A tale of pike desire. By magic

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya. Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, we don’t know anything...

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya. Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything. One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:

Go, Emelya, for water. And he told them from the stove:


Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.


Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river. He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

This will be a sweet soup!

Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook your fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

The pike begged again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...

Pike tells him:

Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wishes.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets. The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove. How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.


If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and they won’t bring you gifts.

Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, an ax, chop some wood, and the firewood, go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove. How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:

Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.

And he told them from the stove:

What are you up to?

What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like...

Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:

Women, open the gates! His daughters-in-law tell him:

Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?

I don't need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.

But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout: “Hold him! Catch him! And he, you know, is driving the sleigh. Arrived in the forest:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, split dry trees, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.

He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
Come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace. An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

Are you a fool Emelya?

And he from the stove:

What do you care?

Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.

And I don't feel like...

The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
club, break his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs. The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:

Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king. - I’m warm here too...

Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you good food and water, please, let’s go.

And I don't feel like...

Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought and thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I’ll follow behind you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
come on, bake, go to the king...

Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king. The king looks out the window, marvels;

What kind of miracle is this? The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you. The king came out onto the porch:

Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they crawl under the sleigh?

At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
let the king’s daughter love me... And he said again:

Go bake, go home...

The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

And the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king took charge, tightened his grip and said again to the greatest nobleman:

Go and bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya. Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king. The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea. Whether long or short, Emelya woke up; sees - dark, cramped:

Where am I?

And they answer him:

Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! We were tarred in a barrel and thrown into the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Princess Marya. Emelya says:

At the pike's command.
According to my wish -
the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

Emelyushka, where will we live? Build any kind of hut.

And I don't feel like...

Then she began to ask him even more, and he said:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
build a stone palace with a golden roof...

As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. There is a green garden all around: flowers are blooming and birds are singing.

Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?

Here Emelya thought for a moment:

At the command of the pike,
According to my wish -
become a good fellow for me, a handsome man...

And Emelya became such that it is impossible to say or describe with a pen.

And at that time the king was going hunting and saw a palace standing where there was nothing before.

What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?

And he sent to find out and ask: “Who are they?” The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking. Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Who are you, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be tarred in a barrel and thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and began to ask for forgiveness:

Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but don’t destroy me!

Here they had a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.

About Emelya and pike.

    Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

    Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.

    One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:

    Go, Emelya, for water.

    And he told them from the stove:


    Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.


    Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

    He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

    This will be a sweet soup!

    Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.

    And Emelya laughs:

    What will I need you for?.. No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook some fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

    The pike begged again:

    Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

    Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.

    Pike asks him:

    Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

    I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...

    Pike tells him:

    Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

    "At the command of the pike,
    According to my wishes."

    Emelya says:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Go home, buckets, yourself...

    He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

    The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya is walking behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

    How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

    Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.


    If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and they won’t bring you gifts.

    Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Go, axe, chop some wood, and the firewood, go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

    The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.

    How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:

    Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.

    And he told them from the stove:

    What are you up to?

    What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

    I don't feel like...

    Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

    Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:

    Women, open the gates!

    His daughters-in-law tell him:

    Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?

    I don't need a horse.

    The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Go, sleigh, into the forest...

    The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.

    But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout: "Hold him! Catch him!" And you know, he’s pushing the sleigh. Arrived in the forest:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

    The ax began to chop, chop dry firewood, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Go home, sleigh...

    The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.

    He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Come on, club, break off their sides...

    The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

    Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him to find him and bring him to the palace.

    An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

    Are you a fool Emelya?

    And he from the stove:

    What do you care?

    Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.

    And I don't feel like...

    The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek. And Emelya says quietly:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Club, break his sides...

    The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.

    The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:

    Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

    The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

    Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

    The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:

    Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

    I'm warm here too...

    Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you good food and water, please, let’s go.

    And I don't feel like...

    Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

    Emelya thought and thought:

    Well, okay, you go ahead, and I’ll follow behind you.

    The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Come on, bake, go to the king...

    Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king.

    The king looks out the window and wonders:

    What kind of miracle is this?

    The greatest nobleman answers him:

    And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you.

    The king came out onto the porch:

    Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

    Why did they crawl under the sleigh?

    At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly:

    According to my wish -

    Let the king's daughter love me...

    And he also said:

    Go bake, go home...

    The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

    And the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king became upset, became upset and said again to the greatest nobleman:

    Go, bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

    The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya.

    Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king.

    The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea.

    Whether for a long time or for a short time, Emelya woke up and saw that it was dark and cramped:

    Where am I?

    And they answer him:

    Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! We were tarred in a barrel and thrown into the blue sea.

    And who are you?

    I am Princess Marya.

    Emelya says:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    The winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

    The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

    Emelyushka, where will we live? Build any kind of hut.

    - I don’t feel like...

    Then she began to ask him even more, and he said:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Line up, stone palace with a golden roof...

