do not know this.

It was not easy for the program participants - psychics.
Understand the term "psychic" is like the term "athlete".
After all, an athlete cannot be an excellent weightlifter, gymnast and boxer at the same time. He is a specialist in one thing, perhaps in related disciplines.
So is a “psychic,” he can do one thing very well, more or less another, but he can’t do the rest.
They also have a narrow specialization.
We put them through all possible and impossible competitions.
I even dragged them into the casino, which was not prohibited then.
I wanted to win money with them, but alas, no one, out of three attempts, predicted a single number correctly.
They said that they were forbidden to deal with money like that :)
I would like to note that many of them are good psychologists; if they did not know the answer, they tried
to calculate the correct answer, they spoke little by little and looked at the reactions of others.
Plus, as I wrote earlier, we filmed a lot and closely.
According to the format, there is 1 day for preparation, 1 day for filming one competition, 1 day for rest and then again.
Sometimes we filmed 2 or 3 competitions per shift. And the next day there will be another shooting of 1-2 competitions.
Very short production times. :(
So the film crew and psychics worked in difficult conditions.

One day we tried to help them. The competition consisted of a psychic walking along a hotel corridor with one girl and looking for which room contained the girl’s twin sister.
So in the room where the second girl was and the cameraman, the light was on so that he could immediately film the reaction.
And in the crack under this door it was clear that the light was on. There was no one in the other rooms and the lights were off.
But the psychics did not pay attention to this. They acted according to some of their own rules and almost no one found the twin girl.

And yet it was an amazing project and I’m glad that we did it despite all the intrigues and intrigues.
And many thanks to all the psychics and the film crew with whom I worked.
Only the permanent presenter Pavel Kostitsin and cameramen moved from season to season,
but the creative team seems to have been squeezed out and replaced.
Therefore, I do not regret that I left this project on time (after the completion of the first season).

And now I’m ready to answer all your questions :) Ask.