Short tongue twisters for children 8-10 years old. The most difficult tongue twisters for children

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two wood cutters.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass. Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Fields field flight, Kolya stabs stakes.

The path is trodden along the grass.

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

Polya went to weed the fields.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain. Margarita lost the daisies in the yard.

The stump has five honey mushrooms again.

There was a blunt-lipped bull, a blunt-lipped bull. The bull's white lip was blunt.

The pig had a white snout, a blunt snout, and dug up half the yard with its snout.

Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. An eagle under a feather, a mountain under an eagle.

For seven and forty days I tried, I hurried, I sewed rawhide boots for myself.

The leap of forty, the leap of forty, blind from the eye, crooked from the side.

It's a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is forty hassle.

The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll make you a loaf, parrot, parrotton.” To the parrot the parrot answered: “Parrot, parrot, parrot.”

The cap is sewn, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style.

A cap on a cap, a cap under a cap.

Cuckoo bought a hood. The hooded cuckoo is funny.

The baker baked the loaf, loaf, and bagel early in the morning.

Peter baked cookies in the oven and baked all the baked goods.

The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

How good the pie is - there is curd inside.

Valerik ate a dumpling, and Vanyushka ate a cheesecake.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

The snakes are already in a puddle.

White snow, white chalk. The white hare is also white. But the squirrel is not white - it wasn’t even white.

Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.

Our Senya mowed a haystack.

There is a cart of oats, next to the cart there is a sheep.

Sheep, sheep, give me some bread.

Prokop has arrived - the dill is boiling. And with Prokop the dill boils, and without Prokop the dill boils.

The cook cooked the porridge, boiled it, and undercooked it.

Senka is taking Sanka
With Sonya on a sled.
Sleigh jump -
Senka off his feet,
Sanka in the side,
Sonya in the forehead -
Everything is in a snowdrift.

Sonya's sleigh goes down the hill on its own.

Prokhor floundered and floundered in the snowdrift, but did not flounder.

Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.

A beetle is buzzing over a honeysuckle, the beetle has a green casing.

Zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu.
I'm sitting on a branch.
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter "F".
I know this letter well.
I buzz in winter and summer.

The weather in our courtyard has turned wet.

The thunderstorm is threatening, the thunderstorm is threatening.

Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.
The Greek stuck his hand into the river.
Cancer by the hand of the Greek - DAC"

Tell us about your purchases.
- What kind of purchases?
- About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping

I'm driving through a pothole, I won't get out of the pothole.

Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.

The rake made the crab the crab:
“Rake the gravel, crab.”

In the pond at Polycarp - Three crucian carp, three carp.

In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, and we exchanged the burbot for tench.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The horses trampled in the field.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip is going crazy.
Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

Get up Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

The jackdaws look at the rooks, the rooks chatter at the jackdaws.

Outside the village, tractors rumble in the morning.

For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel is needed for cabbage soup.

You are our mother, don’t look for us, we pinch sorrel for cabbage soup.
In the grove, stirring the grass, we will pluck sorrel.

They stomped and stomped,
We reached the poplar,
We reached the poplar,
Yes, everyone's feet trampled.

There are oak trees on the mountain, mushrooms under the mountain.

A woodpecker was hammering a tree and woke up my grandfather with his knock.

Two puppies were chewing a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek.

Six little mice rustle in a hut.

Mom did not regret soap,
Mom washed Mila with soap.
Mila didn't like soap
Mila dropped the soap.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dryers.

The ship was carrying caramel,
the ship ran aground.
Sailors for two weeks
ate the caramel broke.

Thirty three ships
maneuvered, maneuvered,
Yes, they never caught it.

The baby turtle has turtle boots on his little turtle legs.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

Karl stole corals from Clara,
Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

Tongue talker everyone
you won't talk too fast,
You can't overstate it.

Beautiful, clear speech is not only comfortable communication, but also a kind of calling card of an educated person. It helps to create a good impression on the interlocutor, win him over and convey your thoughts to him. Unfortunately, the culture of speech and its general level today has noticeably decreased. It is increasingly rare to find an adult with perfect diction and well-developed speech skills. What can we say about children and adolescents, among whom the number of those who cannot pronounce the sounds “r”, “s”, “sh”, etc. has recently increased. Fortunately, speech therapy has long known methods for correcting burr, lisp and other speech problems. flaws. Among the most effective and accessible correctional activities are tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction. These are well-known short and long phrases/poems, the repetition of which helps correct speech defects. Ideally, to achieve a quick and lasting positive effect, tongue twisters should be combined with articulatory gymnastics and other speech therapy exercises. But these simple training texts themselves, with regular practice, can significantly improve speech skills. Next you will find a selection of the best tongue twisters for children 3-4, 5-6 and 10-12 years old who have problems with pronunciation. In addition, you will find more complex versions of tongue twisters for adults, including those undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke.

