Functions of the director in the theater. Theater ethics

Today's teenagers dream of fame and recognition; they want to work in the film industry and create their own large-scale video projects. Many people, including girls, no longer dream of being actresses. They believe that there are many more opportunities in the director's field. Before choosing a department at a cultural institute or theater school, you need to get a clear idea of ​​who the director is.

Freedom of expression

Most often, independent young people who think creatively, love and know how to express themselves, and are not afraid to experiment, enter the directing department. It’s so tempting to be the ideological inspirer of a theatrical production, play, performance, short or full-length film. Many find themselves filming commercials and video clips. Who is the director?

Great responsibility

Essentially, this is the artistic director of a theatrical production or television project. He is responsible for organizing the process from beginning to end. It would be useful for young schoolchildren to learn that in addition to broad powers, the director is responsible for the success of the event. If young people love to express themselves and have a lot of creative ideas, this alone may not be enough for success in the professional field. Organizational and leadership skills are also required here. This is why there are so many unclaimed directors and failed projects.

Project concept, concept development, dramaturgy

Work on a project begins with defining the concept and design. People with script writing skills often combine the work of director and screenwriter. However, for the best results, outside help is needed. That is why, once the concept is determined, the search for a good playwright begins. It’s easier for people who have been working in the field of theater or cinema for several years: they have developed a sufficient number of connections. Young directors are distinguished by their creativity and informal approach. They often resort to the help of their classmates at the theater institute.

Art group

What does a director do after he has decided on a concept and selected a screenwriter who meets his requirements to collaborate with? Recruitment for the production team begins. For example, if this is a theatrical production, in addition to the approved actors, the presence of a costume designer, choreographer, assistants and their assistants, light and sound specialists, and make-up artists is required.

If the production requires it, then the masters responsible for the stunts will be involved in the work. For a grandiose play, one director is not enough, so the artistic director hires an assistant. Then the entire assembled group begins rehearsal activities, after which performances follow. So, we found out who a theater director is. Now let's talk about film and television projects.

Film and television

To some extent, theatrical productions seem easier to perform. Today's youth are increasingly attracted to profitable film projects. However, in order to realize your plan, you need to find producers, because these days few people shoot with an amateur camera using non-professional actors. In addition to creating a concept, the film director must think through the shooting scenes in detail and calculate the estimate. And only then, based on the available finances, the selection of a film crew begins.

Unknown but ambitious actors are invited to low-budget projects. If the project has influential sponsors and producers, the director can offer work to well-known, well-established performers. Having a big acting name in the project is almost a win-win step. Despite the fact that the sought-after artist will have to pay a high fee for his work, audience interest compensates for the costs with box office receipts. It is clear from everything that a film director is a fairly responsible profession that requires risk. It is known that not every project pays off at the box office.

Required qualities and skills

The work of a production director seems tempting, however, it requires maximum dedication from a professional. Sometimes filming lasts 18 hours a day. Therefore, the director on set must be able to do not only his own job. While requiring actors to execute a scene accurately, he must also possess a considerable amount of performance skill. In essence, this person is the link and holds in his hands the threads of process control. He must understand the intricacies of light, know winning angles, and partly be a costume designer.

This person is directly involved in the selection of decorations. He does not deprive himself of stunt tricks, visual and technical effects, and sound recording. If necessary, the chief director can intervene and correct certain movements. As you can see, this profession requires you to be a jack of all trades and understand all the intricacies of cinema. That is why only a few achieve wide recognition.

Group work

Staging work takes a lot of energy. What does a director do if crew members refuse to follow certain instructions? This work requires both the skills of an educational psychologist and an experienced leader. In order to interact with people, the project manager must have a strong will and the ability to defend his own point of view. The director can be compared to a puppeteer, holding all the threads of controlling the process in his hands. However, this activity is much more difficult and unpredictable, because instead of dolls, the director has people, each of whom has a bright personality.


