Alla Dukhova's team. Biography of Alla Dukhova

Alla Vladimirovna Dukhova. Born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug (Perm Region). Soviet and Russian choreographer, founder and artistic director of the Todes ballet (TODES).

Alla Dukhova was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Perm Region.

Father - Vladimir Dukhov, had two educations - a physical education teacher and a gas-electric welder, worked in the second specialty at a moped factory.

Mother - Galina Dukhova, an economist, worked as a mathematics teacher, then was a housewife.

Sister - Dina, head of the Riga department of the ballet "Todes".

A year after her birth, the family moved from the Komi-Permyak district, where her parents taught, to Riga. Alla spent her childhood and teenage years there.

From an early age, Alla studied music. And after lessons, she often loved to go to the neighboring choreography class and watch the movements of master of dance Alexei Kolychev. Then, when she came home, she repeated what she saw in front of the mirror. Alla was drawn to dancing, although she was considered phlegmatic. However, as she herself noted, from birth she was simply stress-resistant - which later helped her many times in life and in her profession.

Realizing that her daughter was obsessed with dancing, her mother, at the age of 11, took her to the folk dance ensemble “Ivushka”, in which she studied, learning the basics of choreography. Her teachers were Valentina Andrianovna Laizane, Yuri Vasilyevich Shurkin, who came to the team from the State Folk Dance Ensemble of Belarus, where he had previously worked as a choreographer, worked in the team, and at that time Eduard Dubovitsky from the Riga Choreographic School taught in the team.

After school I planned to become a circus performer. Once a circus came to Riga for a long tour, and Taya Kornilova, the daughter of hereditary trainers, began to study with her in her senior year. They became friends. Seeing Alla at the concert, she suggested: “Let’s go to our Elephants and Dancers attraction.” Dukhova came to the circus, they tested her and agreed to accept her.

Immediately after graduating from school, Dukhova went on tour with the circus to Chisinau, where for two months she was introduced to the program: she learned to easily climb on an elephant and perform tricks on its back. Then there was a tour in Minsk, where at one of the performances Alla broke her leg - at the ankle. The fracture was very difficult, it took her almost a year to recover.

Then I got a part-time job at a pioneer camp, teaching dance classes. There the director of the House of Culture in Jurmala drew attention to her and invited her to work. She quickly put together a group of girlfriends. Moreover, Alla Dukhova’s childhood dream was not only to dance on stage, but also to stage numbers and choreographic performances herself.

At the age of 16, she assembled her first team, “Experiment,” which consisted exclusively of girls. “The Experiment” quickly gained popularity due to the fact that the productions were based on modern choreography of the American and Western European schools, which at that time (early eighties) was under an unspoken ban.

Alla recalled: “When we started, our country had classical ballet and folk dance. We heard about modern choreography, but there was no opportunity to learn. When some Western tapes and literature came to us, we greedily grabbed all the information. We included clips their artists and learned to dance according to them. Now this may seem funny, but then breakdancing was considered propaganda. People were taken to the police for this. It never occurred to anyone that this was a sport, complex tricks, beauty, dexterity and fortitude. None There was no other reason."

As a united team of 14 people, they made a 40-minute solo program. They were taken with her to the North Ossetian Philharmonic. The team traveled all over the Caucasus, but then due to a conflict with the director they were fired. They went to Moscow. The first time was very difficult. We lived in two one-room apartments with 12 people in each. Dukhova recalled: “They slept on mattresses, and when they left, they rolled them up and put them in a pile. They maintained perfect cleanliness, assigned duties: who was responsible for the toilet, who was responsible for the stove, who was responsible for the dust. In the evenings, they cooked something simple and everyone sat down to eat together.”

But gradually her creative life began to improve - her friend’s father, Alexander Aronovich Berman (administrator of the Riga Philharmonic), sent them on a big tour. The team came to the attention of Sofia Rotaru, who invited her to work with her.

