Leo and Tolstoy's dog what are they talking about? Essay “The Lion and the Dog”

Sleptsova Maria
Literary reading lesson on the topic: “L. N. Tolstoy. Lion and dog"

Literary reading lesson on the topic: "L.N. Tolstoy. Leo and dog"

Program "Planet of Knowledge" 3rd grade.

Type lesson: combined

Target: Introduce students to the work of L.N. Tolstoy"Lion and dog»


- educational: practice expressive skills reading, the ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work, the ability to pose questions about the content of a work, teach to understand the pain of others, expand ideas about the life of animals;

- developing: develop cognitive interest, awareness of perception of educational material, speech and logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, ability to work in a group, in pairs;

- raising: to cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, responsibility, interest in reading, curiosity.

Equipment: presentation to lesson, scientific texts about the lion and dog, cut parts of the story, A4 sheets, pencils.

Technology: research, communicative, type of cognitive activity management.

Methods: problem-search, work in groups, use of ICT.

Forms of training: collective, group, individual.

Expected results:

To evoke in students sympathy, compassion, empathy for the characters of the story, a desire to help the weak, to do a good deed;

Increased interest in works about animals, a desire to get acquainted with other works by the same author;

Development of fantasy, creative imagination;

Performing a kind deed towards animals;

Plan lesson

1. Create a situation of success.

2. Updating knowledge.

Working on poems about dogs;

3. Deriving a theme and purpose lesson.

4. Reading a work of art by a teacher.

5. Physical education minute.

6. Analysis of the work.

A) reading

c) Creating a baby book.

d) group work

5. Reflection.

6. Information about homework.

During the classes

1. Create a situation of success.

Teacher: Good afternoon guys! How are you? Smile at each other, give me your smiles too. Thank you! I wish you a good mood and pleasant communication on lesson. Begin literary reading lesson.

2. Updating knowledge:

On slide 1 the titles of works by L.N. Tolstoy("The Tsar and the Shirt", "Father and Sons", "Liar", "The Mosquito and the Lion", "Bounce")

Read the titles of the works.

What genre do they belong to? What is a story, a fable?

Who wrote these works?

With the work of which writer will we continue to get acquainted?

Slide 2 (a portrait of L.N. appears Tolstoy) .

Slide 3: Work on poem:

Poor dog - abandoned it.

Old dog - where is your place of residence??

An evil owner, harmful, kicked him out the door!

There are no roads in front of her, poor thing.

Reading a poem"About myself". With what intonation should this poem be read? Why? Who has pets at home? How do you feel about them?

There have been a lot of homeless people roaming the city streets lately. dogs. Homeless dog - abandoned friend. A friend who was betrayed and driven to bitterness. But dog has been living next to humans for more than 7,000 years. This is the first animal he tamed.

Reading a poem out loud, expressive, choral reading, read with logical emphasis.

After reading this poem, name the main character of the work.

Slide 4: (illustration appears dogs) .

3 Deriving the theme and purpose lesson:

Target: introduce a new work by L.N. Tolstoy, enrich children’s vocabulary, teach independently, work with text, analyzing the work.

Today we will continue our acquaintance with the work of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Tell us what you know about L. Tolstoy(children's answers).

Well done! Remember a lot.

You have already managed to identify one main character - this dog. And you will recognize the second hero if you guess the riddle.

Very formidable and brave

He waves his mighty mane.

And he growls, as if in a chant -

This is strong, brave...

Slide 5 (A lion)

Name the topic in full lesson.

L.N. Tolstoy"Lion and dog" (Slide 6)

The story that L.N. will tell us about. Tolstoy, happened a long time ago, in the city of London, far from the coast of Russia. Perhaps some sailor who had been there told him about this story. Who knows. But the thing is that it's small Tolstoy he was very sensitive - when he listened to sad stories or saw, for example, a dead bird, a kitten with a broken leg, he cried. This trait of compassion remained in him until the end of his life. (child's message).

How do you understand the word "compassion"? (the ability to feel someone else’s pain, worry and sympathize.)

I would like you to experience this feeling today. After all, only a person with a sensitive heart can empathize, rejoice, be sad, and grieve.

We will see the theme of compassion in the new work of L.N. Tolstoy.