The article will be useful to future applicants to theater educational institutions and their parents. You learned who the director is, what his powers and scope of activity are. Undoubtedly, the advantages of the profession include creative prospects, working with unique and interesting personalities, as well as recognition in case of success. There are also a lot of disadvantages: directing takes up almost all of your free time, you can’t discount protracted creative crises and lack of money if the project fails. One way or another, this profession is one of the most difficult. When making a decision, this must be taken into account.

Media, entertainment in the form of films, shows, plays, theater productions and the like have become a part of our lives. Now we cannot even imagine how we would live and have fun if there were no television and theater. But someone comes up with all these productions and films, develops the script, and embodies what was planned in the actors’ performances. This is the profession we will talk about in this article.

In any movie, show or production, the profession “Director” appears. A certain job description is hidden under the mysterious name. Although a person who is far from the industry of filmmaking understands the director’s list of actions quite vaguely. Or perhaps it doesn’t represent him at all. So, what kind of profession is a director?

In fact, the director is the most important person in the film. It is on him that the acting, the presence and type of scenery, the quality of the film, the correctly selected cast, the composition of screenwriters, voice acting, special effects, and so on depend. The profession of "Director" involves continuous communication with and management of many people. Without him, there would be chaos and complete misunderstanding between people on the site.

Profession "Director": description

This profession is very complex, capacious, but also exciting. The director can be compared to the conductor of an orchestra. It is he who directs the actions of all the specialists who are on the set. His task is to achieve productivity in the interactions of people, to coordinate the sequence and necessity of performing different tasks, to convey to the creative staff what exactly is required from whom, and most importantly - in what time frame and in what form. The profession of "Director" is the most important in the field of cinema and theatrical productions. It is thanks to these people that truly exciting and fascinating masterpieces of world cinema and productions are presented to our attention.

History of the profession

The history of the “Director” profession is not as long as one might assume. It appeared only in the second half of the nineteenth century. Before this, there was no such position. It would seem, how did theaters function then? In those days, performances were staged either by the authors of the works themselves or by the acting troupe together. The need for directors arose with the increase in the number of theaters, as well as with the advent of the film industry.

Demand for the profession

The profession of "Film Director" is one of the most prestigious at the moment. Making your way to the big screens, working on films that will subsequently be seen by millions of people, is the cherished dream of many people who have connected their lives with directing. However, not everyone can really reach such heights. At the moment, a director can engage not only in film editing, but also accompany holidays and concerts of various sizes, stage plays in theaters, work with a group of animators, and so on. So, we can say that the demand is average. In big cinema there is almost none of it, and in very modest circles there is enough of it, but there are not enough people willing to work from time to time, and even for a small remuneration.

Human qualities

In order to get a good position in this profession, you must have a set of certain human qualities. The profession of “Film Editing and Theater Director” is exclusively creative. A candidate director must have an exceptional sense of beauty. Bring the actors' performance to a perfect level, feel the temporary components of the production, see what additional and main effects are needed, lighting, sequence of actions, and so on. The director must see the picture as a whole and at the same time in parts, so as not to lose sight of any important detail. In addition, communication skills must be well developed. Still, you will have to constantly work with a huge number of different people, explain to them their tasks, and find an approach to everyone.

Director's skills and abilities

You can learn the profession of director at colleges, academies, universities, cultural and cinematographic institutes. At least one of them in any city provides the opportunity to learn this craft. The profession of "Theater and Film Director" requires excellent knowledge of both foreign and national, both modern and historical. The director must understand genres and be able to correctly express his thoughts, both orally and in writing. Developed oratory and competent speech are important. No director can achieve anything in this matter without leadership data. Imagination, broad outlook, personal artistry, the ability to quickly make the most unexpected decisions - all this must be possessed by a director. The specifics of the profession require constant improvement of this data.

Director's responsibilities

This person is responsible for selecting the script, reading it, and correcting it. His tasks include collaborating with screenwriters and producers and finding funds for the film adaptation. director" and "film director" imply direct participation in the production and organization of a film adaptation or theatrical performance. These people select suitable candidates for a particular role, carry out preparatory work with them, explain the essence of the future role, the nuances of the game, and set the time for filming and rehearsals. At the final stage, the director’s responsibilities include checking the proper level at all stages of the work. He needs to make sure of the quality of the sound, lighting, music, scenery, work of stylists, etc. The director includes the most important co-operator of all representatives on the set. he is the organizer, manager and manager all rolled into one. His tasks include promoting his brainchild, advertising, selling to cinemas or theaters. Without his active participation, no one will ever hear about the new masterpiece.

