Mysterious Bruce calendar. Bruce's first astrological calendar in Russia

Compiled by G. V. Gaiduk

Deciphering and reconstruction of Ya. Bruce's technique G. V. Gaiduk

Cover design ChKPUP "Avestan School of Astrology"

ISBN 978-5-4483-2417-8

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

About the Directory Calendar

We offer the reader an unusual calendar. This is our attempt to immerse you in observations of yourself, others, and nature in an entertaining way. Using fragments of ancient manuscripts and books in a form accessible to the modern reader, you can take a short trip back in time by reading the astrological characteristics for the zodiac signs of Jacob Bruce, get acquainted with the agricultural skills of our ancestors, methods of observing the Moon, the weather, as well as other useful information , the value of which can be verified by personal experience.

The calendar consists of two parts. The first part provides observations of our ancestors, and the second gives a calendar with astrological data. You can use the calendar either to lift your spirits, maintaining a healthy skepticism and sense of humor, or, using your own researcher’s streak in studying it according to the “trust, but verify” principle, try to observe yourself and those around you in the rhythm of the dance of the Sun and Moon.

And we will start with the calendar of Jacob Bruce, which is more often called the “Bruce calendar” and with which many mysteries and legends are associated. The first edition of the legendary calendar was engraved on copper plates in 1709. This was the first printed calendar in Russia, containing astronomical and astrological information, and consisted of a reference and predictive part.

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce (English: Jacob (James) Daniel Bruce, 1669 or 1670, Moscow - April 19 (30), 1735, Glinka estate) - Russian statesman, military man and scientist, one of the closest associates of Peter I, representative of the noble Scottish family of Bruce . The ancestors of Ya. Bruce lived in Russia since 1647. He took part in the Crimean (1687, 1689) and Azov (1695, 1696) campaigns of Peter I, in the development of Russian artillery during the Northern War. For commanding the Russian artillery in the Battle of Poltava in 1709, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. In 1714, he was accused of embezzlement of the treasury and released from punishment by the personal order of Peter I. In 1716, he was involved in drawing up a military article, and from 1717 he was appointed senator and president of the Berg and Manufactory Collegiums. In 1721, Bruce received the title of Count of the Russian Empire. Field Marshal General (1726). That same year he resigned and devoted himself entirely to science. Bruce was one of the most educated people in Russia, a natural scientist and astronomer, he owned the largest library, numbering about 1,500 volumes almost exclusively of scientific, technical and reference content. In 1696, he compiled a “Map of Lands from Moscow to Asia Minor,” and in 1702 he opened the first observatory in Russia at the Navigation School in Moscow. The school was located in the Sukharev Tower, built in 1695 and strongly contrasting with the architecture of patriarchal Moscow. Perhaps this is why popular rumor attributed to Bruce the fame of a warlock and sorcerer. Bruce was fluent in six European languages, and his “cabinet of curious things” was the only one of its kind in Russia and after Bruce’s death it was added to the Kunstkamera of the Academy of Sciences. Participated in the laying of St. Petersburg (May 16, 1703). He is the author of the zodiac radial-ring layout of Moscow. Compiler and publisher of the reference astrological “Bryusov Calendar”.

The descriptive part of the “Bryusov Calendar” gives the characteristics of a person born in a period related to one or another zodiac sign. The characteristic feature is slightly different from the modern interpretation. Here is a description of appearance, special features, problematic character traits of a person, a tendency towards certain passions, the most common diseases, and in some cases life expectancy is indicated, which in modern conditions is already slightly different. Favorable and unfavorable directions in space, favorable and unfavorable colors will seem unusual to the modern reader. But the interpretation of comparability with other zodiac signs and horoscope houses almost completely coincides with the modern one.

In brackets we have indicated modern dates corresponding to the passage of the Sun through each sign, which, according to the calendar, can change by one day from year to year. We invite the reader to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of colorful Russian speech of the early 18th century. and see an image of your zodiac sign from the time of Peter the Great.

