Congratulations in Greek style. Jubilee Scenario - “Blessing of the Gods”

This Scenario for the New Year in Greek style will allow you to repeat the ancient history of Greece. Guests will immerse themselves in Greek mythology. There are many intellectual competitions during the holiday; improving your knowledge is always interesting. Other games to help you relax.

Scenario for the New Year in Greek style - the beginning of the celebration

Masha: Do you like to travel? What did you travel on? I want to offer you time travel.

With the help of this magic ball, we can find ourselves in both the past and the future. Don't believe me?

Let's try. One two Three. I wonder where we ended up? So this is 770 BC, we ended up in Ancient Greece.

Anya: Welcome, dear guests! A beautiful goddess greets you, Everyone knows her name Aphrodite. Come and meet us.

She will present you with hearts as a keepsake.

Now love is protected by the gods.
Fashion show.

In the early period of their history, the Greeks wore loincloths. In the cold season, they wore woolen cloaks called peplos.

These were coarse woolen rectangular sheets that were used as blankets at night.

And they threw it over the shoulders and pinned it with pins or buckles. The thick cloth fell in wide folds, sometimes a belt was tied around the waist.

The peplos survived in later times, only it acquired a brighter color and was complemented by a border.

In warmer times, both men and women wore a chiton made of linen or thin woolen fabric.

The chiton, like all clothing, was not sewn, but consisted of a rectangular piece of fabric, folded vertically along the left side of a person, fastened at the shoulders with brooches and girded with a slouchy strap.

The Eton was ankle-length and expertly pleated. Women threw a blanket over it when they went outside.

The Greeks liked clothes in blue, pink, purple, and yellow colors. The most expensive fabrics were considered to be purple and white.

There was a beautiful ornament and pattern on the dark background of the chiton. This was the fashion of the archaic and early classical times.

They also wore chitons made of light fabrics and natural colors, often with bright ornaments.

The outerwear was a himantium made of woolen fabric (it could be worn on either a tunic or a peplos). It was a rectangular cloth wrapped in different ways around the body.

Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture. One of the most revered deities of the Olympic pantheon. Her name means "Mother Earth"

She protects all life on earth. She is the “Great Mother”, giving birth to all living things, the embodiment of primitive creative energy.

At the same time, Demeter is a “good goddess”, the guardian of life, who taught humanity agriculture. An assistant in peasant labors, filling the farmer's barns with supplies.

Nika is the goddess of victory.

Ally of Zeus in his fight against the Titans.

As a symbol of a successful result, a happy outcome, Nika participates in all military enterprises, in gymnastic and musical competitions, in all religious celebrations celebrated on the occasion of success.

She is always depicted winged or in a pose of rapid movement above the ground; her attributes are a bandage and a wreath,

Poseidon is the god of the seas. The second son of Kronos and Rhea. He is one of the three main gods along with Zeus and Hades.

When the world was divided, he got the sea. Gradually, Poseidon with his wife and son lived in a luxurious palace at the bottom of the sea, surrounded by all the inhabitants of the sea, rushed across the sea in a chariot drawn by long-maned horses, with a trident, with which he caused storms and broke rocks.

Masha: The wise seer Prometheus had a brother - a titan named Epimetheus. This is what Zeus decided to make an instrument of revenge against Prometheus and the people under his charge.

The Thunderer ordered the blacksmith Hephaestus to mix water with earth and fashion a beautiful girl.

Many gods took part in the creation of this creature - the first woman among mortals. Athena, along with the Charites, dressed her in a sparkling silver dress and placed a gold necklace around her neck. Aphrodite gave a dazzling smile and a gentle voice.

And Hermes put a lying soul in her chest, and flattering speeches in her mouth. They called the “newborn” Pandora – “gifted by the gods.”

And they sent Hermes to take this unearthly miracle to the naive and gullible Epimetheus. Long ago and more than once, Prometheus warned his brother: “Do not accept gifts from Zeus.” But Pandora was so good that Epimetheus could not resist and took the girl as his wife.

A mistress appeared in the house and began poking her nose everywhere. What attracted her most was a vessel with a heavy lid, sent by the gods along with her with a strict prohibition: “Do not open it!”

But it is impossible to curb women's curiosity. Choosing a moment when no one saw her, Pandora opened the lid.

The imprisonments hidden in the vessel of troubles - wars, diseases, vices - also broke out and quickly spread among people.

Only Nadezhda did not have time to jump out of the vessel before Pandora slammed the lid.

Thus evil and adversity came to earth. Day and night they approach people with silent steps and, taking possession of their feelings, ruin their lives.

To this day, it is believed that excessive curiosity is one of the destructive vices that leads to troubles and misfortunes. When talking about it, people still remember “Pandora’s Box” today.

We also have a box, but not Pandora's, but a Winner's Box. Throughout the evening you will earn cards like these (shows) with the image of Zeus.

At the end we will sum up the results and determine the winner. The winner takes the box and its contents for himself.

Anya: Look how many roses we have in the hall! Did you know that the Greeks considered the rose a gift from the gods? She was born from the snow-white foam that covered the body of Aphrodite when the goddess emerged from the sea.