At one of the festivals in Palanga, fate brought the girls from “Experiment” together with St. Petersburg dancers, who gave their group the sonorous name “Todes”. Then they decided to unite into one team, and thus the ballet was born "TODES".

Alla Dukhova and the ballet "Todes"

Graduated from the directing department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

In 2001, she took part in the game “One Hundred to One”, was in the “Dancing” team (Sergey Voronkov, Denis Bugakov, Yulia Filippova (Malaya) and Anna Syadristaya).

The Todes team began with 14 people, and now the troupe has 150 professional dancers who are in demand not only in Russia, but abroad. Todes has the largest network of dance schools in the world - in 111 branches in different countries there are 20 thousand students of all ages.

“Discipline and a responsible attitude towards one’s work are important. Our team is a large and friendly family. The most loving and devoted ones who fanatically love their work remain for a long time,” said Dukhova.

Alla Dukhova's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Alla Dukhova:

She was married three times.

From his first marriages he has a son, Vladimir Dukhov.

The third husband, Anton, works at Todes as a technical director. In 2002, their son Konstantin Dukhov was born.

Vladimir Dukhov graduated from the Faculty of Directing in the USA, at the New York Film Academy, received a bachelor's degree, studied for a master's degree in his homeland, theater director, writes music. He gave Alla a granddaughter, Sofia (born 2014).

Konstantin Dukhov dances at Todes and plays sports.

As Alla Dukhova noted, her personal life did not work out because of her work: “I didn’t have enough strength for my husband, although I honestly tried. Family life involves, first of all, attention, it’s not without reason that they say that family is hard work. In this regard, family - a victim, although I don’t think so. I’m for a complete family, you can’t accuse me of feminism.”

Alla Dukhova lives with her family in Latvia. She built a large house in her native Riga.

By the way, now I no longer stage numbers without a happy ending. Even if it is a sad story, it will definitely have a happy ending. I just don’t want to predict bad things, because I’m one hundred percent sure that the creativity you do goes in parallel with your life.

Ballet "Todes" is a country within a country. There is a lot of it, like sunlight on a fine day. Everyone knows him. Alla Dukhova is the president of this dance corporation. She is unique in that she skillfully combines her favorite business, which she is busy with almost around the clock, with motherhood. She has two sons, the second one is only two years old. Her main theme in choreographing dances is the relationship between a man and a woman. Maybe that’s why our conversation with her was reminiscent of a scattering of dances, where the main theme was love. Alla reasoned... Some verbal “compositions” are also called that way in their stage version.

Declaration of love

They have declared their love to me more than once, and thank God, I still listen to confessions. But there was one extraordinary thing that stuck in my mind. A man confessed his love to me in a huge cinema. He just suddenly stood up and began talking about love in complete silence. The effect was crazy. Everyone applauded. And I was terribly embarrassed. Unfortunately, I don’t remember verbatim what he said, but it was very beautiful. He chose such tender words...

But what is the most important thing in recognition? So that the love is mutual. Because no matter how beautifully a person explains things to you, if you don’t have reciprocal feelings for him, then his words sound like empty words. Although they are memorable. But if you love, then there is nothing more beautiful when you wait for recognition. This is called “stop, just a moment!”

Where does Dukhova begin?

There is probably nothing supernatural about me. Where does any person begin? From birth. For as long as I can remember, since kindergarten I have always been wildly delighted by ballet. As a result, everything turned out very correctly in my destiny, and I can’t imagine any other life for myself, outside of choreography. It never even occurred to me that I could do something else. Only dancing. So I walk - one goal, one road, I don’t turn right or left. I am very happy. Going to work with pleasure is a happiness not given to many. This is something to cherish and be grateful for. I wish this for everyone.