(March 21 – April 20)

Otrocha, born between the 12th day of March and the 12th day of April, is a sign of inclination Aries from nature Mars, hot, dry. Unhumble, we are driven by good conversations. A man's sizeable body, a long face and neck, has little blood, a round image, great eyes, great veins on the forehead, curly and many-haired, quick and kindly speaking, bold in heart, proud, impatient, quick of mind, sense, quick to anger, vengeful, speaks he combs his hair in anger, and then he himself repents and is pitiful, stingy, boring, soon gets angry and then again Good, from there he has great veins on his forehead. He once had a sign on his head, is afraid of the eyes of the velvet, will fall from above, is unclean, unchaste, soon loves his wives and soon leaves. His nature requires three honest wives. The first is a young maiden, the second is a widow or otherwise not a maiden. Young beings will achieve knowledge of spiritual things, but in both cases, older ones have a worldly rank for them. He will suffer a lot in his youth. They willingly take part in military actions, and they are not happy. And thus he gains great honor among the people, eats and drinks good things, and is often weak and sleeps poorly. A lover of honor, a seeker of glory, of things. Many people benefit from him, and in great actions he receives mercy. In his anger he is firm, unmerciful, strong in his unhumbleness of meaning. Inclined to kill flesh, to see human blood. Often he loses property and goods or his bellies, but in other ways he gains again. He often wishes himself to die, and besides, he is not very poor and not very rich. He spends his life in his fatherland, his highest procession is happiness, joy, creep and gain of virtues, an increase in his honor.

Leaning towards the lands - east Sun and to noon . West He has enough to eat. His greatest misfortune is loss, humiliation of honor, misfortune, need, prison, labor, not friendship with all opposition. Contents show lands to north . The paint is leaning towards yellow And red. Black or gray mixed, blue-green- the essence of the disease or mortal misfortune is shown to him. The greatest happiness of his profit shows him the feat of growth of the earth, his greatest misfortune, the loss of his life, comes to him from the use of water heritage. Disease or illness of the body often occurs in the legs, head or hearing on the left side of the inner. Death will happen for courage and swelling through a stone of poisonous drinking of water matter or poisonously thickly burned blood. When the sun is in Corpuscle- has profit and happiness in all things, even on water and on dry land. The best will be among his brothers and will outlive his father. You will have honest children. When the sun is in Virgos, let him avoid evil drinks and food, and let him not begin to overdo it. IN Libra has the happiness of getting married. IN Scorpia a fatal illness almost befalls him. IN Sagittarius has the happiness of making a journey, and all good things happen to him, in Aquarius good comes to him. IN Pisces has little happiness. If you survive 24 years, you will live until 71.

A virgin, born between the above-mentioned two days, has almost the same inclinations and nature in fact, and attracts, accepts, and comesly with her gaze. There will be reddish paint on the face, laughing lips, cheerful eyes, beautiful hair on the head or face. Decorated. Her illnesses are illnesses of the mother’s womb and inner being, she has misfortune in the birth of children, she loves her husband deeply, honestly, piously she behaves against everyone, but otherwise she does not use it for a long time - suffering will be a negotiation. By its quickness and deceitful concealment of fables, it causes a lot of strife, hatred, envy, anger between wives, and many evil things and indignation come from it. Creeping and its happiness and unhappiness are a matter of chance. Disease and death are contained in the lands and previously painted colors.

(April 20 – May 21)

Youth, born between the 12th day of April and the 12th of May, there is a declination of the sign Taurus and nature Venus. Melancholic or thoughtful, suspicious, cold, dry, fertile, feminine, of constant meaning, large, strong in body. Mixed colors of the face, humble kind speeches. He knows himself in his conscience. It has wide shoulder frames, a round face with mixed paint, and a high chest. And the sign on the lapel, great hands, good head and eyes, long forehead, thin nose, great teeth. Shoulders are thick or legs are strong. He walks proudly and smartly. He has purity in his actions, adorns his body, is willing to pay, and his entertainment is singing, playing strings, organs, trumpets and all kinds of exclamation. Without anger and with everyone he speaks displeasedly, for the sake of which they praise him. Otherwise, he is humble, he deserves little thanksgiving, but for thanksgiving he does things to others. He will come late to wealth and great glory, but otherwise he will be deceiving and willingly deceives those who are faithful to him, the essence of which is still desirable to be praised by everyone. Velmi will be proud, but he will not be wise in abundance. Continuous quiet work makes time pass. He will come to wealth late, even before he is half old. Then he will come to good peace, joy and a cheerful being. This one will be more chaste than unclean. If there were to be two marriages, an unexpected incident would often appear to him out of nowhere. He accepts evil service from them, but does good for them. And he accepts favors from foreigners more than from domestic friends. He speaks the truth, does no harm to anyone, neither truth nor offense. He leaves behind the old things of existence, and nothing new begins. In his anger he quickly forgets. Whenever the sun is in Corpuscle is, then he has happiness and everything will contribute to him, if he begins his own action. If he is born overnight, he will be rich. IN Cancer has the happiness of wandering, in Lev Yes, he doesn’t buy, he sells below. He will outlive his father and mother, his children will be mostly girls, Libra has weakness in the head, Sagittarius is fatal to him, in Capricorn has happiness with great gentlemen, in Aquarius acquires wealth, if he desires, strengthens, in Pisces has the happiness of buying and selling, in Aries Let him shun false and flattering testimony. Some people will conceive of it, but it is both false, and especially of blind people. The greatest happiness is the procession of his happiness: joy, benefit, profit. All the virtues of his greatest honors will show the earth noon , west . North - his greatest misfortune is loss, loss of honor, misfortune, need, unfriendliness. All kinds of inclinations will show him the lands east Sun.