Seeing this flower, the enchanted gods sprinkled it with nectar, which gave it a wonderful aroma.

The priests of Aphrodite decorated the temple altar and garden with white roses. The flower remained white until Aphrodite learned that her beloved Adonis had been mortally wounded by a boar.

The goddess, rushing into the grove of Python, where her lover was, ran through the roses, not paying attention to their thorns, which wounded her legs until they bled. Drops of divine blood fell on the roses, turning them from white to bright red.

For the Greeks, the rose is a companion to joyful celebrations.

Masha: The New Year in Russia fell on September 1st. And only in 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1.

Let's see how the New Year was celebrated in different countries of the world. (Show the presentation)

Anya: (Approaches the table with a lit torch): I am Hera, the goddess, guardian of the hearth, and I give you my fire, may it bring you happiness, good luck, warmth, peace, kindness and comfort in the New Year.

(Then we pass the torches to everyone in a circle. They make a speech.)

Masha: Our Olympic flame is lit, which means it’s time to start the games.

Competition 1:
Competition of poets (one name is chosen from three gods and a line with a rhyme is invented: Dionysus, Poseidon, Hephaestus)

Information for us:
"Dionysus! 100 each! Encore!”, “When swimming in the sea or at home, don’t forget about Poseidon!”, “Hephaestus spent his whole life forging, and with this he conquered me...”

Competition 2:

Anya: Do you all know the legend about the apple of discord? Peleus and Thetis, the parents of the Trojan War hero Achilles, forgot to invite the goddess of discord Eris to their wedding.

Eris was very offended and secretly threw a golden apple onto the table at which gods and mortals were feasting; on it was written: “To the most beautiful.”

A terrible dispute arose between three goddesses: Hero, Athena and Aphrodite.

The young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, was chosen as a judge between them. Paris awarded the apple to the goddess of beauty - Aphrodite.

Grateful Aphrodite helped Paris kidnap the wife of the Greek king Menelaus, the beautiful Helen. To take revenge for such an insult, the Greeks went to war against Troy. As you can see, the apple of Eris actually led to discord.

The memory of this remains the expression “apple of discord,” meaning any cause of disputes and strife.

So now you must eat the apple of discord so that the young will never quarrel.”

3 people come out, the toastmaster holds the apple on a rope (elastic band), couples eat it without using their hands - to Greek music, whoever eats it first when the melody ends wins.

If you want to extend the charm of Greek evenings after returning from vacation, invite your friends to a Greek party!

Dress code

Organize a “home Olympus”: let each guest choose the role of some god. White sheets thrown over the shoulder are suitable for outfits/suits. To identify individual Greek mythology heroes, provide them with distinctive accessories and extras (for example, paper wings for Hermes, a glittery cardboard lightning bolt for Zeus, or a red rose for Aphrodite).

The big advantage of such a costume party is that it is budget-friendly, because all the outfits can be made by yourself.

Serving and menu

A mandatory element of a Greek party is a huge table with a large number of different snacks. A wide range of starters will please both vegetarians and meat lovers. You can decorate the feast in blue and white colors, to match the Greek national flag.

Of course, you can surprise guests with stuffed vegetables or more complex seafood dishes, but most of the appetizers are very simple to prepare (but no less tasty). For example, it could be feta cheese with fresh herbs, fried slices of eggplant, zucchini and peppers, tomato and cucumber salad, black and green olives, pickled vegetables and tzatziki sauce.

In addition, you can prepare meatballs and kebabs, fried squid and seafood salad. Ambitious cooks can delight those present with thick eggplant paste or tiny cabbage rolls wrapped in grape leaves. All this should be served with bread and olive oil.

As a main course, it is best to prepare moussaka. You can prepare all the ingredients for the casserole in advance and put it in the oven when your guests arrive. Potatoes, eggplants and meat will perfectly satisfy all the hungry, and tomatoes and herbs will fill the room with real Greek aromas.

The original Retsina resin wine will also help create a Greek atmosphere at the table.


Start the party off with the traditional Greek Sirtaki dance, famous from the movie Zorba the Greek. By the way, you can also arrange a joint viewing of this film masterpiece.

After dancing to your heart's content, add some hits from the repertoire of the popular Greek singer Demis Roussos to the cheerful music.

You can arrange a quiz and compete to see who is better versed in the mythology, culture and cuisine of Greece.

A characteristic feature of the inhabitants of this amazingly beautiful country is that they are never in a hurry. Therefore, at a party no one should even look at the clock. Try to create a relaxing atmosphere so that guests can fully enjoy delicious food and interesting company.

How to organize a Greek party

Greek party

Majestic, pompous - Greek style party. Plunge into the era of immortal gods and great heroes.

And so where to start - of course, with the choice of venue. Although there is no need to think twice about this, almost any cafe, restaurant will do; you can throw a party outdoors or at home.
Once you've chosen the location, start with invitations, decorations... well, read on, it's all detailed there

Each of us loves to have fun. But the eyes crave variety. As a result, we decide to create something special. The idea of ​​creating Greek style parties.


