How to get rid of bad luck: three magical ways. A streak of failures and bad luck: what to do, how to get out of it

Bad luck is a sticky thing: once you encounter it a couple of times, failures line up in a long chain, which is called a “black streak.” How can you break this vicious circle and let joyful and pleasant events into your life? You can do this on your own, without turning to magicians for help.

How to get rid of bad luck yourself

To start, on Wednesday afternoon, without haggling and without change, buy any inexpensive toy you like in the form of an animal or a person (a doll, a bear cub, a dog, etc.). Bring her home, put her in your bed (properly, with her head on the pillow) and sleep next to her for three nights in a row.

On Saturday, immediately after you wake up, put the toy in a black plastic bag with your protected hand, tie it tightly and throw it in a trash container or landfill away from home, saying three times:

“I leave behind bad luck, I free myself from it. Here he should disappear , don’t know the way back, don’t come back to me, don’t mock me.”

Then leave without looking back.

Upon returning home, read the plot seven times using previously prepared unopened water:

Wash yourself with the enchanted water, imagining that with its fresh silver streams it takes away everything alien, evil and bad from you.

Now wait for your birth date, which falls on the waning moon. Take your oldest blouse, shirt or jacket and cut off all the buttons with scissors.

Place the item itself in a plastic bag and the buttons in a canvas bag. Wrap the edges of the latter with black thread clockwise and whisper:

The spell is pronounced as many times as your full age, reduced to a single digit. For example, you are 35 years old: 3 + 5 = 8. This means you need to read 8 times.

After sunset, take these bags as far from your home as possible and leave them in a landfill or trash can.

Ritual to attract good luck

If you are simply fatally unlucky in any matter, then we can assume that your enemies had a hand in this. Try this.

On the last day of the full moon, collect as many nickels (no matter rubles or kopecks) in a new handkerchief as you are full years old. Place it on your open left palm and whisper a spell onto the coins so that your breath touches them:

Tie the ends of the scarf into three knots and hide it in the western sector of your bedroom.

On the first day of the new moon, at midnight, go to any intersection. Untie the scarf, take the coins in your right hand and throw them forcefully over your left shoulder, saying at this time: “Paid.”

On the way home, whisper the Lord’s Prayer, periodically imagining that your problem or business you are dealing with has been successfully resolved.

Remember: all coins must be taken only from money you personally earned; you cannot use nickels received as change from buying salt or bread.

Prayer for bad luck in life

“Lord, have mercy on me, your son of God, my soul is in rage in evil. Help me, Lord, guide me on the true path, save me from bad luck and failures, grant me happiness and prosperity. Take away the bad people from me who wish me harm. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Video: what to do if nothing works out in life?

34 538 0 Hello! In this article we will talk about a bad streak in life - what to do and how to get rid of it. Our life itself is heterogeneous and impermanent. It is unlikely that you will be able to find a person on planet Earth who has never encountered failure, grief or misfortune. A series of easy, happy days are replaced by trials given to us for our own good, development and growth. Many people call difficult times a bad time. Let's figure out what to do with a black streak in life and what it is.

How to understand that a black streak has come

A black streak is a series of unpleasant events, problems and troubles that replace each other or fall upon a person at once. It is important not to confuse this concept with the usual routine problems that exist in every person’s life. Many people like to overdramatize, and even torn tights or a ruined manicure for them is a sign of an endless streak of misfortune.

To make sure that there really is a black streak in your life, look back and impartially assess the situation. Ask yourself the question: “In what areas of my life am I having problems?” Make a sample list of areas:

  • Career
  • Health
  • Personal life
  • Self-realization, etc.

Include points that are important to you. If you suddenly realize that the problems are concentrated in one area, you can be congratulated: there is no black line, there are problems that you, like all mortals, must solve. If you have checked at least three areas, this is a reason to think and realize that now is really not the best time in your life.

Don't despair, the black streak ends sooner or later and you can directly influence its duration!

