Music in Our Life. Music in our lives


Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started singing as soon as language developed. Many ancient peoples, including the Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, and the people of India, used music in religious ceremonies. The first written music dates from about 2500 V.C.

Nowadays, music takes many forms around the world. There are two chief kinds of music: classical and popular. Classical music includes symphonies, operas, and ballets. Popular music includes country music, folk music, jazz, rock music, etc.

Music plays a major role in other arts. Opera combines singing orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing n. music to help the dancers. Film and TV dramas use music to help mood and emphasize the action.

Music plays an important part in all cultures and social activities. Nearly all peoples use music in their religious services to create a state of mystery and awesome, a feeling of distance from the daily world. Many. perform people music for their own satisfaction. Singing in a choir, playing a musical instrument in a band can be very enjoyable. Music provides people with a way to express their feelings.

MUSIC IN OUR LIFE Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started singing as soon as language developed. Many ancient peoples, including the Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, and the people of India, used music in religious ceremonies. The first written music dates from about 2500 V. From Nowadays, music takes many forms around the world. There are two chief kinds of music: classical and popular. Classical music includes symphonies, operas, and ballets. Popular music includes country music, folk music, jazz, rock music, etc. Music plays a major role in other arts. Opera combines singing orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dancing n. music to help the dancers. Film and TV dramas use music to help mood and emphasize the action. Music plays an important part in all cultures and social activities. Nearly all peoples use music in their religious services to create a state of mystery and awesome, a feeling of distance from the daily world. Many. perform people music for their own satisfaction. Singing in a choir, playing a musical instrument in a band can be very enjoyable. Music provides people with a way to express their feelings.

Define language Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu fi English French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Chewa Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Klingon Klingon (pIqaD) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Korean Creole (Haiti) Khmer Laotian Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malagasy Malay Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Mongolian German Nepali Dutch Norwegian Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuano Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hmong Croatian Chev a Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Source: Target:

Results (Russian) 1:

MUSIC IN OUR LIFE Music is one of the most ancient arts. People probably started singing as soon as they spoke. Many ancient peoples, including the Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians and people of India, used music in religious ceremonies. The first written music dates back to around 2500 B.C. Nowadays, music takes different forms in the world. There are two main types of music: classical and popular. Classical music includes symphonies, operas and ballets. Popular music includes country music, folk music, jazz music, rock music, etc. Music plays an important role in other arts. Opera combines singing orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other dance forms n. music to help the dancers. Film and television dramas use music to help mood and highlight action. Music plays an important role in all cultures and social activities. Almost all peoples in their religious services use music to create state secrets and awe, a sense of distance from the everyday world. Many. people perform music to satisfy them. Singing in a choir or playing an instrument in a group can be very enjoyable. Music gives people a way to express their feelings.

Results (Russian) 2:

MUSIC IN OUR LIFE Music is one of the oldest arts. People probably started singing as soon as language developed. Many ancient peoples, including the Egyptians, Chinese, Babylonians, and the people of India, used music in religious ceremonies. The first written music dates back to around 2500 B. Since the present time, music has taken many forms throughout the world. There are two main types of music: classical and popular. Classical music includes symphonies, operas, ballets, etc. Popular music includes country music, folk music, jazz, rock music, etc. Music plays an important role in other forms of art. Opera combines singing and orchestral music with drama. Ballet and other forms of dance use music to help dancers. Film and TV dramas use music to help mood and highlight the action. Music plays an important role in all cultures and social events. Almost all nations use music in their religious services to create a state of mystery and awe, a sense of distance from the everyday world. Many. people perform music for their own satisfaction. Singing in a choir or playing an instrument in a group can be very enjoyable. Music gives people a way to express their feelings.

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Results (Russian) 3:

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Music in my life

The word “music” itself has come from the name of nine ancient goddesses, the muses who were considered to inspire artists and scientists. The history of music counts hundreds of years.

Now it plays a significant role in modern youth’s life. Calm music helps us to relax and chill out after some activities. On the contrary, fast music is aimed at giving us additional energy, take away depression.