    As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. There is a green garden all around: flowers are blooming and birds are singing. Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

    Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?

    Here Emelya thought for a moment:

    At the command of the pike,
    According to my wish -

    Let me become a good fellow, a handsome man...

    And Emelya became such that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen.

    And at that time the king was going hunting and saw a palace standing where there was nothing before.

    What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?

    And he sent to ask: “Who are they?” The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

    Emelya answers them:

    Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

    The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

    -Who are you, good fellow?

    Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be tarred in a barrel and thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

    The king was very frightened and began to ask for forgiveness:

    Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but don’t destroy me!

    Here they had a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

    This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.

"There is nothing more hateful to wisdom than cunning."
Eastern wisdom.

My parents told me this fairy tale. Mine are their grandparents. Therefore, this fairy tale is certainly more than a hundred years old. In tsarist times, the censors of the throne allowed the interpretation of everything, history and legends and fairy tales, in the educational context that supported the system of slavery of the Russian peoples. Education, as you know, is laid down from childhood, and so His Highest Excellency Pike was determined to leave only the beginning and end of the fairy tale untouched, and edit the middle as He himself ordered. Sometimes fairy tales can be reduced to the level of an anecdote, for example, like the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower", in others, this is unacceptable because the meaning of the fairy tale, its good and positive magic, is lost.

The fairy tale “At the behest of the pike” created by the Russian people has a completely different meaning! It traces the growth of Emelya as a person, from a small undertaking to a medium one, from an average creation to a higher goal. Yes, he is lazy and the Russian people always like to laugh at themselves in moderation, but who wants to bend their back? Emelya in the Russian fairy tale is a simple, rude guy, thanks to creativity, ingenuity and work, love and attention of Princess Marya, he gets rid of foul language and becomes the ruler of the state.

The saying is appropriate here: “Laziness and poverty are the engines of progress.”

Any sailing ship can be made into a rowing boat; sailing, although difficult, is possible, as is the reverse surrogate process of turning a person into a slave and a monkey. And what happened to the fairy tale was published. Read the works of A. S. Pushkin, written based on the legends of Arina Rodionovna, and the very idea of ​​a Russian person immediately changes. In them, Ivan is ... a prince, a champion of goodness and justice, a kind and brave hero.

In the outback of our great Motherland, fairy tales have been preserved in a pure, folk vein. They remained pristine, just as my mother told me. She was a descendant of a Cossack family from Central Asia and told stories as the Russian people told them.

Of course, it was difficult for me to reconstruct this fairy tale; it was replete with folk wisdom, sayings of the Russian people, bright humor and a mystery hidden for children’s perception. My goal was to correct the misunderstanding, to put together the past and the lost in a new way, to build on the skeletons left in children's literature - the living body of a wise and kind Russian folk tale.

Fairy tales, fairy tales are different, but what can I say, it’s up to the parents. It’s not for nothing that they say: “The way you harness it, the way you go” and “You reap what you sow.”

I decided to write it for you - in Prose. ru and tell you how I heard it myself in my distant childhood.

Enjoy your reading, dear readers.

The Russian people are simple, but not simple.
And he tells simple and complex fairy tales.


Once upon a time there lived an old man and he had three sons, two smart and the third eccentric - the fool Emelya.

The brothers work, their eyes are sweating, and Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything. He only dreams of everything falling by itself, like a storm, from the sky.

Once the brothers went to the market to clear their brains and steam their palms. And the women-in-law, let’s show our teeth and send them to the fool at random:

Go Emelya for water.

And he told them from the stove:

Where the women are smooth there is no water in the tub.

No, I don’t want to...

Go Emelya, otherwise the brothers will come back from the market and won’t bring you any gifts.

Well, if that's the case. That's fine!
Sleep, sleep! If you don't sleep, get up!

Emelya stretched, got off the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, ran out into the yard, washed himself with snow, ran into the hallway, took buckets and an ax and went to the river. And girls come to meet him with rockers on their shoulders, chirping about their own things and splashing water.

As soon as they missed each other, Emelya realized his mistake and realized that he had to return home to get the yoke. He turned around, slipped down the slope head over heels with buckets and fell down. In spirit he rushed to the edge of the ice hole, slammed his buckets across the water with all his might, splashes flew in all directions. And he hit his head hard on the ice.

Emelya came to his senses, pulled the buckets out of the water, and in one of them there was a pike, belly up, stunned, as if struck by thunder...

Emelya took the pike by the gills, brought it to his face, and couldn’t get enough of admiring it. He laughs, licks his broken lip and says to himself:

Wow! Let's fry cutlets for the brothers. For daddy, we season the pike head with garlic and bake it. Let's cook the giblets, wow!, the soup will be sweet.

And the pike stared at Emelya with bulging eyes, opened its royal mouth, prayed and with a voice from heaven and from the river expanse said to him:

Listen to Emelya! Let me go with good health, and for this, I will thank you.

