The Internet does not turn on on the phone. What to do if Android connects to a Wi-Fi network, but the Internet does not work

Problems connecting to the Internet are common operating system failures. However, in some cases the cause may be a malfunction of the gadget itself, as well as communication problems. Our article will help you understand the causes of such problems, and will also tell you the main ways to eliminate them.

When diagnosing possible problems, you should start with the most common reasons for lack of communication. They may not be at all related to the operation of the device itself, but may directly reflect system or software problems with the smartphone.

Why there is no connection:

  1. The period for replenishing the mobile Internet, or bonus megabytes and other services has expired. Even if the time to top up your balance has not yet come, there is always the risk of an unexpected change in tariff, in which wireless Internet services have become more expensive (and “eaten up” the money remaining in the account), or the period for providing these services has expired.
  2. Lack of mobile phone coverage. There are still remote places or “anomalous zones” where the signal is very weak or absent altogether. Of course, if you are not in the mountains or on a trip, this reason disappears by itself.
  3. Cellular connection problems. In general, signal transmission may be weak during heavy rainfall and other weather events. Breakdowns or replacement of wired connection equipment, as well as possible failures in the system - all this can lead to a lack of Internet.
  4. Incorrect network settings. You should definitely check the correctness of the entered data: login and password when connecting to a new point or when using a trusted router. In some cases, the password may be changed without your notice (by overly greedy neighbors), or accidentally reset from the settings of the smartphone itself.

All of the above reasons can be attributed to communication problems, and not to the smartphone itself. It is not always possible to eliminate such errors, unless you can complain to the operator about a poor connection or quality of communication.

Internet does not work on Android: common problems and errors

To do this, it is advisable to conduct a series of “tests”, the result of which will indicate a possible problem.

What to do if you cannot connect:

  • Check your data service connection. To do this, you can call your operator or establish a connection through your personal account.
  • Check the Internet connection indicator. If less than two bars are displayed on the screen, the problem is with the connection quality, not with the device.
  • For non-critical system errors, rebooting the phone helps. It also doesn’t hurt to check your device for viruses and malware, the effects of which can slow down reception.

An outdated phone can also cause unstable connections. In this case, updates or flashing the system can partially solve the problem. At the same time, the physical and moral wear and tear of the device will not allow you to fully take advantage of the Internet connection, so for some purposes it is preferable to use more modern gadgets.

Why the Internet does not turn on on Android: on the phone

If everything is fine with the connection and connection, you should definitely exclude possible damage to the device. Systematic connection problems require contacting a specialist, as well as diagnosing the device. In some cases, flashing or resetting the user settings helps. It should be noted that connection problems may occur periodically, for example, on weekends or holidays when the number of users increases. In this case, problems with mobile communications will remain unresolved, and the only possible option will be to connect to the nearest Wi-Fi network.

The reason for the lack of communication may be falls or mechanical damage to the gadget, shocks, and even overheating of the battery. In case of such troubles, it would be more advisable to take your phone (tablet) for repair rather than try to fix the problem yourself, which can lead to even more serious consequences.

Mobile Internet does not work on an Android tablet

If a similar problem occurs with your tablet, the above methods may not help. In this case, you can use some tricks, which, according to experts, often work with this type of device.

What actions will help restore the connection:

  1. Turn off the device for a while and remove the battery from the case.
  2. After some time, install the battery in its original place.
  3. Turn on the tablet and try to find a connection.

If it is impossible to find the cause of the system failure, a radical solution to the problem may be to reset the settings to factory settings. This will delete all data and settings entered by the user, as well as system updates. In fact, the tablet will be exactly the same as the day it was purchased, so all the necessary applications will need to be installed again. A big plus will be the acceleration of the device, as well as clearing the memory of “traces” of previously running applications. The downside is the loss of all information and achievements in games, saved applications and other acquired information “baggage”.

Internet does not work on Android: how to set it up

The connection is carried out according to your mobile network service package. Such actions are also called online registration. In some cases, these settings may be reset automatically, for example, if there are viruses in the device or the signal is weak. To eliminate such situations, it is enough to check some of the previously entered parameters.

In the main phone settings you also need to check your data connection. You should look for the required section in the menu item “Wireless networks” - “Advanced”. Then you need to go to the “wireless networks” category, where you activate the data service.

Many users are interested in the question of why the Internet does not work on Android when it is connected, but does not go online. You can deal with all possible situations only by diagnosing the device at a service center. Minor problems, settings failures and other troubles can be easily corrected on your own using the tips in our article.

Android users sometimes experience that their connected Wi-Fi does not work. You can fix this problem yourself, in most cases it is solved very quickly.

