The disappearance and appearance of people. Cars that disappear right before your eyes

QUESTION No. 123. Is it possible to explain the cases of disappearances of people and their appearance presented in the film “One Way Road” on the REN TV channel on December 19, 2017?

The REN TV film “One Way Road” talks about several mysterious cases of disappearance and reappearance of people, groups of people and entire settlements both in Russia and abroad. All these cases still have no scientific explanation and remain unsolved.

1) In March 2017, in Rio Branco, Brazil, psychology student Bruno Borges, 24 years old, disappeared for 5 months, who spent all his years studying the secrets of the Order of the Illuminati and the ideology of the enlightened Freemasons.

Later it turned out that he was working on a “project that will change life for the better,” having remodeled his room for it: he removed furniture from it, painted all the walls with encrypted inscriptions and incomprehensible symbols, hung self-portraits with aliens, and also left 14 handwritten books.

He was going to conduct some kind of science-fiction experiment. In his books, Bruno discussed the role of man in the Universe, philosophy and religion, and referred to the works of Greek thinkers, as well as Giordano Bruno. He considered this thinker and philosopher to be his past reincarnation.

The police believe that Borges then left the city or even the country. They received reports of the missing student being found in Peru and Chile, although no evidence was ever found to support this version.

Bruno's friend said that he and his friends painted the room for 24 days, trying to use every centimeter of the walls. He said that during the creation of the project they “went without food” and did not leave the room.

5 months after his disappearance, Borges suddenly appeared on camera at the entrance to his house. He seemed to materialize out of nowhere and was all overgrown and unshaven. He explained his absence by saying that he had been in a parallel world all this time.

2) In the village of Rastess, Sverdlovsk region in the Urals, in 1977, there was a complete disappearance of its inhabitants, animals, and, along with them, the dead from dug up graves. Everything in the houses was preserved, all things and icons were in place. Traces and reasons for the disappearance of people and animals were never discovered.

3) In July 1941, during the battles near Orsha, soldier Terekhov went missing. But 7 years later, in 1948, near Vladivostok, a soldier suddenly ran up to a passing cart with people and asked: “How to get to ours?”

He said that he was captured by the Germans and was taken to be shot, but suddenly the sky was filled with bright light and a sharp whistle was heard.

He only remembers how he began to make his way through the forest and came out onto the road along which a cart with people was traveling. He didn’t even notice that 7 years had passed before this meeting with people. Where was he and what was he doing all these years?

4) In November 1930, in the north of Canada, in the village of Anjekuni, about 2,000 of its inhabitants disappeared. The graves in the permafrost in the cemetery were dug up and the dead also disappeared from them, but all the sled dogs were killed. It is unknown where the people disappeared.

5) In the Barsa-Kammes tract (former island of the Aral Sea), an expedition of geologists who were surveying the area disappeared in the late 30s. They showed up 3 months later and believed that only 3 hours had passed since they left to complete the work.

6) The complete disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner flight MH-370 along with passengers and crew in March 2014.

The REN TV film gives an erroneous version of the secret disappearance of flight MH-370. The proposed version states that its control was allegedly intercepted by external influence of US intelligence services and the plane was landed on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, where a US military base is located.

In fact, the truth about the disappearance of flight MH-370 was reported in my Article No. 109. Therefore, this case is not described in this article.

Moreover, in addition to the cases from the film I cite a well-known case of the mysterious appearance in 1990 of a passenger from the Titanic, which was wrecked in 1912.

In 1990, 78 years after the sinking, passenger Winnie Coates was found alive and well, without signs of aging and with a ticket to board the Titanic. It was removed from the iceberg by a passing ship.

“In September 1990, a fishing trawler in the North Atlantic pulled a young girl from an iceberg. Captain Karl Jorgen Has said that the girl was extremely scared, exhausted, and constantly insisted that people needed to be saved.

She called herself Winnie Coates and said that she had boarded the liner in England, in Southampton, and that she was a passenger on the Titanic, which crashed not far from here at night. As proof, she showed a ticket to the Titanic.

The crew's surprise knew no bounds, because they thought she was crazy. They warmed her up and tried to calm her down. She was dressed in old-fashioned but beautiful clothes. The girl was dropped off in Oslo, where she was met by a team of Norwegian doctors.

For a long time, Winnie was under the supervision of doctors. She was repeatedly questioned about the incident and everything was recorded on tape. But the girl never deviated from her previous testimony.

After Winnie Coates was extradited by the Norwegian authorities to the US intelligence services, her traces were lost.”

