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With the holy martyr Cyprian lived in Antioch. IN early childhood he was dedicated by his pagan parents to the service of Apollo. From the age of seven he was prepared for priestly service to the pagan gods, in which he perfected himself in the cities of Argos, Tavropol, Lacedimon and the Egyptian Memphis. By the age of thirty, Cyprian had completed his studies with the Babylonian sages and returned to his native Antioch. He amazed everyone with his knowledge secret sciences and the miracles that he performed with the help dark forces, controlling the elements, sending diseases and inciting moral vices in people.

Also in Antioch the maiden Justina lived with her parents. Until the time Justina heard the sermon about the Risen Christ, she and her parents were pagans. Having learned the truth, the saint made every effort to convert her parents to the saving faith. Their home became the home of Christian piety.

Extraordinary beauty Saint Justina attracted the attention of one rich pagan youth, Aglaid. He began to seek Justina’s consent to marriage. But Saint Justina decided to maintain virginity, devoting herself to the Lord Jesus Christ, and refused marriage with a pagan. Aglaid continued to persistently pursue her.

When there were no other means left, he turned to the famous sorcerer Cyprian for help, thinking that everything was accessible to his mysterious knowledge, and hoping that he would win Justina’s heart towards him.

Cyprian arrogantly promised the young man, for a reward, to arouse passion in the girl and force her to become Aglaid’s wife.

Justina, protected by firm faith in Christ, prayer and the sign of the cross, destroyed all the machinations of the devil and his servant Cyprian. The once powerful sorcerer Cyprian, who failed to defeat the weak maiden, began to take revenge for his failure and unleashed a pestilence on the city. The frightened townspeople, considering Justina to be the culprit of the disaster, convinced her to agree to marry Aglaid. Justina calmed the people and, firmly trusting in God’s help, prayed to the Lord with her God-pleasing prayer, and the illness in the city stopped.

The victory of the Christian woman completely defeated the great sorcerer Cyprian. Cyprian was smart person. Having begun to ponder why everything he possessed turned out to be powerless in front of a weak young girl, armed with faith in Christ, prayer and the sign of the cross, the sorcerer realized that all demonic power was nothing before God, in whom Saint Justina believed.

The famous sorcerer humbly came to the Christian bishop Anthimus (September 3), told him about his errors and asked him to teach him the truths of the Christian faith. After the announcement, Cyprian was baptized. A year later he was ordained a priest and soon elevated to the rank of bishop.

Flaming with love for Christ, Saints Cyprian and Justina, whom he appointed as abbess convent, contributed greatly to the spread and establishment of Christianity. At that time, Christians were persecuted for their faith. The head of the region, Eutolius, having received a denunciation accusing Cyprian and Justina of turning the people away from the pagan gods, ordered the saints to be seized and converted to idolatry through torture. The holy martyrs were unshakable. By order of the emperor, they were beheaded with a sword (about 304).

Cyprian and Ustinya are great holy martyrs in the Christian church, known for their good deeds before the Lord, death for the faith and the miraculous power of their icon.

The icon “Cyprian and Ustinya” is a famous icon that adorns many churches in our country. Holy martyrs help believers in many troubles. They are approached with requests for protection from witchcraft, human pretense, devilish networks, the evil eye and damage. They are also approached to help people who have stumbled return to the path of spiritual growth.

The history of a wonderful icon

According to legend, Cyprian was interested in and studied magic from a young age. The saint performed many magical things, helped people and surprised them with miracles. The young man wandering around the world returned to his hometown Antioch. At that time there lived a girl named Ustinha, who early years began to become interested in Orthodoxy">the Orthodox religion, learning more and more and gaining faith in the Lord. She regularly visited Orthodox church, prayed, studied the Holy Scriptures and soon received baptism.

Ustinya was very beautiful girl. One of them fell in love with her noble youths, but the girl has already dedicated herself to Christ, refusing marriage. Then the young man asked for help from Cyprian, a local “magician,” so that he would bewitch her, and she would marry him. The magician spent all his strength to make Ustinya fall in love with Aglaid, sending demons to her. But sincere and pure love to God helped the girl protect herself from Cyprian’s magic. Then a terrible epidemic came to the city. People became angry with the magician, believing that it was his fault. But Ustinya convinced people that the Lord could save the inhabitants from illness. And indeed, a miracle happened. The girl prayed, and the disease left the city.

Cyprian realized that his knowledge of magic was nothing compared to the power of the Lord. He saw the truth that a believer, devoted to God, has much more knowledge and power than he. And then Cyprian accepted the Christian faith.

