How audiences process humor and what every comedian should do. How to be a humorist How to become humorous all sorts of words be able to say

Why does a person need to be funny? This question can be answered in different ways. But, one way or another, any of the answers will lead us to the fact that humor is important in any area of ​​our lives, and is also highly valued by others. If a person has a sense of humor and wit, life is much easier for him than for someone who does not.

People with a poorly developed sense of humor are often rational and straightforward, which is why they often have difficulties with social adaptation and communication. For such people, even minor troubles end in stress. But if there is a sense of humor, then psychological defense mechanisms perform their functions much more effectively. Agree: how nice it would be if we could always easily perceive what is happening and find something funny in any situation? This is one of the reasons why many people want to develop a sense of humor.

But the benefit is not only that people who know how to laugh in the broad sense of the word perceive even the most difficult life situations much more calmly, but also that they establish contact with other people faster and easier. And this can be called the second, but no less important reason. Who do you think is easier to communicate with: a shy, insecure and timid guy or someone who knows how to make funny jokes in a company, laugh at themselves, amuse them, and attract the attention of the opposite sex with a cool joke? In our opinion, the answer is obvious.

The benefits of a developed sense of humor can be listed for a very long time, but we think that the two discussed are quite enough to draw certain conclusions, although we will talk about the benefits of humor later. In the meantime, let's think: is it even possible to develop a sense of humor and wit? Does a person who has never been able to joke or was generally characterized by gloom and lack of cheerfulness have a chance to change and let positivity into their consciousness? We have bad news for you - this won't happen overnight. But we also have good news - if you want, you can do this, and you don’t have to move mountains!

Of course, there is no doubt that a sense of humor is transmitted in genes. However, this is not at all a reason to give up on yourself if your ancestor was not Mikhail Zadornov or Charlie Chaplin. After a person is born, the development of a sense of humor already depends on the characteristics of the environment where he grows up, the subtleties of upbringing and other conditions. But we do not set ourselves the task of getting into the very jungle of influences that reality has on human consciousness.

We want to say that anyone at almost any age can develop a sense of humor and learn to be funny. All that is required for this is to learn the basic laws of the comic as such, and study practical information, including techniques, methods and methods for developing a sense of humor. And this information is right in front of you - in the course, the introduction to which you are now reading.

What is a sense of humor

A sense of humor call a psychological feature of a person, which consists in identifying all kinds of contradictions in the surrounding world and their subsequent assessment from a comic point of view. It begins to manifest itself and develop already in early childhood under the influence of the environment, comic manifestations of other people, funny situations and other prerequisites. If there are no such prerequisites, a person develops a straightforward character, which can lead to many social and psychological difficulties.

Thus, we can conclude that a sense of humor allows a person to:

  • Easier, problems and difficult life circumstances
  • Find common language with others faster
  • Find like-minded people in society
  • Don't be too serious

Assessments have been made (and continue to be made) from the perspective of psychology, sociology, linguistics, anthropology and other scientific disciplines. And among hundreds of theories of humor, there are those that say that the task of a sense of humor is to relieve tension and stress, as well as encourage the search for new interpretations of life situations. Based on these theories, all jokes are accompanied by increasing attention as they are presented and a subsequent release when the joke ends. The reason for the emergence of new interpretations is that jokes entail unexpected associations of unrelated and even conflicting circumstances.

There are also theories in which humor serves as a means of defusing aggression and negative emotions. Although in certain circles, for example, among military personnel, doctors, officials, criminals, etc. has its own, special humor, from which it follows that the sense of humor is to one degree or another subjective.

In general, a sense of humor should be understood as the ability to see the funny in situations, people, environments, stories, etc. The protective function of humor is highlighted by almost all researchers.

  • Cognitive function. Humor is interpreted as a means of understanding the world and mastering ideas about it. Humor, which is considered to have the greatest educational value, shows reality in its true light, without deforming its phenomena or trying to modify it. The cognitive component of humor deepens a person’s knowledge about the world and other people, teaches them to identify differences between the content of phenomena and their form, and also warns against hasty conclusions.
  • Entertainment function. Everything is simple here - humor has the ability to lift your spirits and cause laughter and positive emotions.
  • Therapeutic function. It consists in the ability of humor to be a consolation for a person in his personal disappointments and failures. Self-irony is a form of protection both from outside influence and from oneself, i.e. from your own pessimism, despondency, doubts, etc.

