Popov Grigory Borisovich Alexandrinsky Theater reception. An unfinished play worth many millions

Last summer, the investigative committee reported that employees of the Theater and Decoration Workshops (TDM) company, represented by Elena Kovaleva and Artem Kuspits, together with the director of the Alexandrinsky Theater Grigory Popov, acting as a guarantor, were suspected of embezzling more than 50 million rubles during the construction of the Zenit Arenas". It was this amount that was transferred for the supply of a video board for the football stadium. However, according to the Investigative Committee, the money was transferred to the accounts of shell companies and subsequently stolen.

Former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Marat Oganesyan (held in custody since October last year) and former deputy chairman of the construction committee Alexander Yanchik are also suspected of participating in fraud.

In the entire, as yet unfinished story, it is worth paying attention to the role of the person behind the TDM company itself: thanks to whose talent were specialists in installing equipment for theaters supposed to supply components for the most complex engineering facility?!

Since last summer, as soon as the press began writing about fraud in the supply of video boards, in all materials on this topic the director of the Alexandrinsky Theater was named as the ultimate beneficiary of the TDM company. There were simply no St. Petersburg media who would not write about this: Zaks.ru, S-Petersburg.ru, DP.ru. Fontanka... Izvestia spoke about the same thing. Over the past 6-8 months since the appearance of these publications, Grigory Popov has made no attempt to challenge this statement. Despite the fact that in a July interview he called himself simply “a theatrical engineer who, due to experience, became the leader and ideologist of TDM.” And the investigative committee itself calls him the de facto leader.

“When you need, as they say, “to shake your name,” I help my colleagues,” he commented on his participation in the activities of this company. At the same time, he is a guarantor for many of its contracts worth more than 32 million euros. By the way, the director of the TDM company himself did not even come under suspicion of embezzling money during the construction of the Zenit Arena. Although he is a witness in the case, he is more of a nominal witness.

You could read about the multimillion-dollar adventures of the TDM company quite recently through links in search engines: the ill-fated video board for 50 million seems like just seeds in comparison with the schemes in which this company was involved. Now there is practically nothing about it in Yandex, and Google makes a remark in its search results.

Director of the Alexandrinsky Theater Grigory Popov left his position. Interlocutors at the institution reported this to Business Petersburg; the information was confirmed by the head of the theater’s press service, Elena Gerusova.

As the press service said, Popov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will on April 24. Popov's place will be taken by Rinat Dosmukhamedov, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. He was presented to the troupe and theater staff on April 25, but the order from the Ministry of Culture has not yet been received by the institution’s personnel service. According to DP's interlocutors at the theater, Dosmukhamedov had no connections with Alexandrinka before this.

Dosmukhamedov graduated from MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry with a degree in International Journalism. From 1992 to 1996 he worked as head of the department for public relations and press at MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and graduated from MGIMO graduate school. Since 1998, he began working in the tax authorities: he held the positions of deputy head, head of the Public Relations and Media Relations Department of the State Tax Service of Russia. From 1999 to October 2001, he held the position of deputy head of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia, and from December 2001, head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia. In 2002, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. In March, he became the new chairman of the board of directors of the Asia-Pacific Bank.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, in an interview with RBC in 2015, called Dosmukhamedov his long-time business partner.

“Renat Dosmukhamedov, with whom we started in the 1990s, rose to the rank of Deputy Minister of Taxes, and until this year was the trade representative of the Russian Federation in the United States,” said the head of the Ministry of Culture.

According to Business Petersburg, the reason for Popov’s dismissal was the interest in his activities on the part of law enforcement agencies. As the Kommersant newspaper wrote in December 2017, with reference to the St. Petersburg prosecutor, an inspection of possible corruption in Popov’s work is being carried out by the economic security department of the St. Petersburg department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, in March 2017, Popov and the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg were charged with embezzling more than 50 million rubles during the construction of the St. Petersburg stadium. The press service of the St. Petersburg department of the Investigative Committee reported that Oganesyan, being the curator of the construction of the arena, hired a company (TDM) as a subcontractor and transferred 50 million rubles to it for the supply of two video boards, knowing in advance that the money would be stolen. The Investigative Committee’s statement said that Popov “exercised real leadership” of TDM. Popov himself then stated that he did not work for the company, but acted as a consultant to colleagues working at TDM. He emphasized that after his appointment to the post of director of Alexandrinka, he ceased to have anything to do with TDM “for reasons of correct conduct of business.” He explained the fact that from 2013 to 2015 TDM received several orders from the theater totaling more than 150 million rubles by the fact that he considers the company the best on the market, and by the fact that other large theaters in Russia worked with it.

