MAC Company (USA). Where can you buy a great copy of MAC? Poppy professional cosmetics

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MAC Cosmetics- These are cosmetics both for everyday use and for professional shows, filming and presentations.

Everyone knows that brand cosmetics MAC Cosmetics from is a world-famous line of decorative cosmetics with the largest range of makeup shades. And constantly being replenished, it provides enormous opportunities for makeup artists to create the most daring and innovative images.

There are about one and a half hundred films on the set MAC cosmetics was used for the makeup of the cast, and is currently a team of professional makeup artists MAC TEAM PRO confirms his skills by serving almost all fashion shows and presentations. Brand MAS It is called the cosmetics of American show business stars; it is chosen by such stars as Madonna, Britney Spears, Sarah Jessica Parker and many others.

A little history about MAC..

The name of the cosmetics brand MAC is an abbreviation and it stands for Makeup Art Cosmetics, which translated from English means cosmetics for makeup artists.

MAK cosmetics company was founded in Toronto (Canada) almost thirty years ago, namely in 1984. This decorative cosmetics was created by two friends, one of whom was a professional makeup artist and photographer, his name was Frank Tuscan, and the other was the owner of a chain of prestigious beauty salons - Frank Angelo. Together they created a special line of professional decorative cosmetics.

In developing the unique and unusual style of MAC decorative cosmetics, they were helped by such famous stars as Linda Ivangelista, Sandra Bernhard, Missy Elliott, Diana Ross, Boy George, Liza Minnelli and many others. Together they created MAC VIVA GLAM And Beauty Icon.

MAC Cosmetics has become extremely popular in almost all countries of the world with the verbal approval of famous celebrities, models and professional makeup artists.

As a result of this cooperation, MAC decorative cosmetics were awarded numerous international prizes for their original image, as well as a wide range of professional cosmetics.

MAC decorative cosmetics is known not only for its diverse range, which includes more than one hundred and twenty types of cosmetic products and a numerous palette of colors and shades, but is also popular for its “soft” products that are gentle on the delicate skin of the face.

The creators of this brand of cosmetics were confident that there were no reliable and proven decorative cosmetics for artistic photography in the world. And, of course, they decided to become the pioneers of such products. First, Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo created a unique line of MAC decorative cosmetics, which was used in professional artistic photography. But very soon the company’s creators began to develop cosmetics that girls and women could apply and use themselves without professional skills at home.

“Cosmetics for everyone!” - this phrase became the motto of MAC cosmetics, it was even heard in the popular hit of the TLC group called “Unpretty”.

In 1994, the famous and prestigious cosmetics company Estee Lauder acquired a controlling stake in the MAC brand. But this acquisition process stopped four years later, in 1998. One of the founders of the cosmetics company MAK, Frank Angelo, died during an unsuccessful surgical procedure.

After the death of his partner, Toscan left his company and founded another AIDS foundation with his relative, Vic Kesel. Vic Kesel was MAC's chief chemist and biologist.

The new owners of MAC continued to support the AIDS Foundation. All profits from sales of the MAK - Viva Glam cosmetics series were donated to help people suffering from the immunodeficiency virus. And as a result of these fees, the fund collected more than 128 million dollars (USA).

MAC is committed to banning testing of any cosmetic products on animals. MAC also sponsors programs to combat child abuse and protect the environment through recycling.

The MAC cosmetics company is a socially responsible company and is very active in social activities. Every woman can choose decorative cosmetics for her skin type and type that are suitable specifically for her skin tone and tone. Today MAC cosmetics offers one hundred and sixty shades of lipsticks and one hundred and fifty shades of eye shadow.

In 2007, the company developed a special line of facial skin care products that meets all the requirements of different skin types.

MAC always strives to create something special, unique and innovative.

Philosophy of MAK cosmetics is to attract your customers not with words, but with deeds. And the developers of these cosmetics really know how to do this. Today the brand exists in fifty countries around the world.

In 2007, the famous singer and actress Fergie signed a contract with the MAC brand and became the face of the company. And before that, Dita Von Teese and Pamela Anderson collaborated with MAC.

The MAC brand also produces limited collections, that is, products that are limited in quantity. And true collectors cannot miss such a series of cosmetics, and if they do miss it, they buy it at auctions.

For example, in February 2009 MAC cosmetics memorable for the release of a new cosmetics collection MAC Hello Kitty, which was created jointly with a popular Japanese company.

