Negro comedy actor name. The most famous black actors

I often read irritated remarks in my friend feed about the presence of blacks in films. It’s like they don’t know how to play and put them in the cast just because of political correctness. Yes, yes, I don’t argue, there are excesses with political correctness, but this is America, gentlemen. Free country. A country whose film products form your main cultural diet. This movie has its own rules. And you can spit as much as you like, but you will continue to watch this movie, because it is the best in the world.

And yes, there will always be blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians, Indians. Humble yourself already, my pale-skinned brothers and sisters, and direct your wrath elsewhere.

So, regarding the lack of acting talent among blacks, it’s all bullshit, just know that. It just so happens that there are much fewer black actors than white ones. And the percentage of mediocrity and talent, I think, is the same everywhere. So, my top blacks. And don't tell me these are bad actors.

10. Jamie Foxx. I remember this guy from Collateral, Marines, and Law Abiding Citizen. He also won an Oscar for Ray and is set to star in a Western directed by Quentin Tarantino. In general, everything is going as it should for him.

9. Chiwetel Ejiofor. I won’t even try to translate this name into Russian. This dude plays supporting roles, but he does it masterfully. He made a great villain in Mission Serenity and memorable characters in 2012 and Salt.

8. Laurence Fishburne. With just the role of Morpheus in The Matrix, he erected a monument to himself that was not made by hands. That's why we love it.

7. Bernie Mac. Anyone who has watched “Bad Santa” at least once will forever remember this virtuoso. He's great.

6. Denzel Washington. Until recently, when he was enslaved by Tony Scott, Denzel was the most successful black actor in Hollywood. And he is certainly talented and can play a wide range of roles. But he does it best with stern tough guys, marked by intelligence.

5. Will Smith. That's who Denzel handed the palm to. And Smith deserves it. From a brat in black, he has grown into a serious actor who can confidently play both a dramatic role and an action hero.

4. Eternal grandfather Morgan Freeman. Charming, charismatic, soft, stern, tragic. He's different. And it's always Morgan Freeman. Without it, as without a sign of quality, it is impossible to imagine modern Hollywood.

3. The magnificent Forest Whitaker. I can't remember any bad roles from him. He gives himself entirely to each role, and this is what makes him memorable.

2. Samuel L. Jackson. He gained popularity in an instant and has not lost it since. His characters are charming, energetic and expressive. Bulging eyes, an infernal snow-white smile and a devilish laugh - this is the image beloved by millions.

1. Idris Elba. Until recently, I didn’t even know about its existence. But admiring reviews for the British TV series “Luther” began to appear everywhere, and then I watched a teaser for the second season in which a guy with eyes full of bottomless sadness and pain, in a fit of rage, smashes his office to smithereens. And I realized that it was 100% mine. Needless to say, after watching the series, the question of the favorite of this top disappeared by itself.



Bro, we present to you our most (in)politically correct top. List of the coolest PEs (black guys). In order to evaluate the best of the best and the blackest of the blackest, the authors had to put on a black skin: buy herbs, listen to rap and steal a car from a white neighbor. Fuck yeah!


Perhaps very soon the times of total, senile political correctness will come, and all whites will be prohibited from even hinting that blacks are not very white. The texts of Mark Twain, for example, are already edited - the word "Negro" from the "Adventures of Tom Soyer" is deleted, which means that we may not have another opportunity to recall the cool black guys! Therefore, let’s do this while the blacks are still black, and not some dark white.

To emphasize all the black energy and all the dark magnetism of the representatives of this top, we designed the article in a radical black and white style. Moreover, blacks will not lose anything from a lack of colors. Oh, that sounded somehow politically incorrect, sorry, we did it on purpose.

The article was written by blacks about blacks and for blacks. Whites are not guaranteed to fully understand the text. But just in case, white boy, keep these tips:

Bro- Brother
Brotherhood- bros
Bullet– a year in county jail
Chingasos– this is a fight, and not what you thought; whatever you think
Crew- team
Drug– drug
Gang- gang
Gat- weapon
Jail– zone; zone - prison; don't say no to prison
Loot- rob
Nigga- black
Playa– someone who has achieved great respect, a player in a big game.
Respect- respect
Sell- sell
Skilla- money
Steegmat- gay
Tecato- heroin addict
Wiggaz– white people who pretend to be nigga
White figurine- “Oscar”.