Emelya opens his mitten, marvels, doesn’t believe himself, pike!, but speaks in human language.

Emelya asks the pike:

How will you thank me?

She says:

Listen and understand.

All! What is happening in this World is at My command! Remember this! There is only one thing left for you. Just want... As soon as you pronounce my cherished words, everything will come true.

Emelya was taken aback and thought to himself:

I shook my head quite a bit, since I heard something like that.

Emelya began to delve into the fish’s tongue, looking into the mouth and comprehending the miraculous words. Meanwhile, the mistress of the river came to her senses, twirled around like in a frying pan, contrived and finally, as a sign of great gratitude for her perception, rewarded Emelya, struck him in the face with her magic tail, putting all the hidden power of the promises written on the water into the back of the head as a souvenir.

Emelya did not have time to open his mouth and it just so happened that with silent consent the King Fish slipped out of Emelya’s hands. She waved her fins and said goodbye to him, with a voice from heaven and the river expanse:

The time will come, Emelyushka will become happy. Remember, don't forget what you said...

And she left, to her enchanted river kingdom.

Emelya was dumbfounded by this situation.

The live cutlets fell through my fingers.

Emelya became lost in thought. But of course! Much has been said, but little has been said... He remembers, he is confused and cannot remember what the fish whispered to him:

According to me, he says...by command, according to yours...therefore, at will...or, according to our desire? And everything will come true!

Well done...

Emelya began to reproach himself, talking to himself and saying:

That's it, schu... That's right?!...schu - ka.

He doesn’t believe his ears, he shivered, shook himself, licked his broken lip, felt his mind going beyond his mind, he was even stunned... from such an insight.

And the girls on the hill are standing there, hugging their bellies, holding on, and asking during the interruption:

Why did Emelya declare his love to the pike and she refused? And let's laugh as hard as we can.

And Emelya was embarrassed and said:

Yes, she begged, she told me that you don’t have a wife yet, I’ll be a mother for you and I’ll help you in everything, as soon as you want it!, and all your wishes will be fulfilled. For this promise, I kindly took her and sent her away.

Oh, it’s not too bad to see that Emelya was wedged from a pike slap in the face. Emelya thinks to herself: I’m a man or not a man, will I carry water on a rocker like a woman? No, you have to decide things with your mind. That's all there is to it! You just have to...want it!

I returned home, made racks with wheel traction, stuck one into the hole, and placed the others on the shore. He pulled the belts, hooked the buckets, rested his feet on the slope, pulled the belt rod towards himself with his hands and looked at the girls, laughed, covered his mouth with one hand and said quietly:

At the behest of the pike, at my will.

As soon as he said, he grabbed the belt traction with his other hand and the buckets went up the hill on their own. The people are smiling and amazed, and Emelya is happy himself, he cleverly set up his mechanics so that the buckets flew right into the hut and stood on the bench themselves. And Emelya entered the house and climbed onto the stove.

How much time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.


If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you any gifts.

Emelya is too lazy to get off the stove. Yes, I really loved gifts. He got off the couch, washed, got dressed, started putting on his shoes, and thought to himself: - with buckets, any fool is a master. But to chop firewood with an ax... that’s a problem that will be a little more complicated.

He sat down on the bench, thought, remembered the wheel shaft, strained himself, thought, picked up the tool, assembled a marvelous unit.

Yes he says to his daughters-in-law:

“Everything seems to be going well and everything turned out smoothly.”

He covered his mouth with his hand so that his daughters-in-law wouldn’t hear and whispered:

Give me an axe, chop some wood, and then go into the hut and put the firewood in the oven...

Everything began to spin in the yard and let’s chop wood with an ax and then go into the hut and climb into the stove.

The daughters-in-law opened their mouths in amazement...

And Emelya thinks in thoughts, assembles a miracle machine, lives in it day and night, does not sleep, does not eat, does not drink.

He collected it, climbed onto the stove and sleeps, rests and dreams of happiness.

How much time has passed, the daughters-in-law say again:

- Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop.

And he teases from the stove:

What are you all up to?

What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

Yeah, no matter how hard you scratch your tongue, you won’t be able to find anyone against you.

No, I’m not reluctant, but I’m laughing...

Well, if you don’t want it as you want, you won’t get any gifts.

Emelya got down from the stove, dressed warmly, took a rope, a saw and an ax and went out into the yard.

He sat down in the sleigh and said:

Show your teeth and open the gates!

His daughters-in-law ask him:

Why were you weird, got into the sleigh and didn’t harness the horse?

I don't need horses!

The daughters-in-law opened the gate and Emelya covered his mouth with his hand so that the daughters-in-law wouldn’t hear and said quietly:

At the behest of the pike, at my will...

Go sleigh into the forest...

The sleigh drove out of the gate on its own and so quickly that it was impossible to catch up with a horse. And then he had to go to the forest through the capital and here he crushed many loafers and lazy people with his miracle sleigh.