Open your textbook. Read the title. What can the name tell us? Name the main characters.

Let's find out more about these animals (2 students read scientific texts about dogs and lions)

Dog: our most faithful pet friend. Seven thousand years ago man tamed dog. Dog helps a person on the hunt, and protects the home and livestock in the household. There are more than 400 breeds dogs: mastiff, English bulldog, boxer, German shepherd, St. Bernard, Russian greyhound. Many representatives of these breeds help save people and warm them with their bodies. The smallest dog in the world? Chihuahua. Her height is 15-20cm.

a lion: king of beasts. He looks up somewhere, as if not noticing you. A lion has a mane, but a lioness does not have a mane. Mane indicates power lion: she is both his scepter and his power. Doesn't the lion roar? "thunder from heaven" He can crawl on his belly and even hide in short grass so that you won’t notice him. A lion can reach speeds of up to 50 km/h. Can climb trees. The king of beasts gives way to adult rhinoceroses, elephants, hippopotamuses, and is wary of them. Is the lion the strongest of all? It turns out not. In a fight with a tiger, the lion is inferior to him in strength.

Guys, what do you think? A dog and a lion can be friends? (children's answers)

4. Reading work of art

Listen to the story “Lion and dog".

Teacher reading a story or listening to an audio recording of a story "Lion and dog» .

– Listen to yourself. How did you feel listening to this story?

– What feeling did this story evoke? (Sadness, sadness, anxiety.)

– Which episode touched your hearts the most?

5. Physical education minute

6. Analysis of the work

A) reading aloud by children who read well.

b) Work on the content of the story.

Guys, what kind of work can we do with this story? Your suggestions. (children offer different options) Okay, let's come up with interesting questions about the content of the story. I give you 3 minutes to prepare.

Answering each other's questions.

Well done, I liked your questions and answers.

Teacher: How did the lion’s love and devotion express itself after the death of its friend? (children's answers)

Teacher: Do you agree with the opinion that the lion is humanized?

c) Creating a baby book.

What do you need to know to make a cover? (author, title of work, genre and theme)

c) group work (arbitrary division into groups)

I'll give you the envelopes. The envelopes contain parts of the story. Your task is to collect them in order.

V. Reflection lesson

Teacher: Our the lesson is coming to an end. What task would you suggest for homework?

Summarize. Who is happy with their job? lesson? How did the class work?

What did this one give you? lesson? What did the author reveal to us in this story? What was the writer's goal? (children's answers)

There are hearts on your desks. Write in them what feelings arose in your hearts.

did kindness, compassion settle there, did you want to do something towards animals.

(Children hang their hearts on the board and summarize)

Teacher: Yes, kids. Today we read a very interesting story, but I don’t really like it...And you haven’t guessed why? (different answers from children)

Clever girls! You guessed it! I am very pleased and proud of you today! Thank you very much!

VI. Homework. Come up with a happy ending to this story.

Municipal educational institution

"Grammar school № 5""


Lesson summary

in literary reading
in 3rd grade

L.N. Tolstoy. Lion and dog


primary school teacher

Petrova Marina Vasilievna


Lesson summary

in literary reading

Lesson topic: L.N. Tolstoy. Lion and dog.

The purpose of the lesson:

    Develop an understanding of the word as a means of creating an artistic image, a means of expressing the author’s attitude.

    To form a system of reading skills, teach stylistic analysis of text.


1.Repetition of the covered material.

Today we continue to work with the works of the great writer L.N. Tolstoy.

Let's remember what genres we have already worked with in previous lessons.

What is reality?

2. Setting the goal of the lesson.

Today we will get acquainted with Tolstoy’s true story “The Lion and the Dog”.

Where can they meet? Can they be found in the wild? What feelings might arise between them? Why?

The story told by L.N. Tolstoy, happened a long time ago, in the distant city of London. Perhaps one of the sailors who visited the port of London told the writer about this true story. Who knows. But the fact is that “Little Tolstoy was very sensitive - when he listened to sad stories or saw, for example, a killed bird, he cried, and for this they called him “Leva-reva.” This trait - compassion, that is, the ability to feel the suffering of others, remained in him until the end of his life. We will see the theme of compassion in Tolstoy's new work.