Take a close look at the faces below. These black guys weren't tough enough for the list of the coolest blacks in movie history.

That's it, forget these losers, bro. Let's get down to business.

In fact, Tony Cox did not make any significant contribution to the development of world cinema or at least strengthening the position of the black brotherhood - until a certain time, he, like the last black man, generally hid in the skin of an Ewok under George Lucas. But what would a politically correct top be without a dwarf?

The list was to be opened by Harold Perrineau, who truly deserved this right. He survived in Alaska with two whites (Hopkins and Baldwin), he survived in the real world on the ship of one black (Fishburne), he finally survived in the experimental prison "Oz" with everyone in a row, and pressed on pity by dissecting there in a wheelchair. But where is he with his chair against Tony Cox, who is shorter in a standing position than Perrineau in a sitting position. Moreover, Harold was a cripple only once, and Tony was a dwarf every day, without days off or lunch breaks. And he has such a surname that pleases the ears of any black guy!

Profile: Dwarf, just dwarf.
Career zenith: He crushed the arrogant chief of security at a shopping center. Black, by the way.
Respect for: Didn’t swear in front of children, didn’t fuck fat women.

First we wanted to choose the best of the Wayans brothers, i.e. Marlon, because he is funnier, but they remembered in time that the black lads do not abandon each other. You need to help out your brother, you need to drag him along with you - it doesn’t matter whether he’s going to a drinking party, to a gang, or to the top of the best black guys. Moreover, in South Central they created a stir together. And yet, if you choose the best, it is Marlon - lying unconscious in a drug stupor.

Alas, the glory of Wayans’ crew is already fading - there were too many white people in “Scary Movie” and the franchise was happily dead. We have to make do with stupid roles in second-rate blockbusters, such as “Throw of Cobra.” What else remains? Only sell drugs, loot women or work as a security guard for Eddie Murphy.

Profile: Smoking, being stupid, making people laugh.
Career zenith: Marlon almost became a successful dealer, but became too attached to his product.
Respect for: Sean is a couple of years older than his father!

Tragic stand-up comedian, friend of Charlie's Angels and Danny Ocean. True Tuff Dog, for three years he coolly hid from the public the disease that eventually killed him, and all this time he continued to earn skilla.

He lived to be fifty years old and fifty-five films, participated in every film in the trilogy about how famous Hollywood actors rob some beggars with a couple of their own casinos. Sam Witwicky pushed the Autobot Bumblebee. He played funny the same head of security at the shopping center, who was crushed by the dwarf a couple of positions earlier. RIP bro.

Profile: Joker.
Career zenith: Personal show named after himself.
Respect for: Strong-willed character.
Ma name is ma name: Fuck yeah, I didn’t change my native name.

The top would not be complete without the first African-American to receive a white statuette for Best Actor. It was in the shaggy year of 1963, and come on, blacks still remember about it and don’t let whites forget. Poitier walked towards Olympus gradually - first he gained fame as the best black actor of our time, then he equaled the fees of the worst white actors, and then - incredibly! – and completely went on par with the best. In addition to the American Film Academy Award, he received a BAFTA and was awarded the Silver Bear at the 3rd Berlin Film Festival. And all this during the time of the struggle of blacks for their rights! By the way, they finally achieved their goal - now in the States it is officially forbidden to call them blacks. So in the history books they will write that blacks fought and fought for their rights, and then all at once disappeared somewhere.

Profile: Intelligence and nobility.
Career zenith: He built a church (“Lilies of the Field”) free of charge, but not without consequences.
White figurine: Pioneer!
Rap (crossed out) Jazz: Reads (crossed out) Plays.
Respect for: He was not a member of any gang, but he is still a role model for every Afro... well, you understand who.

