Festival of Gregory Leps. Loud party after the festival

"Christmas at Rosa Khutor 2017": Grigory Leps and others about the festival in Sochi

From January 4 to 8, the 3rd festival “Christmas at Rosa Khutor” by Grigory Leps will be held in the Rosa Hall concert hall in Krasnaya Polyana, and on January 7 and 8, everything that happens will be broadcast on Channel One. This year, in addition to Gregory himself, Egor Creed, Timati, Ani Lorak, Konstantin Meladze and many others will take part in the festival. Exactly what surprises Leps has prepared for guests - in the material HELLO!

The idea of ​​creating an annual music festival at the Rosa Khutor ski resort in Sochi was born by Grigory Leps after the Olympics, which the public also liked. Now, during the winter holidays, which many enjoy spending in Krasnaya Polyana, you can not only go skiing or snowboarding, but also hear show business stars. In January of this year, the already mentioned performing artists will be joined by their colleagues Laima Vaikule, Polina Gagarina, Irina Allegrova, Vera Brezhneva, Valery Meladze, Emin Agalrov, Alexey Vorobyov, VIA GRA and others. There will also be performances by artists from the production center of Grigory Leps, including Sharif, Niko Neman, Alina Grosu, Romadi, Danil Buranov, Tatyana Shirko, Nikolai Timokhin - and Leps himself, together with Yana Churikova, will host the show.

I’m glad that our music festival is already becoming a tradition, and believe me, I have something to surprise you with,” said Grigory Leps.

So, what exactly?

Click on the photo to view the gallery On January 4, Egor Creed will try to repeat the resounding success of his first solo concert, which was sold out in March 2016 in Moscow at Crocus City Hall. Then the singer was so moved, conveying words of gratitude to his parents from the stage, that he could not hold back his tears. However, it is precisely with his genuine sincerity that Yegor wins the hearts of fans.

How many times has Timati become the best hip-hop artist of the year! Thanks to his life-affirming and ironic compositions, the singer brought rap music to a new level. On January 5, he gives a solo concert: Timati will perform his old hits and introduce fans to new songs that have yet to hit the charts.

On Christmas Eve, Grigory Leps organizes a festive concert, at which artists from the singer’s production center - Sharif, Niko Neman, Romadi and others - will perform.

This year we are holding a Christmas festival for the third time,” says Leps. - Christmas is probably one of the main holidays when people unite with faith in goodness and love. We are waiting for everyone in Sochi, in Krasnaya Polyana. And those who cannot come will see everything on Channel One on January 7 and 8.

A grand gala concert will take place in the Rose Hall on Christmas Day. Ani Lorak, Valery Meladze, Anita Tsoi and others will sing songs that have long been loved by everyone. For the festive evening, Grigory Leps invited not only established artists, but also graduates of the show “The Voice” - those whose creative journey on stage is just beginning.

Konstantin Meladze Konstantin Meladze does not often organize creative evenings, but each of his concerts takes place on a grand scale. On January 8, the composer invites fans of his work to remember and sing long-familiar songs together. Meladze will be supported by his loved ones - his brother Valery, his wife Vera Brezhneva and his artist friends.


At the very beginning of 2017, right after Christmas, Grigory Leps organized a big festival for his fans and not only. It must be said that this performer himself is very popular and many people try to book Grigory Leps for events. Therefore, this event did not go unnoticed.

One of the first significant events in the world of music took place in the city of Sochi at the site of the popular resort Rosa Khutor. As part of this festival, Grigory Leps decided to organize a creative evening with Meladze Konstantin, who is known as an excellent composer and singer. Leps gave a real holiday to fans of Russian pop music.

Who performed at the festival

During the festival, which became Meladze’s creative evening, one could hear the most popular performers. These were also former members of the Via Gra group in the person of Vera Brezhneva, Granovskaya Nadezhda and Albina Dzhanabaeva. Polina Gagarina, who is pregnant today, appeared on the stage. Valery Meladze, the composer’s equally famous brother, also performed.

Of course, everyone performed songs that Konstantin Meladze wrote in one or another period of his work. And to the great joy of many, he himself performed one of his compositions with a guitar. By the way, many note that he really has an amazing voice that is mesmerizing.

Loud party after the festival

The Grigory Leps festival, which was dedicated to Konstantin Meladze, ended with a grand party. And the party became so thanks to the incendiary performance of the popular Ukrainian group Time and Glass. And the stars who took part in the creative evening changed from evening dresses to more comfortable sweatshirts and sneakers at the party. The party and the festival itself were held at the highest level. And the organizer Leps himself was very pleased with the event.

If you are going to Sochi or are already in this wonderful city, you have a chance to attend the music festival “Christmas Meetings of Grigory Leps”.

Festival named after Grigory Leps took place from January 7 to 9, in which famous popular artists took part, reports production center of Grigory Leps .
According to PCGL information, the festival will be attended by: Valery Meladze, Irina Allegrova, Dima Bilan, Sergey Lazarev, Joseph Kobzon, Ani Lorak, Kristina Orbakaite, Yulia Parshuta and others.

In general, it is quite possible. Previously, our favorite singers vacationed almost all of January, some to Courchevel, some to Dubai. Now there is Sochi, and in this city you can relax with pleasure and work with even greater pleasure. Combining business with pleasure. And our dear artist Grigory believes that Sochi has all the conditions for a good rest and holding a festival.

A mobile concert hall has been installed at the festival site in the center of the Rosa Khutor ski resort. And, if this is not a “duck”, Channel One is going to broadcast the festival concert.

Hit parade: Results as of January 30, 2015. “Radio Chanson”

First place, naturally, goes to Stas Mikhailov. Second place this time went to Grigory Leps and the song “Glass” - a terribly catchy and somewhat strange composition.

The video clip for the song “Glass” from the twelfth studio album “Gangster No. 1” was released on March 4, 2014.

On May 27 in Monte Carlo, Grigory Leps was awarded the prize World Music Awards 2014 in the category “Best Selling Russian Artists. On May 31, he was awarded the RU.TV 2014 award in two categories - “Best Duet” and “Best Singer”

Speech by Grigory Leps at Crocus City Hall 03/04/2014.

Grigory Leps performed the “Song about Hares” at the recording of the “Main Stage” show, in which youth favorite Vitaly Gogunsky (Kuzya from “Univer”) will take part, who, if you remember in 2014 at the “One to One” show, boldly embodied this bringing to life the image of Grigory Leps with the song “Mirrors”

Performance by V. Gogunsky with the song “Mirrors”

Last news.

Leps did not exchange Russia for Thailand

Previously, there were often rumors among the artist’s fans about the artist’s desire to move to another country. In particular, many believed that Leps wanted to move to Thailand. The artist’s family spent exactly a year in Thailand, returning to Russia only at the beginning of 2015. While the musician himself chose to stay in his homeland.

As it became known later, the move of relatives was not connected with migration plans, but with the illness of Grigory Leps’ daughter. Little Nicole suffered greatly from allergies; Russian doctors advised the girl to change the climate and live in another country.
At the moment, the girl’s condition has improved significantly, so the family decided to return back to see her beloved father and husband.