What does the name Sabina mean, the mystery of the name. The meaning of the mysterious name Sabina is character, fate, love and family

According to Higir

Sabina is most often the only daughter of wealthy parents, and grows up without knowing any refusal. The character of this charming and gifted girl causes a lot of trouble for her loved ones, most of all in this sense it goes to her mother, with whom the adult Sabina has a rather tense relationship.

“Winter” Sabinas have a particularly difficult character. Nature has not spared them either talent, attractive appearance, or fans. But communicating with these women is not at all easy. They are capricious and domineering, bringing soft, compliant people closer to them, those who are more attracted to second roles. They cannot stand big noisy company; they usually have a very narrow circle of friends with whom they spend time. They are spoiled by their parents and often depend on them financially.

“Summer” women are shy, modest and indecisive. Excessive caution hinders them in relationships with the male sex, in whom they tend to see only insidious seducers, waiting for an opportunity to take advantage of a girl’s gullibility and modesty. The latter quality is characteristic of many Sabines; as a result, they get married quite late, without ever meeting their prince.

“Autumn” are selfish and calculating. At the same time, they are kind, flexible and non-conflicting. Even if their calculation is aimed at benefiting themselves, it is still never to the detriment of another. They are good-looking and love to be told about it. They are not averse to cheating, but their cunning is often visible to the naked eye. In family life they are quite happy, more often they have daughters (sons are very rare).

The name Sabina is very beautiful, but it is better to give it to girls born in autumn and summer.

1. Personality: stabbing women

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - activity - intuition - health

4. Totem plant: valerian

5. Totem animal: hedgehog

6. Sign: scales

7. Type. They have a difficult character, which is not surprising considering that their totem animal is a hedgehog. When something doesn’t turn out the way they would like, they curl up into a ball and prick. Materialists to the core, they love money very much; a clearly expressed tendency to intrigue.

8. Psyche. They are not influenced. Once they decide something, it is not only difficult, but also unsafe to force them to change their decision. They are overly self-confident and rarely trust others. Very subjective, rely only on their own

9. Excitability. These female hedgehogs have a very strong excitability, behind which lies a clear and logical, but cold mind.

10. Will. They have a strong will that serves their ambitions, quite often very dangerous ones.

11. Reaction speed. Such women are very stubborn and reject any views that do not correspond to their own. Very sensitive to failures, perceiving them as a personal insult. They do not forget about a single insult, taking revenge for each one.

12. Field of activity. Due to their nature, they can become actresses or researchers, for example in the field of history or archaeology, as well as restorers or museum employees. Ivona and others like her achieve success wherever feminine tact, caution and determination are needed.

13. Intuition. Exceptionally strong.

14. Intelligence. These women have a practical mindset.

15. Receptivity. They take advantage of the sensitivity of others to subjugate them. They are charming, but often it seems that there is something dangerous hidden under the charming smile. At the same time, they are capable of sincere and selfless sympathy, but only in relation to someone who managed to completely conquer their heart.

16. Morality. A heightened sense of morality can lead them to aggressive puritanism,

17. Health. Good. They manage to maintain both physical and mental health for a long time. The weak point is the respiratory organs. Smoking is contraindicated for them in any case.

18. Sexuality. They recognize the importance of this side of life only when they meet the man of their dreams, and if they themselves find him and if intimate communication helps them keep the object of their love.

19. Activity. They act quite energetically. Such women have very few friends because they do not want anyone to know about their personal life, and also because, in their opinion, few people deserve the title of friend.

20. Sociability. They manage to run the house perfectly, receive guests, and maintain a conversation.

21. Conclusion. These women are worthy of surprise, but their friends must have strong character and restraint so as not to prick themselves too much! Let us also remember that their totem plant is valerian, which intoxicates cats... “Cats,” beware of them!

The melodious name Sabina is given to girls of different nationalities, but its origin still remains a mystery.