I am very sorry that man - a being of the highest intelligence on the planet - is subject to jealousy. This is a worthless and pathetic feeling. How nice it would be if we could not be jealous! Although someone will say: “How is it so, if not

to renew? This is wonderful! Jealousy can strengthen relationships." And someone deliberately provokes a loved one to jealousy. But keeping it in a suspended state, in tension, is manipulation. This is unfair! A person must be free. Yes, you may be responsible for the one next to you, but you do not have the right to infringe on his freedom. Jealousy is selfishness. When you truly love, you even perceive the departure of your loved one for another with the message of happiness. You love for yourself. But, alas, we are all subject to jealousy and possessiveness. It's instinct, there's no escape. And I went through it. Because, actually, he is a very jealous person. Maybe I won’t show it, but I’m very jealous. And I staged a number under this name just during the period of “exacerbation”.

By the way, now I no longer stage numbers without a happy ending. Even if it is a sad story, it will definitely have a happy ending. I just don’t want to predict bad things, because I’m one hundred percent sure that the creativity you do goes in parallel with your life. If you plan a tragedy, there will be a tragedy in life. So I modulate the situation in a positive direction.


Reznik said that parting is a little death. Of course, when you part with your loved one, and even if forever, it’s a state of terrible depression. Although I am deeply convinced that a person can survive anything. Any pain dulls, time heals everything. I know from experience. The worst thing is real death, when loved ones pass away. I've had breakups in my life. But already when there was no love. In this case, you break up without problems and even continue to be tender friends with the man.

Love at a distance

My husband Anton and I often have to separate; he is constantly on tour with Todes as a lighting director. Or I'm leaving somewhere. There's nothing wrong with "long-distance love" - ​​that's for sure. There are only advantages. We have no chance of getting bored of each other. And it turns out that every time we get to know each other, it’s like anew, so we really value our meetings. So our relationship is like a long-term romance. I'm afraid that if we lived side by side, like many ordinary people, the romance would have ended long ago. Why? Yes because it started

would be a calm, everyday family life. And we would like to preserve feelings, passion as long as possible.


In our lives, betrayal is everywhere, no matter how cynical it sounds. I have a lot of friends and acquaintances, for whom betrayal occurs at every turn. Fortunately, there are amazing examples when people sincerely want only each other. This is encouraging. I believe this is possible. And I’m sure that will be the case for me. True, it is unknown what surprises life can throw up...

According to observations, husbands cheat on their wives more often, although this is controversial. Would I forgive the betrayal? On the one hand, it seems to me that no. But then it turns out that I could not bear the infringement of my pride. And this is probably wrong. After all, if you love, you will forgive everything. Most likely, I would forgive, no matter what. Although... I'm not sure. I just haven't had this before. No, I admit that they cheated on me. But, fortunately, I didn’t know this. So I think not.

True, for some reason it is believed that when you, say, date a married man, then your relationship is not cheating. This is at first. And then... I once had an affair with a married man. This didn't lead to anything good. Since then, I have a strict taboo against all married people who pretend to have a personal relationship. For me these are men of the “other sex”.

I also don’t understand girls, women who don’t mind anything to steal a man from under their friend’s nose. For me, if my girlfriend or acquaintance came to visit with her husband or boyfriend, and the thought did not arise that I could flirt with him. It amazes me that many women have no principles and can play a double game. For me this is wildness. And now this can be found at every step.

Children: boy and... boy

I gave birth to my first son Volodya neither early nor late. At a normal age. The youngest, Kostya, gave birth well after 30, but also on time. Because I am sure that a woman needs to give birth after 30. Absolutely! Well, what kind of mothers are 18–19 years old who still need to educate themselves? Anecdotal. No experience, nothing. They don't even know how to truly love. You need to give birth consciously and with pleasure. I am very glad that I didn’t give birth at 19 years old. My motherhood brings me

happiness, joy and crazy delight.

Before my first pregnancy, I passionately wanted a girl. I gave birth alone then, because my first husband and I separated and he went to America. I understood that I had to raise a child alone, so I thought that with a girl it would be easier for me, she doesn’t need a father as much. That’s why I was sure, I don’t know why, that I was carrying a daughter. Moreover, the shape of the belly was as if it really was a girl. And only in recent months has he stretched out. When the doctor said during the ultrasound that there was a boy in the stomach, I was shocked. But Vovka was born, and I realized that a boy is the best thing that can happen. Therefore, I already wanted a boy for the second one. I wanted to please both myself and Vovka. He wanted a brother. But my husband wanted a girl. If I gave birth to a third child, I would still be glad to have a boy. Although the brothers could be “diluted” with a sister.