Why is the connected network not working?

There are several options for why the connected Wi-Fi network does not work on your phone or tablet. But before you try to fix Android, you need to make sure that there are no problems with the Internet itself. Firstly, check if it is paid for, and secondly, try connecting to the same network using any other device. If the problem occurs there, then the problem is with the router or there are errors on the provider’s side.

If it does not work on only one device, then follow all the steps described below one by one. The reason may lie in incorrect settings, incorrect encryption type, incorrect date, or broken Wi-Fi module.


If you don’t know why exactly the network is not working, then use all the instructions in turn. They are arranged in increasing complexity: from the easiest and fastest method to complex options that are extremely rare.

Rebooting devices

First of all, reboot the router itself, check if the network on the device works after that. After this, restart the device itself and try connecting again. These actions will restart all processes, perhaps this will help them work correctly.

Turn off and turn on the router again

Reconnecting to the network

  1. While in the settings of your phone or tablet, select the WLAN block.

    Open the WLAN section

  2. Find the network with which problems are occurring in the list, click on it.

    Click on the desired network

  3. Click on the “Forget” or “Delete” button. The device will forget that it had access to this network.

    Click the “Delete” button

  4. Click on network again, enter the password if you have one. Done, check if the error is gone.

    Enter the password and connect to the network

Increasing signal level

The network will not work if the device is far from the router. Since the signal weakens with every meter, a situation may arise that the signal level at your location is enough to connect to the network, but the speed will be so terribly low that it is almost unnoticeable. Move the device closer to the router or, conversely, the router closer to the device.

Setting the correct date

Due to date inconsistencies, problems may occur on the device and the server processing Internet requests. Therefore it is necessary to set the correct date and time:

Replacing the broadcast channel

If there are many devices in a room, then each of them will emit some signal on a certain channel. Crossing channels will create interference, which will lead to problems with the Wi-Fi network.

For security reasons, the developers of your version of Android may have prohibited connecting to networks that use an outdated type of encryption. It is necessary to install the most modern type of AES encryption. To do this, log into the router's management interface again and proceed to setting up the password and security. Select WPA2-PSK and Automatic encryption type. Reboot the router and try connecting to the network from the device.

Select the WPA2-PSK value

Is there web authorization?

If the problem occurs only with public networks (for example, at a train station or in a cafe), then it is worth checking whether web authorization is being used. In some cases, to deny access to the network, it is not a password that is used, but a method in which everyone can connect to the network, but only registered users can download anything through it. To check for web authorization, open any tab in any browser. If a page appears on the screen that requires you to enter a login, email or password, then you will have to log in to gain access to the Internet. Sometimes registration is paid or associated with some other conditions.

Deactivating automatic IP selection

By default, the IP address is selected automatically and changed statically. Maybe with your network it's better to be clearly defined. To set the IP, follow these steps:

  1. While in the WLAN section (list of Wi-Fi networks), press the desired network for a couple of seconds and select the “Change network” function.

    Click the “Change network” button

  2. Go to advanced settings.

    Expand the “Advanced settings” block

  3. Set the IP Settings to Custom.

    Set the value to “Custom”

  4. Enter the value 192.168.1.y, where y is any number other than 1, since it is already occupied by the router. Save the changes and reconnect to the network.

    Enter the address 192.168.1.y

Video: what to do if the connected Wi-Fi network does not work

Installing a different DNS server

The operation of the network depends on the DNS server. Your device may not be able to work with certain servers, so we will replace the default server with Google's public servers, they are free. While in the additional network settings (how to access them is described in the previous paragraph), set the static selection of the IP address, and set the values ​​ and for the main and backup DNS servers, respectively. Save your changes and try connecting to the network again.

Enter the value and

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the above methods helped you fix the problem, then try to look for the reason in the router itself or contact the operator’s technical support; there is a possibility that the error occurs on their side. If you are sure that the reason is in the device itself, there is only one thing left to do - reset the settings to factory settings. Please note that resetting will lead to the loss of all data stored in the device’s memory, so save it on another medium in advance. To perform a reset, go to the “Recovery and reset” block in the device settings, and then click on the “Reset” button and go through the procedure.

Click on the “Reset” button and complete the process

If Android connects to Wi-Fi, but does not download anything through this network, you need to restart the router, device, reconnect, change IP and DNS settings. The surest, but at the same time radical, method is to reset the settings. If this does not help, the Wi-Fi module is broken.

We all use the World Wide Web, and it is not uncommon to see queries on the Internet: there is no Internet connection, why is there no Wi-Fi on the phone, why is the Internet not working on the phone, etc.