And before that, MAC released a collection dedicated to the famous Barbie doll.

Also recently, the MAK brand released a series of decorative cosmetics in the style of Scottish fabric and multi-colored peacock plumage. Everyone also knows the original “denim” cosmetics from MAC - MAC Jean ius.

MAK is a brand that puts individuality, self-expression and creativity first. The company serves clients of all races, all genders and ages.

Everyone admires MAC cosmetics because it gives the opportunity to change the face of the most ordinary woman, so that she becomes just a beauty from the cover.

MAK cosmetics can be found in almost all beauty salons on the makeup artist’s desk. You can buy cosmetics in the best cosmetic boutiques and specialized perfume stores.

MAK always offers seasonal collections and series of its decorative cosmetics, and these lines are unique and impeccable.

For more than three decades, MAC cosmetics have been a model of professionalism and deservedly rank among the leaders of cosmetic brands. The founders of the brand were the union of two creative personalities - Canadian makeup artist and professional photographer Frank Toscano and Frank Angelo, owner of a chain of beauty salons. The brand is based on the desire to create something unique from the point of view of a professional makeup artist, and universal from the point of view of widespread use by women of all ages and types.

Among the proposed palette of cosmetics, you can find everything that every woman needs to create a unique look, from cosmetic wipes and face care cream to the most fashionable shades of lipstick and fragrances. Unfortunately, not every modern woman can afford to buy the original products of this brand, due to their high price.

The most popular MAC cosmetics

MAC cosmetics offers women a wide range of opportunities for self-improvement. Among the most popular cosmetic products:

    facial care products. In the series you can find everything you need to cleanse your facial skin of makeup, moisturize it, enrich it with vitamins and minerals and prepare it for night nourishing creams or masks. Today, the palette of a series of care products from this brand is constantly expanding, including more and more new products that allow a woman to look fresh at any age;

    decorative cosmetics for the face. This product category includes foundations, concealers, primers, blushes (about 60 shades), and powders. The range of products in this category is very wide. The main principle when creating a new brand, which guided its creators, was the ability to create a variety of female images and create a real model out of any woman. Products of different textures and compositions for correcting facial contours, skin imperfections and visually changing the dimensional parameters of the face allow everyone who uses them correctly to truly create a model appearance;

    decorative cosmetics for eyes and eyebrows. This category includes shadows of 150 shades, mascaras, eye and eyebrow pencils, eyeliners. A wide color palette of eye shadows allows any woman to choose exactly what is closest to her. Every woman’s makeup bag should contain cosmetics “for every day,” for evening makeup and for special occasions. It is very important to choose cosmetics for eyes and eyebrows correctly, in accordance with your hair color, skin tone and eye color;

    decorative lip cosmetics from MAC. The brand offers one of the widest palettes of lipsticks in the world - more than 160 shades. They differ not only in color, but also in texture, the presence of caring components in them, stability, and other parameters. Lip pencils are also distinguished by their high durability and the presence of caring components. Soft and delicate, they are, at the same time, quite durable due to special additives of natural ingredients;

    accessories to create a unique feminine look. This category of MAC cosmetics includes brushes and sponges of various sizes and designs for applying cosmetics. They allow you to apply any cosmetic products with the precision of professionals.

Where can you buy a great copy of MAC?

Our company gives every woman, a fan of this brand, the opportunity to purchase high-quality copies of MAC cosmetics. On the website of the company you can find everything that is produced in the original series, but at an affordable price. The quality of the products has already been highly appreciated by our regular customers and deserves only positive feedback! MAC professional cosmetics are suitable for beautiful ladies of any age, with any skin type and hair shade, since the palette of this brand is very wide. All our clients who purchase MAC cosmetics wholesale will be interested in our offers, as they will significantly reduce their costs.

Why should you buy MAC cosmetics?

It is worth buying MAC cosmetics for a number of reasons, especially if you are targeting professional cosmetics, and everything without exception matters to you:

    MAC decorative cosmetics are distinguished by the widest color palette, which allows you to do professional makeup of any style!

    It lasts for a very long time and allows makeup to remain in its original form not only for a couple of hours, but all day!

    Has a nice texture!

    All cosmetic products contain caring components, protective elements, and antioxidants that help the skin cope with the poor environmental conditions in the metropolis!

    A woman of any income can afford copies of MAC cosmetics from our company and enjoy her favorite products for a reasonable price!

