Vika Daineko and her husband. Three singers and one drummer


The beauty started her first stable and famous romance with the lead singer of the well-known group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Both with unusual appearance, so young, energetic and ambitious, they suited each other so well that they instantly fell into the lenses of the media.

From the union two wonderful compositions were born - one for each musician. Videos for their songs of that time echoed each other, the public loved to marry the lovers. But a moment came when the happy smiles of their idols began to appear less and less often, and then not at all in joint photographs.

Surprisingly, Vika’s next passion was another musician from the same group - new soloist Dmitry Pakulichev. The novel was very short. It was as if they were working out a PR plan: to show up at a couple of events, smile at the camera, hug in public. Before the end of the relationship, Dima managed to appear in Daineko’s video and that was the end of their joint affairs


The next relationship will last only six months, but will bring the girl so many emotions. Impressive, kind, handsome and talented Lesha Vorobyov is famous for his love of love. You can write novels about his novels. Even in the show “The Bachelor,” where Alexey participated, the singer and actor could not stop at one girl.

What can we say about the affair with Victoria, during which he was very young.

For six stormy, happy months, the lovers never tired of sharing their emotions, warmth and harmony with their fans. And on the eve of Vika’s birthday, Lesha’s plans suddenly changed. Lovelace abandoned the beauty, breaking her heart. Fans remember how hard it was for the girl to experience this breakup.

Legal husband

Several years passed before Vika was able to let a new feeling into her heart. She planned to record an album and was looking for musicians for it. Among others, she was advised to pay attention to the young drummer Dmitry Kleiman. Later, Daineko admits that she was the first to notice the man and began desperately making eyes at him. Dima, at first, was indifferent to the star, deciding that she had enough fans without him.

However, after some time they began dating. In her interviews, Victoria said more than once that she had no idea that this serious, reasonable and gallant man was so much younger than her.

When, a year later, Dima proposed to her, Vika, in love, agreed without hesitation. She then told the press that she was more than confident in her feelings. In the spring they got married, and in the fall they acquired offspring - the lovers had a daughter.

But not much time passed in a happy union, and their relationship began to end as quickly as it began.

Young and ambitious Victoria Daineko, who in the short years of her career has already managed to achieve unrealistic heights, and on the way to fame broke a couple of men's hearts, and it is worth noting that famous hearts. Victoria differs from many stars in her natural beauty. The girl, who was born in Kazakhstan, discovered her talent for singing from childhood, and many noticed her talent. That is why in her biography there are enough cases when she was simply lucky and, by coincidence, finding herself at the right time at the right hour, achieved success, which in small steps took her to fame.

Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko

Fragile and beautiful, Victoria had good appearance since childhood. This is the very case when a person “won the genetic lottery.” With a height of 161 cm, she weighs 47 kg. And although Victoria is already 30 years old, she still looks no older than 25. And the most remarkable thing about the girl is that despite her popularity in Russia, she does not consider herself a star; she is one of those rare examples when celebrities do not suffer from star fever. Victoria is only halfway through developing her career and wants to win love not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko, after you know this information, it will be interesting to read about her biography.

Biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko

Victoria Petrovna Daineko was born in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region of Kazakhstan. At the age of one and a half months, Vika’s family moved to the Yakut city of Mirny.
Since childhood, Victoria dreamed of becoming a singer, although until the age of 11 she was more involved in developing her dancing skills. Until the 8th grade, the girl sang in the Atas school ensemble, where she ended up quite by accident; her friend called her to audition, who was bored and scared to go alone.

In her youth, the girl often took part in various competitions, sang in musical groups and ensembles and received many awards.

The girl’s real development as a singer began with participation in the “Star Factory” show, after participating in which Victoria, with all the participants in the show, went on a round-the-world tour, and then became famous for the Russian public.

But in addition to fame as a singer, Victoria also received the unspoken title of one of the most fashionable girls in Russia, because designers often note her interesting and at the same time very harmonious outfits in which she appears in public.

The biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko became interesting to fans immediately after Victoria’s participation in the “Star Factory” show, which, it is worth saying, became a good impetus for many modern performers.

Family and children of Victoria Daineko

From childhood, Victoria was an overly active child, which for a family of programmers was, as they say: “Neither to the village nor to the city,” and therefore the parents immediately, without hesitation, sent their daughter to the ballet section, where she studied until her 11th birthday .