Like many blacks, at first Martin could only make whites laugh - at school, nightclubs and bit parts in films. In 1993, he became the host of his own television show, Martin, which instantly became the best in the United States. It’s trivial, but true: after this success, Lawrence went into all the typically dark serious ways - he took up drugs, made unsuccessful jokes on live television, loudly divorced his wife, was accused of sexual harassment, attacked a nightclub visitor, swore dirty, waved a gun in the street and he even tried to carry a weapon onto the plane, in general, he did everything possible to create a heroic halo around his figure. The authorities got it and sentenced him to forced labor. The image of a black victim of racism was successfully completed, it was time to make money - and Lawrence fired off the hits “Bad Boys”, “The Diamond Cop” and “Big Momma’s House”. By the way, fun fact: in the trailer and on the poster for Bad Boys 1-2, Martin's name came before Will Smith. Eh, nostalgia.

Profile: Make people laugh, swear, sometimes fight.
Career zenith: He received $16.5 million for “Black Knight.” And the point is not that this is a large amount (the actor later received 20), but that Chris Tucker was initially considered for this role, but he was turned away because he asked too much - $15 million. These whites never learned to count!
Respect for: American censorship, which did not allow the word “ass” to be used more than once on air, made an exception for the show “Martin,” which Lawrence took advantage of, not without pleasure. Assssss!

Named after his father, who in turn was named after the island of Cuba, Gooding is used to playing sickeningly good guys, but looks best in a military uniform (War Diver, Pearl Harbor, Red Tails).

In 1997, for some reason, People magazine included the actor among the 50 most beautiful people in the world. Now he is not as fresh as before, and the times of big roles have not yet come, so we can admit that Cuba has not become a superstar and will never become one, but he still brought the American dream to life.

Profile: The guy is on board.
The zenith of his career: He finally received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his years of service. And now his name is trampled on by the moccasins of some local whites.
White figurine: Yes, but only for a supporting role (“Jerry Maguire”).
Sport: Performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. True, not as a special guest star, like Paul McCarthy, but as a backup dancer for Lionel Richie.
Respect for: He doesn’t particularly stand out, but he works hard for the image of black brotherhood.

A charming actor with scars on his forehead left by a car accident back when Chivitel was 11 years old. Most people are familiar with Roland Emmerich (“2012”) as a conscientious scientist in the film about the destruction of humanity, as well as for his role as Keira Knightley’s non-negative husband in “Love Actually.” Of course, he starred in Spielberg’s Amistad, where at one time all the black actors who did not demand millions in fees were herded. In terms of texture, Ejofor is more suitable than anyone else for the role of Othello, whom, in fact, he played in a famous theatrical production. He knows how to feign surprise better than any of his colleagues. I tried myself as a director and screenwriter, but it’s been quiet on this front for five years now. However, we wish him success, and don't be a pussy.

Profile: Bug-eyed.
Career zenith: Of course, logic requires indicating a role in the beautiful blockbuster “2012”, but we know that, to be honest, today the zenith of Chivitel’s career is the mini-series “Border of the Shadow”.
Jail: Shit no!
Respect for: He didn't let Sheriff Rick pick up Keira Knightley, and he had to switch to Sarah Callis.

One of Ocean's friends, the first black sleeper in the film industry since Lance Reddick and a person deeply involved in poker. For reasons of the latter, he needs skills and knows a lot about them, which is why in the film industry he scores not only as an actor, but also as a producer. However, he is not an economist by education: bro graduated from the Institute of Arts.

In acting extremes, he is mimically capable of being both the most revealingly tragic black man in the world, and one of the most fun. Winner of the Golden Globe, but could also take the award for the owner of the most gigantic nostrils, if the Actors Guild had come up with one.

Profile: A bad gambler.
Career zenith: Chingasos with Iron Man.
Playa: Fuck yeah, poker player, producer, actor; bro only plays big games.
Respect for: The best unspectacular explosion in Hollywood history, which happened in Ocean's 11.

