Tomb Raider walkthrough watch. Lara croft tomb raider: anniversary: ​​guides and walkthroughs

Here is a complete walkthrough of the game Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is divided by location.


This is a training mission. So follow the instructions. The only difficulty that may arise here is poorly working triggers. When climbing up and jumping towards the rescue hand, make sure you get to the maximum height available and move as far to the left as possible, otherwise the trigger will not work. Same thing when swinging on a cable later - jump only with maximum amplitude. No other problems are expected here.


You need to find the grave of the prophet. Climb up until you find a gap in the wall. On the right, take the treasure and roll inside. Inside you will find a large room with a pillar in the middle. You can't read it because you don't know Greek (surprise), but if you study the fresco on the left and the fresco on the right, your level will increase and you will be able to decipher the code. The treasure is nearby, take it and move on. Outside you need to get to the other side. Nothing too difficult, just remember to double jump in the middle of the stone bridge. When you reach the desired point, climb up and go inside. After the scene, you need to break the wall on the left with an ice pick. After the flow of water, go back, jump onto the resulting bridge and get over to the other side. In the next room you need to go around the massive building right in front of you, and climb up the other side, past the spike trap and jump to the other side to the entrance to the next puzzle. This is where things get a little more complicated. When you step on the boards, water comes and washes you down. You need to shoot down the board and, without waiting for it, jump to the other side. There, right in front of you, use an ice ax to break the cracks in the wall. The water level will rise, and you can jump on the board again and wait until you are washed away. It will wash you right in front of a floating raft, which you need to quickly climb onto, jump onto the wall and climb onto the beam. After the video, run to the exit, shooting back from the Trinity bandits.

Siberian Wilderness

Go down and collect resources near the abandoned camp using the stick to highlight the necessary items. Return to the campfire and make a bow. Having upgraded everything you can, go forward to the mark and collect resources along the way. After a series of QTEs, you have to run away and press buttons again. As a result, Lara is injured and needs medicinal herbs. Having collected everything you need and recovered, you have a new task - to make a poisoned arrow against the bear. For this you will need mushrooms, fabric and trees. Collect everything you can on the way back to the camp, at the same time looking into the cave on the right, where there is a scroll and explosive ore in the walls. Also, climb the illuminated trees so you can find more scrolls and hidden resources. At the campfire in the camp, make poisoned arrows, upgrade your bow, the skills you need (I recommend thick skin and quiet jump) and return to the bear. But not everything is so simple - detachments have set out to search for you. The easiest way is to destroy all enemies one by one with a bow (remember to shoot arrows with the right trigger). At the central point, take the canister and explode it with an arrow in the cave nearby - this will open the way to the treasure. Using the map as a guide, find the prince's crown and examine it. This way you will gain the Mongolian language skill and be able to decipher the pillars nearby. Collect the newly discovered treasures on the map and go to the bear. The easiest way to destroy a predator is to sneak into the cave and poison it with a shot of a poisoned arrow, and finish it off with two precise shots to the head. If you miss, use poison again and deal damage with regular arrows. If you miss here too, run back to the edge. The bear won't follow you, and you can regain your strength and create new poison arrows with the right bumper. After defeating the bear, take its skin, collect all the items in the room and use an ice ax to break a passage into the ice cave.

Ice cave

Go down and the climb on the right will help you collect another scroll. Continue along the road and you will come to the second camp, which needs to be activated. Remember that you can move freely between camps and if you forgot something, you can always clean up the treasures later. Upgrade your ice ax and distribute your skills and move forward. As soon as you see the giant ship hanging over the cliffs, stop walking along the ledge and head along the mast to the first optional task.

Ice Ship(Tomb of Trials)

The puzzle is not difficult - you need to knock down the ice and climb up. To do this, launch the mechanism with an ice ax, double jump up the mast and jump over to the right pendulum. Wait until he goes down, get off and climb up the wall cleared of ice. Again the mechanism. Twist the stick until the left pendulum lowers to an acceptable height for jumping. Walk along the mast and jump onto the pendulum to break the ice here too. Descend and climb the ice wall using ice axes. There's a ton of treasure waiting for you, including a holy book that improves your archery skill, a second level of Greek, and a ton of gold. Having collected everything, go down the cable car and pick up a medallion next to the descent, which, after examination, will reveal an important secret to you. You can continue the story mission. Upon leaving the cave and after swimming in the water, do not forget to pick up the scroll on the right.

Soviet base

Now you need to get to the Soviet Base and this is not at all easy. First, go down and examine the opening on the right. It leads to a cave with treasure and a fragment of an ancient bow. There are no riddles there - it’s enough to navigate the labyrinth well, especially since it’s circular. Once you pick up the artifact, return to the starting point. There is a new element here - kerosene lamps and crowds of enemies. Throw a lamp into the crowd and the enemies will light up. Finish off the rest with a bow. Further up the path with weak resistance and the interrogation room, where you will find the first pistol. In the hangar, destroy all enemies with a bow, or distracting with bottles and climbing up, pick up a kerosene lamp and set fire to the tank. A drawing on the wall will help you improve your Russian language skills. Move on. This is your first side quest. If you destroy all the transmitters on the map, you will not only receive a lot of experience points and loyalty, but also a master key that will open several important chests and cabinets in the level and allow you to collect a second pistol. Note that when destroying the transmitters, one is located above the cave with the wolves. You can get to it only by climbing the steep surface to the right of the cave and then spiraling upward. The rest of the transmitters are no problem. Near the rise to the plot point there is a factory building. At the top is a relic, next to it is the same cave with the wolves, and a little to the left, covered with boards, is a secret cave with another useful skill. In order to break the boards, shoot the rope and a block of stone will open a passage for you. Go downstairs.

Cistern in the Cave (Tomb of Trials)

You can immediately run towards the relic, but the boards will break off and you will fall into the water. If you go to the lower right corner, you will find a passage to a hatch and a canister. Blow up the canister and add some water. Now go back around the structure and you will find three canisters on the right. You have a difficult trick ahead of you. You need to take the canister and throw it on the raft. Then jump onto the beam and drive the raft with the canister to the other side with water. Jump off and wait for the raft with the canister to float next to the hatch. Blow up the canister and a new passage will open. Inside you need to climb up and break the wall. Jump down. Throw the canister back onto the raft and repeat the trick with the lever. Now you need to have time to swim to the raft and throw the canister into the broken window. Go all the way back, take the canister and blow up the last hatch inside. The water will reach its limit and you will be able to take away the skill. Head back to the Soviet base. You can explore the wolf caves, but there's nothing special there. The cave in front of the story marker will open up another dungeon for you. You can go in and complete the task in the dark. Return to the last bonfire, destroy all the enemies at another camp. Enter the back ones and discover a merchant who is ready to exchange valuable items for gold coins. Higher up and down. Enjoy the plot twist.

Jail break

Break off the pipe and break down the wall. Pick up a new bow upgrade on the table - cable. Break down the beam above the door with a cable and get out. Hack the box with a master key and go outside. Here you need to strangle all the enemies in the level one by one. Start on the right, tower and slowly choke them one by one. Then destroy all the laptops to complete the side task and shoot the cable to make your way to the window. Another video. Get out and go forward. Attach the rope to the cable and then to the winch and get rid of electricity in the water. Get a machine gun. Forward again. You will be presented with a grenade with shrapnel, which can be made from a tin can. Don’t refuse, and when you’ve dealt with all the enemies, run outside. You have a new battle ahead of you with several armored opponents - use cans of bolts. After winning, you will have several runs against the clock, plus you must swim underwater - do not forget to quickly press B to speed up. Run again and finally you will come to your senses in a new place.

Finding Jacob

Before you go looking for Yakov, return to the cave in front of the camp. Kill the snow leopard by spending a lot of bullets or arrows on it and then break the boards in the cave and save in the camp. Don't forget to upgrade your skills and in particular the advanced campfire crafting in the survival section, which will give you the ability to large quivers, ammo bags, etc. Do everything you can and move on to the Tomb of Trials.

Voice of God (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go forward and only be afraid of the second collapsing ice beam - have time to jump in time and grab the wall. On the other side, shoot at the post and tie the rope. Now you need to go inside the tomb. There will be a map, a note and some gold. The far counterweight is stuck so you can't lift the second gate. Lower the first ones. Climb up them and get over to the other side. Jump down to the right and attach one end of the rope to the counterweight and the other to the reel. Pull the rope as tight as possible and remove the bolt on the right. If you did it correctly, the coil will no longer be active. Go back and break through the wall to the other side. Raise the gate again and you can secure the counterweight in position. Go back to the lever and pull it to the maximum and then cut the rope on the right. The ice is destroyed - you can raise the gate and take away another useful skill. This will restore your health in battle in case of critical damage. Go back using arrows and cables to the base camp. You can return to the Wilderness Hideout and open the previously inaccessible cave with an arrow and rope and return to Jacob's slips.

In search of Jacob. Part 2

On the way to the goal, you will meet a wounded descendant. He will ask you to clear the cave of wolves. Yes, the same one that you have already cleaned twice from wolves and a leopard. Use poisoned arrows against the animals and they will die very quickly. As a reward, you will receive upgrades for your pistol and gratitude. Near the lumberjack camp, you can receive another optional task to get out of prison. The easiest way to reach the prisoners is through the river and using a rope to climb up. The prisoners are next to the air duct below, the geographer's backpack is on the left. And next to it is another short cut that will take you to the interrogation room. Upon completion of the task you will receive another skill. There is one more optional task left from the wounded man in the cave. There you need to explore the enemy base or another one near the lumberjack camp and look for a crow. The missions are not difficult and there is no point in describing them. They will give you an important skill and components for weapons. Continue the main mission along the markers. Collect all documents and artifacts, read the frescoes. Once you receive the Molotov cocktail you are almost there. To the right of the main building you will find another optional tomb - the Uranium Mines.

Uranium Mines (Tomb of Trials)

You need to go lower and lower, fall into the water and go around all the forks. During the jump, the structure will fall apart. That's how it should be. Along the way, you will come across a pipe with water covering a flammable structure - just throw the incendiary mixture over the top. Next, a puzzle awaits you. You need to jump onto the far counterweight and break the paths. Rise higher and shoot an arrow with a rope at the mechanism, thus pulling out the trolley. Then jump over the pin in the wall to the other side and go up. Near the pillar, shoot an arrow with a cable at the trolley. Go down, jump on the counterweight, and the trolley will close the water source. Throw an incendiary mixture at the opened flammable barrier. Jump inside and pick up the Keen Eyes skill - it gives you the ability to see traps. Go back.

In search of Jacob. Part 3

Burn the obstacle on the way and go forward until you hear voices. Explode gas pipes over the heads of enemies and throw them with an incendiary mixture. Eventually, you will reach a point where you need to stretch the rope and slide down through another rope. Get ready to run. Upon completion of the videos, you will find yourself in a new location.
Abandoned mines
Kill three enemies and call the elevator. Adjust the cart and climb on it to get another new item - a knife. Cut the cable for them. Get to the other side and eliminate two more cables that hold the elevator. Climb to the very top and go forward to the fire. Upgrade your skills, weapons and bow if you have collected all the artifacts along the way. Examine the fresco and gain level 4 Greek proficiency. In the next room, destroy all the enemies either by attracting them with a bow shot and finishing them off with a cocktail, or simply in hand-to-hand combat with an ice ax if you have upgraded it. Works flawlessly even on maximum difficulty. Collect all the artifacts and notes and move on. There is a door in front of you that is difficult to open. Go down the cable to the right. Attach the trolley to the cable and pull it to the top. Cut the cable. And one of the locks will be torn down. Go around the structure and in the dungeons, jumping over the pit, you will rise to the top. Destroy all enemies with explosives. First of all, with the shield and then blow up the barrel at the top. Now go upstairs and go to the crane. There is a winch on the other side - attach it to a large bucket. Move the trolley so that the bucket is above the water. Now run. Remember to jump right in front of the steps. And now you are inside. After a short video, explore everything and, after going through the underwater caves, you will find yourself in a new place.

Geothermal Valley

This is another large area with a lot of tasks, tombs and treasures. But you won’t be able to get most of it, since you don’t have oxygen for diving. Therefore, concentrate on exploring the area and completing side quests. For shooting drones you will be given a bow. Hunting boars and deer will bring experience points and equipment fragments. Once you complete all the tasks except the last one to inspect the tombs, follow the story. You need to light the torch on top, and by doing this you will receive a fire arrow. Go to the next story point and get a shotgun and a new enemy type - the flamethrower. Run in circles and shoot bullets at him. After killing him, move on. Everything is destroyed and you need to go get the atlas. Along the way, you will come across a tomb of trials on the right - a water-bearing cave.
Aquifer Cave (Tomb of Trials)
Pull the rope and get over to the other side. Go around the graves on the right and get to the top. The base camp awaits you there. The next puzzle requires dexterity. You need to hook the boat to the mechanisms and have time to choose the next point. When you reach the island, collect everything and hook the rook first to one millstone and then immediately to the second. Use the lever to pull up. And you will reach dry land. Inside the tomb, the skill of hitting animals in the heart. Useless garbage, as it does not work against leopards and bears. Get back on the route.


Not far from the dungeon there is a new location - the Acropolis. Follow the story. Everything is not so complicated here. When you receive an explosive arrow, blow up the door through the hole in the grate - the target will be highlighted. Then go to the tower. Inside there will be a meat grinder, at the end of which you will have a perimeter defense. Use poison and explosive arrows. Save some explosions for enemies with shields at the end. Upon completion, you will receive a new item - an ice ax on a rope, which you can use to cling to ledges and special objects in the air. And a new goal - a church with an atlas. Go to the goal, and leave all the tests for later. As soon as you find yourself in the swamp, go to the far right corner and shoot the armored guard on the left with an arrow. Then go around the area and detonate the gas canister, shoot at the barrels at the top and there will be two or three enemies left that you can easily finish off. If you don’t succeed right away, shoot the cluster with exploding arrows. The next group will be after the window. Kill three guards at once with an explosive arrow, and finish off the rest with a shotgun without leaving cover. The last group will consist of two near and several far away. Use a Molotov cocktail up close and an explosive arrow at a distance. Finish off the rest with an explosive arrow or machine gun. Next, go through a series of long jumps with an ice ax on a leash until you reach the entrance to the cathedral.

Flooded Archive

If you are stuck finding the entrance, then look at the upper beams at the very top and use the grapple. After a short scene, shoot two batteries with a pistol and enjoy the video. Activate the fire. You need to find the entrance to the archive. Everything is not very difficult - the atlas is nearby. Along the way you will receive an oxygen apparatus for a long stay under water. So that you can open the last four tombs - their description will be at the end of the guide. As soon as you receive it, enemies will begin to surround you. Use Molotov cocktails. They will try to open the door with an autogenous gun - wait until they enter and throw the second fire bottle. Now you need to get out of the Cathedral with the artifact. Blow up the barrels and the statue will tilt. Go left, swim underwater and blow up three enemies at one point. Go up to the right. You need to drag through the first amphora with fire. Release it and then blow it up with a fire arrow to clear the way. Get over to the other side and release the amphora again. Tie it to the pole with a rope and then, when it floats around the burning obstacles, cut the rope. When the amphora reaches the sculpture, explode it with a fire arrow. Now go in the opposite direction. Roll out the amphora and tie it to the lift. Pull the other end with the rope. Roll out another amphora and tie it again. Kick the amphora away. On the other side, cut the rope from the amphora and push it into the water. Wait for it to swim to the monument and blow it up. Now you just need to run to the exit. The ancients are very unhappy with you. Now you need to get to the Observatory. But we won’t rush there and will look into another tomb – Ketezhnye Baths.