Victoria's mother Evgenia Daineko often took work home when her daughter's hyperactivity made itself felt. Describing her mother, the singer says that it is difficult to find such a caring and at the same time strict supervisor.

The head of the family, Peter Daineko, worked for some time as a truck driver, and then became a DJ on a local TV channel. Victoria’s dad worked a lot and, as Victoria herself recalls, “Sometimes he had to run home just to brush his teeth, this was especially noticeable when he worked as the head of the automation department at a bank.”

As for the singer’s personal life, we can say that she had plenty to choose from. Victoria managed to charm many men among them, including the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev and even the Eurovision 2011 participant Alexey Vorobyov himself.

Family and children of Victoria Daineko, this topic became even more discussed after the birth of her daughter Victoria.

Daughter of Victoria Daineko

Victoria Daineko's daughter is reliably hidden from the eyes of fans. Victoria does not post photos with her daughter and generally tries to show her to less people. But every mother has the right to such behavior. Not long ago, Victoria told a story about how she and her daughter decided to visit an entertainment center for children and people, recognizing the star, began to literally chase her, try to take pictures and followed her every step. This behavior was extremely unpleasant for Victoria; she does not like publicity, which is why she left the center after 15 minutes.

Victoria Daineko's husband - Dmitry Kleiman

Only the drummer of the little-known group “DrumCast” Dmitry Kleiman was able to bewitch the singer herself. On February 13, Dmitry proposed marriage to Victoria, to which she could not contain her emotions and tears of joy. The couple got married the same year, two months later, on October 3, 2015, the newlyweds had a daughter.

Unfortunately, the couple is now divorced, the reason for this was constant quarrels and remembering past grievances. Since December 2016, they have been living separately, the daughter lives with her mother. Victoria gives Dmitry the right to meet with the child, but in turn very tightly controls the time and process of the meeting between father and daughter. Victoria Daineko's husband, Dmitry Kleiman, does not intend to return to the family, blaming Victoria for all their quarrels.

Victoria Daineko latest news: gave birth to a sick child

“Victoria Daineko's latest news: she gave birth to a sick child,” these are the headlines that appeared in magazines after the young singer gave birth to her first child. In fact, such a rumor started due to the fact that Victoria does not show her daughter to fans, and they have already begun to think of different options for the reasons for the artist’s behavior. But Victoria herself wrote on social networks that the baby often suffers from colds. In any case, the news that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a sick child is not reliable and the singer does not give interviews about this, leaving the life of her baby behind a thick wall from journalists.

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Daineko

Victoria, like all modern youth, uses social networks and pleases her fans with interesting information about herself. Instagram and Wikipedia of Victoria Daineko are replete with facts from the life of a popular singer, although Victoria herself does not consider herself such. She often posts photos of her daughter's room on Instagram, or something in the background of this room, although photos of the baby cannot be found on her social networks. But you can find out how your favorite singer spends her day, what she hobbies, where she goes and who she is friends with. Now the singer devotes all her free time to raising her child, but she also does not forget to take care of the development of her musical career.

Vika had a very serious mother who worked as a programmer. And a very versatile father, who has changed many different professions in his life - from a DJ to a truck driver. It was from him that Vika inherited musical and acting abilities, as well as a desire for diversity and self-expression.

In childhood

The parents did not interfere with this - they had the only and dearly beloved daughter, so they developed all her talents and encouraged them in every possible way. Already in her preschool years, the baby was sent to a dance group, and later she began to attend a children's variety ensemble, where she enjoyed singing.

Victoria's school years were spent in the Yakut city of Mirny. There, the young artist was quickly noticed at one of the school events and invited to join the children's vocal group. In high school, Vika was already a soloist in the city pop ensemble at the Almaz central house of culture and regularly gave concerts.

Even then she realized that she wanted to make music professionally, but her opportunities in a distant Yakut town were very limited. There was a music school there, but there was no vocal department. And Vika learned to sing at home on her own, carefully copying the technique of her favorite performers, listening to soundtracks for hours.

But singing was not her only hobby. Vika liked the humanities. She studied languages ​​with great interest, and in high school she even had her own column in the local youth newspaper. But still, the desire to sing overwhelmed everything else. Moreover, Vika wanted to sing in English. Which brought her to the department of foreign philology at the Moscow Aviation Institute.


In Moscow, Vika quickly got used to it. She entered the institute without difficulty, and the student dormitory was adjacent to the Ostankino television studio, which played a decisive role in the life of the future singer.