The TDM company is also involved in a case of theft during the construction of a new stage of the Maly Drama Theater. In August 2017, after searches, it became known that a criminal case had been initiated related to the contract that the department had concluded with TDM. According to its terms, the contractor had to design a new stage for the Academic Small Drama Theater (Theater of Europe) at 7 Zvenigorodskaya Street, for which he received 250 million rubles. As a result, the construction was never completed. The Ministry of Culture tried to recover 45 million rubles of unpaid advance payment through the court, but the claim remained without consideration, and bankruptcy proceedings were launched against the contractor. In February 2018, Maxim Korneev, the beneficiary of Stroysoyuz SV LLC, who acted as a subcontractor of the work, was detained in connection with the case.

In the same February, Fontanka reported that TDM became a participant in a criminal case related to theft during the reconstruction of the buildings of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov. According to investigators, the Ministry of Culture entered into several government contracts with the company totaling 1.9 billion rubles; the contract provided for the reconstruction and restoration of the theater building and theater equipment, including high-tech equipment. However, during the execution of the work, “unidentified persons” provided the directorate with forged documents and false information about the volume of work performed, thus illegally receiving 1 million rubles.

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Russian theater manager, theater artist-technologist. Director of the Alexandrinsky Theater (from 2013 - April 25, 2018)


Born into a family of cultural and art workers: his father is playwright Boris Goller, his mother is the director of the Anna Akhmatova Museum in the Fountain House, Nina Popova.


He worked as deputy director of the Youth Theater on Fontanka, then as deputy artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Since 2013 - director of the Alexandrinsky Theater.


Rinat Dosmukhamedov became the new director of the Alexandrinsky Theater

The artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater Valery Fokin introduced the new director to the team.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the theater is headed by Rinat Dosmukhamedov. His predecessor Grigory Popov, who worked in this post for five years, resigned of his own free will. April 24 was his last working day.

It is known that Dosmukhamedov was a native of Astrakhan and was educated at MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry with a degree in International Journalism. Worked in tax authorities.

The new director of the Alexandrinsky Theater met with the staff

The artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Valery Fokin, introduced a new director to the team on Wednesday, Rinat Dosmukhamedov. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

“The new director was introduced to the team by the theater’s artistic director Valery Fokin. Earlier, he proposed to the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Culture to consider the candidacy of Rinat Dosmukhamedov for the post of director of the theater,” the department said.

Rinat Dosmukhamedov became the new director of the Alexandrinsky Theater

The artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg, Valery Fokin, introduced the new director Rinat Dosmukhamedov to the team, reports the press service of the Russian Ministry of Culture.

“Rinat Dosmukhamedov has been appointed the new director of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Grigory Popov, who held this position since 2013, left his post of his own free will,” the statement says.

Did Medinsky walk around the Bolshoi?

Has BDT fallen victim to theft?

But while Oganesyan is “languishing” in a pre-trial detention center, “TDM”, apparently, has not stopped its activities. The question “how much longer is it possible?!” people from the construction and reconstruction sector are simply tired of asking questions. But really, how much? Yes, the contract between BDT and TDM was concluded even before the story with Zenit Arena, but looking at what was unfolding around this company, which, moreover, would soon become bankrupt, it was impossible to terminate the contract or at least check the quality the work they perform as they carry it out?!

But people of art, apparently, don’t learn anything from past history. Or maybe the Northwestern Directorate had its own motive: after all, already during the arrest of Oganesyan in November 2016, investigators established that the final beneficiary of TDM was also a person not far from art...

Ineffective justice?

The fact is that Grigory Popov, director of the Alexandrinsky Theater, is directly related to TDM! In 2016, he directly stated his attitude towards this “sawing” company:

“I have had nothing to do with it [TDM] for three years now, from the moment I took up the position of director of the Alexandrinsky Theater. But when you need, as they say, “to shake your name,” I help my colleagues,” he asserted in an interview.