Guys, probably all of you have been to the zoo?

Has anyone seen how these animals are fed?

So, before, predators were often fed with stray animals. Listen to what happened in one of these zoos.

3. Primary perception.(Teacher reading.)

4. Checking primary perception.

What feelings did the story evoke? Did it excite you? (Supporting words on the board.)

What episodes excited you?

5. Setting the educational task.

L.N. Tolstoy worked a lot on his works, carefully selecting every word.

Today we will learn to reflect on the author’s choice of words and the construction of sentences in order to more accurately and deeply understand the thoughts and feelings that the author put into his work.

6. Secondary perception and analysis of the text.

Read first paragraph.

What is the cruelty of people? How does Tolstoy show this? (Cats, dogs and money are equal. In the text, these words are connected with the conjunction “or”. If there is no money, then domestic animals, human friends, can be given to feed wild animals.)

Read second paragraph.

How did the person’s action make you feel?

What words characterize his behavior?

Choose a synonym for the word "grabbed."

Why did the author use this word, what shade of meaning is important to him? (Grabbed means he acted thoughtlessly, accidentally grabbed something that came to hand.)

Why is the word used in this sentence "Doggy" after all, the story is called “The Lion and the Dog” "? (The word “little dog” shows the disdainful attitude of the character in the story towards this dog; the title conveys the author’s attitude.)

I will read you the last sentence in this paragraph, changing it slightly. Follow the text, think about whether the change affects the meaning of the story? (The teacher reads: “And they took the little dog and threw it into a cage with a lion,” omitting the word “to be devoured.” It is important for the author to emphasize that people throw a living dog to be torn to pieces by a wild beast. If you remove the last words, the meaning of the work will change.)

Read description of the meeting of a lion and a dog.

Why is almost every sentence in this part written on a red line? (Each new sentence conveys another turn of action.)

This is how dialogue is usually formatted in writing - each line is written on a new line. We are reading a true story; in works of this genre, animals cannot talk. As in life, they communicate through movements and gestures. Let's try to decipher their behavior, find out what is behind each movement.

- “The little dog tucked its tail and pressed itself into the corner of the cage.” (She got scared and prepared to defend herself, pressing herself into a corner and protecting herself from behind.)

- “The lion came up to her and smelled her.” (This is a friendly gesture. The lion is not attacking, he wants to get to know her.)

- “The little dog lay down on its back, raised its paws and began wagging its tail.” (She understood the lion’s good intentions, and she herself trusted him, taking the most defenseless pose.)

- “The lion touched her with his paw and turned her over.” (Leo returned her to her previous position, as if saying: “I will not touch you.”)

- “The dog jumped up and stood on its hind legs in front of the lion.” (Thanked the lion.)

- “The lion looked at the dog, turned his head from side to side and did not touch it.” (The acquaintance took place. Leo accepted the dog.)

What feelings arose between the animals?

Read next two paragraphs.

How do a lion and a dog live? Why do you think so? (The lion took the dog under his protection: she sleeps with her head on his paw, which means she completely trusts him. But life is not fun for them: the lion sometimes plays with the dog. Life in a cage cannot be fun. “The dog has lived since thenin one cage with a lion, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, andSometimes played with her.")

Read next paragraph.

What new character appears in the story?

Why doesn't Tolstoy give him his own name? (This doesn’t matter. The main thing about this man is that he is the owner, he controls the life of the lion and the dog.)

A person feels like the master of a lion, but does the lion obey him? (Does not obey. The dog was thrown to the lion to be eaten, but he did not eat it. The owner gave the meat to the lion, and he tore off a piece and gave it to the dog.)

How are the master and the owner similar?

Why, when he saw his dog, did he only think that she was his own, why didn’t he say that he loved her and missed her? Why did Tolstoy introduce this episode into the story? (The master, like the owner, does not have his own name, because the main thing is not his personal qualities, but the fact that he is the owner of the dog. The owner and the master quickly understood each other, for them property is most important. Tolstoy emphasizes that people and the lion They perceive a dog differently: for people it is property that should belong to the owner, for a lion it is a friend who cannot be given away.)

