What groups sing chanson. Women of chanson

"Chanson" (French chanson) is a French word that translates as "song". Later in France, this began to be called the vocal genre, lyrical works, songs, the text of which is a story told to music. The list of chanson performers is headed by the legendary Edith Piaf and her talented student, today's king of French chanson -

Russian chanson

In our country today, chanson is understood as songs written by bards - songwriters. This genre will combine several musical styles: urban romance, thieves, emigrants, military and bard songs, which are united under the general name “Russian chanson”. The beginning of the nineties of the last century can be considered the origin of Russian chanson, or rather its revival. Before this, the term “chanson” was understood exclusively as a French musical genre. The first Russian chanson singers tried to imitate the French. The list of chanson performers of the Soviet period consists of such singers as Leonid Utesov, Alexander Vertinsky, Klavdiya Shulzhenko and others. However, after the collapse of the USSR, “chanson” began to be understood mainly as “soulful” songs about life in the “zone”, which were narrated in the first person - performer of the song. He was often identified with the hero of the story, which was the basis for the text of this criminal song. For the sake of poignancy, the lyrics contained thieves' jargon, and the song was performed with the obligatory hoarseness. Mikhail Krug, the performer of the famous song “Vladimir Central,” had never been to “remote places,” but fans of the genre saw him as their hero. These songs were especially popular among the “new Russians,” not only men, but also women. The heroes of these songs aroused the admiration of many representatives of the fairer sex, seeming to them the embodiment of sexuality and masculinity. Songs of this genre became widespread not only in Russia, but also spread throughout the world. The list of chanson performers consisted of bards, for example, Alexander Rosenbaum, whose songs are performed by many singers of this genre, for example Mikhail Shufutinsky, as well as guitarists. In the Soviet Union, songs of these genres were heard in cafes and restaurants, but their broadcast on television was excluded. After the collapse of the USSR, they even began to appear in the charts on television and radio, and later radio and TV channels of the same name appeared. Russian chanson today has reached such a level of development that since 2001, the “Chanson of the Year” award has been organized annually.

List of Russian chanson performers (groups and solo performers)


  • “Belomorkanal”.
  • “Lepping.”
  • “Thieves.”
  • “Ace of the Cross.”
  • “Lots-man.”
  • “Butyrka”.
  • “Five-Year Plan”.
  • “Odessans” and others.


  • Alexander Dyumin.
  • Alexander Rosenbaum.
  • Mikhail Krug.
  • Mikhail Shufutinsky.
  • Eyyub Yagubov.
  • Serey Nagovitsyn.
  • Alexander Novikov.
  • Willy Tokarev.
  • Mikhail Sheleg.
  • Valery Shunt.
  • Alexander Marshall.
  • Konstantin Belyaev.
  • Ivan Kuchin.
  • Gennady Zharov.
  • Nike Borzov.
  • Stas Mikhailov.
  • Zheka.

List of female singers of songs in the “chanson” genre

When we talk about chanson, we first of all imagine a courageous singer, wise with experience and life circumstances. Indeed, many singers included in the group are men, but there are also many women in this genre who are considered excellent performers of “soulful” songs. These performances often became chart-toppers. Surely, many remember such famous songs as “Cabriolet” and “Carousel” by Lyubov Uspenskaya. Other singers included in the list of chanson performers are Vika Tsyganova, Katya Ogonyok, Elena Vaenga and others.

Are you planning to celebrate an anniversary, wedding or other holiday? Do you want to do it in a big way? Invite popular chanson performers (women) and your holiday will be unforgettable. Since 2008, the Big City agency has provided a large selection of pop artists and also offers event organizing services. Order a real traditional chanson, which is similar to the one that comes from France. The musicians are ready to sing their most popular verses for you and make the celebration unforgettable.

Performers of female chanson (list)

French pop song in cabaret style is a definition that describes real chanson as a genre. Not only men, but also women work and create in this style. Singers whose voices at one time received public recognition and became the origins of women's chanson. They became famous throughout the world thanks to their beautiful voices, lyrics full of meaning and charisma, which not every artist is endowed with. French chanson performers (women):

  • Mireille Mathieu is a famous French singer whose recordings have sold 133 million albums.
  • Patricia Kaas is a very popular chansonnier all over the world, including in Russia, as well as in the countries of the former USSR.
  • Lara Fabian is a French-speaking singer, the owner of a standard lyric soprano, and critics call it “angelic.”