    If you are engaged in the retail trade of cosmetics of a famous brand, then we provide an excellent opportunity to purchase MAC in bulk at a great price!

How to choose mascara?

Mascara is one of the most popular cosmetic products. Mascara is used by both young beauties and ladies of elegant age. Mascara makes your eyes look bigger, your eyes wide and attracts the gaze of admiring men! How to choose the right mascara from MAC? MAC mascara is an excellent cosmetic product that allows you to emphasize the depth of your eyes and highlight your gaze. All mascaras of this brand can be used for daily makeup. Everything natural is in fashion! MAS allows a woman to feel her natural perfection, only slightly emphasizing her advantages.

The color palette is quite wide - from black velvet night and milk chocolate to azure sea blue. How to choose the right mascara color to match your eye color? Who is suitable for colored mascara, and who should only use classic black mascara? The color of the mascara is selected depending not only on the natural color of the eyelashes, but also the hair. Brown mascara is perfect for all blondes, red-haired and fair-haired beauties. It makes the look softer and the image itself calmer.

Chocolate shades suit any eye color, with the exception of steel gray. Under brown mascara, you can use black eyeliner and soft shades of shadow, such as gold, beige or terracotta. Many stylists recommend using brown mascara for women of elegant age. Classic black mascara suits all categories of looks, especially if you are not striving for extravagance.

Fashionable this season, blue mascara from MAC suits brown and green eyes very well. They should definitely buy brown eyeliner to go with it or blue eyeliner to match. Black eyeliner under blue mascara is taboo. Eyelashes will “go” into the shadows from too aggressive eyeliner. Shadows should be chosen in any shade except blue, violet and cyan.

Green mascara is an excellent option for brown-eyed girls, as well as for blue-eyed, “tea” and “honey” eye shades. It is advisable to use classic black as eyeliner. For green mascara, you should choose natural matte shades of eyeshadow. Another find for all blue-eyed beauties is purple mascara.

In addition to the color palette of the mascara, you should also pay attention to the shape of the brush. Professional cosmetics MAC has a large collection of mascara, with brushes of different shapes and sizes and handle lengths. Your choice should be based on the goal you want to achieve. The manufacturer specially differentiates mascaras: lengthening, volume-increasing, natural-looking, evening make-up, etc. Depending on this, a special unique mascara formula is developed. They necessarily include caring components, oils, vitamins and minerals. It is also worth mentioning that any mascara from MAC undergoes a special dermatological test and is completely hypoallergenic. The collection of mascara from the professional brand MAC also includes waterproof mascaras for various purposes.

To give a woman's image grace and expressiveness, a unique formula of eyebrow gel in various shades was specially created. A miniature brush, a wide color palette and non-sticky texture allow you to give your eyebrows a well-groomed look in a couple of strokes, which will last well throughout the day.

Choosing foundation and powder from MAC

The choice of foundation and powder largely determines how fresh a woman's look will turn out. It is foundation, powder and concealer that help sculpt the face, give the skin a healthy color, smooth out all the unevenness and hide various skin defects.

You should choose foundations based on your skin type and color type. The wide color palette of MAC cosmetics allows you to choose the desired tone very accurately. Mineral powders from MAS are in great demand among professional makeup artists. They complete the makeup, making the skin velvety. For all women who want to look as natural and fresh as possible, the company has created a transparent powder that perfectly sets makeup and creates a feeling of lightness and airiness.

Many women will also be pleased with the wide range of concealer shades. These magical remedies help to cope with the hated bruises and dark circles under the eyes, hide deep expression wrinkles and make sleepless nights almost invisible on the face!


Mac Cosmetics was created as a result of the collaboration of two creative people - makeup artist and photographer Frank Tosken and the owner of a chain of beauty salons, Frank Angelo. Both of them were interested in the existence of universal cosmetics that would meet the requirements of modern professional photography. Actually, the full name of the company - Makeup Art Cosmetics - translated means “cosmetics for makeup artists”, but all Mac products are suitable for everyday use in everyday life. The first Mac store opened only in 1998 in New York. Prior to this, in 1995, another cosmetics company, Estée Lauder, received a controlling stake in Mac Cosmetics, and by 1998, it finally completed its acquisition. Today, not a single fashion show, shoot, or successful presentation takes place without Mac cosmetics, be it a fashion show in Milan, Paris or New York - throughout the history of the brand, professional Mac cosmetics have been developed by professional makeup artists, taking into account strict studio and catwalk requirements. Creating a special style for the brand, its developers collaborated with such personalities known in the fashion world as Diana Ross, Fergie, Dita Von Teese, Pamela Anderson, Sandra Bernhard, Linda Ivangelista, Boy George, Missy Elliott and others.

