How to draw a large vase with flowers. Learn to draw flowers

This time we will draw a flower in a vase. For the flower we will choose calla lily or, as it is also called, swamp lily. This plant is very beautiful and will look good not only in our drawing, but also in a living composition.

Now let's get started and draw our calla flower in a vase with a pencil. As usual, we will divide the lesson into several stages. We take out a pencil and paper, remember the basics, and go ahead!

Step 1. First, draw a circle at the top of the sheet. We draw an arc from it at an angle downwards, this will be the stem of the calla lily.

Step 2. Now we sketch a lily bud around the circle. Don't forget to draw thin tails at the ends of the lines at the top of the flower sketch.

Step 3. Here we will draw another part of the calla bud. Draw an arcuate line touching the top of the circle. From the center of the circle we draw a stamen. Let's move on to the next stage.

Step 4. We're almost done with the flower. Now we draw the thickening of the calla stem. Approximately in the middle of the stem we will add curved leaves.

Step 5. Let's move on to the final stages. Now we will draw a vase for the flower. The sketch should not cause any difficulties, just try to do it as in the example. Inside the vase we add the contours of the poured water.

Step 6. The last stage in the drawing. Use an eraser to erase all your mistakes and extra pencil lines. We outline the contours of the flower in the vase and everything is ready.

As you can see, the lesson turned out to be simple. As a result, we drew a flower in a vase step by step. All that remains for us now is to color the drawing in different colors.

The still life turned out not bad. Also on the topic, you can watch a couple more video lessons below, which show how you can draw flowers in a vase with a pencil. And to consolidate the material, you will only need to repeat all the steps.

Watch the first video lesson

Watch the second video lesson

The lesson has come to an end, now share your impressions and emotions in the comments.

Probably every person has ever wanted to master the art of drawing. Everyone has the ability to depict various objects on paper, but some are more developed and some are less developed. The main thing is to try to improve them. Among all the artistic skills, one of the most valuable is the ability to draw objects from everyday life: dishes, food, flowers. How to develop your visual abilities? in a vase and other household items? Let's figure it out together!

First of all, you need to understand for what purpose you are going to try your hand at fine art. Firstly, such an activity can be just for the soul. While drawing, it is easy to relax, withdraw into yourself, calm down and stop thinking about pressing problems. Secondly, if you follow a few simple steps correctly to depict the desired object, you will certainly be pleased with the result. You can decorate your home with this painting; it will be an excellent gift for your loved ones or friends. Now that we have decided on the purpose of our activities, let’s figure out how to draw a flower in a vase.

If you have such an opportunity, place a vessel with flowers in front of you and draw from life. This will make it easier for you to understand the shape of objects, determine the places where the shadow lies, and catch the smallest nuances of the image. If it is not possible to draw from life, try to imagine in detail what you are going to capture on paper.

So, let's move on to building the vase. First of all, we draw the axis of symmetry of the vessel. Its length depends on the height of the actual image, so be careful when choosing the scale of the picture. Then we draw several ellipses, the center of which will pass through the axis of symmetry of the vase. Ovals should be located at the neck and at the base of the vessel, as well as in its widest and narrowest places. We connect them with curved lines and get the outline of a jug.

Now you need to learn how to draw flowers step by step. First, decide on the type of plant you want to depict. Then draw the stem of the flower: the part that is in the vase, as well as the part that rises above the neck by about half the entire length of the stem. Then outline the contours of the bud and draw individual petals in order to give it life. Now you know how to draw a flower in a vase.

If this is your first “pencil test,” then you may not be completely satisfied with your work. But don’t get upset and throw away your drawings! It is much more difficult to depict flowers in a vase than it seems at first glance. Therefore, you can be proud of yourself, if only because you were able to take the first step towards comprehending the art of reflecting everyday objects on paper.

So, now you not only know in theory how to draw a flower in a vase, but you can also demonstrate your skills in practice, and also create a wonderful interior decoration, a gift for your loved ones, and simply a beautiful picture that can open up an ordinary still life from an absolutely unique angle with the help of paper and a simple pencil!

The muse of creativity visited you, and the question arose: “How to draw a vase?” It's not a secret. In this article we will tell you how to draw a vase step by step. We will do this with simple pencils. If you want your work to be more realistic, you will need perseverance and a little patience. Drawing requires precision, only then will you get a good result.

