"physical education lessons in different countries." How to conduct a physical education lesson profitably

Sports-oriented education at the Premier school

When it comes to improving the health of schoolchildren, we immediately think of physical education lessons. How are these lessons taught in our school and what problems do physical education teachers face? Let's look at two of them.


Physical education is perhaps the only subject from the school curriculum from which a student can receive an exemption. Doctors can excuse you from a lesson, or parents can ask for it. In addition, the student may simply not be ready for classes in the subject (for example, having forgotten the form for classes). Consequently, the problem of attendance at physical education lessons arises. I have been working with students in grades 5–11 lately, so I will be analyzing these age groups.

The dynamics of attendance at physical education lessons from class to class tends to decrease. If in the 5th grade almost 100% of students are present in physical education lessons, then by the graduating class - just over 60%. We will be interested in similar dynamics among boys and girls separately. Boys' attendance at physical education lessons is almost stable throughout their entire education. And even in the senior year, 85–90% of the children attend physical education classes. The release of high school students from classes is mainly due to an increase in the number of diseases from junior to senior grades. And for girls the picture is more terrible. Starting from the 7th grade (the beginning of puberty), there is a decrease in class attendance, which only increases from year to year, and by the 11th grade, about half of the girls in the class, or even less, are present in physical education lessons.

Children's physical fitness level

Based on the data from physical fitness tests, the following dynamics can be observed. Taking into account the growth of the child’s body and the strengthening of physical health through physical education, we should see an improvement in the level of physical fitness of children from year to year. What's really going on?

If we take the results of boys, then their improvement is observed every year, and by the 11th grade (the end of puberty) some stabilization is observed. For girls, positive dynamics are observed only up to the 8th grade. Further, the girls’ results practically do not improve. Moreover, sometimes there is even a negative dynamics in the level of physical fitness.

The fact that class attendance and children’s physical fitness are inextricably linked is undeniable.

On the other hand, among the visitors of modern fitness clubs and health centers you can see more and more high school students, especially girls. By the way, many of them are the ones who skip physical education lessons and get the physical activity their young bodies need in fitness clubs. What makes children change school physical education for paid classes?

There are many reasons. This includes a modern level of equipment, an individual approach, and most importantly, completely new forms of health-improving systems and exercises. All this, of course, is interesting to the younger generation, and, unfortunately, this is not in school.

Judge for yourself. Even the school physical education curriculum in high school is not particularly different from 9th grade to 11th grade. The arsenal of basic sports that a physical education teacher relies on is relatively small and becomes completely uninteresting for children in high school. Therefore, they have a desire to realize themselves somewhere else.

Is it possible to somehow change the situation at school? Can. At our school we took a different path.

Until the 8th grade (when the problem of attendance and enthusiasm for physical exercise is not yet so acute), children attend physical education lessons according to the traditional system (two lessons per week according to the basic program). Starting from the 9th grade, students switch to a sports-oriented education, that is, they get the opportunity to choose which sport to give preference to: our material base allows us to do this. Classes in the combined parallel classes are held simultaneously in:

– general physical training;
– swimming;
– athletic gymnastics;
– aerobics;
– physical therapy (where, by the way, the issue is resolved with children released from heavy physical activity).

A student can change the chosen sport and move to another group at the end of the educational period (quarter or half-year).

Of course, for such an organization of work it is necessary to have a good base and a sufficient number of teachers who act as trainers.

We have worked in this system for one year, and certain conclusions can already be drawn.

Firstly, the interest of high school students in the lessons did not decrease, but, on the contrary, increased.

Secondly, such a system allows you to use lesson time to prepare children for various competitions, and high school students have quite a lot of them. If you look at any school competition calendar, you will find that for the most part these are competitions for high school students. This is necessary during adolescence.

Thirdly, each student has the right to choose and, as a rule, finds what he likes best.