Today, Mac is one of the most influential and popular modern cosmetics companies, which has won the hearts of consumers in more than 50 countries. This brand produces decorative cosmetics, cosmetics for manicure and pedicure, accessories, makeup brushes and perfumes. The main credo of the company remains serving the consumer of “All Races, All Sexes, All Ages”.

Mac does not remain aloof from public life - in 1994 she created her own foundation to support the fight against AIDS. After purchasing the company, the new owners continued the work of their predecessors: profits from the sale of Viva Glam products are donated to the needs of people living with the immunodeficiency virus. Mac donates 100% of the sale price of Viva Glam products. In 2008, the foundation allocated more than $128 million to fight AIDS. Mac also promotes programs to stop the production of cosmetics without testing on animals, against child abuse and a program to protect the environment through recycling.




Liquid eyeliner Superslick Liquid Eye Liner is water-based. Allows you to quickly and accurately draw a wet-looking line. Superslick Liquid Eye Liner is highly water-resistant, dries in 15 seconds to create a smooth, long-lasting line. Thanks to the convenient applicator, the line comes out smooth, it is easy to apply and control the eyeliner process. It doesn't flake, clump or crack, like any Mac cosmetics.


It has a rich shade, softly draws, emphasizes and highlights the look. The intense color and silkiness of the lead ensures a matte finish.


MAC Fluidline's ultra-smooth gel eyeliner delivers a defined, soft, silky finish. The eyeliner is long-lasting, does not smudge, does not smear. To achieve the best eyeliner application, it is recommended to use Mac Precise Eye Liner or Mac Eyeliner with mac cosmetics.


Dry Eye Shadow for eyelids. The main difference between these shadows and shadows from other brands is the modern texture and ultra-fine structure of the coloring pigment of mac cosmetics. They are easily and softly applied to the surface of the skin, do not smudge, do not roll, and do not dry out the delicate skin of the eyelids. Eye Shadow emphasizes the contour and beauty of the eyes, giving the look extraordinary depth and expressiveness.


With vibrant color and reflective particles, Big Bounce Shadow is the pride of Mac cosmetics. These shadows add extraordinary shine and expressiveness to the eyes. They are easy to apply, last a long time and do not fall off.


Haute & Naughty Lash Double Mascara - one brush - two applications. In one case, it will allow you to create a complete look for daytime makeup - a clear separation of each eyelash, without lumps or shedding. In the second, it will provide the most expressive look and super-voluminous eyelashes, which is suitable for evening makeup. The mascara is applied equally easily and simply. With just one element, lashes become naturally separated and subtly emphasized. Using both elements at once gives the eyelashes additional volume and expressiveness.


Zoom Lash mascara with the effect of false eyelashes. Instantly gives volume, lengthening and a beautiful curve to the look. A special brush with three-dimensional fibers perfectly separates each eyelash and curls it. One application will be enough to cover the eyelash from the roots to the very tips. The mascara has increased durability, does not crumble over time and does not form into lumps. The eyelashes look beautiful, soft and fluffy, and the look is radiant and mysterious.



Dazzleglass lip gloss with an even, dazzling shine. The gloss stays on the lips for a long time, has a radiant, long-lasting color, gives the lips additional volume, non-sticky with a light texture. Pearl particles reflect and refract light, resulting in a light similar to the shimmering light in quartz and opal crystals. The gloss effectively moisturizes lips. Can be applied either on its own or over lipstick for a more expressive effect. Has a light vanilla aroma.


Plushglass gloss, thanks to pepper extract and ginger root oil, allows you to quickly increase the volume of your lips! It glides on smoothly and easily on the surface of the lips, giving the feeling of a cool-warm vanilla breeze on the lips. Plushglass moisturizes, soothes and plumps lips. Vitamin E, found in almost every mac professional cosmetics product, protects and cares for lips. Crystal-transparent gloss gives your lips shine and, with prolonged application, makes your lips plump and voluminous.


