Ilya Glinskikh was disappointed that he did not choose Madina. Madina Tamova: “Before the show’s finale, I thought that I was looking forward to the end of this torment

Actor Ilya Glinnikov some time after the end of the show, upsetting fans who believe in their couple. However, the other day, netizens suspected that the bachelor was no longer single. The artist published a photo of himself with a mysterious girl, and dedicated a touching verse to his companion. At the same time, it is impossible to see the stranger’s face, since only shadows are visible in the photograph.

“You and I are two drops of the same water
Tears of a cloud
Let's break on the ground with rhinestones
We'll scatter around and around..."

Ilya also indicated that the photo was taken on the Bagration shopping and pedestrian bridge. Having only the outline of Glinnikov’s girlfriend and the place where the photo was, the artist’s devoted fans began their own investigation, as a result of which they discovered Ilya’s possible companion. As it turned out, another participant in the “Bachelor” show, Madina Tamova, who on the same day shared a photo with her fans from that very bridge. Moreover, the caption to the photo was of a romantic nature - Madina said that she was listening to the song “What is love”.

Fans appreciated her clothes, the bag in her hand, and came to the conclusion that the shadow in the photo of Ilya Glinnikov could very well belong to her.

“Oh, we were walking with Madina”

“Madina has a photo from this bridge, and judging by the outline, it’s her.”

“Even the shadow of the bag is the same as Madina’s and the leather jacket”

“Who does the bachelor date? Is it really Madina in the photo?”

“Yes, both the jacket and the bag are similar in silhouette. And a photo on one day in one place"

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Fans believe that the Caucasian beauty

e is worthy of life with the hero of “Interns”

In the latest episode of the TV project “The Bachelor,” an enviable groom, Ilya Glinnikov, brought the girls to Georgia to meet his family. He invited Madina Tamova first for a date followed by a family dinner. The actor took the girl to the cable car, where his parents had once gone on their first date. Madina considered this a good sign.

- There is some subtle hint in this. Or I really want him to be,” Tamova laughs.

While the two were in the booth and soaring over the beauties of Tbilisi, the actor decided to take advantage of the privacy and tell the story of his family. He said that he had never seen his father, he was a neurosurgeon, then, while protecting his mother, by an absurd accident he ended up in places not so remote, then he chose a path along which no one should have known that he had children. Ilya just called him. And not so long ago his parent passed away. Note that the hero of “Interns” was not so open with any of the girls.

“It is very valuable and dear to me that a person shares such an intimate thing with me,” Madina comments on camera about the artist’s story.

After walking around the city, the couple went to a family dinner, where the protagonist’s family was already waiting for them. Sitting at the table were Glinnikov's mother, two grandmothers, a sister and a niece. Also present was his younger brother, Vlad.

The older ladies were wary and separately informed the operators that if they didn’t like something about the applicant, they would immediately tell the girl about it. They also warned that the new lady of their heart would be assessed extremely strictly, so that nothing bad would happen again. Glinnikov had barely recovered from his breakup with his wife.

When Madina and Ilya entered, everyone present gasped with joy. The tension disappeared, the girl began to be hugged and complimented.

“Come to our house and be at home, my dear,” said the “Bachelor”’s mother, hugging her daughter-in-law.

“You’re pretty, you look like a Georgian, and I really like it,” the oldest participant in the feast, Grandma Ninu, expressed her sympathy.

Madina was not asked any tricky questions and was not checked at all, as promised. On the contrary, they immediately began to call her “our girl.” Ninu’s grandmother even said that there was no point in watching the others.

“It’s enough for me to just look at a person and it’s already clear.” Madina is a well-mannered girl, in whom you can feel the breed. The only daughter, they put all the best into her, that’s how Ilya’s mother described Tamova after talking in private.

— It seems to me that we found a common language, the meeting went very well. I would like to join this family with pleasure,” the Caucasian beauty shares her impressions.

After Madina, none of the show participants who came were hugged or praised so much in the family circle.

In total, Glinnikov brought the four remaining girls on the project to meet him. At the rose ceremony, he kicked out two, leaving Madina Tamova and Ekaterina Nikulina. The next episode will be the last, “The Bachelor” will finally give one of the participants a ring and invite her to continue the relationship outside the project.

Over the course of several months, the finalists of the project formed impressive armies of fans. They discuss the heroines every day and follow their lives on social networks. There are significantly more Madina fans, among them there are those who categorically do not want Tamova to win. Despite their sympathy, they want to find a real man for their favorite, and not an amorous actor who kissed most of the participants and chased another girl to the city of Sochi with pleas for her return. Viewers also believe that Madina should not hang out with Ilya’s punk friends in basements and bars.

TBILISI, June 4 – Sputnik. The hero of the fifth season of the popular romantic show "Bachelor" on TNT, star of the series "Interns", 32-year-old actor Ilya Glinnikov, originally from Georgia, has found his love.