An important component at any party is invitations. They, in a certain sense, are the face of your holiday, even before it begins. What should they be? There are two options. The first is custom ones. Designers will create the appropriate style, placing all the most important points in the right places. As you know, the Greeks did not particularly indulge themselves in clothing. This means that you will need to dress simply and elegantly. Invitations, in turn, should be the same. Accordingly, if they are custom-made, then it is enough to add a few beautiful images.
The best images will be Greek symbols. Thus, the image of a bottle of olive oil, which spreads throughout the postcard, will add an appetizing and refined aroma. Also, one should not ignore the philosophers of ancient Greece. Their “conversation” in the invitation will give the future event more coziness and comfort.
It’s a good idea to give your future guests an olive branch along with the invitation. This will make the future party elegant, fun and in keeping with Greek culture.
If you are a fan of amateur performances, then a good idea would be to come up with an image for each of your guests and find him a corresponding character from Greek history and myths. The Internet allows you to find many photos and pictures, print them and paste them into the invitation. The result of this work will be a joint discussion of each guest and his similarity with the chosen hero.
In general, the main thing is that the invitation is made from the heart. With this, you will make 50% of your Greek party a style that is comfortable, fun and original.


Yours greek party should “radiate” grandeur, pomp, pathos. It is better to assign the roles of the guests in advance, who will be what deity or hero, to make it easier to choose costumes.

At the Greek party, classical music plays and of course “Sirtaki”
A Greek-style party can be held indoors, or outdoors; the decoration of the venue will depend on this.

  1. Hang prints of Greek gods, Greek landscapes and architecture on your walls.
  2. Hang decorative vines and bunches of grapes.
  3. Arrange a lot of flowers, you can scatter rose petals on the floor.
  4. Lay out a variety of sea shells.
  5. Any palm trees (which you find) are perfect for decoration, or you can use balloons.

If, when meeting guests, you put decorative laurel wreaths on their heads, this will help you immediately immerse your guests in the atmosphere of the Greek holiday.


The most famous and simple costume on Greek party This is a costume of the Greek gods. It will not be difficult for you to look at examples of Greek attire on the Internet. Moreover, in ancient Greece, dresses were not cut and you will not have to sew anything complicated. You can buy a costume or make it yourself. You will only need pieces of rectangular fabric and a belt.

The usual Greek dress is a chiton. Noble girls wore clothes in white and light colors.
A chiton with a lapel was a rectangular piece of fabric sewn together. At the places of fastening, the lapel was draped with several folds and belted with a belt. The excess length formed a kind of overlap over the belt, the so-called.

The shoes of the Greeks followed the shape of the foot. Sandals were made of colored, gilded leather, decorated with metal plaques and embroidered with pearls. The sandals were complemented by lacing, sometimes reaching to the knees.

Greek cuisine

As they say: “Greece has everything”, so for Greek party Almost any dish will do. This includes meat, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables and, of course, Greek wine.

Recipes for the most famous and beloved dishes by the Greeks:

"Dakos" or "Kukouvaia" - a traditional round Cretan bread "dakos", slightly soaked and crushed tomatoes and soft cheese "anfotiro" (sometimes replaced with grated feta) are placed on it. All this is seasoned with olive oil and oregano.

"Saganaki" - baked cheese in batter.

"Tirocroketes" - cheese croquettes, as well.


"Dzadziki" - based on specially thick yogurt - "strangisto", grated and well-squeezed fresh cucumbers and garlic (paste salad).

"Kunupidi" - salads made from boiled cauliflower (hot salad).

"Brocola" - broccoli made from cabbage (hot salad).

All this is poured with Greek olive oil and lemon juice.

Greek salad (horyatiki)- tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, feta cheese, olives, dried oregano and olive oil.

"Angurodomata" - cucumbers, tomatoes, onions.

Hot dishes

“Moussakas” is a kind of casserole made from pre-fried layers of eggplant, potatoes, minced meat, custard (bechamel) and cheese.

"Briam" is a kind of vegetable stew, cooked in the oven from coarsely chopped zucchini, bell peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and herbs.

“Imam bayldy” - baked eggplant halves stuffed with onions, tomatoes, garlic, and herbs.

"Bamies" are something between small peppers and green beans, cooked in the oven with tomatoes, onions and herbs. The Greeks love to combine "bamyes" with chicken.

"Melizanes papoutsakya"- halves of eggplant with minced meat, tomato sauce and cheese on top. Almost like “Imam Bayldy”, only with minced meat.

"Suzukakya" - small meat cutlets with spices.

"Dolmadakya" - small cabbage rolls made from grape leaves and rice filling.

The most common meat dishes in Greece are pork, beef, chicken and lamb baked over coals or on a spit.