The long-lasting Lip Pencil gives lips definition and definition. The pencil has a smooth creamy texture, rich color, long-lasting formula and a wide range of shades. At the same time, Lip Pencil is resistant to abrasion. It also contains an antioxidant - vitamin E, which nourishes and protects lips, and special emollients that moisturize them. The pencil can be used either on its own or with lipstick or lip gloss.


mac Cosmetics presents Wonder Woman Lipstick with a Wonder Woman comic theme. A superheroine with impeccable taste!



Compact powder evens out facial skin, giving it a natural shine and natural look. Creates medium density coverage. The special mineral complex included in the powder cares for, nourishes, moisturizes and evens out the surface of the skin. SPF 15 protects the skin from the negative effects of sunlight.


Creamy and matte, MAC Studio Finish SPF 35 Concealer creates even, long-lasting, invisible coverage for all skin types and tones. Resistant to moisture, odorless, does not clog pores. The concealer is based on moisturizing elements, which is why it is light and rich. A small amount of cream will provide sufficient coverage to create a camouflage effect that will hide all skin imperfections. Ideal for hiding dark circles under the eyes, skin blemishes, birthmarks and age spots, tattoos, moles. The concealer is enriched with antioxidants (derivatives of vitamins A and E) and contains silicon, which absorbs excess sebum. Apply with a medium-hard brush, such as M·A·C 242 Shader Brush, a latex sponge or your fingers.


Loose mineral powder Mineralize SPF 15 Foundation/Loose evens out the skin of the face, giving it a natural shine and natural look. Creates medium density coverage. The powder contains a special mineral complex that cares, nourishes, moisturizes and evens out the surface of the skin. SPF 15 protects skin from harmful sun rays.


Transparent silk veil powder Select Sheer/Loose of the finest grinding. Gives the skin a beautiful and ultra-fine coverage. Creates a matte finish to the skin and at the same time maintains its natural radiance. Evening out the surface of the skin, it remains almost invisible on the skin.


Delicate silk blush Powder Blush with pearlescent sheen in tandem with a unique shade will give the face a soft glow and texture, creating a light and alluring shimmer of the skin.


Purified and refined to a powdery state, the blush's minerals impart exceptional radiance to the skin and are easy to apply and apply. The color appears gradually, layer by layer, without weighing down the skin. Mineralize Blush adds tone to the face and highlights cheekbones for a luminous, pearlescent finish.


Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation is a gel-based foundation with a creamy texture. Provides a natural satin coverage of the skin from medium to high density, hides facial skin imperfections, smoothing it out. Moisturizes and saturates the skin with vitamins, helping it look chic and maintaining its naturalness. The waterproof formula of Studio Sculpt SPF 15 Foundation keeps your makeup looking great all day long.



The MAC 204 Lash Brush is a professional tool used for applying mascara to eyelashes, as well as for separating the eyelashes themselves. The shape of the brush is a very convenient "enlarged copy" of the Mac Zoom Lash mascara, and has synthetic fibers in a spiral shape.


The MAC 208 Small Angled Brow Brush is a professional tool for carefully applying dry, creamy and liquid cosmetics to the most important element of facial makeup - the eyebrows. Beautifully and skillfully designed eyebrows will favorably emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. The brush has a beveled cut, the brush material consists of a mixture of synthetic and natural fibers for better expression of shades.


Brush 263 Small Angle Brush is a professional tool for creating clear and precise lines on the eyelids and eyebrows. The brush has a flat shape, the fibers of the brush in the cut are neatly collected into the shape of an ideal angle. Clearly distributes colors on the eyelids and in the corners of the eyelids. Synthetic fibers. The brush is suitable for all textures.


MAC 168 - wide brush with an angled cut. It has a soft bristle with an angled cut, for applying individual strokes that highlight the contours of the face. The brush has a flat and wide profile along the entire working length, the edge of the brush is cut at an angle and slightly widens, which allows you to apply blush with strokes in the right places, emphasizing or masking the contours of the face.


Maria: I am a real fan of this cosmetics! I was delighted with the quality and color palette. Among the products I have: 1) prep+prime makeup base, evens out skin tone, shines very beautifully and significantly extends the life of makeup 2) blush is very beautiful and creates a natural blush 3) shadows are very long-lasting, although matte ones can only be applied normally with a brush 4 ) lustreglass brillant a levres lip gloss is light on the lips, moisturizes well and smells like vanilla 5) mascaras are the most durable, do not dry out for a very long time. My favorite studio fix lash, the eyelashes are long and separated. Now I really want to try their foundation.

