Decoupage of the painting “Photograph from the Attic”. Thorough master class

Let's make a small panel for a dacha or country house using the decoupage technique on canvas.

To make the panel we will need:


  • - wooden frame,
  • - a piece of thick cardboard,
  • - a piece of canvas or thick linen fabric,
  • - napkin for decoupage,
  • - acrylic primer,
  • - PVA glue
  • - glue for decoupage,
  • - acrylic paints,
  • - matte acrylic varnish,
  • - candle,
  • - dried flowers.


  • - sandpaper,
  • - brushes,
  • - scissors,
  • - foam roller
So let's get started!

Manipulations with the “picturesque” canvas:

On a piece of thick cardboard, cut out based on the internal dimensions of the wooden frame, we glue a piece of canvas using PVA, slightly larger in size than a piece of cardboard. Let's send it to dry under the load.

When the glue dries, cut off the excess canvas with scissors.

Apply acrylic primer to the canvas using a roller or brush. Let's dry it thoroughly.

We place the top pictorial layer of the napkin on the primed canvas and begin gluing the napkin from the center to the edges, carefully smoothing it with a brush, then, having collected a little decoupage glue on a flat synthetic brush, we begin to “drive” the napkin into the canvas. We drive the napkins over the entire area.

When the glue has dried, cut off the excess napkin and cover our “picturesque” canvas with matte acrylic varnish. After the varnish has dried, the panel is ready, let’s make a decent frame for it.

Manipulations with a wooden frame:

We sand the wooden frame, then cover it with two layers of acrylic primer on both sides, with intermediate drying.

Using a brush, apply the first layer of acrylic paint, in my case ocher, to the front side of the frame, and let it dry. Once again!

Using a piece of candle or paraffin, rub the “protruding” parts of the frame and its edges in some places.

Let's paint the front and back sides of the frame with acrylic paint, in my case it's burnt umber, a darker paint than that applied in the first layer.

After the paint has completely dried, we will rub our frame with sandpaper. In those places where the frame was rubbed with paraffin, the top layer of paint will come off and the lower layer will appear - lighter. The frame has acquired the appearance of an object that time has not spared at all... Let’s insert a “picturesque” panel into the frame

Let's add some zest to our frame: collect a small bouquet of green dried flowers and glue it to the frame, decorate it with a raffia bow.

We will need:

  • artistic canvas, primed, size 40x50 cm
  • 4 sheets of Fredecor material for light surfaces with an image from the collection "Pictures on Canvas"
  • acrylic paints
  • modeling gel paste transparent
  • acrylic lacquer

1. For a size of 40x50 cm you will need 4 sheets of Freedecor material with an antique painting print

2. First coat the canvas with acrylic varnish in two layers. We tear off the edges of the sheets with the picture.

3. Soak each fragment in ordinary warm water for 15-20 seconds.

4. And carefully glue it onto the canvas. The Freedecor material has its own adhesive layer, so we do not need additional glue.

It’s okay if you couldn’t fit the picture together perfectly, since in the future we will completely draw it.

5. First, use a sponge to paint the background around the picture.

6. Then, selecting paints, paint all or part of it with acrylic paints.

We take fairly thick paint and imitate strokes with oil paints.

I have drawn the picture completely, but you can only highlight those elements that are located in the foreground.

7. After the acrylic paints have completely dried on top of all the elements of the painting and apply a transparent modeling gel paste to the background (while it looks white in the photo).

Apply modeling paste in the same way as paint, simulating broad brush strokes.

The thickness of the layer can vary depending on the perspective - what is in the background is a thinner layer, what is in the foreground is thicker.

The modeling gel dries in about a day and becomes completely transparent.

8. Cover the entire work on top with two layers of acrylic varnish.

Painting on canvas with imitation of oil painting.

Fragments of the picture:

Decoupage paintings: 50 photo ideas for DIY panels

Painting in decoupage can be done even by those who have never held a brush or easel in their hand. Decoupage is an ancient technique that allows you to decorate a wide variety of objects by gluing various cut-out pictures, fragments, etc. In this case, the result is covered with several layers of varnish, achieving a smooth surface. Today, using decoupage, you can make a beautiful box with your own hands from an ordinary box, restore old furniture, and also decorate the walls in your house.

Decoupage: wall panels

The painting on the wall was and is its main decoration. Most often these are reproductions, photographic prints, less often – originals, albeit not of the most famous artists. But often not only paintings or graphic creations appear in frames, but also, for example, batik, as well as a decoupage painting.

The process of creating such a painting with your own hands looks like this:

  • Canvas primer. You can buy canvas in a special store, ready-made.
  • Painting frame. Most often, the frame is coated with bronze acrylic paint, or optionally white. The frame can be first rubbed with paraffin, then painted, and then rubbed with sandpaper. This will give the frame an antique look.
  • Preparing the drawing. Cut out a suitable size and shape; you can use napkins, or rather, their top layer. Immerse the picture in tea leaves if you want an antique effect.