This case is reported on the specified website:


Our Observers from the Galactic Union, together with the Guardians of the planet from Antarctica, have been conducting experiments with earthlings for the last two millennia, occasionally presenting them with cases inexplicable by science. This is done according to the plan for the development of civilization, to record the reaction of people and science to these inexplicable incidents.

Such cases include the phenomena of unexplained disappearances of people, groups of people, entire settlements and even entire nations. In this case, people could be returned back at different intervals and to any other place.

In addition, along with the disappearance of human settlements, the dead also disappeared from the graves that turned out to be excavated. The disappearance of people from the settlement can still be explained by some hypotheses, but the disappearance of the dead from the graves along with them cannot be logically explained.

This is how the famous psychic and search engine Svetlana Proskuryakova explained the disappearance of all the people from the village of Rastess in the Urals in her commentary in the film: “... maybe all the residents committed suicide at once by throwing themselves into the water, ... or maybe these were tricks of an alien mind.”

To accomplish such miraculous disappearances of people, as well as with their return, high space technologies unknown on Earth are used, which are used by the Galaxy Computing Center to conduct their experiments with each civilization according to the Creator's plan.

Such technologies include: teleportation (transfer) rays from UFO ships and energy teleportation fogs of various types and structures, which have artificial intelligence and are controlled at a distance.

These structures have the ability to control their own increased gravity to draw in and hold within themselves any objects of the material world.

Teleportation beams can be either visible or invisible, turning into mirror matter. In this case, a person or any matter located inside the invisible ray also becomes invisible.

Teleportation mists have a high density and different colors so that the objects they carry cannot be seen in them. They are designed to teleport large numbers of people, animals and dead people from their graves.

Besides, teleportation or transfer of many disappeared inhabitants of the planet most often occurs in one of the 7 parallel invisible worlds, consisting of the so-called. mirror matter and those around the planet nearby. All people and objects transferred to these worlds become invisible to us.

Answers and explanations for the examples given at the beginning of the article.

1) About the disappearance of scientist Bruno Borges in Brazil in March 2017.

In fact, there was no mysterious and mysterious disappearance of student Bruno Borges. It was a well-thought-out staged event, staged by himself.

He decided to create a mystical aura around his name and organize a trip to Brazil and some countries of South America, on which he spent 5 months of his absence.

To do this, he acquired a different passport, changed his appearance with long hair and a beard with a mustache, ordering in advance from a tailor 3 long robes of an ancient cut based on the photo shown.

The purpose of his journey was the desire to propagate among the people his works and ideals of a perfect society based on the teachings of ancient thinkers and philosophers.

After returning, he staged his materialization near the house, jumping into the surveillance camera area and told his parents that he had visited a parallel world.

2) About the disappearance in 1977 of residents of the village of Rastess in the Sverdlovsk region in the Urals.

To teleport all residents of the village along with cows and dogs, as well as the dead from the graves, representatives of the Observer Center performed the following actions using the above technologies.

At night, a teleportation cloud was formed and applied over the village from an ordinary cloud, which covered the entire village along with the cemetery.

The intelligence of the cloud was given a program to irradiate all living biological objects with special rays to transfer the matter of all bodies into an invisible state - into the so-called. mirror matter (with reverse rotation of all particles in atoms), simultaneously with the shutdown of their consciousness.

Then all biological objects were drawn into the volume of the cloud and held there. At the same time, a program was carried out at the cemetery to remove all the graves from the ground at once and pull the coffins with the dead (without soil) into the teleportation cloud.

After which the cloud itself passed into an invisible state and was transferred to one of the 7 so-called. parallel worlds, invisible ecological niches around the Earth.

These worlds are created from invisible mirror matter, having no external gravity and transmitting light and all types of radiation through them. Therefore, these worlds cannot be observed or their presence recorded; they are quite close to the surface of the Earth.

All people and animals from the village of Rastess remained alive and well; after undergoing teleportation, they regained consciousness. They were all very surprised to be in an unfamiliar area, but continued to live in their new place of residence.

This case was carried out by our Observers as a planned experiment, giving our scientists another unsolved mystery, in which the disappearance of the dead from their graves was added to the disappearance of people and animals to complicate the task.

3) About the teleportation of fighter Terekhov from the battles near Orsha from 1941 to 1948.

In July 1941, fighter Terekhov was captured by the Germans and they already took him to be shot. But he remained alive, because... was accidentally chosen to conduct an experiment with him on his disappearance and then his appearance in the post-war period.

To the great surprise of the Germans, suddenly, after a radiance appeared in the sky and a loud whistle, the fighter suddenly disappeared as if he had failed.