All colors are good for him, by the way azure, With black mixed, and green. His greatest and happiest achievement and feat will be all earth-born fruits, water heritage, water image. And also all the fruits of the air, trees and vines. The greatest misfortune of his feat or deed is everything that comes from the element of fire or is acquired by fire. The disease of the body will be in the neck and shoulders, hair, swelling, in the arms, legs, navel, loins. His death will be revealed by evil wives by poison or by the heat of fire. If he survives 28 years, he will live until he is 70.

About the young women

The virgin, born at the mentioned time, is consistent with this nature: fat, great body, cheerful mind, kind voice. She is honest and virtuous against everyone. With sweet words, although she is different, she tempts and tests. He who thinks this in his heart, let him dare to create, no matter how good or bad it appears to someone. Many suffer shame and negotiations. She has a sign on her face; she has difficult and wonderful dreams. Her formation is the head, eyes, ears, in the larynx she feels many diseases that occur, suffers from illness. She suffers from evil people, suffers in birth and has a hard time giving birth to children, and will be slandered by the evil, death will appear or happen to her by poisonous magic or the devil’s ghost.

The personality of Jacob Bruce, a statesman and scientist, an associate of Peter the Great and a famous military leader, is shrouded in the mystery of mysticism and occultism.

In addition to the spells, as well as magical rituals recorded by the great Russian sorcerer on the pages of the legendary Black Book, the great magician compiled an unusual calendar for Russian farmers, popularly nicknamed the Bruce calendar.

Author's identity secret

Among the series of associates of Peter the Great, Jacob Bruce is called the most striking and mysterious figure. The descendant of a noble Scottish family, educated at Oxford University, had excellent knowledge not only in the field of exact sciences and foreign languages. The sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower, as people called Jacob Bruce, is considered by mystics to be the founder of Russian astrology, the most educated person of his time.

Combining courage on the battlefield and the ability of a competent military leader with a deep interest in scientific research, Bruce becomes a propagandist of the views of Copernicus in the Russian Empire. The Russian scientist and magician had the chance to personally know Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716), a famous scientist of that era, the author of the most important scientific achievements in the field of mathematics and psychology. For Peter the Great, the astrologer and mathematician Yakov Bruce became a learned friend who introduced the tsar to the basics of practical astronomy, which was necessary for the formation of the Russian fleet.
The astrological aspects of the Bryusov calendar made it possible to harmonize the economic structure in the Russian Empire. The reference book has become a reference book for Russian farmers and has become the threshold of a modern biodynamic farming system.
An expert in many sciences played an important role in the issue of urban planning:
based on the structure of the Zodiac, he proposed 12-ray symmetry from the Kremlin, considering the zodiac radial-ring layout of Moscow the most reliable defense;
before the construction of St. Petersburg, he calculated the exact time of its foundation, so that the city of Petra would be erected under the influence of the same zodiac sign that patronizes the emperor.
The first copy of the Bryusov calendar was published at the beginning of 1709. According to historical data, the author of the directory was Vasily Kipriyanov, as indicated by the entry on the first page of the famous publication. A librarian by vocation and a book publisher by order of Peter also cannot be called an ordinary person; in addition to mathematics, navigation, and knowledge of foreign languages, Kipriyanov studied astrology. A man with outstanding abilities became the author of reference books on mathematics and astrology. During the compilation of the Calendar, information from ancient Russian renunciation books and treatises of Western European astrology were used.

