The heroic gallop of the Vasnetsov. Essay based on a painting by V.M.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always adhered to Russian themes in his work. His works depicted epics and simple peasant life. The description of Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap” will be useful for schoolchildren and students when writing essays and analyzing the image. For a better understanding, it is worth printing out a reproduction in which you will be able to examine all the details and recognize the hidden meaning.

Compositional basis

The painting “Heroic Leap” was painted by Vasnetsov in 1914. Now the Russian artist’s masterpiece is kept in his house-museum in Moscow. The plot of the film is dedicated to the epic hero (presumably Ilya Muromets). The character is presented in full combat gear, as if ready to go into battle with enemies at any second. A powerful horse acts as an assistant in his difficult task.

The artist’s main task was to maximize the detail of the moment the rider jumps on a horse, which Vasnetsov undoubtedly succeeded in doing. To convey movement, the author of the canvas used a diagonal composition with a bottom feed. Because of this, it seems that the observer is observing the acting character from the bottom up. This artistic technique adds physical strength to the image. . Other compositional features include:

  1. The diagonal arrangement of the figure of a formidable black horse in a jump is emphasized by the lines of the spear and the moving clouds in the background.
  2. Dynamic background image. Clouds are flying quickly across the sky, a storm is approaching. A strong wind is indicated by a developing horse's mane.
  3. The demonstration of the will to win is manifested in the position of the horse's head and the stern gaze of the hero.
  4. The use of backlight and contrast of the background with the main character adds impressiveness to the picture.
  5. Emphasizing the size and strength of Russian heroes through a low horizon and a miniature pine forest behind.

The whole picture is quite symbolic and demonstrates the invincibility of the people living in Ancient Rus'. When you look at the canvas, your morale immediately rises.

Detailed examination of the picture

In accordance with the school curriculum, children are assigned an essay on a painting in the 4th grade. In lessons devoted to literature and folk art, children get acquainted with famous artists who painted epic stories. Anyone who is tasked with writing an essay based on Viktor Vasnetsov’s painting “Heroic Leap” must understand the plot and elements depicted on the canvas. There are several main points:

  1. Russian hero. He is courageous and ready to fight his enemies. There is not an ounce of fear or pity in the heroic look. The man is dressed in strong armor (a steel breastplate, chain mail and a pointed metal helmet), blue pants and high brown boots. In his left hand there is a large shield, in his right hand there is a horse whip. In the scabbard one can see an impressively sized sword, and on the other side a sharp spear can be seen. All this means that the rider is ready for battle.
  2. A black horse with a flowing black mane is the rider’s faithful companion in battle. On the horse you can see a golden bridle and a red saddle. The animal is drawn in a jump or gallop, as it is high above the ground. This creates the effect of a powerful, fast gallop, as evidenced by the rider’s whip in motion.
  3. The background is represented by clouds quickly floating across a gray sky and a sparse coniferous forest. The hero is located on a hill, which is why his image is saturated with majesty even in comparison with nature. The power of the central character and his “comrade in arms” is added by the contrast of colors, which are radically different from the background image, made in muted, calm tones.

The picture itself is very patriotic; it is associated with epics and fairy tales, which inspires military achievements and high spirits. Before writing an essay or preparing an oral story, you can highlight the main points in the form of a plan, indicating the theme, description of the main character and the mood conveyed by the author of the canvas.

Essay example

In his work, Russian painter Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov always turned to ancient epics, myths, and history of the country. The main characters of his paintings were heroes who glorified the lands of the state for centuries. The artist portrays the mighty defenders of the fatherland colorfully and skillfully, which adds to their power. A striking example of this is the painting “Heroic Leap”.

The central position in the artistic composition is occupied by a mighty horseman-hero sitting astride a black horse. Together they may be heading to the battlefield. The rider is dressed in full uniform - he has strong armor, a protective helmet, and a terrifying weapon. A brave and nimble horse gallops high above the ground. He looks so alive and realistic that you can’t help but hear the clatter of hooves. The wind blows towards the horse, developing its mane, but it does not become an obstacle for brave comrades in battle.

A detailed image of a horse galloping across a field, its tense legs sharpened for a quick gallop - all this speaks of the preparedness of the animal, which has repeatedly participated in battles with its owner. This is probably why the rider trusts the horse so much that does not even look forward, but directs his gaze to the audience. The darkened background, showing endless fields and forests, adds to the belligerence of the image.