Why the black streak came: reasons

Only you can answer this question. However, several reasons for failure can be identified:

  1. You yourself. Unfortunately, in some cases, we ourselves are the culprits of the so-called black streak, and it is at least strange to shift our blame onto others. Everything in the world strives for balance, and if you do not try to achieve harmony, sooner or later you will lose something. For example, you spend 24 hours a day at work, forget about your family, and even on weekends you manage to think only about your career. Is there anything surprising about losing your family, friends or loved one by putting work at the center of your life? The same thing can happen in the opposite case, when the desire to please loved ones shifts your personal fulfillment and development in the list of priorities. Try to find a middle ground and develop all areas of life in more or less equal proportions.
  2. . Often it is this point that slows down development and forces a person to give up interesting prospects or an attractive position, not to mention communication with the opposite sex.
  3. Negative thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. It is our thoughts that sometimes attract various troubles and failures. We don't allow ourselves to be happy on a subconscious level. Try to control your thoughts as much as possible, remember what attitudes were instilled in you as a child. Maybe you refuse opportunities just because you don’t believe in success and that you are worthy of happiness and love, like all people on this Earth? We are all born to feel and be happy. The only question is whether we allow ourselves to do this. Smile at the new day and believe only in good things.
  4. Global and personal disasters. There are not always things we can control: natural disasters, floods, earthquakes, loss of personal property, be it a car theft or a house fire. Anyone can find themselves in distress and all you can do in such a situation is to help others. Yes, yes, team up with people who also need your help and support. Good deeds are the best way to overcome the dark patches of life and improve your karma, if you believe in it, of course.
  5. Enemies and ill-wishers. Sometimes troubles arise from the light hand of our enemies, envious people and ill-wishers. If this is your case, you have three options to solve the problem: fight the enemy, retreat or make peace. Each person is free to choose and decide for themselves. Therefore, no matter what you do, you are right anyway.
  6. Lack of life purpose. When we don't know what we want or where we're going, it's very easy to get thrown off course. Any incident will be perceived as an evil fate, depriving us of true happiness. ! Perhaps then everything will fall into place.

When will the black streak end?

How quickly the bad streak ends depends, first of all, on the person himself, his character and attitude towards life’s difficulties. Some people tend to exaggerate any troubles and failures, and they perceive even a small test of fate as a big tragedy. It is obvious that such people experience a dark streak very difficult, often invent it themselves and find inner satisfaction in being eternal victims and suffering. The black streak will never leave them.

But if a person sincerely knows how to enjoy little things, not notice minor failures and is able to see something good in everything, there will be very few black streaks in his life and he is unlikely to notice them, enjoying the moment.

By the way, black bars often disappear, you just have to think about the true state of things and change your attitude towards what is happening.

What does fate really have in store for us?

The obstacles that we encounter during the black period can be divided into three types:

  1. Tests;
  2. Punishments;
  3. Signs.

Challenges often come to us to confirm our intentions, test our ambition, determination, and test whether we really want something badly and are willing to take action for it. Yes, fate tests our strength, but after passing the test with dignity, it rewards those who are patient and purposeful.

Punishments are given by fate for wrong actions, sins, missed opportunities. Many believe this is karma or the will of God. But even if you are an atheist, no one has canceled the laws of balance, and everything you have done will sooner or later come back to you like a boomerang.

Signs come to us when we have stayed in our comfort zone and stopped developing, growing and learning. Then fate decides to throw us out of the nest, forces us to look around and start acting differently. It is very important how a person treats such signs. Maybe the fact that you were fired from your job is not a reason to be sad and anger God, but a reason to find a more interesting and promising job or even take up your life’s work and start your own business? Maybe you shouldn’t be killed by breaking up with your loved one, but take care of yourself, and then a partner will come into your life with whom you will be able to build an even more holistic and harmonious relationship?

How to get rid of the black stripe

So, you realized that only you are the creator of your destiny, you are convinced that there is really a black streak in your life and you want to act. How to survive and cope with the trials of fate with dignity?