By the way, at the same time, in July 2016, he announced that he still acts as a guarantor for some TDM transactions. How the owner of a company can act as a guarantor is, of course, another question. But he, for example, had to pay for the failure of the contract for the reconstruction of the Neftyanik cultural center for Surgutneftegaz: the penalty was 800 thousand euros, or, at the exchange rate of that time, about 56 million rubles!

Where did Popov, the modest theater director, get that kind of money? After all, were you going to invest the “loot from honest labor”?

Why did Oganesyan admit guilt?

The former vice-governor of St. Petersburg was changed by stoicism. He made a deal with the investigation and admitted the theft of 50 million rubles during the construction of the stadium in the hope of clearing himself of suspicions of bribery.

Before the first criminal case of theft during the construction of a stadium on Krestovsky Island was brought to court, Marat Oganesyan unexpectedly agreed to cooperate with the Investigative Committee and testified against himself. The former vice-governor, who has been in custody for a year, clearly does not want to go to the “second round”. As a trump card, the investigation is keeping the criminal case of bribery open; at any moment it can bring charges against Oganesyan and go to court with a new petition for arrest.

Former vice-governor of St. Petersburg Oganesyan admitted to embezzling more than 50 million rubles during the construction of a stadium on Krestovsky

The former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Marat Oganesyan, made a deal with the investigation and admitted to the theft of more than 50 million rubles during the construction of the St. Petersburg stadium. This was reported by the joint press service of the courts of St. Petersburg and the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg.

From the press service of the city court it follows that Oganesyan’s case was separated from the main case of theft of money for the supply of a video board for the stadium.

A year in pre-trial detention led to a deal

Former vice-governor of St. Petersburg pleaded guilty to fraud

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg has completed investigative actions in the sensational criminal case of former Vice-Governor Marat Oganesyan, accused of fraudulent theft of tens of millions of rubles, which were allocated from the budget for the construction of the stadium. The ex-official, after spending a year in a pre-trial detention center, admitted his guilt and entered into a cooperation agreement with the investigation.

Director of the Alexandrinsky Theater Grigory Popov left his position. Interlocutors at the institution reported this to Business Petersburg; the information was confirmed by the head of the theater’s press service, Elena Gerusova.

As the press service said, Popov wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will on April 24. Popov's place will be taken by Rinat Dosmukhamedov, Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. He was presented to the troupe and theater staff on April 25, but the order from the Ministry of Culture has not yet been received by the institution’s personnel service. According to DP's interlocutors at the theater, Dosmukhamedov had no connections with Alexandrinka before this.

Dosmukhamedov graduated from MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry with a degree in International Journalism. From 1992 to 1996 he worked as head of the department for public relations and press at MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry, and graduated from MGIMO graduate school. Since 1998, he began working in the tax authorities: he held the positions of deputy head, head of the Public Relations and Media Relations Department of the State Tax Service of Russia. From 1999 to October 2001, he held the position of deputy head of the Moscow Department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia, and from December 2001, head of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia. In 2002, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. In March, he became the new chairman of the board of directors of the Asia-Pacific Bank.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, in an interview with RBC in 2015, called Dosmukhamedov his long-time business partner.

“Renat Dosmukhamedov, with whom we started in the 1990s, rose to the rank of Deputy Minister of Taxes, and until this year was the trade representative of the Russian Federation in the United States,” said the head of the Ministry of Culture.

According to Business Petersburg, the reason for Popov’s dismissal was the interest in his activities on the part of law enforcement agencies. As the Kommersant newspaper wrote in December 2017, with reference to the St. Petersburg prosecutor, an inspection of possible corruption in Popov’s work is being carried out by the economic security department of the St. Petersburg department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition, in March 2017, Popov and the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg were charged with embezzling more than 50 million rubles during the construction of the St. Petersburg stadium. The press service of the St. Petersburg department of the Investigative Committee reported that Oganesyan, being the curator of the construction of the arena, hired a company (TDM) as a subcontractor and transferred 50 million rubles to it for the supply of two video boards, knowing in advance that the money would be stolen. The Investigative Committee’s statement said that Popov “exercised real leadership” of TDM. Popov himself then stated that he did not work for the company, but acted as a consultant to colleagues working at TDM. He emphasized that after his appointment to the post of director of Alexandrinka, he ceased to have anything to do with TDM “for reasons of correct conduct of business.” He explained the fact that from 2013 to 2015 TDM received several orders from the theater totaling more than 150 million rubles by the fact that he considers the company the best on the market, and by the fact that other large theaters in Russia worked with it.