Fourthly, the novelty of the proposed system also produces results. The fact that our physical education lessons are different from others has found understanding and approval in the eyes of teenagers.

We will be able to find out after some time whether the physical fitness of children has improved with the introduction of sports-oriented education, but even the positive aspects that are noticeable now allow us to look into the future with confidence. The main thing we managed to achieve is that children still love physical education lessons. It doesn’t matter what form they take and what sports the teacher teaches them. The main thing is the joy of movement that physical exercise gives us.


Physical education lessons in primary school are mandatory components of any learning process. Therefore, they are improved every year and supplemented with useful exercises, according to the Ministry of Education.

In general, a clear distribution of exercises, as well as breaking the lesson into parts, is the most correct. Both methodological support and correct implementation of many elements are necessary. In general, according to modern methods, the lesson should be divided into several main parts. So, first comes the introductory part. All necessary organizational issues are resolved here. This part is one of the most important. This is especially true for elementary schools. The teacher must take the children to the gym himself, help them prepare for the lesson, and also teach them how to use commands. In this case we mean construction. Children must understand that their main task is to become clearly taller, from tallest to shortest. This resolution was called the “ladder”. Therefore, special attention is paid to construction! How to build children correctly? For high school students, this procedure is generally known and understandable. As for the kids, they don’t quite understand the essence of the matter. The children need to be lined up in such a way that they do not interfere with each other when moving. In addition, they must have a good range of vision; seeing the teacher is the main goal. And finally, when performing various tasks, the teacher needs enough space so that he can provide support in any case. That's why construction is so important. It is also recommended to rank children according to height or level of physical development. Basically, this entire process is led by the physical education teacher; he bears all the responsibility.

From the second grade, as a rule, children do everything on their own. As soon as the teacher pronounces a certain command, everything falls into place. During the lesson itself, the teacher can walk next to the students or in front, thereby showing them the way. When he addresses children, absolutely everyone should see him. Therefore, it is important here not only to arrange the children correctly, but also to choose a good place for the teacher. Most teachers try to build children around themselves, it’s much more convenient. If you wish, you can become whatever you want, the main thing is that the children remember it well. Now it’s worth stipulating the duration of the introductory part. For babies it is approximately 10 minutes. The fact is that the children change clothes rather slowly and, when they get into the huge hall, they immediately begin to get lost. Therefore, it is difficult to collect and build them. In the “older” grades of primary school, namely 3-4, everything goes a little faster. 5 minutes is enough. After the introductory part comes the preparatory part, which, like the previous one, solves a number of main problems. In general, physical education for younger schoolchildren should bring only positive emotions. Therefore, here children are given time to prepare for future loads. At this moment, as a rule, a warm-up takes place, consisting of certain exercises. They are of a general developmental nature. Basically, these are simple movements aimed at adjusting the coordination of movements. Starting from the 3rd grade, the exercises become more complex. This includes various elements with sticks, balls, hoops and flags. In this case, everything is done with elements of movement, squats, jumps and much more.

In general, preparatory exercises have a good corrective effect. That is why in the elementary grades the preparatory part consists of general developmental elements. In addition, the teacher must independently select two or three exercises that will be directly aimed at motor skills and abilities. It is allowed to use only them as a means for developing certain qualities in children. The preparatory part should include exercises that prevent concomitant defects of the musculoskeletal system. So gradually the duration of the preparatory part increases to 15 minutes, and it includes about 10 exercises.

The load in a physical education lesson for schoolchildren should be moderate. Next comes the time for the main part, which, as a rule, takes up the rest of the time. It is necessary to activate all the forces for the main exercises. These can be activities with elements of gymnastics, athletics, or games of various types. It is recommended to hold relay races and competitions. This awakens a sense of team spirit in children, which is very useful. When selecting exercises, the teacher must understand that their main goal is to comply with all of the above qualities. Simply put, all elements simply must lead to something. The Ministry of Education recommends conducting new exercises at the beginning of the lesson, and those aimed at developing one of the qualities in the main part. As for games, they should be quite active. It is advisable to give preference to running, jumping, relay races with a ball, etc. In general, many try to include as many gymnastic elements as possible. Naturally, this is good, but you still need to activate all your strength during drill exercises. Indeed, at a young age, many children experience a state of loss; they simply cannot navigate in space.