As it turns out, Tucker and Rock are completely different people, but damned! – for whites, all blacks look the same, but here they also have the same name, and both did not disdain stand-up humor. The guys will have to make room and stand on the same step of the pedestal. Moreover, individually they would be much lower.

That Chris, who is Tucker, has almost nothing to be proud of - he pulled off the Rush Hour trilogy with Jackie Chan and infuriated Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element - that’s all that’s important. That Chris, who is Rock, is doing a little better, his filmography is wider (more than 4 times), and in general, he was at least entrusted with voicing a zebra (“Madagascar 1-3”), and this is almost the same achievement as Eddie the donkey Murphy in the Shrek tetralogy.

Profile: Make jokes in any position.
Career zenith: In 2004, The Rock was named the fifth Greatest Stand-up Comedy Performer by Comedy Central.
White figurine: Shit no! But Rock hosted the 77th awards ceremony.
Respect for: The semi-biographical series “Everybody Hates Chris” was filmed about Rock’s childhood, which lasted 4 seasons.

Igor Talalaev, Anton Minasov

Black actresses attract the attention of men. Their photos are popular on the Internet, and directors pay attention to them, inviting bright beauties to play roles. The list of the most beautiful black actresses is in the material.

Photo "

The American film actress joins all the top African-American actresses. Fans love the artist not only for playing the main roles in films about, as well as “,” Cloud Atlas” and “Their Eyes Were Seeing God,” but also for the beauty that Berry is happy to share with her subscribers."

Hollywood actress Gabrielle Union looks great even at 45 years old and regularly pleases fans with new photos on social networks. Union has a slim and athletic figure. It was thanks to this that, when the actress was young, she worked part-time as a model.


Famous actress, singer, model and dancer. Her most striking role is Bonnie Bennett in the TV series “”. In 2018, a number of projects with Graham’s participation are being prepared for premiere, including the post-apocalyptic series How It Ends from Netflix.

More than 4.5 million people have subscribed to her photo blog, and they regularly write compliments to her in the comments.


The famous American actress Keke Palmer, who prefers to star in comedy films, also joins the list of African-American beauties. Her acting career began with small episodes, but thanks to her talent and bright appearance, directors began to notice the young Palmer and call her for larger roles."

She became popular thanks to her roles in the films “Crash”, “The Pursuit of Happyness” and “Mission: Impossible 2”. Men pay attention to her thanks to her chiseled figure and attractive appearance. She has English ancestry on her father's side and African American ancestry on her mother's side.

Actress of British-Nigerian origin Ashley Madekwe became famous after her roles in the TV series “Revenge” and “The Secret Diary of a Call Girl.” Madekwe is attractive and has an amazing sense of style. Fans admire her sophisticated and feminine images in the photos that the celebrity publishes on social networks.

Gossip Bucket

Actress Pam Grier became famous for her roles in exploitation films, as well as for her courage, which allowed Grier to appear on screen in explicit images. According to the results of a social survey, the star was recognized as one of the most charming actresses of the 20th century.

Pam Grier became the first black actress to grace the cover of MS. Magazine.

I often read irritated remarks in my friend feed about the presence of blacks in films. It’s like they don’t know how to play and put them in the cast just because of political correctness. Yes, yes, I don’t argue, there are excesses with political correctness, but this is America, gentlemen. Free country. A country whose film products form your main cultural diet. This movie has its own rules. And you can spit as much as you like, but you will continue to watch this movie, because it is the best in the world.

And yes, there will always be blacks, Latinos, Asians, Indians, Indians. Humble yourself already, my pale-skinned brothers and sisters, and direct your wrath elsewhere.

So, regarding the lack of acting talent among blacks, it’s all bullshit, just know that. It just so happens that there are much fewer black actors than white ones. And the percentage of mediocrity and talent, I think, is the same everywhere. So, my top blacks. And don't tell me these are bad actors.

10. Jamie Foxx. I remember this guy from Collateral, Marines, and Law Abiding Citizen. He also won an Oscar for Ray and is set to star in a Western directed by Quentin Tarantino. In general, everything is going as it should for him.