Preparation of the first edition

On the initiative of Peter the Great, Yakov Bruce, being the head of the Moscow Civil Printing House, as well as a person with encyclopedic knowledge in many areas of life, began compiling an unusual calendar-month-word. It was his authorship that belonged to the first two pages of the reference book, which people later called the Bruce calendar. After compiling four more sheets, the reference book of six sheets in A4 format was published in a printed edition.
Despite repeated revisions and reprints in subsequent years, the essence of the Bryusov calendar remained unchanged. The tome became a paper monument to its creator, a scientist and astrologer.

Sensation from the “Russian Faust”

For his versatility of knowledge in many areas of science and magic, ordinary people called Bruce a warlock, considered him a sorcerer, and called Pushkin “the Russian Faust.” The publication of the Bryusov calendar became a sensation in the society of that time, when people knew only the Orthodox calendar and months. On the pages of the published treatise, the author shared with readers his intimate knowledge from the field of astrology, compiled a table of the first astrological calendar in Russia, very successfully combining knowledge of astronomy with information from the calendar and folk signs.
The legendary calendar of the new model consisted of two parts:
the reference part contained the structure of the so-called Perpetual Easter Calendar;
the predictive part was amazing with the accuracy of predictions of many life events.
Bruce's calendar was extremely useful even to travelers and representatives of the trading classes. The tome contained information about the geographical coordinates of Russian cities and abroad, informed about the distances to Moscow or St. Petersburg from many large cities, and was supplied with lists of postal stations. The publication was supplemented with a map of the St. Petersburg province, as well as the Moscow province with a detailed plan of the region. An inquisitive reader could familiarize himself with the coats of arms of the Russian state.

Information from the help section

In addition to the “Inexorable Easter,” the Bryusov calendar was especially useful to farmers due to the calculation of the positions of the Moon, based on its 19-year cycle. It was possible to become familiar with the features of the chosen year in the light of the characteristic features of the dominant planet in it. The unique reference book gained such popularity in Russia that it was published for two centuries in a row.
Astrologers still use information from the Bryusov calendar today; this is the basis for making astrological forecasts. For example, by calculating the position of the Sun, as well as other planets, based on the 28-year cycle in combination with the Lunar cycle.

Prediction section accuracy
It was no less popular than the Bryusov calendar itself; it made it possible to predict not only weather changes, but even the likelihood of natural disasters, and changes in the political and economic situation. For example, according to the prediction from the calendar, 1917 was to be marked by a “happy massacre,” and 1998 by a “great change” with a new “way of government.”
On the pages of Bryusov’s calendar, the birth of Dostoevsky was predicted as the birth in 1821 of a great man who would be famous throughout the world for his “insurmountable labors,” despite “physical illnesses.” After each new edition, the unusual reference book acquired new sections with the addition of predictions for the future that were relevant to people.
The omens section of the voluminous reference book contained tables by year for all planets with recommendations for times and actions to be taken. Under the name “private predictions,” information was collected that today is called horoscopes. It was easy for any person of that time to find out their future by their date of birth, to find out their lucky days for life changes.
Bruce's calendar contained a number of useful tips for every day - when to walk down the aisle, shave off a beard or go to a dressmaker, start building a new house or start military operations, even weaning a baby from the mother's breast.
It is interesting that on the pages of the Kharkov publication from 1875 a forecast is presented for the period from 1800 to 2000. For 1992, disasters were predicted for the common people from the rise in price of bread, which happened due to the impoverishment of the people from the transition to market prices.

The solid collection of Bryusov's calendar was reprinted many times with the addition of reference sections, but only until the beginning of the 20th century. The latest forecast of the directory is dated 2000 inclusive in the light of political events and social realities of that time. It is curious that in an article in the newspaper “Soviet Culture”, published in 1989, the correspondent talked about a meeting with an elderly peasant from the Russian outback. The 90-year-old grandfather used smart entries from Bryusov’s calendar to forecast the weather and predict the fate of his fellow villagers. Moreover, the accuracy of fortune telling was amazing.
The unusual secret of the popularity of the ancient Bryusov calendar is in the peculiarities of the psychology of the average person, who was satisfied with the accuracy of the layout of life events indicating specific times and actions. If something goes wrong, the blame can be attributed to the villainous author who drew up the action plan.

In January 1709, the Bruce Calendar was published. For centuries he “dictated” the rules of life to people. He predicted the weather, predicted the next troubles and shocks, and could also “decipher” the fate of each individual person.

First edition

The initiator of the release of the first secular calendar was Peter the Great. This difficult task was entrusted to Yakov Bruce, a man of encyclopedic knowledge, the head of the Moscow Civil Printing House. It was under his “supervision” that the first two sheets of the “Universe Calendar, or Christian Monthly Dictionary” were published, to which the popular name “Bruce’s Calendar” was assigned for many centuries. Very soon, four more sheets were printed and, thus, the first “Bruce calendar” consisted of six sheets of A2 format.

Subsequently, the calendar was revised and republished many times, but its basis remained unchanged. It is believed that Jacob Bruce acted as an editor, while the compiler of the folk calendar was another associate of Peter, Vasily Kipriyanov (his authorship is indicated on the first page of the calendar).

"Russian Faust"

The man who gave the name to the popular calendar had a truly diverse range of interests: astrology and astronomy, mathematics and geography, botany and mineralogy, physics and meteorology - this is not a complete list of Jacob Bruce’s “hobbies”. However, the people persistently called him nothing more than a warlock or a sorcerer from the Sukharev Tower (it was there that the scientist conducted research work day and night).

Pushkin called Jacob Bruce the “Russian Faust,” and Moscow residents gossiped about his ability to turn lead into gold, experiments in creating an artificial person, and knowledge of the recipe for “living” water. It was rumored that a real dragon was in the service of the devil's servant, and the sorcerer himself flies over Moscow on a mechanical bird (they claim that its drawings made it possible to create the first Russian airplanes at the beginning of the 20th century). In addition to the “Bryusov Calendar,” the layout of Moscow will remain an eternal monument to the scientist: 12 rays diverging in different directions from the Kremlin.


“Bruce's calendar” became a real sensation, because before it people used only Orthodox calendars or monthly calendars. The calendar was left in the new calendar, but in addition, the publication was supplemented with astronomical data and an “abyss” of useful information. Structurally, it consisted of two parts: one was of a reference nature, the other was “predictive”.

In the reference section one could find the “Unoriginating Easter” (the so-called Eternal Easter Calendar) and the Lunar Calendar, which was extremely useful for farmers, based on the 19-year cycle of the position of the Moon. The calendar made it possible to study the characteristics of a particular year based on the characteristics of the planet “assigned” to it. Calculation of the position of the Sun and planets based on the 28-year cycle, as well as the Lunar cycle, are still used by astrologers today to make modern forecasts.

Reminder for tourists

The reference part also included useful information, which was primarily needed by traders or travelers. If necessary, in the calendar one could find the geographic coordinates of Russian and foreign cities, find out the distance from the largest cities to Moscow, and study the list of postal stations, including those located on the road to China.

In addition, it was possible to find out the distance from postal stations to St. Petersburg or major European countries. Those who were curious could read maps of the St. Petersburg and Moscow provinces, including a detailed plan of Zlatoglavaya. Well, it was proposed to take a break after “intense” mental work by studying the emblems of the Russian state.

Russian "predictions of Nostradamus"

The “Bryusov Calendar” became widely popular thanks to its second part—the predictive part, the accuracy of which was amazing. The calendar predicted not only the weather, but also natural disasters, as well as the future political and economic situation in the country. For example, for 1917 a “happy massacre” was predicted - “a bloody war between enlightened peoples”, and for 1998 - another “great change” and a “new way of government”.

“Bruce’s calendar” also predicted the birth of Dostoevsky: in 1821, “a great man will be born,” who, despite “physical ailments,” will find glory “with incredible labor.” Over time, “Bruce’s calendar” turned into a voluminous reference book. With each new edition, new sections were included, and forecasts from past years were replaced by current predictions for future years.

Individual horoscope

People who were far from politics were fond of so-called private predictions, as they would say today, horoscopes. Each person had the opportunity to look into his own future: all that was required was to know the date of birth and have the “Bruce Calendar” at hand. The calendar “sentenced” those born on a lucky day to fame and wealth, and on an unlucky day – to poverty and life’s upheavals. Following his recommendations, on certain days they did not start new businesses, did not change their place of residence, work, or, on the contrary, boldly started changes.

Here one could find useful advice for every day: when to bleed or shave a beard, when to “get married” or sew a new outfit, when to build a new house or start a war, when to wash in a bathhouse or take babies away from their mothers, and many others. For example, it was recommended to prepare firewood at a time when the Moon is in Aries, to send children to school - when in Gemini, to start a war - when in Cancer, to go to sea - in Aquarius, to make requests to superiors - in Capricorn.

The popularity of “Bruce’s Calendar” is not surprising - many people liked such an accurate “layout” of life, and if something happened, one could easily blame the failures on the villain Bruce.

Bryusov and Slavic calendars for 2014.

Bryusov calendar

Today, various astrological forecasts, lunar calendars and other predictions based on celestial bodies have become very popular. But it turns out that to create them you don’t need special instruments for observing the starry sky. Each of you can make a forecast of favorable and unfavorable events for every day of your life, using the tables of the “Bryusov Calendar”, the first Russian astrological publication of the Peter the Great era

2013 - pea
2014 - currant and bersen (bersen - gooseberry)
2015 - honey-hoppy
2016 - turnip
2017 - fake
2018 - bread (rye, buckwheat, millet)
2019 - raspberry
2020 - carrot
2021 - cabbage
2022 - onion
2023 - apple
2024 - cucumber

Until 1917, for almost two centuries, the reference book for farmers was the “Primitive Bruce Calendar,” built on the principle of a perpetual calendar. Each year has its own ruling planet. So, Venus is responsible for 2014. This year’s ceremony, as Jacob Bruce wrote, will be “cold, hazy and rather warm.” Spring wheat, nuts, pears, acorns and hops should be harvested, and “in the spring there will be a lot of mice.”

A special place in the primitive calendar is occupied by the ancient Russian “gromnik” - the weather forecast for the year. Next year “spring will be pleasant with morning and rain. It’s hot with thunder, with great lightning and rain. Autumn is damp and long. The winter is cold and long, the bread and wine are of good quality. You shouldn’t keep them for a long time, but sell them at a profit.”

But it turns out that long before the “Primitive Bryusov Calendar” there was an ancient 12-year calendar. Historians claim that the ancient Slavic tribes had their own garden calendar system, which was not borrowed from anywhere, which disappeared along with Christianity. Our distant ancestors used sacred Vedic knowledge, as well as astrology, especially highlighting the Sun, Moon and Polar Star. These heavenly bodies told them which crops gave the best harvest in a given year. And by calling it after a certain culture, the Slavs believed that by paying honor to the corresponding deities, they could influence the yield. And oddly enough, observations confirm this. So, in the past year (as readers write), peas and other legumes really pleased us with an excellent harvest. It’s not for nothing that 2013 was the year of the Pea. The coming 2014 will be the year of Currants and Gooseberries. Both berries are loved and revered by many. And there is a reason for it. They contain a lot of vitamins. And the berry plants themselves are not capricious in growing. Therefore, in the spring, do not forget to plant a couple of bushes.

Astrological calendar reference book

Compiled by G. V. Gaiduk

Deciphering and reconstruction of Ya. Bruce's technique G. V. Gaiduk

Cover design ChKPUP "Avestan School of Astrology"

ISBN 978-5-4483-2417-8

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

About the Directory Calendar

We offer the reader an unusual calendar. This is our attempt to immerse you in observations of yourself, others, and nature in an entertaining way. Using fragments of ancient manuscripts and books in a form accessible to the modern reader, you can take a short trip back in time by reading the astrological characteristics for the zodiac signs of Jacob Bruce, get acquainted with the agricultural skills of our ancestors, methods of observing the Moon, the weather, as well as other useful information , the value of which can be verified by personal experience.

The calendar consists of two parts. The first part provides observations of our ancestors, and the second gives a calendar with astrological data. You can use the calendar either to lift your spirits, maintaining a healthy skepticism and sense of humor, or, using your own researcher’s streak in studying it according to the “trust, but verify” principle, try to observe yourself and those around you in the rhythm of the dance of the Sun and Moon.

And we will start with the calendar of Jacob Bruce, which is more often called the “Bruce calendar” and with which many mysteries and legends are associated. The first edition of the legendary calendar was engraved on copper plates in 1709. This was the first printed calendar in Russia, containing astronomical and astrological information, and consisted of a reference and predictive part.

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce (English: Jacob (James) Daniel Bruce, 1669 or 1670, Moscow - April 19 (30), 1735, Glinka estate) - Russian statesman, military man and scientist, one of the closest associates of Peter I, representative of the noble Scottish family of Bruce . The ancestors of Ya. Bruce lived in Russia since 1647. He took part in the Crimean (1687, 1689) and Azov (1695, 1696) campaigns of Peter I, in the development of Russian artillery during the Northern War. For commanding the Russian artillery in the Battle of Poltava in 1709, he was awarded the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. In 1714, he was accused of embezzlement of the treasury and released from punishment by the personal order of Peter I. In 1716, he was involved in drawing up a military article, and from 1717 he was appointed senator and president of the Berg and Manufactory Collegiums. In 1721, Bruce received the title of Count of the Russian Empire. Field Marshal General (1726). That same year he resigned and devoted himself entirely to science. Bruce was one of the most educated people in Russia, a natural scientist and astronomer, he owned the largest library, numbering about 1,500 volumes almost exclusively of scientific, technical and reference content. In 1696, he compiled a “Map of Lands from Moscow to Asia Minor,” and in 1702 he opened the first observatory in Russia at the Navigation School in Moscow. The school was located in the Sukharev Tower, built in 1695 and strongly contrasting with the architecture of patriarchal Moscow. Perhaps this is why popular rumor attributed to Bruce the fame of a warlock and sorcerer. Bruce was fluent in six European languages, and his “cabinet of curious things” was the only one of its kind in Russia and after Bruce’s death it was added to the Kunstkamera of the Academy of Sciences. Participated in the laying of St. Petersburg (May 16, 1703). He is the author of the zodiac radial-ring layout of Moscow. Compiler and publisher of the reference astrological “Bryusov Calendar”.

The descriptive part of the “Bryusov Calendar” gives the characteristics of a person born in a period related to one or another zodiac sign. The characteristic feature is slightly different from the modern interpretation. Here is a description of appearance, special features, problematic character traits of a person, a tendency towards certain passions, the most common diseases, and in some cases life expectancy is indicated, which in modern conditions is already slightly different. Favorable and unfavorable directions in space, favorable and unfavorable colors will seem unusual to the modern reader. But the interpretation of comparability with other zodiac signs and horoscope houses almost completely coincides with the modern one.

In brackets we have indicated modern dates corresponding to the passage of the Sun through each sign, which, according to the calendar, can change by one day from year to year. We invite the reader to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of colorful Russian speech of the early 18th century. and see an image of your zodiac sign from the time of Peter the Great.

Otrocha, born between the 12th day of March and the 12th day of April, is a sign of inclination Aries from nature Mars, hot, dry. Unhumble, we are driven by good conversations. A man's sizeable body, a long face and neck, has little blood, a round image, great eyes, great veins on the forehead, curly and many-haired, quick and kindly speaking, bold in heart, proud, impatient, quick of mind, sense, quick to anger, vengeful, speaks he combs his hair in anger, and then he himself repents and is pitiful, stingy, boring, soon gets angry and then again Good, from there he has great veins on his forehead. He once had a mark on his head, is afraid of the eyes of the velvet, will fall from above, is unclean, unchaste, soon loves his wives and soon leaves. His nature requires three honest wives. The first is a young maiden, the second is a widow or otherwise not a maiden. Young beings will achieve knowledge of spiritual things, but in both cases, older ones have a worldly rank for them. He will suffer a lot in his youth. They willingly take part in military actions, and they are not happy. And thus he gains great honor among the people, eats and drinks good things, and is often weak and sleeps poorly. A lover of honor, a seeker of glory, of things. Many people benefit from him, and in great actions he receives mercy. In his anger he is firm, unmerciful, strong in his unhumbleness of meaning. Inclined to kill flesh, to see human blood. Often he loses property and goods or his bellies, but in other ways he gains again. He often wishes himself to die, and besides, he is not very poor and not very rich. He spends his life in his fatherland, his highest procession is happiness, joy, creep and gain of virtues, an increase in his honor.

Leaning towards the lands - east Sun and to noon . West He has enough to eat. His greatest misfortune is loss, humiliation of honor, misfortune, need, prison, labor, not friendship with all opposition. Contents show lands to north . The paint is leaning towards yellow And red. Black or gray mixed, blue-green- the essence of the disease or mortal misfortune is shown to him. The greatest happiness of his profit shows him the feat of growth of the earth, his greatest misfortune, the loss of his life, comes to him from the use of water heritage. Disease or illness of the body often occurs in the legs, head or hearing on the left side of the inner. Death will happen for courage and swelling through a stone of poisonous drinking of water matter or poisonously thickly burned blood. When the sun is in Corpuscle- has profit and happiness in all things, even on water and on dry land. The best will be among his brothers and will outlive his father. You will have honest children. When the sun is in Virgos, let him avoid evil drinks and food, and let him not begin to overdo it. IN Libra has the happiness of getting married. IN Scorpia a fatal illness almost befalls him. IN Sagittarius has the happiness of making a journey, and all good things happen to him, in Aquarius good comes to him. IN Pisces has little happiness. If you survive 24 years, you will live until 71.

A virgin, born between the above-mentioned two days, has almost the same inclinations and nature in fact, and attracts, accepts, and comesly with her gaze. There will be reddish paint on the face, laughing lips, cheerful eyes, beautiful hair on the head or face. Decorated. Her illnesses are illnesses of the mother’s womb and inner being, she has misfortune in the birth of children, she loves her husband deeply, honestly, piously she behaves against everyone, but otherwise she does not use it for a long time - suffering will be a negotiation. By its quickness and deceitful concealment of fables, it causes a lot of strife, hatred, envy, anger between wives, and many evil things and indignation come from it. Creeping and its happiness and unhappiness are a matter of chance. Disease and death are contained in the lands and previously painted colors.

Youth, born between the 12th day of April and the 12th of May, there is a declination of the sign Taurus and nature Venus. Melancholic or thoughtful, suspicious, cold, dry, fertile, feminine, of constant meaning, large, strong in body. Mixed colors of the face, humble kind speeches. He knows himself in his conscience. It has wide shoulder frames, a round face with mixed paint, and a high chest. And the sign on the lapel, great hands, good head and eyes, long forehead, thin nose, great teeth. Shoulders are thick or legs are strong. He walks proudly and smartly. He has purity in his actions, adorns his body, is willing to pay, and his entertainment is singing, playing strings, organs, trumpets and all kinds of exclamation. Without anger and with everyone he speaks displeasedly, for the sake of which they praise him. Otherwise, he is humble, he deserves little thanksgiving, but for thanksgiving he does things to others. He will come late to wealth and great glory, but otherwise he will be deceiving and willingly deceives those who are faithful to him, the essence of which is still desirable to be praised by everyone. Velmi will be proud, but he will not be wise in abundance. Continuous quiet work makes time pass. He will come to wealth late, even before he is half old. Then he will come to good peace, joy and a cheerful being. This one will be more chaste than unclean. If there were to be two marriages, an unexpected incident would often appear to him out of nowhere. He accepts evil service from them, but does good for them. And he accepts favors from foreigners more than from domestic friends. He speaks the truth, does no harm to anyone, neither truth nor offense. He leaves behind the old things of existence, and nothing new begins. In his anger he quickly forgets. Whenever the sun is in Corpuscle is, then he has happiness and everything will contribute to him, if he begins his own action. If he is born overnight, he will be rich. IN Cancer has the happiness of wandering, in Lev Yes, he doesn’t buy, he sells below. He will outlive his father and mother, his children will be mostly girls, Libra has weakness in the head, Sagittarius is fatal to him, in Capricorn has happiness with great gentlemen, in Aquarius acquires wealth, if he desires, he gains strength3, in Pisces has the happiness of buying and selling, in Aries Let him shun false and flattering testimony. Some people will conceive of it, but both are false, especially let blind people be deceived. The greatest happiness is the procession of his happiness: joy, benefit, profit. All the virtues of his greatest honors will show the earth noon , west . North - his greatest misfortune is loss, loss of honor, misfortune, need, unfriendliness. All kinds of inclinations will show him the lands east Sun.