  1. Let your emotions come out. Believe me, being cheerful and proving to everyone, including yourself, that everything is fine, while experiencing a storm of emotions inside, is not the best solution. This way you will only create health problems for yourself and make the situation worse. Let your emotions show: cry, scream if necessary. Just don’t drag out this period and “suffer” for too long.
  2. Look around and assess the situation. Analyze what is the true reason for the streak of failures, what mistakes you made. If there is an opportunity to fix something, make a plan and take action.
  3. Change your scenery. Leave the city, going to the village or to the country house with friends. If you can go on a longer trip, do it. When if not now? Even short trips help to clear your head, take a fresh look at the situation and return to your normal life as a completely different person with different attitudes.
  4. Assess your losses. You may have lost something, but surely something still remains with you? Thank fate for this and appreciate what you have.
  5. Accept the problem if there is one. Recognize it and do not deny it in any way, as you will only aggravate the situation.
  6. Help others. Nothing heals faster than the feeling of being needed, kindness and sincerity. Find people who need help even more than you and do something good for them. Uplifting spirit is guaranteed.
  7. Keep calm. Hysterics and panic are not the best companions. If you are already in a stormy sea, the violent, chaotic floundering will drag you even deeper. Pull yourself together and collect your thoughts.
  8. Look within yourself for support. Faith in God or higher powers, the laws of the world and, of course, faith in yourself will help you!
  9. Surround yourself with loved ones and dear people: friends, relatives. The ones you love and who love you. Try to communicate with positively minded people, avoid pessimists and whiners.
  10. If for some reason you are deprived of the opportunity to surround yourself with loved ones, go out into nature more often and spend time in solitude.
  11. Accept help and don't refuse it.
  12. Enjoy. Perhaps the black streak is just a myth, and your adversity is associated with the lack of endorphins in the body. Delicious food, sex, shopping, beauty salons and other joys will help lift your spirits. Just remember that everything is good in moderation: do not overeat and make love only with your loved one.
  • Practice to Identify Problems

Take a piece of paper and make an impromptu table. In the first column write all your problems, and in the second column the solution. This way you will clearly see how many significant problems you have and identify those that require immediate work.


It is possible that there will be much fewer real problems than you expected or that the problems that you find will be insignificant. Or maybe you will suddenly find the root of all problems or identify in time a situation that prevents you from living and breathing deeply?

  • Daily measures

In addition to general principles, there are things that should be done daily to maintain good spirits:

  1. Start every morning with a smile and gratitude for the new day, this is how you change the karma of the day. And in the evening, ask the Universe and yourself for forgiveness for all situations where you were unable to think positively or acted unworthily - this tool helps to change the karma of life.
  2. Go to the mirror during the day and smile at yourself. Do this, even if it is difficult and you have to smile through force. A forced smile will soon turn into genuine joy.
  3. Every evening, praise yourself for your successes, even if they seem very small to you. Keep a diary of victories and write every day: “I can...”, “I was able to...”. Nothing raises our self-esteem better than realizing our own strength and capabilities.
  4. Learn new things every day: read books, take courses, watch educational films, listen to lectures, take excursions, etc.
  5. Avoid noisy gatherings, but don’t forget to socialize with friends: go for a visit, walk a lot, visit museums, exhibitions, cinemas and other events.
  6. Train your positive thinking: believe in the best and try to find the positive at any moment, like the main character of the movie “Polyanna”.
  • What should you not do?

Under no circumstances should you:

  • drinking alcohol;
  • eat a lot and excessively;
  • feel sorry for yourself;
  • to be despondent;
  • avoid communication;
  • stay at home and not go out anywhere.

Whether there is a black streak or whether it’s just a problem with our perception of the world is up to you to decide. One way or another, everything passes. The dark streak will pass!

Loser syndrome: how to get out of a bad streak

Each of us has failures, mistakes and defeats in life. Problems appear when the period of failures in our life drags on, and one defeat entails a second, and then everything rolls on like a snowball. How to stop this streak of bad luck and take control of your life?

Positive thinking.

Half the success in your business is changing your mindset. Most often, streaks of failure haunt those people who think poorly of themselves, see their future as gloomy and despise optimists. Therefore, if you are overwhelmed by a wave of problems and you don’t know how to get out of it, you should reconsider your way of thinking. Just think - do negative thoughts in your head prevail over positive ones? If the answer is yes, just start working on your mindset.

Analysis of past mistakes.

In fact, getting out of a streak of bad luck is quite simple - you just need to identify and eliminate the reasons that led to the current state of affairs. To do this, you just need to sit down and think about what you are doing wrong. Yes, it is you, not the government, not your boss, wife or husband. Let them deal with their mistakes in life themselves, and at the moment you need to save yours. If you don’t see, or for some reason cannot understand what exactly your mistakes led you into this streak of failure, then you should turn to friends and loved ones for help. From the outside it is always clearer where and when a person stumbled, so accept criticism from the lips of your loved ones, analyze it - it will benefit you.