To make him disappear, an invisible teleportation beam was used, with the help of which he was transferred to a parallel world. In this world, he remained for another 7 years in a state of preservation of the body - samati (anabiosis) with his consciousness turned off. Therefore, he remembered only the moment of his journey through the forest before reaching the road to the cart with people, but already near Vladivostok in 1948 after his return teleportation to Earth.

4) About the disappearance of 2000 residents of the village of Anjekuni in 1930 in Canada.

The explanation of this case is almost similar to the previous paragraph 3) about the disappearance of residents of the Ural village of Rastess. The only difference was that in the Canadian village of Anjekuni the animals did not teleport, all the dogs were killed. Obviously, in those places where people were transported, they did not need sled dogs.

5) About the disappearance of a group of geologists and their return after 3 months.

The temporary disappearance of a group of geologists on a former island in the dried-up Aral Sea is explained as follows. They came to the attention of experimenters from the CC from the Observers, who, using a teleportation beam, transferred a group of geologists to a parallel world, where they spent 3 months in a state of samadhi with their consciousness turned off.

Therefore, when they were teleported to their previous place, they could not remember anything about their 3-month absence, believing that only 3 days had passed since the start of their work.

6) About the appearance in 1990 in the ocean on an iceberg of a passenger from the Titanic, which was wrecked in 1912.

The sinking of the Titanic in March 1912 was also in the attention of the VTs from the Observers. When people left the sinking ship, they decided to start another experiment and, using a teleportation beam, transported several people, incl. and 30-year-old Winnie Coates, and preserved their bodies in an unconscious state for an indefinite period.

Therefore, when, 78 years later, she was teleported to an iceberg in the Titanic disaster zone and was saved by a passing ship, she said that she was its passenger, which crashed not far from here at night and showed her ticket as proof. She also asked for help for the people from the Titanic who ended up at sea after the disaster.

Her further fate remained unknown after Norway handed her over to US intelligence services, who tried by all means, including hypnosis, to find out from her the circumstances of her appearance after 78 years without signs of aging.

The US intelligence services were unable to learn anything from her that would reveal this secret, because... Winnie Coates' consciousness was turned off for the entire period of her teleportation until her return to 1990.

The article in this section of the site, “Revealing the secrets of teleportation,” reports on the principle of teleportation of groups of people and entire nations:

“...For example, the inhabitants of the Sumerian civilization, which appeared from nowhere in Mesopotamia 6 thousand years ago, disappeared forever, leaving their cities, and then about 2 million people disappeared without a trace for 2 thousand years BC, the Indus civilization from 5 million population, disappeared about 3 thousand years ago. The inhabitants of Easter Island also disappeared in the 17th century AD, the Mayan Indian tribe disappeared in the 10th century AD, the Inca tribe in Peru from the city of Machu Picchu on a mountain in the Andes in the 16th century AD, the inhabitants of the city of Arkaim who existed another 2 thousand years BC in the area of ​​the present city of Chelyabinsk.

Some of them, a small number, were teleported completely to parallel worlds in order to preserve them from death and for survival. The larger ones were partially teleported to other worlds and partially transferred to other free territories of the planet.

Signs of their teleportation or transfer to other places on the planet are cases of their complete disappearance, when their homes remain abandoned intact, in the absence of cataclysms in these places, in the absence of multiple remains of bodies and in the absence of reasons for their disappearance...”

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Surely, from the point of view of the Universe, it is very indecent of our human side to continue to think about the world the way they teach in school. To be confident in the steadfastness and constancy of the laws of the material world around us. Apparently, to understand this, humanity is presented with numerous evidence of its wrongness. does not allow the growth of that rigidity in the head, which subsequently blocks the education of a worldview that is different from the generally accepted one. Once upon a time, a very long time ago and very superficially, I already touched on the issue of parallel worlds, but these were rather philosophical discussions. Now let's approach this issue from the other side.

As often happens, thunder doesn’t strike, a man doesn’t cross himself, we think about something only when something unusual appears before us in all its glory. It was the frequency of occurrence and the nature of certain phenomena that led many scientists and researchers to think about the inevitability of the existence of parallel worlds. And now specifically. I would like to talk about the mysterious disappearances of people, one of the versions of which is the presence of the above-mentioned worlds.

]]>In general, unexplained disappearances of people happen all the time. Now this is increasingly being attributed to maniacs, murderers, kidnappers and other “motley brethren”. I would not like to touch on these cases, since they are not within the scope of my blog. Specifically I was interested cases involving some mysterious fog. In this fog, just lonely people, entire regiments and even trains disappeared... Sometimes someone from this strange fog appeared, but appeared either in a non-viable form, or appeared and immediately disappeared, leaving a lot of evidence, or appeared in a completely different place and time, and more often than not he didn’t appear at all...

