Dragonborn Complete walkthrough of side quests

The main plot of the Dragonborn expansion revolves around exploring the events taking place on the island of Solstheim and confronting the first dragonborn, Miraak.


To start this task you just need to walk somewhere and wait for the cultists to approach you.

They approached me immediately upon arrival in Winterhold:

After talking to them, no matter what you answer, they will attack you:

Kill them, and from the body of one of them (to which the marker will point) take and read the note Cultists’ Orders:

After which the quest marker will update and point to the pier near Winterhold, go there:

On the spot we find Gjalund Salt-Sage, and we talk about how we need to get to Solstheim:

He just won’t want to sail there, so he’ll either have to pay (500 gold), or convince or scare him.

In one way or another, we go to the island; upon arrival, the task marker will point us to the next point (at the same time, communicate with everyone who approaches you):

On the spot, Neloth will approach us and start a conversation, after the conversation the quest marker will point to the center of the island, to the Temple of Miraak, we go there:

Upon arrival, the task will end and the next one will begin.

The Temple of Miraak

Now you need to talk to Freya (if she doesn't appear press "E" on the stone in the center):

You need to go down and explore the Temple of Miraak. The entrance is located right there, on the stairs leading down (at first glance the descent may seem invisible). Freya will accompany you.

There are no special mysteries in the dungeon itself. There are a few traps, a few levers to use (but they are all in visible places). Among the opponents you will encounter cultists, draugr and skeletons.

The only moment that caused me difficulties was this door, next to which you learn the new dragon cry:

The key to the door is in the possession of one of the draugr you kill nearby.

We go deeper into the Temple of Miraak Sanctrum until we find a stand with the Black Book:

We read it and are transported to another plane, where we meet the first dragonborn:

We will be completely at his mercy, and we will not even be able to move. If you have already completed the Skyrim main storyline and killed Alduin, then Miraak will appreciate this, and will add that he would do the same if he had such a goal.

Remaining motionless, we see Mirak flying away on a dragon, and we return to the normal plane of reality.

We talk with Frea, the task is completed.

The Fate of the Skaal

This task starts automatically.

We follow Freya, she will lead you out of the dungeon and take you to her father, the shaman Storn Crag-Strider in the Skaal Village.

Talk to him:

He will say that in order to free the creation of people from the influence of Miraak, it is necessary to cleanse the All-Maker Stones, and this can only be done with the help of the dragon cry Bend Will.

We go to the Word of Power and study the new dragon cry there:

If you run out of dragon souls you will have to return to Skyrim, because... Miraak will steal all the souls of slain dragons.

Having studied the word, we go to the Wind Stone marked on the map:

And we use a new cry on the stone:

It will be destroyed, and a Lurker will immediately appear and attack people. Kill him:

After which we go to Skaal Village, find Storn Crag-Strider there and inform him that people are free:

We talk with him until the quest The Fate of the Skaal is completed and two new ones begin: Cleansing the Stones and The Path of Knowledge.

Cleansing the Stones

The task is simple: you need to clear the four All-Maker Stones marked on the map:

Come, use the Bend Will shout on the stone, kill the Lurkers that appear and go to the next one:

Once you clear all 4 stones, the task will complete automatically.

The Path of Knowledge

Go to Tel Mithryn and talk to Neloth there:

After the conversation, alone or together with Neloth, go to the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak:

An important point: only Neloth can open the door, so if you, like me, got to the ruins alone, just scroll for one hour near the entrance and Neloth will appear next to you. He uses the counter next to the entrance and the door will open:

But inside there is a big puzzle waiting for you.

What's the point: at the entrance you will see a stand with a book hidden under the floor. To get it, you need to install 4 Dwemer cubes in the required racks at the lowest levels. And to get to these counters, you will need to sweat a lot:

Follow Neloth to the lever that teleports you to the lower level:

The principle here is the following: place the cube on a stand and the water level drops. Remove the water level rises. But remember that you will need 4 cubes at the very end.

It is impossible to describe every step, because there will be a lot of them. The main thing is to understand the meaning, use your wits and try.

One of the memorable moments: in one of the rooms you lower the water to the very bottom, then at the very bottom, use the rack to raise the ladder, after which you raise the water again and swim:

In another large room it’s more interesting... there are 3 activated racks, and 3 bridges:

To lower all the bridges, you must first activate the first rack, then the third.