But it would not be superfluous to say about another function of humor, which the famous German poet and playwright Gotthold Ephraim Lessing once spoke about:

  • Educational function. Healthy humor serves as a measure of moral development, and therefore through it one can instruct, teach and educate children.

All this is just basic information about the sense of humor, and if you go into this topic in more detail, you can collect a large amount of data looking at it from all sides and angles. If you are interested in this topic, the Internet and libraries with dozens of encyclopedias are at your service. We will continue the conversation about the practical side of using a sense of humor.

A sense of humor in practice

After all that has been said above, you probably will not argue with the fact that a sense of humor is one of the most important qualities that a person should have. But it still makes sense to say a few more words about its practical application.

First of all, I would like to point out that it allows you to do it very quickly, and it doesn’t matter: it’s a girl or guy you like, a potential business partner, a work colleague, or a simple plumber who disgruntledly came into the house to change the toilet.

A person who can skillfully and colorfully joke will always be distinguished by his wit and attract attention, start a company, and bring a positive attitude to society. Among other things, a sense of humor can also be attributed to the qualities of a leader and someone who will often, if not always, be listened to and his opinion taken into account.

But having a sense of humor means not only being able to joke and make wisecracks, but also understanding the humor of other people, being receptive to jokes directed at oneself, having the ability to behave comically, fend off caustic remarks and save face in any tricky situation. It is also advisable to have the skill of expressing humor in writing and even in drawings - these are tangible bonuses for someone who has a good tongue.

A practical sense of humor is also the ability to distinguish one form of the comic from another. For example, can you distinguish irony from sarcasm, jokes from banter, stand-up comedy from miniatures? An experienced comedian is familiar with many comic forms, genres and techniques.

As a result, in order to safely consider yourself a witty person with a good sense of humor, you need to have a number of certain qualities, namely: quick reaction, developed thinking (by the way, take a look), an ironic attitude and a positive perception of the environment, self-confidence. For some, a sense of humor is a gift, but for people who work on themselves, it is just another skill that they are able to master. But this needs to be done not anyhow, not spontaneously, not chaotically, but regularly, consciously and systematically. If you have firmly decided for yourself that you want to learn how to joke and improve the quality of your sense of humor, then you are on the right path - we will tell you about everything you need to do.

How to learn it

There is no doubt: the ability to develop a sense of humor and use it to benefit yourself and others does not come out of nowhere. Of course, some people are great at humor and entertaining others and themselves from an early age, because heredity is heredity. Such people, by the way, very often devote their lives to humor and become professional comedians, and they don’t have to learn to be funny (although even they hone their skills and improve their skills, as they say now). The rest need to work to “catch fish out of the pond”, try, study and develop. But there is no need to perceive this process as an impassable obstacle - you can learn everything, and on your own - if you have the desire.

As with any other topic, there are two sides to developing a sense of humor:

  • Theoretical side - includes information of a theoretical nature required to create a basis for practice
  • Practical side - the use of theoretical information in practical activities

The difficulty, however, often lies in the fact that many people, having mastered the theory, give up what they started halfway and never move on to practice. And the reason here lies not only in the individual characteristics of each person. The fact is that any training course, any training, any theoretical material should be created with a basis for subsequent practice. Otherwise, knowledge will simply gather dust on the shelves of memory, become covered with cobwebs, be pushed into far corners and will not bring any benefit.

Guided by this idea, we have developed the presented course on developing a sense of humor. We pursue two goals: the first is to provide you with high-quality material for reading and studying, and the second is to teach you how to use it in life. Therefore, each of the course lessons is distinguished by a two-way focus: they contain both theory, without which practice is simply impossible, and practice - tips, recommendations, exercises and techniques - tools for moving from words to deeds.

Want to test your knowledge?

If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how suitable it is for you, you can take our test. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Lessons in humor

We already have a lot of courses and trainings in our arsenal, and we have good experience in developing and compiling training methods. It has already become a tradition for the 4Brain team to conduct case studies, systematize the material, select the most important and interesting from a huge number of sources, adapt the received data for easy perception and quick application, and give it all a beautiful form. We did exactly the same thing now.

In the next six lessons we will look at the most significant topics in our opinion regarding the development of a sense of humor, the most effective techniques, tips from professional comedians and easy-to-use exercises.