For some reason, where the question of the existence of parallel worlds arises, it is always inextricably followed by discussions about temporary movements and the properties of time. Apparently, all this is somehow connected. This is what I managed to find about the mysterious disappearances of people in the fog or their emergence from it. I’ll start with perhaps the most sensational and already quite boring story about

Yes, yes - the same disappearance sung by the rock group Aria. I personally don’t understand where these guys got such accurate data regarding the date of this event, because they disagree with the dating on Wikipedia. There are many different hoaxes surrounding this disappearance. And not only regarding the date, but also other details. But the fact remains a fact. The Norfolk Regiment disappeared without a trace. But we are interested precisely in the circumstances of his disappearance. Or rather the version of the New Zealand infantrymen. According to them, the regiment entered either a cloud or fog and none of the soldiers came out of it again.
The official explanation for this story is much more boring. The Norfolk regiment was simply captured and brutally destroyed. Then it remains completely unclear why the circumstances of this case were classified as “top secret”? It was only after that the details were studied and information appeared that the disappeared Norfolk regiment was still found... or rather, the bodies were found, but again, not all of them. And of those found, only the identities of two soldiers were identified. What state were the rest of the bodies then?

One way or another, but people mysteriously disappeared. And here the fog appears... Now it’s probably worth mentioning cases that are less well-known and have not received such wide publicity. They became known because eyewitnesses were able to return from the mysterious fog, although not at the right time...

Mysterious disappearances and appearances of people

February 22, 1997. An interesting video was recorded by a surveillance camera in the city of Pittsburgh. It shows a man emerging from the fog. The man clearly does not understand where he is and, after some hesitation, leaves. No person was recorded entering the fog from the other side...
April 5, 1990. A man from the 21st century appeared in Berlin. Naturally, he could not explain how he made the time jump. His words were confirmed by objects clearly not from this era. There is no further information about the objects or the person...

November 23, 1957. A man appeared in Marseille claiming to be from the future. The man called to prevent another “world war” in five years. The eccentric died three days later in the hospital and it was not possible to find out in more detail where he got this information from... Well, a little “archival dust.”]]>May 3, 1817. In the town of Bastogne, a man approaches the gendarme, claiming that he was born in 1884... A guy He talked a lot about the future and was put away out of harm’s way in an insane asylum, what happened to him next is unknown to us.

These are the few cases of disappearances and reappearances that are known to the general public. People find themselves abandoned at the wrong time and in almost all cases fog appears... This is what concerns people. I won’t talk about the “flying Dutchmen” yet, but I’ll tell you about this.

Disappearance of train and submarine

Here's another one famous case of mysterious disappearance of people in the fog, and even together with the whole train. The train from Rome was carrying 106 rather wealthy Italians for a walk; perhaps due to the status of the passengers, the incident could not be “hushed up” so quickly. The disappearance occurred in a tunnel. Two eyewitnesses who managed to jump from the train said:

...everything was suddenly covered with a milky-white fog, which thickened as it approached the tunnel, turning into a viscous liquid...

Needless to say, the train never left the tunnel... But the strangest thing begins next. Both the fog and the train emerging from it (albeit without passengers) continued to be seen in Germany, Russia, Romania, India and Italy... And the passengers of the train were “found” in 1845 in Mexico City...]]>Now about the submarine. Of course, there was no mysterious fog here, but, nevertheless, it makes you want to travel to parallel worlds... On May 21, 1968, the American submarine Scorpion disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Atlantic. One could attribute all this to an accident, but neither the crew nor the boat were ever found, although the boat was located in an area of ​​shallow depths. What is most alarming is the fact that the boat reappeared on the coastal radar after 5 years. True, this obsession lasted no more than half an hour...

It turns out that parallel worlds do exist? Yes, the mysterious disappearances of people, trains, and submarines are clear evidence of this. Obviously, the fog is some kind of indicator of an open portal to these worlds. Why parallel worlds, and not elementary abductions by aliens? Many researchers are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the so-called “saucers” appear precisely from other worlds, through portals on our planet. If they had flown from Space, it would have been noticed by astronomers... I won’t say goodbye to this, read the second part of the article about the theory of parallel worlds.