The main part of the lesson should be the most useful and lasts about 25 minutes. It is still recommended to set aside some time at the end of the lesson to summarize. At this point, you can give grades, mark the most active students and talk about acquired skills. After all, only through observation can you understand which exercises were really interesting for children. In general, the structure of the lesson can be slightly changed. Everything described above rather refers to basic recommendations. This is the modern physical education discipline program. Whether to comply with it or not, each educational institution decides for itself. In general, the teacher must understand that teaching children physical education simply must be to some extent individual in nature. Therefore, it is also necessary to take a closer look at the behavior of children and take into account their wishes. It is recommended in practice to divide all physical education lessons into several types. These can be introductory classes, when children are introduced to new material and exercises, as well as combined and test classes. Physical education for first grade should not be too difficult. Therefore, some adjustments were made to the learning process.

At the moment, there is a new regulatory framework for physical culture. The main slogan, which is “Do no harm!” " This principle was taken into account by all employees related to the field of education. From September 1 of this year, special workload standards were introduced for all elementary school students. From now on, children are divided into several groups, according to their physiological capabilities. Today, schoolchildren are negatively influenced by many negative factors. That is why some people are stronger in terms of endurance, but for others this is an incomprehensible line. Therefore, those standards that were previously simply gone to nowhere. Indeed, for most children such a load is simply incomprehensible. In addition, those disciplines that children cannot do in advance were completely removed. Simply put, previously there were exercises, the correct execution of which was harmful to the child’s health. Therefore, now everything is studied extremely carefully even before children begin to engage in physical education. In this case, it’s only hard for the teacher. After all, understanding and determining a child’s level is not always so easy. Especially if we are talking about a young teacher. Therefore, here it is necessary to monitor everything more carefully so as not to harm anyone. All exercises should be solely beneficial and not burden the child in any way. It is necessary to ensure simplicity and appropriate load at the same time.


Get started lesson with construction and organizational issues. The teacher must maintain discipline in the class, so the construction and submission of a report cannot be considered a formality.

Start with a warm-up. This is an essential element of every athlete’s training and a prerequisite
training. Warm-up can be divided into two parts. In the first part, we pursue the goal of warming up the body, in general. Smooth running, limbs, torso, and bending are suitable here. The second part of the warm-up is to prepare breathing and blood circulation. In this part you can do accelerations, jerks, and more intense exercises.

Move on to the main part. Here the teacher should already be working with students, showing some new technique, for example, you can teach running with. This exercise is suitable for both. In addition to viewing the technique from the outside, students should try out a new technique. They should also run a short distance from a low start. If someone is unable to complete the exercise, they should immediately work on their mistakes, if time permits.

Move on to general physical training. For boys, push-ups and body lifts while lying on your back are suitable. For girls, jumping instead of push-ups is more suitable, but lifting the body will work for them too.

At the beginning of the school year, try to frequently include game elements in the educational process. After all, just recently these mischievous first-graders went to kindergarten, and it is difficult for them to immediately adapt to new conditions.

When explaining new material, speak the information loudly and clearly, repeating key points several times.

Dictate slowly, pronouncing all parts of the word clearly, because... Children are just starting to learn, and what seems elementary to you is most often complex and incomprehensible to them.

When conducting a frontal survey on the material covered in the last lesson, carefully follow your questions. First-graders are often afraid to admit that they did not understand something, but their behavior (looks, gestures, facial expressions) gives them away. Take a close look at children and you will see what aspects they struggle with.