What will you need for the drawing?

  1. Paper. It is better, of course, to take special drawing paper. It has good density and can withstand numerous erases with an eraser.
  2. Simple pencils of different hardness. Why will you outline the outline of the drawing differently? It should be a kind of thin web. Medium-hard pencils will do the bulk of the work. And soft ones are used to finish the drawing, apply shadows and volume.
  3. Eraser. The choice in stores is great, it's a matter of your taste.
  4. Your patience.

Step 1

Mount the paper on an easel or position yourself with the album in a way that is comfortable for you. You need to start your drawing by determining where on the sheet the vase will be located. Using a hard pencil, lightly mark the location of the object. Determine its height using horizontal lines. Then draw a vertical line of symmetry. Roughly speaking, this line will be in the center of your vase. Don’t forget to do all the lines at this stage without putting too much pressure on the paper. Then you will need to erase them with an eraser; now they serve you as auxiliary elements.

Step 2

On the center line you should mark the top and bottom of the vase. Then with vertical lines - its widest and narrowest places. You need to make sure that the distance to the right and left of the center line is the same. This can be measured with a pencil, applying it to the drawing. In a similar way, you need to mark all the narrow places, for example, on the neck and bottom of the vase.

Step 3

Now you need to move a little away from the drawing and look from afar, perhaps you need to clarify or correct something. Then all the marks must be connected with smooth lines, creating the outline of the vase. so that it is symmetrical? Of course, if you don't have a trained eye, it will be difficult. Help yourself with a pencil, it will serve as a kind of ruler. There is one more secret: turn your drawing upside down and you will immediately see everything that needs to be corrected.

Step 4

Now is the time to use a medium-hard pencil and an eraser. At this stage, draw the neck of the vase. Don't forget about perspective: the neck should not be round, but oval. Pay attention to the bottom of the vase; it should not be flat like a table. This will also be an oval. Don't be afraid to mess up, everything can be fixed with an eraser. Contours will help you in how to draw a vase. Draw them more clearly, pay attention to the neck of the vase. Auxiliary lines that bother you can be wiped away.

How to draw a vase so that it is voluminous? To do this, at this stage you need to apply shadows. They should be inside the neck of the vase, below, on the side. Look from which direction the light is coming from. The shadow will always be on the opposite side of the light source.

Step 5

Take the softest pencil and work on your drawing in the shadows more actively. The shadow under the vase can be rubbed with your finger or cotton wool. This will give it softness. The further the shadow is from the vase, the softer it is. Mark the outlines of the design on the vase, if there is one.

Well, now you know how to draw a vase with a pencil. You may not create a masterpiece the first time, but you will get pleasure from creativity.

Master class on drawing for children of senior preschool and primary school age with step-by-step photos. Flowers in a vase.

Author of the work: Rassadina Elena Yurievna. Teacher at the kindergarten "Altyn Besik" Kazakhstan. Karaganda.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6-7 years old and children of primary school age, kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, additional education teachers and simply for creative people.
Purpose: This pattern can be used to decorate the interior (group, hall), or be used in a drawing class.
Target: Learn to draw flowers in a vase using gouache.
1. Learn to draw objects by observation, convey their features, and arouse interest in drawing flowers.
2. Develop a sense of color, composition, creative imagination, perseverance, and the ability to select paints according to color scheme.
3. Cultivate interest in plants, a desire to admire them, independence, and a love of drawing.
Material required for work: A sheet of white paper, gouache, brushes, a simple pencil. glass of water, palette.

Flowers attract us with their appearance, variety, and delicate scent. Flowers are beautiful plants that accompany a person at all stages of his life. Different types of flowers have different symbolism, be it a declaration of love, fidelity, friendship, respect and even memory.
Not a single holiday is complete without such a gift as flowers. Flowers, thanks to their beauty and aroma, can instantly lift your spirits and leave pleasant memories.

I would like to bring to your attention a master class on painting flowers in a vase.
1. First, let's take a sheet of white paper and make sketches of the future drawing.