Glinnikov admitted this in the final of the project, in which two girls participated - 21-year-old Ekaterina Nikulina and 25-year-old Madina Tamova.

Because of her desire for quiet family happiness, Ilya always called Madina a “safe haven” on the project, and Ekaterina - a leap into the unknown, because throughout the show he doubted the sincerity of the girl’s feelings and did not trust the longevity of the passion that connected them.

Before his final choice between the two finalists, the artist went on a date with each of them. This time, the initiators and authors of dating ideas were the girls themselves.

Madina took Ilya to Gudauri, where they first paraglided, then listened to traditional Georgian polyphony, and at the end of the date they had a heart-to-heart talk, and Tamova confessed her feelings to “The Bachelor.” Finally, the girl advised Ilya to choose the winner of the show by listening to her heart.

Nikulina arranged a horse ride for Glinnikov in a snowy forest, where she wanted to stage a kidnapping with the participation of Georgian horsemen. But there was no surprise, because Ilya Glinnikov did not allow the horse-riding horsemen to steal his bride. Afterwards, everyone merrily ate khinkali together, measured their strength in tug-of-war and danced lezginka.

The organizers of the show “The Bachelor” staged the final explanation with the girls and the proposal of the ring in the beautiful fortress of Rabati. Madina Tamova was the first to come to the meeting. Ilya addressed her with the following words:

“You told me to choose with my heart. And I managed to hear my heart. Another person settled in my heart. I cannot deceive you. Forgive me, Madin.”

Madina reacted poorly to Ilya’s decision. The girl did not want the “Bachelor” to accompany her from the fortress and not even to shake hands with her. The girl also refused to make any comments behind the scenes, saying only one thing: “Whether I lost something is a question. But what he lost, I know. Me.”

“The Bachelor” admitted the following to the second finalist Ekaterina Nikulina:

“I burn with you like a torch, and I want to burn like a candle. It’s scary, just like you were scared to dive into the open ocean. Well, there’s no way I didn’t believe that I would find my love on this show. It seems to me that if "If there were a million of you, or fifty thousand, as they looked at the casting here, Katya, I would still choose you. I ask you only one thing: let's try to preserve what we have found here with you. No matter what happens, even if there is only one left chance, let's fight for it until the end."

After which Glinnikov pulled out a box with a ring from his jacket and put it on the finger of his chosen one.

Let us remind you that initially 25 girls from all over Russia, as well as from near and far abroad, came to fight for the love of Ilya Glinnikov in the show “Bachelor”. At the beginning of the project, Ilya Glinnikov admitted that he already loved and planned to marry his partner in “Interns” Aglaya Tarasova, but there was a betrayal and he was disappointed.

Whether Glinnikov will become the first bachelor to finally get married - time will tell.

Ekaterina Nikulina’s path on the project cannot be called simple, since the girl could not find a common language with the participants, and she repeatedly quarreled with the “bachelor”. However, fans of the show relied on the bright blonde from the first episodes. The fact is that the future winner was immediately able to impress the actor with her extravagant appearance. For the first meeting, she chose a blue dress covered in sequins and opted for bright makeup.

“The evening is no longer languid,” said Ilya, seeing Katya for the first time.

“I liked Ilya right away,” said the glamorous participant.

But the girl had to wait a long time for the treasured rose. In the first issue she was named third from last. However, already on their first date in private, Ekaterina showed her bright charisma. Glinnikov has repeatedly admitted that he burns with real passion for the blonde.

“When we came ashore, I couldn’t leave her side. I was literally magnetized,” the actor admitted in the fifth episode of the show.

But the other participants were hostile to Nikulina, apparently feeling that she was a serious rival. The girls emphasized that Catherine always looks arrogant, behaves distantly and coldly.

Closer to the middle of the season, there was no doubt left: the extravagant blonde would reach the finals. Ilya could not resist her, repeatedly calling the girl a witch. According to the actor, the future winner literally bewitched him, and he could not resist it. After the scandalous departure of Daria Klyukina, the girl literally had no rivals left.

“This rose has been yours for a long time, it’s just that now the rules of our show do not allow us to present them directly on dates,” the actor said frankly at one of the last “ceremony.”

The participant also made a strong impression on her chosen one’s best friend, Alexander Ilyin. “Katyukha is a real witch,” said the performer of the role of Lobanov in the acclaimed TV series “Interns.”

The girl managed to conquer Ilya with her education, mystery and ability to show her passion in any situation. Together they water skied, danced and went horseback riding. While meeting the relatives of the “bachelor,” Catherine once again showed her character. She openly stated that she would not trade the actor for anyone, being offended that he doubted her sincerity. As a result, Glinnikov’s relatives were fascinated by Nikulina, but did not draw sudden conclusions about her.

“Only time will tell whether Katya can be trusted,” said Ilya’s grandmother.

