Kukryniksy group members. Kukryniksy

"Kukryniksy" Russian rock band. Its leader is Alexey Gorshenev (Yagoda), the younger brother of Mikhail Gorshenev (Gorshka) from the group King and Jester. The name of the group comes from the trio of Soviet cartoonists Kukryniksy: Kupriyanov, Krylov and Sokolov. The word was chosen by chance and was initially accepted as temporary, but the name stuck and was not changed.
The group's musical style, which generally fits into rock, has changed over time. On the first albums the band played punk rock, but on later albums they moved away from punk, showing some influence from gothic rock.

History of the group
The group's first concert took place at the Polygon club, now defunct, on May 28, 1997. It is from this date that the existence of the Kukryniksy team begins. The musicians claim that the name “Kukryniksy” first stuck with the group, and then it became the name of the group. At the first concert, people from the Manchester Files record company approached the musicians. A little more than a year later, the debut album of the same name “Kukryniksy” was released on this label. The album included 12 compositions, two of which brought the group popularity throughout Russia - “It’s not a problem,” soon re-recorded and re-released on the group’s second album, and “Soldier’s Sadness.” Alexey Gorshenyov, Alexander Leontyev, Dmitry Gusev and Maxim Voitov took part in the recording of the album.

In 2000, the group took part in the tribute to Kino “Kinoproby”, recording two songs by the Kino group: “Summer will end soon” and a little later “Sadness”.

The most significant event in the history of the group was the performance at “Invasion 2001” in Ramenskoye. For the beginning group this was a serious breakthrough. After that, the group did not miss a single “Invasion”.

In the spring of 2002, the long-awaited second album, Painted Soul, was born. This album is significant because it is based on guitar music. It was after its release that the press was full of headlines “Another group that believed in guitar music” and “Guitar rock of the Kukryniks.” The group recorded this album with a different line-up than the previous one. Alexander Leontiev and Maxim Voitov are involved there only in bonus tracks, recorded at an earlier date in contrast to the main material. Dmitry Oganyan, Viktor Bastrakov, who soon left the group, and Ilya Levakov (who will also soon leave the group) joined the group. The group shot a video for one of the songs on the album, namely the song “Painted Soul,” which became the second video in the group’s history (the first video was “It’s not a problem”). Both clips were actively rotated on Russian television. 2003 can be described as the year the album “Clash” was recorded
An instrumental (“Time”) appears in “Clash,” and this is new for the group, having not previously been heard in albums or on stage. It was from the recording of this album that the group became a truly “musical family.” The composition of the group does not change until 2008: Alexey Gorshenev (vocals, lyrics, rhythm guitar), Dmitry Gusev (guitar, music), Dmitry Oganyan (bass guitar, backing vocals), Roman Nikolaev (drums), Stas Mayorov (sound , programming). On May 15, 2004, a presentation of the album “Clash” took place at the St. Petersburg club “Old House”. This very action was filmed on numerous video cameras that were located in the club premises. In the fall of the same year, the DVD “Clash Live” was released with this concert and 3 clips of the group, and a clip of “Pops” from the Rock Group project.

A video clip was shot for the song “Know” from the album “Clash”. The group filmed the video in the Leningrad region. The clip did not gain wide popularity on Russian television.

Summer-autumn musicians were busy recording the album “Favorite of the Sun”. This album was released in November 2004. During this time, the group changed the record company from CD-Land to NIKITIN. The album was released on November 25, 2004, and included 11 songs. The album again features an instrumental, as well as a song based on poetry by Sergei Yesenin. The recording was carried out at the DDT studio. By the way, in the studio, musicians record only the voice and bass; everything else is recorded at home. Dmitry Gusev considers this a good tradition.

At the end of November, the group took part in the filming of the New Year’s program “Blue Light 2”, where they performed Muslim Magomaev’s famous song “Wedding” in a duet with the famous singer Alena Apina.
On September 31, 2005, Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “9th Company” was released on Russian television channels. Long before the start of filming, the director of the film invited Alexey Gorshenev to write a song for the film, to which Alexey responded and in the shortest possible time (literally within a day) the song “9th Company” was ready. The song successfully entered the rotation of “Our Radio” and instantly became popular. Fyodor Bondarchuk said that the song would be suitable for the film's credits. But the concept and idea of ​​the film were constantly revised and changed, and in the end the band’s song did not ideologically fit the spirit of the film. But Bondarchuk did not remain in debt and provided the group with materials from the film for editing the group’s video clip for the new song “Star”. The video was successfully rotated and is currently being rotated on music TV channels. By the way, it even took first place in the SMS chart on MTV. Summer-autumn musicians were busy recording their new, fifth album “Shaman”. The group began playing and performing new songs from it: “Star”, “Motherland Photography”, “Falling Star”, “Illusions” back in April of this year.