  • We yawn to recharge our energy. Why our ancestors, and now science, knew // 8th September 2011 //
  • Science will answer whether there is life after death, is it the beginning or the end // 5th September 2011 // 7
  • About ancient discoveries in medicine and unusual methods of treatment, such as dew treatment // 26th August 2011 //
  • Who are we, descendants of monkeys or the most ancient inhabitants of the planet? // 5th July 2011 // 7
  • Experiments with plants that showed that plants feel and even communicate with their counterparts on other planets // 24th June 2011 // 6

Mysterious appearances, disappearances of people

Maybe it’s not all about people, but about the mysterious places where ships and planes appeared? Perhaps this is not just some territory in Australia, America or Tuva, but a loosely closed one? To answer such a question, of course, it would be best to follow the path of each of the disappeared. Or at least take a closer look at these mysterious places.

Anna M. Fellows from Cambridge (Massachusetts, America) left the home of her husband William three years after their wedding and was absent for 20 years. No one had heard anything about her all this time, and then one day, years later, Fellows returned home and found that his wife, who had disappeared two decades ago, was preparing food in the kitchen as if nothing had happened. She didn’t explain anything, and... they started living together again. However, three years later Anna disappeared again. This time it's forever...

1973 - disappeared, and 27 years later, as if nothing had happened, as if after a short smoke break, Ayub Okoti, a resident of the village of Shiatsala in western Kenya, returned to his home. "Lunch is ready?" - that’s all he asked his relatives, who were stunned by surprise. Almost three decades ago, he disappeared without a trace, without warning his family or friends. For several years, the missing man was searched throughout East Africa without success. In the end, convinced of the futility of the search, they stopped, declared Ayub deceased and buried him in absentia with the necessary rites. 1983 – Ayub’s father died, bequeathing all the land to his other children. Then, the wife left the house, taking the child with her. When the fugitive returned, he found only his sister, brother and hundred-year-old mother, blind and bedridden.

1898 - Grace Perkins disappeared from her home in New England (northeast America) without a trace. After a lengthy search, her parents identified their daughter as the girl killed in Bridgeport (Connecticut, America). However, on September 17, 1889, on the eve of the burial of the discovered body, the real Grace appeared alive and unharmed!

1917 - British missionaries gathered at the bedside of a dying clergyman in Naples, Italy. In the last minutes of his life, the dying man pointed to a nearby 14-year-old boy and said: “I picked up this child in 1910 on the street in Wimbledon...” The boy himself said that his name was Albert. The missionaries became concerned about his fate, organized an independent search, and informed the authorities, but neither the boy’s parents nor any traces of his origin could be found.

1920, February - a naked dead man was found in a field in Hampshire (England). Judging by the tracks, he crawled for a long time before losing consciousness and freezing. There were no signs of violent death. The London Daily News wrote: “Despite the photo being sent to every police station in the United Kingdom, the police have still not been able to find out his identity. Additionally, there are no reports of any missing person even remotely resembling him. Apparently, he was an educated and wealthy man.”

1975 - the case of an airliner that disappeared for ten minutes made a splash in the press. A plane with 127 passengers on board landing at Miami Airport (America) disappeared from radar screens and the radio airwaves for 10 minutes. Then, appearing “out of nowhere,” the airliner returned the crew and passengers from oblivion. And all - with the clock being ten minutes late... Before this classic case, described in many sources, in the same flight zone, aircraft arrivals earlier than schedule were repeatedly recorded, but no one attached any significant significance to this...

Stories that describe in all colors the details of appearances have become classics: a boy of approximately 12 years of age named Wild Peter (1724, July 27 - appeared near the city of Hamlmen, Germany); a teenager named Kaspar Hauser (1828, May 26 - in Nuremberg); the future famous designer R. Bartini (the details of his appearance in the Soviet Union in 1923 to this day give rise to the most amazing hypotheses among researchers); teenager E. Gaiduchka with an amazing fate (1930s in the North Caucasus in the USSR); “suspicious man” (shot in 1942 in the Caucasus); the strange citizen Tuared (detained in 1954 in Japan) and other amazing people. But there were other mysterious personalities in history.

1927 - An unusual case of amnesia lasting 40 years became known. Albert Mayfield from Britain, traveling aboard the Siam, lost consciousness after bleeding from his nose and ears. Having come to his senses, for some reason he began to insist that his name was Albert Gorney and he was from Rose (Minnesota, America), and his earliest memory was the incident when, at the age of 14, a school friend smashed his head with a stone. People who knew him before the tragedy on the ship claimed that he had previously spoken several languages, but he did not recognize them, nor his wife, nor his two grown-up sons, whom he often talked about on board before the incident. It was difficult to bring him to his senses after he first saw the airplane. He had never heard jazz...