One day, returning home, Vika read an announcement about the start of casting for the fifth season of one of the most popular musical projects in Russia, “Star Factory.” She realized that she would not forgive herself if she did not try her own strength.

When Vika came to the qualifying round and for the first time saw the living legends of the Russian stage up close: Igor Matvienko, Alla Pugacheva and the producer, she was very confused. With great difficulty, the recent provincial girl managed to control herself and still perform the prepared composition.

Her vocal abilities were appreciated, and the girl was included in the team that was being prepared for live performances. For a long time she felt like she was in a fairy tale and could not believe in the reality of what was happening. Meanwhile, with each broadcast, the number of her fans increased exponentially.

Vika won the project and went on her first tour, according to the previously signed contract, together with other manufacturers. As soon as they returned, Matvienko called her and offered to continue collaborating with him. Vicky's joy knew no bounds.

The tandem turned out to be successful, especially since Vika showed fantastic performance. She managed to perform, record new videos, expand her repertoire and even compose her own music.

In just two years, she went from a provincial starlet to a pop singer known throughout Russia.

In 2007, she starred for the most popular men's magazine Playboy, became the best performer according to the Music Awards and appeared on television as a participant in an ice show.

Her partner in “Ice Age” was the famous figure skater Alexander Yagudin, with whom Vika later recorded a video for the song “Needle.” The audience liked the composition so much that they decided to make it the title track in Victoria’s debut album, which included the best songs collected over three years of her work.

Once appearing on television, Victoria became a frequent guest. She tried to win her million in an intellectual quiz, then sang a duet with Oleshko on the “Two Stars” project, where their pair took an honorable third place. And in 2011 she again became a manufacturer in the project “Factory. Return”, where the best graduates of the show from previous years took part.

Over the years of her creativity, Victoria has released two solo albums and shot almost two dozen beautiful videos. Starting with the cartoon “Noah’s Ark,” she became interested in voice acting, and in 2010, the full-length animated heroine Princess Rapunzel spoke in her voice. In total, Vika voiced six cartoons.

Today she continues to actively perform and delight us with her creativity. Vika is the winner of many prestigious music awards and has been repeatedly recognized as the best singer of the year. In 2014, she fulfilled her childhood dream and finally released an English-language album.

Personal life of Victoria Daineko

Victoria's personal life always took place in front of the public. Her first serious hobby was the lead singer of the young group “Korni”, which gained popularity thanks to the X Factor show, Pavel Artemyev. The romance was passionate, but very fleeting. Less than a year later, the couple broke up.

With Pavel Artemyev

Moreover, Pavel’s place was very soon taken by another musician from the same group, Dmitry Pakulichev. This relationship lasted only a few months. But when passion broke out between Vika and Alexei Vorobyov, everyone was already talking about the wedding - they seemed so happy to those around them.

With Dmitry Pakulichev

Alas, things didn’t work out again. The romance lasted a year, and the young people had already begun to live together. But suddenly a black cat seemed to run between them, and they separated, categorically refusing to give any comments on this matter. Frustrated, Vika completely immersed herself in work for a while.

It was not without difficulty that Dmitry Kleiman, a professional drummer who is seven years younger than Vika, managed to return her interest in personal relationships. However, at the first stage of their acquaintance, she did not even know about it - her new gentleman was so serious and self-confident.

With Dmitry Kleiman

The relationship developed rapidly, and soon Dmitry proposed marriage to her. And in the spring of 2015 they played a magnificent wedding. As it turned out later, Vika was already pregnant at that time. And in October, a charming girl was born, whose name Vika still keeps a secret.

Journalists and fans expected that at least a year later a photograph of her heiress would appear on Victoria’s website and her social media profile. But she still hides it from everyone, explaining this by her reluctance to attract public attention to a small child. The girl did not even appear at the magnificent celebration of her first birthday, which took place in an expensive Moscow restaurant.

But no matter how hard Vika tried to protect at least this relationship from breaking up, she failed. In 2016, it was no longer possible to hide the fact that she and her husband did not live together. And the disagreements began long before that.

Vika says that their reason is Dmitry’s reluctance to part with the past, but only she herself knows what exactly this means.

The divorce has not yet been officially finalized. Vika does not exclude the possibility that their relationship will improve over time. But photos of Dmitry in company with other women have already appeared on the networks several times.