Also take into account the fact that any answer in front of the class is more or less stressful for the child. Children are afraid that the teacher will suddenly ask them a question, and they will not be able to answer it correctly right away. The reaction of their comrades is no less frightening. To prevent these difficulties from occurring, warn students about the upcoming survey and give them the opportunity to repeat the material. When the child answers, ensure silence in class, politely suppress all comments and remarks from children during the student’s speech.

Video on the topic

The first lesson is exciting for both the teacher and his students. It is in the first minutes that you should try to make the best impression to make it easier to establish contact. It is necessary to start the first lesson in such a way that the students are happy to meet you throughout the entire teaching period.

You will need

  • - lesson notes;
  • - video materials;
  • - soft ball;
  • - literature on conducting lessons with children.


Carefully study in specialized literature the characteristics of children of the age with which you will work. Pay attention to the proposed forms of conducting lessons. Each age carries its own characteristics of attention, thinking, and obtaining information. You need to build on this when deciding how to start your first lesson.

Junior schoolchildren are the most unassuming, but at the same time quite difficult audience to hold attention. It is best to start a lesson with them with an introduction procedure. Play it through a small game. For example, “Snowball” works well. This way you will get to know your students and they will get to know each other.

Remember that babies can be shy at first. To relieve tension, take a soft one and offer to start acquaintance. Introduce yourself to them, tell them that you really want to find out their names using the magic ball you hold in your hands. Tell the children that whoever catches the ball must say their name out loud. And throw it back to you. For your part, you will repeat the child’s name and say that you are pleased to meet him.

The already older students. It is better to behave seriously with them, and you can start the first lesson with a conversation and getting to know each other. You can also show a film on the topic to reinforce the material already covered. If you want to find out what their level of proficiency is in a subject, conduct a short test or weave relevant questions into the fabric of the first conversation.

The eldest will know about the new in advance. They will already be told your first, middle and last names, but it won’t hurt to introduce yourself. The best way to start your first lesson with high school students is with a modern joke about your subject or a small interesting story that happened to you or someone else. At the same time, focus on your adequate attitude towards the subject being taught.

Why do you need a warm-up?

Warming up before any physical activity is mandatory. It helps warm up the muscles and prepare the body for upcoming stress. If the warm-up is done well, the temperature in some areas of the body may rise significantly. This makes the tissue less vulnerable to sprains and injuries. During warm-up, your heart rate increases, blood circulation improves, and your blood pressure rises. The entire set of warm-up exercises can be divided into two parts: basic and special.

Exercises for basic warm-up

The main part of the warm-up should be done before any physical activity: gym, fitness, strength training, etc. In the gym, it is recommended to work out on a treadmill to prepare the body. This is one of the best options to make your whole body work and warm up. When running, the maximum number of muscles will be involved, everything without exception will work, and breathing and heart training will also occur. It is recommended to start preparing the body with fast walking on the track, gradually increasing the pace, 7-10 minutes of running is the optimal time for warming up.

A good option for preparing the body for stress is jumping rope and walking on an elliptical trainer. But you shouldn’t choose an exercise bike or a stepper as a warm-up assistant. They work only the lower part of the body, while other muscles remain unheated.

After warming up on some kind of exercise machine, you need to warm up your joints. These can be rotational exercises. It is recommended to start them from the neck. A few head movements in different directions will be enough. Then you can move on to the shoulders. They need to be lifted up and down several times, and then moved back 5 times and forward the same amount. Next you need to stretch your chest, elbows, hands, waist, knee joints, and ankles. All this is done with smooth rotational movements, without jerking, so as not to get injured.

Exercises for a special warm-up

It is not necessary to do these exercises, but it is advisable, especially if you are planning strength training to work a specific muscle group. When performing the second part of the warm-up, all movements should be done quickly and energetically so that the body warms up as much as possible. Rotational movements and arm swings, pull-ups, push-ups from the floor or from a support, stretching the legs are the main exercises for this part of the warm-up. Particular attention should be paid to those muscles that will tense during training.
By the way, experienced athletes are advised not to neglect a good warm-up before physical activity. In their opinion, it is better to warm up well without training than to start classes without warming up.