White hands let's shout:

Hold him! Catch him!

And he, you know, is driving the sleigh. He came to the forest and blurted out with all his heart at the top of his voice:

That's the pike thing, everyone is climbing in the wrong place, looking at the wrong thing! We can’t do anything ourselves! They want everything. What can you do with them! Therefore, you will have to use an ax: - at the behest of the pike, according to my desire - to chop dry wood! And let the firewood fall into the sleigh themselves, knit itself together...

Oh, and the well-coordinated hatchet began to chop, chop, and saw to cut dry wood. The firewood itself falls into the sleigh and is tied with a rope. Then, Emelya ordered an ax to cut out his clubs and such that he could lift them with force.

The hatchet in Emelya’s hands began to work wonders, and he cut it down nicely. A sight for sore eyes! Emelya tied the clubs to a cogwheel, sat on the cart and said:

Give us the sleigh, go home yourself.

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the streets and boyar courtyards, where he just crushed many idle belly scratchers and they are already waiting for him. They just wanted to grab Emelya by the sleeves, but Emelya wriggled out, pulled out the key and said:

Come on, take the clubs, break off their sides...

The clubs jumped out from under the wheels and began to thrash and beat the loafers. They rushed away.

And Emelya, tired from the day, came home and, without eating, climbed onto the stove.

How long or short of time passed, the king heard about Emelka’s tricks and sent the chief of the gendarmerie to that village for Emelya.

And a lot of people came to Emelya, so he made two entrances, one to himself where he made crafts and crafts and the other was in the barnyard. Yes, he ordered his daughters-in-law, depending on how they asked, to invite anyone who came either to him, or to send him into the yard through another door. For the backbiting and rude, the entrance was a secret; once you entered, you would immediately fall into a pit.

The royal servant did not say hello at the door, did not introduce himself, but immediately began waving his tongue like chopping with a saber:

What are the images staring at? And you’re an old stump sitting down, you can’t see who’s standing in front of you! Come on, tell me where is your bitch son Emelya?

And his daughters-in-law say to him:

Have mercy, they didn’t recognize me. Don't blame him, his father is both deaf and blind, and Emelyushka has been waiting for you in the barnyard since the morning - waiting...

The Tsar's lackey went out into the courtyard, entered that door, and immediately fell into a septic tank. He got out by force and then straw and feathers spilled over him. This is how he appeared before the king, dressed as a handsome man.

The king became angry and sent his greatest nobleman:

Bring the fool, son of a bitch Emelya to my palace.

The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law:

What does Emelya love?

Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan, then he will do whatever you ask!

The great nobleman treated his daughters-in-law to raisins, gingerbread, and prunes, and he himself entered the door where Emelya was making crafts, greeted him and said:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

Emelya answers him:

“I’m warm here, too, but he thinks: “Oh, the gentleman-boyar, he looks like a royal servant, but he himself is a fool, he can’t distinguish a cart from a stove.”

And the nobleman is eager to fulfill the royal command - he persuades him and sings sweetly:

Emelya, you can’t warm your belly with a stove, but at the Tsar’s you will be well fed and watered, please let’s go.

Emelya does not stop working, tinkers and says:

But I don't feel like it.

The nobleman is not far behind, he is bursting out of his skin, flushed, puffing like a samovar, and already sweating.

He thinks to himself, what else can he offer?

I remembered what his daughters-in-law said to him when they met.

He hit himself on the forehead with his palm and said:

Emelya! ...The Tsar will give you a red caftan! ...Hat and boots!

Emelya looked at the nobleman and thought: - he seems to be as simple as a pig and cunning as a snake.

You know, to tell the truth, I'm not as lazy as I once was. Well, okay, you go ahead and I’ll follow you.

The nobleman left and Emelya heated the firebox until it was red and said to his daughters-in-law:

What can you do? At least I’ll look at people and show myself. Hunting is worse than captivity and therefore, at the behest of the pike! In my opinion, let’s bake and go to the palace...

Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the palace.

The king looks out the window and wonders:

What kind of miracle crew is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you.

The king came out onto the porch and said:

Somehow Emelya has a lot of complaints about you! You have opened my eyes a lot and crushed the crows. This really upset me.

Emelya answers:

They suffered because of their curiosity. They themselves climbed under an unprecedented sleigh. But the sled is not simple, new and not broken in. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “Curious Varvara had her nose torn off at the market,” so they got it too.

Okay, says the king, I’ll forgive you your sins, if you want to wipe the nose of one arrogant foreign princess and you don’t want to! I'll take your head off your shoulders.

And he takes out a tiny crystal casket and puts it in Emelya’s hands. Emelya opened the casket and marveled at the silver flea sitting on the red velvet and moving its legs. And while Emelya was looking at the flea, all this time he himself looked with one eye at the Tsar’s daughter Marya the Princess and fell in love.