Thanks to the performers (women) of French chanson, this genre fell in love with many people of different generations. The singers listed are benchmarks in their genre. But domestic ones are also worthy of respect. Prominent representatives of Russian chanson are Anya Vorobey, Alena Skok, Vika Tsyganova, Ilona Krasavtseva, Inna Razumikhina. You can order any singer to sing her best hits for you and your guests.

What does the Big City offer?

Chanson and pop song have a very unclear boundary, perhaps this creates a separate genre. We have been working for more than 10 years on creating celebrations and realizing the most original fantasies of our clients. More than a thousand events we created remained in the memory of the heroes of the occasion and their guests. Which singers do we suggest ordering:

  • chanson performers (women and men);
  • foreign and domestic pop singers;
  • rock groups and individual performers;
  • DJs, pop musicians, electro and artists of other genres.

Chanson is rightfully considered one of the popular genres in the modern world of music. Such songs are loved for their soulful lyrics, life stories, simplicity and relevance of themes. On our website you can listen to your favorite mp3s online, doing it for free. Our search and listening system is simple. Music is available without registration, regardless of whether you listen to it or want to download a free track.

Origins of the genre

France is rightfully considered the birthplace of chanson. Here chansons were the name given to the choral songs of French peasants. Gradually, these songs began to be covered by talented street performers, and the best of them became folklore. The songs were quite simple and easy to understand, and therefore even Russian culture absorbed them. French chanson sounded in domestic restaurants, gradually spreading to the masses.

Features of chanson

The main feature of mp3 songs in the chanson style is the presence of a plot. Here, life history is taken as a basis, sometimes complex and even tragic. At the same time, even prison themes, crime and the life of thieves are not perceived negatively, rather the opposite - the songs evoke human sympathy, compassion, and kindness. There is one more characteristic feature. As a rule, song lyrics are written in a conversational style, in simple words. Chanson absorbed emotions, romance, and tragedy. Such songs do not leave you indifferent. Everyone can find a piece of their life in them.

Our website contains a good collection of compositions in the chanson style. Search for songs by your favorite artists and enjoy their depth and content!