The TDM company is also involved in a case of theft during the construction of a new stage of the Maly Drama Theater. In August 2017, after searches, it became known that a criminal case had been initiated related to the contract that the department had concluded with TDM. According to its terms, the contractor had to design a new stage for the Academic Small Drama Theater (Theater of Europe) at 7 Zvenigorodskaya Street, for which he received 250 million rubles. As a result, the construction was never completed. The Ministry of Culture tried to recover 45 million rubles of unpaid advance payment through the court, but the claim remained without consideration, and bankruptcy proceedings were launched against the contractor. In February 2018, Maxim Korneev, the beneficiary of Stroysoyuz SV LLC, who acted as a subcontractor of the work, was detained in connection with the case.

In the same February, Fontanka reported that TDM became a participant in a criminal case related to theft during the reconstruction of the buildings of the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after G.A. Tovstonogov. According to investigators, the Ministry of Culture entered into several government contracts with the company totaling 1.9 billion rubles; the contract provided for the reconstruction and restoration of the theater building and theater equipment, including high-tech equipment. However, during the execution of the work, “unidentified persons” provided the directorate with forged documents and false information about the volume of work performed, thus illegally receiving 1 million rubles.

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04/26/18 background

As Interestant reported, yesterday morning the new director, Rinat Dosmukhamedov, was introduced to the staff of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Medinsky, came to St. Petersburg especially for this occasion. Observers wondered what was the reason for such a rush: the now former director Grigory Popov barely wrote a letter of resignation “for personal reasons,” and troops from Moscow immediately landed in Alexandrinka, and the new director, Dosmukhamedov, sat in the leadership chair.

A possible explanation emerged very quickly, and it's quite a detective story.

Tonight, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation announced the introduction of a temporary administration at the Asia-Pacific Bank, which should take measures to increase the financial stability of the bank. This is not bankruptcy, ATB will continue to serve clients, but it is evidence of a critical situation in a financial institution.

Since the bank is one of the largest, systemically important for the regions of Siberia and the Far East, the reorganization is carried out according to the so-called soft option - a moratorium on creditor claims has not been introduced, deposits have not been frozen, but ATB will be managed by the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. This means that Asia-Pacific Bank's management and governing bodies are effectively removed from management.

Well, in addition to that, late yesterday evening the Tverskoy Court of Moscow issued a ruling on the absentee arrest of ATB co-owner Andrei Vdovin on charges of fraud on an especially large scale. We are talking about 13 million dollars. The banker who promptly fled to the West has been put on the international wanted list.

What is the connection with the new director of Alexandrinka? The fact is that Rinat Dosmukhamedov and Andrey Vdovin know each other well. And behind them there is not even one problem bank, but two.

From April 2016 to March 2017, Dosmukhamedov was the first vice president of M2M Private Bank. And Vdovin headed the board of directors of this bank. They managed “successfully” - in December 2016, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the license of M2M Private Bank.

From March 2017 to February 2018, Dosmukhamedov was the chairman of the board of directors of the Asia-Pacific Bank, and in this post he replaced Vdovin. Until now, judging by the information posted on the ATB website, Rinat Mingalievich is a member of the bank’s board of directors.

So, the banker, who had not very successfully registered with two large financial institutions - M2M Private Bank and the Asian-Pacific Bank, less than a day before the reorganization of the second of them - ATB, receives a new saving position - the position of director of the Alexandrinsky Theater. Moreover, the appointment occurs literally a few hours before his partner in banking is put on the international wanted list.

It is interesting that Dosmukhamedov has never previously had anything to do with the sphere of culture, but he has friendly and partnership relations with the Minister of Culture Medinsky (). They met while studying at MGIMO, and, according to rumors, it was Dosmukhamedov that Medinsky owed his career start in the civil service in the late 90s.

Overall, we are, of course, very happy for Rinat Mingalievich. Not every person is so lucky in life - to pack up their things a few hours before a fire and calmly move to another building. You just need to tell the guys from the Asia-Pacific Bank to remove the sign with the name “Dosmukhamedov” from the official website, otherwise there is no conspiracy.

Well, I’m still a little worried about Alexandrinka. What if Elvira Sakhipzadovna, out of old memory, decides to announce some kind of reorganization there? But this is not a bank. This is a theatre.


Internet magazine "Interestant"