It’s already getting dark and Emelya stands and dreams:

Right now... How great it would be! According to the royal order, according to my desire!... He will marry me, the beautiful princess... And we would throw a feast! - to the whole world!

Emelya began to ask the king and said:

Give me your daughter as my wife! I want to marry her!

Princess Marya heard this and was delighted, and she herself also fell in love with Emelyushka at first sight. It happens!

And how can you not fall in love? The guy is Russian, his own, with a head and a craftsman!

The king narrowed his eyes slyly and said to Emelya:

Want is not harmful! Maryushka is no match for you, a foreign prince is wooing her. Only one thing, only speaks like a spring brook babbling.

So come on, drive in good health and don’t break a flea. And don’t worry, when the time comes, I’ll ask.

Emelya became confused, but what can you do? He took the box, got on the self-propelled stove and drove home.

Again he lies there, puffs up and sulks at the royal command, and cannot forget Maryushka.

Yes, and he says:

The pike, the Tsar himself, cannot live without me, no one gives me peace day or night! You hear one thing: - he sleeps and sleeps and there is no time to rest. And he set a task - a difficult, tricky one.

He got off the bed, got a flea, put it on the table and let it jump in a circle. The daughters-in-law laugh and are surprised.

One says:

Oh!... Even though it’s a flea, it’s like a foal spinning around the uterus...

What does Emelya think, ...let me take her...

He took a flea...and...shoeed it.

Meanwhile, the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya and cannot live without him. She asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king became upset and began to cry, and said to Princess Marya:

If you don't obey me! And at My command, if you don’t marry the prince, I’ll let you go around the world.

And he called the greatest nobleman and said:

Go, bring Emelya to me, alive or dead.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks and went to that village. In his own way, he entered that hut and began to treat his daughters-in-law, feed his father and brothers stories, and give everyone food and drink.

He pours a full glass for the owners and just a little for himself. From the belly he leans on pies with hare, cabbage and sterlet. He got flushed, sits and incessantly talks about this and that, about the king and about the kingdom - he says everything. He himself, unnoticed, pours everything for Emele and drinks it up.

Emelya thinks to herself:

Oh, the gentleman-boyar, cunning and voracious as a pike, and not at all as simple as you seem.

It’s already late in the evening, approaching midnight, the daughters-in-law and brothers are tired of talking and have retired to bed, but the nobleman is still joking around and won’t leave. Emelya was tired from work during the day, he was very drunk and didn’t even notice how he dozed off. And the king’s servant put the dead sleeping Emelya in a cart and took him to the palace.

The king stirred up Emelya and asked:

Well, the son of a bitch, rubbed the nose of the foreigners?
Let's show the flea!

Emelya took out the casket, just gave it into the king’s hands and immediately fell asleep.

The Tsar looked and saw nothing, got angry, ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in, Emelya and the disobedient Marya Princess were put in it, they were tarred and the barrel was thrown into the sea.

How long did they float for a short time - Emelya woke up, feeling that everything around was dark and cramped. My head hurts and my ears are ringing. Asks himself:

- Where am I?

Marya the Princess answers:

At sea we are Emelyushka. If only you and I could go out into freedom... Free freedom.

Emelya was delighted, covered his mouth and said quietly:

At the command of the pike, at my will - the violent winds, roll out the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

Marya Princess says:

- Emelyushka, where will we sleep and live? Build any kind of hut with pastels and a pillow.

And he answers her:

- No, I don’t want anything... I can’t bear it, I’m tired and I want to sleep.

Then she began to beg him even more and say:

Emelyushka, try and want. I haven’t slept on the grass and I won’t live in a hut.

Emelya sighed, covered his mouth with his palm so that Princess Marya would not hear and said:

- Well... At the behest of the pike...

And a stone palace with a golden roof began to be built, to grow in width, to rise to the heights, such as Marya the Princess herself spun on the tongue and, most importantly, Emelyushka wanted for Maryushka and himself. It turned out to be a very good palace. There is a green garden all around, flowers are blooming and birds are singing. Marya Princess and Emelya entered the palace and sat down at the window.

They look into the distant distance, drink tea with jams and honey, and talk about an unprecedented, new free life.

Emelya says:

Oh Maryushka! How boring the day is until the evening when there is nothing to do.

Yes! Emelyushka is always like this, when you live for yourself, your heart is eager to work.

Princess Marya blossomed, smiled and asked:

Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome? You yourself shod the English flea and put your teeth in front. If you don’t correct me, I won’t show mercy or kiss you.

Then Emelya began to grieve, started to get sick... I realized that now it’s easy, you can’t remember the pike.

Yes, and he says:

Okay Maryushka, I’ll do it.

And Emelya also became a dentist, something that could not be described in a fairy tale. He adjusted his teeth, stopped lisping, and became the first guy in the kingdom.

Emelya says:

From now on, Maryushka, I will do everything only at your command! And... To my understanding.