Mac/Mac cosmetics, reviews of Mac/Mac cosmetics, Mari: I read and am amazed at the negative reviews about M.A.S. For more than 3 years I have been using almost exclusively M.A.S. cosmetics. And I haven’t found a single minus yet!!! What I use:

Tone - Face and Body Foundation - C1 - goes on fantastically evenly. Correctors - Select Moisturecover - NC20; Select cover-up - NW15 - perfectly hides imperfections. Lipstick - Viva Glam V; Lovelorn (Emotive blue pink (Lustre)) - soft texture, goes on smoothly, lasts on my lips for half a day, before lunch, but something remains after too. And if I cover it with gloss, it stays on my lips even after kissing. Gloss - Steppin" Out (series - dazzleglass), lip pencils - Subculture; Soar, blush - Desert Rose; Plum Foolery, shadows - I probably won’t list all the colors, because I have a lot of them. They fade a little towards the end of the day shadows with mother-of-pearl, and so on - everything just holds up super well. I haven’t tried the mascara yet. So, to be honest, I don’t believe those who criticize this cosmetics! Oh, I almost forgot - there is also a wonderful gel eyeliner! It can be used both eyeliner and blend like eye shadow!

Mac/Mac cosmetics, reviews of Mac/Mac cosmetics,Natalia Until I bought MAC brushes, I didn’t know what real makeup was. 1. brushes, especially 217 2. Paint Pot - Quite Natural - I use it for eyebrows! It lasts all day, blends out wonderfully, you can touch your face without being afraid, and do sports, you don’t need to fix anything with gel on top. I'm impressed. 3. cream color base - hush - highlighter. 4. creamy blush - disadvantage: you can’t get it, so far only through the Internet, and even then it’s a little expensive.

Mac/Mac cosmetics, reviews of Mac/Mac cosmetics, Cucumber: So, given: dry, very light skin. I would like it to be smooth, beautiful, to cover up everything that needs to be covered, but not a mask. In practice:

Studio Fix Fluid - covered - yes, everything is like in the picture, incredible beauty, smooth - super simple. BUT for dry skin it is impossible, absolutely not. And the colors are all jaundiced, and those that are NW (with a pink undertone) are red! Studio Sculpt - in theory for dry skin. It lies disgustingly. Covering up covers up, but preserves in detail the entire history of application;) and with whatever she applied - with a sponge, a damp sponge, a brush, and fingers. All to no avail. Sculpt also rolls off, flows even from my dry skin, remains on everything that accidentally touches it, it remains in pieces on my fingers, and there are pits on my face. That is, it is not absorbed at all. In short, quiet horror. The Studio Sculpt concealer is wonderful, but not very thick. But it’s good, it doesn’t leak, it doesn’t get wrinkled. Studio Finish concealer - under the eyes if in a couple of layers - picture. But it gets into wrinkles for me, so I have to go over it with powder. But in general, it’s very good for those who wake up early and suffer from it) In short, comrades with oily or normal skin, I’m glad for you that you can afford Studio Fix Fluid, the best foundation I’ve tried out of all the clouds I’ve tried)))

Mac/Mac cosmetics, reviews of Mac/Mac cosmetics,Lulu: I’m not delighted with this brand; out of everything I tried, I didn’t even want to use it to the end. Were:

Powder studio fix. Pros: large selection of shades, good tone alignment and coverage (used instead of foundation). Of the minuses: because I have very oily skin, almost all powders and tones crease sooner or later. Makovsky powder rolled off early and unsightly, and it’s impossible to touch it up, because... It is very dense and applies unevenly to old yeast, both with a sponge and a brush. And the second minus is that it is noticeable on the face, and quite strongly.

One-piece shadows, I have several of them (5 pieces), there are matte and pearlescent, and dark. Basically. I liked the shadows of this brand the most, long lasting, again a large palette of all kinds of colors and shades.

The makeup base, I don’t remember what it’s called, but it’s designed for mattification and also contains small glitter. Overall not bad, but it didn’t mattify me for a long time + there’s a lot of silicone.

Mac blot compact powder, my latest purchase. I bought it to carry with me to touch up my makeup. I liked the unusual texture of the powder (very hard, but at the same time it spreads well onto the sponge, creating the thinnest layer of veil on the face), it is almost invisible on the face, mattifies well and refreshes the complexion during the working day with a bang. Of the minuses: very few shades. I chose from 4 (in my opinion there are no more of them), 1 is just like chalk, 2 is also very light, 3 I took is called DARK and 4 already looks like bronze. My skin is not particularly light, but I was afraid to take 2, so as not to be considered dead, and 3 in winter turned out to be too dark for me, so I put it off until late spring-summer.