18 May 2010, 16:29

If you look around “with cold attention”, it turns out that there is very little music around that has meaning. The one with a lot of rhythm and meaninglessness, much more. Maybe that’s why people fell in love with chanson so much? We present to your attention women who sing in this genre. Lyubov Zalmanovna Uspenskaya (Sitsker). Lyubov was born on February 24, 1954 in Kyiv. During the first years of her biography, Lyuba Uspenskaya was raised by her grandmother, since her mother died during childbirth. Then she began to live with her father, it was he who instilled in the girl a love of music. The first musical education in Uspenskaya’s biography was received at home. At school, Uspenskaya sang in the orchestra. Later she began studying at a music school and continued her studies at the Gliere School. After graduating from college, she started working and moved to Yerevan. When Lyubov's father left his homeland, settling in America, Uspenskaya also risked leaving the country. In the biography of Lyubov Uspenskaya there were two more moves - to Italy and then to the USA. The singer's debut album was recorded in 1985 ("Favorite"). The songs of the first album brought Uspenskaya popularity not only in the USA, but also in the USSR, despite the difficult relations between these countries. In 1992 she returned to Russia. Already in her homeland her most famous songs were released - “Cabriolet”, “Curve Mirrors”. Lyubov is married and has a daughter. Irina Krug(aka Vorobyova, aka Glazko) ​​- the widow of the famous Russian singer and composer Mikhail Krug, was born in Chelyabinsk in 1976 into a military family. Since childhood, she has been involved in creativity in the theater group of the local cultural center. I dreamed of becoming an artist. Graduated from TSU in 2005. In December 1999, at a concert with friends in Chelyabinsk, she met Mikhail Krug. Three months later, Mikhail arrived in Chelyabinsk with a new concert program and invited Irina to Tver. They got married in 2001, and a year later their son Alexander was born. After the death of her husband, a family friend, author and performer Vladimir Bocharov, suggested that Irina Krug and Leonid Teleshev record several songs in memory of Mikhail Krug. This is how everyone’s now favorite compositions appeared: “The Road from Soul to Soul”, “First Autumn of Separation”, “9 Days”. In 2004, the debut album “The First Autumn of Separation” was released. The disc contains popular duets with Leonid Teleshev (a close friend of Mikhail Krug). The album sold a record number of copies among performers of the chanson genre. Already in 2005, Irina Krug became a laureate of the “Chanson of the Year in the Kremlin” award in the “Discovery of the Year” nomination. In March 2006, the second album was released - “You are my last love” with poetry and music by Mikhail Krug. In her new work, Irina revealed herself as a magnificent singer and professional actress. The producer of the record was Vadim Tsyganov. The songs “You are my last love”, “Don’t leave my love”, “My Queen” from this album were the leaders of the charts of various music radio stations and publications for several weeks. Vika Tsyganova born October 28, 1963 in Khabarovsk. In 1981-85, a student at the Far Eastern Institute of Arts (Vladivostok). In 1985, her career as a theater actress began at the Jewish Chamber Musical Theater. In 1986-1987 she worked at the regional drama theater in Ivanovo, and since 1987 at the Youth Musical Theater of the Magadan Philharmonic. And in 1988, the group “Sea” was created and Victoria, then still Zhukova, became its soloist. Victoria takes part in the finals of the television festival "Song of the Year". In 1991, Vika Tsyganova’s first solo album, “Walk, Anarchy,” was released. And her active touring and festival activities begin. The year 1996 was a turning point for Vika Tsyganova. She stops singing hooligan songs and releases a disc of lyrical ballads, “Only Love.” However, Tsyganova’s return to the stage occurred even later, only at the end of 1999, marked by two concerts at the main concert venue of the State Central Concert Hall Russia. And again she disappears from sight and returns again in an unexpected duet with Mikhail Krug and their song “Come to My House”. Later, they released another joint song, “Only for You,” and since then these compositions have not left the top of the chanson charts.
Talented musician, author and performer Elena Vaenga– native of the city of Severomorsk, Murmansk region. This city is the capital of the Russian fleet. The girl spent all her childhood and adolescence in her hometown. Lena is a very versatile person; she had a very stormy and interesting childhood. She graduated from a ski school, which explains her craving for skiing, but at the same time, Lena is a very subtle, romantic, creative person, she studied at music and art schools, the girl tends to dream, she is very temperamental and musical, also inherent in her qualities such as hard work and cheerfulness. Her personality and her creativity are formed from such components. The name Elena Vaenga is becoming increasingly popular among fans of songwriting. Looking at the fragile and young Lena, you would never think that behind the external fragility lies a strong creative and extraordinary personality with a rich creative biography and a very difficult fate. Lena has many advantages, including One cannot help but note the wide creative range of the compositions she performs, her strong voice, emotionality, artistry, the ease with which she transforms on stage, the lyrics of her songs touch the soul, they are very sincere and heartfelt. Rada Rai(born April 8) - one of the most mysterious performers of Russian chanson... Rada Rai burst into the radio air and the hearts of listeners with the folk songs “Soul” (“You are my soul, clubfoot ...”) and “Kalina” (“There is a viburnum bush in the valley ..."). A bright, memorable voice, slightly gypsy, Indian, Russian, or European folk intonations attracted the attention of lovers of various genres to the singer’s unusual appearance, her name and surname. Rada Rai’s album “You are my soul...” is, first of all, sincere, sincere, and heartfelt. Live, carefully recorded, lovingly constructed sound, touching, catchy poetry and music.

Chanson won the hearts of millions of fans around the world. From French the word is translated as a pop song in the style of Cabaret. Currently, chanson has become an independent style of musical performance. It includes urban romance, thieves, pop and bard songs. In our country, the musical genre appeared in the 90s. Most famous performers began their careers during this time. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Chanson of the Year award was held for the first time. Since then it has been held every year. In this article you will learn about the 20 best chanson performers.