9. Chiwetel Ejiofor. I won’t even try to translate this name into Russian. This dude plays supporting roles, but he does it masterfully. He made a great villain in Mission Serenity and memorable characters in 2012 and Salt.

8. Laurence Fishburne. With just the role of Morpheus in The Matrix, he erected a monument to himself that was not made by hands. That's why we love it.

7. Bernie Mac. Anyone who has watched “Bad Santa” at least once will forever remember this virtuoso. He's great.

6. Denzel Washington. Until recently, when he was enslaved by Tony Scott, Denzel was the most successful black actor in Hollywood. And he is certainly talented and can play a wide range of roles. But he does it best with stern tough guys, marked by intelligence.

5. Will Smith. That's who Denzel handed the palm to. And Smith deserves it. From a brat in black, he has grown into a serious actor who can confidently play both a dramatic role and an action hero.

4. Eternal grandfather Morgan Freeman. Charming, charismatic, soft, stern, tragic. He's different. And it's always Morgan Freeman. Without it, as without a sign of quality, it is impossible to imagine modern Hollywood.

3. The magnificent Forest Whitaker. I can't remember any bad roles from him. He gives himself entirely to each role, and this is what makes him memorable.

2. Samuel L. Jackson. He gained popularity in an instant and has not lost it since. His characters are charming, energetic and expressive. Bulging eyes, an infernal snow-white smile and a devilish laugh - this is the image beloved by millions.

1. Idris Elba. Until recently, I didn’t even know about its existence. But admiring reviews for the British TV series “Luther” began to appear everywhere, and then I watched a teaser for the second season in which a guy with eyes full of bottomless sadness and pain, in a fit of rage, smashes his office to smithereens. And I realized that it was 100% mine. Needless to say, after watching the series, the question of the favorite of this top disappeared by itself.


Bro, we present to you our most (in)politically correct top. List of the coolest PEs (black guys). In order to evaluate the best of the best and the blackest of the blackest, the authors had to put on a black skin: buy herbs, listen to rap and steal a car from a white neighbor. Fuck yeah!


Perhaps very soon the times of total, senile political correctness will come, and all whites will be prohibited from even hinting that blacks are not very white. The texts of Mark Twain, for example, are already edited - the word "Negro" from the "Adventures of Tom Soyer" is deleted, which means that we may not have another opportunity to recall the cool black guys! Therefore, let’s do this while the blacks are still black, and not some dark white.

To emphasize all the black energy and all the dark magnetism of the representatives of this top, we designed the article in a radical black and white style. Moreover, blacks will not lose anything from a lack of colors. Oh, that sounded somehow politically incorrect, sorry, we did it on purpose.

The article was written by blacks about blacks and for blacks. Whites are not guaranteed to fully understand the text. But just in case, white boy, keep these tips:

Bro- Brother
Brotherhood- bros
Bullet– a year in county jail
Chingasos– this is a fight, and not what you thought; whatever you think
Crew- team
Drug– drug
Gang- gang
Gat- weapon
Jail– zone; zone - prison; don't say no to prison
Loot- rob
Nigga- black
Playa– someone who has achieved great respect, a player in a big game.
Respect- respect
Sell- sell
Skilla- money
Steegmat- gay
Tecato- heroin addict
Wiggaz– white people who pretend to be nigga
White figurine- “Oscar”.

Take a close look at the faces below. These black guys weren't tough enough for the list of the coolest blacks in movie history.

That's it, forget these losers, bro. Let's get down to business.

In fact, Tony Cox did not make any significant contribution to the development of world cinema or at least strengthening the position of the black brotherhood - until a certain time, he, like the last black man, generally hid in the skin of an Ewok under George Lucas. But what would a politically correct top be without a dwarf?

The list was to be opened by Harold Perrineau, who truly deserved this right. He survived in Alaska with two whites (Hopkins and Baldwin), he survived in the real world on the ship of one black (Fishburne), he finally survived in the experimental prison "Oz" with everyone in a row, and pressed on pity by dissecting there in a wheelchair. But where is he with his chair against Tony Cox, who is shorter in a standing position than Perrineau in a sitting position. Moreover, Harold was a cripple only once, and Tony was a dwarf every day, without days off or lunch breaks. And he has such a surname that pleases the ears of any black guy!