Greek party- Entertainment


You can put on an oracle at a party. A large, opaque vase containing notes with various sayings and quotes from famous people. Each guest can go to the oracle, take out one piece of paper from there and read about what awaits him in the future.
For example:

At the beginning of the party, divide the guests into teams of 4 or 8 people and, as the holiday progresses, organize Olympic games among these teams. Name the teams after the names of ancient Greek cities: Athens, Sparta, Delphi, Thebes, Corinth, Mycenae, Syracuse, Heraklion. It is important that each team has approximately equal numbers of men and women.
Each participant in the competition will not only receive a prize but also earn points for their cities. At the end of the event, the team with the most points will receive additional prizes.

Competition Wrestling

We call one contestant from each team. We divide all participants into pairs. We take and attach, using clothespins, a piece of paper to each participant’s back just below the neck. At the leader’s command, the participants try to tear a piece of paper from the opponent’s back. Losers are eliminated, winners fight winners. The winner of the competition receives a prize and earns a point for his city.

Archery Competition

Buy a children's toy bow and have an archery competition.

High jump competition

Call the competition participants onto the dance floor or any other spacious area. Launch as many balloons as possible to the ceiling. At the leader’s command, all participants begin to jump for the balls, catching them and bursting them. The one who pops the most balloons wins. Warn participants in advance not to throw away the remains of burst balloons; they will be counted at the end of the competition.

Olive competition

We call the participants from each team and give each one a saucer with 10 or even 15 olives on it. Participants stand in front of a visually drawn line. The task of the participants is to give all the olives to the rest of the guests at a signal accompanied by cheerful music, without dropping a single one. Guests are not allowed to touch the olives with their hands. Each participant can only eat one olive.

Siren Competition

A women's karaoke competition, and call it a siren competition. Who with their beautiful voices made men go crazy.

Race walking

We call several tipsy men from the hall. We tell them that on the leader’s command they need to go to the chair, go around it and come back, but not just like that, but according to all the rules of race walking. One foot should always be completely pressed to the floor, from the tip of the toe to the heel. You can make the competition more difficult - participants will have to hold a spoon with an egg in their teeth. Your guests will be very pleased with the funny gait of the competition participants, especially the erotic swaying of their hips.


We call the participants of the competition and give each one a fishing rod (fishing rod: a meter-long stick, we tie a slightly longer rope to it, we tie a small magnet to the end of the rope), we mark a line beyond which the players cannot step. At a short distance from the fishermen we scatter coins, only in denominations of 10 and 50 kopecks (others are not magnetic). The presenter times the time. On command, the participants begin to fish by casting their fishing rods. Whoever pulls out the largest amount within the allotted time wins.

Arrange dance competition(you can use commands) to the music "Sertaki".

In nature, you can organize team tug-of-war competitions or a badminton championship, calling one participant from the team at a time.

More party competitions:

Looks for a Greek party for your guests

Gods of ancient Greece

Hades - god - ruler of the kingdom of the dead.
Apollo is the god of sunlight. The Greeks depicted him as a beautiful young man.
Ares is the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera.
Asclepius - god of medicine, son of Apollo and the nymph Coronis
Boreas is the god of the north wind, the son of the Titanides Astraeus (starry sky) and Eos (morning dawn), brother of Zephyr and Note. He was depicted as a winged, long-haired, bearded, powerful deity.
Helios (Helium) is the god of the Sun, brother of Selene (goddess of the Moon) and Eos (dawn). In late antiquity he was identified with Apollo, the god of sunlight.
Hercules is an ancient Greek hero, the son of Zeus.
Hermes is the son of Zeus and Maya, one of the most multi-valued Greek gods. Patron of wanderers, crafts, trade, thieves. Possessing the gift of eloquence.
Hephaestus is the son of Zeus and Hera, the god of fire and blacksmithing. He was considered the patron of artisans.
Hypnos is the deity of sleep, the son of Nyx (Night). He was depicted as a winged youth.
Dionysus (Bacchus) is the god of viticulture and winemaking, the object of a number of cults and mysteries. He was depicted either as an obese elderly man or as a young man with a wreath of grape leaves on his head.
Zagreus is the god of fertility, the son of Zeus and Persephone.
Zeus is the supreme god, king of gods and people.
Kronos is a titan, the youngest son of Gaia and Uranus, the father of Zeus. He ruled the world of gods and people and was overthrown from the throne by Zeus...
Morpheus is one of the sons of Hypnos, the god of dreams.
Pluto is the god of the underworld, often identified with Hades, but unlike him, he owned not the souls of the dead, but the riches of the underworld.
Plutos is the son of Demeter, a god who gives wealth to people.
Poseidon is one of the Olympian gods, the brother of Zeus and Hades, who rules over the sea elements. Poseidon also had power over the bowels of the earth; he commanded storms and earthquakes.
Satyrs are goat-footed creatures, demons of fertility.
Thanatos is the personification of death, the twin brother of Hypnos.
Typhon is a hundred-headed dragon born of Gaia or Hera. During the battle of the Olympians and the Titans, he was defeated by Zeus and imprisoned under the volcano Etna in Sicily.
Triton is the son of Poseidon, one of the sea deities, a man with a fish tail instead of legs, holding a trident and a twisted shell - a horn.
Cyclops are giants with one eye in the middle of their forehead, children of Uranus and Gaia.
Erebus is the personification of the darkness of the underworld, the son of Chaos and the brother of Night.
Eros (Eros) - god of love, son of Aphrodite and Ares. In the most ancient myths - a self-emerging force that contributed to the ordering of the world. Depicted as a winged youth.