1940, February - on the Verian River (northern Australia), an experienced nurse, who went to a remote area to save a man wounded by a gunshot, met two people dressed in white medical coats. The “medics” literally melted into thin air and disappeared before her eyes...

1960, July 30 - in the province of Ontario (America), literally before the eyes of others, a 13-year-old boy suddenly disappeared. 4 days later he appeared in the same place. He never remembered where he was and what happened to him.

1953, summer - Lev Leontyev's expedition (SOPS expedition) did not make contact in Tuva, and a rescue group was sent to its site. In the last camp they discovered, coals were still smoldering in the fire pits, tents and equipment were intact, but the people themselves and their horses were not there. Horse tracks leading from the forest to the camp were clearly visible, but absolutely no traces of people or horses were found from the camp! All other neighboring expeditions were sent to search, but they came to nothing. L. Leontyev and his companions are still considered missing.

1815 - a mysterious disappearance occurred in the Prussian prison in Weichselmund. A servant named Diderici was in prison on charges of impersonating his master after he had died from a stroke. The chained prisoners were once taken for a walk along the fenced prison parade ground. Suddenly, according to numerous eyewitnesses from among the guards and prisoners, Dideritsi’s figure began to lose its outline; in a few seconds, the former servant seemed to disappear into thin air, and his shackles fell with a ringing sound to the ground. No one ever saw this man again.

1873 - shoemaker James Worson (England) disappeared in front of his friends. The day before, he had bet that he would run from their hometown of Leamington Spa to Coventry and back (a distance of 25–26 km). The three friends followed him in the cart, with James running slowly ahead. He ran part of the way without any problems, suddenly stumbled, swayed forward - and disappeared. Friends tried to find James in a panic. After trying in vain to find any trace, they returned to Leamington Spa and told the police everything. After a lengthy interrogation, they believed the story, but they could do nothing to help.

1848 - the expedition led by Ludwig Leichhardt disappeared. March 1848 - Men and 70 pack animals set out across the deserts of Central Australia. No one else saw their traces...

1975 - forester Matthias Zak appeared in the North Australian city of Darwin with photographs of indigenous rock paintings depicting a white man and an animal. Researchers began preparing an expedition to the amazing caves. But then the forester himself disappeared...

1924, June 8 - in the Himalayas, during a storm, climbers George Lay-Malory and Andrew Irwin disappeared, who were less than three hundred meters from the summit of Everest. Because of the snow curtain, those remaining below, in the camp, at the base, were no longer able to monitor the progress of the climbers. As you know, Everest was officially conquered in 1953. But maybe these two missing daredevils climbed to its peak as much as 30 years earlier? 26-year-old Lay-Malory has already participated in two attempts to conquer this mountain, they said about him: “George is the living embodiment of an eternal challenge. Conquering Everest became his main goal." 22-year-old Irwin had virtually no climbing experience, but was an expert in bulky breathing apparatus in the rarefied mountain atmosphere. The day before the storm, they set up camp at 8,600 meters and sent Sherpa porters to the base with the message that they would go to the summit tomorrow morning. But they came out later - something delayed them. Perhaps this small delay cost them their lives.

In the last decade of the 20th century, at least 10 people went missing in the south-eastern Gulf of Carpentaria, north of Queensland (northern Australia). This is one of the most dangerous places on the northern coast of Australia, where a large number of people have disappeared without a trace. In the early 1990s, two employees of the Ministry of Primary Industries went on patrol and never returned. Their boat was soon discovered - empty... 1999, November 24 - at about 9:15 a plane taking off from Mornington Island disappeared. Searchers came across debris in the waters near Bentinck Island, but the main part of the plane and the six people on board were never found. Three months later - just like in this case, on Wednesday - the next disappearance... 2000, February 16 - (Wednesday) at about 9 o'clock in the morning, one diver went down into the sea between Bentinck and the Sweers Islands for technical work. After 20 minutes, his colleagues pulled up the nylon rope that had previously been attached to his arm...

Local National Emergency Service volunteer Tim Trad says of the site: “Pilots who have sailed through the site have often reported that the sea looks incredibly calm, even when the weather is cloudy. You can't see the horizon - it just disappears." The bay is shallow, often less than 20 meters deep, especially around Sweers Island where the depth is only 3-4 meters. Large sharks live in the bay. Fishermen also regularly report seeing saltwater crocodiles, which live in both fresh and salt water, in the sea as far as 10 km from the coast. It is difficult to say whether these reasons are sufficient for people to regularly disappear without a trace.