Well done Emelyushka, you have a lot to do with your mind! And the desire... I will always provide it for you.

So they lived and did not grieve.

How much time has passed, the king decided to inspect his possessions. And by that time, the king had already become decrepit and toothless. The king gathered his servants and went hunting. I drove for a long time and suddenly I saw... there was a palace where there was nothing before.

The king asks his servants:

What kind of ignoramus is this - pike offal, without my high permission, and built a palace on my land?

And he sent to find out, to ask who they were. The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Who will you be, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool, the weirdo Emelya. How did he come to you on the stove and you ordered him and your daughter to be put in a barrel and thrown into the sea?

I am the same Emelya who shoed a flea and assembled a self-propelled stove.

The king frowned and said:
- So that means you! ...Pike head?!

And Emelya answers him:
- You, Your Majesty, say, don’t talk too much. I want to! If I do such a lot of things, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and slyly asks:

Do you want to marry my daughter?... Emelyushka.

Maryushka and happiness! And my love.

So get married...

The king sits muttering under his breath:

That's it! ...pike...

The king stood up from the table and said to Emelya:

From now on, you will be as dear to me as a dear puppy! Take My Kingdom! Just...don't ruin it.

A feast was held here for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the Kingdom.

That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done!

Russian proverbs:

When a person believes in his strength, in himself, he is a creator and gives birth to miracles. The pike is there to keep the gudgeon from dozing. With ours, the most important thing is that the man does not sleep on the stove, but wants and desires. If life gets better, then work gets better. When you take hold of the tug, don’t say that it’s not hefty. You took the kingdom, so know how to own it, just don’t destroy it. It’s a great skill to manage so that everyone can feel good. It’s good to live in honor and the answer is great. Russian spirit in culture and education. Freedom is not enough. When wives scold, they often say: I told you so, as a human being. When the boss demands to carry out exactly the opposite instructions, you need to fulfill both, as the king demanded: - “...bring me Emelya, alive or dead.”
The tarred people live, shackled with iron hoops, and what kind of people are they, artisans and with a head.

The fairy tale teaches the main thing:

As a person wants whatever he wants, he will take care of it. If a person wants it, flowers will bloom on the bare peak.
Have time and patience for whatever you want. Without desire and labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond.

Strive to want! Dream, study, read. Set a goal! Work hard and make your dreams come true. Believe in knowledge, in yourself!
Be brave, strong and you will become free and happy! And the World of Fantasy will come true for you.

It also happens. Sometimes when you scold others, you praise, and when you praise, you scold yourself...

Contents of a fairy tale for children At the command of the pike
The old man had three sons, two smart, and the third Emelya is a fool. Emelya lies there all day while the brothers work and doesn’t want to listen to anything.
One day the women and daughter-in-law Emelya asked to go and fetch water. He didn’t want to, but they threatened that the brothers would not bring any gifts from the market.
So Emelya filled buckets with water and stood there looking into the hole. And there is a pike. Here, he thinks, the soup will be sweet. He caught a pike and kept it. She begged, asked to be released, and in return promised to fulfill all of Emelina’s wishes as soon as he said “at the command of the pike.” I think I want.”
Emelya released the pike and began to say magic words for the occasion. At first, the buckets went into the house themselves, then the wood was chopped, the sleigh rode without horses.
One day the king called Emelya to him, and the princess called our fool Marya took a liking to her, so much so that Emelya decided to marry her. I asked for a pike and went home. The princess cries, sobs, grieves, and wants to marry Emelya. The king turned out to be against it, walled up the two in a barrel and threw them into the water. It was dark and scary for the young people there. Here the pike again helped them get out onto land onto the golden sand. It also helped them create a palace, such that the king noticed it. I stopped by for a visit and couldn’t believe my eyes. And Emelya threatened that if he wanted, he would destroy his kingdom. The king was frightened and gave Emelya the kingdom, where he and Princess Marya began to live well and make good money. 1 there was a story there, honey, drank beer, but only got his mustache wet :)

Read the Russian folk tale At the command of the pike

Once upon a time there lived an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third - the fool Emelya.

Those brothers work, but Emelya lies on the stove all day, doesn’t want to know anything.

One day the brothers went to the market, and the women, daughters-in-law, let’s send him:

Go, Emelya, for water.

And he told them from the stove:


Go, Emelya, otherwise the brothers will return from the market and won’t bring you gifts.


Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, got dressed, took buckets and an ax and went to the river.

He cut through the ice, scooped up buckets and set them down, while he looked into the hole. And Emelya saw a pike in the ice hole. He contrived and grabbed the pike in his hand:

This will be a sweet soup!

Emelya, let me go into the water, I will be useful to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What will you be useful to me for? No, I’ll take you home and tell my daughters-in-law to cook your fish soup. The ear will be sweet.

The pike begged again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go into the water, I will do whatever you want.