Work on mistakes.

After you have analyzed your behavior and made a conclusion regarding the mistakes that led you to this state, you should begin practical work on eliminating them. Think about what actions you should take to eliminate the consequences of past mistakes from your path, and take them.

Plan for a bright future.

Now that we have dealt with the past, it’s time to move on to building a normal present and a bright future, filled with prospects and success. These are, of course, general phrases, but each person has his own vision of a happy future, so it’s worth making it more specific. What do you want your life to be like today, tomorrow, in a year? Can you answer this question? You need to formulate very specific goals that you want to achieve, define them in time and write them down step by step, a plan for every day!

What happens next depends only on you and how persistent you are. Remember that our life consists of ups and downs, but no matter what happens, the main thing is not to lose your bearings. There is a way out of every difficult situation, but only for those who know where they need to go.

Few people know that bad luck is an object that is of great interest to modern psychologists. In addition to such fashionable topics as visualization, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) or “depression of a successful person,” experts are beginning to highlight the problem of a chronic streak of failures.

Psychologists were able to specify bad luck in life using the following symptoms of a chronic loser:

  • Disappointment in the world around you and yourself. There are moments in the life of any person when he begins to feel hopelessness and loss of faith in his own strength. Many successfully pass this period, but typical losers selflessly continue to torment themselves. The reason for this phenomenon may lie in the fact that this type of people does not sensibly assess their capabilities, setting themselves unattainable goals.
  • Aggressiveness towards other people. A loser disappointed in everything cannot let off emotional steam in the process of achieving his cherished goal. Consequently, energy accumulates in him, which often splashes out in the form of attacks, nagging, and rudeness towards loved ones or colleagues. People with extensive life experience abstract an ordinary boor from a person with a running mechanism of failure.
  • Lack of self-confidence. The reason for this phenomenon should most often be sought in early childhood, when the child’s character is formed. During the period of growing up (when establishing a life position), an emotional failure can also occur, which will lead to self-doubt. Automatically, people of this type join the ranks of chronic losers.
  • Symptom "alone among the crowd". Bad luck often strikes lonely people, because it turns out to be a kind of vicious circle. Ordinary people who protect themselves from communication with the outside world are either unsure of themselves, or create a protective barrier around their lives. After this, they suffer from loneliness and fall into the category of losers because they are deprived of the support of family and friends.
  • Offense to the whole world. Any person with chronic bad luck will look for the causes of misfortune not in himself, but in others. It is much more comfortable to console yourself that harsh fate, an envious colleague and a suspiciously happy neighbor with the “evil eye” are to blame for all the failures that occur.
  • Feeling empty. A person accustomed to unfavorable fortune ceases to notice the simple joys of life. He begins to lose the desire to try something new and unusual, because, according to the chronic loser, all this will definitely lead to failure. The result is devastation, which can turn into either apathy or aggression.

Note! All the symptoms described can be present in the life of even a successful and self-sufficient person. Psychologists clarify that this only applies to prolonged manifestations that trigger the mechanism of failure.