Cars disappearing into thin air without warning and right in front of one or more people seems to be a more common occurrence than it might seem at first glance.

Indeed, cases that can be described as “Glitch in the Matrix” are often found on the Internet. Like this story from a user named "pixelpants" on Reddit.

“I was busy taking the dishes away from the table after dinner, and I noticed through the window how a car was driving towards my house, driven, it seemed, by a woman. I was surprised because a) I live at the very end of the street and this is a dead end and b) there is no place to turn around.

I watched her slowly driving along the road for about a minute, and then I went outside, thinking that she might be lost or just looking for a place to turn around. It only took me about 10 seconds to walk outside and... there was no car there.

She simply could not reverse in such a short time and completely disappear from the road, so that she would not be noticeable at all. And she couldn’t turn around without reaching my house or turning to the neighbors; the road here is very narrow. And if she turned to the neighbors, she would also be visible; in 10 seconds she could not reach them by phone, ask them to open the garage and drive into it.

On the street you could still see traces of dust left by this car and it felt as if it had disappeared into thin air. I felt creepy and before you ask, I assure you that I am not taking any hallucinogens or anything that would make me see something so unreal. I also sleep well.

It was just a completely strange thing. I never saw this car or the woman driving it before or after this incident."

Another user from the same site described how he was driving on a one-way road from his place of work when something very strange also happened when he pulled up to a parking sign.

He claims that this road was technically only for cars that drove on the right side and there was a right turn sign ahead, but sometimes some cars, when there were no other cars nearby, turned left in order to turn onto another road.

In this regard, the user reports that a large black SUV suddenly stopped behind him at a traffic light, and he describes what happened next as follows:

“I was always a little nervous that it was not quite right to do things like turn where there is no such sign, although it is not such a big offense and I have done it myself from time to time. But there was a car behind me and I - I finally decided to go straight and not to the left, although I could have turned, shortening the path.

So I hit the gas and started driving straight across the street, and I saw that the car behind me was doing the same thing as me. After we both got onto the road (it's a quiet road with densely planted trees along the edges and only one or two houses further down), the SUV also followed me.

I was following it with my eyes in the rearview mirror for some unknown reason, and suddenly, when I blinked for just a second, this car disappeared. In broad daylight, on the road. where there were no access roads, she could only disappear by crashing into the trees. I even took a special look to see if there was a gap where branches would have been broken off and leaves were lying, but no, the car was nowhere to be seen.

He literally disappeared, disappeared into thin air. And believe me, I looked at every possibility in my head about where he could go and there was simply no way to do it.

It’s a creepy detail, but I didn’t remember who was in the driver’s seat, although the car was driving directly behind me and it was possible to make out the person’s face without any problems. I don't know if the glass was tinted or something, but that confused me too."

Another case from the same Reddit thread from a user with the nickname "whorl" and this time there were two eyewitnesses.

"I was driving home from school with my friend on my usual route, and at some point we had to turn onto the highway. There is a large hill on the way and right after the hill there is a traffic light, which is why there are often traffic jams. There is a road to the left of the highway. dirt road separated by a ditch.

While we were waiting in a long line of cars to get past the traffic light, my friend noticed a car driving down the dirt road in the opposite direction. I was immediately a little surprised, because first of all, I would have noticed this car even when we were driving up the hill, there is an excellent view from there, and secondly, I had no idea where it was going at all, since this dirt road ended in a dead end in a place we recently passed.

It was a fairly old white car, unfortunately I don't know the old brands enough to name its model. When the traffic light was green and I drove under it, I looked back to see where that strange car was now. And he was no longer on the dirt road or on the highway. And he couldn’t just go onto the highway, there was a wide ditch between them (he wasn’t even in the ditch).

I looked at my friend with a surprised face and he just muttered “what the hell...”. I have no explanation for this incident and it was quite disturbing."

In addition to these various stories of cars literally disappearing into thin air, another story that appeared on the ThoughtCo website. and was reported by a witness calling himself Mike.

He claims that in January 2012 he traveled with a friend to Clayton, Victoria (Australia), and then drove home late at night. It was around midnight when Mike was driving down the road and there were no other cars there. And suddenly he noticed that a car was driving right behind him, which seemed to appear out of nowhere. And then a chain of strange events happened:

"As I approached the shops along the road, I noticed in the rear-view mirror that a car was overtaking me, but still following at a distance. I thought it was unusual for it to accelerate so much, especially in this area where it was parked the limit is up to 60 km and up to 40 km during the day (We have a place here where you can drive no more than 3 km per hour at all, and for breaking it there will be a large police fine if you get caught. So it’s all pretty serious).