The musicians were also busy recording their new, fifth album, “Shaman”. The album was released, with some delay, only in April 2006. It included 12 compositions. Also on the album appeared the composition “Phoenix”, entirely written and performed by Dmitry Ohanyan.

At the beginning of 2007, the website of the official fan club was transformed into the official website of the group www.kukry.ru.

In December 2007, the group’s new album “XXX” was released.

The year 2008 for the group began with the fact that after creative differences, sound engineer Stanislav Mayorov left it.

The first concert-presentation of the new album “XXX” took place at the Moscow SDK MAI on February 15, 2008.

The Kukryniksy group is a vivid example of how a hobby into which they poured their souls turned into a large-scale musical project loved by millions of fans. And this is not surprising, because in the melodies of “Kukryniksy” both fans of punk rock, and fans of classic rock tunes, and those who like folk music find something of their own. Along with such teams as, and other groups, “Kukryniksy” took pride of place in the lists of favorite rock bands of fans of the genre.

History of creation

The Kukryniksy group was initially an amateur group of musicians who periodically performed compositions of their own compositions, occasionally performed in local cultural centers and did not take what was happening seriously at all. The name of the group was born in the same way - as a joke, not seriously.

The musicians borrowed the word “kukryniksy” from another creative team - a trio of cartoonists Mikhail Kupriyanov, Porfiry Krylov and Nikolai Sokolov, who worked under this funny pseudonym.

The name, which seemed temporary, remained with the group for two decades. Music-making itself, which was perceived by the participants as a hobby, seemed just as temporary. But in 1997, after another “frivolous” performance, representatives of the recording company “Manchester Files” drew attention to the group.

This day - May 28 - is considered to be the birthday of the Kukryniksy group. And if until this moment the musicians most often performed as an opening act for the team “King and the Clown” (the leader of which was brother -), now a completely new page of independent creativity has opened in the biography of the group “Kukryniksy”.


Over the years of the group's existence, the composition of the musicians has changed several times, people left, new ones came to replace them, but the leader and soloist, as well as the author of most of the songs, Alexey Gorshenev, went with the group all the way to the end.

Alexey is from Birobidzhan (born October 3, 1975). Since childhood, like his older brother Mikhail, he was fond of music. In many interviews, the artist admitted that he was always literally obsessed with the desire to write music - this way of expressing feelings and thoughts seemed to Gorshenev the most obvious. Fate decreed that both brothers found their place in creativity and on stage.

Together with Alexey, musicians Maxim Voitov, Alexander Leontyev (guitar and backing vocals), as well as Dmitry Gusev stood at the origins of the group. The band's debut album was also recorded with the same line-up.

Later, Ilya Levakov, Viktor Batrakov and other musicians joined the group. The sound of Kukryniksy’s compositions became more and more multifaceted and professional, and even seasoned rockers began to take the team seriously.

The current composition of the Kukryniksy group, which became the last, is the permanent Alexey Gorshenev, as well as guitarist Igor Voronov, drummer Mikhail Fomin and Dmitry Oganyan (backing vocalist and bass guitarist).


In 1998, the group recorded their debut album, called “Kukryniksy”. The album was received favorably by both rock music fans and picky music reviewers. The most popular compositions that are still relevant today are “No Problem” and “Soldier’s Sadness.” The musicians began to tour with this album, so soon all music lovers in the country learned about the new band.

Song of the group “Kukryniksy” “No problem”

Two years later, the already popular group was invited to participate in the “FILM Test” project, dedicated to the memory of the leader of the group. Alexey Gorshenev and his comrades performed the songs “Summer Will End Soon” and “Sadness,” giving these compositions a special flavor that became the hallmark of “Kukryniksy.”

At the same time, the musicians managed to preserve the original mood of each track, put into it by the author. In 2002, the second album of “Kukryniksy” was released, called “Painted Soul”. The title song from this record received almost the same name - “According to the Painted Soul.”

Song of the group “Kukryniksy” “Black Bride”

Immediately after the release, the team began writing compositions for the next album - “Clash”, which was released in 2004 and is remembered for the songs “Black Bride”, “Silver September”, “Movement”. In the same year, the team released another record called “Favorite of the Sun.”