The main reasons for bad luck in life

Before you understand the methods of dealing with bad luck, you should clearly identify the origins of this fiasco in life. Such provocateurs of failure include the following parameters:
  1. Ignorance of the basics of psychology. No one claims that the average person should have in-depth knowledge of cause-and-effect relationships. However, many adults continue to live with psychological trauma, the roots of which go back to early childhood. Without trying to rethink their position in life, people fall into the category of losers.
  2. Elementary laziness. If spiritual impulse and thirst for knowledge are stimulants of success, then idle vegetation leads a person into apathy. Consequently, a lazy subject will not be able to achieve tangible results in life. At best, he will be satisfied with everything, at worst, he will confirm his diagnosis of “chronic bad luck.”
  3. Inability to notice beauty. Lucky people know how to enjoy little things. After all, success is not only the acquisition of life's blessings, but also harmony with oneself. Those who are able to appreciate great weather, a pleasant conversation or just a cup of coffee will never become members of the club of losers.
  4. Insufficiently formed logical thinking. The reasons for bad luck may lie in an incorrectly laid down scheme according to the following principle: action planning - analysis of manipulations - adjustment of decisions - conclusions about what happened. If a person fails to follow the voiced chain, a natural streak of failure begins in his life.
  5. Angel complex. Few people know that bad luck is often the result of excessive shyness and indecisiveness. Being afraid of disturbing someone again or asking a question, a person automatically deprives himself of the right to vote when making a decision. When the problem begins to grow like a snowball, you can see the birth of a new loser.
  6. Life as a carbon copy or according to the draft principle. Real is a cruel thing that does not give even the strongest the right to imitate or act by trial when planning their life. As a result, a person lives a life that is not his own (like a tracing paper) or hopes to rewrite his history completely. Very often, for this reason, losers can be found among people who copy both in appearance and behavior of stars. They completely get used to the image, but people don’t need two stars or just a fake.
  7. Malfunction of the body. Our body is not a garbage container that can be filled with all sorts of rubbish. A lot in our lives, no matter how trivial it may sound, depends on health. Without him, there will be no strength to fight, create and improve this world. Consequently, with chronic illnesses, the main stimulus of a person disappears and depression begins. Next comes a chain reaction that will lead to an undesirable point - bad luck.
  8. Tendency to live incognito. Nobody claims that you need to live for show and demonstratively advertise your capabilities. However, the golden mean between frank publicity and a secret life behind seven locks will never interfere with a person who strives for success. Excessive secrecy often interferes with the implementation of planned plans, which can lead to a series of failures and blunders.
  9. Lack of intuition. Strange as it may sound, this aspect greatly influences a person’s life. The inner voice is such an abstract concept that modern science cannot explain. However, it is precisely this that often allows one to avoid dangerous moments in life. If a person lacks this powerful method of self-defense, a number of troubles arise that can lead to chronic bad luck.
  10. Incorrect assessment of the experience gained. Sometimes situations arise in which it is difficult to behave judiciously and measuredly. When they lose an interesting and highly paid job, whiners immediately begin to look for the ultimate cause of the situation. They are ready to blame the leadership of the institution, all Ministries and the Lord God himself. This makes it easier for weak-willed people to cope with failure and blame others. The result is cyclical bad luck and lifelong status as a loser.
The reasons described are basically an excuse for people who are afraid of responsibility for their actions. In this case, you should not fall into depression, but look for ways to get rid of bad luck.

Methods for dealing with bad luck in life

In general, this pathological phenomenon must be eradicated. In this case, you can take the advice of psychologists or turn to folk remedies. The experience of ancestors will always tell you what to do with bad luck in life, and the recommendations of specialists will direct a person’s actions in the right direction.

Psychology of overcoming a bad streak of failures

Psychology is a science that does not like precise definitions and always leaves a chance to consider any situation from two sides. Some consider the conclusions of experts in this field to be frivolous and paradoxical, which is not true.

Psychologists' research on bad luck has provided chronic losers with the following recommendations for dealing with misfortune:

  • Willpower training. The easiest way is to leave the problem unresolved and continue to complain about the evil fate that haunts such a wonderful person. However, if a loser positions himself as a worthy member of society, then he needs to pull himself together and improve his life. Psychologists advise starting therapy with irritating factors, which may include an aggressive signal on the phone or the refusal of previously pleasant things.
  • Creating a daily routine. Some may consider such actions childish, but practice shows the effectiveness of this method. First, you need to create a schedule for at least seven days with the distribution of important tasks by hour. Do not infringe on yourself by refusing to play sports, walk or watch movies. The main thing is to strictly adhere to a planned day to train willpower.
  • Working towards a goal. In this case, psychologists advise taking a sheet of paper and very clearly characterizing the desired object. Then you need to soberly assess the chances of success of the proposed enterprise. If there is a real opportunity to achieve the goal, then you need to draw up a clear plan for further actions in the near future.
  • Autotraining with elements of self-hypnosis. Self-esteem always affects a person and his life position. A loser will never be able to find the answer to the question of how to deal with bad luck if he does not believe in his own strength. An inflated opinion of oneself is also not a solution, because a streak of failures can lead such a person to deep depression.
  • Narrowing your circle of acquaintances. As cliché as it sounds, sometimes a best friend lowers a loser's self-esteem. The beginning of the fight against a streak of bad luck should include meeting and communicating with people of an optimistic nature. All this will help raise the morale of a person who has suffered a misfortune.
The described methods for combating bad luck are recommended to be implemented in combination to achieve the greatest effect. In case of failure, you can seek advice from a psychotherapist who will help you cope with the problem that has arisen.

Folk wisdom against bad luck in life

In this case, it should be noted that not every person believes in conspiracy and corruption, which are usually attributed to the streak of failures. Skeptics clearly and caustically ridicule such concepts, considering them the machinations of charlatans. However, practice shows that people will not give bad advice.
  1. Salt manipulation. Since ancient times, this product has been considered a cult item, because it was this product, according to our ancestors, that was capable of driving out evil spirits. In case of bad luck, the sages advised throwing salt over your left shoulder, asking the Almighty to save you from bad luck. Only in this case you need to remember that salt over the right shoulder is a direct call to new troubles. The window sill and corners of the house must also be sprinkled with salt so that trouble or a person with the “evil eye” cannot enter the house.
  2. Prayer against failure. In this case, folk wisdom says that you should contact your guardian angel. Before the sacred ritual, it is necessary to consecrate the house and visit the church to purify one’s thoughts. Then you need to light incense and read a prayer. The text of the petition itself can be arbitrary, because an appeal from the heart is the best weapon against bad luck.
  3. Knitting a talisman. For such a ritual you will need threads of seven colors. Each of them will symbolize the supply of a certain energy to the loser. In this case, the red color will neutralize secret ill-wishers who are trying to harm the sufferer. The orange thread will save you from such harmful external influences as human envy. The yellow color will help you overcome damage, and the green color will protect you from deceitful people. The blue thread can open the loser’s “third eye” to improve intuition, which is so necessary for any person. The blue shade will allow you to become a brilliant interlocutor, and purple will guarantee protection against accidents. The next step is to ask a loved one to tie these threads into seven knots on the loser’s left wrist.
How to get rid of bad luck in life - watch the video:

Bad luck in life is temporary if you forget phrases like “I hope,” “I can’t,” or “maybe, but not now.” A person is the master of his own destiny, and not the factors that prevent him from being successful and happy. Act, observe, draw conclusions, win - the slogan of people whom fortune loves.

Troubles happen in people's lives from time to time; unfortunately, no one is immune from any unfortunate incidents. But it happens when troubles literally fall on your head one after another, a moment comes when it seems that the black streak will never leave you again, what to do with the problems? People tend to attribute this condition to mystical bad luck, dark forces, evil karma, curses, damage, etc. But in fact, in most cases the reason lies in internal factors, that is, in ourselves.

Energy and pity

A person’s energy resource can change throughout life. At some stage, due to various reasons, the energy may weaken, and thereby open the gates to the manifestation of failures. Remember once and for all, if this has affected you, there is no need to pretend to be a victim. Yes, without arguing, friends and relatives will hug you and feel sorry for you, but they will not help you solve the problem.

Remember yourself, your friends have probably come to you more than once to complain about life. What's the first thing you do? At first you sympathize - this is natural. But then, when pity is pressed again, slight irritation arises, then anger, and finally, you lose the desire to communicate with this person.

Just so you know, successful people prefer to cross off the list of true losers they know. It's simple, you can get infected with the bad luck virus from them. Yes, you heard right, such a misfortune can occur in our lives. Therefore, do not be surprised when, after several complaining sessions with acquaintances, other friends begin to turn away from you. Even if this happens, do not despair, you can fight the bad luck virus, the main thing is to know how. Here are some effective techniques.

List of problems

First of all, take a blank white sheet and display on it a complete list of your problems. Moreover, the list items should be written out in a certain order: at the top are urgent issues, at the bottom are those that can be postponed until later. Next to each line, put a date indicating the deadline for solving the problem. If possible, keep a lunar calendar near you when compiling a list.

For example, if in the near future you need to find a job and borrow some money, then it is better to solve these problems during the waxing moon. If you want to sell something or lose weight, then on the contrary, you need to do this during the killing moon. In other words, adhere to the following principle: when you need to add something, the moon should be in the waxing phase; if, on the contrary, you need to remove something, the moon should also be waning. Data on lunar phases can be seen on the Internet, in the summary of morning television programs, or, as a last resort, on the pages of a tear-off calendar. Therefore, coordinate the phases of the moon with your schedule and move forward.