Okay, just show me first that you’re not deceiving me, then I’ll let you go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emelya, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home on their own and the water not to spill...

Pike tells him:

Remember my words: when you want something, just say:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wishes.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

go home yourself, buckets...

He just said - the buckets themselves and went up the hill. Emelya let the pike into the hole, and he went to get the buckets.

The buckets are walking through the village, the people are amazed, and Emelya walks behind, chuckling... The buckets went into the hut and stood on the bench, and Emelya climbed onto the stove.

How much or how little time has passed - his daughters-in-law say to him:

Emelya, why are you lying there? I would go and chop some wood.


If you don’t chop wood, your brothers will return from the market and they won’t bring you gifts.

Emelya is reluctant to get off the stove. He remembered about the pike and slowly said:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

go, axe, chop some wood, and the firewood, go into the hut yourself and put it in the oven...

The ax jumped out from under the bench - and into the yard, and let’s chop wood, and the firewood itself goes into the hut and into the stove.

How much or how much time has passed - the daughters-in-law say again:

Emelya, we no longer have firewood. Go to the forest and chop it up.

And he told them from the stove:

What are you up to?

What are we doing?.. Is it our business to go to the forest for firewood?

I don't feel like...

Well, there won't be any gifts for you.

Nothing to do. Emelya got down from the stove, put on his shoes, and got dressed. He took a rope and an ax, went out into the yard and sat in the sleigh:

Women, open the gates!

His daughters-in-law tell him:

Why did you, fool, get into the sleigh without harnessing the horse?

I don't need a horse.

The daughters-in-law opened the gate, and Emelya said quietly:

-At the behest of the pike,

According to my wish -

go, sleigh, into the forest...

The sleigh drove through the gate on its own, but it was so fast that it was impossible to catch up with a horse.

But we had to go to the forest through the city, and here he crushed and crushed a lot of people. The people shout “Hold him! Catch him! And he, you know, is driving the sleigh. Arrived in the forest:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

axe, chop some dry wood, and you, firewood, get into the sleigh yourself, tie yourself up...

The ax began to chop, split dry trees, and the firewood itself fell into the sleigh and was tied with a rope. Then Emelya ordered an ax to cut out a club for himself - one that could be lifted by force. Sat on the cart:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

go, sleigh, home...

The sleigh rushed home. Again Emelya drives through the city where he crushed and crushed a lot of people just now, and there they are already waiting for him. They grabbed Emelya and dragged her off the cart, cursing and beating her.

He sees that things are bad, and little by little:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

Come on, club, break off their sides...

The club jumped out - and let’s hit. The people rushed away, and Emelya came home and climbed onto the stove.

Whether long or short, the king heard about Emelin’s tricks and sent an officer after him: to find him and bring him to the palace.

An officer arrives in that village, enters the hut where Emelya lives, and asks:

Are you a fool Emelya?

And he from the stove:

What do you care?

Get dressed quickly, I will take you to the king.

And I don’t feel like it...

The officer got angry and hit him on the cheek.

And Emelya says quietly:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

club, break his sides...

The baton jumped out - and let’s beat the officer, he forcibly carried off his legs.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with Emelya, and sent his greatest nobleman:

Bring the fool Emelya to my palace, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought raisins, prunes, and gingerbread, came to that village, entered that hut and began asking his daughters-in-law what Emelya loved.

Our Emelya loves it when someone asks him kindly and promises him a red caftan - then he will do whatever you ask.

The great nobleman gave Emelya raisins, prunes, and gingerbread and said:

Emelya, Emelya, why are you lying on the stove? Let's go to the king.

I'm warm here too...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will provide good food and water, please, let’s go.

And I don’t feel like it...

Emelya, Emelya, the Tsar will give you a red caftan, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought and thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I’ll follow behind you.

The nobleman left, and Emelya lay still and said:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

come on, bake, go to the king...

Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window and wonders:

-What kind of miracle is this?

The greatest nobleman answers him:

And this is Emelya on the stove coming to you.

The king came out onto the porch:

Something, Emelya, there are a lot of complaints about you! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they crawl under the sleigh?

At this time, the Tsar’s daughter, Marya the Princess, was looking at him through the window. Emelya saw her in the window and said quietly:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

let the king's daughter love me...

And he also said:

Go bake, go home...

The stove turned and went home, went into the hut and returned to its original place. Emelya is lying down again.

And the king in the palace is screaming and crying. Princess Marya misses Emelya, cannot live without him, asks her father to marry her to Emelya. Here the king became upset, became upset and said again to the greatest nobleman:

Go and bring Emelya to me, alive or dead, otherwise I’ll take his head off his shoulders.

The great nobleman bought sweet wines and various snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to treat Emelya.

Emelya got drunk, ate, got drunk and went to bed. And the nobleman put him in a cart and took him to the king.