In 2017, the couple officially filed for divorce, although both continue to keep the reasons for the separation secret. That same year, the public learned the baby’s name, which had been so carefully hidden all this time. The girl's name is Lydia.

For the first time, Victoria decided to post a photo with her daughter in the spring of 2018 on Instagram, but even here fans were in for a little disappointment: the baby was lying in a stroller and her face was not visible.

By the way, Victoria’s ex-husband showed his daughter to the entire Internet without her permission, which infuriated Vika. The singer explained why she hides the child’s appearance and added that there are too many ill-wishers around who can become a real threat to the child’s safety.

Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko got married in April 2015. In October of the same year, the couple had a baby, who was named Lida. However, in the fall of 2017, Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman announced their divorce. Why did the young people split up? What caused their separation? We will talk about this in our article.

Victoria Daineko's ex-husband - Dmitry Kleiman

It is known that Dmitry was born in 1994. By occupation he is a musician. He began to engage in creativity from early childhood. In addition to playing the drums, he plays the guitar and enjoys beatboxing (imitating drum rhythms with his voice).

He collaborates with various famous singers and is a fairly well-known person in certain circles. Dmitry is the drummer of the band DrumCast.

Kleiman met Victoria when she was looking for musicians to record an album. The young people felt sympathy for each other and began an affair in November 2014. On the eve of Valentine's Day, Dmitry proposed to his beloved. Two months later, Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko (photo of the ex-spouses is located in the article) officially legalized their relationship.

Wedding of Dmitry and Victoria

Registration of the relationship between young people took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office. The ceremonial event on the occasion of the wedding of Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman took place that same evening at the Rose Bar, which is located on Bolshaya Dmitrovka. The couple decided to hold their wedding in a luxurious restaurant located on the roof of an ancient building in the very center of the capital.

More than a hundred guests were invited to the celebration, including celebrities. Igor Matvienko, Mitya Fomin, TV presenter Evelina Khromchenko, Ksenia Khrabovskaya, Vika’s friends from “Star Factory” and other representatives of Russian show business came to congratulate the newlyweds.

Neither the musician nor the popular singer was embarrassed by the significant age difference. Victoria was 7 years older than her husband. The happy newlyweds assured that their marriage would be very strong, because the spouses were confident in each other.

On the eve of the wedding, information began to appear in the media that Victoria and Dmitry would soon become parents. Six months later, the couple had a girl.

Reason for breakup

Daineko announced her divorce from Dmitry in May 2017. The girl had to break the silence, as quite a lot of untruths began to appear in the media.

Officially, Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko broke up on September 19, 2017. The divorce petition was accepted by the Kuntsevsky District Court. According to a participant in the Star Factory project, the main reason for the divorce was the lack of mutual understanding and jealousy on Dmitry’s part. The ex-spouses often argued, and all disagreements ended with the young man packing his things and leaving home. In the end, the couple decided to separate, after which Kleiman moved to another apartment.

The Star Factory participant hoped to the last to save her marriage, but she failed. In turn, Daineko’s husband claimed that Victoria was entirely to blame for the fact that they had to separate.

Victoria and Dmitry today

After the divorce, the baby stayed to live with Victoria. Dmitry lives in a separate apartment in the company of two French bulldogs.

Until December 2017, nothing was known about the singer’s personal life. However, on the eve of the coming year, information appeared in the media that the popular singer had an affair with a hockey player. The ex-husband, having learned about this, hastened to publish a photo with an unknown girl on social networks. The musician did not indicate the name of his companion, deciding to maintain the intrigue.

Victoria Daineko is one of the most famous artists on the Russian stage. For more than ten years now, she has been delighting fans with her creativity. The biography of Victoria Daineko is replete with various interesting facts and events - despite the fact that the girl is only thirty.

early years

Vika Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the small village of Kirovskoye, in the Republic of Kazakhstan (now renamed Billyk). Dad Peter (a generalist specialist) and mother Evgenia (a programmer) had no more children, so they devoted all their attention and care to their only daughter. The girl grew up in an atmosphere of love, and to this day her parents remain her best friends.

When Vika was a little over a month old, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny. The future singer spent her entire youth there. Namely, Vika announced her desire to become a singer back in her “pink childhood.” But mom and dad thought that this was not serious, and therefore, starting from the age of five, Vika took ballroom dancing - and this continued until she was eleven.