As to me I’ve always been fond of various styles of music. Actually I’m neither a fan of any group or singer, nor of any particular style. I listen to everything that sounds nice to me. Of course, there are some groups that I prefer, for example “Queen”. This group was popular in the late 70ths and 80ths until the death of its leader, Freddy Mercury. But still its amazing songs gain more and more admirers. Everybody has heard the famous “We are the champions” or “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Moreover, “Queen” is recognized to be one of the most popular British groups in the history of British pop and rock music. Freddy's death was a real shock for hundreds of millions of his fans.

Unfortunately up-to-date popular songs are often senseless. They are sung by people without strong voices. Today’s show- business depends much more on money than on one’s skills.

Classical music is a little bit difficult for me but I really adore some pieces of music, especially the opera. My parents and I sometimes go to the Bolshoi Theater and The Theater of Stanislavsky and Nemirovich- Danchenko, there we can listen to classic operas and modern performances. To my mind, every man of education should sometimes turn to this kind of music because it fosters sense of beauty. Some stage managers use classical arrangement in their movies: we can remember the famous intro of “Star wars” or “Lord of the rings”.

On the whole I think music is a wonderful invention of human’s mind though we shouldn’t carry to excess. Sometimes it’s useful just to listen to the silence.


Music in my life

The word “music” itself comes from the names of nine ancient goddesses; it was believed that the muses inspired creative individuals and scientists. There are hundreds of years of music history. Nowadays music plays an important role in the lives of young people. Calm music helps us relax and calm down after work. Fast music, on the contrary, gives us additional energy and relieves depression.

As for me, I have always loved different styles of music. In fact, I have never been a fan of a group, or a singer, or a particular style of music. I listen to everything I like. Of course, there are bands that I prefer to listen to, such as Queen. This group was popular in the late 70s and 80s, before the main lead singer of the group, Freddie Mercury, died. But until now, the magnificent music of this group conquers more and more fans. Everyone has heard the famous song “We are champions” or “Bohemian Rhapsody”. Moreover, the Queen group is recognized as one of the most popular British groups in the history of British pop and rock music. Freddie's death came as a real shock to hundreds of millions of fans.

Unfortunately, today's popular songs often don't make sense. They are sung by people who do not have a strong voice. Today, show business depends more on money than on talent.

Classical music is a little difficult for me, but I really adore some pieces of music, especially opera. Sometimes I go with my parents to the Bolshoi Theater, to the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Theater. There we can listen to classical operas or contemporary works. I believe that every educated person should listen to this kind of music, because it develops a sense of beauty. Some directors use classic works in their films: for example, the famous opening sequence in the film “Star Wars” or “The Lord of the Rings”.

Overall, I think music is a wonderful human invention, although we shouldn't get too carried away with it. Ingoda, it’s useful to just listen to silence.

Music in Our Life

I love music, I think people can't live without it. The first thing I do in the morning I switch on my tape - recorder.

We can hear music everywhere: in the streets, in the shops, on TV, over the radio, in the cars, in the parks, everywhere. I think it "s really doesn"t matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. A lot of people are fond of music. They buy tapes, go to the concerts, visit Concert Halls and Opera Theaters.

I enjoy listening music because it reflects my moods and emotions. Very often when I"m blue, I play my favorite merry songs and feel much better.

Sometimes I attend music halls and the concerts, when popular groups and singers are there. I like watching music programs on TV. I like to know more and more about popular talented groups and singers I like.

One wall of my room is covered with posters of "Bon Jovi", "Scorpions", "Roxette", Russian singers Agutin, Sjutkin, Linda and others. Some people go to music schools, they play different musical instruments, sing in the chorus, try to compose music.

Unfortunately there are so many ungifted singers at the stages, that it makes me sad. To have a good producer doesn't mean to have good ears and voice. I think that only talented people can claim to be singers.

Music in our lives

I love music and I think people can't live without it. The first thing I do in the morning is turn on the tape recorder.

We can hear music everywhere: on the streets, in shops, on TV and radio, in cars, parks - everywhere. I think it doesn't matter what kind of music you prefer: rock, pop, classical, jazz. Many people like music. They buy cassettes, go to concerts, visit philharmonic societies and opera houses.

I really like listening to music because it reflects my moods and emotions. Very often, when I'm sad, I turn on my favorite happy songs and feel much better.

Sometimes I visit concert halls when my favorite bands or performers perform there. I like to watch music programs on TV. I enjoy learning more and more about popular talented bands and artists that I like.