History and significance

There are several theories about the origin of the name Sabin. First of all, the meaning of the name is related to the place of residence. In Western Europe, its origins are traced back to the Sabines. Since the representatives of this people were considered very attractive (as reflected in the legend of their abduction), the name Sabina, present in the Catholic calendar, is associated with the concept of “beautiful”. According to another version, this name is Aramaic. It comes from the same root as the name Saba, which means “wise,” and in the Orthodox calendar it has the form Savina. In addition, this name is common among Muslim peoples and translated from Arabic it sounds like “small sword.”

Among the Sabinas of different nationalities, many have achieved wide fame, including:

  • psychoanalyst Sabina Spielrein (Russia, USSR);
  • politician Sabine Bergmann-Pohl (Germany);
  • actresses Sabine Azema (France), Sabina Akhmedova (Russia);
  • singers Sabina Klassen (Germany), Sabina Babayeva (Azerbaijan);
  • athletes Sabina Lisicki (Germany), Sabina Imaykina (Russia), Sabina Valbuza (Italy), etc.

Writing rules

Short forms of this name are Bina, Ina, Saba, Sabi. For diminutive address, you can form many options, for example: Sabinochka, Binochka, Inochka, Sabinka, Inka, Sabushka, Sabinchik, Sabinenok, etc.

Variants of this name adopted in different countries are given below

You need to write SABINA in your passport.

When is Sabina's angel day?

Among Catholics, Sabina of Rome is one of the most revered saints, and this name is very common in the West. As for Orthodoxy, a similar church name is Savina, the day of commemoration of which (and, accordingly, the name day of girls baptized so) falls on March 24 (11).

The martyr Savina lived in Smyrna in the middle of the 3rd century. She was the slave of a noble Greek woman, who, having learned about her faith in Christ, ordered the girl to be left tied in the mountains. Savina was saved by Christians, and the Smyrna presbyter Pionius freed her from her vows to her mistress. When Christians began to be persecuted for their refusal to make sacrifices to the pagan gods, Pionius placed the chains on himself, Savina and his fellow believer Asklipiades. In them they were taken to prison and then executed. The life of the saint is known in the description of Demetrius of Rostov. According to the modern calendar, the birthday people on this day are Pionius and Asklipiades, without mentioning Savina. Therefore, the priest may recommend choosing a different baptismal name.

Childhood and youth

Sabinochka can be called a very sweet and sociable child. The only reservation in her positive description is her tendency to whims. If raised incorrectly, a girl can grow up not only willful, but even cruel. Nevertheless, in most cases she is cheerful and inquisitive, loves outdoor games, and is friends with her peers.

Sabina's school years can be a difficult challenge for her family. The girl does not like systematic studies and prefers not to make excessive efforts, but at the same time she has a high level of aspirations. This may cause conflicts with teachers and will not contribute to good relationships with classmates. Parents should pay attention to motivating demands at home and at school, monitor their daughter’s activities, as well as her free time. A girl's good physical activity contributes to her success in sports and dancing. This will not only improve Sabina’s already good health, but could also become her future profession.

Adult years

Despite Sabina’s activity, curiosity and cheerfulness, the character of the owners of this name is usually complex. Their high self-esteem and self-will are combined with a low level of responsibility for their own misdeeds, as well as with the desire to look as good as possible in the eyes of others, regardless of the real state of affairs. These shortcomings usually appear in youth and disappear with experience in life, when they are replaced by practicality and common sense. However, such a school of life can be quite painful and accompanied by conflicts with the environment. There is a secret in Sabina’s soul - despite her ostentatious self-confidence, she is very vulnerable. Her painful attitude towards criticism turns into resentment. A woman will never forget or forgive her offender and can create trouble for him when he least expects it.

Romantic and family relationships

Sabina is not too inclined to trust men and their outpourings of tender feelings.