1. Vladimir Vysotsky

The idol of millions of people, the singer and songwriter achieved incredible popularity in our country and abroad. Vladimir Vysotsky was born on January 25, 1938 in the capital of Russia. The singer wrote his first song in 8th grade. Over the course of his life, 7 records and one huge disc were released, which contained 15 records of songs. He was popular during his life and after his death. Vladimir's last performance took place in 1980, in the capital of Russia.

2. Mikhail Krug

While alive, Mikhail Krug was considered the “King of Chanson.” His compositions remain the best in the “Chanson” genre to this day. The future singer was born on April 7, 1962. Mikhail’s compositions are so heartfelt and sincere that they touched the soul of a wide variety of segments of the population. In 1998, Mikhail Krug received the Ovation and Russian Chanson awards. Each released album topped the Russian chanson charts. The most successful hits were: “Golden Domes”, “Good Girl”, “Kolshchik”, “Come to My House”.

3. Stas Mikhailov

People's pop performer, who became the favorite of millions of women, an honored artist of the country and a repeated winner of the Chanson of the Year awards. Stas Mikhailov is included in the list of the highest paid domestic singers in Forbes magazine. He was born on April 27, 1969 in Georgia, in the family of a pilot and a nurse. He first showed his talents at the age of 15, performing a song by Yuri Antonov at a competition. At the age of 20, Stas decided to conquer the capital of Russia. Gradually received a prize at the Star Storm festival. But real success came to him in 2004 after the release of the song “Without You.”

4. Irina Krug

The wife of the “King of Chanson” Mikhail Krug has achieved no less success in this field. The future singer worked as a waitress, where the then famous Chansonnier noticed her. He invited her to work as a costume designer for him, voicing an impressive salary. But the girl refused to go because she had a little daughter from her first husband. A few years later, Mikhail and Irina tied the knot. A year later their son Alexander was born. But the family's happiness was short-lived. The popular singer was killed in his own home. After the death of her husband, Irina decided to record several songs. That’s how her first album was released, which was awarded the “Chanson of the Year” award.

5. Alexey Bryantsev

A famous singer in the chanson genre who became popular in a short period of time. His velvety baritone reminds many of the famous chansonnier. Alexey was born on February 19, 1984 in the city of Voronezh. As a child, he was fond of music, so he successfully graduated from music school. His distant relative and namesake producer helped Alexei achieve success in the star sphere. He also wrote the first song for him. The first popularity came after a duet with Irina Krug. The songs of these two chanson stars have topped the charts more than once.

6. Zheka

Another very popular singer in the chanson genre, performing under the stage name Zheka. Evgeny Grigoriev was born in Belarus on October 14, 1966. Music was Zheka’s favorite pastime even as a child. He is receiving a musical education. He released his first album in 2001 and it was called “Pines-Cedars”. Zheka achieves success in collaboration with producer Oleg Shvedov-Turanov. The singer's first performance took place at a concert in memory of Sergei Nagovitsyn. The most successful songs are “Pines-Cedars”, “I am like an autumn leaf”.

7. Viktor Korolev

Viktor Korolev was born in the Irkutsk region in 1961. At the age of 20 he graduated from music school. Returning from the army, he studied at the Shchepkin Theater Institute. After graduation, he began acting in films. He began taking his first steps in his pop career in 1991. A year later, he received a diploma from the Golden Deer festival. Popular songs of the artist: “Cursed Love”, “Drunk Cherry”, “White Lilac”.

8. Sergei Nagovitsyn

The domestic songwriter and singer was born on July 22, 1968 in the Urals. Musical abilities were evident from his youth. His idols were the best representatives of chanson of that time. While still in the army, Sergei began to write poetry. Nagovitsyn's first successful album was called "Full Moon". After which the performer was noticed by Moscow producers and offered a contract. A few years later, the next album, entitled “City Meetings,” appeared on sale. Nagovitsyn’s most popular songs: “Broken Fate”, “White Snow” and “Lost Land”.