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in children: exercise options for different ages

The positive impact of tongue twisters on the development of speech and diction is most easily observed in children of different ages (exercise options below). Moreover, we are talking not only about children with pronunciation problems, but also about children with normal speech development. The fact is that tongue twisters help not only automate certain sounds that are difficult for a child, but also train clear speech. That is why tongue twisters are often recommended to be used in working with children 3-4 years old who do not have any special speech problems. These simple exercises help children at this age get rid of the excessive softness of pronunciation characteristic of children. In addition, tongue twisters can correct errors in the already formed speech of older children. For example, with the help of such texts you can train breathing and tempo, which has a positive effect on all children’s speech

Tongue twisters for speech development in children 3 years old

Below are options for simple tongue twisters for speech development in 3-year-old children. By regularly repeating them with your child, you can significantly improve his pronunciation and expand your baby’s vocabulary.

Sounds K, G, X, Y

1. Ko-ko-ko- the cat loves milk.

2. Ga-ga-ga the goat has horns.

3. Ha-ha-ha - we can’t catch the rooster.

4. Oh-oh-oh-bunny is cold in winter.

5. Geese are cackling on the mountain.

6. A fly landed on the hamster’s ear.

Sounds F, V

1. Af-af-af- we will put a closet in the corner.

2. Woo-woo-woo - an owl was seen in the forest.

3. Fanya has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes.

4. Our Filat is never to blame.

Sound S(s).

1. Sonya’s sleigh goes down the hill on its own.

2. Senya met a fox in the forest.

3. Our gas has gone out.

4. Su-su-su-su - quiet in the forest in autumn.

5. Senya carries hay to Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

1. We wash Zu-zu-zu-bunny in a basin.

2. Zina has a goat in her basket.

3. Lisa bought Zina a basket in the store.

4. Zoya and Zina are drinking juice at the store.

5. Zina’s bell rings loudly.

6. Little Zina’s bunny sleeps in a basket.

Options for tongue twisters for speech and diction development in children 5-6 years old

Children aged 5-6 years often experience irregular breathing and an erratic rate of pronunciation, especially when speaking in a hurry. Using the tongue twister options from the selection below to train speech skills and correct sound pronunciation in children of this age category.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass

Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.

Karl stole corals from Clara,

Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.

Greek rode across the river,

He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.

The Greek put his hand in the river,

Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC!

Scared of the bear cub

Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,

Swift with a swift and a haircut.

The best tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction in children 10-12 years old

At the age of 10-12 years, speech is almost completely formed. Therefore, if there are any defects, good speech therapy work is required, including the use of tongue twisters. But even without any special defects, repetition of special texts has a positive effect on the automation of speech, its purity and correctness. Here are several options for tongue twisters that are relevant for children of this age group.

In the depths of the tundra

Otters in spats

Poking into buckets

Cedar kernels! Ripped off an otter

Gaiters in the tundra

The otter will wipe the kernels of the cedars

I'll wipe the otter's face with my leggings

Kernels in buckets

I'll take the otter to the tundra!

At the edge of a hut

Old chattering ladies live.

Every old lady has a basket,

There's a cat in every basket,

Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

The mouse crawled under the lid

To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,

The mouse is probably dead -

The mouse forgot about the cat!

Once upon a time a crucian carp

Gave me a coloring book.

And Karas said:

“Color the fairy tale, Karasyonok!”

On the Karasenka coloring page -

Three funny little pigs:

The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

Long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in teenagers - ready-made exercises

If speech defects were not corrected in childhood, then you should not despair. Properly selected long tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction also work great for teenagers if used in speech therapy exercises. But it is worth noting that at this age, a specialist should be involved in the selection of texts for diction correction. Only a qualified speech therapist can select texts for exercises of the required length, rhythm and focus based on the teenager’s data. However, if there are no defects, but there is a desire to improve the clarity of pronunciation, then you can get by with universal tongue twisters.