When you reach the room with 4 racks, the finish line is close (but you will need to go to another room and then return):

We install Dwemer cubes on all racks and move on. We find the lever that teleports you upstairs and return to the beginning. All that remains is to activate the last stand, and the Black Book will become available:

This completes the task.

The Gardener of Men

This task will have slightly fewer puzzles than the previous one, but the thrill is guaranteed.

Read the Black Book and you will be transported to the Hermaeus Mora plane:

We talk with Hermaeus Mora and begin to solve the local puzzles. The essence of their decision comes down to two principles:

The first Scrye (like flowers) activate some part of the environment, for example a bridge appears, or something similar:

The second is “living corridors” crawling back and forth. Which you can jump into in one place and get off in another (or walk through them):

We read, talk with Hermaeus Mora and he will teach us the second word in the Bend Will dragon cry:

We return, go to Skaal Village and talk with Storn Crag-Strider. After which a short scene awaits us, the essence of which I will not reveal, so as not to spoil your personal impressions, after which the task ends and the last one begins.

At the Summit of Apocrypha

The final quest of the Dragonborn main storyline has begun.

Unlock (using dragon souls) the last two words of the Bend Will shout:

And we read the book Black Book: Waking Dreams, it will take us to the Hermaeus Mora plan:

A little ahead there will be a stand with the book Chapter I read and it will teleport us to a new location:

In general, we explore the location, take the books we find, activate Scrye, teleport to new zones through Chapter, etc.

In general, after completing the two previous tasks, this should not be difficult.

I will describe in detail only one moment (out of many) of how the door opens in the room with Lurker:

There is a Scrye in the corner, we activate it, then a passage opens on the left side, we go into the corridor, there we activate another Scrye, after which the door opens:

It’s almost impossible to figure it out on your own, because... Certain racks require certain books to be placed on them. Each of the racks has a symbol on it, and this is how the books should be arranged:

"Eye" Prying Orbs
"Fangs" Gnashing Blades
"Tentacles" Boneless Limbs
Remaining Stance Delving Pincers

Once all 4 books are correctly positioned, the racks will light up green:

We approach the central one and read:

We are transported to another new location. We learn a new shout, after which a dragon will appear, you don’t need to fight it, but you need to use the Bend Will shout on it. Thus we will force him to obey us:

Press "E" to climb onto it and take flight. During the flight, the dragon will engage in battle with Lurker and Seekers. Since he will be fighting them for a very long time, just press "E" and he will leave them.

And it will take you to Miraak. The final battle is ahead!

In the battle itself, as it turned out, there are no tricks by reducing his health to low values, he will disappear and “emerge” from the black slurry in the center already healthy. You just need to “knock down” his health several times, and at some point Hermaeus Mora will get tired of it, and he will kill him himself:

All you have to do is listen to the final speech of the main villain before his death, collect all his things from the corpse, if desired, and after reading Black Book: Waking Dreams return back to Solstheim:

Important! ability to reset talents

After defeating Miraak, after reading the book for the first time in the center, green ability icons will appear around you using them you can reset the abilities of a particular branch and spend them again. Requires one dragon soul to reset.

When you return, Frea will be nearby. Talk to her and tell her that Miraak is dead. She will thank you.


Finally, a word about complexity. I played as a character with the following characteristics:
Level 75, 1062 health, 628 damage, 1500 armor, 30% spell absorption. On Master difficulty.

Overall it was easy, only some high cultists and Miraak forced us to drink health cans.

But if your characteristics are significantly lower, and you also decide to go through the master difficulty, be prepared for difficult battles.

The plot is played out in the usual form (not a vampire or a werewolf), without companions.

To start the Dragonborn main quest in Skyrim, you need to fulfill a key condition - the greybeards must recognize Dovahkiin as dragonborn.

This condition is only met when completing the main storyline of the original game without the add-on to gain the opportunity for such recognition.

Having fulfilled this condition, in one of the large populated areas of Skyrim (in the case of our walkthrough it was the city of Whiterun), a group of cultists dressed in strange clothes will approach Dovahkiin.

They will ask the protagonist if he is dragonborn, answering positively, they will say that there is only one true dragonborn, after which they will attack you. After defeating them, you can collect new clothes and a note from their bodies.