Love for music

Despite dancing, my love for music has not gone away. Vika continued to dream of a big stage. But Victoria Daineko’s creative path began on a small stage and, as usual, completely by accident: a vocal competition was held at school, where Vika’s friend went. She asked Vika to join her, Vika, of course, agreed - and created a sensation.

Despite the fact that she did not have a musical education, she had a very strong voice (which, by the way, will be repeated by many of the masters she meets in her future biography). Victoria Daineko was invited to perform in the school ensemble, where she remained until the eighth grade - it was then that the talented girl was invited to the Mirny pop group. And then came work in another group and participation in many (if not all) musical events and competitions in the city. Soon people started talking about Vika, she became a real local celebrity. In addition to her powerful voice, Vika has been famous for her determination and perseverance since childhood. Her goal was the stage, which meant she needed to hone her skills. The problem was the lack of educational institutions for pop vocals in Mirny. Victoria worked independently - listened to the songs of her favorite artists (mostly British), tried to imitate them, adopt their performance culture.

If at first Vika sang only other people’s hits, then later, in high school, she began to have her own songs. The very first of them, called “Red-haired Girlfriend,” was written for a talented beautiful girl by two local authors, currently collaborating with Leonid Agutin. In addition, Vika wrote poetry herself, and in two languages ​​at once.


In addition to her passion for music, Vika was seriously interested in the English language. However, there was a connection with singing here too: Vika simply really wanted to sing in English and get on the world stage. Therefore, after graduating from school, she didn’t even have any questions about where to apply. Of course, in foreign language! This is how Moscow entered Victoria Daineko’s biography.

A seventeen-year-old girl came to the capital alone. Quite calmly she entered the foreign language department. Her parents rented an apartment for her. Everything around was new and unusual. It seemed that years of study lay ahead - but here it was, a whim of fate: it so happened that an apartment for Victoria was found in the Ostankino area. Every day the girl passed by the television center, and this is how she learned about the start of casting for the next season of the most popular television project “Star Factory” - already the fifth in a row. I found out and without a doubt decided to try my hand.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the Star Factory opened its doors for the fifth time. This time, three people occupied the director’s chair at once: producers Igor Matvienko and Maxim Fadeev, and the prima donna herself, Alla Borisovna Pugacheva. It was thanks to Alla Borisovna that Vika was able to get onto the project.

Initially, she did not pass the casting. I was upset, returned home, but thought - we must continue to fight! She returned to Ostankino and managed to get an audition for Pugacheva. Based on the selection results, the contestants were divided into two categories - some were politely thanked, which meant a refusal, others were asked to sit down and wait, that is, they were given a “pass” to the next stage. It was these cherished words that Vika heard when she sang in front of the Prima Donna. This is how Victoria Daineko’s biography included a project that completely changed her life.

Just participating in a show watched by an audience of millions meant phenomenal success, but Vika managed to achieve the seemingly impossible - a simple girl from the Russian outback, without education, without connections, but with a great desire to work, she won in the fifth season "Factory" and signed a contract for cooperation with Igor Matvienko. This is how Vika’s path to fame began - at seventeen and a half years old.

Life after "Factory"

“Star Factory” divided Victoria’s life into “before” and “after”. As was customary in all seasons of the show, immediately after the end of the project, the young “stars” went on a large tour across the country. This happened in the fifth season, and Vika traveled to Russia along with the rest of the participants. In addition, the girl shot a video for the song “Leila”, which was written to her during the project. They filmed the video in Thailand, and the very young Vika, who found herself at sea and abroad for the first time, had a lot of impressions and delight. From that time on, the constant and fruitful work of singer Victoria Daineko began.

The biography of her first years is rich in a variety of events: there was a recording of the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle,” and several filmed videos, and the release of the first album “Needle,” and even a candid photo shoot for a men’s magazine (Vika would later say that it’s her mistake)… Life moved quickly.

In 2012, Victoria recorded two duets: with rapper T-Killah and with the group “Korni” (who, by the way, like her, work with Igor Matvienko), and two years later released a second album both in Russian and in English. Vika still has the dream of singing in English.

Participation in projects

Many artists gladly take part in various shows - some for the sake of a fee, some to appear on TV once again, and some simply because they enjoy it. So Vika was no exception.