Long tongue twisters for speech and diction development exercises for teenagers

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, longboat and rope,
Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
There is no bass, no taste, no weight and no demand,
No interest - no question.

At Kira and Fira's
There was a feast in the apartment:
The fakir ate marshmallows and
Fakir drank kefir.
And Fira and Kira
Didn't drink kefir
Didn't eat marshmallows -
They fed the fakir.

Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
So that it is clear to everyone.

Count Toto plays lotto
and Countess Toto knows about that
that Count Toto plays lotto,
if Count Toto knew about it,
what does Countess Toto know about
that Count Toto plays lotto,
then Count Toto would never have lived
I wouldn't play lotto.

Complex tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction in adults - exercise options, video

But what about adults - will tongue twisters help them with complex defects in pronunciation, in developing speech and improving diction? Experts are sure that yes. Another thing is that tongue twisters alone cannot cope with speech disorders for adults. They need the help of a speech therapist and systematic exercises, in particular articulation gymnastics. But if the goal is to improve diction with normal speech, then an adult can do without a specialist. In this case, it is worth focusing on varied and systematic exercises using tongue twisters of different formats.

Options for complex tongue twisters to develop speech and improve diction for adults

Below is a selection of complex tongue twisters for developing speech and improving diction that adults can use.

If you haven't lived near a blackberry tree,
but if you lived near a strawberry field,
that means strawberry jam is familiar to you
and not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry tree,
that means blackberry jam is familiar to you,
and not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a blackberry tree,
and if you lived near a strawberry field
and if you didn’t spare time for the forest,
that means excellent blackberry jam,
you ate strawberry jam every day.

The beaver wandered into the forest.
A beaver was robbed in the forest.
The collected beaver wandered to Barvikha to visit the beaver.
The beaver scolded and shaved the beaver,
and the beaver boys encouraged the beaver.
Groomed, shaved and encouraged, the beaver wandered back into the forest.

Those who speak tongue twisters are tongue twisters.
Those who study the skill of tongue twisters are tongue twisters.
Those who like to read tongue-twisters are tongue-twisterophiles.
Those who hate tongue-twistering vedophiles are tongue-twistering vedophilophobes.
Those who eat fast-talking Vedophilophobes are fast-talking Vedophilophobophages.
Those who are fighting against tongue-twistering Vedophilophobophages are anti-speaking Vedophilophobophages.
Those who pretend to be anti-speaking Vedophilophobophages are quasi-anti-speaking Vedophilophobophages!

Tongue twister pronounced tongue twister, pronounced
Yes, I didn’t say it. He just started talking to everyone,
I didn’t want to pronounce the tongue twister anymore.
I went to steam my tongue twister ears.
They asked the tongue twister: “Is the tongue twister great?”
And the tongue twister said: “No” - that’s his answer.

Simple tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction for adults with the letter “r”

One of the most common speech problems in both children and adults is burr. It consists in the incorrect pronunciation of the sound “r”. In adulthood, with this problem, it is better to consult a speech therapist who can choose the right correction program. But even at home, if they are systematic and use simple tongue twisters with the sound “r” to develop speech and diction, adults can also achieve positive results.

Options for simple tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in adults with the letter “r”

The beaver is kind to the beavers.

The baker Peter was baking a pie.

Hedgehog with hedgehog and hedgehog
Collecting blackberries.
Red-sided fox
He also wants to profit.
The godfather thought:
Hedgehogs have so many needles!
* * *
Rain, no rain, no rain,
Rain, rain, wait.
Let me get home
Gray-haired grandfather.
* * *
The lazy red cat lay on his stomach.
I want to eat, but I’m too lazy to toss and turn.
Here he lies and waits - maybe the bowl will crawl?..
* * *

For the sound "L"

Ly-ly-ly we scored goals
Lu-lu-lu near the windows on the floor
La-la-la didn't notice the glass
Lu-lu-lu we didn't hit the glass
La-la-la only there is no glass in the window.
* * *
The mouse lived happily
She slept on the fluff in the corner,
The mouse ate bread and lard,
But everything was not enough for the mouse.
* * *
The broom swept the floor,
Broom is very tired
He sneezed, he yawned,
And he quietly lay down under the chair.
* * *

For the sound "R"