Ketezhnye Baths (Tomb of Trials)

Swim underwater, then wait and run between the streams of water to the fire. Jump over the trap and crawl between the roots. There is a lot of water waiting for you below. You need to attach the boat to the beam on the left and then lift it to the edge. As soon as you climb up, run to the lever and drain the water. Secure the cable to the lever and winch. Wind up the winch. One water level has gone down. Go down and pull the boat to the right beam. Climb inside and drain the water on the right. Attach the lever to the boat with a cable. Now go down, blow up the barrels and take the manuscript. He will give you a climbing bonus. The cave has been completed. Return to the main route - you can simply teleport to the nearest camp. As soon as you get the steeplejack arrows, you can climb the mountain next to that very cave with the wolves. Walk forward until you reach the Trinity Research Station.

Science Station and Iona Rescue

You need to destroy all enemies on the way. The easiest way is to use an incendiary mixture against groups and finish off those remaining from around the corner. Repeat this tactic several times and if you want, blow up all the cars with fuel. When you are forced to defend the camp and find yourself under the ice, first swim out the first window and quietly remove the enemy. Then swim to the far left window and from there destroy all the enemies you can with poison. Swim through the far right window and get ashore. Use jars with explosives. When you destroy everyone, a great secret will be revealed to you, and you can try to enter the city.


Use the climbing walls until you reach the planetarium. This is not a difficult puzzle. You must turn the structure with arrows and ropes so that a bridge is formed. In fact, you have to line up the planets so that there is a bridge right from which you can use your cat to jump to the other side and then climb onto the washboard lattice surface. On the second tier, you need to remove the support on both sides, and the structure will rotate. You need to climb to the very top, so you jump on the cat to the center, jump onto the board, your main task is to hang on the structure with two beams and Lara herself will tell you when to jump from it. Then, with a running start, jump onto the center of the structure and climb up. You quickly run along the beam to the exit. You have gained the skill and passed the test. The path of the immortals awaits you.

Path of the Immortals

Just move forward, hiding from the immortals and enjoying the city. When you climb up, it will become clear that they are not immortal and you have to fight. Save in the camps. Use shotgun, melee and jugs during the battle. They explode great. After a short scene, everything will be in flames. Shoot with explosives, blow up the pots and go upstairs - it will be safe there. Once you are done with everyone, go forward and after a short scene you will find yourself in the Lost City, where the last tomb awaits you.

Lost City

If you go forward and swim underwater, you will find yourself in a crypt with a valuable item, and if you go back and enter the cave on the left on the map, you will not only meet a bear that can easily be killed with explosives or poison arrows, but you will also unlock tomb of trials.

Chamber of Exile (Tomb of Trials)

After defeating the bear, break the wall and move forward. Use a fire arrow to blow up the gas passage. You need to turn two levers with a rope while at the bottom and then run to the cage with the skeleton and cut the chain. Explode or wait for the gas to dissipate. Now lift the cage using the mechanism at the base of the crane. Turn the cage towards the gate. Climb up, release the gas from two levers and explode with a fire arrow. You will receive a bonus to fire damage. Return to the main route.

Lost City. Part 2

You need to get into the city, but the gates are in the way. Use the trebuchet. As soon as you get inside the first gate, a circular battle awaits you. Use a rifle - it is most effective and has exploding arrows in close combat. When the enemy is finished, go to the second trebuchet. As soon as you deal with the enemy, turn the beam with a cable and cross it to the other side. Attach a bucket. Turn the structure and close the bottom of the bucket with a cable. Bring the bucket to the water. Then rotate the bucket so that the counterweight is opposite the ice. Drain the water from the bucket by opening the latch with a cable. But not completely. Close the bottom again with the cable. Jump onto the counterweight and the ice will be broken. Shoot at the second gate. Your trebuchet will be destroyed and you will have to go to another one. Destroy the enemy there. Attach the rope to the boards and fastening. Release the propelling mechanism and turn the trebuchet. Archers will attack - cover them with fire from the trebuchet. Now break down the gate and go inside. After the cutscene, you need to climb the tower. In the end, you will get to the tower and an enemy will hang on you - shoot off his helmet with a pistol shot and then shoot him in the head until he falls. Rise higher. After the video, the boss is waiting for you - a helicopter. Use the "X" digger when you're ready and shoot the fire projectile from the trebuchet when it's above the helicopter. You need to repeat this three times and each time everything will be interrupted by waves of enemies. Use poisonous arrows against your enemy - they are the most effective. After destroying the helicopter, you will have to fight another boss. Your weapons will be taken away, so make bombs from cans and throw them at the enemy. When he is stunned, hit him with an ice pick. At the end you need to dodge “B” and counterattack “Y” in time. Kill the wounded enemy or go up to the Chamber of Souls.

Chamber of Souls

Enter the temple and enjoy the ending. Congratulations, you have completed Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Below are the remaining two dungeons out of the nine that I promised earlier:

Chamber of the Suffering (Tomb of Trials)

In the geothermal valley, you need to go to the lowest corner to the waterfall. Use a rope to jump over to the other side, crawl under the gate and defeat a pack of wolves. After breaking the grate, you will find yourself in a cave with a tomb of trials. The puzzle is difficult at first glance. Roll the spool of rope all the way forward. On the right, attach the figure eight to the beam and go to the opposite corner with the bucket. Pull the rope and the bucket will drop down. Tie him to the reel cart and the puzzle is solved. Climb up the steps to the left of the entrance and run to the next secret with the skill - quick healing. Return to the valley for the second tomb.

Pit of Redemption (Tomb of Trials)

This is the last of the challenge tombs and one of the easiest. Once in the cave, you must go down into the water and follow the right railway, since the left one is blocked. Having gone up, roll the cart forward and turn the platform with three wooden fences forward. Push the cart down. There is a pillar to your right - tie a cable to it and move to the other platform on the other side. Climb to the very top and use the lever to lower the lifting platform down. Turn the mechanism with three paws and roll the cart onto the moving platform. Now turn the platform so that it is on the opposite side from you. Lift the platform up and push the cart down. Another secret and useless skill of a geologist has been revealed to you. Congratulations, you have completed the entire tomb, received an achievement and can complete the last task from your descendants.

Tomb Raider Mountain Village
Upstairs we hear shots, it is Rott who is shooting back from the wolves, after a dialogue with Rott we go in search of his backpack. We climb inside along the fuselage of the plane, then jump over to the top of the fuselage, along the ledges to the top and the cave to the left, then you will go to the end and find what you are looking for. On the way back there will be a wolf, it should be killed in this way. First you should fight, keys “A” and “D”, then you need to kick him, key “F”, after that you should push off with key “E”, then press key “F” to defend yourself, the wolf will retreat, then attack again, press quickly press the "F" key and Lara will cut him and the last blow to the heart, the wolf is dead. Let's go, treat Rott and he gives us an ice ax so that we can take the beacon to the mountain and send a distress signal. To the right of Rott there is a large waterfall, where the fuselage of a crashed plane lies, and behind it the tomb of the Scorned One, you should search it. How to do everything with the tomb is described below. But first of all, teach how to use an ice ax and climb the rock opposite you, illuminated in yellow. We go to the source of the waterfall. We climb to the very top where the cave with the wolf is, come closer to the bridge and see a wall that you can climb using an ice ax. We climb the wall, then jump onto the wall over the waterfall, also using an ice ax. We go up to the left and right opponents, destroy them. There is a house on the left, we go up to the second level of the house and jump onto the wall where Buda is located, light the torch and illuminate it. We go in the opposite direction where you lit the torch, there are two walls where you can climb, using an ice ax we climb. In front of us is a bridge over a waterfall, we run across the bridge, it begins to collapse, you run to the end and jump, immediately use an ice ax, climb the wall, they will contact you. There is a cliff ahead of you, there is a cable above it, use the cable to cross the cliff. Bandits are attacking you, destroy them, light a torch from a burning barrel, get spare parts and start moving forward. Get to the camp, watch the video, make modifications and start moving forward.
Tomb Raider Tomb of the Scorn
After you have received the ice ax, you can plunder the tomb in this location. We enter the waterfall, go through the passages, use the ice ax once, we have two cages, we should get to the torch, it is located on the opposite side, we jump over the cage on which three bales hang. We run up the cage with one touch, then onto the ledge where the torch stands, light the torch, jump back onto the cage and burn the bales, then run to the first cage and throw it off the ledge and quickly run to the cage where you burned the bales, jump onto the wall and press “ E" using an ice ax, we go up. We go to the right and approach the chest, and we get a map of artifacts for the Mountain Village.
Tomb Raider Mountain Base
In front of us is a building with bandits, carefully without raising a panic, destroy all the bandits, if you raise a panic, a machine gun will start working, then you will have to run under machine-gun fire to the building. Destroy all the bandits in the building. Then, from the second floor of the building, jump over to the old Japanese bunker, from the bunker along the cable to another building, climb the stairs, to your left there is a crack in the wall filled with green gas, tighten the valve. Go through the crack in the wall and hear a conversation between two bandits, they are working with an explosive barrel, kill them, you can just shoot at the barrel. We go up the stairs, kill another bandit, then climb through the window and find ourselves in another room. There are lamps on the floor of this room, on the left we climb through the ventilation window into the next room and open the flammable gas, then we run back, there is a bandit with a machine gun who is trying to kill you. We take the lamp and use the RMB key and direct it to the ventilation window. There is an explosion, we go, finish off the bandit and get a machine gun. We move forward, there is an ambush ahead. Shoot at the spotlights, and only then at the bandits, collect cartridges, spare parts, set fire to the poster for the general score and go to the control panel. Due to the expiration of a long time in the jungle, the control panel has almost completely rotted, you need to assemble the transmitter, for this you need to go upstairs. We pass through the crack in the wall and exit to a new location.
Tomb Raider Base Neighborhood
We leave the camp in front of the broken bridge and carry out modifications with a machine gun, if you have enough spare parts. We move along the preserved beam to the right of the bridge, then a bandit attacks you, shouting that he has caught you. First you should fight, keys “A” and “D”, then you need to kick him, key “F”, the bandit flies off the bridge into the abyss. We kill all the bandits ahead. Next, you should fight with one bandit who has a shield. Run away from him until he opens, then shoot him, then another one with a grenade will come out of the room. Next we go to the roof; on the left there is a camp on the radio tower. We crawl along the cable to the radio tower, jump off the cable with the “Shift” key. Then we go up the stairs to the very top, you need to adjust the transmitter signal with the “A” and “D” keys, then make fine adjustments with the “A” and “D” keys, then go on air with the “E” key. Help is close, a visual signal is required, a fire must be lit. We go down the slope, open the fuel tap with an ice pick, go into the room, there is a metal tube on the table, use it to light a torch, and ignite the fuel. The plane sees the signal, but lightning strikes the plane and it rushes towards you, engulfed in flames. When you are running away from a falling plane, you need to control Lara with the “A” and “D” keys to avoid all the obstacles on the ground. Then she clings to the abyss, go up, press “E” and jump to the right “Space”. After that, we go to rescue the parachutist. We jump onto the hanging rag and then quickly jump over the collapsing buildings until the video where the parachutist is killed does not start, and we kill the bandit. We go to the camp near the cliff, Rott contacts you and says that he saw the disaster, he invites you to join him. We pass forward and fall into a trap, hanging upside down, killing the bandits, then using the “SKM” key, destroying the building and killing the remaining bandits. Using an arrow with a rope, we pull up the hanging box and climb up along it. Another hut is fixed on the rock, using a rope with an arrow, we destroy the holding log and climb up, collect arrows and spare parts. We go along the gorge and come out to a river with a destroyed bridge, use a bow with a rope, “SKM” key, climb over the rope along the river, jump off the rope, “Shift” key. We explore the location, after that we shoot at the door in the rock using a bow and rope, go through the cave and meet with Conrad. You need to save the co-pilot, let's go to the signal smoke. There is a rock in front of us, it is impossible to go down it, we use a bow with a rope, there is an arch with a wound rope above the road, we shoot at it, we go down along the rope and kill all the opponents. Next, we move along the cable to another location, then along the cable back from the signal we move to the burning plane. This is our mountain village, using a rope and a bow, we open all the doors and set fire to the hanging bales. Next, we climb up through the crashed fuselage of the plane, using an ice ax, we come to the place where you should cross the cliff with a bow and rope and then, using an ice ax, climb up. We kill two opponents and overcome a similar cliff using a bow and rope. We go up to the left of the tomb, on the right is the path to passing the game.

Nobody really doubted that the third part of Lara Croft's adventures would be released. After all, the first Tomb Raider was the start of Eidos' meteoric rise. A great move - to make the main character a girl and deliberately focus all the player’s attention on her (third-person view) - turned out to be a win-win. The vast majority of players, as we know, are men, and therefore all of Lara’s peculiar body movements (like handstands or lifting up with a brace) were simply bound to make her a star.

Naturally, the game developers also became stars. And, unfortunately, they began to have “star fever”. Two years ago the graphics engine was very good. Just because the first Tomb Raider ran on a 486 machine and under DOS, the developers should have erected a monument. However, releasing a third game on the same engine is no longer an option. Yes, fans are waiting new game, yes, the iron needs to be struck while it's hot. And yet, the engine needed to be not just slightly retouched, but thoroughly updated. After all, it was not for nothing that we said in the introduction to the walkthrough of Heretic II in the previous issue that Tomb Raider is dead .

However, all fans of Lara Croft need to buy the third part. The levels are still interesting and challenging to complete, and Lara herself is still as sexy as ever.


For experienced “Tomb raiders” it will not be a problem - everything remains the same as in the first two series of the game. The new items are very entertaining and colorful, but not fundamental. Lara now has a new set of vehicles, and in addition to her existing skills, she can perform sudden dashes, run and sprint, and crawl on her knees.

Beginners will be able to find out almost all the necessary control keys from the main menu (you need to click on the pink glasses, bringing them to the foreground with one of the keyboard arrows - right or left in a circle). Unfortunately, the game authors did not describe some control key combinations. They are:

Shift+ "forward" arrow - move not by running, but by walking;

Ctrl+ forward arrow -

a) overcoming a low obstacle,

b) the ability to grasp a suitable surface above your head followed by moving in a hanging position on your hands using arrows (the so-called “monkey swing”);

Ctrl+Alt- jump up with the ability to grab something with your hands;

Ctrl+Alt+ forward arrow - jump up and forward with the ability to grab something with your hands;

Ctrl + Alt + Shift- grabbing something with her hands, Lara does a handstand;

Shift+ arrows “right” or “left” - moving sideways without turning the body;

At the same time, the “forward” and “backward” arrows - a somersault with a turn in the opposite direction.

Here are some new features from Tomb Raider III:

Dot (Russian Yu) + arrows - squatting or kneeling;

Shift + Alt + forward arrow - an elegant, but sometimes dangerous swallow jump with a somersault over the head;

First the forward arrow and then the / key (next to YU) - movement at sprint speed, but only in a straight line.

According to the plot of the game, certain secrets (the same first aid kits, cartridges, etc.) They are extremely important, and it is advisable to find all 59 pieces , since missing even one of them, although it will not affect the success of completing a particular level, will deprive you of the opportunity to participate in the final game at a special, Prize level.

The creators of the game propose to start with Lara's journey through India and end with the icy Antarctica. The intermediate three episodes can be completed in any order. We will also follow this advice.

The combat in the game has not undergone significant changes. One of the key actions you need to remember when fighting multiple enemies is to release the fire key after you have destroyed one enemy. This will allow Lara to change the target of fire, and not shoot non-stop at a dead body. Even jumping from side to side, she aims very accurately, so try to move as much as possible to minimize damage from enemy actions.