After reading the last one, you will receive a new task - you will need to go to Solstheim in order to find out who wanted your death. The mission marker will point to a pier not far from Windhelm, so head there.

On the spot you will find a ship that will take you to Solstheim. True, it will still be necessary to convince the captain, who does not want to sail there - he says that some strange things are happening there. For persuasion, a pumped up eloquence skill is very useful; if it is not sufficiently developed, the captain can simply be bribed.

Before leaving for Solstheim, it is better to make sure that you have at least a few dragon souls in reserve, because this will be a very useful resource in our further adventures.

So you will arrive at the settlement of Raven Rock, right at its port you will be met by a character named Andril Arano. It’s worth finding out from him about Miraak and about the general situation on the island.

It is also better to immediately drop by the local blacksmith Glover Mallory - his house will have the mark of the Thieves Guild. If you have already completed the last line of quests, then you will have at your disposal an additional dialogue, during which you can find out that the blacksmith is Delvin’s brother.

You can also take a quest from him to obtain an ancient Nord pickaxe, with which you can mine stalhrim, useful in forging armor and armour. Also, some passages are blocked by this same stalhrim, so it is impossible to pass without a pickaxe, so its extraction should be one of your priorities.

After talking with Andril Arano and asking him about Miraak, you will receive a quest marker that will take you outside the city and lead you to the earth stone. There you will meet a Dunmer named Neloth. You will learn from the latter that Mirak died several years ago, but the ruins of his temple remained on the island.

The next goal is this very temple of Miraak, near which you will meet Frea, the daughter of the elder of the village of Skaal. She will try to find the reason why a good half of the local people have gone mad.

While you are communicating with her, cultists will jump out from the temple and try to take you by surprise. Frea will help repel the attack, after which the two of you will go explore the temple. It is quite large and goes far underground.

Inside it you will again have to fight with cultists, and also with draugr. There you will also find a new dragon cry word. Your ultimate goal will be the Black Book, after opening which you will be transported to another dimension, where you will meet Miraak.

The latter will delight you with a curse that sends all the souls of the dragons you kill to him, after which you will return back to your dimension. In general, the beginning of the Dragonborn quest in Skyrim looks exactly like this.

Leave the harsh Skyrim behind. In the vast expanses of Solstheim, at Raven Rock, you will meet the dark elves and get acquainted with the Skaal tribe. But most importantly, you will learn the secret of the return of the Dragonborn.
Fight the first Dragonborn and, having comprehended all the secrets of the Voice, win. New Shouts and spells are at your disposal, including “Dragon Incarnate.” Awaken the ancient power within yourself, and you will have no equal!
Go to the Daedric dimension - look for books of forbidden knowledge and discover new ways of improvement.
Equip yourself with the best weapons and armor to take on powerful new enemies in a variety of new dungeons.


According to the website gameinformer.com, Bethesda Softworks registered the trademark “” back in May 2012. From some patches for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it became known that it will include new armor, the ability to ride dragons (which was already presented by Bethesda at GameJam from the DICE 2012 presentation) and a new large location where the expansion events will take place - Solstheim, an island that once served as the setting for The Elder Scrolls III: Bloodmoon expansion for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

On November 2, 2012, Bethesda Softworks tweeted that the official trailer would be released on Monday, November 5. The studio also published the first promotional art, thereby finally dispelling all doubts about the development of the add-on.

Like previous additions, according to an agreement with Microsoft, it became available to players with Xbox 360 on December 4, the PC version became available on February 5, 2013, and the PS3 version on February 12, 2013. All information about the release was published on the official Bethesda Softworks blog.

This add-on is included in the Legendary Edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