After Lesya Ryabtseva left the show, the fatal blonde decided to go for broke. During the last date, she was left alone with Ilya in the bedroom. This gesture finally convinced Glinnikov that he could not go against his own heart.

“Katya is fire, and everything melts with me,” the “bachelor” admitted in the finale of the show.

“Do I regret what happened between us? Absolutely not,” said the winner.

Apparently the winner conquered the enviable groom with her frankness and mystery. The lovers quarreled repeatedly, and several times Katya was even on the verge of being eliminated. However, in the end, the predictions of the fans of the program were justified, and it is with Nikulina that the famous actor now plans to connect his life.

The famous Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov has changed beyond recognition after fatal changes in his personal life. The man grew his hair and beard - fans barely recognized him in the photo on Instagram. The fact that the hero broke up with Ekaterina Nikulina became known in the winter of this year, Therussiantimes reports. At the same time, I attribute new relationships to the actor’s fans.

Glinnikov’s personal life has always aroused intense public interest - the bright, charismatic, handsome “Intern” never complained about the lack of female attention. At the same time, the artist himself, it seems, does not enjoy the fame of a womanizer and believes in love once and for life. Glinnikov was not noticed in short-term novels, but there were several long-term and serious relationships in the hero’s fate. True, he has not yet changed his “Bachelor” status even once.

Ilya Glinnikov and Aglaya Tarasova

In 2015, the public learned that Glinnikov was seriously dating his Interns colleague Aglaya Tarasova. The couple often got together and separated, at one time they even prepared for a wedding, but at some point something went wrong.

Society learned that the relationship had finally ended in August 2016—the separation was officially confirmed by both parties. At the same time, it became known that Glinnikov was going to look for his love on the “Bachelor” project.

Ilya Glinnikov and Ekaterina Nikulina

Glinnikov showed himself as a sensual bachelor who really wants to find a life partner. Initially, Daria Klyukina was a contender for the hero’s heart, but in the middle of the show she suddenly left the project of her own free will.

Glinnikov was very upset and even tried to persuade Dasha to return, but the girl did not make contact - a friend met the man at her house and told him that Dasha was trying to improve relations with her ex-boyfriend.

Glinnikov did not have to be bored - there were still other contenders in his heart. Ekaterina Nikulina and Madina Tamova reached the finals of the project. Many were sure that Tamova would win, but in the end Glinnikov chose Nikulina, with whom he began living together even before the official completion of filming of the project.

The young people admitted that it was very difficult for them to finish filming, because Katya was tormented by jealousy, and Glinnikov no longer saw the point of fooling other girls, but the show is a show, and therefore the rules had to be followed.

After the finale, the couple freely announced their relationship and their imminent wedding.

Ilya and Ekaterina regularly delighted fans with joint photographs on social networks (though limiting comments) and went out together. Unfortunately, the reality heroes did not become the first couple to get married after “The Bachelor.” In the winter of 2017, they officially confirmed their breakup.

In his microblog on Instagram, the actor publicly addressed his former lover and wished her happiness.

“Let's forgive those whom we don't want to forgive, let's endure even when our strength is running out. Goodness and cleansing to everyone! P.S. Dear alien @catkate7, I read your interview and remembered how we cleaned pomegranates together... How we watched the fireworks on May 9 in glasses and bandanas on my favorite roof) how we moved forward under the close attention of television cameras and became stronger. I want to wish you to find yourself and find happiness,” wrote Glinnikov

Subsequently, society began to talk about the fact that the relationship could have been faked for the sake of the popularity of further seasons of the show, but this information has not been confirmed by anything.

Ilya Glinnikov - personal life now

In April 2018, Glinnikov suddenly showed a new girl on Instagram. True, her face is not visible - only a silhouette. Many are sure that the hero’s real relationship is with the second finalist of the “Bachelor” show, Madina Tamova.

“You and I are two different drops of the same water, tears of a cloud, we will break on the ground like rhinestones, scatter around the bush...” the artist captioned the photo.

Almost simultaneously with Ilya, Madina shared pictures on social networks with the same geolocation - the Bagration Bridge in Moscow. Also, the clothes on the girl with the photo on Glinnikov’s microblog resemble Tamova’s outfit in detail.

“Madina?! I'm happy for you, Ilya, in any case! Let your personal life get better!”, “This is really Madina)”, “It’s clear, we were hanging out with Madina)),” followers write.

Let us remember that throughout the entire show the girl was considered one of the favorites. It would seem that Madina’s position was strengthened even more after Glinnikov introduced her to his family in one of the latest issues. Tamova was met by Ilya’s mother, sister, brother and two grandmothers. Glinnikov's relatives accepted her as one of their own, noting that she was not only beautiful, but also a very well-mannered and wise girl. Moreover, Ilya’s grandmother almost from the threshold declared that Madina was “their girl.”

Whether it is true that the stars have a tender relationship remains unknown - Internet users sincerely wish the bachelor to find his soulmate and stop the ordeal.