Was it difficult for me to raise my first child alone? No. And I urge everyone not to be afraid of this. If you have male friends or relatives, you need to involve them in educational moments, that’s all. I was lucky, my sister’s husband Arkady replaced Vovka’s father, because we all lived in the same house in Riga. And we still live. I travel between Riga and Moscow. Then, I have many friends. They came, played on the computer with him, talked. A single mother is a relic of the Soviet Union. It's funny to call a woman that. If she has a child, she is no longer alone. I know many women who are raising children alone. They give a lot to the child. If there was a father, maybe I would have to give him attention. Maybe he would have been caught as an egoist, he would have been jealous and started scandals. It is still unclear which is better.

Shortage of men

We hear complaints from modern girls that there are almost no normal men left. They don’t want to get married, they don’t know how to care, they don’t show masculinity, etc. But I’m still an optimist. And I believe that a man does not degenerate. There are wonderful and wonderful guys. Here I have a team of 60 people. I look at young boys and see that they are wonderful guys, with masculine qualities, well-mannered. And the fact that young guys don’t want to get married... Why, pray tell? And they do it right! It's idiotic to get married early! AND

early at 20, and even at 24. Because early marriages end in divorce. I don’t know a single couple that could withstand it. And why such an experience? Then the children are left alone. Maybe, thanks to our youth, we will finally begin to live according to the Western model, when we start a family consciously, at the age of no earlier than 30 years. Then reason will be activated, and not just passion. After all, in marriage there must be calculation. It's not bad. Because passion passes, no matter how you look at it. At most it lasts 5-6 years. And then you are left alone with the “monster”, all the shortcomings come out. And either you begin to love him in a kindred way, or you break up. The main thing is respect. That is why it is important to soberly assess all the disadvantages of a person in advance. It's possible.

If a divorce happens, there is no need to be afraid of it. It is important to arrange everything so that children do not suffer. Approach psychologically competently.

Love and career

One day, a man with whom I was in a relationship set a condition: either he or my work. God, that was funny to listen to. I immediately dismissed even thoughts about this condition. Taking my job away from me is like taking my child away. “Todes” is like an older child to me. This is my life. And what - to cross out life for the sake of love? No man deserves this. And the one who sets such conditions is wrong.

Love with or without rules?

There can be no rules in love. These are feelings and emotions. Of course, you somehow build relationships to make it comfortable. For example, I really love men with intuition, subtle ones who can understand my mood. By the look - how I look, how I talk... Even my intonation so that he understands. If suddenly I’m in a bad mood, I’m offended by him, then it’s important that he immediately understands this. And I realized why I was offended. It is much easier with such men. If such a man exists, that's great. My husband is exactly like that. It’s easy for him to navigate, he knows what can upset and outrage me. And I try to catch his mood. This is a normal relationship.

Recipe for Happiness

We need to be more attentive to ourselves and those around us. Be sure to be an optimist, try to do what you love, have children - the more, the better. Combining your favorite job and your favorite children is possible, believe me

Alla Dukhova's life is divided between her beloved sons Vladimir and Konstantin and her other brainchild - the dance group "Todes", the permanent leader of which she has been for more than a quarter of a century. Despite the crazy work schedule, Alla was able to surround her sons with great love, and, at the same time, she always understood that they sorely lacked her attention.

Officially, she was married only once, but her marriage broke up after husband of Alla Dukhova Sergey went to America, but she did not want to go with him. He was a good programmer and always dreamed of working in the States, but Alla did not share this impulse.