9. Sergey Trofimov

Sergei was born on November 4, 1966 in the capital of the country. The famous performer released his first collection, “Aristocracy of the Garbage 1” in 1995. Later, 4 more albums were released - continuations of the first. Sergei Trofimov received a special award in the category “Best Chanson Lyrics”. Chansonnier writes music and poetry not only for himself, but also for other performers, such as Nikolai Noskov, Carolina, Vakhtang Kikabidze.

10. Elena Vaenga

A popular pop singer of the present time, who has captivated her fans not only with her strong voice, but also with her soulful lyrics. They say that Elena wrote more than 800 songs. The singer’s work has been appreciated by many modern awards and prizes. The most popular compositions are: “Chopin”, “Airport”, “Taiga”, “Absinthe”.

11. Mikhail Shufutinsky

People's Artist of the Russian Federation, pop singer, musician and laureate of the Chanson of the Year awards. Mikhail was born on April 13, 1948 in the capital. He received the main music award for the following songs: “Nakolochka”, “Alenka”, “Moscow-Vladivostok”, “Souls Hurt”, “For Lovely Ladies!”, “Kruchina”.

12. Thieves

A popular female chanson group founded by composer Yuri Almazov. The group's fame was brought to them by criminal songs and a scandalous image. The group was founded in 1999. At the same time, their first album was released. Now the team includes Diana Terkulova, Larisa Nadyktova and Yana Pavlova. Their songs are especially popular at corporate events of oligarchs.

13. Lyubov Uspenskaya

Domestic and foreign performer of Russian chanson, who has received many music awards. The future singer was born on February 24, 1954 in the capital of Ukraine in the family of a director and a nurse. Uspenskaya's first music album was released in 1985. The singer won awards for her compositions: “To the Only Tender One,” “Marusya,” “Sky,” “Wind” and many others.

14. Alexander Novikov

Famous Russian singer in the style of urban romance. Over the entire period of his creative work he wrote more than 400 songs. His best hits were “Remember, Girl?”, “Carrier”, “Street Beauty”. The performer is a multiple winner of the Chanson of the Year and Ovation awards.

15. Sergei Lyubavin

Author and performer of songs in the genre of romantic chanson. Chansonnier with a gentle touching timbre won the hearts of many fans throughout the country. Sergei Lyubavin is a multiple participant in the festival “Eh, Razgulay!” He became a laureate of the “Chanson of the Year” award for the songs “Flower”, “Tenderness”, “Vladi”, “Betrothed”.

16. Logging

A popular musical group founded in the 90s by Mikhail Tanich and Sergei Korzhukov. Mikhail Tanich wrote all the songs for the group. The music for them was written by Sergei Korzhukov. Over the course of their entire career, the band has released more than 20 albums. Mostly the compositions are performed with guitar, accordion, and drum. After the group's mastermind died, his wife replaced him. Mikhail Tanich wrote poems for Lesopoval songs until his death. One of the group's most famous songs is “I'll Buy You a House.”

17. Denis Maidanov

Songwriter, performer, actor and music producer. He was born on February 17, 1976 in Balakovo. He became popular after the release of his first album. Denis composes songs for many popular singers and films. He has repeatedly received the “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, and “Chanson of the Year” awards.

18. Butyrka

The most popular modern group in the chanson style. It was founded in 2001 by producer Alexander Abramov. The first songs were an incredible success. The team won the “Worthy Song 2002” award. It involves Alexander Goloshchapov, Yuri Akimov and Dmitry Volkov.

19. Katya Ogonyok

The performer of Russian chanson was born on May 17, 1977 in the Krasnodar region. Over the course of his career, 20 albums were released. The latter was released after the singer's death. Her real name is Kristina Pozharskaya. At one time she performed with the group Lesopoval. She owes her success to the work of producer Vyacheslav Klimenkov, who selected soulful songs for her that became very popular. Katya Ogonyok's first album is “White Taiga”.

20. Alexander Kalyanov

The singer, composer, sound engineer, and producer was born on August 26, 1947 in the Bryansk region. Alexander’s first musical work was with the group “Six Young People”. At one time, the group was noticed by Vladimir Vysotsky, who proposed a joint program for them. The first own album was released in 1984 under the title “Fresh smell of linden trees”. Real success came after participating in the Christmas meetings.”