How to take classes

As already mentioned, our humor lessons are completely adapted for practical activities, and are also suitable for anyone who wants to develop a sense of humor. However, our task is to give you the base, and only you are responsible for what you do with it. We are talking about the fact that you can take at least a hundred courses and fill your head with a bunch of information, but still not do anything worthwhile in your life. Therefore, try to project everything from the area of ​​knowledge into the area of ​​​​action.

To make it more convenient for you to complete the course, break this process into several stages. You can do this - study two lessons during the week:

  • One day - learning the first lesson
  • Two days - applying knowledge in practice
  • One day - rest
  • Further - according to the same scheme

Of course, this is just an example, and you have every right to come up with your own system that is more suitable for your employment. The only thing we want to point out again is that it is important to go through the lessons very carefully and with an understanding of why you are doing it.

As for the practical component of the course (exercises, techniques, tips, recommendations, etc.), they imply not just a single repetition, but multiple repetitions - this is the only way you can fully master the material, consolidate and hone the acquired skills.

Try to develop a useful habit of reminding yourself that you are developing a sense of humor and learning to joke, then in real life you will not have any problems with experiments on this topic. With practice, the application of knowledge will become automatic, and the need for careful self-control will disappear by itself.

We would like to complete the introduction to the course with statements from famous personalities about the sense of humor. For some, they will become an additional incentive for self-development, while others will simply enjoy them and broaden their horizons.

Quotes from famous people about a sense of humor

“If I didn’t have a sense of humor, I would have committed suicide long ago.” Mahatma Gandhi

“Imagination is given to man to console him for what he does not have, and a sense of humor to console him for what he does have.” Oscar Wilde

“There are three manifestations of God on earth: nature, love and a sense of humor. Nature helps you live, love helps you survive, and a sense of humor helps you survive.” Mikhail Zadornov

“I really appreciate a sense of humor in people, because often it is our only weapon against all the nasty things and injustices of life” Pierre Richard

“If a person is not considered handsome, he can still be successful if he has a few jokes in his pocket. And lots of pockets" Andy Warhole

“A person loses everything if he loses his sense of humor” Ayn Rand

"Tell me what you laugh at and I'll tell you who you are" Marcel Pagnol

“Whoever lacks a sense of humor is filled with resentment” Sergey Vedenye

“A sense of humor is a great thing. Going through life without a sense of humor is as absurd as riding in a carriage without springs.» Henry Ward Beecher

Hello everyone, friends! Julia Kel is in touch. Do you want to learn the secrets of sparkling humor, like comedians from famous TV channels? So you've come to the right place. I'll show you how to learn to make funny jokes using 10 simple rules and exercises. To become the life of the party, you don’t need to be a born comedian, just hone your skill.

When you start building your jokes according to these recommendations, you will see the result - a positive reaction from the audience. And over time, your skill will become more advanced.

Friends, we have already talked about this and also about this. And today we’ll focus on how to make your jokes win-win and worthy of attention. You've probably found yourself in situations where you decided to make a joke, but no one appreciated it. Have you thought that maybe you did something wrong? Not every joke you make can be successful. But to make the humor really funny, you should listen to the tips that you will see below. Now you will learn all the secrets of high-quality public speaking.

Let's talk about the rules of good humor.

1. Build associations

This is one of the main criteria for a successful joke. You need to quickly generate ideas in your head and select dozens of interpretation options for the situation. You witnessed something or heard some news, instantly replayed everything in your head - come up with even the most primitive associations. One situation - several interpretation options. One of them will definitely be the best, and it is worth mentioning. It’s great if the listener can immediately visualize what you said.

2. Self-censorship

Strictly practice self-censorship. What this means: You must come up with high-quality jokes that are catchy and funny. Avoid hackneyed topics, do not use clichés. If, in response to an ordinary phrase, the interlocutor says something like: “We saw better!”, then no one will laugh. No matter what, no one will smile. It's simply not funny anymore and it's hackneyed.

The above and similar clichés will reveal your complete lack of humor and the ability to come up with interesting jokes on your own. Generate a dozen jokes and choose one - the best one. This choice will mean that you have taste. And you are able to highlight what will hook listeners.

3. The ability to let yourself go

If you feel awkward in front of the public and not only are you unable to say a word, but you can’t even put your thoughts together, then you need to learn to let go of the situation. Squeezed and constrained, you will be of no interest to anyone; this is the worst state for a comedian. Try to relax and collect yourself. Self-irony will help you feel more confident (we’ll talk more about it later). Come up with answers in advance to all sorts of jokes directed at you.