Simorno ritual, how to get rid of problems and failures

In other words, adhere to the following principle: when you need to add something, the moon should be in the waxing phase; if, on the contrary, you need to remove something, the moon should also be waning. Data on lunar phases can be seen on the Internet, in the summary of morning television programs, or, as a last resort, on the pages of a tear-off calendar. Therefore, coordinate the phases of the moon with your schedule and move forward.

Panic and despondency are prohibited

In no case should you sink “below the baseboard”, fall into panic and despondency. There is always a way out of even the most hopeless situation. You simply must find it. Your salvation depends on this. Try to put the task that you set for yourself in a rhymed form, so it will “fit” more reliably in your mind. Let the rhyme be the most clumsy of clumsy options, like “I’ll go into the wind and find a job,” it makes absolutely no difference, this is how you form a personal conspiracy, program your further actions for success.

But if gloomy thoughts do not leave your head, you are simply doomed to failure, failures will continue to haunt you. Remember, positive thoughts are good, despondency and negative thoughts are bad.

Relaxation is necessary

Know how to relax, after difficult work days, find time for proper rest. Precisely relaxation, and not gatherings somewhere in a cafe accompanied by alcohol and cigarettes. You don’t have to invent anything, just stay at home alone, lie down on the bed or sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and try to hear your heart and its beat. You just don’t understand how lucky you really are, you are healthy, you have a home, that’s the main thing. The blissful silence around you is worth a lot, so try to enjoy these moments to the maximum.

Enhance the relaxation effect with scented lamps, candles, or even soak a cotton ball in essential oil and place it nearby. Such seemingly inconspicuous things cope perfectly with a tense state. The following aromas can overcome unfavorable emotional stress:

  • OVERTIRED (verbena, frankincense, juniper, orange, geranium, lemon, mint);
  • EMOTIONAL SUPPRESSION (cinnamon, cypress, basil, incense, geranium);
  • IRRITABILITY (incense, spruce, fir, rose, oregano, lavender);
  • TEARNESS (citrus aromas, rose, sandalwood, lavender);
  • EXCESSIVE EXCITABILITY (myrrh, chamomile, sandalwood, vanilla, anise).

If life, then only today

Don’t make plans for a month, a year in advance, live for today. Plan tasks only for today, the day has come - you need to solve this and that... Take a blank sheet of paper and write down the steps that need to be completed in a day, highlight each position in different bright colors. Do not use dark colors: blue, black, etc. By the way, one day, instead of red (for example), you will want to take green (or any other) to which you were previously indifferent. This can be regarded as a sign from above, green is the color of good luck for you, get yourself a talisman of this exact shade and always carry it with you.

If there is a disease, then only from nerves

Surely everyone has heard that all diseases are only from nerves. When a person is in a state of prolonged stress, during this period his body is especially susceptible to infections. It is possible that old chronic diseases will make themselves felt again. In order to minimize the likelihood of stress, do not deny yourself the pleasure of taking a walk at night, do not get too cold, eat right, and do not forget about vitamins and herbal teas. And remember one more thing - movement is life, so away with a sedentary lifestyle.

Help others

If possible, help others, but don't get too carried away. Periodically delving into other people's problems will allow you to forget about your own for a while. There will always be someone who is much worse off than you. Have you been laid off from work? So what! Imagine what it’s like for your next-door neighbor, who has not left his apartment for two years now, due to his disability. Maybe you'd like to trade places with him? Hardly! Therefore, do not be lazy to call your neighbor and offer your help.

For example, you can help him get down into the street in a wheelchair, take him for a ride around the neighborhood, show him how everything has changed during his absence. If you see a stray cat, why don't you take it home, or at least buy a carton of milk, a sausage, and feed the poor animal. Always remember that the good you do will definitely return to you a hundredfold.


Diversify your life with rituals. They can be anything: magical, religious. You can even create your own ritual. According to psychologists, literally every person has personal rituals. Pray morning and evening, wear a talisman, read conspiracies before leaving the house - these simple things will fill your mind with positivity, instill self-confidence, and most importantly, return good luck.

Motivation - How to quickly get rid of failures