Both holy martyrs preached the faith throughout their lives, instructing people on the true path. When the ruler learned about their strong love for God, being a pagan, he ordered his soldiers to torture the bodies of Ustinya and Cyprian. They were executed for their faith and love for the Lord, but their memory is still alive.

Where is the icon “Cyprian and Ustinya” located?

This icon is very common among Christians. It is found in many churches in Russia. The most famous shrine is kept in Moscow, in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord outside the Serpukhov Gates. Also preserved are the relics of the saints, who today are located outside our country, in the village of Meniko on the island of Cyprus.

Description of the holy image

Traditionally, the icon depicts the martyrs Cyprian on the right side and Ustinya on the left. Saints are depicted in full height. Cyprian is wearing the robe of a priest, in his left hand he holds the Holy Book, and with the other he points out the sign of the cross, calling on believers to repent before the Lord. Ustinya is depicted in maforia, her head is covered. IN right hand the martyr holds a cross, and with a gesture of her left hand calls people to accept the true God.

How does a miraculous image help?

Orthodox believers indulge in prayers in front of the holy icon for deliverance from evil spirits and demons. The shrine also protects against witchcraft and black magic. People praying in front of the shrine of the great martyrs ask for their intercession, for deliverance from temptations and evil thoughts. Sincere prayers before the miraculous image help all believers cope with their fears, worries and troubles.

Days of celebration

An official day of celebration recognized Orthodox Church, in honor of the memory of His Holiness Chiarian and Ustinha, falls on October 15th. On this day, Christians visit churches, pray in front of the icon of the martyrs and remember their good deeds.

Prayer to the holy martyrs in front of the icon

“Oh, most holy martyrs of God, Cyprian and Ustinya! Hear our prayers. Protect from the evil demons that have settled in our souls. Get rid of the magic that destroys our lives. Protect us from troubles and misfortunes. For during your life you dedicated yourself to the Lord, dying for the faith. So become our intercessors, do not let the demon lead us astray from the righteous path. Show us the true path to Christ. We will not stop praying to you. And until the end of our lives we will remember all the good deeds that you have done. Pray before the Lord for our sins, for we repent. Become our wall and amulet from all the evil that was happening in the world! Get rid of witchcraft and magic. May we praise you, O Great Martyrs. And we will glorify your names. Forever and ever. Amen".

The icon of the great martyrs “Cyprian and Ustinya” can become for you the most powerful amulet that will protect your life. And sincere prayers addressed to the saints will give peace and tranquility to the soul. We wish you a great mood, strong faith, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Unfortunately, today many of us have problems. Some we can solve quite well ourselves, while others seem so complex that it seems impossible to correct the situation on our own. Such situations occur especially often in love. Love spells, conspiracies, curses - you just won't find them. And then insight comes... People who want to preserve theirs should discover for themselves what Ustinye is, which will help literally get out of the Darkness that envelops the heart. Note that this is quite real people who lived in the third century AD. But first things first!

Saint Cyprian and Ustinya: prayer helps them from damage, the evil eye, etc. Why?

Quite often we cannot imagine very well to whom and why we turn in prayer. And it seems to some that the Church does not recognize witchcraft and various kinds of dark magic at all. And how can you ask someone infallible for help, who doesn’t seem to understand what’s eating you? Well, let's start with the fact that Cyprian was once... a sorcerer, and Ustinya (Justina) was precisely the object of his magical exercises! Consequently, Ustinye will definitely go to those who will simply understand your fears and problems perfectly!

The essence of the legends about Cyprian and Ustinya is as follows. The talented and intelligent young man Cyprian, who lived in Antioch, became the most faithful and capable minion of the devil, who gave him power. The sorcerer did dark things: he corrupted, poisoned, killed. He was approached by a certain Aglaid, who simply could not remember himself from the desire to possess the maiden Ustinya. The difficulty was that, although she was the daughter of a pagan priest, she rejected the ideals of her parents and believed in Jesus Christ with all her soul. Therefore, all of Aglaid’s claims worried her little.

But he was completely maddened by unsatisfied desire. And he decided to seduce the unapproachable girl at all costs. This is why he came to Cyprian, who did not hesitate to achieve his goals. It turns out that the prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya is, in fact, an appeal to those who have personally experienced the power of the devil.

Cyprian prepared some kind of potion with which it was necessary to sprinkle the house of Ustinya, which Aglaidas did. In theory, the girl should have been inflamed with passion for him. But it was not there! As soon as Ustinya realized what was happening to her, she turned to Jesus Christ. And the magic had no effect!