Profile: Dwarf, just dwarf.
Career zenith: He crushed the arrogant chief of security at a shopping center. Black, by the way.
Respect for: Didn’t swear in front of children, didn’t fuck fat women.

First we wanted to choose the best of the Wayans brothers, i.e. Marlon, because he is funnier, but they remembered in time that the black lads do not abandon each other. You need to help out your brother, you need to drag him along with you - it doesn’t matter whether he’s going to a drinking party, to a gang, or to the top of the best black guys. Moreover, in South Central they created a stir together. And yet, if you choose the best, it is Marlon - lying unconscious in a drug stupor.

Alas, the glory of Wayans’ crew is already fading - there were too many white people in “Scary Movie” and the franchise was happily dead. We have to make do with stupid roles in second-rate blockbusters, such as “Throw of Cobra.” What else remains? Only sell drugs, loot women or work as a security guard for Eddie Murphy.

Profile: Smoking, being stupid, making people laugh.
Career zenith: Marlon almost became a successful dealer, but became too attached to his product.
Respect for: Sean is a couple of years older than his father!

Tragic stand-up comedian, friend of Charlie's Angels and Danny Ocean. True Tuff Dog, for three years he coolly hid from the public the disease that eventually killed him, and all this time he continued to earn skilla.

He lived to be fifty years old and fifty-five films, participated in every film in the trilogy about how famous Hollywood actors rob some beggars with a couple of their own casinos. Sam Witwicky pushed the Autobot Bumblebee. He played funny the same head of security at the shopping center, who was crushed by the dwarf a couple of positions earlier. RIP bro.

Profile: Joker.
Career zenith: Personal show named after himself.
Respect for: Strong-willed character.
Ma name is ma name: Fuck yeah, I didn’t change my native name.

The top would not be complete without the first African-American to receive a white statuette for Best Actor. It was in the shaggy year of 1963, and come on, blacks still remember about it and don’t let whites forget. Poitier walked towards Olympus gradually - first he gained fame as the best black actor of our time, then he equaled the fees of the worst white actors, and then - incredibly! – and completely went on par with the best. In addition to the American Film Academy Award, he received a BAFTA and was awarded the Silver Bear at the 3rd Berlin Film Festival. And all this during the time of the struggle of blacks for their rights! By the way, they finally achieved their goal - now in the States it is officially forbidden to call them blacks. So in the history books they will write that blacks fought and fought for their rights, and then all at once disappeared somewhere.

Profile: Intelligence and nobility.
Career zenith: He built a church (“Lilies of the Field”) free of charge, but not without consequences.
White figurine: Pioneer!
Rap (crossed out) Jazz: Reads (crossed out) Plays.
Respect for: He was not a member of any gang, but he is still a role model for every Afro... well, you understand who.

Like many blacks, at first Martin could only make whites laugh - at school, nightclubs and bit parts in films. In 1993, he became the host of his own television show, Martin, which instantly became the best in the United States. It’s trivial, but true: after this success, Lawrence went into all the typically dark serious ways - he took up drugs, made unsuccessful jokes on live television, loudly divorced his wife, was accused of sexual harassment, attacked a nightclub visitor, swore dirty, waved a gun in the street and he even tried to carry a weapon onto the plane, in general, he did everything possible to create a heroic halo around his figure. The authorities got it and sentenced him to forced labor. The image of a black victim of racism was successfully completed, it was time to make money - and Lawrence fired off the hits “Bad Boys”, “The Diamond Cop” and “Big Momma’s House”. By the way, fun fact: in the trailer and on the poster for Bad Boys 1-2, Martin's name came before Will Smith. Eh, nostalgia.