Goddesses of ancient Greece

Artemis is the goddess of hunting and nature.
Athena (Pallada, Parthenos) - One of the most revered Greek goddesses, the goddess of just war and wisdom, the patroness of knowledge.
Aphrodite (Kytherea, Urania) - goddess of love and beauty.
Hecate is the goddess of darkness, night visions and enchantment, the patroness of sorcerers.
Hemera is the goddess of daylight, the personification of day, born of Nyktos and Erebus. Often identified with Eos.
Hera is the supreme Olympian goddess, sister and third wife of Zeus, daughter of Rhea and Kronos, sister of Hades, Hestia, Demeter and Poseidon. Hera was considered the patroness of marriage.
Hestia is the goddess of the hearth and fire.
Gaia is mother earth, the foremother of all gods and people.
Demeter is the goddess of fertility and agriculture.
Dryads are lower deities, nymphs who lived in trees.
Ilithyia is the patron goddess of women in labor.
Iris is a winged goddess, Hera's assistant, messenger of the gods.
Calliope is the muse of epic poetry and science.
Clio is the muse of history.
Melpomene is the muse of tragedy.
Metis is the goddess of wisdom, the first of the three wives of Zeus, who conceived Athena from him.
Mnemosyne is the mother of nine muses, the goddess of memory.
Muses are the patron goddesses of the arts and sciences.
Naiads are nymphs guarding the waters.
Nemesis is the daughter of Nyx, a goddess who personified fate and retribution, punishing people in accordance with their sins.
Nika is the personification of victory. She was often depicted wearing a wreath, a common symbol of triumph in Greece.
Nymphs are the lowest deities in the hierarchy of Greek gods. They personified the forces of nature.
Peyto is the goddess of persuasion, the companion of Aphrodite, who was often identified with her patroness.
Persephone is the daughter of Demeter and Zeus, the goddess of fertility. The wife of Hades and the queen of the underworld, who knew the secrets of life and death.
Polyhymnia is the muse of serious hymn poetry.
Rhea is the mother of the Olympian gods.
Sirens are female demons, half-woman, half-bird, capable of changing the weather at sea.
Talia is the muse of comedy.
Terpsichore is the muse of dance art.
Tyche - goddess of fate and chance, companion.
Urania is the patroness of astronomy.
Themis - Titanide, goddess of justice and law, second wife of Zeus.
Charites are goddesses of female beauty, the embodiment of a kind, joyful and eternally young beginning of life.
Erato - Muse of lyrical and erotic poetry.
Euterpe is the muse of lyrical chant.\


If a tunic suits you, sandals look charming on your feet, and your groom resembles a Greek god, then, undoubtedly, this wedding is for you. But in order for such a wedding to turn out bright and memorable, you will have to try. Here, more than anywhere else, ambience and attention to detail are needed.
Everything is important: from the bride’s hairstyle to the patterns on the walls. Of course, it’s difficult to imagine such a wedding in winter. It is better to celebrate such a wedding in the summer or, for that matter, in some warm country. It is difficult to imagine guests in sandals and thin tunics among the snow.
Helpers can take care of the surroundings. In fact, it is not for the bride to decorate the wedding venue. The main thing is to remember the saying that “Greece has everything” and follow it. “Abundance” should be the wedding motto.
Pottery on the tables, vases with flowers, with fruits, jugs with wine, decorative columns, Greek ornaments. This will also include a marine theme: decorations in the form of ancient Greek ships. Military theme swords, shields, helmets.
Generally the main colors are sea green white, green and red.
Invitations can be written in hexameter, or at least let them contain an element of Greek ornament. On the tables: seafood, fish, olives, definitely and without fail - olive oil, this “liquid gold” fruits, grapes.
Not every woman will risk putting on a tunic and not every man, having tried on sandals, will agree to walk in them. Therefore, take care of the small details yourself that will remind you of the wedding theme, and which can be distributed to guests at the entrance. Greek masks: tragedy and comedy, that is, with a smile and sad. Anyone will gladly take them. Bracelets, cups for young people and their parents, penalty cup.
The toastmaster, of course, is dressed in Greek attire. The roles of gods and goddesses can be pre-distributed to active guests by giving them prepared costumes.

Toastmaster: We have all gathered here to glorify the young family!
The gods descended to earth to congratulate them together,
I have prepared gifts for them, but everyone is ready to be tested
Here to expose them so that love becomes even stronger!
Dear noble guests, today the gods descended from the heights of Olympus to congratulate the young family, present them with gifts and subject them to tests. I ask you to take part in the fate of the young spouses.

The toastmaster distributes masks (tragedy and comedy) to the guests and warns that the guests, at his quiet command, apply one mask or another.

It would be nice if the young people arrived on some kind of improvised chariot. You can at least make it out of cardboard, some details, huge wheels and the chariot is ready.
From this moment on, the toastmaster, if necessary, shows the guests (ancient Greek choir) which mask to try on.