The image symbolizes the strength of the Russian spirit. To do this, the author uses the technique of remoteness of the background landscape and the size of the hero.

The main character is so powerful that occupies almost the entire space - from earth to heaven. A menacing gaze inspires fear of a warrior. One immediately gets the impression that he will definitely win. He hints about this with a menacing look to his opponent in battle.

The hero, defender of the Russian land, is one of Vasnetsov’s favorite characters, to whom the artist dedicated many of his paintings. Along with the famous, now classic paintings “Bogatyrs” and “The Knight at the Crossroads,” the work “Heroic Leap” reflects Vasnetsov’s warm attitude towards folk epics and tales, and towards Russian culture as a whole.

The painting was created in 1914. The beginning of the First World War. Russia again has to fight a cruel enemy, and no one yet knows how this fight will turn out.

One thing is clear - the people must rise up and gather all their forces together in order to once again show the power of the Russian state and remind the enemy of the former military glory of the great country.

Strengthening the patriotic spirit of the people, calling them to unity in the fight against the enemy is the main goal that the artist pursued when creating this picture. The central place is occupied by the figure of a horseman riding a formidable black horse. The hero is already ready to fight for the Fatherland: he has a sword on his belt, his hand holds a shield tightly, and a well-aimed spear is waiting in the saddle. Under the rays of the rising sun, the armor shines, the weapons are in full combat readiness. The rider, frowning, peers into the distance - has the enemy appeared?

And not one of them can escape his piercing gaze.

To match a courageous and determined warrior is his war horse. A strong animal is depicted at the moment of a jump: the horse’s hooves have just left the ground, its muscles are tense as much as possible, its head is slightly tilted. Trusting his comrade-in-arms, the hero does not even hold the bridle and does not look where his horse is rushing.

The atmosphere of tension is maintained by the dark tones in which the background of the picture is maintained. The hill depicted in the distance, the coniferous forest - everything is shrouded in darkness. But on the canvas the hero is depicted in the pre-dawn hour, which means that the sun will soon rise and the darkness will dissipate, as the enemy will be defeated by the bright power of the Russian warrior.

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Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is an outstanding artist. He is the author of recognized masterpieces stored in world-famous galleries. The artist paid special attention to fairy-tale and epic subjects. The painting “Heroic Leap” belongs precisely to this branch of Vasnetsov’s creativity.

The painting depicts a Russian epic hero. He is courageous and brave. In his eyes there is not a drop of fear or pity for the enemy of the Russian land. He is wearing powerful metal armor, a sharp dagger in the sheath, a shield in one hand, a whip in the other, and a long spear with a sharp polished tip attached to the saddle. All this suggests that he is ready for battle. His faithful comrade is his horse, which has long served him faithfully. She is black, wearing a gold bridle and a red saddle. It is located high above the ground, which creates the feeling of a powerful and fast jump. The central figure of a hero on a horse is made in bright, contrasting colors. The background is drawn in calmer and lighter colors. The background is Russian nature: a forest, field and sky blackening in the distance.

The picture is imbued with the spirit of patriotism. Creates a fighting and elevated mood.

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One of the coolest paintings! I love. There is so much strength, movement... heroism!

There is very beautiful Russian nature here. The sunset (or sunrise) is such that the sky is a beautiful color. There is a white cloud at the very top, then there is blue, below there is pink. And at the very bottom there are beautiful mountains. In front of them is a pine forest. Dark, obviously. And green grass is closer to us. In general, very beautiful.

The background is suitable for a fairy tale! And it doesn’t even matter that there are no birch trees here. Russian is not only in birch trees... Here the Russian hero is already there. With birches it would be completely Russian. Too much.

And here is the hero himself - strength and power. He is riding a horse. The horse just gives a gallop. He's all in the air - flying. Maybe it's a magical leap. He will land in the distant kingdom... And he will save any princess from any dragon!

The horse is also large and powerful. From a dark color (not blond). Only one of his paws is light. Maybe for beauty. He also has a harness for beauty. And such a long tail, a lush mane. Everything flutters in the wind. There’s even an inverted golden crown on the horse’s chest. The saddle is red, that is, beautiful.

I would also like to ride on such a horse! Only myself. And I wouldn't be scared. I have experience. My dad and I went horseback riding a couple of times. I also rode in the park myself, only at a walk. I want to develop already.