2. Next, take yellow gouache and a thick brush. Let's draw the background.

3. Then we will need light brown paint (ocher). We will use it to draw a table.

4. Use white gouache to paint the table on one side so that one side becomes lighter.

5. Then we take dark brown paint and darken the table on the opposite side, making a shadow.
6. Next, take dark green paint and a medium brush and paint the leaves.

7. Draw a vase with white gouache.

8. Use ocher to draw a shadow on the vase.

9. Then take white gouache and add a little blue paint to it, stir and draw flowers.

10. Then draw the center of the flower with yellow gouache.

11. Next, take light green paint and paint the leaves, diluting them with dark green ones.

12. Take a small brush and blue paint and paint small flowers with dots in different places, then mix blue and white paint and add blue paint to the small blue flowers.

13. Add orange paint to the middle of the flowers. Then we draw two fallen flowers on the table.

The picture is ready. Thank you for your attention.


Draw a horizontal line on the sheet - this will be the table on which we will place the vase. The line should run approximately 8 - 10 cm from the bottom edge of the sheet.

Draw, using light pressure on the pencil, an approximate outline of one side of the jug. To determine the proportions of the jug, there is one simple trick. To do this, you need to extend your hand forward and squint one eye. Now try to measure how many times the widest part of the jug fits within its height. To do this, turn the pencil horizontally and point it at the widest part of the jug, fixing the resulting distance with your finger on the pencil. Then turn the pencil horizontally and count how many times the distance you measured fits into the height of the jug. Thus, artists measure all the proportions of the object being drawn.

Start drawing this half clearly, look carefully at your “model”. Clearly draw all the bends and concavities of the jug. Once one side of the jug is completely drawn, proceed to the next step.

Draw straight horizontal lines from the bends of the drawn part of the jug to its other part, thus projecting the future outline of the second side. This is necessary to ensure that your vase is symmetrical. Become a draftsman for a couple.

Draw the second side of the jug by eye, and then compare both parts. Place a pencil from the axis to the edge of the jug near its neck, and measure the distance in the other direction from the axis. In this way, check all the bends of the jug on both sides of the axis.

Draw the outline of the second part, correct any imperfections.


All art school students take a lesson on how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil. Pictures of vases are good teaching material for adding volume to objects in a drawing. Let's try to draw a vase step by step. And to make drawing more interesting, let’s “place” a rose flower in a vase.

Helpful advice

Now you will learn how to draw a vase of flowers. Step 1. Starting with the basic shapes, draw a rectangle in the center of the leaf, outline a circle at the bottom of the vase and a flattened oval at the top. Also draw three curved lines, these will be the stems. And at the top there are three circles for future flowers. Step 2. Divide each flower into 6 parts with a circle in the middle, add leaves.

In order to learn how to draw a vase, you need to have the skills of constructing perpendicular lines and a good eye. Knowing the general rules, you can depict a vessel of any shape and proportions.


Draw a vertical line symbolizing the axis of symmetry of the vase you are drawing. Using two perpendicular lines, separate the boundaries of the bottom and neck of the vessel. Do not press on the pencil; the guide lines will need to be erased.

Squint one eye, extend your hand with the . Place it horizontally, level with the bottom of the vase, so that the tip matches the left border. There is no need to lean the pencil against the image object. Place your nail where the right border of the bottom is. Without removing the nail from the conventional point on, move it to a vertical position and count how many times the measured area fits into the height of the vase. If the proportions of the vessel are such that its height is three times the width of the bottom, mark on the lower horizontal line two points equidistant from the vertical, the distance between which is equal to a third of the height. Test yourself with a pencil by measuring all the proportions on a sheet of paper.

Using a pencil held at arm's length, compare the width of the bottom and neck. Reflect in the drawing the relationship between these sizes. Select all the curves of the vase, draw auxiliary horizontal lines. To select a point on the vertical axis, use a pencil, pull it out, fix the width of the bottom with your fingernail, and, turning it vertically, calculate at what height, expressed in the size of the bottom, the bend is located. This way you can maintain the proportions of the vase.

Draw ovals passing through the points marked on the horizontal lines. Remember that the ovals lying in the lower parts of the vase are wider than those drawn on the upper horizontal lines. Connect all the points with smooth lines. Observe concave and convex areas. Erase the extra auxiliary lines. The side contours of the vase, the oval of the neck and the bottom should remain in the drawing. Color the drawing.