In this case, a panel is made on canvas; if you use some other base, you will have to adapt to the characteristics of this base

How to make decoupage panels on canvas

The image, already prepared, must be carefully applied to the canvas and almost immediately it can be covered with glue. Some craftsmen prefer to paint over parts with acrylic paint, but this is not necessary.

Then in places where there will be cracks (if you make them), you need to coat them with acrylic varnish. After drying, you need to apply the next layer, a special faceted varnish. After it dries, cracks will appear that will need to be rubbed with bronze.

In fact, the work is completed: all that remains is to cover the painting with matte acrylic varnish and secure it in the frame. This panel can decorate any room in the house

A decorative panel made by yourself can stylishly decorate the wall of your home or office.

Decoupage on canvas: a box of ideas (video)

Panel decor: creative ideas

You can decorate a panel, first of all, with a beautiful frame.

How to decorate a frame for a wall panel:

  • Mosaic. One of the most beautiful techniques, easy to perform. Suitable for both abstract paintings and classical subjects.
  • Buttons. Paint them with acrylic bronze paint after you cover the frame, it always looks great.
  • Newspaper tubes. A simple but interesting solution, they can frame almost any picture if you know how to lay it out correctly.

Shabby chic - these are the same scuffs, only with white as the dominant color

By the way, they do a lot of things with their own hands from newspaper tubes - baskets and boxes turn out almost like real ones.

Panel made from newspaper tubes with decoupage: master class

Newspaper tubes can not only act as a frame for your work, but also become a canvas for this unusual painting.

This is how canvas is made from tubes:

  • The newspaper sheet is divided into four parts, tubes are made using a knitting needle;
  • The edge of the strip is glued together with ordinary PVA glue, after which the tubes need to be glued into one sheet with stronger glue;
  • The edges of the canvas made of tubes are smoothed with scissors and then covered in two or three layers of acrylic paint;
  • After the paint has dried, proceed to decoupage - stick on the necessary fragments;
  • The resulting picture is covered with transparent acrylic varnish.

There are enough ideas for panels from newspapers: it can be a picture framed with weaving or a relief decor

The result will be a relief canvas, and therefore a relief panel, which can be placed in a more standard frame.

Panel blanks for decoupage

It is not always possible to do such work from scratch, and if you have your treasure chest, that is, various preparations, the work will definitely be easier.

Any beautiful background today can be found in an online gallery and printed on a printer

Blanks are fragments, pictures, clippings, or entire magazine sheets, napkins that you once caught your eye on. Nobody knows when this or that fragment may come in handy. So, get your sleigh ready in the summer.

A special moment is backgrounds for decoupage. Many of them can be found on the Internet, just by request. Print them out on a color printer, put them in your chest, and many problems will be quickly solved.

For example, you decided to do something using the decoupage technique on a New Year's theme, and if you already have backgrounds, the work will go faster.

Beautiful backgrounds for decoupage (video review)

New Year's panel: do-it-yourself decoupage

New Year's motifs look especially good on the walls of the house during the holiday season. You can cut out the necessary fragments from those napkins, since their choice today is huge. But it’s not just a New Year’s story that will help such a product become truly wintery and magical. This is where your tricks come into play.

For a New Year's panel you can use:

  • Glitter nail polish. Even nail polish will work for small fragments.
  • Salt and PVA. First a layer of glue, then white paint, and coarse salt - a wonderful imitation of snow.
  • Mitten-shaped base. Not just a rectangular or round canvas, but a mitten canvas that immediately sets the right mood.

Retro subjects look great: old postcards, Christmas themes, vintage drawings

Cardboard panel: decoupage step by step

If there is no canvas, and you are not in the mood to create a base from tubes, you can use regular cardboard. More precisely, the most ordinary one, but durable and thick. At the same time, it should not be brittle, otherwise all the work will go down the drain.

If you only have thin cardboard and want to work with it, you can “thicken” it yourself. This is done using the good old papier-mâché technique. Several layers of white napkins, and the cardboard will become strong and thick. Well, then the decoupage work is carried out according to the standard scenario.

To decorate panels using the decoupage technique, you need cardboard of sufficient density

Decoupage panels with putty: master class

And this is a non-trivial version of decoupage, in which you can end up with relief work.

Decoupage with putty is done like this:

  • Putty is applied to the base (canvas) with a spatula in a random direction. You need to wait for it to dry.
  • Protruding areas are sanded with sandpaper.
  • Next, use a brush to coat the work with the desired color of paint so that more paint is in the frame area.
  • Take a wet cloth and wipe off the paint, and then again, just dry it. This will give you the desired background.
  • Next you need to glue the motifs.
  • Using a spatula and putty, go over the almost finished work again.

The texture of the work will be interesting - you want to touch such panels. Just don't overdo it with putty.