Why doesn't the story say anything about how the dog reacted to the master's appearance? (The dog stopped trusting people. The author emphasizes this by omitting the description of her reaction to the master’s appearance.)

Read following sentence.

Why do you think the story of a whole year of life fits into one sentence? (Life in a cage is uneventful.)

Read story to the end.

How did the lion behave when he realized that the dog was dead? Read it.

Why did he “start gnawing on the bolts and the floor”? (The lion had not obeyed his master for a long time, but he truly rebelled only now, having experienced the death of his friend. He realized that he could no longer remain in the cage, he was trying to break free, but could not do it.)

For the first time, the owner’s attitude towards the lion shows concern: “The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief...” How did the owner try to help the lion? Read it.

How do these lines characterize the owner and the lion? (For the owner, everything in life is interchangeable: one dog can be replaced by another. This time the owner does not throw another dog into the cage so that the lion will eat it, but the lion does not accept the other dog, because for him this is tantamount to betraying his friend. The lion again does not obey the owner.)

We watched how throughout the entire story the lion fought a duel with its owner; he never once obeyed him. But the lion does not have enough strength to escape from the cage. Who is the winner in this fight? Read it. (The lion wins. He nevertheless leaves the power of the owner, being unable to escape from the cage, he chooses another path - death. For five days he refused food. “On the sixth day the lion died.” Tolstoy puts this sentence in a separate paragraph, giving it special significance. Leo chose freedom, although at the cost of his life. But in order to make such a choice, he had to survive the death of the dog.)

7. Generalization.

Now that we have re-read the story, reflecting on the author’s choice of words, let’s try to formulate what questions, what problems does Tolstoy pose in his story? (1. People have no right to control the fate of animals 2. The behavior of a lion is an example to people. A lesson in kindness and devotion.)

Everything good on Earth comes from the Sun, everything good comes from Man. -Read the story expressively, trying to convey the author’s position in your reading.

8. Lesson summary.

What did you learn in class today? What text analysis technique helped you understand the story more deeply?

I often think: writers write works with sad endings, directors make sad films, and composers write sad music. For what? (So ​​that the work stirs up as many feelings as possible in people. Such works teach us empathy, compassion, kindness.)

9. Homework.-Prepare an expressive reading of the story.-I suggest you take the role of a writer. Change the ending of this sad story.

List of used literature

1. Voyushina M.P. Studying literature in second grade. – St. Petersburg: Papyrus, 2003.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, the author of a large number of short stories, novels, and novels, also wrote works for children. Many of his stories, simple and truthful, were included in “ABC” - a book written specifically for teaching peasant children.

“The Lion and the Dog” is an unusually touching and sad story about the friendship of two animals. Evil and cruel people threw a small defenseless dog into a lion's cage to be devoured. However, the lion, always wild, strong, cruel, did not touch her. He was caring and attentive with the dog: “The lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her, and sometimes played with her.” A year later the dog died. The grief of the lion, who “beat, rushed about in the cage and roared, then lay down next to the dead dog and fell silent,” is amazing.”

The lion's attachment to the dog was so strong that he tore the other dog apart and died a few days later. Tolstoy is very brief in telling this story. He does not describe the feelings of the characters, his impressions and attitude to what is happening. But this story cannot leave anyone indifferent. It is as if we feel the suffering of a lonely lion. The truthfulness of the author, who does not embellish anything or soften the events taking place, only enhances the impression. This is a story about devotion and fidelity. After reading it, you feel sadness, sadness and admiration.


“Moral conflict in Leo Tolstoy’s work “The Lion and the Dog”

Lesson type: Discovery.

Subject: The character of the hero, his portrait, action. Moral conflict.

L.N. Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”

Planned results (UPD) for this lesson:

Personal UUD:

The student will have the following:

emotional responsiveness to life events, the ability to empathize with a person, “our smaller brothers”;

the ability to understand moral concepts and moral standards, such as support, understanding, mutual assistance, mercy, honesty, hard work, friendship, conscience;

the ability to express one’s emotional attitude to the content of what is read (oral statements about the characters and the problems being discussed).