Her characteristic practical approach makes her give preference to expensive gifts and the opportunity to live without needing anything. She will not fall in love without looking back, does not believe in the proverb about the cute and the hut and will look for a successful man who is confident in his future. At the same time, it is difficult for a girl to express her feelings to someone who could become her destiny; she can be either cold or capricious. Therefore, there is a high probability for her of late marriage or loneliness.

Marriage completely transforms Sabina. If there are no financial problems in the family, she will become an exemplary wife - calm, flexible and economical. Women with this name consider their children to be the most important asset in life. They devote a lot of time to their upbringing and training and react violently when their offspring are treated unfairly. One of the conditions for Sabina’s happy marriage is the compatibility of her and her husband’s names.

Profession and career

Sabina's activity and practicality will allow her to achieve success in any field of activity. She is very sociable, so if she wants, she can become a good social worker, psychologist, or manager. The tendency to present everything in the most favorable light will help you achieve success in the profession of a decorator, designer, artist, or actress. With all her desire for material security, Sabina is rather indifferent to the process of making money; for her, prestige, success, and the high regard of others are more important. At the same time, she will feel great in the role of a housewife, without being at all burdened by financial dependence on loved ones.

According to the first version, the name Sabina has Italian roots. Allegedly, a people called the Sabines lived on the territory of Ancient Italy. Tradition says that these people were once captured by the Romans. Since then, all Sabine women living in Ancient Rome were called “Sabines.” According to the second version, Sabina is a name of Arabic origin. Translated from this language into Russian it sounds like “small sword.” The third version of the origin of this name says that Sabina is of Aramaic origin and is translated into Russian as “baptized.”

Meaning of the name Sabina

Women called Sabines are initially endowed with a wayward character. Such is the energy of this name. These are capricious but strong-willed women with high self-esteem. Many Sabinas react quite sharply to even the smallest attacks against them. Already from childhood, Sabina begins to show her stubborn character. The girl seeks to subjugate her own parents and everyone around her to her will. Some parents, already at the dawn of little Sabina’s life, make one fatal mistake - they raise their daughter in excessive affection and love. This, combined with the energy of the name, turns Sabina into a capricious princess!

As a teenager, Sabina can show genuine cruelty towards her peers. This girl is a real lover of all kinds of intrigue and gossip. Moreover, Sabina is greedy for luxury and money. Girls like Sabina are often said to be “trashy”. Often, her incorrect ambition and inability to communicate with people lead to the fact that Sabina is left alone with loneliness. Unfortunately, only after this can Sabina realize her mistake and begin to appreciate her family and those people who still communicate with her in some way.

The intimate meaning of the name Sabina

Despite all her commercialism, Sabina approaches her with all responsibility. This is understandable: many Sabinas arrange their own relationships already in middle age, when they finally realize all the mistakes of their youth. This woman approaches the choice of her life partner responsibly. In family life, the owners of this name are caring and affectionate mothers. Sabina, who has fully realized the mistakes of her youth, begins to idealize her loved ones: Sabina will protect her children like a lioness, ready to gnaw the throat of anyone who encroaches on her family, and she will protect her husband in every possible way and shield her from any uncomfortable situations. These women make quite tolerable housewives: Sabina furnishes her own home with love and taste, cooks deliciously and warmly welcomes guests.

Many peoples consider it theirs, but the secret of the name Sabina has not yet been revealed.


The origin of the name Sabina, according to the most common version, is associated with the Roman cognomen “Sabinus”, which was previously a generic nickname. It is translated as “Sabine”. It is believed that it was from Italy that the spread of the female name began, which in other countries acquired modified forms. There is another meaning of the name Sabina - “beautiful” or “beauty”, directly related to women with magnificent appearance. Some linguists read that the name Sabina is of Aramaic origin, so the name is translated as “nep”

greedy" and "wise". There is a version according to which the origin and meaning of the name Sabina is associated with the male version of Sabin.