One wall in my room is covered with posters of Bon Jovi, Scorpions, Roxette. posters depicting Russian performers Agutin, Syutkin, Linda.

Some go to music schools. They play various musical instruments, sing in a choir, and try to compose music.

Unfortunately, there are so many untalented performers on our stage now that it saddens me. Having a good producer does not mean having a good ear or voice. It seems to me that only talented people have the right to be called singers.


1. Do you like music?
2. What kind of music do you like?
3. Are there many people fond of music?
4. Does music help you?
5. What are your favorite singers?
6. Did you go to the musical school?


to switch on - turn on
tape-recorder - tape recorder
to reflect - reflect
mood - mood
to attend - to attend
to cover - to cover
poster - poster
to compose - compose
ungifted - untalented
stage - stage

Music occupies a certain place in our lives. So let's take a look English topic on the topic music. To make the topic more interesting and lively, I prepared a text on the topic Music in my life with the translation.

The story turned out to be quite universal. In an English topic on the topic of music, you can replace my favorite styles of music with your own, and then it will reflect exactly your vision of music. What kind of music do you like?

Music in my life

Can you think of a day without music? We can hear music everywhere: in the streets and at home, over the radio and on TV, in the shops and in the parks. People all over the world are fond of music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

But what is music? Specialists explain that music isn’t only a combination of pleasant sounds.

There are a lot of different kinds of music. Some of them appeared long ago, and some are modern. For example, folk music appeared long ago, but it is still alive. There are many local performers, choirs and folk groups in Russia; but perhaps the most famous singer is Nadezhda Babkina. Folk songs are very tuneful and pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with the music of the past. However, this style also includes music being written now, and we may speak of modern classical music. Rap is a modern musical style where the singer speaks or shouts the words in time to music with a steady beat. Such artist as Eminem or group House of Pain are leaders in this style.

Tastes differ. So people’s musical interests range from pop and rock music, which are extremely popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera.

When I have free time I listen to different records. I also like having background music while I am working.

It’s a pity that many young people like to listen only to modern music. As for me, I also enjoy listening to classical music. Classical music is always a complex of emotions. It gives me delight, pleasure and a sense of happiness. Not long ago I listened to the Polonez — Goodbye to the nature land, composed by Oginsky. This music is sad, but I like sad music too.

The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and dreadful. Though some young people are fond of this style of music, it is not to everyone’s taste. To my mind, music too loud can destroy our ears. I am indifferent to other styles of music. For example, I don’t mind listening to jazz.

Each generation has its own tastes.

Music in my life (translation into Russian)

Could you imagine our days without music? We learn to listen to music everywhere: on the street and at home, on the radio and on television, in stores and in parks. People from all over the world are passionate about music. They listen to music, they dance to music, they learn to play musical instruments.

But what is music? Experts explain this in such a way that music is not just a set of pleasant sounds.

There are many types of music. Some of them were founded a long time ago, some are modern. For example, folk music was founded a long time ago, but it is still alive. So, in Russia there are a lot of choirs and folk groups. Perhaps they are not as famous as Nadezhda Babkina. Folk music is very pleasant to listen to. Classical music is often associated with music from the past. However, this style also includes music written in modern times, and thus we can talk about modern classical music. Rap is a modern musical style where singers speak words while playing music at a fast pace. Artists such as Eminem or the group House of Pain are leaders in this style.

Everyone's tastes are different. Thus, people's musical interests range from pop to rock music, which is very popular nowadays, especially among young people, to classical music and opera.

My favorite style of music is pop music because it is full of energy and inspiration. When I listen to pop music, I remember happy moments and I forget everyday troubles. It helps me relax when I'm tired and excites me when I want to have fun. My favorite band is the Beatles. Although the group still does not exist, they are still popular among the people.

When I have free time, I listen. When I'm working, I also like to listen to background music.

In general, it’s a pity when many young people only like to listen to modern music. As for me, I also listen to classical music. Classical music is always an interweaving of emotions. It gives me ease, pleasure and a feeling of happiness. Not long ago I listened to Oginsky's polonaise. This music is sad, and I love sad music.

The music I hate is heavy metal. I find it noisy and terrible. Although some young people love this style, yet it is not everyone's taste. As for me, this music is too loud and may hurt our ears. I'm cool with other styles. For example, I don't listen to jazz.

Each generation has its own taste.