4. Share sincere emotions

It is always important to establish trusting contact with the public and convey your emotional experiences to them. It is always more pleasant for the audience to watch a comedian's frank performance than to listen to his stories on abstract topics that do not concern him personally. Realize that the most compelling stories are the ones you put your soul into. Something sad happened and it seems you are not in the mood to joke? But even such a situation can be presented in such a way that the public will receive you with a bang.

5. Ability to find an analogy

This is also a very important criterion. You must learn to easily and quickly find comparisons by sound and meaning. Let's say a phrase has several meanings, and you cleverly operate with it in such a way that others wonder how it didn't occur to them. Different phrases, things, situations and one common feature are what you need for impeccable humor.

6. Ability to develop paradox

Paradoxical things help in humor. Just look around and you will notice many situations in which there is a clear discrepancy. And think about it, if this is true, what else could be true? That's it, the mechanism has started. Incredible ideas begin to come into your head one after another. We read the paradoxical news and came up with several similar jokes to go with it.

7. Clearly wording jokes

When you start formulating your funny stories clearly and concisely, you will have more success in front of the public. Nobody likes to listen to a boring story for half an hour with all the (unnecessary) details. By the way, you can learn how to learn to speak beautifully and express your thoughts correctly. Many people will already understand in the middle what the author is leading to and will generally lose all interest in his speech. To ensure that they always listen to you attentively, do not make a similar mistake and do not switch to unnecessary, unimportant details. Follow two rules:

  1. Minimum words. The shorter the story, the more understandable and better it is for the audience.
  2. The funniest and most important word is at the end of your joke. Build the story so that the meaningful phrase ends up at the end. If 3-4 more words are heard after it, then they will be superfluous.

This algorithm will help you understand how to joke correctly and accurately in groups.

8. Find the right moment

The best joke is the one that was said at the right time, then it will really “shot”. How do you know when it's time to use your humor?

  1. Noticed the analogy.
  2. Noticed inconsistency, illogicality, contradiction.
  3. Something stands out from the general background. Based on this and the previous points, you can easily understand that the time for jokes has come. Generate ideas quickly and embrace humor.
  4. And at the end, surprise your listeners with an unexpected ending. This is especially true if they have already guessed what you are talking about.

9. Channel your anxiety in the right direction

There is not a single person who would feel completely calm in front of an audience. Everyone who speaks (even makes a banal toast) is worried. But it is important to use this feeling in the right direction. Instead of feeling stiff, trembling throughout your body and shaking hands, channel your energy into speaking in front of an audience. All that energy that is spent on jitters should be invested in your jokes.

Anxiety is normal. But you should forget about it. Once you start connecting with your audience, you need to switch gears.

10. Self-irony is important

You have already read above about the importance of self-irony in humor. You need to learn to laugh at yourself. Highlight all your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths. Come up with jokes about your imperfections that are noticeable to others.

Let's say you are too fat or thin and are tired of listening to the jokes of your friends, then come up with a dozen funny answers to them. If someone criticized your initiatives, do not get into an argument and do not try to convince this person, it is better to immediately agree and do it with humor.

How to learn to joke and be cheerful: 2 exercises

  1. Select associations. You are given a situation, for example, a city in which it is always dark. Your task is to come up with all sorts of funny associations for it. That is, what is happening in that very city. Naturally, take into account all the rules for constructing a successful joke.
  2. Humor and flaws. Write down all your obvious shortcomings on a piece of paper and come up with several bright jokes for each of them. The better the jokes, the more you will win the next time someone decides to make fun of you.

Friends, I have presented you with basic recommendations and exercises without details. If you want to be taken right by the hand and brought to the result - taught to make great jokes, then sign up for Pavel Volya’s training. I think no one doubts that he is one of the most recognizable comedians in the country and a professional in his field. I just recently found out that he teaches people, and there are already a lot of positive reviews! I believe that if you go to someone to learn how to joke, it should definitely be a pro. And Volya is the one.

And I can help a little. I’m giving you a promotional code for a 25% discount.

This investment in yourself will pay off very quickly, and you will become much more productive. By the way, there is an article reviewing the project on our blog, read:

And also watch an interesting and useful video from Volya.


Dear friends, humor is a part of our life, without which everyday life would be boring and problems would drive us crazy. Jokes charge us with positivity and add strength. And so that they are always relevant and of high quality, so that they are laughed at, remembered and quoted, it is necessary to make an effort.