The following year was marked for “Kukryniksy” with the recording of the composition “Star”, which was originally intended for the director’s film “9th Company” (with,). Unfortunately, the track was never included in the film and was later released as part of the album “Shaman”, and the footage became a video for this composition.

Song of the group "Kukryniksy" "Star"

In 2007, the team pleased fans with another album “XXX”, which was remembered for the songs “Nobody”, “My New World”, “Fall”. And three years later, the team took part in the compilation of the collection “Salt” - Our Musical Traditions,” which also included songs by groups and teams.

In parallel with work in the studio, the Kukryniksy group constantly toured, performed solo concerts, and also did not miss high-profile music festivals and national events.

Song of the group "Kukryniksy" "Yesenin"

The group's fans grew more and more, and it was rare that a performance took place without a full auditorium. Alexey Gorshenev also worked on a solo project dedicated to memory and creativity.

It seemed that the triumphant march of “Kukryniksy” through concert halls and stadiums would not end, and new records would be released one after another. But in 2017, Alexey Gorshenev shocked fans with the announcement that the Kukryniksy team was ceasing to exist.

"Kukryniksy" now

Now the Kukryniksy group is giving its last tour, in which the musicians tried to include as many cities as possible in order to say goodbye to their fans. 20 years have passed since the founding of the team, and 2018 became an anniversary for Alexey Gorshenev and the team.

On Instagram and other social networks, as well as on music forums, all sorts of rumors and speculation began to spread about the breakup of the group, but Alexey Gorshenev suppressed these speculations with an announcement on the official website of the group. According to the musician, this is not the end, but a step forward.

Immediately after the end of the tour, Alexey intends to start working on a solo project. Details have not yet been disclosed, but it is already known that Gorshenev intends to change the style of compositions and the very concept of performances. In addition, according to rumors, the musician is preparing a surprise for fans.

Song of the group “Kukryniksy” “The Last Song”

The last performance of “Kukryniksy” is scheduled for August 3, 2018 at the “Invasion” rock festival. It is noteworthy that this year the festival itself also turns 20 years old. In addition to “Kukryniksy”, the groups “KnyaZz”, “Night Snipers” and other rock stars will appear on stage in Bolshoye Zavidovo (Tver region).

Those who don’t get to attend any of the last concerts of their favorite team can get acquainted with the “Last Song” of the group, which has already gained popularity on the Internet.


  • 1999 - “Kukryniksy”
  • 2002 - “Painted Soul”
  • 2004 - “Clash”
  • 2004 - “Favorite of the Sun”
  • 2006 - “Shaman”
  • 2007 - “XXX”
  • 2010 - “Riders of Light”
  • 2012 - “Myself”
  • 2016 - “Artist”


  • 1998 - “No problem”
  • 2002 - “According to the Painted Soul”
  • 2004 - “Know”
  • 2005 - “Star”
  • 2006 - “Witchcraft”
  • 2008 - “Black Bride”
  • 2009 - “Cage”
  • 2011 - “Shadows in the theater”
  • 2013 - “Darling”
  • 2015 - “Hope”

This article is about artists. About the group, see Kukryniksy (group) “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!”, Kukryniksy’s first military poster, 1941 (Hitler tore up the Non-Aggression Pact between Germany and the Soviet Union) Kukryniksy creative... ... Wikipedia

Kukryniksy: Kukryniksy is a creative team of Soviet graphic artists and painters. Kukryniksy is a Russian rock band. Kukryniksy is the first album of the band of the same name... Wikipedia

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This article is about a rock band. For artists, see Kukryniksy. Kukryniksy Years From 1997 to present Country ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Kukryniksy (meanings). Kukryniksy ... Wikipedia

This article is about a rock band. There is also an article about the month of December. December December Years 1999 ... Wikipedia

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  • Stories and novellas. 1892-1903, Chekhov Anton Pavlovich. Chekhov's stories and stories, written and published from 1892 to 1903, are not at all similar to the early work of Antosha Chekhonte. In 1890, Chekhov went to hard labor in Sakhalin. All…

The group's musical style, which generally fits within the framework of rock, has changed over time. The band played punk rock in their first albums, but later moved away from this, showing some post-punk influences.

The group's first performance took place at the Polygon club on May 28, 1997. About a year later, Manchester Files released their debut album, “Kukryniksy,” with 12 compositions. Alexey Gorshenyov, Alexander Leontyev, Dmitry Gusev and Maxim Voitov took part in the recording of the album. The most popular songs from this album were “No Problem” and “Soldier’s Sadness.”