  • Explore the lands outside of Skyrim - leave the northern province and go to the shores of the island of Solstheim. On the way to unraveling the mystery of the return of the Dragonborn, you will meet Dunmer migrants in Raven Rock and the indigenous inhabitants - the Skaal tribe.
  • Become the most important Dragonborn - use all the power of your voice in battle with the first Dragonborn - Mirak. Learn new shouts and spells, such as "Dragon Incarnate", which allows you to summon the full power of the dragon and deliver powerful blows, and also enhances other shouts. "Cyclone" - causes a small tornado. “Bend Will” - when using all three words of the cry, forces the dragon to fight on the side of the protagonist. "Battle Fury" - similar to the "Elemental Fury" shout, but affects non-player characters.
  • New powers - experience dark forces while traveling to a new Daedric dimension - Apocrypha, home of the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora. Collect books of forbidden knowledge and choose new ways to develop skills and abilities.
  • New Dungeons, Creatures, Weapons and More - Equip bone, chitin, carved Nord or Stalhrim armor and use Stalhrim weapons on your way through a variety of dungeons and find unique artifacts! Face formidable enemies such as Ashen Spawns, Rieklings and more!
  • The main storyline begins with an attack on the protagonist by a group of aggressive adherents of a certain “Cult of Miraak” in order to eliminate the false Dragonborn. From the corpse of one of them you can take a note that states the name “Mirak” and describes the method by which the squad moved to Skyrim. The further path lies to the docks of Windhelm, where the captain of a small ship can take the hero to Solstheim.
  • You can also meet representatives of the oldest guild of assassins in Tamriel - the Morag Tong, whose ideology differs significantly from that of the Dark Brotherhood.
  • Fulfill your dream and ride the scaly monster!

The main plot of the Dragonborn add-on is tied to the study of events taking place on the island of Solstheim and the confrontation with the first dragonborn - Miraak.


To start this task you just need to walk somewhere and wait for the cultists to approach you.

They approached me immediately upon arrival in Winterhold:

After talking to them, no matter what you answer, they will attack you:

Kill them, and from the body of one of them (to which the marker will point) take and read the note Cultists’ Orders:

After which the quest marker will update and point to the pier near Winterhold, go there:

On the spot we find Gjalund Salt-Sage, and we talk about how we need to get to Solstheim:

He just won’t want to sail there, so he’ll either have to pay (500 gold), or convince or scare him.

In one way or another, we go to the island; upon arrival, the task marker will point us to the next point (at the same time, communicate with everyone who approaches you):

On the spot, Neloth will approach us and start a conversation, after the conversation the quest marker will point to the center of the island, to the Temple of Miraak, we go there:

Upon arrival, the task will end and the next one will begin.

The Temple of Miraak

Now you need to talk to Freya (if she doesn't appear, press "E" on the stone in the center):

You need to go down and explore the Temple of Miraak. The entrance is located right there, on the stairs leading down (at first glance the descent may seem invisible). Freya will accompany you.

There are no special mysteries in the dungeon itself. There are a few traps, a few levers to use (but they are all in visible places). Among the opponents you will encounter cultists, draugr and skeletons.

The only moment that caused me difficulties was this door, next to which you learn the new dragon cry:

The key to the door is in the possession of one of the draugr you kill nearby.

We go deeper into the Temple of Miraak Sanctrum until we find a stand with the Black Book:

We read it and are transported to another plane, where we meet the first dragonborn:

We will be completely at his mercy, and we will not even be able to move. If you have already completed the Skyrim main storyline and killed Alduin, then Miraak will appreciate this, and will add that he would do the same if he had such a goal.

Remaining motionless, we see Mirak flying away on a dragon, and we return to the normal plane of reality.

We talk with Frea, the task is completed.

The Fate of the Skaal

This task starts automatically.

We follow Freya, she will lead you out of the dungeon and take you to her father, the shaman Storn Crag-Strider in the Skaal Village.

Talk to him:

He will say that in order to free the creation of people from the influence of Miraak, it is necessary to cleanse the All-Maker Stones, and this can only be done with the help of the dragon cry Bend Will.

We go to the Word of Power and study the new dragon cry there:

If you run out of dragon souls you will have to return to Skyrim, because... Miraak will steal all the souls of slain dragons.

Having studied the word, we go to the Wind Stone marked on the map:

And we use a new cry on the stone:

It will be destroyed, and a Lurker will immediately appear and attack people. Kill him:

After which we go to Skaal Village, find Storn Crag-Strider there and inform him that people are free:

We talk with him until the quest The Fate of the Skaal is completed and two new ones begin: Cleansing the Stones and The Path of Knowledge.

Cleansing the Stones

The task is simple - you need to clear the four All-Maker Stones marked on the map:

Come, use the Bend Will shout on the stone, kill the Lurkers that appear and go to the next one:

Once you clear all 4 stones, the task will complete automatically.