All you have to do is brush the edge of the panel with paint on a sponge and the panel is ready!

Master class on decoupage (video)

The decoupage technique is simple, but demanding on details. Special materials, special varnish, at first all this surprises and seems unusual. But once you have done such decor, you understand how stylish, aesthetic, and bright these works are.

Creative success!

To add sophistication to the interior, spending money is not at all necessary; you can decoupage the painting yourself. And since you decoupage the painting completely with your own hands, you will end up with a homemade panel that will become not only a piece of furniture, but also a pleasant gift for your family.


The origins of decoupage lead to the Middle Ages. Back in the 15th century in Germany, furniture was decorated with cut-out pictures, and then the surface was covered with several layers of varnish. With the help of such appliqué, furniture makers imitated expensive attributes and sold them at a high price; such products are still expensive today.

About materials

The basis for decoupage can be a wooden or ceramic, metal or glass, fabric or plastic object. For example, you can decorate photographs, paintings, a tray, a vase, etc. An important condition is the smooth surface of the source material.

Consumables are:

  • Professional glue may only be required when working with a heat gun. In other cases, you can use regular PVA.
  • It is better to choose acrylic paints. They do not smell, dry quickly, do not yellow and are easily corrected in the “raw” state.
  • In this technique, it is advisable to use decoupage varnishes (matte or semi-gloss), which protect the image from mechanical influences.
  • The canvas is decorated with colored paper, stones and rhinestones.
  • Borrow images You can directly from paper napkins, clippings from books, magazines, postcards.

Decoupage paintings using napkins

This technique can be used in two ways. First– attach the top layer of the napkin to the prepared canvas and cover it with a mixture of glue and water. This method requires precision and is not suitable for beginners. Therefore, it is better to use a simplified technique.


Before starting work, you need to prepare the frame, or rather artificially age it. You can make decoupage with your own hands from a photo frame or order a base from any workshop. You need to cover the surface of the frame with acrylic paint, wait until it dries and apply craquelure varnish. After it is absorbed, you should apply gold-colored paint.

Creating the Foundation

Next stage – creating a canvas from light fabric. In the finished product, the napkin will be transparent, but on a dark background the image may be muffled. The material should be cut to the shape of the frame, that is, attach plastic glass and cut out the fabric with a margin of one centimeter on each side. The resulting rectangle should be glued to the glass. In this case, glue should be applied to the fabric and plastic. The canvas should be coated with several layers of acrylic primer and allowed to dry.

Important! Before starting work, any surface other than wood must be cleaned with your own hands, that is, wiped with acetone, alcohol or dishwashing detergent.

Transferring a picture

First you need to attach a napkin to the fabric and cut out the picture along the contours of the frame. Then the cut out image should be placed face down on the file and glue diluted with water should be applied to it with a flat brush. Once wet, the napkin will begin to stretch. That's why brush movements should be from the center of the picture to the edges. It is very important at this stage to straighten the picture from “wrinkles” with your own hands. Only after this can you attach the image file to the canvas and carefully remove the transparent film.

The edges of the napkin should be well soaked with glue. In this decoupage technique, the ends of the napkin hanging from the edges of the canvas are inevitable. You can cut only wet, well-soaked ends, otherwise you can damage the picture.

When the glue has dried, you should tint individual elements of the image or the entire picture with acrylic paints. Final stage – coat the canvas with decoupage varnish and insert the canvas with the image into the frame.

Decoupage paintings from postcards

Using this technique, you can create a three-dimensional painting with your own hands in just a few minutes.

For this you will need:

  • manicure and paper scissors;
  • white double-sided tape;
  • thick cardboard for the base.

For example, let's take two identical postcards depicting urban architecture. On the first one you need to cut out the sky along the contour, and on the second - houses. Each of the cut out parts represents a separate layer of the painting. The closer it is, the smaller the details should be. In this case, these are flower pots.

The ends of all cut out parts should be made dark using a felt-tip pen.

Strips of tape should be attached to the thick cardboard base. You should also place a square of tape on the back of each cut out piece.

Decoupage cards from napkins

A homemade postcard can be an excellent gift for family and friends. It is made in just a few minutes with your own hands using the decoupage technique using glue, cardboard, napkins and scissors.

It is better to choose thick and colored cardboard. The finished product will have a transparent napkin. To avoid having to finish painting the picture with paints later, it is better to use a colored base.

In this example, we will consider a more complex decoupage technique, that is, applying glue directly to a napkin. Since the canvas is not large in size, even beginners can cope with this task.

At the first stage, you need to separate the top layer of the napkin and cut out the design to the desired size. Next, you need to carefully coat a piece of napkin with glue on the front side so that it sticks tightly to the cardboard. After the drawing has dried, you can draw the outline of the image with acrylic paint of a contrasting color.

Foamiran and decoupage panels (2 videos)