End of story

Admittedly, this provoked Cyprian; he simply outdid himself in trying to enslave Ustinha. But the girl’s faith was so great that she survived, and Cyprian doubted the power of the devil. Subsequently, Ustinha and Cyprian died as martyrs for their faith. So, a sincere prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya can help when you are tempted to do something bad, to ask Satan for help. Faith in God and his power will help you resist temptation!

How should the prayer to Saints Cyprian and Ustinya be read?

The first centuries of Christianity are full amazing stories conversion and martyrdom - at that time the second was often a consequence of the first. But people died joyfully, with the name of Christ on their lips. For them, this was a transition to the kingdom of God. The martyrs Cyprian and Ustinya, who are often depicted together on icons, also gave their lives for the faith.

How does the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya help?

Cyprian was initiated into the priesthood from childhood, studied magic in different cities. He wore a special ring on his finger that gave him power over unclean spirits. The sorcerer was very strong in his craft - he cast spells on people and summoned the dead. Today, near the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya, those who seek protection read prayers:

  • from magic;
  • from witchcraft;
  • from love spells;
  • ill-wishers;
  • diseases.

Having learned the lives of these saints, one can more deeply understand why such a turn occurred with the sorcerer. The story of Cyprian sounds very instructive in our time, when every TV channel advertises the services of magicians, psychics, and “healers.” He lived in Antioch at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th century, at that time paganism still flourished there.

A certain young rich man Aglaid fell in love with a girl. But she did not reciprocate, because she decided to devote herself to Christ, maintaining her virginity. Then Aglaid turned to the priest for help. This is how fate first brought together Cyprian and Ustinya (in Greek - Justina), who stand side by side on the icons. At first they were enemies: in any case, the sorcerer’s intentions could not be called good - he sent demons to the maiden in order to seduce her and lead her astray.

However, the fragile young Justina defeated the demons with the help of prayer and fasting. This made the priest very angry, because the devil himself promised him help and so far any wishes of his clients have been fulfilled. But the unclean is powerless against those who with sincere faith call on Christ for help. Then Cyprian decided to take revenge - he sent a pestilence to the entire city, and said that it was all the fault of the stubborn girl.

Conversion of the Magus

But even here the Christian did not retreat - through her prayers the Lord stopped the epidemic. Then many saw the power of Christ and began to glorify Him as the true God. Even the pagan sorcerer saw that he was doing terrible things. He immediately repented and came to the bishop to have him burn all his witchcraft books. The hagiographic icon of the martyr Cyprian shows this moment. Ustinya herself was very happy about the change that had occurred: repentance meant that the soul of the former sorcerer was now free.

IN Holy Scripture There are many episodes when the wise men compete with the righteous. Those who confess the Lord have always won. But not always after this the wicked turned to true faith. Cyprian did the right thing by admitting his errors and receiving baptism. This requires wisdom and courage. The Lord blessed him for this with the gift of healing diseases. I accepted Christ and Aglaid into my heart.

What happened next?

Very soon the former sorcerer was awarded the rank of deacon, then priest. Therefore, on the icons Cyprian is called a holy martyr (this means that the saint bore the holy rank during his lifetime), and Ustinya is called a martyr. Years passed, the virgin went to a monastery, and Cyprian became a bishop. But the main tests were ahead.

By order of Emperor Diocletian, the saints were captured and sentenced to torture. Seeing that they were not producing results, it was decided to behead the martyrs with a sword. The warrior who witnessed what was happening announced that he also accepted Christ. For this he was also executed. The veneration of Cyprian and Justinia began immediately after their death, as evidenced by written documents of that era.

The relics of the saints rest in Italy, as well as in Cyprus. In 2005 they were brought to Moscow. The Ark was available for worship in the Conception Monastery. If you want to address the saints at home, you can purchase an icon. Where to hang the image of Cyprian and Ustinha is not of fundamental importance. It is important that the shrine is located in an appropriate place, away from digital technology, entertainment posters, and photographs.

Special prayers have been written to address the saints; you should not deviate from them. You can ask in your own words for strengthening of faith and protection from enemies. But the main hope must be placed in the Lord Jesus Christ, pray to him more often, confess sins, wear a cross - this protection is quite enough, as the history of the saints demonstrates.

Prayer to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina

Oh, holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justino! Hear our humble prayer. Even though you naturally died as a martyr for Christ during your temporary life, you do not depart from us in spirit, always following the commandments of the Lord, teaching us and patiently bearing your cross with us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Most Pure Mother was acquired by nature. Even now, be prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy (names). Be our intercessors of the fortress, so that through your intercession we may remain unharmed from demons, wise men and evil men, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Listen to the akathist to Saints Cyprian and Ustinya

Icon of Cyprian and Ustinya - meaning, what it helps with, history was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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