Video on the topic

On November 17, 2016, a regional methodological seminar was held at the Academy of Social Management of Moscow with the topic “Organizational and methodological support of physical education lessons and extracurricular activities in conditions of low capacity of school sports infrastructure.”

The relevance of the topic is beyond doubt. There is a shortage of gyms everywhere. The material and technical base of educational institutions is at a low level. The school gyms are so busy during the school day that you are simply amazed at the teaching abilities and skill of our teachers. How can you conduct a full-fledged lesson when 2-3 classes are studying in the gym at the same time, and what’s more, they are not always of the same age?

I will not say this about all schools in the country. Modern, new schools are equipped with everything necessary: ​​several sports and gyms, a swimming pool and choreography rooms. And in old schools and, especially, rural institutions, it is no longer possible to adapt classrooms for physical education due to the increase in the number of students. But it is necessary to emerge victorious from this situation.

At the seminar I made a video presentation. Topic: “Organization of the learning process in physical education lessons in conditions of unsatisfactory material and technical base in a general education institution.”

How to conduct physical education lessons or extracurricular activities in conditions of low capacity of school sports infrastructure?

I will share my thoughts and examples from my own work experience.

The first thing I would like to suggest is to do physical exercise as much and as long as possible in the open air. About 20 years ago, a health hour was held everywhere in our country. I think some of you remember this. In the open air, in recreation areas, corridors and in gyms, students of educational institutions engaged in physical education and sports for an hour in the middle of the school day. And, after all, it turned out not bad.

And at school, but not in the gym, I recommend making extensive use of flights of stairs between floors (you can come up with a lot of exercises to develop speed, strength, dexterity and coordination of movements). My athletic development began at the stadium, and I remember running and jumping exercises on the old wooden stands.

In recreation or in a small office on gymnastic mats, it is advisable to perform exercises with elements of acrobatics, wrestling and even outdoor games.

I will not focus your attention on exercises with a skipping rope and aerobics classes (there are a lot of methodological developments and exercises).

Let's get acquainted with the non-traditional forms of classes that are used in our rural school.

Game "Rubber Band". Oh, how popular she was in Soviet times. Remember? Both during breaks and in the open air after school hours. At our school, my colleagues have revived these exciting and useful exercises. Pupils of primary and secondary classes and not only girls are engaged with interest.

Let me remind you that the length of the elastic band is 3 meters.

The set consists of 6 exercises.

The height of the stretched elastic band is changed as the entire set of exercises is performed.

A year ago, the idea struck me of replacing the ball with a shuttlecock when throwing at distance. The technique is the same as when throwing a ball and shuttlecock. Only the shuttlecock does not fly far like a ball. And you can practice almost anywhere. You can throw a shuttlecock both for distance and for accuracy (at the target).

I have already managed to conduct a number of open lessons using this equipment. And the reviews from specialists (athletics coaches) are only positive.

Well, this is a psychological simulator called “Friendship” to develop a sense of comradeship, collectivism and team unity. Thanks to this simulator, you can easily identify the leader in a group or team.

There is a platform on the floor with a tennis ball on it. There are 6 ropes of equal length (1 meter) attached to the platform. Each participant needs to hold the end of the rope, pulling it towards him, and lift the platform so that the ball does not fall. Next, walk 2-3 meters and lower it to the floor at the appointed place. Task: during the task, the ball must be on the platform at all times and cannot be held.

This school year, I got my elementary and middle school students interested in a game from my childhood called “The Wheel.” My idea exceeded all expectations. During extracurricular hours and during walks in the open air, this activity has become one of my favorites. The point of the exercise-game “Wheel” is to roll the wheel-rim using a wire-steering wheel. The equipment consists of a wire bent in a certain way at the end and a wheel, a bicycle rim. The diameter of the wheel does not matter, but those with a diameter of 20-30 cm are more maneuverable. You can even roll a gymnastic hoop.
Stretching has a special status in my teaching practice. I won’t say that I often use it in lessons now, but I have been interested in it for more than 10 years. I use it periodically in physical education lessons. And I urge you to become interested in it.