Most famous universities

Almost all Russian directors are graduates of two famous Moscow universities. This is the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimova (VGIK) and These two universities have produced many creative and talented individuals. It's quite difficult to get there. And most likely, you will have to study on a paid basis. There are only 5-8 budget places available. But the prospects that these educational institutions give their students are worth the money they have to pay for education. Education and the fame of the place in which it was received is a very important moment in the career of a public person.

Pros and cons of being a director

The work of a director is quite labor-intensive and requires full dedication from a person. In order to get to a more or less enviable position, you will have to work a lot. Sometimes even for days on end. Look for opportunities, find and make useful contacts, keep in touch with many necessary people at the same time. In addition, you will have to invest a lot of emotions and your own feelings into the creative process and the process of conveying your point of view to the people around you. You will have to work a lot, for a long time, persistently and not always with good pay. In order to get a good project, you may have to go through several free competitions. But if the plan is realized, respect, position in society and the material side of the issue will not fail to please.

Salary expectations

You can start your career with Depending on the total cost of the project, the salary of assistants ranges from twenty thousand to forty. Directors and producers of various large-scale conferences and exhibitions, various presentations designed for a large number of participants, can receive a salary of seventy to two hundred thousand rubles per project.

It is quite difficult to estimate average salaries for this profession. Successful directors can earn millions for their films, and ordinary industry representatives involved in low-budget films and productions can really work for pennies. In the theater, the director can receive either a percentage of the proceeds for the entire performance or a clearly fixed salary. The salary usually in such cases ranges from thirty-five to fifty thousand rubles per month. The interest rate may be more favorable, but it does not promise stability.

Theater director

Theater director- a person whose duties include staging a play. The director takes responsibility for the aesthetic side of the performance and its organization, the selection of performers, the interpretation of the text and the use of stage tools at his disposal. The appearance of the term dates back to the first half of the 19th century, when the systematic practice of directing a performance arose.

History of the profession

Current status

Patrice Pavy, in The Dictionary of the Theatre, notes that the evaluation of a director's work mostly comes down to questions of taste and ideology, rather than aesthetics. Therefore, it is worth stating that the director simply exists (which is especially noticeable in the case when he is not up to the task). Moreover, the stage's need for a director is periodically challenged by other participants in theatrical creativity. The actor demands freedom from too tyrannical instructions; the stage designer wants to involve both actors and audience into his play device without an intermediary; the theater “team” refuses to recognize the differences in the troupe, takes care of the performance itself and offers collective creativity; finally, the entrepreneur, the producer, demands a connection between art and commercial implementation.


see also

  • Directing art


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  • Stage director
  • Director Viktyuk

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Sergei Zhenovach is the only purely literary theater in the capital. The main part of the performances is based on prose works. Being a student of Pyotr Fomenko, Sergei Zhenovach follows the master’s precepts and, in principle, works in the same coordinate system. It is characterized by the idea of ​​joint creativity, a common composition with the actors, aimed at the free flow of creative imagination, and the director himself plays the role of a leader, combining individual episodes into a single and integral composition.

The playwright, theater and film director staged more than ten performances in Moscow, Irkutsk and the Polish cities of Warsaw and Krakow. For the play “Oxygen” Vyrypaev was awarded the “Golden Mask”, and is also a laureate of numerous Russian and international theater festivals. In 2009, Vyrypaev was named the best playwright of the year in Germany, his plays have been translated into many languages ​​and are performed throughout Europe.

Came to directing from the acting troupe of the Theater. Vakhtangov, also acted as a performer. For a long time he refused to stage productions based on texts, but after meeting Pavel Pryazhko, he began actively staging his plays. Grigoryan's directing style is called designer style; the predecessor of this direction is Bob Wilson. The director's major works are a wandering play at the Theater of Nations and the premiere of the 2014-2015 season - Gogol's with Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan in the leading roles.