Well, I’d take my family for a ride too, you can even ask for a trailer. I think the horse won't mind. He's so strong!

So, another hero is here. He's dressed smartly, probably on his way to visit. Or to the service! He has fashionable boots and blue pants. He also has chain mail, even armor (the upper part). It consists of large plates. It looks like a shield, which is also there. This is all really hard! But the hero is probably used to carrying all this, since the work uniform is like in school. And protects from all kinds of arrows. And he also has a whip in his hand. I hope he didn't use it! The hero also has an iron cap. (Not from aliens!) It's a helmet! It also protects well from falls from horse heights. And at the top it has a small red flag. Just like at the Kremlin before. And in the other hand - a spear. The hero is very well put together!

He has some kind of red fabric from his belt. It flies with the wind.

And most importantly, the look is so stern. He's all so serious! A real warrior, here!

And the horse may also be magical - it can speak! If only he could tell about their exploits! Wars are usually not verbose, but horses (in cartoons) are very talkative.

Great picture! It’s interesting to look at it... You immediately want to make up stories, read fairy tales.

Option 2

Vasnetsov is known for his magnificent paintings on the theme of epic tales and historical subjects associated with the era of Ancient Rus'. Characteristic in this sense is the artist’s painting called Bogatyrsky Skok, which depicts a magnificent hero on a hill.

It is difficult to say to which historical period this image belongs, or rather, which historical period the author wanted to convey. Most likely, we are simply talking about an image, simply about some so-called archetype that the author wanted to betray. Vasnetsov tried to embody something like a radical image that a resident of the country and a continuer of the history of this country could rely on.

The hero with a spear and a powerful whip-whip is depicted jumping, he is all pitch black and only one of his hoofs is white, which most likely indicates some kind of special breed of him or a kind of sign of happiness and prosperity. Apparently this horse is of noble origin. As they say, a heroic horse matches its rider.

The hero is also depicted in a beautiful appearance, in powerful armor and chain mail, with a shield, blue-violet trousers, a rich green jacket, durable and beautiful boots. The good fellow proudly and intently looks into the distance. His gaze is intense and full of determination, just as his entire posture exudes strength and endurance. He is the defender of his native land.

In addition, in my opinion, he looks like an executor of heavenly law or something like a conductor of the will of Heaven on earth. This contrast, it seems to me, is easily perceptible in the color scheme of the upper and lower parts of the picture. Below we see a black horse, a dark forest, in general, a rather gloomy mood. While above there is a very clear, albeit sunset, sky. It is clear and beautiful, the hero, in turn, is more comparable in color to the upper part of the picture. His armor is light, he himself is also clear and bright. At the same time, he has to be on earth, he acts here, and not in heaven. Therefore, he needs to be stern and strict.

In my opinion, the artist perfectly managed to convey the feeling and mood of strength and power. One can only admire such a rider; he is truly beautiful, and his image is in many ways archetypal for the Russian land.

On May 15, 1848, a very famous artist today, Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, was born. He became interested in painting in his youth. Took drawing lessons. Today, many famous paintings belong to his pen, and people continue to admire him. His fabulous styles and the characters he drew are simply mesmerizing. One of such exciting paintings is his work “Heroic Leap”.

The picture shows the hero in all his glory on a mighty horse. He behaves very confidently and menacingly. Dressed in battle armor. Therefore, we can judge that he is preparing for battle. The hero wears a shield on his right hand and holds a stake with an iron tip in it. In the left hand there is a chick for controlling the horse. There is a sword in the front of the belt. The hero is fully equipped and ready for battle. Even his horse is fully prepared. With all her proud appearance she shows how much she serves her master. The grandiose, high and unique jump she performed at the behest of her master proves her devotion. The sky in the background, although bright, is slightly overcast. The earth and trees are dark in color. All nature was transformed before the onset of the battle. But thanks to our hero and his invincible appearance, we have no need to worry.

It seems to me that the picture fully corresponds to its title. Both the horse with its grandiose leap and the hero with his invincible appearance fit very harmoniously into one whole - the heroic leap. I think everyone will see in the picture what Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov wanted to convey. The steadfastness of the Russian spirit and its love for nature. His fairy-tale characters always come to life in his paintings and make us believe in miracles.