Will meet in the game a bunch of dark places, and therefore always have a supply of lighting cartridges (let's call them candles) on hand and do not waste them. By the way, weapon shots also illuminate the darkened area, even if only for a few moments.

The gun is good where you have to fight and hit a group of opponents or cause significant damage to a single enemy at close range.

The Desert Eagle is a more powerful weapon than regular pistols. In this series of the game, it is a kind of equivalent of the “magnum” that appeared in previous series. The weapon is very effective in close combat when you need increased fire power.

The need for multiple reloads makes the harpoon effective enough only for a single shot under water (the exception is shooting from an underwater scooter - it is almost automatic). Usually they can stop the enemy for a short time in order to sail to a safe place or get to land. And the ammunition for harpoons is extremely limited, so take care of them and use them only when absolutely necessary.

"Uzi" is best reserved for the most powerful opponents and the last levels of the game.

The grenade launcher is capable of causing serious destruction, but remember that grenades only explode after flying about 15 meters, which, by the way, is good, since you don’t want to fall victim to your own weapon. Immediately after the shot, do not run forward, but wait for the gap.

The missile launcher will destroy anything it hits, but its ammunition capacity is extremely limited, so take care of every shell.

The MP-5 replaced the M-16 from the previous series, since it is truly the latest modification of the automatic rifle. This weapon is ideal for long-range shooting. While shooting from it, you can neither run nor jump.

Before you start the game itself, don't forget to practice once again in Lara's house - there is a lot to learn and do there, including using the more spacious gym and even shooting at the annoying butler. Don't miss the special key you'll use to unlock the motorcycle so you can ride it around the house.


In the playthroughs of the previous series of the game, no attention was paid to this object, since there was really nothing to do in the house itself. In this game, Lara's house is a kind of mini-level, where there is something to do and something to solve. The interior and exterior of the building have undergone some changes so that Lara can demonstrate her new abilities.

You start in the bedroom, and this time the gun cabinet is unlocked. Open it and take the box of candles, then go to the main stairs. At the far corner of the landing there is another door leading to the attic. Enter it and light the cartridge. You will find a box that needs to be pushed twice. Then go down to the library located next to the room where the TV and piano are, turn right and find a book jutting out on the shelf. Push it so that the fireplace goes out and you can enter it and climb up. There, move the boxes and take a new package of candles. You will now see a hall. Turn the switch to briefly open the door downstairs in the hall leading to the training room. Now hurry up to get there before the door closes, to do this, cut the corners where necessary and jump. It is preferable to move as described below.

After pressing the switch, run through the hall back to the attic, along the stairs down to the second floor landing. Coming out of the attic door, jump over the railing and continue running, going slightly to the right. Run towards the gym, using sprinting to fly into the door just before it closes.

Since you are using sprint (only when running in a straight line), you will have no problem getting to the bottom of the building. There you will find a box that you need to slide under the hole in the ceiling and climb from the box into the hall above you. Go to the aquarium. Swim in it to find and take the coveted RACE KEY, which will unlock the labyrinth, now a track for Lara's motorcycle - it's time to set a new speed record!

Before you leave the house, you might want to visit one more secret room. Go to the pool and press the button located behind the diving board. This will open the door at the back in the main lobby and reveal a switch. Clicking on it will open the door directly behind you, but also on Very a short time. Sprint and dive, trying to get past the door before it closes. A cute trophy awaits you above the fireplace.

There are also some new things on the outside, for example, in terms of demonstrating Lara's martial arts. In one place, her faithful butler Jeeves runs around in a Kevlar bulletproof vest, a helmet, but with a tea tray. Of course, you can knock him down, but you can’t kill him.



Before you start sliding from the starting point, go forward to the end, jump over to the slope to your right and slide down onto a flat area. Take a running jump to the left over the main slope and crouch down to find secret #1 - a gun. Now start sliding down the long slope, jump up and grab onto the log. Spare the monkey, it is quite harmless. Carefully jump down without getting too injured on the sharp stakes, move to the left and slide onto a flat area with a first aid kit. It is possible that a large stone will roll towards you in this place - if you hear an increasing roar, step or jump to the side to avoid colliding with it.

Jump to the area behind the tree to grab the Healing Emerald and Secret #2 - Ammo. Complete the slide down the slope and head left. Pick up another emerald and climb onto the column that is located immediately behind it. Jump down. On your left, pick up grenades - secret number 3 - and go to the wall with a waterfall. In the left gap, where water is flowing, there are candles, and in the far right are cartridges. Now move right to the dirty swamp - this is a dangerous quagmire - and through the arch you exit into a spacious clearing. To your left you will see a harmless little monkey, do not kill it. Take a left and look for a passage that leads to a lever. Click on it and go past the tree back into the gate that just opened.

Go through the gate, jump into a small hall - a little to your right there will be a lever, and to your left there will be a moving wall with sharp stakes. Click on the lever and quickly jump into the niche behind you to avoid death. When the wall passes by, go left and climb into the hole. Find a rope with handles attached to it, and slide along it to the base of the square stump. Climb onto it and jump over into the passage leading to the clearing. If you do fall into the river, do not resist the current - let it carry you to the green tunnel leading to a small pool, where you can go to dry land. And watch out for piranhas!

A beautiful but deadly tiger attacks you right at the entrance, so have your pistols ready. Find a tree with a large hollow, press the lever inside it, but be careful: a large stone will roll towards you. Dodge him, then follow his route up to another lever, which will open the door on the left around the corner. Proceed there and kill the second tiger. Go right through the dense thickets and find the cartridges on a small ledge on the left, return and follow in the same direction.

Go to a new zone, where the tiger is waiting for you again - another target for your fire training. Continue forward until you see a slight haze from the sun's rays. There is a hole with stakes where they fall to the ground. Avoid it. Turn right and look for ammo between the trees. Walk along the wall to the right, crawl under the fallen tree and kill another tiger, then heal with the emerald. Walk up the trunk of the fallen tree, jump to the left at the column and pick up the magazine for the MP-5 rifle.

Return to the tree trunk, go to its end, stand with your back to the edge, jump off, hang by your hands, unclench them and immediately grab the edge of the lower ledge again, then pull yourself up. Climb onto the trunk for secret number 4 (candles and grenades). Sharp stakes await you below, so hang on your hands and carefully fall down onto one of the sloping slopes, which you can jump over in different directions. Move in one direction and you'll soon be able to get past the stakes. Pick up a magazine for the Desert Eagle rifle in two stone niches, jump into the dark tunnel and walk between the stakes. Pull yourself up, leave this area and return to the end of the tree from which you recently jumped down.

Now slide off it to the left and go to the left golden grate, past it - along the passage studded with stakes. From a running start, jump onto the stone block, pick up the first aid kit, turn right, jump again, and at the end - again, this time onto the green slope. You won’t be able to hold on to it, but as you fall, grab its edge and use your hands to move to the right, where you can pull yourself up and take the emerald.

Move back, jump to the platform a little lower and from it jump forward to the wall, along the ledge of which a monkey is wandering. Grab the edge of the rocky split in front of you and move to the left on your hands, pull yourself up, crawl on your knees to the left, straighten up, turn around in the opposite direction, jump onto the stone block, and from it - down to the entrance to the dark passage. You can light a candle and go forward - to the left, to the lever that will open the gate below. But the same lever will release the huge killer stone, so turn around sharply and quickly run out of the passage. When the threat has passed, go back inside and look above the lever for a hidden entrance to the cave. Climb into it and find secret No. 5 - harpoons and rockets, then carefully jump from the ledge down to the ground. Kill the tiger and go through the brown gate.

Immediately turn left and move forward. You will see three stones rolling sequentially one after another. Wait until the last stone passes, go up the slope and go deeper into the bushes. Pick up the first aid kit, find a hole in the ground and jump into it, but immediately grab the edge of the lower passage again so as not to bump into the stakes below. Pull yourself up and enter the passage leading to secret number 6 - a pack of candles and an emerald. After saving your game, experiment with the exit method.

Go back to the three stones, go past them until you find yourself on the river bank. Run through the shallow water to the right - there on the shore you will find ammunition for the Uzi machine gun. Jump to the small island on the other side of the river, jump again and pull yourself up onto the green ledge above your head, where you press the lever and thereby open the door, which is still at a distance from you.

Dive into the river and swim through the tunnel into a spacious hall, in the middle of which there is a platform with two levers opposite each other. Click on both, dive again and swim through the opened door into the next room. Take the candles from the platform in the center and look around. There are two open passages in the hall - one with a door, the other without a door. Once you enter the one without a door, you will find yourself in a spacious area with a lot of columns and pedestals, but there is little you can do there. Return to the hall and go to the passage with the door - at the end of it there is a lever. Click on it and the entire aforementioned area will be under water.

Swim to the distant waterfall and get out of the water. Find a passage behind the stream of water, follow it to the stairs and climb them. Go through the water again and climb up another rock covered in water, then take a running jump to the previous waterfall. Enter the corridor and press the lever that opens the underwater gate.

Jump into the water below and look for green stone steps. Go out and climb onto the high stone pedestal, then take a running jump to the next pedestal, where an emerald awaits you. Jump back into the water and swim through the gate that you just opened - it is under the black wall bas-relief. After a short swim you'll end up in the next room with some ammo in the corners. After dealing with the striped predator and taking the ammunition, climb the stairs to the top.

Turn the corner and without hesitation, pick up Indra's key (if the monkey gets ahead of you, unfortunately, you will have to shoot it). Go around the green area, find the exit, go down a little, shoot the tiger from a safe height and jump down. As you make your way to the right passage, try not to get into the brown quicksand. Before using Indra's key and opening the gate, pick up a pack of cartridges in the small niche on the left. Enter the gate, watch the video and complete the level.


Moving along the path, pass the tree and kill two cobras. If you are bitten by a snake (and the red “life bar” in the upper left corner of the screen changes to yellow), immediately use the first aid kit, otherwise you will slowly die. If there are a lot of snakes in the area, first kill them all, and then use the first aid kit - show reasonable economy of valuable medicines.

The lever located behind the second snake will open a nearby door in the floor. Jump into the resulting hole and light the candle to examine the passage. Go straight to the right, and before you exit, pick up the first aid kit and kill the cobra and monkey. In the next area there is a pond inhabited by deadly piranhas; on the green stone steps to the left you can find some useful items.

This may seem crazy, but dive anyway - there is no other way - and QUICKLY swim to the other side to the ledge, slightly submerged by water. While there is still some meat left on the bones, get out of the water, go right, press the lever, which will open the underwater gate located between two submerged ledges. Go back along the wall, dive again, swim through this gate and get out of the water.

Ahead lies a huge pile of either dirt or earth. Try to see one single flat area on it that you can jump onto. Then walk along the pile to the ledge on the left and jump to the stone ledge. Follow it forward until you come out near the second waterfall. Pick up the emerald and take a running jump to the large tree on the left.

Look for ammunition and candles on its branches, return to the trunk and make a jump similar to the previous one in the other direction to grab the edge of the ledge and pull yourself onto it. The next jump of the same kind will lead you to another tree with a first aid kit, and then to a waterfall, from where you can reach the second waterfall. Here, jump down and, grabbing the edge, use your hands to move to the right, where you will find the cartridges hidden in the niche. Crawl on your knees until you can stand up to your full height, and carefully jump down.

To your left there is a ledge that you need to jump onto, grab onto and climb up. Crawl into the cave, but beware of two cobras guarding the exit. Slide down and be aware of the stone rolling from above. In the next area, you will see an impressive statue and a stone block to the right of it - this is what you need to pull out. Taking the cartridges lying behind him, and the gun to the left of the statue, proceed into the hole hidden behind the block. In the new room you will be greeted by an unexpectedly animated statue, so you will have to run and shoot a little. Through a pile of dirty earth, climb onto a stone ledge and heal with an emerald.

At the end of the battle, find a hole in the floor, open it by stepping on the slab nearby, go down and press the lever, which will open the door on the right. Slide the block located next to the lever and exit into the next area, where you will be greeted by a swarm of flying poison arrows. But you're playing Tomb Raider III, where Lara can crawl! Without hesitation, go down into the nearest hole to find secret No. 1 in it - a first aid kit, and quickly run to the side if you do not want to be crushed by a rolling stone.

Continue crawling past the flying arrows to where the ball rolled out, pick up cartridges, a first aid kit and candles, then return to the room with the statue. Go through the previously opened door and you will soon find yourself in front of a tunnel filled with liquid mud. Jump into it as far as possible and move forward, without stopping for a moment, otherwise you will choke. Once outside, climb the hill as high as you can, turn around and grab the edge of the stone floor with a running start. Pass the passage, find the lever and press it - the door on the left will open.

Quickly enter it and just as quickly jump and run through the deadly corridor with stakes and a clattering blade. In the new room you will find a huge lattice structure with a lever built into it that opens the door above Lara's head. DO NOT PRESS THIS LEVER YET, but first, pull one of the blocks out of the door not far from the lever, push it towards the structure with bars, climb and pull yourself up. Turning the corner, you will find a ladder above your head, jumping up and climbing it you will find secret No. 2 - a room with a number of useful items. Here, press the lever and go back down to the floor.

Now click on the lever in the wall of the structure, drag the block to the right place, and then climb up. Go through the door and dive. Press the underwater lever, another door will open. Swim into it all the way, then press in turn the two levers to the right and left of you and quickly return back. Catch your breath and repeat the journey to the two levers, but halfway up to the ceiling of the tunnel - a window has opened in it, through which you will emerge into a spacious room with a swimming pool.

Dive into the pool - there are three levers in its walls. Press two of them located opposite each other, as a result of which the stone statues will begin to spew fire. The remaining lever temporarily opens an underwater door, behind which you can pick up several items - this is secret number 3.

Once outside, take a closer look - you will notice secret platforms floating in the heights. The fire will make them visible enough to jump up and grab onto the first one, then the next one, and finally jump to the tower near the water, where you press the lever. Go downstairs, grab the emerald, and then run through the door to your left. But don’t hesitate - the door will only open for a short time, so if you don’t have time, you’ll have to repeat the last procedures again.

At the left end of the long hall there is a grated door, and on the right there is a panel with sharp stakes. Click on the lever to open the door at the far end of the hall, and the panel will begin to move towards you. Run around the hall at sprint speed, grab the Ganesh key on the floor, jump into the door through which you entered this hall, and wait for the stakes to pass you by. When all this is over, return to the hall and pick up ammunition and a first aid kit at the right end.

Return to the previous room with the pool - God, what has it turned into! Climb up the pile and enter the passage on the right. Look around and pick up candles - they will be very useful to you. Climb the steps, but beware of the rolling stone - quickly step back and hide. Continue up the steps until you reach a pair of doors. At this point the road forks to the right and left. Go right.

Along the way, press the lever and enter the gate. Ignore the temptation to explore the hole in the wall on the left and move along the passage until you enter a large hall with statues, an emerald and grates in the floor. Move along the hall and kill the annoying monkey who snatched the first aid kit from under your nose. At the end, jump down, hang by your hands and go down the ladder in the wall to the floor.

You find yourself in a familiar hall with a dead statue. Climb up the hill, and from it - onto the cornice, where you will find two levers opposite each other. They will open another door in the hall. Go down to the hall and go through this door. Pass the pit and enter the next door, where you will have to swim to press the lever on the wall. Try to avoid the deadly flames emitted by the stone statues, and if you're unlucky, jump into the water to put out the flames. This lever will open the underwater gate through which you will swim. Just beware of falling into the focus of a white light flickering in the distance - extremely dangerous poisoned arrows are flying out of the wall.