I saw that it was a jeep and it had a trailer. By the time we reached the end of the strip of shops, the traffic lights at the intersection were still green. When I passed through the intersection, I expected that jeep to overtake me, but when I looked in the rearview mirror, I did not see it on the road at all.

It would appear that he turned right at the intersection, but at his speed, which was 60 km/h or more, I don’t think he could have done it without slowing down a lot, especially with a trailer. And if he had slowed down at the turn, he would have slowed down and I would have definitely noticed him.

I couldn't understand what had just happened. One minute ago, a jeep with a trailer was following me and almost caught up with me, and suddenly it’s nowhere to be found and I can’t logically explain where it went.”

Cars disappearing in front of witnesses is a more common phenomenon than it might seem. For example, there are many cases described on the Internet that can be called “glitches in the matrix.” (website)

First case of missing car

Here is what, in particular, a user with the nickname “pixelpants” says on the Reddit website:

I was at home and after dinner I was clearing the dishes from the table, when suddenly I saw an approaching car through the window. It seemed to me that a woman was driving. I was surprised, since my house is located in a dead end, it is impossible to drive or turn around normally in this place. For a minute I watched the car slowly approach, and decided that the woman had gotten lost and was now looking for a place to turn around. I hurried outside to help her, and within ten seconds I left the house, but I didn’t see any car... It was incredible. In such a short period of time, he could not back up and disappear from sight, and he had nowhere else to go. In the dust I saw the traces left by this car... I had the feeling that it had simply disappeared into thin air.

Second case of missing car

On the same site, another user told how one day he was returning by car from work and stopped near a traffic light. A black SUV stood behind him. And then this happened:

I slowly drove off at the green light, watching the SUV in the rearview mirror. I wanted to understand whether he would overtake me or not, because the owners of such cool cars like to show off their acceleration speed. However, the black jeep was sedately following me... Suddenly, when I just blinked, the car disappeared!.. This happened in broad daylight and on a road without any access roads! I thought that the SUV might have crashed into the trees on the side of the road, and even slowed down. But the thing is that the black jeep was nowhere to be found!.. I analyzed all the options and did not find a single rational explanation.

Third case of missing car

On the same Reddit we find a description of another mysterious case, and this time there were two eyewitnesses:

After school, my friend and I were returning home along the usual route. At a certain moment, as always, we got onto the highway and, having climbed a large hill, stopped at a traffic light in a long line of cars. At that moment, my friend noticed a car driving along a parallel dirt road in the opposite direction. I was surprised, because I would definitely have seen this car from the hill, because it offers an excellent view from there. And in general, it was not clear where this jalopy was going, since the dirt road ends in a dead end, I knew this very well. I took a closer look at the strange car: it was a white, rather old car, the make of which I could not identify. As I set off at the green light, I looked back to see where this car that had intrigued us was now. But she was no longer on the dirt road or on the track. And the car couldn’t move onto the highway: between it and the dirt road there is a wide ditch (in which, by the way, there was no white trash either). "Holy shit, what is this?" - my friend muttered in amazement. The feeling from what he saw was truly eerie...

Fourth case of missing car

And finally, another story shared on ThoughtCo by an Australian witness who identified himself as Mike.

One day Mike went to the city of Clayton with his friend. He had to return home alone and late in the evening. The time was approaching midnight; there were no other cars on the road except Michael's car. Suddenly the man noticed that a jeep was following him, which seemed to appear out of nowhere.

As I approached the shops along the highway and looked in the rearview mirror, I noticed a car catching up with me. I wonder where he came from? I thought that the driver accelerated a lot, despite the limit for this section of the road (up to 40 kilometers during the day and up to 60 at night). Since the locals don't do that, I figured it was some kind of reckless tourist who would overtake me before I passed the strip of shops. However, looking back, I saw that the road was completely empty: the jeep with a trailer, which just a second ago was catching up with me at great speed, was not on it. Logically, I was never able to explain to myself where it went...

Why cars?

All these cases, of which there are actually much more even on the Reddit resource, not to mention other sites of the World Wide Web, oral traditions, and so on, make one wonder: why exactly cars so often appear out of “nowhere” and then disappear “no one knows where” ? Not people, not animals, not even planes, but machines. We have all heard about “glitches in the matrix,” but such glitches should (logically) apply to all cases of life, as well as to all vehicles in this example. And if these are not “failures in the matrix,” then what?

This is why even the unexpected itself seems to fade into the background before this no less mysterious question - why exactly are cars such a “privilege”? Why do you think, and what is it anyway?..