Just because you don't have natural humor skills doesn't mean anything. You can easily learn the basic rules and not forget them the next time you decide to have fun with the company. Now you know how to become witty and learn how to joke. It doesn’t matter where: in a conversation with a company, at the table, making a toast at a celebration as a host. Your humor should always be of high quality. Create a mood for yourself and others! And in order not to miss blog news, do not forget to subscribe.

My article has come to an end. I was glad to be useful to you. Don't forget to share using the social media buttons below and leave your thoughts in the comments.

Until next time!

Sincerely, Yulia Kel

Have you ever thought about organizing a Stand Up show in your city (village)? Or maybe you yourself would not mind performing, but it turns out that there is nowhere? Then this article will be of particular interest to you, because we found a person who did it, unlike you) We talked with the organizer of stand-ups in Gelendzhik and Novorossiysk Alexey Antimaikin, learned from him how he started, what problems he faced and why he needed Is this all at all? By the way, he did this for the first time.

Stand-up is a comedy performance. One person performs in front of a live audience. The phrase Standup Comedy is translated from English roughly as “standup humor,” that is, in the format “I stand on stage with a microphone and amuse the people.”

Hello! How did it all start?

Alexei: I've liked stand-up for a long time. Back in the days of “Laughter Without Rules” and “Lethal League”. Later I came across Western stand-up, and, of course, “Stand-up on TNT”. I decided to do this myself quite recently. My first performance in this genre was in June of this year (2016).

After my debut, I decided that I wanted to connect my life with stand-up, but in order to perform and test new material, I needed “open microphones.” We don’t have them either in Gelendzhik or Novorossiysk. What to do? I decided to organize it myself.

I started looking for a place. I found “FreeDom Bar” through a friend in Gelendzhik. We rented equipment, paid for advertising in some public page, put up a couple of A4 posters, invited friends as spectators and found a couple of comedians. That’s how, at the end of July, we held the first open comedy microphone in Gelendzhik and thereby launched our project.

What difficulties did you encounter?

The first and main difficulties now are finding comedians and an audience. Few people know about us. The main percentage of the viewer is friends of comedians whom he invited to support him, and we don’t have as many comedians as in Krasnodar. And holding open microphones where only 4-5 people perform is pointless, just between you and me.

How do you attract an audience? After all, stand-up comedy is very popular on television!?

There is no need to involve comedians. Comedians themselves understand that they need open microphones and as many performances as possible. Our only problem is that we don't have enough of them. It’s more difficult with the viewer. The viewer will come if he knows that when he comes, he will receive positive emotions. As long as we give them. I try to communicate with the viewer after open mike (English open microphone) and ask their opinion. The main wish is more comedians and, of course, good jokes. But you need to understand that an open mic is a place where a comedian tests his comedy, his new material. There is no point in expecting 100% funny material. But I know that over time, experience will come to comedians, and then the audience will catch up. In addition, not everyone knows that we have such an event in our city. And those who attended our event for the first time promised to come back again and invite their friends.

What other ways of development do you see? Why Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik? Will new cities be attracted?

Well, partly by this method. The best advertising is advice from friends, family and loved ones. Other ways to develop? And there are no others at all. At this stage, we are doing everything only for the development of comedy in the city and the development of the comedians themselves. A comedian has to work. After all, he works FOR HIMSELF. You can deceive anyone, but you cannot deceive yourself. Write, write, write. Find a place and perform, perform, perform. We just help comedians with their performances. We found a platform for them and are looking for an audience for them.

Why Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik? Well, these cities are not that far from each other. You can afford to buy a ticket for the road for 100 rubles and come to perform or watch a young comedy. See how it is born before it hits the TV screen. Other cities? What for? We can only invite all willing comedians to perform. We will gladly accept them and give them time on stage.

Have you thought about building a complete performance with rehearsals and editing, and then releasing the material on stage? Or is our stand-up not yet up to par?

Of course, this is in the future. For example, give a reporting concert once a month. There will already be proven material and the viewer will know that he is already going to a SHOW, where he will definitely laugh. This means you can already take money for admission and pay comedians for their performances. And what if not a coin is the motivation for them to write even more and even better? After all, in a month he will test his new jokes at open microphones a couple of times. The comedian sees the viewer’s reaction to his material and can already refine a joke at home that wasn’t really laughed at or just say goodbye to it. I am generally against editing at open microphones. The chief critic and editor is the spectator in the hall. It's funny - he will laugh. It’s not funny - he will remain silent. Logical!? I also understand editing on paid shows. There people pay money for humor, and there I, as an organizer, would be ashamed if a comedian came on stage and started making jokes that weren’t funny. In general, in the future we will do a SHOW, but for now comedians need to gain experience performing on stage and collect good material.