The newlyweds are greeted pompously and showered with roses.

Toastmaster: Glory to you, young ones, like young roses.
Hail, bride and groom, betrothed by heaven itself!
The newlyweds are greeted by their parents
Mother-in-law puts a wreath on her son-in-law's head
Mother-in-law: Be kind and generous,
Strong and wise, and deeds for the sake of his beloved
You always do it!
Mother-in-law puts a wreath on her daughter-in-law's head
Mother-in-law: May you be wise and beautiful.
Love your spouse tenderly and be faithful to him,
And your feat will be no less.
Toastmaster: So, are the young people worthy of these laurel wreaths?
(Shows a sad mask, and everyone puts on sad masks)
Toastmaster: It's time to put yourself to the test to make sure you are worthy! So Aphrodite herself descended to earth, the goddess of love
Aphrodite with a cup in her hands.
Aphrodite: This cup contains the wine of eternal youth. I brought it as a gift to the newlyweds. But to do this they must tell everyone about their love
Taking a sip, each of them must say how much he loves his spouse.
The groom takes a sip.
Groom: I love my Tanya like the stars love the moon!
The bride takes a sip. Bride: I love my Alexey like birds love the sky!
Etc. Young people practice eloquence.
Aphrodite: Well, these speeches are pleasant to the goddess, but is everything in them true?!
Spectators try on tragic masks.
Aphrodite: How will you prove that your love is not empty words?
If the young people don’t realize,
You drank wine, but your guests didn’t drink it, they think it’s bitter!
The choir shouts "bitterly"
Young people kiss
Aphrodite to parents:
Your children have become adults, they love each other. But I know that you also love each other, after many years.
Aphrodite invites the parents to drink from the cup of eternal youth, saying how much they love each other.
Both sets of parents then kiss.
Aphrodite: This is eternal youth! Love is her name, and only she will be eternal, and only she is young.
Aphrodite leaves.
Young people are seated at the table
The toastmaster advises the guests to eat as much as possible, since they will have to help the young people. And he also advises practicing public speaking, that is, making toasts. Toasts do not have to be written in hexameter.

Toastmaster: Do the venerable guests remember the feat of Perseus, who was not afraid to fight the Gorgon jellyfish and fought with sea monsters to save Andromeda?
The groom will have to undergo the tests that Perseus passed
And save your beloved from sea monsters.
First he must kill the Gorgon Medusa.
The toastmaster calms everyone down and says that it is not customary to kill anyone at a wedding feast, and that even if your neighbor looks like a gorgon jellyfish, this is only a sign that you haven’t drunk enough wine.
But still, the groom will have to prove his dexterity.
The groom is given a large mirror and a pencil... He must draw, holding the pencil behind his back, something on paper, looking in the mirror, but without turning around. Or he will have to write the name of his beloved.
When the young man has passed this test, he must save his bride.
The bride is symbolically tied to a rock. A couple of guests are dressed up as monsters.
But again, no one will kill anyone, you just need to lull the vigilance of the sea monsters, for this the groom must tell some fairy tale or sing a song about love... and all the monsters will fall asleep or, moved, cry and free the bride.
There is another option: the groom must talk about how he met the bride and fell in love with her. The more touching the story, the faster the monsters will release the bride. First, the toastmaster must explain that monsters love watching TV shows about love more than anything else, even though they pretend to be evil and cruel.
The bride is free. Having practiced their eloquence, the guests eat.
Toastmaster: Noble guests, the goddess Athena herself came to our wedding feast! Athena is a healer, Athena is a craftswoman, Athena is the patroness of music. She invented the flute and ships, states and wars, she patronizes marriages and helps happy children. She taught women to weave and spin, she planted the first olive tree on earth.
The bride has to appease the goddess.
The bride must prepare the goddess Athena's favorite dish, but first she has to guess what Athena's favorite food is.
Beforehand, the toastmaster can tell a story about how
Poseidon and Athena argued for power over Attica. It was decided which of them would present the most useful gift to the residents would become the ruler. Poseidon was the first to enter Attica and hit the ground with his trident and a source of sea water appeared. Athena appeared behind him, she hit the ground with a spear and an olive tree grew in that place. According to the decision of the judges, it was Athena who was recognized as the winner, since her gift was more useful, the city was named after her, Poseidon was angry and tried to flood the earth with the sea, but Zeus forbade him.
The bride prepares a dish with olive oil, for example, a Greek salad. Her friends help her. Athena tries the dish and likes it.
The toastmaster reminds that Athena is also called a craftswoman and healer. The bride is offered to meet another form of the goddess.
If she chooses Athena, a craftswoman, she must sew a small simple doll, calling it Athena, or sew on at least a couple of buttons. The husband is offered to help her.
If the bride has chosen a healer, then she can prepare medicinal tea for her husband, choosing the necessary ones from among the unnecessary ingredients. For example, set aside the garlic, grate the ginger and chop the mint.
Satisfied, Athena leaves.
The gods can be calm for this seven young woman.
There is now a mistress in the house, and the girl can do a lot.
I wish you love and healthy children,
Sweet girls and boys, strong and strong!
Athena gives some doll to the bride and leaves.
The toastmaster says that it’s time for the young people to rest, and the guests will have to go through the tests.
And he calls God Dionysius.