The founder of the Moscow theater, winner of TEFI, Golden Mask and other prestigious awards, Kirill Serebrennikov is famous not only as a theater director, but also as a film director. His performances have been and are being performed at the largest theater venues in Moscow and St. Petersburg (Bolshoi Theatre, Mariinsky Theatre, Sovremennik, Theater of Nations and others), as well as on the stages of Riga and Berlin.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation, professor at the Moscow Art Theater School, winner of major theater awards, including Golden Mask, The Seagull and Crystal Turandot. Ginkas are distinguished by their dark coloring, sensuality, ruthlessness and naturalism of detail. Masterfully embodying tragedy, he is also interested in Russian classics, tragic farce, and the theme of death and fate.

Artistic director, Rimas Tuminas adheres to the traditions of the Russian psychological school. There is no shocking or political satire in his productions; they are always philosophical and unhurried. Classic Russian drama directed by Tuminas is filled with metaphors, poetry and visual symbols. The director was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, the Order of Friendship and the Golden Mask.

The unexpected mixture of drama and painting in his works is explained by the fact that Dmitry Krymov is not only a director, but also a set designer. He is struck by visual metaphors, they contain a lot of humor and fantasy, while the dialogue of the characters or even the plot may be completely absent. Dmitry Krymov is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a laureate of the Golden Mask and international theater awards.

The artistic director of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop gravitates toward large-scale productions based on novels by “non-theatrical authors” (James Joyce, ). His performances are often ironic and even grotesque. In addition to the Workshop stage, Kamenkovich’s productions are staged at Sovremennik, the Theater named after. Ermolova, Theater Arts Studio. The director is a winner of the Golden Mask, Highlight of the Season and other awards.

Artistic director of the Theatre. Vl. Mayakovsky was awarded the prize named after. Stanislavsky, “Crystal Turandot”, “Golden Mask” and more. Most often based on classical texts, they are restrained, subtle and imbued with philosophical depth. Karbauskis's works have nothing to do with entertainment theater, and he prefers a clearly expressed main idea to innovation and enthusiasm.

A graduate of VGIK and GITIS, winner of the Golden Mask special prize for the play “Life is a Good Thing,” Marat Gatsalov stages plays by contemporary young playwrights using . According to the director, he is interested in studying life at arm's length. The “new drama” became such an experimental laboratory for him, cultivating in the young director a keen ear for theatrical falsehood.

The young director, a graduate of the Moscow Art Theater School, became famous thanks to his hip-hop opera “Cops on Fire,” the heroes of which soon went beyond the stage into the media space. Today Yuri Kvyatkovsky teaches at the Moscow Art Theater School, and one of the performances staged with students, Verbatim, has entered the repertoire of the Praktika Theater. The director’s recent grandiose project was a wandering play staged in the space of the Center. Meyerhold.

A graduate of GITIS, he received a diploma as the owner of the “Golden Mask” - common to the entire Liquid Theater, in the performance of which Vytoptov participated as an actor. Actively participates. Among the director’s best works is the production of the synthetic modern opera “Dreams of the Minotaur.” There is no destructive element in Vytoptov’s direction; he clings tightly to what is reliable and proven, while not being afraid to use the latest technologies.

A master of shocking, known for his more than extraordinary productions of classics, Konstantin Bogomolov became especially famous thanks to performances based on Oscar Wilde and Dostoevsky’s novel. In 2014, at the invitation of Mark Zakharov, Bogomolov staged Pushkin’s play, full of unexpected finds, on the stage of Lenkom. The director’s performances are also staged at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov, Oleg Tabakov Theater Studio and more.

The artistic director is perhaps the most mysterious of all the capital's directors. A student of Efros and Vasiliev, about whom legends have been circulating since the early 90s. Klim’s first project on the stage of the Central House of Artists is the duology “Serving the Word - Russian Logos”, the first part of which lasts 5 hours, and the second - almost 2. A poetic text is performed from the stage by a single actress. Klim's performances are the co-presence of a group of people - spectators - between the past and the present, alone with the magical law of phrases.