So she was left alone with a small child in her arms. At this time, Dukhova was already leading a dance group, she had to work a lot, so she sent her little son Vova to her sister in Riga, realizing that the child was better off with his mother, but could not interrupt her career. She had to be torn between Riga and Moscow, and at that moment Alla’s sister, who herself had five children, provided her with invaluable support, for which Dukhova is eternally grateful to her.

In the photo - Alla Dukhova with her sons

Despite the fact that Vladimir grew up away from his mother, they were able to maintain a spiritual connection with him and remained close. The father of Kostya’s second son was Alla Dukhova’s common-law husband Anton, a former DJ and then lighting designer at Todes. They met in Bulgaria, but even after the birth of their son they never formalized their marriage.

Alla does not consider this a prerequisite for a happy family life - for the first time, a stamp in her passport did not save her from divorce. They often had to part with Anton - either she went on tour, or he went with the team to install lights, but these partings only strengthened their love - they had no chance of getting tired of each other. But there are also disadvantages to loving at a distance - it is quite possible to completely lose the habit of each other.

In the photo - with his eldest son

Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" has existed for almost 30 years. At first it was a very small team. Its leader and creator, Alla Dukhova, was an unknown young girl at that time. She and her dance group came to conquer Moscow. Then no one could have imagined what a brilliant future was in store for her and her small team.

Alla Dukhova

Alla Dukhova - director of the ballet "Todes" - was born on November 29, 1966 in the village of Kosa (Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug). A year later the move to Riga took place. There Alla met her parents and sent her to a music school. But the girl liked dancing more. At the age of 11, the future celebrity joined the Ivushka ensemble. But she dreamed not only of dancing, she wanted to be a stage director. A. Dukhova organized her first team at the age of 16. It was called "Experiment". Only girls danced in it. The dances of her group were based on modern Western choreography. Alla studied foreign school herself, using videotapes.

At one of the festivals in which A.V. Dukhova took part with her “Experiment,” fate brought her together with the male group of breakdancers “Todes” from St. Petersburg. The guys really liked Alla’s choreography. The girl, in turn, gained respect for the breakers for how skillfully they performed their tricks. As a result, the two teams decided to unite.

Today A. Dukhova very often takes part in television programs, gives interviews, and is a member of the jury of dance television projects.

History of the team

Alla Dukhova created the ballet “Todes” on March 8, 1987. This event took place in North Ossetia, in the team that she then led, there were three girls: Ivona Konchevska, Dina Dukhova and Alla Dukhova herself. The ballet “Todes” (breakers), with which the girl’s group merged, consisted of seven young guys, they were: S. Voronkov, G. Ilyin, R. Maslyukov, A. Glebov and A. Gavrilenko. The performances were choreographed by Alla Dukhova. The ballet “Todes” quickly gained popularity. Very soon it became difficult for A. Dukhova to combine the work of a director and dance herself. The issue was resolved by the team by choosing her as leader.

Soon the Todes ballet set off to conquer the capital. There, the artists worked as backup dancers for Russian pop stars: S. Rotaru, K. Orbakaite, L. Dolina, V. Leontyev, V. Meladze, V. Presnyakov and many others. They even had a chance to perform on stage in Monte Carlo with R. Martin, M. Kerry and M. Jackson.

Gradually, the ballet grew, he became cramped in the ranks of the backup dancers, and he began to perform independently and tour. Studio schools began to open, and recently a theater appeared.


Most recently, the dance theater was opened by Alla Dukhova. The Todes ballet performs here with its performances. The theater opened in March 2014. Alla Dukhova and her artists dreamed about this event for many years. The performances of the Todes ballet are stunning shows with first-class choreography, fantastic costumes, magnificent lighting effects and 3D scenery.

The choreographer and director of the performances is Alla Dukhova.

Despite the fact that the theater has only existed for two years, it is already very popular.