Dionysus is the god of plants and grapes, the god of winemaking. Thanks to him, theatrical art was born on earth, comedy and tragedy appeared.
Tests for men. Who will drink more wine blindfolded or blindfolded?
Whoever wins gets a bottle of expensive wine.
Test for women: dance of the bacchantes. The Bacchae must dance around Dionysius. Ta. The one who dances the best receives a reward: a decoration or a scarf.
The toastmaster warns against excessive enthusiasm, because excessive worship of this god can give rise to madness.
The toastmaster offers to appease Dionysius with his favorite Greek dance.
Options: young people dance.
Anyone can dance, but blindfolded.
Dionysius: Dionysius was very pleased today.
He will give this gift to the young family.
May fun and joy always reign in her.
Let tragedy not come along with sadness
To this threshold, and greet each other with a smile!
God gives the family a bunch of grapes. She will bring abundance and joy to the family. But you need to eat it in a special way. The bride must tear off the berries with her mouth and feed the groom “from her beak.”
Guests who wish are invited to repeat this in pairs.
Young people kiss
Toastmaster: Since you love each other so much, it means that the arrow of Eros struck you.
But his arrows do not always bring joy; sometimes they bring suffering and disappointment. If suddenly Eros misses and hits the wrong heart.
And here he himself came to our feast!
The role of Eros is played by some child or young man.
Men are invited to a shooting competition to please Eros.
They can shoot at hearts drawn or made from cardboard.
Whoever gets in will receive the title of Chief Cupid.
But little Eros wants to make sure that the arrows hit their target. And he asks the young people how they will prove their love. Young people kiss. But this is not enough!
Eros: Prove that you know your loved one, that you feel him or her and will never confuse him or her with anyone else.

The groom must blindfolded find his beloved:
By hand
By leg
By laughter

The bride must find her beloved while also blindfolded
By hand
on the leg
By voice
Have several men call her name loudly or in a whisper.

Having congratulated the newlyweds, Eros leaves and asks for a parting gift for the newlyweds. A gift is a reminder.
On a sheet of whatman paper, each one draws a heart pierced by an arrow, and in each one there is a wish for the young or a reminder of why you need to love her or him, serious and playful. For example: Love Tatyana because she is the kindest.
Love Alexey because he has a mustache.

Toastmaster: And God, who is now coming down to us, has been watching over you from the very beginning of today. This is the god of marriage and weddings, Hymen! God personifying the song of love!
A deity personifying the song of love itself.
Hymen says that she was looking forward to today's event so much that he knew it had to happen. He believes that this is the most beautiful couple on earth. And asks to sing a song about love.

First, the guests compete to see who knows the most love songs.
But then Hymen says that for such an occasion there should be its own, special song. That it needs to be invented right now. Hymen asks the friends of the bride and groom to help them with the song.

There is no more beautiful girl in the world than our bride (or name)
Her figure and face are like the goddess of Olympus
And she shone with kindness and intelligence and talent
Hail, beautiful maiden (or name) under the sun of Hellas!

There is no better husband in the world than ours (name).
With his strength he will glorify Hellas forever
He will accomplish many feats for the sake of his dear one.
He is brave, kind and generous, an Olympian god.

May the young family be in love forever
Let neither her food nor sorrow touch her
May she never incur the wrath of the gods.
Let the joyful home be filled with children's songs

Toastmaster: Well, dear ones, you have so pleased Hymen and the patron god of the arts Apollo with your creativity that now these gods will always patronize our lovers.

It would be appropriate here if one of the young people sings well or plays some instrument - ask them to sing or play in order to please Apollo once again.
A performance by a professional artist is also appropriate here. At such a wedding, for example, the harp will be amazing to listen to. In our city there are young harpists playing the Celtic or levers harp.
But then a roar is heard.
Toastmaster: It is Zeus himself who is angry. We did not give him any gift or offering. How to avoid his wrath? We know that the smart Greeks came up with the Olympic Games to please the gods.
Let's also hold on to the small Olympic Games.
Of course, the competition will be funny.

The concept of gravity: men lift women in their arms and carry them.

Running in pairs. With legs tied to each other (one leg at a time)

Long jump. (for a gift. Whoever jumps will receive a gift)
After the “Olympic Games”, the winners are awarded laurel wreaths, but not like those of the bride and groom.

Voice of Zeus (or a guest dressed up as Zeus)
Your games brought joy to the gods today.
Songs and dances and your love are only joy.
May she never fade away in your heart
Only love conquers, saves and heals
Only love on earth is worthy of worship
Only she brought you to heaven today
May love bring you only happiness and joy!
Your union will be worthy of Olympus and the Sun!
Only today does the wine in this cup taste bitter to me.
Bitter is bitter for me, but who will make me sweet?!