In 2000, the group participated in a tribute to Kino’s group “KINOproby” and recorded the songs “Summer Will End Soon” and “Sadness”. In 2001, the group performed at the “Invasion” in Ramenskoye and since then has participated in the festival every year (except 2009 and 2010).

In the spring of 2002, the group released the album “Painted Soul”, which is based on guitar music. The composition of the group has changed: in addition to the founder of the group and Dmitry Gusev, Alexander Leontiev (bonus track), Maxim Voitov (bonus track), Dmitry Oganyan, Viktor Bastrakov, Ilya Levakov took part in the recording of the album.

The album “Clash” was recorded in 2003 and was released in the spring of 2004. The instrumental composition “Time” appears in “Clash”. From the recording of this album, the composition of the group did not change until 2008: Alexey Gorshenev (vocals, lyrics, rhythm guitar), Dmitry Gusev (guitar, music), Dmitry Oganyan (bass guitar, backing vocals), Roman Nikolaev (drums), Stas Mayorov (sound, programming).

In the summer of 2004, work began on the album “Favorite of the Sun,” which was partially recorded in the DDT studio. The group changes the record company from CD Land to Nikitin. The album was released on November 25, 2004 with 11 songs. The album contains an instrumental, as well as a song based on poetry by Sergei Yesenin.

At the end of November 2004, the group took part in the filming of the New Year’s program “Unblue Light - 2” with Muslim Magomaev’s song “Wedding” (together with the famous singer Alena Apina).

The group participated in the creation of a song for Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “9th Company,” but the song was not included in the film. Based on materials from the filming of the film, the group created a video clip for the song “Star” (2005).

The album “Shaman” was released in April 2006. It included 12 compositions, including the song “Phoenix”, entirely written and performed by Dmitry Ohanyan. Some songs on the album (“Star”, “Motherland - Photography”, “Shooting Star”, “Illusions”) have been performed since April 2005.

In December 2007, the group’s new album, “XXX,” was released. The presentation concert took place at the Moscow SDK MAI on February 15, 2008.

At the beginning of 2008, sound engineer Stanislav Mayorov left the group.

In 2009, the drummer changed. Mikhail Fomin came instead of Roman Nikolaev.

In 2010, “Kukryniksy” took part in the recording of the collection “Salt” - our musical traditions.” On the first part of the collection “Kukryniksy” they recorded the song “Black Raven”. The same song was included in the new album “Riders of Light”.

On September 7, 2010, the presentation of the album “Riders of Light” took place.

On September 24, 2010, a joint project of the group “Kukryniksy” and the American singer Stephanie Starr called “K Republic” was released. The album “All Those Things I Left Behind” was released.

In 2010, another guitarist joined the group - Igor Voronov.

In 2011, Gorshenev’s solo work “Gorshenev-Yesenin” was released, which received positive reviews from the workers of the Sergei Yesenin Museum in the village of Konstantinovo.

On March 30, 2012, the album “Myself” was released. It became the second and final part of the “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” duology.

In 2013, the second part of Alexei Gorshenev’s solo work based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin, entitled “The Death of a Poet,” was released. Funds for recording the album were raised by the band's fans on the Planeta.ru portal. A digital version of the album for project shareholders was released on July 4, 2013.

In the same month, a video was released for the composition “Darling” from the first part of Alexey Gorshenev’s solo work.

“This composition, in my opinion, is the most catchy and the most, let’s say, “for everyone.” She is both romantic and tragic - she has it all. In the second part – “Death of a Poet” – there are compositions not for everyone. There are people who do not understand how close the tragedy is to us. This is how they live - fun, great, garlands, fireworks... Yesenin, however, always felt the ending, all the time he stood on the verge of death. And “Darling” is more “for everyone.” And about love, and about life in general.”

Then the musicians began to work for a while as “Gorshenev - Yesenin”. Their concert and theatrical program featured only songs based on poems by Sergei Yesenin. An actor who portrayed the poet worked together with the musicians. The “Life of a Poet” concerts became full-fledged performances with elements of theater, which were enthusiastically received by audiences in different cities of our country. During the tour, the musicians played exclusively in “seated” halls - philharmonic societies, etc.

“Kukryniksy” began 2014 with a big anniversary tour of Russian cities.