Back in 2007, she appeared in the Ice Age project. This was followed by “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, “Two Stars” and - in 2011 - “Star Factory. Return”, where participants from different seasons of the show gathered who became famous. At this “Factory”, Vika again managed to win, beating such rivals as Irina Dubtsova, Zara, Vlad Sokolovsky, the groups “Chelsea”, “Factory”, “Yin-Yang”.

In addition to participating in the show, Victoria does not refuse to participate in films. She starred in cameos in several TV series, and also lent her voice to three cartoons - Noah's Ark (2007), Rapunzel (2010) and Trolls (2016). In the last two films, the characters sing in Vicki’s voice.

Personal life

The biography of Victoria Daineko is not short on “amorous affairs”. From her very first appearance in public, various novels were constantly attributed to a beautiful girl with an unusual appearance. While still at the Factory, Vika met with a dancer named Igor, who worked on the project. However, their relationship, which all Vicki’s fans watched with curiosity, did not last long.

Some consider the girl's next relationship to be real, while others consider it a successful PR stunt, invented by the producer to stir up interest in his charges. One way or another, in 2006 the media was full of information that Victoria Daineko’s new chosen one (pictured), whose biography is also known to everyone, is none other than the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. Vika and “Roots” each released a video, the plots of which had something in common with the love affair between Vika and Pasha, and then this relationship gradually came to naught.

In 2010, “Roots” got a new soloist, Dmitry Pakulichev. And he and Victoria began an affair. Dmitry starred in the girl’s new video (“Erase him from your memory”), they appeared together several times at a couple of events, but quickly ran away.

The following relationships left a big mark on the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko. Photos with Alexey Vorobyov, in which they are happy and in love, appeared with enviable frequency both in magazines and on the social networks of the artists themselves. However, a little more than six months after the start of the novel, Alexey, whose frivolity is legendary, left Vika. She took this breakup, which happened in 2012, just before her birthday, very hard.

And then 2014 came. And her future husband, drummer Dmitry Kleiman, appeared in Victoria’s life.

Dmitry Kleiman

The biography of Victoria Daineko’s husband (though now ex-husband) is not encouraging with extensive information. It is known that Dmitry’s parents’ names are Andrey and Valentina, his father is a musician, and his son, born in 1994 (Dmitry is seven years younger than Victoria), followed in his footsteps. Dmitry began to get involved in music and extracting rhythms from the age of five, and “trained” on everything that came to hand.

In addition to playing the drums, he is a guitarist and beatboxer (beatboxing is imitation of music using the voice), works with many popular performers and is quite famous in musical circles.

Meet Victoria

Vika and Dima met in October 2014 - to record an album, Vika needed musicians, including those who played drums, several were advised to her, including Kleiman. Victoria admitted that she immediately drew attention to him, while at first he was indifferent to the artist. Nevertheless, they began to work together, then communicate more and more closely. Then the first hugs and kisses began, then Dima met the singer at the airport when she was returning from tour, and since then they have not parted.

In February 2015, Dmitry proposed to Victoria, and in April the couple married. They were not stopped either by the fact that Vika was older than Dima, or by the fact that they had known each other for only six months. Victoria repeated that she was more than confident in her feelings and in Dima.

Birth of a child

In October of the same year, Victoria and Dmitry had a daughter. Unlike many “star” (and not only) mothers who constantly post photographs of their children and tell details of their personal lives, Vika was in no hurry to do either one or the other. To this day, she does not show her daughter to strangers; moreover, for a long time she even hid the child’s name - Lida.

Unfortunately, in the summer of this year, the marriage of Dmitry and Victoria broke up, and even the presence of a common daughter did not save him. Dmitry initiated the divorce, and Vika did not interfere with him. She raises the girl herself, but does not object to her meetings with her father. However, the last time Dmitry visited his daughter was also several months ago.


Despite her relatively young age, Victoria Daineko’s biography includes many awards. This is “Fashion Singer of the Year” (2007), and five Golden Gramophone statuettes, and “Best Song” at the “Red Star” - and so on. In addition, two years ago Vika received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

  1. Respects the work of British performers, especially Christina Aguilera.
  2. In ordinary life she is quite shy, embarrassed when communicating with people.
  3. Except for the stage, she does not wear makeup.
  4. He loves to be at home and calls himself a homebody.
  5. Before the “Star Factory” I tried to get into the “People’s Artist” project, but didn’t make it.

They say that luck favors open and purposeful people. This is exactly what Vika Daineko is - she is ready to move mountains for the sake of her dream. And with such efficiency, she will probably succeed!