The student will have the opportunity to form:

the ability to realize one’s family identity, inclusion in the world of the classroom, school;

the ability to recognize oneself as a personal unit with the need to “comprehend life” and one’s place in it;

ideas about the depth and diversity of a person’s inner world;

responsibility for one’s business, concepts of friendship, loyalty, collectivism;

motivation for self-expression in reading, drawing and gaming activities;

striving for success in educational activities.

Regulatory UUD:

The student will learn:

change the position of listener, reader, viewer depending on the learning task;

navigate the accepted system of educational signs;

adopt an algorithm for completing a learning task;

carry out educational activities in oral, written speech, internally and evaluate them.

work in accordance with the algorithm and control the stages of your work;

participate in the discussion of the plan for completing tasks, adjust its implementation, exercise self-control, evaluate the results of their work, independently work with teaching aids.

Cognitive UUD:

find the answer to a given question in the text;

navigate the contents of the textbook;

Summarize and classify educational material; formulate simple conclusions.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Understand the information contained in the expressive means of the work;

Select definition words to describe the characters;

Recognize the role of the title of the work;

Perform an initial analysis of a literary text.

Communication UUD:

The student will learn:

fulfill the need to communicate with peers;

show interest in communication and group work;

engage in expressive reading;

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

Understand contextual speech of adults;

Emotionally perceive the content of the interlocutor’s statements;

Express value judgments, reason, prove your position;

Respect the opinions of your interlocutors;

Correct the actions of comrades, understand the information contained in the expressive means of the work.

Subject results:

Conscious perception of the content of the text, assessment of its character;

Orientation in the moral content of what is read, awareness of the essence of the characters’ behavior;

Participation in discussion (dialogue, polylogue) of the listened and read work;

Mastering the skills of conscious, correct, expressive reading;

Expanding ideas about the works of Leo Tolstoy.

Possible activities for students:

Answer questions about the content of the literary text;

Characterize the features of the listened work, describe the characters;

Determine the main idea of ​​the work, understand the variety of artistic means of expressing the author’s attitude towards what is depicted;

Compare your answers with those of your classmates and participate in dialogue.


Textbook “Literary reading”, 2nd grade, V.Yu.Sviridova.

Presentation for the lesson

Application cards 1,2.

Plan - lesson summary.

Org. moment. Let's start a literary reading lesson. What do you guys think, why do we need these lessons? Today we will once again explore the mysteries of literature and develop our senses.

Updating knowledge. I suggest playing the game “Third is the odd man out” SLIDES 2-4

SLIDE 2- an extra word “true”, because the action actually happens

SLIDE 3- extra surname - L. Tolstoy, because Yesenin and Pivovarova - poets

SLIDE 4- an extra work “The Lion and the Dog”, because we don't know him yet. This work was also written by L. Tolstoy. Show his portrait.


Formulating the topic of the lesson. Now use the “extra” words to create the topic of the lesson. SLIDE 6

Repetition of what has been learned. What do you know about L. Tolstoy?

Problematic situation.- Can you tell by the title who this story is about?

What contradiction is observed already in the title of the story?

(The lion is a large predatory animal, and the dog is small.)

What is this story about?

(You cannot answer; to do this you need to read the story, analyze the actions and behavior of the characters, find out their character.)

SLIDE 7 The epigraph of the lesson will be the following words: “Secrets will be revealed to a sensitive heart.” How do you understand them? What does “sensitive heart” mean?

As a child, L. Tolstoy was called “Leva-reva”. Why? He, listening to pitiful stories about animal people, cried because he accepted their pain and grief as his own, and suffered with them. What is this feeling called? COMPASSION

Initial acquaintance with the text. AUDIO listening to the story.

What feelings did you have?

What episodes awakened these feelings in you?

Analysis of the work.

READING OUT LOUD the story by children “in a chain”.

How did the dog get into the cage?

What did she experience? Find in the text

Why didn't the lion eat her?

When did the dog realize that the lion would touch her? What is this feeling called on the part of a lion? CARE SLIDE 8 - animation 1

Did the dog stop being afraid of the lion and trust him? Prove

What is this feeling on the part of the dog called? CONFIDENCE SLIDE 8

- animation 2

Can we say that care and trust have grown into FRIENDSHIP between animals? SLIDE 8 - animation 3-5

Prove it.

What feeling did the lion have after the death of the dog? How did he behave?