Parents who decide to name their daughter Sabina should be prepared to cultivate an active and energetic nature. A girl may be characterized by such traits as generosity, curiosity, determination, determination, but also obsessiveness and pomposity. Usually, the meaning of the name Sabina for a little girl is the basis for the development of various talents. Sabina will be able to do any work in which she can invest maximum effort and effort, which gives a positive imprint on everything around her, including relationships with parents, adults and peers. The meaning of the name Sabina makes the girl very smart and diligent. She never gives up or quits what she started halfway, she always achieves her goal.

The girl's parents know what the name Sabina means, so it is quite difficult for them to raise their child. The baby has a very assertive character, she is not able to take other people's opinions into account. This also applies to parents who cannot become an authority even for a little girl. She may rarely listen to her mother's opinion, this girl is very independent, she loves and values ​​​​freedom. It is important for her to realize that she can independently make decisions that are important in her life. Sabina is distinguished by great physical strength, so it is important for her parents to send her to sports, for which she has a special passion, on time.

Sabina usually studies well thanks to her excellent memory. But increased activity can interfere with academic success. According to the meaning of the name, little Sabina is a very sociable child who always and everywhere makes friends. She enjoys meeting new people. Her increased sociability allows her to be friends with boys and girls. It is important for a baby to surround herself with like-minded people. Among her friends, she feels needed and significant, and enjoys the fact that others take her opinion into account.

Business and career

Sabina Akhmedova

For Sabina, the greatest interest is in the social sphere of life and people themselves. She tries to choose a profession for herself that will benefit society and help give good. Therefore, he becomes a psychologist or social worker. A girl named Sabina loves active recreation, which means that she can choose a profession related to tourism. The vacancies of a tour guide, guide, geologist, and researcher are suitable for her. This girl, not one of those people who is cunning and resourceful, is ready to do anything to please the management.

This straightforward person does not strive to make a brilliant career in his life. But when she gets a lucky chance to get a good job or advance in her career, she will take advantage of it. If a woman gets the manager’s chair, then she becomes a strong-willed and strict boss who makes decisions on her own, without taking into account other people’s opinions, and does not admit her own mistakes. Creative professions may also be suitable for her, since she has a natural artistic taste. She will enjoy the profession of a cultural observer or architect. According to the meaning of the name, Sabina usually has a neutral attitude towards money, she is indifferent to it. This is especially noticeable in cases where there is no financial need in her life. She values ​​success and public recognition much more. She will feel comfortable if her parents or spouse provide her with finances.

Personal life

The fate of a girl named Sabina often turns in such a way that in her personal life she suffers from unrequited love. The girl gets used to hiding all her emotions, keeping them to herself, hiding behind a mask of indifference and independence. Early marriages usually end in failure for her. There are always a lot of fans around her, and passions literally boil over. She gives many men false hopes for continuation, flirts and flirts with each of them. This teaches Sabina very early on how to manipulate men. This girl will feel comfortable in the role of the mistress of a married man; it will not be difficult for her to take him away.

A girl can often understand herself what the name Sabina means, first of all, cold calculation and sobriety of thoughts. She does not lose her head from falling in love, she is not overwhelmed by feelings and is not overwhelmed by emotions. Usually she becomes interested in those men whose behavior is too restrained and distant.

The meaning of the name Sabina often prevents a woman from being happy in marriage, despite the fact that she spends a lot of effort searching and choosing an ideal spouse. Often unrequited love happens in life, which she would never tell a man about.

A girl always dreams of finding happiness in marriage and giving maximum care to her children and husband. She will start a family with an older, experienced and respectable man. Next to her, representatives of the stronger sex noticeably change in behavior and try to be more restrained. For a woman, support and support in the person of her husband is important, so that he can be a breadwinner and partner for life. She always values ​​stability in marriage, so she will have no affairs and will not cheat. A husband can always trust such a woman.

Sabina spoils her children very much and tries to indulge them in everything. She often does not see boundaries, allowing absolutely everything to her children, and sometimes she turns out to be too strict in her upbringing.