I bought nail polish a long time ago, I really liked the color and the way it looked on my nails, but it thickened quickly and turned out to be unstable.

In general, the brand is not bad, but not a single product is without reservations for me.

Mac/Mac cosmetics, reviews of Mac/Mac cosmetics,Kitty: 1. Excellent shadows! The price is at the level of Be:You (if you compare it by weight), and you can’t find colors like these anywhere individually, they always put an unnecessary color into the pallet. (Although small squares of 9 pieces in Estee Lauder are a great idea when a certain color is needed in small quantities). I have a lot of MAC eyeshadows and I'm happy with them; dark green ones, however, creep a little into the crease of the eyelid in the evening, but I have not yet met dark shadows that would last forever. There are no complaints about light shadows, even if you do polychrome makeup (several contrasting colors). But just in case, I carry shadows with me.

2. I also really like the brushes; in my opinion, they are inexpensive (quality of application, service life at the level of luxury brands, where brushes are 2-3 times more expensive).

3. I like the wax eyebrow pencil.

4. About the corrector, tone, etc. - I haven’t tried it yet, I found suitable products in other brands. Although, maybe this is a prejudice and MAC can be safely used all the time :) Colored pencils can be bought for pennies at Sephora :)

More on this topic:

Art Cosmetics) was originally created specifically for makeup artists who do makeup for models at fashion shows and filming. But the advantages of these products were so obvious that the treasured tubes of lipsticks and boxes of eye shadow quickly migrated to the tables of girls who understood beauty trends.

Cosmetics "MAK": history of brand creation

The MAC brand was created in Canada by photographer and makeup artist Frank Toscan and the owner of a large chain of beauty salons, Frank Angelo, back in 1984. Both of these people were very keen on photography, but could not find the necessary makeup products for the models from those that already existed. It was the need to create completely new products that prompted them to develop their own line of cosmetics.

At the beginning of its development, the MAK brand was represented in only one Canadian store. Thirty years have passed since then, and now this brand is known all over the world. No other company, even the most famous one, can boast of such rapid sales growth dynamics.

Philosophy of the MAK brand

Today, products manufactured by MAC are very popular all over the world. The brand itself positions itself as valuing individuality, creativity and self-expression. The company's main credo is to serve representatives of all races, nationalities, ages and genders.

MAC cosmetics should be in every woman's arsenal. After all, with its help you can transform yourself in a couple of minutes and become like a luxurious diva, as if stepped off the covers of glossy magazines.

"MAK" cosmetics have a modest and extremely laconic design, thereby emphasizing that it belongs to a professional niche. But the variety of colors and textures is simply amazing. You can find a wide variety of shades of lipsticks, eye shadows, and blushes, ranging from modest beige to futuristic pink and acid yellow.

What are the benefits of MAC products?

The company places the main emphasis on originality, creativity and excellent quality of products. MAK cosmetics are considered one of the cheapest among professional products, but this does not make them less popular and loved by makeup artists. The specially developed formula of this brand’s products makes them very long-lasting. They can withstand several hours of filming under bright spotlights or strong lighting on the catwalk. "MAK" cosmetics will not float, will not get caught in the folds of the skin and will not disappear from the face half an hour after application. Buyers can be confident of this. With all this, this cosmetics is ideal for daily use. Many women are afraid to use professional cosmetics because they believe that they are too heavy and contain too active ingredients. But in the case of MAC cosmetics, this is not the case. Her products are so versatile and high quality that they won't harm or overload your skin even with frequent use.

The brand's creators base their work on three main principles:

1. Versatility of textures.

2. Variety of colors.

3. Large selection of tones.

The entire huge range of the company can be divided into four categories:


In addition to direct cosmetic products, MAK also produces products necessary for the work of professional makeup artists. These are high-quality brushes, both natural and synthetic, sponges, pencil sharpeners, capacious cases, palettes, cosmetic bags and much more.

Limited collections "MAK"

Every season the company presents more and more new collections, which are always popular among both professionals and ordinary women. The top products sell out very quickly. It is worth mentioning separately about limited collections. Usually they are dedicated to an event or famous person. In them, all products are selected perfectly and can be combined with each other. Such collections instantly disappear from the shelves. And for good reason, because they are very creative and brave.