Why did the lion tear apart the other dog? SLIDE 8 - animation 6


Why did the lion die?

Solving a problem situation.


Reproduction of previously acquired knowledge. Plot modeling - work in groups.

Now I will give you sentences from the text, cut into 2 parts. You need to connect them and arrange them in order of action. APPENDIX1 Checking - SLIDE 9

Check of knowledge. Now let's test your knowledge about L. Tolstoy and your attentiveness when getting acquainted with a new work. Let's conduct a test game “Yes or no?”

If there are 10 correct answers - mark “5”,

8 or 9 correct answers - mark “4”,

4-7 correct answers - mark “3”.

L. Tolstoy was a poet? NO

Was his estate called “Yasnaya Polyana”? YES

Did L. Tolstoy open schools in the city? NO

Is it true that L. Tolstoy created the ABC? YES

- “The Lion and the Dog” - is it true? YES

Were wild animals shown in Moscow? NO

Did the dog run into the lion's cage on its own? NO

Did the lion and the dog live in a cage for a whole year? YES

The lion died 6 days after the death of the dog? YES

Leo died of illness? NO

Reflection. Lesson summary. - Why do they create sad works? (to develop a sense of compassion, kindness).


13. Additional material - Many songs and poems have been written about the loyalty of animals. Read Igor Khavronichev’s poem “On the Loyalty of Animals” ( APPENDIX 2) Prepare for expressive reading.

- What does it mean to “read expressively”?

Listen and analyze 2-3 students

14. - D.Z.- optional - retelling a story or a poem by heart.

15. MARKS based on the test results.




Wild animals were shown in London

and for watching they took money or dogs and cats to feed wild animals.

They let him watch

and they took the little dog and threw it into the lion’s cage to be eaten.

In the evening, when the lion went to bed,

the dog lay down next to him and put its head on his paw.

In a year

the dog got sick and died.

The owner wanted to take away the dead dog,

but the lion did not let anyone near her.

On the sixth

day the lion died.

"On Animal Loyalty"

In the animal world everything is not the same as in humans,
Of all the laws they know only the code of honor,
If together - to the end, and only together,
They won’t betray you, they won’t come up with crazy ideas.

Although we are stronger and there is no special flattery in this,
And our mind is always richer than theirs,
But in the most severe cold for two,
They will find warmth in their mighty fur!

Sometimes I just want to hug you tighter,
Such a faithful and devoted friend!
Animals do not betray each other!
We must respect them for their loyalty!

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Target: Familiarize yourself with the work of Leo Tolstoy “The Lion and the Dog”


  • educational:
    • continue to work on the analysis of the work of art,
    • practice expressive reading skills, the ability to determine the main idea of ​​a work, learn to understand the pain of others, expand ideas about the life of animals;
  • developing: develop cognitive interest, conscious perception of educational material, speech and logical thinking, memory, imagination of students, ability to work in a group, in pairs;
  • raising: to cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, a sense of teamwork, responsibility, interest in reading, curiosity, and determination.

Formed UUD:

  • regulatory- the ability to express your opinion, assumptions, draw up and work according to a plan, evaluate your own and your friend’s activities;
  • educational– work with a source of information, obtain new knowledge, transform information from one form to another, draw conclusions;
  • communicative– ability to convey one’s position to others: express your thoughts in oral and written speech, perform various roles in the group (leader, performer, critic);

Software: textbook - literary reading “The Living Word” 3rd grade, notebooks, books by L.N. Tolstoy - for the quiz, computer presentation on the lesson material, disk “voices of animals”, sheets A-4;

Technology: research, communication, type of cognitive activity management.

Methods: problem-search, explanatory and illustrative, work in groups, in pairs, use of ICT.

Forms of training: collective, group, individual.

Expected results.