The king immediately ordered a large barrel with iron hoops to be rolled in. They put Emelya and Princess Marya in it, tarred them and threw the barrel into the sea.

Whether long or short, Emelya woke up; sees - dark, cramped:

Where am I?

And they answer him:

Boring and sickening, Emelyushka! We were tarred in a barrel and thrown into the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Princess Marya.

Emelya says:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

the winds are violent, roll the barrel onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand...

The winds blew violently. The sea became agitated and the barrel was thrown onto the dry shore, onto the yellow sand. Emelya and Marya the Princess came out of it.

Emelyushka, where will we live? Build any kind of hut.

And I don’t feel like it...

Then she began to ask him even more, and he said:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

build a stone palace with a golden roof...

As soon as he said, a stone palace with a golden roof appeared. There is a green garden all around: flowers are blooming and birds are singing.

Princess Marya and Emelya entered the palace and sat down by the window.

Emelyushka, can’t you become handsome?

Here Emelya thought for a moment:

At the command of the pike,

According to my wish -

become a good fellow, a handsome man...

And Emelya became such that he could neither be told in a fairy tale nor described with a pen.

And at that time the king was going hunting and saw a palace standing where there was nothing before.

What kind of ignoramus built a palace on my land without my permission?

And he sent to find out and ask: “Who are they?”

The ambassadors ran, stood under the window, asking.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I will tell him myself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, takes him to the palace, and seats him at the table. They begin to feast. The king eats, drinks and is not surprised:

Who are you, good fellow?

Do you remember the fool Emelya - how he came to you on the stove, and you ordered him and your daughter to be tarred in a barrel and thrown into the sea? I am the same Emelya. If I want, I will burn and destroy your entire kingdom.

The king was very frightened and began to ask for forgiveness:

Marry my daughter, Emelyushka, take my kingdom, but don’t destroy me!

Here they had a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Princess Marya and began to rule the kingdom.

This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened, well done.

The Russian folk tale “At the Pike's Command” tells about a simple guy from a peasant family named Emelya. In his family, Emelya was considered a narrow-minded person, and he had no particular desire for physical labor. Most of all Emelya loved to lie on the stove. It took a lot of effort to persuade Emelya to do something around the house. He agreed to do the job only if he was promised a gift.

One day we managed to lift Emelya from the stove and send him to the river for water. It was winter. Emelya took a bucket and an ax and went to the river. On the river, he not only cut an ice hole and collected water, but also managed to catch a pike with his bare hands. The pike turned out to be not simple, but magical. She told Emelya the cherished words that fulfill any desire. Emelya immediately wished that the buckets of water would go home on their own.

Then the magic words helped chop the wood. And when the firewood ran out, Emelya went into the forest on only a sleigh, without horses. In the forest, the ax chopped the wood itself, the wood itself was stacked in the sleigh, and Emelya returned home.

The Tsar himself found out about Emelya’s unusual affairs. He ordered Emel to be delivered to his palace. Emelya showed ingenuity here too. With the help of magic words, he went to the king directly lying on the stove. In the palace, Emelya liked the princess, and he again used magic words to make the royal daughter fall in love with him. The king did not like such a candidate for groom. Emelya was tricked into putting her to sleep and, together with the princess, sent across the sea in a barrel.

When Emelya woke up in a barrel, he was not confused, but asked the waves and the wind to throw him ashore and free him from the barrel. At the request of the princess, Emelya decided to build a rich palace on the other side, and he himself became handsome.

Once the king passed by the palace. Emelya invited him to visit and the king saw how rich and strong he had become. The king was frightened, asked Emelya for forgiveness and gave Emelya the kingdom, and married his daughter to him.

This is the summary of the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.”

The hero of the fairy tale, a simple peasant son of Emel, turned out to be not such a stupid person. Having become the owner of magic words, he showed remarkable imagination, figuring out how to make the hard work of peasants easier.

First of all, the fairy tale teaches us to be attentive. If Emelya had not been an attentive person, he would not have noticed the pike in the hole. The fairy tale also teaches us to be dexterous and resourceful. Emelya, noticing the pike, was not taken aback and caught it with his bare hands. We can say that he literally “caught luck by the tail” and, as a result, got the opportunity to work miracles. It should be noted that in this tale the pike symbolizes the nature around us. Carefully observing the phenomena of nature, people gradually learned its secrets, and came up with many useful things - a wheel, self-propelled carts, many other useful things, and even learned to fly in the sky like birds.

The main meaning of the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command” is that a person’s happiness depends on himself. If you don’t know what to want, then nothing will happen. Emelya, although presented to us as a stupid simpleton, actually wanted happiness, and he got it. And we judge everything, as they say, by the final result.

Of course, in real life we ​​will not catch a magic pike, but in order to achieve success in life, we need to have a good idea of ​​what we need to strive for. Emelya knew what he wanted and managed to correctly take advantage of the new opportunities that the pike gave him.