Once upon a time a centipede
Invited to lunch.
Bugs, insects, midges are waiting,
And she’s still not there.
Finally a centipede
Appeared at the table.
- I'm a little late,
She barely crawled.
After all, such bad luck
How can I not be late?
There is a notice at the entrance:
"Please wipe your feet!"
* * *
- Kra! - the crow screams. - Theft!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning!
He stole the brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam!
And a beautiful box!
- Stop, crow, don’t scream!
Don't shout, be quiet!
You can't live without deception!
You don't have a pocket!
- How! - the crow jumped
And she blinked in surprise. -
Why didn’t you say so before?!
Carraul! Karrrman was stolen!
* * *

To the sound "CH"

The little siskin was sitting in a cage,
The little siskin in the cage sang loudly:
Chu-chu-chu, chu-chu-chu,
I'll fly away to freedom.
* * *

I-Y differentiation

I was on a hike
I beat the drum.
The wolf howled in the valley.
I pitchforked the ropes.
The baby was very cute.
He washed his hands with soap.
* * *

Sounds Кь, Къ

Kirochki, Kiryushki,
Girls and boys!
Take care in the cold
Noses and fingers!

Mittens - on the hands,
Felt boots - on your feet!
Sleds and skates rushing
Along the icy path!

Cheeks like apples
There are snowflakes on the nose,
Girls and boys
They jump like springs!
* * *
The cream in the pussy's bowl has turned sour.
* * *

Near the rock, near the saklya, weasels play tag.
* * *

Fishing lines in snares, snares in fishing lines,
In the snares there are weasels, in the fishing lines there are licks.
* * *

Kapka has a stick made of sticky stick,
There is sticky tow on the stick.
Drops dripped from the stick,
Drops dripped from the oakum,
Drops of the paw stained Kapke.
* * *

The mouse has crumbs and crusts in its hole.
There are pieces of gingerbread in the mouse's pantry.
The little mouse has cracklings in his mug.
The mouse has mushrooms in the tub.
The mouse has leftover starter in his bowl,
And in the cellar there are cheeses and sausages.
In a saucepan - dumplings, in the oven - cheesecakes.
Kissel is in a bottle, coins are in a piggy bank.
On the table there are bowls, forks and spoons.
On the bookcase there are books about cats.
In the mouse's locker there are shirts and pants.
There are hats on the hanger, and slippers on the rug.
The mouse on the shelf has threads, needles,
And near the stove there are matches and candles.
There are hooks, chains, locks on the door...
The mouse has a large surplus of reserves!
* * *

Tongue Twisters

A quail and a quail have five quails.

Get up, Arkhip, the rooster is hoarse.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The bull was stupid, the bull was stupid, the bull had a white lip and was stupid.

The cap is not sewn according to the Kolpakov style; the cap needs to be re-packed.

Prokop came - the dill was boiling, Prokop left - the dill was boiling,
Just as dill boils with Prokop, dill boils without Prokop.

The parrot said to the parrot, I will parrot you,
The parrot answers him - “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

Pike have scales, pigs have bristles.

The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground,
The sailors ate caramel aground for two weeks.
* * *
The wind rustles the trees,
Our hedgehog is in a hurry to get home.
And a wolf will meet him,
On a hedgehog with your teeth - click.
The hedgehog showed his needles
The wolf ran away in fear.
* * *
The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on the abdomen.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
"Won't you rub my back?"
* * *
Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Moves his ears.
* * *
The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood,
I put the cuckoo's hood on,
How funny is the cuckoo in the hood.
* * *
White snow, white chalk,
The white hare is also white...
But the squirrel is not white -
It wasn't even white.
* * *
Black cat on a black night
Jumped into the black chimney
* * *
Four little black little imps
They drew a drawing in black ink.
* * *
The Greek was driving across the river, he saw the Greek in the river - cancer.
He put the Greek's hand in the river, and grabbed the Greek's hand - claw!
* * *