Sabina has positive characteristics of the name, such as a great sense of humor, kindness, and self-confidence. But at the same time, many close people know what the name Sabina means: waywardness, arrogance, vanity. She is very strict about the mistakes of other people, but forgives herself everything. Sabina's main drawback is her immunity to criticism. Any remark made is perceived as an insult. A woman can hide her resentment in her soul for a long time. This vindictive young lady usually always finds a moment to take revenge on her offender.

Sabina - the secret of this person’s name lies in the following astrological correspondences:

  • talisman stone – pearls and onyx;
  • zodiac constellation – Aquarius, Capricorn;
  • patron planet - Venus;
  • favorable color – blue;
  • totem animal - hedgehog.


Because of the meaning of the name, the girl Sabina can build strong relationships with Timofey, Daniil, Mark, Alexander, Danila, Albert, Rodion, Irakli.

This female name has unfavorable compatibility with Oleg, Erast, Ditmar, Alfer, Vladimir, Dmitry.

Forms of the name Sabina

Short form of the name Sabina. Sabinka, Bina, Ina, Binkhen, Zaza, Bine, Sasa, Bibi, Saba. Synonyms for the name Sabina. Savina, Sabine, Saben, Sabin, Zabina, Savine, Savina.

Name Sabina in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 薩賓娜 (Sà bīn nà). Japanese: サビナ (Sabina). Gujarati: સબિના (Sabinā). Hindi: सबीना (Sabīnā). Ukrainian: Sabina. Yiddish: סאַבינאַ (Sʼabynʼa). English: Sabina (Sabina).

Origin of the name Sabina

The name Sabina has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Sabina comes from the Roman cognomen (personal or family nickname) Sabinus - “Sabine”. In ancient Rome, the cognomen Sabinus was a generic nickname in the families of Calvisius and Claudius.

According to the second version, the name Sabina is the female version of the male name Sabin. Sabin is the ancestor of the Sabines, an ancient and strong people of central Italy. Sabine women were famous for their beauty, so the word “Sabian” could mean “beautiful.” It is quite possible that the first and second versions of the origin of the name Sabina overlap with each other. Therefore, the translation of the generic nickname “Sabine” could mean “beautiful”, and for a man - “strong”.

In the Catholic tradition, Saint Sabinus, Bishop of Canosa (Canossa), is revered as the patron saint of the Italian city of Bari, and Saint Sabina of Rome is the patroness of housewives.

According to the third version, the name Sabina comes from the Aramaic verb “Saba” - “wise”, “unpretentious”. Men's names were also formed from the same verb. Read in more detail the origin of the names Savva and Savely.

Character of the name Sabina

Sabina is often the only child in the family. She grows up to be a spoiled girl. Winter Sabinas have a difficult character. They are talented. They have a beautiful appearance, which often attracts the opposite sex. But it’s not easy for men to communicate with them. Sabina is domineering and capricious. She likes to dominate people. Financially often depends on parents.

Summer Sabina is distinguished by modesty and shyness. She behaves very carefully with men. She often sees them not as reliable support and support, but as insidious seducers trying to take advantage of her gullibility.

Sabines, born in the fall, despite their pride and prudence, are non-conflict and kind. They take care of their appearance. They love it when they are told about their attractiveness. Sabina's family life is usually happy. They usually have daughters.

The mystery of the name Sabina

The owners of the beautiful name Sabina have had a very strong and at the same time difficult character since childhood. They are quite straightforward and most often consider only their opinion to be exclusively correct. These women are very emotional and receptive. If you offend Sabina, she will remember you for a long time, and considers it her duty to take revenge on the offender. Sabina always looks charming, but behind her beautiful smile you may not notice the carefully hidden cunning. Sabina's activity, determination and strength of character help her achieve heights in her career. In addition, highly developed intuition plays an important role in this.

Sexual relationships are very important to Sabina, especially if she meets “her” person. At the same time, she has a very developed sense of morality, which can lead to puritanism.

Astrological characteristics of the name