  • evoke in students sympathy, empathy for the heroes of the story, a desire to help the weak, to do a good deed;
  • increased interest in literary works about animals, a desire to get acquainted with other works of the same author;
  • increasing children's erudition and vocabulary;
  • development of fantasy, creative imagination;
  • performing a kind deed towards animals;

Lesson Plan

1. Create a situation of success.

2. Statement of the educational task.

Solution to the crossword puzzle “animals”;

Working on poems about dogs;

3. Solving a learning problem.

Working on the story “The Lion and the Dog”;

Creative task No. 1 in groups;

Creative task No. 2 in pairs;

4. Physical education break.

5. Reflection.

6. Information about homework.

During the classes

I. Creating a situation of success.

Good morning, my dear! How are you? Smile at each other, give me your smiles too. Thank you! A smile promotes pleasant communication. Raise your beautiful eyes at me. Let's start a literary reading lesson. May this lesson bring us the joy of communication and fill our hearts with noble feelings.

II. Setting a learning task.

Crossword solution. "Animals" ( slide number 1)

a) Under the pines, under the fir trees, there is a ball of needles. (Hedgehog)

b) A cunning cheat,
red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty
Who is this? (Fox)

c) Over the mountains, over the valleys
He wears a fur coat and a caftan. (Sheep)

d) Touching grass with hooves,
A handsome man walks through the forest,
Walks boldly and easily
Horns spread wide. (Elk)

e) He is huge, striped,
In general, he’s the cat’s brother. (Tiger)

e) Me on the trunk, ears
Easy for kids to recognize too. (Elephant)

g) There is a haystack in the middle of the yard,
a pitchfork in front, a broom in the back. (Bull)

g) Who in winter, forgetting worries,
Sound asleep in his den? (Bear)

The key word is “animals”. We will read about animals.

But about whom? Guess it!

I am the best housekeeper

And I’ve known it to everyone since childhood. (Dog) (slide number 2)

2) Work on poems (slide number 3)

Once upon a time there was a dog,
Nicknamed Cheburashka,
curly back,
funny face
The hostess is so to her
Was tied
I bought it at the market
Chicken liver
At the same time
I fed the dog
And she lived in contentment.

Poor dog - abandoned her
Poor dog - where is her place?
Evil owner, harmful, kicked him out the door
There are no roads in front of her, poor thing.

Read the poems. The first time to myself, the second - out loud, expressively, in public. Don't forget, you must captivate the listener. What will help this? That's right, intonation!

Read and listen to this poem! Can they be read in one tone? What do you want to say? What thoughts and feelings did the first poem evoke? And the second? (Children's answers.)

Teacher: Children, which of you have dogs? How do you take care of them? Tell us! What interesting things do you know about dogs? (Children talk about their younger friends)

A dog is a friend of man, true friends, never betrays its owner. Dogs used to be wild animals, a man trained a dog, and the dog now helps a man all his life. Recently, stray dogs have been roaming the streets of cities and villages. A stray dog ​​is an abandoned friend. A friend who was betrayed and driven to bitterness and despair. We must take pity on our younger dumb brothers, show sensitivity to them, and protect them at the right time. Remember! We are responsible for those we have tamed. Goodness begins with love for living things. Kindness helps people live, create, and makes life beautiful.

Guys, in our world we have the World Society for the Protection of Animals, with its center in London, and in Russia, “Animal Protection Societies” have also been created in many cities, where people turn with various complaints and requests for the protection of animals. They help place them in good hands and create shelters for homeless animals.

Length - 2m 40cm, weight - 230kg (Showing a drawing of a lion, slide number 4)

III. Physical education minute

IV. Solving a learning problem

1. Work on the story “The Lion and the Dog”

a) conversation.

Today we guys will continue to read the stories of L.N. Tolstoy. (Portrait of Leo Tolstoy, slides No. 5, No. 6) Remember what stories you read in 1st grade? In 2nd grade? What other stories do you know? (Exhibition of books by L.N. Tolstoy, slide number 7)

Well done! Wonderful! You can find these books in the school library and read them. We opened the textbook. What is the name of the story? (“The Lion and the Dog”).

What can the title tell us? (We will talk about a predatory lion and a dog. About a small dog and a huge lion.)

b) reading the story by the teacher.

(The story is very sad. I almost cried. I feel sorry for the dog, both when it died and when it got into the cage. I also feel sorry for the lion)

I understand your feelings. Let's re-read it again.

c) reading aloud by children.

d) vocabulary work

Guys, what words would you like to talk about? What words were you interested in? (London, master...)

There are many countries in the world. Our country is called...Russia. Moscow the capital.