All of us have had problems connecting to the Internet on our mobile device and sometimes it ended in failure and sometimes in success. Therefore, these tips will be relevant for any model of your mobile device. And also for any type of Internet to which you want to connect this device.

You can connect your mobile device to the Internet in two ways. They are very simple. The first is to call the operator and, following his advice, follow the algorithm of actions to connect to the Internet on your mobile device.

The second method is to connect to the Internet manually. To do this, go to Settings and select More..., then Mobile network. In the window that opens, select APN access point, add a new access point that suits you, then fill in the fields name, apn, username and password. After which you can freely use the benefits of the Internet.

There can be many reasons why a mobile phone, Android or tablet cannot connect to the Internet. We will look at six main reasons that you can fix yourself. Let's start:

  1. You don't have internet on your phone, check your account. Maybe you've run out of money and that's why you can't.
  2. Your mobile device itself has not registered with the network. Then you need to register it and reboot your mobile device yourself.
  3. Data transfer is in the shutdown stage, you need to call the operator, and according to his prompts, connect this mobile device to the Internet.
  4. Mobile Internet does not work, you may simply be outside the operator’s coverage area. Therefore, it is worth looking for a location where the signal will be picked up better and stronger. Also, the reason may be a failure or malfunction in the mobile operator itself, which can be quickly resolved.
  5. If the mobile Internet is disconnected. You need to go to Settings, find Wireless networks, and in the Advanced item, find the line Mobile networks (depending on the version of your mobile device), and turn on Data transfer on your phone.
  6. If the access point is not configured correctly. You need to contact the provider's access point, obtain the settings data and manually connect your device to the Internet as described above.
  7. Your mobile device does not support an Internet connection.

If the Internet has stopped working on your smartphone, Android or other mobile equipment and none of the above tips help. It is suggested to cancel all settings and go to the original ones, which is not advisable.

To do this, you will need to contact a technician at a service center, or reflash your mobile device yourself. In order to independently return the settings of your mobile device to the original ones, you need to find on the Internet how to do this and repeat according to the suggested instructions.

Viruses are attacking!

Also, the reason for the lack of Internet may be a virus. Which has leaked into your device and prevents it from working fully. To do this, you need to get rid of it using an antivirus program. Which you need to download to your mobile device, check it for viruses and neutralize them.

Also, the mobile Internet may not work on the mobile device due to a bad APN signal. This may be due to incorrect settings. To fix this problem, you need to contact an employee of the provider who can fix everything.

Pinched wires may also be the cause. Those that got under the sofa, closet, or were squeezed by the door. Which can lead to internet shutdown. You need to monitor the cable that is in your apartment so as not to damage the Internet delivery to your home. The Internet may be disabled by the provider. When they break down or during bad weather conditions.

If you have problems connecting to the Internet, check all the methods described in our article. We hope that our advice will help you. Good luck!

Internet on your phone is a convenience that no one could have dreamed of 10 years ago. Today, owners of mobile devices can access the World Wide Web at any time by connecting to the appropriate communication service of their operator. MTS is one of the popular mobile traffic providers that offers favorable rates for Internet access. But what to do if the MTS Internet does not work well or is completely turned off? The reason for the lack of network access may be either the operator or the device. We list the main reasons for the lack of Internet and ways to solve the problem.

Depending on the plan, mobile Internet is charged as part of a prepayment according to the established limit, or according to units of data received. There are several tariffs on MTS that offer subscribers the opportunity to unlimited use of the service within the established limit - from 500 MB to 7 GB for 30 days. To do this, the user makes an advance payment pre-agreed by the provider, and MTS automatically updates the mobile traffic limit.

There are also tariffs that require per-megabyte pricing: for each megabyte, a small amount of funds is withdrawn from the client’s account (on MTS it ranges from 5 to 9.9 rubles per 1 MB).

Consequently, the reason for slow or absent MTS traffic on the phone may be that the user forgot or was unable to pay the subscription fee according to the tariff. If the account has a zero or negative balance, the operator automatically turns off the Internet. Often, the data transfer speed slows down when a few rubles remain in the subscriber’s account, which encourages the client to top up the account.

Premature consumption of the allocated megabyte package

One of the reasons for the lack of funds in the account is the premature use of the Internet package, i.e. the limit of provided megabytes was exhausted faster than the expected period of use. The operator provides the subscriber with a limited amount of traffic for a month, and when it is exhausted, it either denies access to the Internet or includes per-megabyte pricing. The subscriber may not know that payment for every 500 MB has been activated, but the money will be debited from the account until it is completely depleted. When the funds run out, you will no longer be able to use network access without a new replenishment.