July 19 marks exactly one year since the death of the leader of the “King and the Jester” group, Mikhail Gorshenev, Alexei’s brother. Mikhail died suddenly on the night of July 18-19, 2013 in St. Petersburg from acute heart failure. At the Memorial Evening at the Yubileiny Sports Complex, KnyaZz, Northern Fleet, NAIV and other famous groups performed with the Kukryniksy. The funds raised on this significant evening went towards the production of a monument to Mikhail Gorshenev, which was later installed at the Bogoslovskoye Cemetery in St. Petersburg.

On July 20 and 21, two big concerts of the groups “KnyaZz” and “Kukryniksy”, whose lives and work are inextricably linked with Mikhail Gorshenev, took place at the Moscow club Ray Just Arena. The musicians presented an exclusive joint program “Pain”, dedicated to Mikhail. The memorial concerts will forever be remembered not only by fans of both legendary St. Petersburg teams, but also by all connoisseurs of the immortal creative heritage of the “King and the Jester”.

In September 2014, guitarist and one of the founders of the group, Dmitry Gusev, stopped touring, but he remained an active member of the group as a composer.

Today, the group actively continues to give solo concerts throughout the country and, at the end of 2014, presented a new single with the philosophical title “Ecclesiastes”! The premiere includes the composition “Hug”, which has already gained popularity, as well as several other new products, which will become the basis for a future concert program of the same name. The presentation took place on December 6 at the Moscow Glavklub, on December 18 in St. Petersburg at the A2 club.

The creative association of artists Kukryniksy, which became famous in the 30-40s of the 20th century for its satirical works, is today almost unknown to new generations. Artists played an important role in the culture and politics of the Soviet Union.

VKHUTEMAS - meeting point

The highest artistic and technical workshops, created in 1920 and known throughout the world as VKHUTEMAS, produced a large number of designers and artists who significantly influenced not only Soviet culture, but also left a mark on world art.

In particular, this is where the Kukryniksy artists began their journey, who came here in different ways and from different places, but with one goal - to learn how to create beauty. Mikhail Kupriyanov and Porfiry Krylov met in 1922 while working on issues of the VKHUTEMAS wall newspaper “Arapotdel”. They signed their works with the abbreviations Kukra and Krykup. They were later joined by student recruit Nikolai Sokolov, who had long signed his works as Knicks. This is how the famous student was born, united not only by a love of art, but also by a common worldview. Their element was laughter, they subtly noticed humorous features in the surrounding reality, and this became their starting point in cooperation.

Community of like-minded people

Kukryniksy artists are a unique phenomenon in world culture. Simultaneous work on works required a close connection and closeness of views from them. They were united by a creative platform - they sought to notice the funny and express it in drawings. V. Mayakovsky played a major role in the formation of the community; he embodied their thoughts and moods. His “Windows of Satire of Growth” became a real university for cartoonists. The poet also drew attention to the interesting group and invited them to design the production of “The Bedbug”; later they would create a series of sketches based on this work. In this work, the features of their artistic method crystallized; they drew courage, accuracy and topicality from Mayakovsky.

The biography of the group is associated with the creation of a unique phenomenon in the fine arts, it was called “positive satire.” The second person who played the most important role in the formation of the Kukryniksy was Gorky. He not only helped them find work, but also set them on the right ideological path. It was he who encouraged their interest in politics and helped them understand the party line. The main thing in their work was truly satirical works - mocking and caustic. For several decades, from the mid-20s to the end of the 90s, the artists were close friends, and this allowed them to create together.

Artistic method of Kukryniksy

Kukryniksy artists were able to create a unique method of working on the work. existed before them, but there were no such ones in which all creative individualities were erased in the name of the collective “I” of the artist. They worked in such a way that the potential of each creator was embodied to the greatest extent in the final product. As a result of close unity, a recognizable satirical style of the artists emerged, which was most fully realized in posters and caricatures, but is also discernible in paintings. They worked on the work in turns, the drawing went around in circles, each added their own touches to it, and a collective product was obtained.

The Kukryniksy always adhered to two principles: nationality and party affiliation. They understood art as service to the Motherland, and they carried the heroic mood of the era of the 20s throughout their entire creative life.