Here is one of the sets of individual exercises. Briefly introduce yourself and rate. The set of exercises is designed to stretch muscles (develop their elasticity) and increase flexibility and mobility in joints. It can be used in any part of the lesson.

It has long been proven that physical education in schools plays a huge and decisive role in the formation and education of a child’s full-fledged personality. This subject solves the problems of not only strengthening and preserving the future health of schoolchildren, but also social adaptation, activity and sociability.

Where are school physical education lessons held?

Physical education lessons in schools can be held in gyms, available in almost every school, on a specially equipped site for classes, or on the street. Conditions for exercise must be created in the gym and on the playground in accordance with established standards. They determine how many schoolchildren can study at the same time in the allotted area, what the height of the ceilings in the room should be, and the standards also establish the mandatory presence of ventilation and heating, the necessary lighting, the number of utility rooms and locker rooms, showers and sports equipment. Sports games are held on the grounds: football, basketball and volleyball. For them, the standards establish the location of football goals, basketball baskets and volleyball nets.

What does a physical education lesson consist of?

Physical education lessons at school, as a rule, consist of three parts: introductory, main and final.

The introductory part, or warm-up, helps prepare the child’s body for the upcoming load. In the main part, children learn new physical exercises, run, jump, throw, climb a rope, play outdoor games, and conduct relay races. And in the final part, schoolchildren are invited to rest so that the heartbeat and pulse return to normal, and the body has time to rest.

It has been noted that physical education lessons in schools are usually tiring for children if they are structured strictly according to the program. Therefore, during such lessons, children are often offered independent physical activity. The teacher conducts such lessons either in the gym or on the street, with or without sports equipment. It is also very useful to carry out a certain system of exercises to music; this relieves stress in schoolchildren, helps to develop their sense of rhythm, coordination and attention.

Physical education minutes

The concept of “physical education in schools” also includes warm-ups or physical education minutes, which can be carried out in other lessons. If the teacher sees that the children are tired and are not learning the material well, you can give them the opportunity to do simple exercises, squats and bends for a couple of minutes, this helps relieve mental stress. In recent years, physical education classes have been held mainly in primary and, less often, middle classes, and, unfortunately, they have completely forgotten about high school students. But in vain. By spending a few minutes to warm up, teachers could achieve better results in their work as well as good academic performance.

The importance of medical examinations

All schools conduct mandatory routine medical examinations of schoolchildren, the purpose of which is to assess the health status of each student and the level of his physical fitness. Based on medical examination data, the doctor recommends the optimal types of physical exercises and the amount of load. During medical examinations, students are identified who, due to their physical and mental disabilities, are indicated for physical therapy; such children are exempted from physical education classes in schools. But this is wrong, since it is these children who most need the beneficial effects of physical exercise on their weakened body. Depending on their health status, schoolchildren are divided into 3 physical education groups: basic, preparatory and special medical. Classes for each group are set by the school.

Physical education: program in elementary school

A lesson in elementary school is aimed primarily at the general health and physical development of students, as well as the development of independent and creative thinking among elementary school students. Physical education in grades 1-3 is necessary for children, as it helps develop endurance, helps develop agility, flexibility, coordination of movements, and initial skills in team games.

Physical education class in elementary school is very important. The task of a physical education teacher in primary school is to convey to primary schoolchildren the physical education knowledge, motor skills and abilities available for their age, as well as the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life.

Physical education in elementary school helps children keep their bodies in good physical shape from an early age, develops a respectful attitude towards their health and the health of others, and cultivates collectivism, willingness to help, courage, responsiveness, and diligence in future citizens.