The newlyweds kiss, are showered with roses and are seen off to a long, happy life.

You can add different gods, coming up with other tests for the young and guests. The main thing is not to overdo it, because a wedding cannot be a complete ordeal!

We need to stock up on a large number of gifts for the winners, laurel wreaths, and give water to the guilty ones from the penalty cup.
You can make a movie based on some myth of Ancient Greece. Right there, we distributed the roles and came up with minimal costumes. Such a film will leave memories of the wedding for a long time. The main roles are the heroes of the occasion.
And remember - behind all this fuss, behind all the details and surroundings, it is important not to forget that this is still your wedding, that even if something did not go as planned, it should not overshadow the identity and fun that is present not only in the form of masks.

Idea for holding a youth party in a small company. The hero of the occasion acts as the main god of Olympus - Zeus (or the goddess Hera, if the birthday boy is a girl). Guests come to the party in the images of different gods and goddesses, not necessarily Olympic, but also, say, Scandinavian or Indian - after all, Zeus can invite anyone to his birthday!

Location: a fairly spacious room, not overloaded with unnecessary furniture. Ideally, there should be only sofas and a low large table plus space for dancing and competitions. In summer, this could be a gazebo, veranda, or just a place in nature.

Decor: you need to try to recreate the atmosphere of divine luxury, but without pretentiousness. White covers for chairs and armchairs, white and blue bedspreads for sofas, an abundance of pillows, walls draped with white fabric with a bright blue border or in combination with golden ribbons, silver or white dishes, gilded candlesticks and bowls, jewelry in caskets, hookah - all this will help in implementing the idea.

Dress code: guests must support the theme and come in “divine” costumes. To avoid repetitions, it is better to agree in advance who will appear as which god. The simplest costume is a white toga made from an ordinary sheet, decorated with a golden cord at the waist. Each god in mythology has a certain image, and it is better, of course, to stick to it - this way the hero will be understandable and recognizable. For example, the Scandinavian god Thor is always inseparable from his hammer, and Dionysus is always inseparable from a glass of red wine or a bunch of grapes.

Menu: elegant, light, beautifully decorated. Snacks, seafood, sliced ​​meats, cheese, fruits, always fruits in large vases. Drinks include wine and nectar, juices, mineral water.

Scenario option

For example, you can take several gods and come up with competitions that they could hold.

  1. Zeus- the main Greek god, the lord of lightning and thunder, the ruler of everything on earth.
  2. Apollo- the god of art, creativity and science, the god of light and the patron of travelers, as well as a recognized handsome man.
  3. Themis- a strict goddess of justice and justice, who is depicted blindfolded and with scales in her hand.
  4. Thor- also the lord of thunder, but already Scandinavian. A very powerful god who is often depicted with his hammer.
  5. Freya- Scandinavian goddess, patroness of family, love and war, goddess of fertility.
  6. Loki- another Scandinavian guest, the god of fun and jokes, deception and cunning. A malicious and smug god.

The party can begin with a solemn greeting of the guests, showing great respect to the host (hostess) of the holiday. At the entrance, everyone is given a small scroll and a pencil, where the guest must write a short ode-wish to the birthday boy, and then play it as if on behalf of his hero-god. So, having settled down on soft pillows and having a snack, the gods begin to praise the main one at the party, dedicating their creations to him. And it doesn’t matter that the text doesn’t rhyme - everything can be forgiven to the gods.


Competition for the best nectar

From the proposed ingredients you need to prepare cocktails - who will turn out tastier and more interesting.

Zeus' Lightning Throw

Zippers are made from wire; for greater beauty, they can be wrapped in fabric or rain. Accuracy competition - who can hit the target better with lightning. The target itself can be made of foam rubber.

Apollo statue

This god is always portrayed as a stunningly handsome man with a perfect body. It is the statues of Apollo that attract the attention of most visitors - and for good reason. A game similar to “The sea rocks once...”, only here you can say “Olympus rocked once...”. The presenter will guess not who the player is portraying (of course, the god Apollo), but what he is currently doing - reading, sleeping, flirting with girls, etc.

Themis's doubts

It’s also a fairly simple game, stylized as a party format. Game "True or False" for forfeits. The player asks Themis (the presenter) a question from his life or the life of a famous person, and she must guess whether what was said is true or not. If you guess right, you become a player.

Thor's Hammer

For this noisy and fun game you will need balloons that need to be well inflated and a rubber toy hammer. Using a hammer, you need to break as many balls as possible for a while - “make thunder.”

Loki's boast

It is God who believes that he can portray and play everything in the world - so he is given such an opportunity. One player asks Loki a phrase from a movie or song - and he must show it to the others without words so that they can guess. If you guessed right, the one who made the guess becomes Loki, and the one who guessed asks him a phrase.

The amazing beauty of Freya

A very beautiful and gentle goddess, Freya is kind and noble, so all the girls want to be like her - in which the men volunteered to help them. The players are divided into pairs, and the boys paint the girls according to their taste and skill. The main thing is to stock up on a good makeup remover.

This “divine” party can last all night with leisurely conversations, wine and beautiful music.