Rapid consumption of traffic on a phone is usually associated with the use of resource-intensive mobile applications. Watching videos, movies, online games, map services and other “heavy” programs quickly consume the megabyte limit, which is why the subscriber’s account can run out of money in a couple of days.

If this situation often repeats, then the user needs to reconsider his tariff plan and choose another one with a larger traffic limit.

To check the amount of remaining traffic on the phone, the subscriber must execute the USSD command *111*217#, in response, information about the remaining megabytes as part of the prepayment for the service will appear on the screen.

The last reason why the established mobile traffic limit switches to per-megabyte billing is a change in the connection region. In most MTS tariffs, you can use the provided unlimited traffic only in your home region. If the subscriber’s phone crosses the regional border and enters roaming, the operator begins to debit funds from the account for each piece of data received. After some time, the client’s balance runs out and the traffic is automatically disconnected.

Technical reasons for the lack of Internet MTS

If there is no network on the phone, although the balance is positive, and the traffic limit has not yet been exhausted, you need to check the settings on the device. The technical reason why the Internet does not work on the phone may be as follows:

  • the subscriber is outside the network coverage area (this can be seen on the device screen - the Wi-Fi indicator will be absent);
  • The phone is not configured for data transfer;
  • The settings on the phone have failed.

Lack of connection due to a weak or zero signal within the city does not require any action from the subscriber, because the problem is with the operator. There may be a breakdown in the tower that receives the satellite signal, or some other similar problem.

If the user is outside the city, the tower signal may be weak to maintain the required data transfer speed.

If the Internet does not work on MTS, but there is no problem on other devices, then you need to check the data transfer settings on the phone itself. For example, for Android devices you need to go to the “Settings” - “More” - “Mobile network” section and select “Mobile data transfer”. By activating it, you will begin to automatically receive traffic from the MTS mobile operator on your phone.

The last way to set up traffic from a cellular operator is to request a new package of settings for your phone from MTS. To do this, you need to send an empty SMS to number 1234, in response the operator will send a message containing automatic settings. To activate them, the subscriber just needs to open an SMS; in other cases, the phone is configured automatically without user intervention.

If the network suddenly starts to disappear on your phone, it does not see it or cannot detect the mobile operator, in some cases you can solve this problem without the help of a mobile service. It is quite difficult to independently determine the reason for this network behavior on your phone, but you can take a number of measures that will eliminate the problem partially or completely. Such measures include changing the settings inside the phone, checking the phone for breakdowns, or contacting your mobile operator directly. To start, take a look at the network icons at the very top of your screen, they can usually tell you a lot. Then start studying this article.

Why the phone stopped seeing the network - the first reason

The very first reason is a breakdown of the SIM card slot itself inside your phone. This happens if you inserted a SIM card carelessly, dropped the phone, or scratched it on the side of the SIM card slot. This is quite easy to determine if the phone does not respond at all to turning the SIM on and off: it simply does not see it.

In this case, you can try to move the SIM card to another slot, if your phone has one. If the sim works and the network appears, then you have solved the problem. You should take your phone to a repair shop and have the slot fixed.

If this does not help, and the problem lies elsewhere, you should turn to other points in the article.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - the second possible option

Like all equipment with an installed operating system, the phone could suffer some kind of system error. You can try to reinstall the firmware yourself using tools on your computer, perhaps this will fix the problem.

You can download the official firmware from the developer’s website and install it yourself using the Odin program.

Why did the phone stop seeing the network - phone settings

Try setting the correct network settings to set the access point yourself. Follow the algorithm:

  • Go to your phone's settings by opening the device tray and clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner.

  • In the settings you need the “Mobile networks” item, find it and click.

  • If your SIM is not identified in any way, but it is definitely inserted into the device, moreover, the phone sees it, then it makes sense to enter the “access points” item.

  • At the very top you will see the “Add” button. You can use it to create your own access points if they were not sent to you automatically when you turned on the SIM card.

  • Go to your mobile operator's website and find the network access point parameters for manual entry.
  • Transfer them to this form.

Save the settings and exit this window.

  • Now click on “search for networks”, after selecting the desired SIM card if your device has several of them.

  • See if the “Data roaming” option is checked. Switch its position to on and then back to off. Select mobile transfer options if necessary.

As you may have noticed, the main reasons for the lack of network on the phone are as follows: technical problems in the form of a broken antenna, SIM card slot or other parts of the device; incorrect network settings and missing port; phone system error, which can be solved by manually changing the firmware.

Sometimes you can solve them yourself, but sometimes you have to contact service and pay for replacement components.