What exactly do primary school children do in physical education lessons? Physical education lessons in primary school are devoted mainly to sports games, various relay races and competitions. Theoretical classes usually take 3-5 minutes at the beginning of the lesson - the teacher tells the children the topic of the current lesson. In addition to games and relay races, much attention is paid to drill exercises, running, walking, jumping, climbing and throwing, and acrobatic movements. In northern latitudes, physical education lessons also include skiing. All this is aimed at developing movement and coordination.

Currently, a physical education lesson in primary school is held for 3 hours a week. The program allows the replacement of one lesson per week with a rhythm or choreography lesson.

Physical education lesson in middle school

Physical education classes at school, in middle grades, help teach children the following skills:

  • Alternating walking and running.
  • Running with obstacles.
  • Proper breathing during movements.
  • Running long jump.
  • Running high jumps.
  • Throwing a ball at a target from various distances.
  • Catching the ball with one or both hands.
  • Exercises on the gymnastic wall.
  • Swimming and skiing.

In addition to the above skills, physical education classes in middle classes teach children how to conduct hardening, massage, mental regulation and self-control - all this is part of the education process.

Physical education lessons in high school

Physical education in high school serves to form the habit of the younger generation to engage in physical education and sports after graduating from school; it should guide young people towards leading a healthy lifestyle, set them up for independent sports in the future, teach them to understand the enormous value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits .

Injuries to children during physical education lessons at school

According to statistics, children aged 12-14 years are most susceptible to various injuries during school physical education lessons. Sad figures indicate that teachers, coaches, lecturers, medical workers and parents should work to prevent injuries to students in physical education lessons. All these categories should be aware of the degree of injury risk of each sport included in the school physical education program, and also keep under constant control the causes that can lead to disastrous consequences.

Among all the numerous reasons leading to injuries in physical education lessons, the most important are:

  • Insufficient control by medical workers over the health status of students.
  • Violation of discipline during lessons.
  • Faulty equipment or its discrepancy with anthropometric data.
  • Lack of sportswear and shoes for students.
  • Adverse weather conditions.
  • Low qualifications of the teacher or trainer.

Statistics show that the largest number of injuries children receive during physical education classes at school occurs in gymnastics.

Organization of physical education lessons in schools in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards (Federal State Educational Standards)

Forms of organizing the process of physical education at school (FSES) are directly physical education lessons, sports competitions and holidays, healthy warm-ups during the day, participation in sports clubs and sections, physical education and sports at home outside of school. In turn, all physical education lessons are divided into 3 types:

  1. Educational and training orientation. During the lessons, students are introduced to practical material and educational knowledge of the subject (name and description of exercises, methods and techniques of implementation, etc.). In such lessons, training takes place with the gradual formation of children's motor activity - initial study, in-depth training, consolidation of material and improvement of acquired skills.
  2. Educational and cognitive orientation. During the lessons, children get acquainted with the basics of independently organizing physical education classes, learn to directly plan and carry out activities for general physical health. In the learning process, they actively use textbooks and teaching aids.
  3. Educational and training orientation. It is carried out directly in physical education lessons to develop children’s physical abilities and their activity.

Teaching practice

Future teachers and physical education teachers undergo mandatory practice in physical education schools during their training. During the internship, students are asked to complete a number of tasks:

  1. Familiarization with the student intern's instructions and the program. The necessary information is presented in the trainee's diary. The program includes visiting the school at an agreed time to get acquainted, conduct physical education lessons in elementary, middle or high school. Each student trainee must teach 6 lessons independently and 6 lessons as a teaching assistant. The total internship load is twelve hours per week.
  2. Attend 3 physical education lessons from a fellow student. The purpose of such visits is to conduct a complete pedagogical analysis of the lessons.
  3. Develop an independent plan for teaching some motor action for the period of practice.
  4. Write a holiday script for students, develop it and hold the event.