The Path of Knowledge

Go to Tel Mithryn and talk to Neloth there:

After the conversation, alone or together with Neloth, go to the Dwemer ruins of Nchardak:

An important point is that only Neloth can open the door, so if you, like me, got to the ruins alone, just scroll for one hour near the entrance - and Neloth will appear next to you. He uses the counter next to the entrance and the door will open:

But inside there is a big puzzle waiting for you.

What's the point: at the entrance you will see a stand with a book hidden under the floor. To get it, you need to install 4 Dwemer cubes in the required racks at the lowest levels. And to get to these counters, you will need to sweat a lot:

Follow Neloth to the lever that teleports you to the lower level:

The principle here is the following: place the cube on a stand and the water level drops. If you remove it, the water level rises. But remember that you will need 4 cubes at the very end.

It is impossible to describe every step, because there will be a lot of them. The main thing is to understand the meaning, use your wits and try.

One of the memorable moments: in one of the rooms you lower the water to the very bottom, then at the very bottom, use the rack to raise the ladder, after which you raise the water again and swim:

In another large room it’s more interesting... there are 3 activated racks, and 3 bridges:

To lower all the bridges, you must first activate the first rack, then the third.

When you reach the room with 4 racks, the finish line is close (but you will need to go to another room and then return):

We install Dwemer cubes on all racks and move on. We find the lever that teleports you upstairs and return to the beginning. All that remains is to activate the last stand, and the Black Book will become available:

This completes the task.

The Gardener of Men

This task will have slightly fewer puzzles than the previous one, but the thrill is guaranteed.

Read the Black Book and you will be transported to the Hermaeus Mora plane:

We talk with Hermaeus Mora and begin to solve the local puzzles. The essence of their decision comes down to two principles:

The first - Scrye (like flowers) activate some part of the environment, for example a bridge appears, or something similar:

The second is “living corridors” crawling back and forth. Which you can jump into in one place and get off in another (or walk through them):

We read, talk with Hermaeus Mora and he will teach us the second word in the Bend Will dragon cry:

We return, go to Skaal Village and talk with Storn Crag-Strider. After which a short scene awaits us, the essence of which I will not reveal, so as not to spoil your personal impressions, after which the task ends and the last one begins.

At the Summit of Apocrypha

The final quest of the Dragonborn main storyline has begun.

Unlock (using dragon souls) the last two words of the Bend Will shout:

And we read the book Black Book: Waking Dreams, it will take us to the Hermaeus Mora plan:

A little ahead there will be a stand with the book Chapter I - read it and it will teleport us to a new location:

In general, we explore the location, take the books we find, activate Scrye, teleport to new zones through Chapter, etc.

In general, after completing the two previous tasks, this should not be difficult.

I will describe in detail only one moment (out of many) of how the door opens in the room with Lurker:

There is a Scrye in the corner, we activate it, then a passage opens on the left side, we go into the corridor, there we activate another Scrye, after which the door opens:

It’s almost impossible to figure it out on your own, because... Certain racks require certain books to be placed on them. Each of the racks has a symbol on it, and this is how the books should be arranged:

"Eye" - Prying Orbs
"Fangs" - Gnashing Blades
"Tentacles" - Boneless Limbs
Remaining Stance - Delving Pincers

Once all 4 books are correctly positioned, the racks will light up green:

We approach the central one and read:

We are transported to another new location. We learn a new shout, after which a dragon will appear, you don’t need to fight it, but you need to use the Bend Will shout on it. Thus we will force him to obey us:

Press "E" to climb onto it and take flight. During the flight, the dragon will engage in battle with Lurker and Seekers. Since he will be fighting them for a very long time, just press "E" and he will leave them.

And it will take you to Miraak. The final battle is ahead!

In the battle itself, as it turned out, there are no tricks - by reducing his health to low values, he will disappear and “emerge” from the black slurry in the center already healthy. You just need to “knock down” his health several times, and at some point Hermaeus Mora will get tired of it, and he will kill him himself:

All you have to do is listen to the final speech of the main villain before his death, collect all his things from the corpse, if desired, and after reading Black Book: Waking Dreams return back to Solstheim:

Important! ability to reset talents

After defeating Miraak, after reading the book for the first time in the center, green ability icons will appear around you - with the help of them you can reset the abilities of a particular branch and spend them again. Requires one dragon soul to reset.