For the sounds b, p, v, f, g, k, d, t, x

1. Got a bunch of beans.
2. Vakul baba shod, and Vakul baba shod.
3. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
4. The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped.
5. The butt is standing on the head, the cap is on the butt. A shock under the butt, a pop under the cap.
6. Cap on cap, cap under cap.
7. The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.
8. There are bells near the stake, and a whirlpool near the gate.
9. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.
10. Buy a pile of spades.
11. Buy a pile of fluff.
12. Fedka eats radish with vodka, Fedka eats radish with vodka.
13. A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.
14. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
15. Our head over-headed your head, out-headed.
16. In one, Klim, stab the wedge.
17. There is a shock with a little underfoot.
18. Millet flies into Frosya’s field, Frosya takes out the weeds.
19. The crab made a rake for the crab. He gave the rake to the crab: hay, rake the crab
20. The Christmas tree has pinned needles.
21. The cuckoo bought a hood. I put on the cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood.
22. All beavers are kind to their own.
23. Pankrat Kondratyev forgot his jack, and Pankrat cannot lift the tractor on the road without a jack.
24. There’s a honey cake for honey, but I don’t have time for a honey cake.
25. Prokop came, the dill was boiling, Prokop left, the dill was boiling; both with Prokop the dill was boiling, and without Prokop-
the dill was boiling.
26. A sorcerer practiced magic in a stable with the wise men.
27. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbornieres.
28. Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons Feofanich.
29. The bomber bombed Brandenburg.
30. Our guest took away our cane.
31. The pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.
32. Rhododendrons from the arboretum.
33. To the Habsburgs from Strasbourg.
34. The tar man was walking, but I had no time for the tar man, no time for the tar man’s wife.
35. A black grouse sat on a tree, and a black grouse with black grouse sat on a branch.
36. Brit Klim brother, Brit Ignat brother, brother Ignat bearded.
37. I praise halva.
* * *

For the sounds r, l, m, n

1. Shot for quails and black grouse.
2. In our courtyard the weather has become wet.
3. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, talked about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.
4. Clara - the thief sneaked towards Lara.
5. The commander spoke about the colonel and the colonel,
about the lieutenant colonel and about the lieutenant colonel,
about the lieutenant and about the lieutenant, about the second lieutenant and about the second lieutenant,
about the ensign and about the ensign, about the ensign,
but he said nothing about the ensign.
6. There is grass on the grass in the yard; do not cut wood on the grass in the yard.
7. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.
8. There is firewood in the yard, firewood outside the yard,
there is firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard,
firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard will not accommodate firewood.
Drive the yard back to the wood yard.
9. The Elector copied Landsknecht.
10. I reported, but didn’t finish my report, I completed my report, but didn’t finish my report.
11. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug.
12. The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.
13. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.
14. Karl stole coral from Clara, Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
15. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral.
16. Karl put the onion on the chest. Clara was stealing onions from the chest.
17. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.
18. Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
19. Tell us about your purchases.
About what about purchases.
About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.
20. We talked about Prokopovich.
What about Prokopovich?
About Prokopovich,
about Prokopovich,
about Prokopovich, about yours.
20. The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style,
the bell was not poured like a bell,
you need to re-cap, re-cap,
reforge, repack.
21. The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.
22. Three priests walked, three Prokopiy priests, three Prokopievichs.
They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopievich.
23. I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.
24. King¦eagle.
25. The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.
26. Malanya the chatterbox chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
27. A Ligurian traffic controller regulated in Liguria.
28. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? Watered the lily. We saw Lydia.
29. The messenger from the galleys burned to death.
30. Thaler plate is standing.
31. Go to the army, then take the berdysh.
32. The interviewer of the interventionist interviewed.
33. Libretto by Rigoletto.
34. Our Polkan from Baikal lapped. Polkan lapped, Baikal did not shallow.
35. We ate, ate ruffs by the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.
36. Mom didn’t spare soap.
Mom washed Mila with soap.
Mila didn't like soap
Mila dropped the soap.
37. In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.
38. Eat in the rye, but don’t rye.
39. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.
40. The city of Nerl on the Nerl River.
41. On Mount Ararat, Varvara was picking grapes.
42. Your sexton will not over-sex our sexton: our sexton will over-sex your sexton, over-sex.
43. Four men walked from near Kostroma, from under Kostroma. They talked about trading and shopping,
about cereals, and about supplements.
44. The sergeant with the sergeant, the captain with the captain.
45. The Turk smokes a pipe, the trigger pecks at the grain.
Don't smoke a Turkish pipe, don't peck the trigger on a grain.
46. ​​But I don’t feel sick.
* * *