How long will this period last in your opinion, how long does it take to form a team of comedians?

I don't want to do it FASTER in pursuit of money. I'd rather wait until the guys are ready for this. Term? Complex issue. It's definitely early now. Let's turn to mathematics: if you do a paid show, then it should last at least an hour and a half. In total, it is ideal to have a team of 10 comedians who will consistently produce 5-10 good minutes per month, but, alas, this is only in the future. Although, of course, you can invite headliners from the same Krasnodar. There are guys there who have already appeared on TV. But I want to recruit my own team.

What innovations would you like to implement in stand-up?

Innovation? Definitely not now. I'm a baby in the world of stand-up. I'm taking the first steps myself. I’m just organizing at the same time. Stand-up can be so different. And that’s what attracts me to him. I hope that someday I will reach a level where I understand and comprehend its essence and truth, when I can look at stand-up from a different perspective and make everyone look at it the same way. I think this is what we should strive for.

Everyone is attracted to people who know how to joke well, defuse tension in tense situations, and enter new company with a good-natured smile on their face. Such people are always expected, invited to holidays, respected by their peers, remembered by teachers at school and bosses at work. But not everyone is lucky enough to master this subtle art from birth, so sometimes you have to ask yourself the question: how to develop a sense of humor?

From the very beginning, it must be said that it is possible to learn how to joke well, because wit, in fact, is inherent in each of us. But don’t expect that just books and a few tips will help you develop a sense of humor - a person will have to really work to develop a sense of humor and understand what is called wit.

Wit is the ability to find bright, successful or even caustic expressions at the right moment and at the right time. You could even say that the main thing in a joke is its timeliness, and if you decide to joke about what you were talking about ten minutes ago, then this impulse is unlikely to be appreciated. Now let's get down to business.

Humor and laughter: basic principles

The very first thing you can do to develop a sense of humor is to master the basic principles. The funny thing is that everyone has known for a long time. Tell me, who doesn’t laugh at children who distort words, change letters in places and unknowingly make funny puns? Try to remember, perhaps, at a more conscious age, you made a successful slip of the tongue and it caused others to burst into fits of laughter? Do you remember? So take this phrase into service and use it. For a better understanding, here is an example of a random joke:

  • You can’t spoil porridge with butter - You can’t spoil Masha with butter;
  • Romina's mother - mother's Roma

It’s slips like these that help you learn to develop wit. Whether a person writes them down, memorizes them or remembers them is up to everyone, but they must be appropriate and fit the topic of conversation.

  • The following rule is for those who want to make friends with a sense of humor: in a phrase that is familiar to everyone, throw out one word and replace it with another that is close in meaning, but which will sound fresh. Let's say, in the aphorism “glue fins together”, replace these notorious “fins” with, say, skis or roller blades. “Glue the videos together” sounds completely different and more interesting.
  • Whatever books a person reads in order to improve his wit, each of them will talk about cliches. This is a change to well-known sayings and popular expressions. We just looked at a similar method, but this one is more complicated, since it’s not the word that needs to be changed, but the whole sentence: “I’m ready to give up my right hand so that no one understands that it’s also a left hand.”
  • You can and even should use hyperbole in your arsenal of humor. It has long been noted that what is exaggerated is funny. So a person should not be afraid to use phrases like “I’ve been waiting for you since the fall of 1993”, “I had such a headache that even my mother (sister, dog, neighbors) had to take a headache pill.” A similar formula involving another person can be quite useful for creating a successful joke.
  • There are special exercises to help cope with the problem of a poorly hanging tongue. For example, Associations, which involve writing down on paper five words that are associated with what has already been proposed. You can’t think while doing it, just write down what comes to mind. This practice will help at the right moment to “take out” a few words from the subconscious, which can easily be combined into an interesting mini-story. Anti-Associations will also help in the same way, which are performed according to the same principle and are repeated every day until problems with the speed of imagination disappear.

Such activities can cause certain difficulties for a beginner; puns are unlikely to pop into one’s head on their own, although this is not a reason for a person to stop. Therefore, find suitable books about humor.