When you return, Frea will be nearby. Talk to her and tell her that Miraak is dead. She will thank you.


Finally, a word about complexity. I played as a character with the following characteristics:
Level 75, 1062 health, 628 damage, 1500 armor, 30% spell absorption. On Master difficulty.

  • Next quest: Temple of Mirak
  • Reward:
  • ID: DLC2MQ01
  • Brief walkthrough

    1. Do the following in any order:
      • Repel the attack of the cultists and find a note on the body of one of them.
      • Talk to Gjalund Salt-Sage at the Windhelm docks about the opportunity to travel to Saltsheim.
    2. (Optional) Go to the Earth Stone to explore the shrine.
    3. Get to Miraak Temple.

    Detailed walkthrough

    After being officially recognized as the Dragonborn (the Path of the Voice quest), the player character will be attacked by cultists somewhere in the vastness of Skyrim. After their death, on the corpse of one of them you can find a note in which a certain Miraak orders you to be killed. Find the ship called the Maiden of the North at the Windhelm docks and talk to Gjalund Salt-Sage about the possibility of getting to Saltsheim. You can bribe (500 gold), persuade or intimidate him into taking you to the island. Or, without waiting for an attack, you can hire Northern Maiden to travel to Soltsheim for 250 gold; then you will be attacked by cultists upon arrival on the island and you will be able to find a note on the body of one of them. If you choose this path, you may not see some dialogue with characters on the island.

    If you talk to the people of Raven Rock about Miraak, they will all find the name familiar, but like Adril Arano, they won't be able to remember who he is. Some will mention the Earth Stone, others the Temple of Miraak. Ultimately you will have to go to the Temple, and whether or not to visit the Earth Stone is your choice.

    Head east towards the center of Soltsheim Island to find the Temple of Miraak. As you approach the outside of the temple, you will see the skeletons of several dragons lying on the steps in front of the temple. As you go up to the Temple, you will see many people working on the restoration of the building. Their actions are coordinated by Miraak with a chant (which can be heard while under control). Working people will not attack you, even if they are reavers, but some cultists will still attack you if you are outside the temple for a long time. Once you reach the center of the Temple of Miraak, near the Tree Stone, this quest will end and the next quest will automatically begin.


    One achievement is available for the first visit to Soltsheim Island: Outlander


    • If you have not completed the Path of the Voice quest and traveled to the island on your own, you will not be able to complete the main quest and some side quests, although many other side quests will still be available to you.


    Quest stages

    Dragonborn (DLC2MQ01)
    Stage Status Journal entries
    5 I"ve been attacked by a group of cultists. I need to see if they have any evidence of what prompted this assault.
    7 I"ve found a note on one of the cultists who attacked me. Perhaps it has some clue as to what prompted them to come after me.
    10 I"ve been attacked by a group of people claiming to work for someone named Miraak. I need to find out why they"re trying to kill me, and so I should look for the boat in Windhelm they used to travel from Solstheim.
    20 I have arrived on Solstheim in search of the "Miraak" mentioned in a note as being behind the attempt on my life. Perhaps someone in the town of Raven Rock will know about him.
    30 The people of Raven Rock know the name Miraak, saying that he has a temple near the center of the island. I should seek him out and find out why people have attacked me on his behalf.
    200 After an attempt on my life, I "ve tracked the people responsible to the isle of Solstheim, where someone named Miraak has a temple near the center of the island. It"s time to find out what"s going on.
    • The following empty quest stages were not listed in the table: 0, 15, 25


    • Any text within angle brackets (for example, ) is a parameter set by the Radiant Quest engine that will be assigned a value when a quest is received.
    • Not all of the specified entries may appear in the game log: which entries appear and which do not depend on how the task is completed.
    • The stages are not always listed in the order in which the task is completed. This typically occurs with tasks that have multiple possible outcomes or where certain tasks can be completed in a random order.
    • If an entry is marked as " Completing the task", this means that the task is removed from the list of active ones, but new records of the stages of execution of this task can continue to be added to the log.
    • When playing on a personal computer, you can use the console to progress through a quest by entering the command setstage (((ID))) stage, where quest is the in-game identifier of the quest, and stage is the number of the stage to which you want to go. However, it is not possible to move on to uncompleted (i.e., skipped) quest stages. However, using the console command resetquest (((ID))) you can reset the quest stage.