On the green ledge, pick up a first aid kit, and then swim to another greenish ledge near the water - next to it you will find a staircase like a wall bars. Climb it, do a somersault back - and you will find yourself on a new ledge. Make a couple of consecutive jumps from it onto the ledges from the wall, using a reverse somersault in some places and a running jump in others. Where exactly to jump will become clear as you go along - you simply won’t be able to jump anywhere else. Soon a ledge with a cobra lying on it will loom in front of you - you will have to jump there too. Another jump will take you into a hall with rolling stones, poisoned arrows and clattering blades. Cheat here: as soon as you jump into this hall from the previous ledge and see a rolling stone, immediately somersault back; the stone will fall into the water, and you will jump into the hall again. There, kneel down and crawl past the deadly dirty tricks. On the left, pick up a first aid kit, run over the pit, heal with an emerald and go down tactically correctly.

Step by step pass the sharp blades, crawl through the tunnel on your knees - and here you are in a small room with secret number 4: an ammunition load with a cobra guarding it. Look in the corners for useful items and return to the hall where you picked up the last emerald. Push the moving block in the corner, thereby opening access to another block that must be pushed four times. After manipulating the remaining blocks, you will eventually find a hidden lever, pressing which will fill the hole with water. Continue to the next room.

Immediately after entering it, two stones will roll towards you. Try to avoid death using available methods, go downhill and jump over the pit with stakes. Look into the next hole - you will see stakes on one side and water on the other. Choose water, jump into it, and then swim to the next room with the familiar fire-breathing statues. Go to the pool, which was recently flooded, boldly dive in and press the lever that opens the door here. Swim down the corridor, pick up the second Ganesh key, climb to the surface and leave this area.

In the next room, also familiar, there are two locked gates with a pair of keyholes, and you just happen to have a pair of keys. Enter the opened gate and casually notice the ceiling with stakes approaching you. Run to the wall and climb the stairs towards the new emerald. The block in the right corner is movable, you need to pull it towards you, after which you can climb onto it and make a running jump to the ledge with the lever located above. Turn around and make a similar jump to another cornice, there you will find and use it on the next lever that opens the gate. True, this action will provoke a threatening roll of two more stones, but they can be easily avoided by jumping in any direction.

After passing through the gate, you will find yourself in a room with two paths, each guarded by fire-breathing statues. Manage to get away from the scorching flames - sprinting can help you here. Wait until the flames begin to fade, rush forward and turn away at the very last moment before the fire resumes. And now you are in a new room, where the statue comes to life again. Give her a decent reception, and then take the sword from her. Take the cartridges from one of the ledges.

Climb onto the ledge with the multi-armed monster, and a second statue below will come to life. Repeat the procedure for selecting a sword from a corpse, return to the statue, already having two swords with you, and place both in the empty palms of the monster - thereby you will open yourself a way out of this cheerful place. Enter the next room and use the holes to make your way through it. In the new room, throw yourself to the ground and crawl further, where you will once again be met by a revived monster.

After finishing with him, take the new Ganesh key in the middle of the room and follow to the door that will open in front of you. Light the room with candles and fly at a sprint speed into the room, at the far end of which press the lever. The ceiling with stakes will move towards you again, so without hesitation, press the second lever to open the door in the floor, where you will jump. There you will find the second Ganesh key, as well as a grate that will open as soon as you take the key. Now return to the room where you found the first key.

Move into the room with an emerald floating above the ground and a pit with water. The rapid current will pull you onto the stakes, so quickly swim to the right or left and turn on two levers in turn - pressing them will put an end to the powerful current. Pick up the third Ganesh key, float up and climb out of the hole.

Now hurry to the wall with three keyholes (we will never tell you what to do here with three keys in hand). But if you guess it yourself, a gate will open at the top of the stairs, through which you will pass to remember this sweet journey forever.




Ctrl+ “forward” - get on a motorcycle;

End+ “right” - “left” - get off the motorcycle to the right or left side;

Ctrl- forward;

Alt- back;

Arrows "right" - "left" - corresponding turns;

/ ( key slash) + “forward” - sprint on a motorcycle.

From the very beginning of the new episode, this wonderful motorcycle beckons you, but don’t rush to ride it. Go left to the steep brown slope, go around it to the left and stop at the cliff. Move along the stairs built into its wall to the left. You will have to make a series of difficult running jumps from one flat ledge to another until you get to secret number 1 - a room with numerous pedestals and a ramp. Once in this room, stand to the right of the ramp, facing its wall, jump onto it, and then make a series of jumps to the right and forward. Grab the edge of the stone pedestal to get to the flat platforms and the packs of cartridges and first aid kit lying on them (and this is the reward for such torment?!). Now you have to go all the way back.

Get on the motorcycle, jump over the river at a convenient place at full speed and continue moving along the wall. In front of the cliff, the bottom of which is hidden by a lilac haze, get off the car and go down the stairs built into the wall to secret No. 2, where you can pick up the three necessary items. Get out, get on the motorcycle, jump over the pit you just visited, and continue moving in the same direction. Take another simple jump and go to an elevated section of the road, from where you can see the continuation of the route on the opposite part of the abyss. Prepare thoroughly for a long jump, which should be performed at sprint speed. Now you find yourself at the golden door. Leave the motorcycle, carefully go down the cliff and return to the jump point.

Find to your left and also on the opposite wall of the abyss a relatively narrow passage into which you need to jump. Go forward, either by walking or crawling, kill two cobras along the way and eventually jump down. You will find yourself in front of a lever that opens a golden door not far from you. Get on the motorcycle, drive through this door, and at the same time grab the healing emerald.

At this point you need to stay on the main trail. You can, of course, take a right and significantly shorten the path to the end of this level, but in this way you will miss several secrets and lose the chance to get to the prize level. If you still prefer to cut the corner, then you need to do the following.

Drive your motorcycle down the bumpy slope and jump over the river. Your path will end in a tunnel, where a monkey with a first aid kit will soon arrive. Shoot the little animal and all its relatives, continue moving along the passage until you reach a green cliff with two entrances. Explore both, but beware of a snake attack! The upper entrance leads to a small cave, into which you can crawl and find the first key to the Gate. Next, move along the green passage leading to the corridor with monkeys and locks from the Gate.

Jump and grab the edge of the ledge at the end of the hall to get out - there you will see a door and dangerous quicksand nearby. Pick up an emerald, find a steep slope and make a reverse somersault onto it. As soon as you start to slide, grab with your hands. Jump from the slope to reach the column, grab its edge and pull yourself up with your hands. Jump to the branches and enter the hole in the wall, where branches and a cornice also await you.

Kill all the monkeys that get in your way, then make a few jumps to the left to pick up ammunition from another ledge. To the right you will see a building with the second key to the Gate and monkeys. Going down the stairs, look at the flaming statue, press the lever to open the door leading outside. You will see new monkeys, but they will not pose a big problem for you.

Return to the hall with the cornice and locks from the Gate, open them. Return to the motorcycle, ride up and make a dizzying jump over the quicksand. Go around the building where you found the second key and go deeper into the jungle near the river. Take the final jump across the river to return to the main path. Well, you saved time, but lost several secrets.

If you decide to act in full, then do so. Stick to the right side of the slope and take a long jump. After landing, point the car at the wall to slow down, otherwise you can get into big trouble. From the sloping greenish rock, turn right. Now you find yourself in a spacious room with a large hole in the floor. Go around it and move up. At the top, stop and get off the motorcycle. Enter the yellowish rocky slope and go down it.

On the right on one of the ledges you will find ammunition. Then pull yourself up on your hands, kneel down and look for secret number 3 - harpoons, Uzi magazines and emerald. Return to the motorcycle and go down the same slope until you reach the landing. There are two paths leading from it, but both end in the same open area with an emerald floating above and another slope that you will jump over on a motorcycle. Continue climbing along the steeply winding slope until you are faced with the need to make a long jump at high speed over a pit and then over a river.

Leave the motorcycle, take the emerald, go down the wall stairs - there is ammunition on the right side on the ledge with the cobra. Climb up, get on the motorcycle and point it along the wall towards the river cliff - on the other side of it, there is an opening in the rock at the top, where you jump, accelerating the car to a sprint speed. Go right along the wall, jump onto the ledge, kill the two eagles and jump into the next opening ahead. Take another jump forward onto the ledge; then to the right diagonally - onto the slope, cling and move on your hands to the right to secret No. 4. To get out of this place, jump first back onto the slope, then a few more times onto the stones and ledges accessible to you, and finally onto the horizontal grate , with which you can easily walk to your motorcycle.

Now you will see that this is indeed a miracle beast, and not a machine. Direct the motorcycle to the place where two eagles were recently shot, but now do not jump onto the ledge, but simply slide down, jumping from stone to stone. Now - forward and to the right, to a cave with two monkeys and an emerald. Turn around and go into the passage on the right. Climb onto the large rock against the wall, follow forward, then jump onto the ledge located just below you. Kill three more eagles and jump again in the same direction, only slightly to the right and down. From here you can see a crevice in the wall. Jump to it, grab onto it, move to the right - and secret number 5 is in your hands! Jump into the water, swim to the left side of the waterfall, get out, go through the veil of water, climb the rocks and go forward - to the end of this level.


This level is both plot-wise and structurally different from the previous ones. In fact, it is a huge labyrinth, replete with a huge number of passages, tunnels, pits and slopes, many of which are only indirectly related to the task of successfully completing the game and serve only as an obstacle on the way to the exit. It is also noteworthy that at this level not a single secret is initially hidden, and therefore the player’s actions can be much more free than before. Against the backdrop of countless turns and squats occasionally plots appear that either promise Lara some useful acquisitions or threaten death. Beware of cobras - in the initial part of the route you will come across at least two of them, although we did not find any increased cunning or unprecedented destructive power among them. An equally serious enemy is stone balls, although infrequently, they still roll towards you from behind. At the slightest sign of their appearance - usually behind you - do not look for any loopholes or branches along the way, do not try to jump from side to side, but simply run forward, sometimes at sprint speed, but at the end of the run still try to quickly hide from round death in a side passage or niche. We recommend that you first look at dark places by candlelight and only then direct your feet there - again, out of fear of snakes and possible other traps.

Otherwise, right up to the very end of the level, you can, observing basic caution, wander through the labyrinth, over time starting to note familiar places to yourself and more purposefully looking for new passages. This task, as our experience shows, is completely solvable, and in not such a long period of time. By the way, we advise you to do this, because in the maze you can find several useful objects, and at the same time practice solving similar problems.

However, following our obligations to give the passage of all levels, including this one, and bearing in mind that the three previous Indian episodes could thoroughly fray the nerves of respected gamers, we bring to your attention the shortest path to a victorious ending.

Let's agree on the principle of movement: in the initial part of the route we will walk, mentally touching with our hands left walls. This may seem like a somewhat primitive way of controlling the player, when he will sometimes have to return to the section of the path he has just passed, but this way we will certainly not get lost. So, moving from the starting point of the route to the left, you will soon find yourself in front of a two-stage pit, at the bottom of which there are candles. Having got out of it, move in the chosen direction until you find yourself in front of a second, deeper and less interesting hole. Go further, but now at every turn look ahead - a cobra is hiding somewhere here. For fun, you can kill her, although you don’t currently have a first aid kit in your arsenal. We recommend that you simply turn away from the creature and, turning immediately to the right, move on, sticking to the right wall. No matter how trite it sounds, you are there.

After not too many turns, climbing and crawling, you will find yourself in a gloomy room with an inviting hole in the floor. Even the candles won’t tell you what’s down there, but it’s a pity, because in the impenetrable darkness of the basement there are as many as four cobras lurking, six more are accumulating poison somewhere, and on top of that, from somewhere above, the omnipresent symbol of Nemesis is about to roll out - a stone ball . Plus, you not only need to survive, but also get out of this zoo corner. Before plucking up the courage to jump down, jump over the pit and heal with the emerald.

Now, just for fun, you can try different options for confronting enemies and the order of shooting, but apparently, it’s best to first avoid the stone and then shoot the snakes, and not do it the other way around or at the same time. There is only one place in the room that can save you from snakes - in its center, on some kind of plant. A pacifist option is not excluded: do not shoot at anyone, do not kill anyone, but rush headlong to the saving exit square glowing in the distance - there is a ramp - and run away from the ball at maximum speed, and at the last moment fall to the ground and climb into the low passage on the right, heal with the emerald and pick up the first aid kit.

Sliding down the slope, you will find yourself in a strange room, filled (as you will understand, and perhaps quite soon) with a deadly poisonous liquid, among which there are life-saving stone slabs. On the central slab there is, in general, a completely modern-looking boss, laughing carnivorously and firing missiles at you. Quickly jump onto the slab to your left, draw your revolvers and open continuous fire on the enemy. Themselves constantly move, jump and generally dodge his shots. Oddly enough, it is revolvers that work best on him, while he seems to have strong immunity against more powerful fire.

Having dealt with the villain, jump on the platforms, pick up the grenade launcher and grenades for him, and at the end of the act, take the artifact from the central platform. That, in fact, is all - this is the end of this level, and the crown of the entire Indian epic.



Starting your journey through London, go to the long black platform stretching along the sloping roof. Run over this roof, pick up the cartridges and emerald, then use the box to get back over. Go down and jump onto the yellow crane, go down from it onto the gray counterweight, find a place on it from where you can go down to the roof below you without running into the barbed wire. Complete the descent from the roof, step past the barbed wire, enter the passage, kill the rats and pick up secret No. 1 - first aid kit and ammunition.

Return to the wire, move left all the way, climb higher, then even higher, climb the yellow wall ladder, return to the crane and through a series of jumps return to the beginning of the level on a narrow black platform. Facing the roof, move all the way to the left, jump onto the black corrugated platform, and step back from it. Having landed on the sloping roof below, immediately jump forward, grab onto the edge of the slope, climb up it and slide down its sloping side. Turn on the wall switch, turn right and look down - now a horizontal green door has appeared there.

Take a running jump forward and a little to the right, onto a small flat roof, pick up the first aid kit from the landing spot, step back, hang by your hands and get to the mentioned green door. Walk along the corridor - in the next room you will notice a short cornice, the second half of which is extremely unreliable and is ready to collapse. Shoot two rats in the distance, run over the shaky cornice and, jumping, grab the edge of the cornice opposite with your hands, where the bodies of the rodents you killed lie. After going into the next room, shoot the guard and take possession of his key to the still mysterious room. Return to the ledge with the rats, from its end go down to the platform below, press the button, go down even lower, kneel down, pick up the harpoons. In the corner of the yard behind the stone parapet, pick up the emerald. Go to the wall stairs, press the button that opens the partition at the top, go up the stairs and step on... well, of course, for the third time, on the ledge with your favorite dead rats.

Jump onto the familiar, but now shortened cornice, go to the green door and, before reaching it, turn right - there is also a switch there that you will press. The door will fall again, and you will carefully go down to the ledge below. Kill the crow, move left almost to the end of the cornice and find a narrow opening in the wall a little higher. Climb into it and crawl forward on your knees - at the end of the path and just below you will see a cradle of construction workers. Climb into it, find the button and press it. Go down to the green door that you just opened. Crawl back, go down to the ledge and go in the opposite direction to the end. Above your head and slightly to the left in the wall there are two similar low openings, but you can only reach them with your hands, having first grabbed the edge of the opening located opposite you. There are cartridges in both niches, but one is also secret number 2. Again, go to the opposite edge of the ledge and carefully go down to the ground. Kill the guard, take the emerald, candles, climb higher and higher on the boxes, climb three ladders to the very top - and here you are again at the beginning of this level.

You repeat the same jumps that you did while aiming for the green door, but now you stop on the small flat roof mentioned above, jump from it onto the wall and cling to a narrow crevice stretching in both directions. Using your hands, move along it to the right, straighten up in a convenient place and walk forward until you reach a fork - right down and straight up. Go right to the end, pick up the first aid kit, press the button, go back a little and notice below that the cradle has risen at your command (last button). Jump on it, pick up the candles from the floor, use the key on the door and enter.

You pick up the emerald, press the button and deftly run out without getting caught in the deadly flames. The way back will not seem difficult to you, although it will be long, because in the end you will have to again get through the crevice to the main path on the roof, reach the fork, but now you need to go from it not to the right, but forward and upward.

No sooner had you approached the upper passage than the need arose to deal with another guard. Well, now calmly walk along the upper passage. A large hole awaits you in the floor, and behind it is a low wall. First, jump onto this wall - behind it you will find cartridges. Turn left and look at the sloping roof, slide along it to the balcony - there lies secret number 3, rockets. Go back along the stairs to the pit, go down into it and go along the passage.

The downward slide will begin. At the very end of the sloping tunnel, jump forward sharply and grab the edge of the green passage in the wall - at the end of it you will find an emerald and a first aid kit. Shoot the rats and pay attention to the guard in the room below you. Get down there and go along the long corridor. Behind the first turn to the right is a pool with water, behind the second is a copy of it, but without water and with a passage in the wall that is not yet accessible to you. This entire room is called the Water Control Room (WCC). Deal with the guard, familiarize yourself with the location of two buttons under the glass covers and one switch on the wall. For now, only this switch is available to you, so click on it.

After checking the distant tank, you see that it is now full of water. Jump into it. At the bottom there is a first aid kit and magazines for the Uzi. Look at the lever located on the underwater wall. Click on it, pop up, go to the room with two buttons and a switch. Press the switch again - the water level in the first tank will noticeably drop. Jump into it and swim through the door in the floor to the dangerous ship propeller. After your manipulations at the top, the propeller blades slowed down and do not interfere with your swimming between them.

Pop up - you will find yourself in the corridor with a guard, kill him and the rodent in addition. There is a low hole in one of the walls of the corridor, where you crawl, pick up a first aid kit and ahead you see a yellow staircase, and under it - a pit with a passage to a strange room.

A wonderful yellow robot, equipped with high-voltage dischargers, moves along the perimeter of this hall. Don't let him touch you! Approach the lattice cage, pull it towards you, then on the other side - away from you, and then either to the right or to the left, thereby blocking the car's path. Sooner or later, the robot will crash into the glass cover above the incomprehensible remote control on the wall in the niche and stop, simultaneously opening the door in the floor and the glass cover above one of the buttons in the KVK. Before leaving, grab the emerald around the corner and go up the yellow stairs to the KVK. There, press one of the buttons that becomes available, kill the guard and again use the switch on the wall.

Go to the far tank, swim along it through the left door in the wall, go out and kill another guard. Soon you will find yourself in a pinkish-greenish hall. Press the button on the wall, after which the cap above the second button will open in the KVK. Go there and press this button, then return to the far tank. And it turns out that he was empty again.

Look up at the ceiling, find the lattice covering on it, jump up, grab onto it and use your hands to move in the only possible direction. Jump onto the ledge, kill two rats, a guard, find a place where you can jump into the water, float up in the distant tank and go to the KVK, picking up an emerald and a first aid kit along the way. Press the second button and return to the same hall over which you just crawled on your hands. Dive into it and swim into the hatch that opens at the bottom. Here, grab harpoons and swim through the underwater tunnel, which will lead you to an elegantly decorated bluish-lilac room. Look at the bottom for a first aid kit and ammo, and then surface near the wall ladder. At the exit from the water, kill the guard, in front of the stairs on the left, take the emerald and first aid kit and go up.

So, you are again in places dear to your heart - under the crane. Step over the barbed wire, jump onto a black platform horizontally attached to the crane, and from it onto the wall. You pass the wire again, jump onto the bluish slopes of the roof, turn left and find yourself in front of the entrance to a strange hall. You shoot back from two guards, go into the hall, find the central column, the lower block of which has a pinkish tint, and move it in the only possible direction. Having climbed onto the block, go up to the roof to your right and find a first aid kit in the recess. Then you take a running jump onto the adjacent slippery roof, jump a little more from it to the opposite one and back again to get to secret number 4 - the key to the cathedral.

The fifth and final secret can be found this way: walk around the outside of the building around the perimeter and stop so that the yellow crane tower looms in front of you, and in the upper right corner there is a greenish segment of a round spot glowing - then right behind you at the bottom there will be another staircase. Go down it and easily find your treasure. Now the only possible way is to leave the roof, and with it this level of the game.


The level begins with Lara's protracted fall - literally - into a deep well. While flying, try to grab onto something. You're lucky - this is the edge of a shallow niche where the gun lies. Fly further down. As you go up the stairs, pay attention to the shuttered window on the right, shoot at it and take the emerald. Climb up the two back stairs and you will find yourself in the attic. Pick up candles, shotgun cartridges and Uzi magazines, and at the same time shoot the subject.

Go to the block, on the side of which there is something like a coil of pipes, and pull it towards you. Go down the hole in the floor and you will find yourself in the cash register room, where there is a key to the control room on the floor and a first aid kit on the counter. By pressing the button on the wall, go through the door into the ticket hall and go to the right pair of escalators, jump over the pit with the rails below and move on. There is a door on the right side of the platform, and next to it is a keyhole. Use the key, enter the room, pick up useful items and press the light switch button, in the rays of which you will notice an Old Penny coin lying on the floor at the opposite end of the platform.

Return to the pit through which you jumped, jump down and run to the left at sprint speed, managing to take cover from the oncoming train in the wall opening on the right. Shoot two types, a dog and pick up useful items. Climb higher up the boxes, and even higher up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, do a somersault back and kill another guy. Go to the place where there is a grate on the ceiling above your head, grab onto it, move forward and to the right on your hands, and finally jump off the wall. Go to the pink lantern, turn right, pull yourself up and carefully go down.

Standing with your back to the drill hole, slide down, grab the edge of the ramp with your hands, and lower yourself. The floor will fall under you, so quickly jump to the left and immediately to the wall opposite, where grab the cornice, move to the right, fearing the drill blades, and jump down, grab the edge of the ramp again, somersault back with a turn in flight and grab over the edge of the site. You have reached secret number 1 - the emerald and the MP-5 rifle.

Having gone down a couple of cornices, take a first aid kit and walk around in search of a path further. You won’t be able to overcome one gentle slope, so turn around, pull yourself up, and then take a running jump to the next higher ledge. Climb even higher - finally you will find yourself in some kind of brick well, where powerful jets of fire shoot out from the wall gratings. Choose a convenient moment to jump onto the block opposite, climb onto the block, take a first aid kit a little higher, climb onto the inclined slope, walk along it to the end, jump onto the stairs, climb almost to the end, do a somersault back - you find yourself in a niche with a button on the wall. Click on it, jump onto the stairs again, carefully, beware of the flames, lift the magazine with cartridges, climb further - and here you are under a low pinkish ceiling on a green floor with bars.

After picking up useful items, go down to the subway platform through the hole in the grate and go to the same room you entered from the tunnel. After climbing the boxes, move until you find yourself under the recently opened hatch. Climb into the hatch, shoot the subject and the dog in the new room, take the cartridges from the niche next to the hatch, walk around the hall and look for something else valuable, finally stand on the black square in the corner. It will collapse, and you will see a block in front of you with the familiar “serpentine” on its side. Pull it towards you and enter the space vacated behind it. You find yourself in a new room where there are two buttons on the wall.

After exploring the branching corridors, you will find a deep puddle and three locked doors in one of the rooms. After experimenting with the buttons and running around thoroughly, you will understand that the left button opens the far left door, and the right button opens the middle and far right door at the same time, and all doors open only for a few seconds. The sequence of your actions is as follows: right button - enter the middle door, there click on all the buttons available to you; again the right button - enter the right door, there you also press the button; finally, the left button is the entrance to the left door. You jump up to the ceiling, cling and move on your hands to the niche with cartridges, an emerald and the first key of Solomon.

Return to the two buttons and go right - you will find yourself in the already familiar bluish hall, and from it go down into a tunnel room with stacks of boxes. After jumping on the boxes, you cling to the lattice ceiling and move towards the drill hole. There, after making one turn, jump onto the brown column and pick up Solomon's second key, lying just above the drilling rig.

Head towards the metro ticket office. In one of the booths, use the coin you found to buy a ticket and go to the left pair of escalators. Going down to the platform, kill the next subject and a couple of rats. At the end of the platform, littered with earth, find a window covered with blinds, shoot it again and go down through the opening to secret No. 2. Return to the platform and go to its end, which is closer to the bluish staircase. Run along the tunnel at speed again and, noticing the subject, shoot at him before he has time to hide in the passage on the right. Entering a small room, press the button, exit, go left, pick up the emerald there, exit again and move right past the room with the button - into the next passage, which begins with a small pool or pit with water. Behind the pit is a corridor with a door and a button that opens it.

In front of you is a small labyrinth with an abundance of buttons on the walls. The scheme for pressing them is as follows. Imagine that you have just entered this room and are standing with your back to a pit of water. Go forward to the end, left and straight - press the button (let's call it No. 1). Return to your previous place and now go to the newly opened first door to the left, where you press the button located directly opposite you (No. 2). The effect of these maneuvers has already had an effect, but you do not feel it yet and, having returned to the starting point again, go through the first opening to the right - again to the right - to the button (No. 3). Now again go to button No. 2, but before reaching it, turn left and take the first aid kit in the opened niche. Again you go to button number 3, press it again, it restores the original red color, after which you return to the starting point again. Now you move like this: the second turn to the right - left - left - right, and now you find yourself in front of the entrance to a corridor hung with paintings. It leads to the Masonic room. This is exactly where you need to go.

An interesting room, but there are hatches with sharp stakes in the floor, so move carefully. Pick up the emerald, and opposite it on the floor - the MP-5 rifle. Go again to where you took the emerald, turn right - forward - to the yellow curtain. To her left is a purple curtain, but under her feet there is something very dubious. Taking risks, stand on a treacherous slab and... stay alive. You turn to face the purple curtain and, pulling yourself up, seem to walk behind it into the wall. There lies a patterned six-pointed star. Go back out and move left along the perimeter, then right - towards the exit. On the columns to your right there will be two golden keyholes, just for your Solomonic keys. Go into the room that opens, keeping in mind that the entrance to it is also blocked by stakes. There, take the Masonic hammer. Find the second room that opens (it will be to the right of the entrance) and go into it, killing the dog along the way and picking up the first aid kit. Jump into the well of water and swim.

Swimming to the surface, you find yourself in a new well. Having pulled yourself up onto one of the pedestals, you notice an inclined cut on the other wall, jump, cling to its edge with your hands, pull yourself up and on your knees move to the right until it stops, climb down again and, turning around, climb onto a new pedestal. From it you jump to a small hole opposite, crawl along it to the turnstile. Having finished with the rats, use your ticket, the turnstile doors swing open and you enter the metro hall.

After killing another thug, pick up a first aid kit, pass the second row of turnstiles, go to the door, use a star on it, enter and kill the next subject. Nearby you will find secret number 3 - emerald. You repeat the already familiar route with the bollards and the cut in the wall and again go to the turnstile, opened by a ticket, go further, go down the yellow escalator, use the Masonic hammer on the closed door and press the next button. In the niche at the top you find secret number 4 - this is a rocket. Leave the room, turn left and jump down. Move forward a little and kill another guy, continue moving past him, go down into the triangular opening in the floor, jump over it and go further down the stairs. On the way, kill the dog and go out onto the platform, where there is a carriage on the right side of the tracks. You climb onto its roof and pick up the candles. Once again on the platform, you deal with the guard at the fire, go deeper into the dark part of the tunnel, find a pit with cartridges and secret No. 4.

You return to the mentioned triangular hole in the floor, crawl forward on your knees and, jumping into the open hatch, climb into the carriage. You press the button on the wall, go down the hatch to your left, move on your knees and soon find yourself in a wide illuminated tunnel. The first passage to the right contains a first aid kit and an exit from this level of the game, but you are in no hurry to use it, remembering secret No. 5, and therefore return to the tunnel and go in the same direction. A guy with a torch in his hand runs out of the second passage on the right - not being used to shooting in the back, you just chase the guy, but he runs away without a trace, but then two thugs rush towards you at once. You have to deal with them harshly and go back to where they came from. Directly ahead of you will be another exit from the level, but you again ignore it and go deeper into the room to the right and press the two wall buttons. Now your path is to the previously visited room with boxes, located in the subway tunnel to the right of the tracks.

You can get there by returning to the triangular gap in the floor, from there to the passage over the tracks from where the thug recently attacked you, and down into the pit with the rails, and then to the desired room. You follow a familiar route through a hatch in the ceiling into a bluish-greenish room, and this time to your right there will be an open door to a green corridor, and behind it is the last secret No. 5 and several very valuable items. After shooting another type, you pick up objects. Now you can go to the exit from the level with a calm heart. This path is quite long, but in principle you know it. We chose to go from the bluish hall to the very two buttons that opened the three doors, pressed the left button, hurried through the left door, dived and swam into a small underwater tunnel that led us to the ticket office. Well, then everything is simple.




Cling to or get off a scooter - like the motorcycle described above;

Arrows+ key Alt- direction of movement (as in normal swimming underwater);

Ctrl- shooting with harpoons (their number is indicated in the upper right corner of the screen).

To simplify perception, all instructions regarding the direction of your (or, more precisely, Lara’s) movement are given in relation to the monitor screen, i.e. “left” means to the left side of the screen, “right” means to the right.

Before starting promotion, let us remind you that the so-called. The immortals whom you previously mistook for bandits are partly your allies and do not touch you until you are the first (or rather, the first) to disturb them (similar to the monks in Tomb Raider II).

So, start the level by calmly walking past one of the gloomy, but not dangerous subjects, and you will soon find yourself in a room with two pools. Go around them to the left and enter the left passage. Slide down. Turn left and go into the passage, carefully go down. As you approach the edge, you will see that there is barbed wire below. Move to the right, reach the wall, carefully go down, turn around, grab the split in the wall and move all the way to the right. Pull yourself up, crawl a little to the right - and you are at secret No. 1 (first aid kit and candles). Look for a way out here - jump up, grab the edge of the hole in the ceiling, jump into the opening, pull yourself up.

Go back - you will see a button on the wall, click on it, climb onto the stone pedestal and climb the wall grate. Rise a little, do a somersault back, take the first aid kit from the wooden platform and jump onto the grate again. Move to the left and climb up. Having caught up with the brownish plates, make a somersault back with a turn,

1 2 3 All


Name in Russia:


Crystal Dynamics


Square Enix Europe

Publisher in Russia:

1C - Soft-Club

Release date:

Release date in Russia:

Action/Arcade, Quest/Adventure

“One famous traveler said: “It’s not us that are exceptional, but what we do.” I went in search of myself and adventure. But adventure found me. In the most difficult moments, when life flashes before our eyes, we find what we need. supports. What gives us strength." - Lara Croft.

Strength of will.

After the introductory video, we find ourselves in a cave, suspended upside down, and even tightly tied. We swing from side to side and thereby set fire to a nearby bag, from which a human skeleton subsequently falls out. We continue to swing to set ourselves on fire. The fall left another wound on Lara's body. We go forward, take the torch from the wall and set fire to the fabric in front. To do this, hold down the corresponding button. When passing through water, the torch will go out, but it can be rekindled if you approach the source of the fire. We activate the “Survival Instinct”, which will allow you to see important illuminated objects. We light the torch, climb up and set fire to the fabric. She, in turn, will set the barrel on fire. After the explosion we will be able to move on. An unknown person will grab us, quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We swim through the water and pass through the stream on the right. We light a torch and set fire to two sticks wrapped in cloth. We go up and jump onto the raised platform. The iron cage will be filled with boxes, let's go up to it, set it on fire and push it. We leave the cave, but just before the exit we fall down.

We continue to run, jumping over the resulting chasms as we go. The unknown person will try to grab us again. Quickly and often press the movement buttons, and then the button shown on the screen. We run along the wall, alternately pressing the corresponding buttons. Occasionally we dodge to the side from the cobblestones flying from above.

Signs of life.

Having got out, we walk along the path. We notice a boat near the shore; there are probably survivors. We walk along the log, maintaining balance. We jump over a small gap. We get to the crashed plane. We climb up it. If Lara is not quite successful in getting caught, then you need to have time to press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We move to the right and continue to climb. We jump over small obstacles by holding the movement button + pressing the jump button. To climb the wall, double-click the jump button. We jump down and examine the backpack. We get new equipment - a walkie-talkie.

Let's go up and try to grab onto the edge, but we'll fall down. Let's go forward and set up camp under the rock.

Woman in the wild.

Morning has come. After a cold night, it's time to think about food. We walk along the path and find a body hanging from a tree. We jump onto the stone structure, and from it - to the right. Along the branch we get to the body. We lunge forward when it dodges in our direction. Let's collect more arrows, find the deer and kill it from a distance. We skin the carcass and then return to camp. We interact with the fire to distribute skill points. Select one of the abilities from the lists presented. For example, "Stead Hand" - allows you to hold the bow at full tension twice as long. Conrad Rott contacts us via radio. We inform him of our location, and also find out about the other survivors.

Move forward.

Let's walk along the path and enter the opened structure. We grab the torch and go down. We move along the water and get out on the other side. We set fire to the fabric on the left and go into the room. We select a pickaxe from the table and use it to break through the door. This is done like this: press the corresponding button and quickly and often press the same button until the scale is full. We open the next door and move along the water. Finding ourselves at a dead end, we jump onto the stairs and climb up.

We follow the path and meet Sammy. We also meet Matthias. Lara quickly falls asleep listening to a fascinating story, after such and such adventures! When we wake up, we find neither Sammy nor Matthias. If we get carried away by searching for them, we will fall into a trap. Meanwhile, a pack of wolves is actively approaching us. Keep your bow ready and shoot at the enemies as soon as they attack. In slow motion, it will not be difficult to take good aim and draw the bow properly. After killing a couple, allies will appear and help you free yourself.

After resting by the fire, we’ll catch up with Whitman. Along the way we encounter wolves. This time they won't move in slow motion, so you'll have to aim quickly and draw your arrow in advance before they attack. We also use dodges to the side. We go up to the gate, but we won’t be able to open it.

At a dead end.

We find five boxes and break them. This is how we obtain spare parts. To make the search process easier, we use the “Survival Instinct”. Next to the gate there is a fire in which we can modify the pickaxe. Now we can open larger boxes and get more spare parts. We open the gate by quickly and often pressing the corresponding button.

Meeting in the mountains.

We follow Whitman and find a statue of Pimiko. We are attacked by unknown people. Whitman laid down his arms and so we were immediately captured. We meet with allies; after a short resistance, some manage to escape. We move slowly behind the stone shelter. We go up the path to the next shelter. We wait a little and go a little to the left. Enemies are coming towards us, so we move to the right side. We wait and rise higher. There are enemies on the left, we are hiding in a narrow passage right in front of us. The bandit will detect us, we resist him by pressing the appropriate button in time. Then quickly and often press the left-right movement buttons. We point the gun at the enemy's head and fire a shot.

We take the bow that belongs to us and move along the path. We go up, the enemy hits us with an arrow. We select cartridges for the pistol and, in slow motion, deal with two bandits at once. We search the corpses for spare parts. We enter the building, and the enemies immediately set it on fire. Press the button shown on the screen several times to knock out the wooden boards. Having got out, we go to the right and jump over the abyss. We pass forward and see the enemy located at the top position. We kill him silently, preferably aiming at the head. We climb up the wall and jump over a small springboard onto the fortification. We move to the right, climb up. We kill two and a third, going down the rope ladder. We search the corpses and climb up.

We pass forward, go up and cross the bridge. We hide behind cover and shoot at the wall to the right of the enemy. He gets distracted, let's kill the first one and finish off the second one, who was distracted. Let's go upstairs, and, climbing the wall, we will penetrate the building. We shoot at the lamp to start a fire. A passage has opened, let's slowly move forward and silently destroy the enemy. As soon as the button symbol appears above his head, click on it and quickly and often press another button to knock out the enemy. We try to act silently for as long as possible, since in open battle the enemies offer strong resistance. We go up and slide down the rope. We pass forward to a narrow passage. We climb up by pressing the forward button.

We meet with Rott, who has just fought off the wolves. He reports about the backpack that was carried away by the wolves. It contained everything that would help to survive.

For help.

After resting by the fire, we go in search of a backpack. We pass forward, jump onto the hill and from it onto the roof of the building. We jump over to the next building and climb to the very top. Let's get out to the other side and walk through the wreckage of the plane. Let's rise higher, move along the central part of the plane and jump onto the ledge. We climb up and go into the cave. We take everything we need and get out of the cave. In the dark we encounter a wolf and deal with it in QTE mode. We get to the camp and heal Rott.

Rott will not be able to climb the radio tower and send a signal. This job goes to us. But before we head to the top point, we’ll test our climbing equipment. We highlight areas with the help of “Survival Instinct”, along which you can climb up (corrugated surfaces). Press the corresponding button in front of the uneven wall. We go up, move to the right and go up again. We walk along the wing and jump higher. We continue to climb the wall, jump over to the neighboring rock and do not forget to press the corresponding button to cling to it. In front of the bridge we notice symbols on the wall. They mean that there is a tomb nearby. Let's go down to the water and go right. We cling to the wall and climb up. We get to the tomb, pass through the stream of water. Let's move to the left and jump over to the other side. We light the torch and jump onto the central structure. We set fire to all the bags, climb up and push the cage down. We jump onto the central structure, climb onto it and jump over to the wall on the right, clinging to it. We open the golden chest and get out of the cave.

Having passed along the bridge, we climb up the wall on the right. Then we jump over the gap to the wall and cling to it. We destroy two bandits on the left and one on the right. Let's move to the left and climb up along the wooden structure. The cart on the left will serve as a springboard for jumping onto the wall. Having climbed, we jump over to the rock in front. We cross the bridge, which will begin to collapse. In slow motion, we make a jump and cling to the wall. Let's go forward and go down the cable. While behind cover, we shoot the enemies. If necessary, we retreat behind cover behind us. We get to the next fire.

We head towards the base, kill the first enemy by sneaking up from behind. The spotlight will move counterclockwise. Even if corpses fall under it, the enemies will not suspect anything. Let's move to the right and kill the second one. Let's move to the left and kill the third one. We go into the building, neutralize the fourth and go upstairs. There are two more in place of the spotlight. We go along the corridor, on the right there will be a passage to the neighboring building. Let's destroy the enemies, jump over to the other side and climb up the wall opposite. We go down the rope. We walk through the water and rise higher. We unscrew the valve and stop the supply of poisonous gas. Through the opening in the wall, we will go into the next room. We kill several enemies in the corridor. Having broken through the ventilation grill towards us, the enemy will rush towards us. We can shoot him in the leg and thereby slow him down.

We jump over the opening in the wall into the next room. We do this again and turn the valve. We return to the previous room and throw one of the lamps into the room with the valve. After the explosion, we go forward and select an automatic rifle. The enemies blind us, we shoot them in slow motion. Let's go into the corridor, break through the door and find ourselves in the radiation room. The remote control is broken, so we will need an engineering remote control, which is located at the very top of the radio tower. Let's go through the crack in the wall and get out. We jump down and cross the bridge on the right side. The enemy will grab us, quickly press the corresponding buttons. We move forward, shooting enemies. We climb onto the roof of the building in front of us on the left side. We shoot at the barrel on the opposite building and destroy several enemies at once. We slide down the rope and get over to the other side. A bandit with a shield comes out of the building. We come closer to him and sharply dodge by pressing the corresponding button. Immediately after this, we shoot him before he hides behind the shield again.

We go inside and go up to the roof. We move along the cable to the tower. We rise to the very top and interact with the remote control. Rotate the switch until we catch the desired signal. Press the button shown and rotate the adjacent switch to improve the signal. We wait a little and go on air. Rescue aircraft N177A contacted us. The search began immediately after the crash, however, no one knew where exactly to look for us. We go down the cable and move along the path. We go into the building on the right and select the flint from the shelf. Let's go back to the tanks and unscrew the valve. We light a torch and use it to ignite the fuel spilled on the ground. The plane noticed us and had already begun to fly in our direction, but unknown forces ignited it. A huge mass was rapidly approaching us. We slide down the slide, dodging various obstacles. Press the button and hold on to the ledge. We rise and jump over to the neighboring building.

Slippery slope.

One of the pilots managed to evacuate. We run forward, jump onto the flag and immediately further away from it. We rush forward along the lower or upper path. We won't have time to save the pilot, so we protect ourselves.

We jump over the abyss and contact Rott. We rise higher and higher, falling into a trap. We kill the enemies, then shoot at the fortification. Now we can release the rope along with the arrow. In this case, the “comet” clings only to the zones shrouded in rope. We destroy the building in front of us. Let's move to the next shelter and hook the arrow to the fortification above and to the left of the enemies. Let's pull up the box wrapped in rope. Let's jump on it and jump over to the building. Let's go forward, then turn right. We approach the edge and release the “comet” into the arch wrapped in rope. If there is a block nearby, we can form a rope bridge. Let's go to the other side, go forward and pull out the door on the right. We move along a narrow passage and meet with Rott.


The co-pilot survives and reports distress. We will not be able to contact him, but he will release signal smoke. Let's go lower and use the "comet" on the arch. Having slid down the rope, we find enemies. They will periodically separate, this is a great chance to kill them without being detected. Let's go further and go down the cable. We continue heading towards the signal. We form a rope bridge and cross to the other side. We climb the wall, but don’t climb all the way. We wait for the enemies to leave and create a rope bridge. Let's visit the tomb, where the wind blows from the window and the central mechanism raises the basket. First, let's close the windows and quickly run up to the central mechanism. We wait about three to four seconds and activate it. We quickly climb onto the platform, and from it onto the basket. If you time it correctly, the windows will open under the force of the wind and the basket will fly towards the wall. We need to have time to climb up this wall and grab onto the edge. We move to the left and get to the chest.

Having got out of the cave, we will release the “comet” to the central island. Let's go down the rope and create another rope bridge. And finally, the last one, which will lead directly to the signal. When we fall down, we press the button more often, which catches the climbing equipment in the uneven wall. Not finding the pilot, we move forward. We penetrate into the cave and emerge from the other side. We cross the bridge to the pilot, the bandits from above drop barrels and blow up the structure.

New troubles.

We swing left and right, quickly and often press the button shown and fall down. We pass through a narrow gap, get out and rise higher. We select a shotgun from which we shoot at the wooden barrier. We jump further, climb the wall and find ourselves in the tomb of Empress Pimiko. After looking around a little, enemies appear. We destroy them and stand away from the gate. We pull the suspended object near the gate and thereby swing it so that it breaks through the gate. We pass under the rubble and shoot through the obstacle on the right with a shotgun. We go outside, at the last moment we cling to the ledge and move forward. We jump up and enter the building through the gap in the wall on the left.

We destroy the enemies and go upstairs. We leave one of the windows open and stand opposite it. We grab the suspended load and pull it towards us. The wind flow will carry the load to weak fortifications and break them. We do the same with the second load, leaving the second window open. We kill the enemies that appear. One of them will be in heavy armor, so we shoot at his head. We open both windows, stand in front of the central window and pull the load. He will break through the fortification above the bell, and the bell, in turn, will break through the floor. We jump down, run forward, jumping over the abysses. At the last moment we jump onto the bridge made of boards. We roll down, shooting through obstacles with a shotgun.

Friend is known in trouble.

We get out, walk along the left side of the bridge. We release the “comet” to the other side and move there along the rope. We go up and cross the tree to the other side. When the bandits finish speaking, we will distract one of them by shooting to the side. We kill all three and go down. We move to the central island, enter the building and communicate with Sammy. We go left, jump over the abyss, and go down the cable. We press the appropriate button so as not to fall down. We are in no hurry to get up, as the enemy is heading towards us. When he leaves, climb up and shoot at the lamp near the fuel leak. Let's go along the right side if we don't want to catch the eyes of the enemies. We jump down and shoot at the barrels with a shotgun. We go down the slope and walk through the water. Still, the flow of water will knock us down, and we will fall down. We move from side to side, shooting at emerging obstacles. We manage to grab the backpack, after which we press different buttons and eventually open the parachute.

Open wounds.

While in flight, we maneuver between the trees. We land unsuccessfully, so we need a first aid kit. We go down to the very bottom, go forward and pass further through the gap on the right. We move along the water and get out on the other side. Let's kill the enemy on the roof, and only then the rest. Don't enter the white zone - it's a trap. We go forward and turn left. We follow the path to the plane, shooting enemies along the way. We throw the “comet” at the boards wrapped in rope. We get on board and take the lighter from the pilot.

Road to hell.

Having rested a little, we communicate with Rott. Soon the enemies will notice us, we shoot at them with a fiery arrow. We move to the right behind cover and continue to kill enemies. We shoot at barrels when absolutely necessary, for example, when many enemies have arrived.

We get to the gate at the other end and again fight against numerous bandits. Having dealt with everyone, we shoot a fiery arrow at the log shrouded in fabric on the gate. Then we rotate the mechanism on the left side. We pass forward, go down and move along the water. We meet with Grim and go up the stairs to him. However, we are unable to do this because enemies have appeared.


Having dealt with the bandits, we use a small springboard and grab onto the rope. We rise even higher along the next rope leading to the left side. Let's jump onto the box and from it onto the rope, along which we go down. We kill the enemies, go forward and climb the wall. We select the moment and jump over the abyss. We climb onto the box, which moves to the right. Having crossed to the other side, we jump down and destroy the enemies. The bandits grabbed Grim, but he resisted and fell down with one of them. We climb the rope, climb the stairs and jump onto the next rope. The enemy will cut it off, and we will have to cling to an uneven wall. Rott appears and helps fight off enemies.

We climb up the wall and go into the building. We move along a long, dilapidated bridge. Then we turn right and enter the building through the window. We jump up and climb the wall. We move forward and climb up the ledges. We move across the bridge at Rott's command. One of the bandits will grab us and we will fall down. Press the button to hold. We rush forward, jumping over chasms. At the end, we jump onto an uneven wall and cling to it. We go into the cave and swim through the water.

We don’t abandon our own.

We go forward and find a fraternity meeting. They captured Sammy and are trying to perform a liberation rite, since they believe that it is in her body that the Empress of the Sun is imprisoned. Lara gives herself away and is therefore captured and beaten. The set fire is extinguished by an unknown force. We are led to the throne room, along the way we resist and jump into the bloody river. We move forward, shoot a fiery arrow at the caustic green gas and quickly move on. After resting by the fire, we will go through the narrow passage. We observe the torn apart and go down the right side. We shoot a fiery arrow into the gas to drive away the cannibals. We turn the valve near the door, move away and shoot at the gas. We rise higher, do not hesitate and go behind the cover on the right side. If we don’t want to be discovered, then we’ll shoot out the light bulbs. We get to the closed door, turn around and go upstairs. We turn the valve and fire a shot at the gas. We go down and climb up the box.

Let's go forward, the bandits are communicating below. As soon as all three are in one place, we shoot at the gas. We jump over to the other side and climb up. We cling to an uneven wall. Let's move on and kill the enemy. Again, we shoot at the gas when the enemies gather more closely. Let's finish off the survivors and go up the stairs. We turn the valve and pull the object wrapped in rope. The cage will move closer to the door, now we shoot at the gas. We hastily leave this area and get out to our allies. They are locked in a cage, so we kill enemies and communicate with friends. We go forward, unscrew the valve and shoot at the gas. Now we go forward again and go upstairs. We jump onto the platform and further away from it. Two gas sources appeared to the left, we shoot at them. We move to the right, rise higher and right again. Press the button to grab onto it. Let's continue to move to the right and climb up. We jump forward and turn two valves. We shoot at gas sources. There are cages on the left, we move along them to the safe zone.

In the thick of it.

We run forward and rise higher and higher. We break through the door and follow the corridor. We get out onto the ledge through the broken wall on the left. We follow it to the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb, move to the left along the ledges and go up. Despite the explosions, we continue to move forward. We climb onto the roof, move along the edge and slide down the cable. Hiding behind cover, we destroy the enemies located on the neighboring building. We jump over to it and cling to the uneven wall. We meet Whitman in the corridor. We free Sammy and are ambushed in the throne room. It is best to immediately hide behind one of the columns, since in the center we are more vulnerable. Soon a large armored enemy will appear, we hit his head. We go to the far passage and follow the corridor, destroying enemies.

Having got out, we encounter a machine gunner. We move in a zigzag manner from side to side. We go up the stairs on the right and cling to the uneven wall. We slide down the rope and fall down during the fight. We select a grenade launcher and hit the enemy with a well-aimed shot. We shoot from a grenade launcher at the metal barrier on the doors. We move forward, dealing with opponents. We cling to the uneven wall and climb up. We move under the burning debris and destroy the wall with a grenade launcher. We go down the cable and shoot at the wall with a grenade launcher. We slowly move forward and kill many enemies. We encounter another machine gunner. We take cover exclusively behind metal boxes, since other shelters are unreliable. We climb along the ledges to the building on the left. Before we slide down the rope, let's kill the enemies at the other end. Having rolled down, we go into the room and through the window we shoot from a grenade launcher at the location of the machine gunner.

We go down the rope, climb up on the right side and slide down the rope again. We cling to an uneven wall. We enter the building, jump along the ledges, then cling to the uneven wall.

Get to the helicopter.

We slide down the cable and run across the collapsing bridge. Finding ourselves in a burning room, we climb up. We continue to follow forward and climb walls, boxes and ledges until we get out onto the roof and jump into the helicopter. We force the pilot to land.


We go deeper into the forest, where enemies roam with lanterns. If we are noticed, then numerous enemies will come running to us, including wolves. It's not so easy to spot us in the dark. We use the bow and destroy the bandits one by one. We go into the cave, move along the bridge and pull out the door with an arrow and a rope. In a room with wolves in cages, we climb higher. We grab the suspended body and pull it towards us. We jump onto the offset horizontal bar and go to the other side. We roll down, press the button so as not to fall down. We move on our hands and knees and get out. We roll down the cable on the left. We communicate with Alex, move on and go down even lower. We climb along the next cable. Then we jump onto one of the platforms and go down.

When the platform rises, we release an arrow with a rope onto the area wrapped in rope in the tower on the left. We roll down and go up the stairs on the opposite corner. Using the springboard, we jump onto the cable and go down it. While behind cover, we destroy the enemies. The machine gunner that appears will begin to destroy everything and everyone. We climb the ledges. We get to the other side and run forward. After the cut-scene, we begin our descent along the cables. While slowing down, press the button shown in the lower right corner. We also periodically shoot through obstacles. We walk through the water and along the path we get to the allies, who are unsuccessfully trying to start the boat.

Pirate's life.

Along the pier we get to the tower and climb up the stairs. We slide down the rope, jump onto the horizontal bar and from it we cling to the uneven wall. We move to the right and climb inside. We kill the enemies, go forward and go upstairs. We move along the ledges, moving to the right. We shoot through the fastening (similar to an anchor) and take away the rigging. We go down the collapsed mast, kill the enemies and slide down the cables. We deliver the rigging to Jonah. Meanwhile, Whitman came running to us. We receive a composite bow from Ion.


We activate the “Survival Instinct” to find out where to move next. Let's walk along the pier and release the "comet" into the uneven wall. That is, everything is as usual, before we could only attach rope to objects wrapped in rope, but now we can do this on uneven walls. We go to the other side and cling to the wall. We go up and jump on the horizontal bar. Let's go forward, climb higher and slide down the rope. Or we’ll just jump onto an uneven wall without climbing up. We move straight, climb higher along the springboard. We deal with the enemies when they finish. We go into the room on the right and climb up the stairs. We jump onto the ledge, move to the right and cling to the uneven wall.

Having gone up, we go down the cable. We kill the enemies, climb higher and cross the bridge. We jump further and release the “comet” into the uneven wall below on the right side. We move through the cave and get out on the other side. We release the “comet” into the uneven wall on the other side. We roll down, cling to the wall/fortifications and move to the right. Once in the bunker, we go through the gap in the wall. We neutralize the enemy by sneaking up from behind. We move to the other side and go up. Before climbing further, we clear the upper floor. We climb along the springboard to the central box, and from it even higher. We jump down to the fire and, approaching the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. And from the central island we will go down aboard the Endurance. We kill the bandits, leaving the strongest for last. We come closer to him and immediately dodge. The enemy's head will be exposed and we can shoot it. To defeat an enemy, you need to approach him and perform a finishing move by pressing the shown button several times in time. We get new equipment - zhumar, which allows you to attract heavy objects.

We pull up a heavy object wrapped in rope, which is suspended on the left side. We go down through the broken floor. Let's go forward and deal with the enemies when they finish. We go down the cable and get to Alex, the passage to which is blocked. There is a heavy coil on the ceiling. We pull it towards the door, then jump onto the stairs on the left side of the reel and thereby push it to the right (if you look towards the blocked passage). We pull the reel back, jump onto the ladder on the right side of the reel and now we can climb to the very top. We remove the pipe from the passage by pressing the corresponding button. We go down and return the coil to its original position. We pull it towards the passage, then pull it back. After talking with Alex, we leave the Endurance. To do this, jump onto the rope and hold down the button shown to move quickly.

We climb up the box, climb the rope to the island and from the island along the next rope. We pull down a heavy object. We jump down and return to our allies in familiar places, using numerous ropes.

Chasing the wind.

We activate the “Survival Instinct” and get to the lift. We pull out the door, and then interact with the mechanism. We climb up the ledges on the lift and cling to the uneven wall. Let's move to the left and go up. We approach the block, release the “comet” onto the uneven wall (the one to the left). We jump over uneven surfaces, moving to the right. We jump onto the wall, to the ledges and, moving to the left, onto the stairs. We attract the platform and climb onto it. We attract the second platform and also jump onto it. Let's jump over the ledges, go down and slide down the rope. We climb up the wall and move along the ledges to the right. Let's go up the stairs and jump over to the one next to the left. We deal with the enemies, in the left corner we cling to the pipe and move to the left. We jump over to the uneven wall and go up. We release the “comet” onto an uneven wall. We go down to it and move to the left. Having risen, we jump onto the stairs. We pull out the wall and go inside. We get out from the other side, run to the uneven wall and go down it into the water. We get to the next wall and climb up. We pass through the gap on the left and jump down.

We go forward and neutralize the enemies by sneaking up behind them. We jump into the water and rise from the other side.

We open the door through the control panel with a green light. We lower the lift using a similar panel. We climb onto the box on the right and pick out one of the four gears. We step onto the lift and through the open opening on the right, we get out to the cage. We open the door to move freely across the floors. The remaining three gears are disconnected as follows:

1) Let's go up to the third floor and call the elevator. We go down halfway and jump onto the upper platform. Through the opening we can disconnect the gear.

2) We immediately go up to the fourth floor and, if you look into the shaft, then below on the right side you can see an obstacle that can easily be shot through with a shotgun. We call the elevator to the fourth floor and jump onto the elevator itself. When it reaches the level of the opened passage, we jump over it onto the uneven wall and cling to it. We climb up, then move to the left. Jumping down, we disconnect the gear.

3) We immediately go down to the third floor, look up, climb up the stairs and disconnect the last gear.

We return to the second floor, jump down and move on. We kill the enemies, get to the remains of the commander and read his suicide note, from which a lot becomes clear. We hear the voices of enemies, go down and head to the exit. The explosion blocked the passage, so we rise higher and, being behind cover, destroy the enemies. When the stones fall from above, we will be able to climb up along the opened ledges. We roll down, in slow motion we jump onto the wall and cling to it. We go upstairs and get out. We go left and form a rope bridge. We kill two when they disperse. We follow the cables to the shore. We learn that Whitman took Sammy to Matthias.


We board the boat and go to the monastery. We climb up and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall to the right. We rise even higher and go forward. We watch Whitman trying to communicate with the storm guards. As soon as he uttered the word “empress” in Japanese, the guards immediately tore Whitman to pieces. Mathias and Sammy managed to move on. We approach the block on the right side and release the “comet” onto the uneven wall. We roll down to it, move to the right and go up. We climb the wall and enter the building.

We move along the corridor, letting the guards through. We set fire to the wreckage and move on. We encounter numerous enemies, so we move parallel to them, hiding behind cover. Having climbed the stairs, turn left and move to the other side. We jump onto the ledge and move further. We jump over to the central passage and one of the guards notices us. We manage to hide, run further and further, and slide down. We move forward, destroying enemies. We open the door and notice Sammy and Matthias in the distance. We climb up on the left side. Let's roll down, get out and go to the bridge.

We encounter numerous guards. Most of them operate in hand-to-hand combat, so we are in no hurry to run forward. Having dealt with everyone, let's move on. The column will collapse, we will not cross it to the other side. We try to hit the barrels at the upper levels and thereby kill dangerous archers. We pull out the gate and head to the bridge, where we meet a large enemy. We won’t have to fight him; we’ll wait out the storm and enter the building. Don't forget to collect ammo before moving on. We open the door and immediately go to the mechanism on the right side. By interacting with him, we open the floor door. We go to the other side and interact with the second mechanism. We stand opposite the closed gate and swing the cage, releasing a “comet” into it. A passage appeared above the gate. Now close the floor door and lower the cage (in that order!). We climb to the highest point. To do this, go to the left side and jump up along the springboard. We stand opposite the gate, pull the cage and jump onto it. As soon as the cell collides with the wall, we make a double jump.

Having found out a few more details, we go along the left passage. We reach the “point of no return”, after which a quick transition is impossible. We get out and cross the bridge. After talking with Matthias, we go to the left and release the “comet” into the uneven wall. We climb the rope, jump over to the wall on the right and go up. We pass further and climb along the wall on the right. We move to the left and go up. We stand on the left side of the gate and pull the bell. We pass forward and climb on the left side. We release the “comet” into the bell and climb the rope. We pass along the block and jump to the left. After talking with an ally, we move on. We jump over the abyss and cling to the wall. We move to the right, climb to the very top along it and make a double jump up to grab onto the ledge. We continue to climb up. We go to the left, watch the collapse and release the “comet” into the opened uneven wall. We move to it, move to the left and jump over to the adjacent wall. We loosen our grip and go down to the lower wall. We move along it to the right and go up. We go forward and jump onto the wooden windows. Having risen, we move to the right window and cling to the uneven wall. We climb to the very top and watch the ritual. We go around on the right side, dealing with enemies. We encounter a large guard. Conventionally, the battle will take place in several stages. We run up to the enemy and dodge. We quickly shoot his naked back. We perform this action until the enemy is weakened. A button symbol will appear above his head, we approach and carry out the finishing move in QTE mode. In the second stage, the enemy is more mobile, but still, we run behind his back and shoot him. At the third stage, we shoot in the head of the guard. We carry out the final finishing move and go to the center to Sammy. Matthias will knock down our bow. We shoot at him, strike him in close combat. Quickly and often press the button shown to throw the enemy off of you. We take out both pistols and shoot Matthias. Let's watch the final video.

We find ourselves in the main menu and start the game. Let's watch the video. We find ourselves tied upside down. We start to swing. We reach for the fire, the rope catches fire and we fall down. Then we get up and wander forward. We take a torch and set fire to the barrels blocking our path. Next we climb through the crevice and the torch goes out.

We light it from the fire source, and then on the left we set fire to the rag and move away, the rag will ignite and the fire will reach the barrel. Explosion!

We crawl further into the passage, but the reptile attacks us. Quickly pull the stick left and right to unhook from the enemy. Then we crawl forward into the narrow opening. Next we go to the crashed plane. There will be a fire source here, light a torch there and then light two sticks which will burn and a cage will rise, then you can follow the path to the left and jump onto the cage that has broken bars, this will raise an obstacle in the way. Then we run to the cage nearby and push it, as a result the barrels will fall and the barrier will explode. Next, we run along the flow of water and slide down and begin to run quickly.

On the way we will be attacked. Quickly pull the stick again and press the indicated key, continue to run forward. Then quickly press the indicated keys one by one to crawl up. Rocks will fall on us in slow-mo, so quickly press the indicated key to dodge. We are finally getting out to freedom.

Then we run to the left, along the rock and reach the gorge. Now, balancing, we walk along the block of wood to reach the other end of the rock. Next, we jump near a small waterfall and continue to run forward. Let's find an old plane from World War II. We jump and cling to the cabin and begin to climb up the hull, pay attention to the frame, we will climb along it, then we move to the right wing and go to the right, to the indicated path. The plane will fall down.

Further along the narrow path we go further, climb up and jump off. Here we will find supplies. Then we run forward, jump to catch the edge of the cliff, but we will fall down. Let's move forward again. Next is a video on the game engine. Next, let's look at the recording and continue on our way. You will reach a hanged corpse. Climb onto the house, then jump onto the branch and go to the corpse, reach it and fall with it. We get a bow and arrows.


Then find a deer nearby and kill one. Sorry, little deer, but it’s necessary. We return with the meat to the fire and cook it. Next, the walkie-talkie will start talking. Next we run to the house where we found the onion. We go inside and find a torch with fire. Let's jump into the cave here. Then we wander forward, pass through the iron bars and move on, forward. We reach a strange room and look around. Here you can find a homemade ax. Next, we open the doors and go further, the doors are opened with the found ax.

Then we go forward, we reach a dead end and here we climb the stairs to the top. We go out into the jungle. We meet our friends. Alas, then we fall into a trap. Everything before was a dream. Now we are preparing to defend ourselves with a bow. In slow-mo, wolves will jump out at us. One arrow is enough for everyone. Next is the video.

Tomb Raider (2013) (walkthrough) by TheNeoZar

A Survival Is Born

Watch the video for the walkthrough:

Wolves At The Door

We climb up the stairs. Next we run forward along the stairs. Light the torch along the way. Then it's better to quit. There will be two guards ahead. We kill both of them with a bow. Don't forget to pick up supplies. Then we climb inside the building. There are supplies here. Then we shoot at the lamp and it will break, the fire will light up and we will clear our way.