For example, Yuri Tamberg’s work “How to Develop a Sense of Humor” will be an excellent assistant for beginners, as he delves into the history of the creation of the comic, talks in more detail about the qualities of a real comedian who cracks jokes like nuts.

Another book, “The School of Wit,” belongs to Viktor Billevich, who will teach you not only how to joke, but also how to remain a creative person, overcoming all obstacles along the path of life.

How to improve your sense of humor

Not everyone is completely lacking in wit - some people just need to improve it. For such “comedians” you can also choose several effective rules that apply in any humorous situation.

  • First of all, you should not repeat the same joke in a group. A person will not laugh for the fifth time at the phrase “the bun hanged himself,” especially considering the age of this saying. So in order to gain fans, a person should think for a minute about how fresh and interesting the joke will be for others.
  • In order for the wit to be of high quality and cause a sincere smile, you need to tell jokes so that you don’t have to explain unclear words. Understand that your grandmother should not tell jokes about superheroes, the Internet, goths or emo - this will only result in a puzzled look. After all, humor should be understandable, and not make you think about things that a person does not understand.
  • And note, the one who jokes never warns that he is about to reveal a masterpiece. He simply says the necessary words, and everyone around him falls into laughter. This result can be achieved thanks to the effect of surprise, and while you are going on and on about “now I’ll tell you this, you’ll get pumped,” people around you will get tired of waiting and the moment of a “successful exit” will be missed. And one more thing: brevity is not only the sister of talent, but also a faithful companion for comedians, KVN players and comedians, since a drawn-out story only causes yawning and a desire to leave.

Both complete laymen and amateurs in the world of puns should feed their brains with new ideas, skills, and develop their imagination. To do this, watch your favorite programs with jokes, KVN and everything that makes people smile. While watching, pay attention to the actor’s gestures, posture, facial expressions, and try to come up with your own witticisms based on what you hear.

What else does a comedian need?

For a good sense of humor, it is not enough to read books and change words. After all, as was said before, everything is not as simple as it seems. A talented comedian is a person who knows his worth, confidently behaves in public, and clearly distinguishes between insult and wit.

  • You can imagine yourself as a great comedian, but in reality you don’t want to learn how to develop your own confidence, learn how to go on stage without a piece of paper, not mock people’s shortcomings, but use your talent to encourage and help cope with a difficult situation.
  • Remember all the humorous programs, programs, funny situations from life and try to characterize the person who joked. What is its main feature? Do not know? And everything is quite simple: those who joke well at others always know how to joke at themselves.

This is what the whole science of humor rests on - on inner confidence, on a core that will not allow you to faint when they look at you during a humorous debut. It is this quality that you need to learn in order to become, if not for the whole world, then for those around you, a talented humorist.

Special trainings can help with this, allowing you to get to know yourself, find your strengths, determine what exactly you expect from life and what goals you set for yourself. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will learn humor and choose the path of life.

But that's not all. As mentioned above, there is a time and place for every joke. If you find yourself in a group of blondes and have a thousand jokes about stupid girls spinning in your head, you should not voice them. It may not be easy to learn to restrain yourself, but sometimes it is necessary. Okay, blonde - they’ll just be offended, but if you tell a joke about stupid athletes to a jock, you can easily make a “friend” for life and lose a couple of teeth.

Developing a sense of humor is a long but necessary process that will help you learn how to make people happy, extend your quality of life, make an ordinary day unforgettable, and make unforgettable events brighter and more joyful.

The following tips, exercises, various books (including collections of jokes), close relatives and friends will help with this, which will help you develop a love for a good mood, and most importantly, develop a desire, thanks to which you can achieve the desired quality and not be tormented by the question about how to develop a sense of humor.

When a teenage girl enters adulthood, her personality is shaped by the influence of society. And of course she wants to keep up with her friends, to be better and more beautiful. What advice can you give her so she knows how to be a cool girl? In this article we will look at different indicators of a girl's coolness.

How can a teenage girl find herself?

An impossible task for any teenager is to find himself in this life: in a company, at work, on the street. They are extremely susceptible to other people's influence and imitation, since their own point of view has not yet been formed.

And the indicators of coolness for a girl during a period of special growth will most likely be copied from currently fashionable movie stars, heroes of a TV series or show business. The main thing here don't lose yourself.