For the sounds s, z, sh, zh, h, shch, ts

1. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the entryway.
2. The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
3. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled.
Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.
4. Osip hoarse, Arkhip hoarse.
5. He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, scythe is a scythe.
6. The net caught on a twig.
7. Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.
8. Watermelons were being reloaded from body to body.
During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.
9. The waxwing plays a pipe.
10. Two rivers: Vazuza with Gzhat, Vazuza with Gzhat.
11. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
12. Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.
13. The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.
14. Scales on a pike, bristles on a pig.
15. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies,
and the smaller mice noisily fumble for pennies.
16. Forty mice walked and six found pennies,
and the smaller mice found two pennies each.
17. A quarter of a quadruple pea, without a wormhole.
18. Incident with the quartermaster.
19. Precedent with the applicant.
20. Konstantin stated.
21. The emotional Lukerya felt the unfeeling Nikolka.
22. Appreciates the flail of the mower.
23. Mower The mower mows the mower with an oblique. The mower will not mow the mower.
24. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.
25. It’s terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
26. Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.
27. The river flows, the stove bakes.
28. Tongs and pliers are our things.
29. The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.
30. The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, w, w, w, w, w
31. The heron's chick clung tenaciously to the flail.
32. You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
My neck is dry, my ears are dry,
and don't dirty your ears anymore.
33. There is no ring near the well.
34. The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but don’t spin around.
35. The nervous constitutionalist (Proprokolokropenko) was found acclimatized in Constantinople.
36. Jasper in suede has become mossy.
37. Zyamka chewed suede, Zyamka chewed suede in the castle.
38. In the hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a piece of fig.
39. (Riddle) The bald head goes up the mountain, the bald head goes down the mountain, the bald head meets the bald head, the bald head says to the bald head:
You’re bald, I’m bald, you’ll put a drop on the baldness, you’ll pick up the baldness, you’ll get another one.
40. Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly you are sewn.

Firstly: Under no circumstances should you try to pronounce it quickly. First, we master the tongue twister at a slow pace, reading it literally syllable by syllable, then we move to a medium pace, and only after mastering it, we pronounce the tongue twister at an accelerated pace. A very good exercise is not just to read a tongue twister, but to set a task, for example: to give an instruction, to scold someone, to be surprised, to be indignant, to ask a question, i.e. use different intonations when reading.

Secondly: When pronouncing a tongue twister, you can include movement: squatting, boxing, dancing, jumping, etc. You can also set the words of a tongue twister to the music of some folk song, for example, “There was a birch tree in the field” and sing it with pleasure.

Third: approach this creatively, with a “spark”! - and then everything will work out.


To practice sounds: r, l, m, n

1. Shot for quails and black grouse.

2. The weather in our courtyard has become wet.

3. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters talked about Larka, about Varka, about Larina’s wife.

4. Clara the King sneaked towards Lara.

5. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, do not cut wood on the grass in the yard.

6. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood.

7. There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard, firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard will not accommodate firewood. Drive the yard back to the wood yard.

8. He reported, but didn’t complete his report, completed his report, but didn’t complete his report.

9. The snout pig was white-nosed, blunt-nosed; I dug up half the yard with my snout, dug, dug.

10. The fellow ate thirty-three pie pies, all with cottage cheese.

11. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

12. Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral.

13. You can’t talk through all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk through all the tongue twisters quickly.

14. Tell us about your purchases. About what about purchases. About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

15. The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style, the bell is poured, but not in the Kolokolov style, the cap needs to be repacked, re-capped, the bell needs to be re-belled, re-bellied.

16. The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.

17. Three priests walked, three Procopius priests, three Prokopievichs. They talked about the priest, about Procopius the priest, about Prokopievich.

18. I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

19. Malanya the chatterbox chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

20. A Ligurian traffic controller was regulating in Liguria.

21. Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia? Watered the lily. We saw Lydia.

22. We ate, ate ruffs by the spruce tree. They were barely finished at the spruce.

23. In the shallows we lazily caught burbot, in the shallows we caught tench.
Was it not you who sweetly begged me for love, and beckoned me into the mists of the estuary?

To practice sounds: b, p, v, f, g, k, d, t, x

1. Got a bunch of beans.

2. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

3. There was a blunt-lipped bull, a blunt-lipped bull, the bull had a white lip and was blunt.

4. The butt is standing on the head, the cap is on the butt. A shock under the butt, a pop under the cap.

5. Cap on cap, cap under cap.

6. The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.

7. There are bells near the stake, and a whirlpool near the gate.

8. The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

9. Buy a pile of spades.

10. Buy a pile of fluff.

11. Fedka eats a radish with vodka, Fedka eats a radish with vodka.

12. A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves.

13. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.

14. Our head out-headed your head, out-headed.

15. Millet flies into Frosya’s field, Frosya takes out the weeds.

16. The cuckoo bought a hood. Put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood.

17. All beavers are kind to their own.

18. There’s a honey cake for honey, but I don’t have time for a honey cake.

19. A sorcerer practiced magic in a stable with the wise men.

20. The bombardier bombarded the young ladies with bonbonnieres.

21. Feofan Mitrofanich has three sons Feofanich.

22. The bomber bombed Brandenburg.

23. Our guest took away our cane.

24. The pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

To practice sounds: s, z, sh, zh, h, sch, ts

1. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in the entryway.

2. The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

3. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sonya in the forehead, all in a snowdrift.

4. Osip hoarse, Arkhip hoarse.

5. He doesn’t want to mow with a scythe, he says, scythe is a scythe.

6. The net caught on a twig.

7. Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.

8. Watermelons were being reloaded from body to body. During a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from a load of watermelons.

9. The waxwing plays a pipe.

10. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

11. The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.

12. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the mice, which are worse, noisily fumble for pennies.

13. A quarter of a quadruple pea, without a wormhole.

14. Incident with the quartermaster.

15. Precedent with the applicant.

16. Konstantin stated.

17. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

18. It’s terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

19. The river flows, the stove bakes.

20. Tongs and pliers - these are our things.

21. The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

A tongue twister is a specially invented phrase with a difficult-to-pronounce selection of sounds, a quickly pronounced comic joke (S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova, Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language). Tongue twisters train diction, making pronunciation correct and clear. Difficult to pronounce phrases involuntarily force you to pronounce phrases over and over again: at first slowly and stumbling, then faster and almost without mistakes. Russian tongue twisters not only help you “hone” your language, but also introduce you to the richness of the Russian language and poetic images. Verbal play becomes an exciting process and makes spending time fun. Some tongue twisters have survived to this day from the depths of centuries, others were composed in the second half of the 20th century.

Send a tongue twister

Sasha walked along the highway,
She carried a drying bag on a pole.
And sucked on the dryer.

There is grass in the yard
There is firewood on the grass.
Don't chop wood
On the grass of the yard.

Three hundred thirty-three ships
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
And they didn’t catch it.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Four little black ones
Little grimy little devils
Drew in black
Ink drawing
Extremely clear.

Karl stole corals from Clara,
And Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.
If Karl hadn't stolen Clara's corals,
Then Clara wouldn’t have stolen Karl’s clarinet.

Greek rode across the river.
The cancer sees the Greek in the river.
He put the Greek's hand into the river.
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC.

Peter baked pies for Peter.

Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

A harrow was harrowing an unharrowed field.

They gave Glasha yogurt, and Glasha had porridge.

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.

Vlas is with us, Afanas is with you.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

A weaver weaves fabric for Tanya's dress.

Osa is barefoot and without a belt.

One Klim pounded the wedge, pounded and knocked out.

Kondrat's jacket is a little short.

Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market.

Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged it and forged it.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles.

Four turtles have four turtles.

If you don't look for a goose's whiskers, you won't find them.

The crow missed the crow.

The baker baked the loaf, loaf, and bagel early in the morning.

Well done green-white-lipped cucumbers.

Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.

The badger was carrying the branch.

Send a tongue twister

Tongue twister is a genre of oral folk art. A tongue twister is a specially selected phrase with a difficult to pronounce selection of sounds, a joke or a quickly pronounced comic saying. Even in ancient times, tongue twisters appeared in Rus'. They helped children comprehend their native speech in a playful, engaging way. Currently, speech therapists specially compose tongue twisters for children containing difficult-to-pronounce sequences of words and letters. Quickly pronouncing such tongue twisters out loud can eliminate most speech defects.

Tongue twisters are also relevant for adults. Tongue twisters are especially popular among announcers, speakers, artists, managers and singers, since their duties require clear pronunciation. Tongue twisters help train diction. Reading them develops correct articulation and eliminates reservations.

Try reading the tongue twister out loud, while pronouncing each sound clearly, then begin to gradually increase the pace. It should be noted that first of all, you should pay attention to clear pronunciation, and only then to the rate of pronunciation. If even at your usual pace you cannot read the tongue twister correctly and without errors, try to understand its meaning and build a clear video sequence in your head. Then start reading the tongue twister slowly. Repeat it until you read it without hesitation. Then gradually increase the pace. We wish you good luck in mastering the science of tongue twisters!