Let's go ahead. There will be a guard with a flashlight. We kill him silently, then the second one as well. We pass further to the bridge. At the other end we kill the guards. Keep in mind, there are guys here with incendiary mixtures. Next, we go further and jump onto the rope, along which we go lower, then we run forward and pass into a narrow crevice, so we begin to climb up in it, sticking to its edges.


We climb up and there's a video. Next we go to the large house ahead. We jump onto the roof of the house, then onto a hanging barrel wrapped in thread and to the other end of the house. We pass further and reach the second box. We jump onto it and then jump onto the balcony on the left, then climb up, then onto the broken body of the plane. We run and jump into the tail of the plane, go through its body, jump onto its top and run to the edge of the cliff, the plane's body will tilt, so jump. Then we run up and enter the cave. Light a torch before entering.

Then a wolf will attack us and we will have to fight it off by pressing the indicated keys. Next we crawl inside the cave. We get out and run along the wing of the plane. Then we easily jump down and run to the fire. Next is the video.

We run to the rock, which we can now climb with the help of a rock climber.


We climb up and run to the right, climb up the rock again, and then climb up the rock again. We cross the bridge and climb the rock again, to the right of the bridge. Then we figure it out and jump onto the rock and go up again. There will be enemies here. We kill them with a bow.

Then we run to the waterfall, jump onto the beam to the right of it and onto the ledge on the right. Here you can set fire to the rope and free up your supplies. Then from here we jump onto the illuminated rock (you need to press the key to indicate the path) and jump onto it and climb up. Then we quickly run forward, otherwise the bridge will collapse. Let's jump into slow-mo. We go down the rope and kill the enemies. Next we go into the cave, then pass through a narrow gorge and move on. A video awaits us. Lara starts watching the camera.

Let's move forward carefully. Hide near the truck and use your bow to break the light source. Next, kill the enemies. We search them and go into the building.


There will also be enemies inside. You can kill them silently. We go up to the second floor. Here we also take out a couple of assholes. Then we jump over to the other end, pick up the arrows from the searchlight and climb up here. Then we go down the rope into a small ruined building.

We go up the stairs and turn the valve on the left near the wall. Then we make our way into the rift directly to the left and come out of the other one. A couple of guards are waiting for us ahead. We kill both. We rise higher and kill one silently. Next, we go to the ruins that block the path, climb into the hole on the left and jump down. Then we jump onto the green box, and from it we jump into the hole again. We turn the valve again and then the roller. We quickly jump onto the green box again and jump back into the hole before we are killed. We take the lamp and throw it into the hole, an explosion will occur and we will be able to make our way further.

Diary of a Madman

Further on the way we will come across a machine gun. We run forward until slow-mo starts and we need to quickly kill a couple of enemies and then shoot the rest. Don't skimp on the machine gun. Next, we search the enemies and run to the open door. An enemy will appear on the way again - kill him. We run further, open the door and we have a cutscene.


Then we run to the crack in the wall and climb into it. Then we crawl forward between the walls. At the end of the path, we knock out the grate and get out. We jump down to the right. We run across the bridge. On the right we pass along a thin beam and move on. There will be an enemy on the way. Will try to throw us off. We quickly move the stick to get rid of the reptile. Further on the way there are several enemies that we kill.

The Broadcast Tower

Here we will meet the boss. A huge man, with a sword in his hands, hiding behind a shield. It's easy to kill him. We don’t get close, we run at a distance, and at the moment when he swings, we open part of our body, which allows us to easily shoot at him. A couple of shots in his back and side and we won.

Next, we go into the building, search all the corners if you want to learn more about the world of the game. Next we run to the rope and crawl along it to the tower. Then we go up the stairs. Then we rise even higher. Then even higher.


Next is the video. Now we need to configure the tower to a specific frequency. Move the left slider until you can hear the voice over the static, then move the left slider until the voice becomes clearer and clearer. Then the video again.

Now we go down from the tower using a rope. We run forward to the gate. Here we turn the valve and spill oil and set it on fire. We retreat and shoot at her. SUDDENLY! The plane begins to fall and we will have to slide down, dodging the debris, and at the end we still grab the ledge so as not to fall and quickly jump onto the adjacent bridge.

Next, we jump through the usual boxes into houses that will immediately fall apart after us. We act quickly, otherwise we will die. Next is the video. Now you need to kill the idiot with a shield in his hands and a sword. Then we jump to the other end of the ledge and run further.

A Road Less Traveled

We run forward, pass through the cave, and then we will be caught and we will hang upside down. You will have to kill enemies around you in an awkward position. Then we shoot the castle to fall to the ground. Then we shoot arrows with rope at the ends at the pillars near the huts, which are also wrapped in ropes.


We pull on ourselves and the huts will collapse. Then we simply finish off the stunned victims. Next you will have to use a bow with a rope everywhere. We use it to pull the box towards us and jump onto it, then we run further. We reach the pillar. We shoot the rope in the roof above on the left, and tie the rope to the post and climb along it to the balcony. Then we jump down and run further.

Next, we run again to the post and again shoot their bows at the ropes, tie them up and go down quickly. We run further forward, then go down the rope. We need to get to the blue haze to help the surviving pilot. After we go down, we go to the left, here we again use a bow with a rope, which we tie to a post and climb up.

Then we climb up the rock and kill the enemies. After which we go forward, exit at the top of the temple and run to the right towards the blue smoke.

We use the bow again with the pillar and rope to get to the indicated point. Get used to it, because for some time we will be moving around like this all the time. Next, we jump onto the small central island, and from it we jump ourselves onto the island, which is just below. There is a pillar from which we shoot an arrow to the opposite pillar and move. Then we climb up the wooden wall.


Then we move away from the pillar again. Unfortunately, strong winds will disturb us. Moreover, we will have to crawl faster, since the pillar will break out of the ground and while falling we will have to press the indicated key to grab the ledge and rise up. We're almost there. Let's run forward. We enter the cave. We wander around it, it’s difficult to get lost until we enter the ancient temple.

Next we go to the ancient temple. We run across the bridge, but our efforts were in vain. They are setting a trap for us. We find ourselves among a heap of hanged corpses. We swing and break the rope. We fall to the floor. We run through the gap and now we can meet a samurai with whom we will someday have to fight.

Next we pass through a pile of corpses and fall onto the street. There is a strong wind here. Let's run upstairs. We take the shotgun from the corpse and use it to clear our way. We run and jump into the hole. We end up in the grave. Next is the video.

A Friend In Need

Here we are attacked. Let’s not be timid, take a shotgun and shoot at the reptiles. Then, using a bow, we swing the head of cabbage so that it breaks the path for us further. Then we run forward. Then we go out into a strong wind and almost fall off. Then we crawl along the very edge of the temple.


Then, having reached the edge, we jump onto the wooden bridge and quickly run forward, climbing up again. We get into the building. Here we kill enemies.

Then we climb up. Along the spiral staircase, on the second floor, we swing the head of cabbage so that it hits the bell. But one rope is not enough. You need to open the curtains on both sides by turning the valve. Let's let a strong wind into the building. And now we rock the cabbage so that it hits the bell.

Now we need to break the beams to the left and right of the bell. To break the right beam, close the curtain that is to your right (provided that you are facing the bell and your back to the curtains), then the wind will blow towards the right beam from the left window, then we do the same to break the beam on the left. Then we open both curtains again and swing the bell towards the bell. We will fall down and will have to quickly run forward, jumping in time.

We jump at the end of the path onto a wooden bridge and fall down. While we are falling, we shoot at the obstacle on the way with a shotgun and, as a result, fall into the water. Next is the video. Then we start getting out of here. We run into the cave, pass through the gorge and come out to the hut.

Most Brutal Death

On the left we use a pillar and a bow with a rope to move to the other end of the bank. Then we run upstairs. Then we jump closer to the enemies below. Then we shoot the reptiles with a bow. We kill them and jump down. Then we again use the pillar and bow with a rope to go to the temple, shoot the boards inside with a shotgun and go inside.


Here's a short video.

After the video, we run forward, again shoot with a bow at the beam with a rope and go down.


There will be enemies down here. We kill them. Next, we take kerosene and throw it into the puddle of gasoline to cause an explosion and move on. There will be enemies on the way. We kill them. Then, balancing on a wooden block, we move to the other end of the cliff and go forward. There will be enemies on the way again.

While sliding along the river, we encounter a strong current and fall down. Again we begin to slide down and dodge so as not to run into something hard. You will also have to shoot obstacles on the way. We fall into the cockpit of the plane (and why are there so many of them here). While falling, we press the indicated keys to open the parachute, and then we fly, enjoying the weather and the view, flying past the tops of dangerous trees and landing unsuccessfully and painfully.

We run to the gate. Next, enemies appear in front of us. Shoot the barrels to blow them up. There will be a lot of enemies here, so pick up a shotgun or machine gun. Next we run to the gate, try to twist the hatch, but it won’t budge. There is a stick with a rag on the gate, shoot it with a fire arrow and it will burn, then turn the valve and the gate will open.


Run into the building whose entrance is not far from the swamp. We go through this tunnel and come out at the other end. There will be enemies around and above. Then the alarm will most likely go off and we will have to defend ourselves. Enemies will start coming in from everywhere. We defend ourselves for two minutes, then search the corpses and go to the other edge along the rope of enemies, then crawl along the rope again and jump onto the hanging box, and from it we jump onto the roof a little to the left towards the sign. Let's climb up.

We shoot the enemies at the ends of different platforms with a bow, then use a rope to go to them ourselves. We head towards the mill. We wait for the blade to move away from the entrance and jump to the mill. Here we kill enemies. Now we jump onto the box that is being moved by the crane and on it we reach another point.

We reach the end of the path, jump down and kill the enemies here. More guests will come to us and we will kill them too, yes. Next is the video. After it, with the help of ropes, we reach the neighboring platform where the enemies were, then we climb up the stairs. There will be three pillars at the top. Use the target designator to find the desired pillar and follow it upward, followed by a small scene.

Next is the video and we continue our journey. We climb up and run into a strange building. There's a fire here. Then we run to the bridge and jump over the crevice, then we go to the house and to the right of it there will be a hole into which we can climb. Inside we also go up, where we jump over the crevice, then jump onto the pieces of wood nailed to the net, then crawl forward under the bridge.


When he asks to stop, we stop. We reach an empty corner and here is another small quick time event, after which we quickly run along the roofs of small houses, as everything begins to collapse.

We enter the cave. Let's swim forward here. We wander forward in the cave. Then the video.

No One Left Behind

We go forward through the cave, if you see a stream of gas somewhere, then shoot at it with a fire arrow. Then we go further forward and approach the hole. Then on the right we go down. At the door you will find a valve that needs to be turned. Gas will also come out of it, then we go through the tunnel to the left. The path we need will have a stream of gas, which must be shot with a fiery arrow so that an explosion occurs and a passage opens.


There is a stream of gas next to her. Shoot a stream of fire arrows and an explosion will occur. The cage will fly off to the wooden corner and we can go up and move on.

Below we kill two enemies by hitting the gas stream with a fiery arrow. Then we jump onto the rock and climb up along it.

Next, we kill the enemies. There will be a wooden beam with a rope wrapped around it. We shoot at him with a bow and a rope and pull him towards us, then we shoot at the stream of gas nearby with a fiery arrow and provoke a lot of explosions and begin to run forward. We slide down, there is only gas. We quickly run forward and climb up, and then we kill the enemies. Then the video. Now find the valve, twist it and you will release the gas, then shoot it with a bow and release the platform with the old rocket.


We go up, jump onto the platform, then onto the trailer in which our friends are, then we shoot at the stream and almost fall down. Next, we crawl to the right, climb up, right again, almost fall, press the indicated key so as not to fall and move to the other side of the trailer and jump onto the rock, where we unscrew the two valves, and then shoot at them with a fiery arrow.

We save our friends, now we ourselves jump onto the cage, then another one and onto the ledge. Then we start running away. We get out of the cave, then jump out of the building and jump onto the roof and run along it, then jump onto the wall, and from it onto the windows on the left, then up. Everything around is on fire, the volcano is waking up.

Then we climb onto the roof and from it we jump onto the rope and quickly descend. Then we jump onto the roof nearby and run further. A video awaits us.

After the video, we begin to kill enemies indoors. There will be many of them. Then we run away into the opened passage. Enemies will appear on the way again. Then we go outside. Here we are confronted by a machine gunner. We break through to it, hiding behind pillars, but we cannot withstand the hail of bullets.

We run to the wall of the house on the left and climb up along it. There will immediately be a rope and along it we go down to our enemy and kill him in slow-mo.


Then we jump onto the roof of the building and go to the second floor. Then we go outside and there’s a video. Again the machine gunner is against us. Try to destroy the spotlight. Then we climb to the left onto the ledge and quickly move along the rope to the right. We're hiding inside here. There is a small window from which you can hit the machine gun with a grenade launcher. Next is the video.

We select the cartridges, then climb up, and then go down the rope and climb up the wall to the hole. Here we quickly jump onto the shelf, and from it to another and climb to the right along the wall and go out onto the roof, otherwise everything will explode. Then we slide down the rope to the bridge.

Now we quickly run forward along the bridge and jump. One bastard will grab onto us, press the indicated keys to throw him off. Then we continue to run across the bridge and as quickly as possible we end up in a building, where we immediately climb up. Here we find a broken ladder and jump up from it, then jump onto the wall and climb up it.
Then we go forward along the small beam, jump onto the box and from it we jump into another building, then we climb onto the wall, which breaks little by little and go to the right and go up again, here is a video.


Then we jump into the helicopter from the roof of the house. Then a video in which Lara... (you also wish her death, admit it?)

The Fast Way Down

We wander through the forest.


Use the locator to know where to run, but it won't give you anything. Run to the gate, run forward a little and you will meet three enemies with a flashlight, kill them. Then use the target designator and the rock will be highlighted for you. Jump on it and climb up. There will be a pillar with a rope, attach yourself and slide down.

Next, we again kill the enemies who are prowling with flashlights. We break through to the house. You can find some supplies inside it. Use the target designator to know where to run. We run to the indicated door, then use the rope to shoot at the door and pull it towards us. We go inside.

Inside, we swing the corpse with a bow, and he will turn the stick for us, then we climb up and jump onto it. In the second case, you will have to swing the corpse twice and also move to the other side. Here we enter the gorge. We wander through the cave and get out into the jungle. We go down from the cliff using a rope. Then we go down the rope again to familiar places. Then we move along the rope from one tower to another and jump into the cradle, which goes down.


We run along the beach, run to a pillar and from it we shoot with a bow and a rope at a small square wooden block, there will be a small open corner on it where you can shoot. We climb onto it, then jump onto the stick from it onto the wooden ball and get to the platform from which we jump onto the hanging box.

Then we walk, balancing, along the beam and jump onto the box, and from it onto the rope and slide down.


Here we overhear a conversation between two people about the Russians. There will be a broken bridge; on its stone base, you can climb up and jump over to the base of the enemies. Next, we go up the stairs and again climb up the sticks, then we jump onto the rock and cross it to the right and up again.

Now we slide down the rope. There will be a couple of enemies ahead. We kill them and jump onto their part of the rock, then open the door with an ax and enter. We exit from the other end and cross the wooden bridge. There will be one enemy ahead. Then we jump onto the beam and walk along it, balancing with our hands. Then we attach the rope to the pillar and shoot from a bow at the foot of the rock, there will be a stone embankment along which we will climb up.