Alla Dukhova’s show ballet “Todes” in its recently opened theater invites viewers to watch the following unique performances:

  • Attention is a bright spectacular show about love and life. Without a single word, the play will tell about how complex the world of relationships between a man and a woman is.
  • The play “Magic Planet” is where the actors tell young spectators that they need to be brave, honest, faithful and strive for their dreams.
  • The play “Dancing Love” is a story about young lovers who dream of becoming famous. They believe that a big city will help them to realize themselves without breaking their love. Is it really?
  • The performance “We” is an enchanting show that contains the best dance numbers from the almost 30 years of existence of the “Todes” ballet.


The main cast of Alla Dukhova's ballet “Todes”:

  • A. Ilyasova.
  • A. Zelenetsky.
  • A. Shcheglova.
  • M. Smirnov.
  • D. Petrenko.
  • E. Koval.
  • V. Shapkin.
  • A. Sotnikov.
  • D. Ponomarev.
  • A. Mankova.
  • D. Kiseleva.
  • Yu. Korzinkina.
  • D. Gorkov.
  • D. Ishmetov.
  • V. Medvedev.
  • E. Aglyamova.
  • A. Radev.
  • Y. Agapova.
  • Zh. Kurbanova.
  • A. Osipov.
  • P. Volosov.
  • A. Liventseva.
  • S. Gogin.
  • E. Nuikina.
  • A. Kaverina.
  • M. Scibor-Gurkovsky.
  • I. Parinov.
  • T. Shchedrina.
  • E. Heimanis.
  • A. Hwang.
  • A. Tunik.
  • A. Remeslov.
  • I. Surina.
  • A. Zubova.
  • I. Nesterenko.
  • M. Shabanov.
  • A. Khazaryan.
  • D. Written.
  • Ya. Sivtseva.
  • E. Vasiltsov.
  • R. Dmitrischak.
  • D. Alexandrov.
  • I. Leimin.
  • I. Efimenko.
  • M. Tarelko.


Alla Dukhova's ballet "Todes" gives young talents and even adults the opportunity to show their creative abilities and learn to dance beautifully. The team has opened many schools in different cities. Everyone is welcome to attend the training. People with any physical fitness, weight and age can study at the Todes school; there are no restrictions, the main thing is the desire to dance, diligence and good attendance at classes. Classes are conducted by soloists of the ballet "Todes", who have undergone pedagogical and psychological training and were allowed to work after successfully passing the exam. Students of the studio school take part in festivals and reporting concerts.

The school also has its own workshop, where you can purchase or have comfortable clothes made to order for rehearsals. The studio gives children an excellent education and good prospects for the future.

Alla Dukhova's life is divided between her beloved sons Vladimir and Konstantin and her other brainchild - the dance group "Todes", the permanent leader of which she has been for more than a quarter of a century. Despite the crazy work schedule, Alla was able to surround her sons with great love, and, at the same time, she always understood that they sorely lacked her attention.

Officially, she was married only once, but her marriage broke up after husband of Alla Dukhova Sergey went to America, but she did not want to go with him. He was a good programmer and always dreamed of working in the States, but Alla did not share this impulse.

So she was left alone with a small child in her arms. At this time, Dukhova was already leading a dance group, she had to work a lot, so she sent her little son Vova to her sister in Riga, realizing that the child was better off with his mother, but could not interrupt her career. She had to be torn between Riga and Moscow, and at that moment Alla’s sister, who herself had five children, provided her with invaluable support, for which Dukhova is eternally grateful to her.

In the photo - Alla Dukhova with her sons

Despite the fact that Vladimir grew up away from his mother, they were able to maintain a spiritual connection with him and remained close. The father of Kostya’s second son was Alla Dukhova’s common-law husband Anton, a former DJ and then lighting designer at Todes. They met in Bulgaria, but even after the birth of their son they never formalized their marriage.

Alla does not consider this a prerequisite for a happy family life - for the first time, a stamp in her passport did not save her from divorce. They often had to part with Anton - either she went on tour, or he went with the team to install lights, but these partings only strengthened their love - they had no chance of getting tired of each other. But there are also disadvantages to loving at a distance - it is quite possible to completely lose the habit of each other.

In the photo - with his eldest son