There is a country called England. The capital of England is London. Barin is a rich man.

e) Work on the content of the story.

Answers on questions ( slide number 8)

Why do you think the lion didn't touch the dog? The lion had eaten many dogs before this dog. (I liked the dog at first sight, liked it, liked it, fell in love with it. I wanted to be friends with the dog. The dog was funny)

How the acquaintance of a lion and a dog grew into a feeling of friendship and affection for each other. Support this with words from the text.

Selective reading

How did the lion show his concern for the dog? (He left her food. He slept next to the dog. He didn’t let anyone near the dog. He sometimes played with her. Leo cared for her like an older friend, he was very gentle and affectionate, caring, protected her and didn’t give her away to anyone.)

When they lived so happily, what happened? (The dog died. The dog’s life was cut short. The dog was gone...)

How did the lion behave after the death of the dog? Confirm with words from the text (selective reading)

In what words did the writer convey first the lion’s bewilderment, and then the increase in his grief? Confirm with words from the text (selective reading)

How did the lion's love and devotion express itself after the death of his friend? (children's answers)

Do you agree with the opinion that the lion is humanized? (Yes, feelings of love are inherent not only in humans, but also in animals. He loves like a human, feeds like a human. Animals have the same feelings as humans. A lion has love and devotion to his friend, and then rage and despair, grief and suffering, about deceased friend.)

Why did the lion die? (Lev died of melancholy. He did not want to be alone, since he had lost a friend)

2.Creative task No. 1(Group assignment, slide number 9)

  • 1 group. Look at the illustration. What moment does it refer to? What do the animals look like? Tell. Title.
  • 2nd group. Find the beginning, the climax, the denouement in the story.
  • 3rd group. Quiz. What are these stories by L. Tolstoy called? What do we learn from them?
  • 4th group and 5th group. Write a quatrain about animals based on the story.


Answers of groups 4 and 5 (Quatrains written by children)

a) “The lion and the dog are friends of the best years,
A lion and a dog are a wonderful duet.
They are friends without quarrels and without fights,
A lion loves a dog so much”

b) The lion and the dog are good friends,
There is no way, no way for them to separate.
And a year later the dog died,
Why and why? Leo asked himself.
And from melancholy he destroyed himself.

3.Creative task No. 2(work in pairs, slide number 10)

If a lion and a dog could talk, what kind of dialogue could take place between them when they first met? I'll give you two minutes to think about it.

Examination. (on the children’s heads there are masks of a lion and a dog)


Dog: Don't touch me, I'm kind!

Leo: What an interesting dog. Afraid, right?

Dog: Yes, I'm afraid of you. You're so big. But I'm small.

Leo: Don't be afraid of me, little dog. I'm huge, but kind.

Dog: Let's be friends then!

Leo: Come on, I like you. Let's be friends! I won't hurt you.

V. Lesson reflection

Our lesson is coming to an end. What task would you suggest for homework?

Summarize. Who is satisfied with their work in class? How did the class work?

Draw your heart on a piece of paper and write what feelings arose there, whether kindness and compassion settled there, whether you wanted to do something towards animals. (Children hang their leaves on the board and summarize)

Teacher: Children, listen to the word “sympathized.” What is the writer addressing? (To our feelings.)

Amazing! Reading stories, we are happy and sad, happy and sad, we experience a feeling of fear and a feeling of delight, love and hatred, we fight, we win, we are disappointed, we suffer, we celebrate with the heroes, we sometimes cry from grief, sometimes we laugh until we cry.

The story is wonderful. Thanks to L.N. Tolstoy for his kind stories , (slide number 11)

Yes, children. We read a wonderful story with you, but I don’t really like it...And you haven’t guessed why? (different answers from children)

Thank you! Clever girls! You guessed it! You brought me a lot of joy because you worked well. I am proud of you! (slide No. 12)

VI. Homework. Come up with your own ending to the story so that it is joyful.


  1. Literary reading by Z.I. Romanovskaya
  2. Children's books by Leo Tolstoy. (Filippok”, “Jump”, “Stories and Fables”, “Stories about Children”, “Stories about Animals” and others)
  3. O.T. Tishchurina. Writers in elementary school.
  4. Internet