Milestones of the creative path

The Kukryniksys began working together as cartoonists in the famous wall newspaper "Arapotdel", which sharply ridiculed cosmopolitans and formalists, implementing the party line. Since 1924, they began to engage in illustrations for literary works. They illustrated young writers and even developed a genre called visual criticism. Maxim Gorky drew attention to unusual illustrators and advised them to draw themes for art more widely from life, and not just from literature. At the end of the 20s, the Kukryniksy’s cartoons were published in all literary magazines, they became close to many writers. They exposed literary vices: boredom, abstruseness, formalism. And today many of their cartoons have not lost their relevance.

Since 1925, the group has actively collaborated with Soviet media, publishing caustic caricatures of social vices. Gradually their fame grew, and every reader, opening a newspaper, first looked for these drawings. During this period, their technique was honed, they were especially good at drawings in ink, and their cartoonish, sarcastic presentation attracted them with its sharpness, atypical for the Soviet press. Their series, such as “Transport” in the Pravda newspaper, brought them serious fame. They become the mouthpiece of the era.

In the pre-war years, the Kukryniksy found themselves in a new genre - political posters. During war years, it becomes a real weapon against the enemy. Kukryniksy, whose posters helped the people of the Soviet Union in the most difficult times, became a powerful ideological instrument of power. Their poster “We will ruthlessly defeat and destroy the enemy!” appeared on the streets of the country already in June 1941. They served their homeland and went through the entire war with soldiers and leaflets. They also worked in the TASS Windows project, which covered the news in the form of a poster and supported the morale of the nation. After the war, they received accreditation for the Nuremberg trials and conducted their sarcastic reporting from there. The Kukryniksy became true classics of Soviet caricature; they were known all over the world and received many professional awards.

The third direction in which the Kukryniksy worked was painting. They painted genre paintings on historical themes, laying the foundations for a new direction in art - socialist realism. During the period of restoration of the country, the Kukryniksys worked a lot in the press, were engaged in book graphics, and painted pictures. In the 60s they created a large number of illustrations for Russian classics. Moreover, each artist creates independently. In the 80-90s, due to age, artists work less, but their creative union did not disintegrate until the end of their lives.

Significant works of the Kukryniksy

The Kukryniksy artists were very productive; many wonderful works came out of their pencil and brush. The most notable were: the series of satirical portraits “The Face of the Enemy,” which combined the expressive capabilities of posters and easel painting, the triptych “Old Masters,” illustrations for the collected works of Gogol and the works of Gorky, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Ilf and Petrov, as well as numerous posters of the war years. The latter include “Museum of the Beaten”, “Plan for the Encirclement and Capture of Moscow”, “Debt is Red in Payment”, as well as the paintings “Tanya”, “Flight of the Germans from Novgorod”, “The End”.

Exhibitions and legacy of the Kukryniksy

In 1932, the first exhibition of Kukryniks took place, organized by Maxim Gorky. Political and everyday caricatures, paintings, and book graphics were presented here. In 1952, a significant exhibition took place at the USSR Academy of Arts, at which the work of the Kukryniks, as well as autonomous works of artists belonging to the association, was widely and fully presented. In 2008, a retrospective exhibition of the Kukryniks took place.

Cartoonists, whose heritage is closely connected with the history of the Soviet state, have repeatedly received the highest state awards and prizes. Their work is stored in the largest museums in Russia.

The creative path of Mikhail Kupriyanov

Mikhail Kupriyanov was born in the small town of Tetyushi on the Volga. Since childhood he loved to draw, he studied in Tashkent at the Central Art Workshops, where he was sent on a youth voucher. For special success in his studies, he was sent to study in Moscow at VKHUTEMAS, where he became a member of the Kukryniksy.

Kupriyanov’s independent creative life was successful; he realized himself as a painter. He loved the landscape genre. Today his series of paintings with views of Leningrad, the Caspian Sea and the Moscow region are known.

He finished his career in 1991.

Artist Porfiry Krylov

The second member of the Kukryniksy community is Porfiry in Tula. Since childhood, he showed artistic abilities, studied in an art studio, then entered VKHUTEMAS. In addition to his activities in Kukryniksy, he worked a lot as a painter, painting portraits, landscapes, and still lifes. His works are in the collections of many museums around the world. His house-museum is open in Tula.

Porfiry Nikitich died in 1990.

Creative biography of Nikolai Sokolov

Muscovite Nikolai Sokolov studied at the Proletkult art studio, after which he entered VKHUTEMAS and became the third member of the Kukryniksy. Sokolov became a talented painter. His favorite genre was lyrical landscape. His works “Lermontov Places”, “Abramtsevo”, “Evening on the Volga” and others are kept in the best museums in Russia.

Nikolai Sokolov died in 2000.