Profile: Make people laugh, swear, sometimes fight.
Career zenith: He received $16.5 million for “Black Knight.” And the point is not that this is a large amount (the actor later received 20), but that Chris Tucker was initially considered for this role, but he was turned away because he asked too much - $15 million. These whites never learned to count!
Respect for: American censorship, which did not allow the word “ass” to be used more than once on air, made an exception for the show “Martin,” which Lawrence took advantage of, not without pleasure. Assssss!

Named after his father, who in turn was named after the island of Cuba, Gooding is used to playing sickeningly good guys, but looks best in a military uniform (War Diver, Pearl Harbor, Red Tails).

In 1997, for some reason, People magazine included the actor among the 50 most beautiful people in the world. Now he is not as fresh as before, and the times of big roles have not yet come, so we can admit that Cuba has not become a superstar and will never become one, but he still brought the American dream to life.

Profile: The guy is on board.
The zenith of his career: He finally received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his years of service. And now his name is trampled on by the moccasins of some local whites.
White figurine: Yes, but only for a supporting role (“Jerry Maguire”).
Sport: Performed at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in Los Angeles. True, not as a special guest star, like Paul McCarthy, but as a backup dancer for Lionel Richie.
Respect for: He doesn’t particularly stand out, but he works hard for the image of black brotherhood.

A charming actor with scars on his forehead left by a car accident back when Chivitel was 11 years old. Most people are familiar with Roland Emmerich (“2012”) as a conscientious scientist in the film about the destruction of humanity, as well as for his role as Keira Knightley’s non-negative husband in “Love Actually.” Of course, he starred in Spielberg’s Amistad, where at one time all the black actors who did not demand millions in fees were herded. In terms of texture, Ejofor is more suitable than anyone else for the role of Othello, whom, in fact, he played in a famous theatrical production. He knows how to feign surprise better than any of his colleagues. I tried myself as a director and screenwriter, but it’s been quiet on this front for five years now. However, we wish him success, and don't be a pussy.

Profile: Bug-eyed.
Career zenith: Of course, logic requires indicating a role in the beautiful blockbuster “2012”, but we know that, to be honest, today the zenith of Chivitel’s career is the mini-series “Border of the Shadow”.
Jail: Shit no!
Respect for: He didn't let Sheriff Rick pick up Keira Knightley, and he had to switch to Sarah Callis.

One of Ocean's friends, the first black sleeper in the film industry since Lance Reddick and a person deeply involved in poker. For reasons of the latter, he needs skills and knows a lot about them, which is why in the film industry he scores not only as an actor, but also as a producer. However, he is not an economist by education: bro graduated from the Institute of Arts.

In acting extremes, he is mimically capable of being both the most revealingly tragic black man in the world, and one of the most fun. Winner of the Golden Globe, but could also take the award for the owner of the most gigantic nostrils, if the Actors Guild had come up with one.

Profile: A bad gambler.
Career zenith: Chingasos with Iron Man.
Playa: Fuck yeah, poker player, producer, actor; bro only plays big games.
Respect for: The best unspectacular explosion in Hollywood history, which happened in Ocean's 11.

As it turns out, Tucker and Rock are completely different people, but damned! – for whites, all blacks look the same, but here they also have the same name, and both did not disdain stand-up humor. The guys will have to make room and stand on the same step of the pedestal. Moreover, individually they would be much lower.

That Chris, who is Tucker, has almost nothing to be proud of - he pulled off the Rush Hour trilogy with Jackie Chan and infuriated Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element - that’s all that’s important. That Chris, who is Rock, is doing a little better, his filmography is wider (more than 4 times), and in general, he was at least entrusted with voicing a zebra (“Madagascar 1-3”), and this is almost the same achievement as Eddie the donkey Murphy in the Shrek tetralogy.

Profile: Make jokes in any position.
Career zenith: In 2004, The Rock was named the fifth Greatest Stand-up Comedy Performer by Comedy Central.
White figurine: Shit no! But Rock hosted the 77th awards ceremony.
Respect for: The semi-biographical series “Everybody Hates Chris” was filmed about Rock’s childhood, which lasted 4 seasons.

Igor Talalaev, Anton Minasov