Having an idol, you need to pay attention to the necessary positive qualities of the role model. Perhaps it is charity work, helping the sick, or participating in programs that teach good things. Don't try to keep up with them.

Girls who understand early what is what grow up quickly, considering this one of the indicators of coolness. Bad habits and unnecessary meetings appear. The main friend and adviser here can be mom and dad, or maybe the school psychologist. They will tell you how to behave in order to keep up with your girlfriends and not lose yourself among them.

How to become the coolest in the class?

In order not to become a “black sheep” among your classmates, you will have to try. Being a princess is never easy.

  • Don't miss school events, help in them. Participate everywhere; active people often become leaders.
  • Nowadays girls chewing gum and wearing bright makeup are not fashionable. Educated and well-mannered people attract the attention of their peers more. Creative individuals, girls reading books and visiting museums are an indicator of coolness in modern society.
  • This doesn’t mean that you have to become a “nerd” and not be interested in anything related to fashion. Be interested in the latest music, cinema and clothing.
  • It's a common belief that the cool girl should date the cutest guy in school. Any young man himself will become cool, next to an intelligent, educated and interesting girl.
  • Play sports, this will help you maintain your figure. If your hobby becomes serious, you will be able to defend the honor of your school at competitions and olympiads. And what could be cooler than bringing victory to your class.

How to get rid of complexes for a girl?

Complexes prevent you from achieving your goals. They need to be gotten rid of once and for all. How to do it?

  1. Don't fall for stereotypes. You are an individual, if your parameters are not ideal, give up the idea of ​​​​considering yourself ugly. You need to skillfully take care of yourself, know the shortcomings that can always be turned into advantages.
  2. Your clothes are not from boutiques, but from a basement store with low prices. And this is not a reason to have a complex in front of your fashionable friends. The main thing here is to have taste and moderation. Learn to choose clothes by style, size, color. And no one will distinguish it from one bought in an expensive store.
  3. You consider yourself insufficiently erudite in sports, contemporary art or fashion brands. This is not an indicator, but in physics, chemistry or history lessons everyone copies homework from your notebooks.
  4. Don’t waste time worrying about your shortcomings, work on them, develop your horizons. Nowadays you can find and find out everything on the Internet. And most importantly, do not lose your sense of humor, be able to treat yourself self-critically, but with a dose of irony.

Complexes are the difference between reality and what is desired. Learn to appreciate your strengths and work on your weaknesses. By overcoming self-doubt, you can become a leader among those who did not want to work on themselves.

Communication with peers

You need to be able to communicate in a company. It’s not cool to be an upstart, it’s cool to become a person whom friends listen to and come to for advice. For this engage in self-development, For example:

  • We surprise our friends not with new VKontakte statuses we read, but with interesting contemporary and other works.
  • You can talk to a school psychologist about your problems communicating with classmates and friends. If there are difficulties, of course.
  • Be an open person. Don't only socialize with privileged peers. Be friends with everyone. Each person is interesting in their own way. Don't push anyone away, otherwise only a certain circle of people will gather around you and no more.
  • Don't be tight. If you don’t know how to do this yet, practice at home or with close friends. Act out different scenes from life, moments that are especially frightening. For example, a date with the most popular guy in school.
  • Sociability does not exclude modesty and shyness. Your friends laugh loudly on the street, swear and wear short skirts. Nowadays modesty is fashionable, but also in moderation. Don't become a blue stocking.
  • If you are in a bad mood, you should not show it to others. Strong personalities must have self-control. Let's leave all the troubles for close friends who you can trust.

How should a girl take care of herself?

A girl is, of course, beauty and well-groomed appearance. Teenage girls have many problems associated with changes occurring in the body.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Problem skin - don't worry, it's temporary. If this really bothers you, contact the pharmacy, they will help you choose the right remedy.
  2. Hair requires special care as it grows. Wash your hair more often, using various masks and balms.
  3. Use deodorant. Choose according to your skin type.
  4. Your clothes should be clean and ironed. As a leader, everything should be brand new.

Yes, being a cool girl isn't easy. You need to look after yourself from all sides to always be on top. But having learned this now, in the future it will be easier to achieve favor and influence among others. And this is a direct path to success.

Now you can think about how to become a cool girl, what this coolness is and whether this is what you need.

Powerpuff Girls Video

In this video, young psychologist Svetlana Markova will give some important tips that will help you become a cool girl in a short time, gain popularity and respect: