What are the benefits of green tea? Green tea: a storehouse of nutrients

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the domestic kingdom

Hello, friends. Today I propose an interesting topic - let’s talk about the benefits and harms of green tea for our body, its effect on women and men, and whether it can be drunk by pregnant women or while breastfeeding. Is this popular drink really healing, and what harm can it cause?

Drink of Emperors

An ancient Chinese legend says that tea began to be brewed 5,000 years ago, when the emperor's attention was attracted by the wonderful aroma wafting from a boiling cauldron. The wind blew tea leaves into the bowl of water, which exuded a wonderful fragrance. The Emperor tasted the miracle drink and thereby gave rise to a national "tea" passion that flourished during the Teng Dynasty (approximately 618-907 AD). Japanese monks visiting China brought tea leaves home, inspired by the concept of the tea ceremony, introducing its elements into Japanese culture.

The famous English five-o-clock was officially approved in the 17th century by the Queen of Britain after drinking the invigorating tart drink at 17:00 became a national habit.

Tea leaves are grown in 50 countries, among which China leads in quantity and Japan in quality. Depending on the processing that gives the leaf its characteristic color and aroma, tea is divided into three main types: green, black and oolong.

While standard teas require leaves to be plucked and fermented, green tea leaves are steamed and roasted almost immediately to prevent fermentation, resulting in paler shades and a milder flavor. The most nutrient-dense Japanese green tea, Matcha is ground into powder and steamed for a rich, pleasantly smooth taste.

Benefits of green tea for the body

Both the benefits and harms of green tea for the body are due to its rich chemical composition. The drink is an excellent source of antioxidants and alkaloids, contains vitamins A, D, E, C, B, B5, H, K, and trace elements such as manganese, zinc, chromium and selenium.

Tea leaves are unusually rich in catechins - polyphenols that have the ability to destroy free radicals (substances that contribute to the aging of the body). The catechin content can account for up to 30% of the leaf's dry weight, so each cup is effectively an elixir of youth.

Researchers say the amount of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) - the most potent catechin found in green tea - ranges from 20 to 35 mg in one cup. Chinese scientists claim that the mentioned catechin has a more effective positive effect on the body than vitamins C and E.

And research by Italian scientists shows that one cup of green tea has a greater antioxidant effect than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots or strawberries.

“Cup of Health,” as tea is called in China, is used to activate brain activity, prevent and treat various diseases, including diabetes, stroke, heart disease and oncology.

Green tea for cancer

Research by British scientists has shown that green tea polyphenols act on molecular pathways, preventing the emergence and spread of cancer cells. They also inhibit the growth of blood vessels that feed the tumor.

In a study examining the effects of green tea components on the prevention and progression of ovarian cancer, researchers found a direct link between consumption of the drink and a reduction in the incidence of the disease. The explanation is simple - the tea leaf contains components that create the effect of the drug cisplatin to fight a malignant tumor.

In order to use green tea beneficially, but without harm, in the prevention of cancer, you must not exceed the recommended norms for its consumption - only 2 cups per day.


Research results suggest that the catechin EGCG mentioned above may be useful in preventing atherosclerosis, cerebral thrombosis, heart attack and stroke, in part due to its ability to relax arteries and improve blood flow.

Green tea against obesity, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease

There are certain compounds and nutrients that seem to have almost limitless health potential, and tea leaf catechins are one of them. Luckily, high-quality green tea is an excellent source of these antioxidants, making them readily available.

Catechins in the fight against obesity and diabetes

Research by Canadian scientists has shown that EGCG catechin, in particular, has a regulating effect on fat metabolism, thereby increasing fat oxidation, which promotes weight loss and obesity prevention. Green tea may also promote weight loss by inhibiting the development of fat cells and increasing fat excretion. Obesity and diabetes tend to go hand in hand, and what benefits one disease also benefits the other.

It has been scientifically proven that green tea or high quality green tea extract may be beneficial in the prevention and/or treatment of diabetes.

For benefits without harm, green tea for diabetes and obesity should be drunk no more than 2-3 cups per day. Brew without sugar! Take long-term, at least 6 months daily.

Alzheimer's disease

Researchers also found that the drink has the potential to boost brain function and prevent age-related brain degeneration.

In particular, the famous catechins reduce the production of beta-amyloid protein, which accumulates excessively in the brain, leading to nerve damage and memory loss, a condition associated with Alzheimer's disease.

It has been observed that regular consumption of high-quality green tea reduces the risk of this disease by 54%! The recommended dose is 2-3 cups per day (no more than 200 ml at a time).

Green tea lowers blood pressure

I have already written about this earlier. Read more about how to use green tea to lower blood pressure beneficially and without harm in this article.

Glaucoma and eye diseases

Green tea catechins may also protect against glaucoma and other eye diseases. In one study, researchers analyzed several hundred people from regions where the drink is traditionally consumed from infancy to old age. It turned out that eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal dystrophy, blindness and visual impairment were practically absent in these people. Why?

In medicine there is such a thing as “oxidative stress”. It occurs in muscles and various organs, including the retina of our eyes. According to the study authors, oxidative stress in the retina causes biological disorders, such as DNA damage and activation of proteolytic enzymes, which can lead to tissue cell damage or dysfunction and, ultimately, to eye diseases.

Green tea is good for the eyes because catechins stop the process of oxidative stress in the retina, thereby reducing the likelihood of glaucoma and other eye diseases. It only remains to add that you need to drink no more than 2-3 cups of the drink per day throughout your life.

Green tea for women: benefits and harms

The rejuvenating properties of green tea have long been known - thanks to antioxidants and L-theanine, your favorite drink can inhibit cell aging (if taken in moderation). In addition, the beneficial effects of phytohormones affect both a woman’s appearance and her physical health.

Catechins against breast cancer

The famous catechins also influence the benefits and harms of green tea for women. In particular, a 2008 study by American scientists found a connection between drinking the drink and reducing the risk of developing breast cancer. A detailed study revealed the mechanism of action - epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) inhibits folic acid in a woman’s body, thereby protecting her from breast cancer.

During menopause in women

One interesting study showed a significant link between drinking green tea and improving genitourinary function during menopause. Bladder dysfunction often develops due to hormone deficiency in women after menopause. Doctors attribute the positive effects of green tea to the content of catechins with their strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Therefore, during menopause you need to drink 2 cups of a healthy drink a day (naturally, you need to brew weak tea).

Green tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

No matter how much they write about the usefulness of the popular drink, it contains almost 30 mg of caffeine per 150 ml, so green tea should be consumed very moderately during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is advisable to drink no more than 1 cup per day, or 2 glasses of a weakly brewed drink with honey or ice (in hot weather).

There is no need to think that the drink is harmless - like any other decoction, it has certain properties and can cause harm to the expectant mother or child if the nursing mother is too fond of her usual tea.

What are the benefits and harms of green tea for men?

Prostate cancer

Japanese scientists decided to find out the relationship between drinking green tea and oncology of the male genitourinary system. Over several years of observation, a remarkable fact was established: those who drink the drink regularly are less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who are not addicted to this drink.

How does green tea fight prostate cancer? Some scientists believe that this is the action of an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of prostate cancer cells, slowing their growth and encouraging apoptosis (self-destruction). Catechins can also affect the activity of COX-2, an enzyme that accumulates in prostate cancer tissue and helps destroy cancer cells.


Green tea polyphenols help fight the effects of yesterday's binge. You need to drink a glass of drink with honey on an empty stomach.

Drink harm

However, in addition to its benefits, green tea can be harmful for men if taken in large quantities. Excessive consumption of your favorite drink can reduce testosterone levels, say Brazilian scientists. In any case, this was shown by the studies they conducted for several years.

Another study, conducted on white rats at the University of Science and Technology in Calcutta (India), showed that high doses of green tea extract lead to a deterioration in the functional state of the testes in rodents. This observation raises concerns about the effects of large drinks on male reproductive function.

Does green tea invigorate or calm?

Advertising and popular articles often present this drink as calming and invigorating at the same time, which leaves users confused and confused. So does green tea invigorate or calm, what effect does it have?

  • Calms. The drink contains polyphenols, which help relieve stress, help with anxiety, fear and insomnia.
  • Invigorates. Don't forget about caffeine, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and tones the body.

The secret of the drink's effect is simple:

If you brew strong tea, you will get an invigorating effect, if you make weak or medium tea, then the effect will be the opposite - calming.

Does green tea thin or thicken the blood?

Thrombosis is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease and stroke. The lack of information prompts patients to ask whether green tea thickens or thins the blood, so that drinking it does not harm their health.

Green tea acts like aspirin and blocks the formation of thromboxane A2, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and thrombotic stroke, that is, it helps thin the blood.

It inhibits a clotting agent called platelet-activating factor (PAF) and a protein found in the blood called fibrinogen, which is involved in the formation of blood clots.

But! If you are taking blood thinning medications, consult your healthcare professional and use green tea cautiously.

The fact is that it contains vitamin K, which, when accumulated in large quantities, can reduce the effect of blood thinning medications.

The dangers of green tea: 6 notes for everyone

In addition to its benefits, green tea can be harmful, and it turns out that not everyone benefits from it equally. I bring to your attention 6 reasons to avoid excessive consumption of this drink and limit yourself to just two to three cups a day. So, six reasons why your favorite drink can cause real harm.

1.Myths about caffeine

A steaming cup of hot coffee is the only image we think of when we hear the word “caffeine.” But, did you know that green tea also contains this substance in sufficient quantities? Therefore, excessive consumption of your favorite drink (up to five glasses a day) can lead to a number of diseases: insomnia, stomach upset, nausea, diarrhea and frequent urination.

2. Risky period of pregnancy and lactation

Excessive consumption of green tea during pregnancy can result in a risk of miscarriage and a number of other negative consequences. To avoid such situations, doctors advise pregnant and lactating women to drink no more than one cup of drink per day. Caffeine is undesirable for breastfeeding, therefore there are restrictions for green tea.

3.Blocking antitumor drugs

This is one of the biggest paradoxes. Green tea is known for its anti-cancer properties, but the healing polyphenols of green tea, if there is an excess of them in the body, can block the anti-cancer properties of the drug Bortezomib.

4.Iron deficiency

This may seem incredible, but it is true. Drinking too much green tea can increase the likelihood of iron deficiency. The drink contains tannins that block the absorption of iron from food and supplements.


It would seem, what is the connection between green tea and osteoporosis? It turns out that we don’t know a lot about the usual drink!

Abuse of green tea helps reduce the amount of calcium in the body, the deficiency of which leads to the development of osteoporosis. Possible loss of calcium can be compensated for by consuming calcium-containing products or dietary supplements if you are addicted to tea.

6. Harm to the liver

Drinking too much green tea is dangerous for the liver. The culprits are already familiar polyphenols called catechins. Although they are antioxidants, catechins are harmful to the body if taken in excess.

Catechins affect mitochondria in muscle cells and disrupt metabolic processes. They prevent food from being absorbed and converted into energy, which can lead to liver disease and, in some extreme cases, even liver failure.

Catechins can also deplete protective molecules (such as glutathiones) in cells that protect us from injury. This can ultimately lead to fatal liver damage in susceptible individuals. Details about the effect of catechins on the liver can be found in the report of American scientists studying these processes, which was published in 2013 (here).

Why does green tea interfere with medications?

An interesting video about why you shouldn’t take pills with this drink and why you generally need to be careful with the combination of green tea and medications:

But still, despite some harm, the benefits of green tea are much more tangible and men and women in many countries continue to drink this popular drink with great pleasure. You just need to know when to stop, and then everything healing will be for the good. It’s not for nothing that there is a proverb in China that drinking a cup of green tea every day leaves our doctor without work

Health to everyone!

With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

Green tea imparts wisdom, has a healing effect on humans, strengthens male potency and quenches thirst.

Few people know that the Tea plant has a second name: Camellia sinensis. This beautiful literary flower is directly related to one of the most popular drinks in the world.

For brewing a drink, this plant was first grown in China since the time of Emperor Shen Nung. And only in modern history did the International Tea Day holiday appear, which has been celebrated on December 15 since 2005.

Green tea lovers are well aware that its difference from black, red and white lies in the collection conditions and technological features of production. Differences in processing allow us to activate the beneficial microelements of the tea leaf in different compositions and to varying degrees; it is known that it contains tannins, flavonoids, theanines, caffeine, various minerals, strong antioxidants such as polyphenols and other beneficial substances and vitamins. There is an apt comparison of green tea to a chemical laboratory in which some reagents have not yet been deciphered. Moreover, the chemical composition of tea changes under the influence of many factors during growth, during processing, and during preparation. Transformations are constantly taking place, which is why there are no trifles in choosing and brewing tea; every detail makes sense if it is important to achieve the desired result.

The effect of green tea on human health.

Due to the complexity of its composition, the tea leaf and its effect on the human body continues to be studied by modern scientists. Many scientific and popular works have been written about its benefits; we present a general list of conclusions that are confirmed by medical sources.

  1. Green tea is an antidepressant.
    It is a kind of stabilizer of the nervous system, has calming and restorative qualities. To relax, you should brew light, weak tea.
  2. Strong green tea is a kind of natural energy drink.
    Caffeine and tannin, which are contained in tea leaves, tone up, have an invigorating effect on a person, and increase productivity.
  3. Green tea reduces cholesterol in the human body.
    Prevents the formation of fatty thickenings on the walls of blood vessels, which ensures proper blood circulation and supply of nutrition to all cells. Minimizes cardiovascular diseases.
  4. Green tea is an excellent preventive remedy for hypertension.
    The weak drink strengthens the walls of blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. The effect will be sustainable with regular moderate use.
  5. Green tea is a means for weight loss.
    Speeds up metabolism, reduces fat oxidation activity, which helps reduce weight. In addition, it is very useful when playing sports, activates muscle function, and helps reduce cellulite. Removes toxic substances from the body.
  6. The effect of green tea on blood pressure.
    Separately, we propose to dwell on how green tea affects a person’s blood pressure. As we already stated in the previous section: the influence is ambiguous. The result will depend on, let’s say, the dose of tea brewed, so you need to pay special attention to the doctor’s recommendations regarding the regimen and amount of green tea consumption for hypertensive and hypotensive patients. People with normal blood pressure should also not abuse the artificial control of their physical and nervous activity.

    So, green tea increases blood pressure due to its high caffeine content, the effect of which is softened by tannin, so the stimulating effect is more beneficial than that of coffee, for example.

    Green tea lowers blood pressure if it is not brewed strong.

    It has been proven that green tea initially increases blood pressure and then lowers it, thus normalizing a person’s condition.

  7. The effect of green tea on the liver.
    Among all the benefits of the drink, one can also mention the beneficial effects of green tea on the liver. Conflicting opinions are being expressed. For acute illnesses in which the liver or kidneys become vulnerable, green tea should be taken only after consulting a doctor. The cause of complications may be polyphenols, antioxidants, which, along with undeniable benefits for the body, also have their negative sides; in excess they lead to dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, which do not have time to process them and remove them from the body.

    For a healthy person, in moderate quantities, the drink has a protective effect on the liver, prevents pathological changes in the structure of the organ, controls the production of collagen and its accumulation in liver cells.

    As with many things, the main condition for the benefits of green tea is moderation in its use.

Are there any contraindications to drinking green tea?

We do not have the right to exclude contraindications from this list despite all the positive aspects of drinking green tea.

  • Although green tea in moderation normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, it should not be abused by patients with peptic ulcers or gastritis.
  • Frequent tea drinking is not recommended for patients with rheumatism or arthritis, since green tea leads to the formation of urea in the human body, which is deposited in the form of salts in the joints. Citrus fruits are excellent at removing urea from the blood.
  • The downside of strongly brewed green tea is that it puts too much strain on the heart. In addition, constant stimulation of the nervous system can result in insomnia.

Green tea for men's health

Ignorance gives rise to many false beliefs and statements. One of them, regarding green tea, is that drinking this drink has a negative effect on men's health.

In fact, green tea has a positive effect on male potency. And this fact is explained by the fact that the brewed infusion contains a large amount of the microelement zinc, which in turn is necessary for activating the male hormone testosterone.

So drink green tea with pleasure!

Everyone is familiar with this tonic and refreshing drink, the benefits and harms of which are of interest to many who consume it. Attitudes towards this gift of nature are often contradictory, but the beneficial properties of green tea cannot be denied. Some put the leaves on a par with medications, and some consider its consumption only following the newfangled trend of leading a healthy lifestyle. This debate has been going on since green tea originated in ancient China. So what are the benefits of this wonderful drink, and what harm can it cause to the human body?

Main components

This drink is considered one of the most beloved drinks by many. The leaves of the camellia tea bush, first brewed in ancient China, became known as green tea and gained recognition throughout the world. Today, the volume of consumption of this invigorating green tea is only increasing, and the scope of its application is becoming wider. This wonderful drink is useful for both men and women. Today, the benefits of green tea are highly valued in cosmetology and medicine; it is also used in pharmaceuticals. So to what does green tea owe its healing properties and are there any contraindications to its use?

The tea bush has an unusual ability to absorb substances beneficial to the human body from the soil and synthesize them. Moreover, the chemical properties of fresh tea leaves and dried ones are significantly different. Dry tea leaves have a more intricate chemical composition. To understand it, you need to consider a simple tea leaf from a scientific point of view, and find out which of its components have a good effect on the human body and which can be harmful.

What green tea is good for is the tannins it contains. Tannin occupies a special place among them; it is to this substance that this type of tea owes its unusual taste. This tasty drink is also beneficial due to the essential oils it contains. Essential oils in tea give each variety a unique taste and aroma, and have a great influence on the quality of tea.

In addition to the listed elements, the beneficial properties of this refreshing drink are increased due to the invigorating alkaloid caffeine, also known as theine, contained in its composition. This component is also found in large quantities in coffee. But in green tea, the effect has a different character, it is softer, does not excite the nervous system and has a gentle effect on the cardiovascular system.

Pectins in tea promote the breakdown of fats, reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, and therefore reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

This drink is useful in case of poisoning; it can overcome many intestinal infections. The adsorbent property of green tea can free the body from harmful toxins. This healthy tea removes toxins and salts from our kidneys, thanks to its diuretic effect, thereby reducing the possibility of stone formation in the bladder and kidneys.

Today, people are everywhere exposed to the most harmful factors - solar radiation, radiation, radiation from televisions, mobile phones, and poor ecology. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to avoid them, but helping the body cope with them is quite possible. For example, studies have shown that daily consumption of tea can reduce the risk of developing breast cancer in women by up to 90% and other types of cancer by 60%. For men, the benefits of regular consumption of this invigorating drink include reducing the risk of prostate cancer by almost half. The benefits of green tea for men also include a beneficial effect on potency. Green tea contains zinc, which is useful for the production of testosterone, the most important sex hormone in men. Therefore, including green tea in the daily diet is necessary for men.

This tea helps to dilate blood vessels in the brain, nourishes it with oxygen and improves blood circulation. Thanks to these properties, the invigorating drink is useful in the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. It is impossible to list all the benefits of this type of tea. Moreover, the healing properties of this beloved drink have not been fully studied. This healthy tea has a comprehensive effect on the entire body, refreshes and tones, gives good health and vigor. But still doubts remain whether green tea can be harmful and whether there are contraindications to its use.


As they say, a medal has two sides. The same can be said about green tea. Let's try to find out why green tea is harmful?

The caffeine contained in tea can be detrimental. With large consumption of this tea, the invigorating properties of caffeine can cause insomnia, restless sleep, irritability, and rapid heartbeat. In addition, the harm of caffeine is that it can be addictive and the body will require its constant use. Therefore, even when consuming such a healthy product as green tea, you need to know when to stop, otherwise it will become harmful.

Green tea can be harmful when consumed by people with gastritis or stomach ulcers, since when strongly brewed it can irritate the mucous membrane and cause pain. There are contraindications to drinking strong tea for people suffering from kidney stones and rheumatoid arthritis.

Is green tea harmful for men and are there any contraindications, and what is its effect on the female body? There is an opinion that green tea is harmful to men's health, but this statement is only true if there is an overdose of tea. And when consumed in moderation, this tea is beneficial for both men and women. For the latter, it is still dear for its rejuvenating properties.

To fully enjoy the taste and valuable properties of this valuable product, you should drink it no later than 15 minutes after brewing. Stale tea is harmful for both men and women. It is contraindicated for those suffering from gout, hypertension and patients with glaucoma, since long-term infusion of tea leads to an increase in caffeine in its composition.

A few tricks that neutralize the harm of green tea and reduce contraindications to its use:

  • do not drink green tea on an empty stomach;
  • You should avoid drinking green tea before meals so as not to reduce the taste of the food;
  • There is no need to drink this drink immediately after a meal, it will slow down the digestion process and become harmful to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • You cannot drink very hot, cold or strong tea;
  • Never take medications with tea, as this can harm their structure.

Green tea is an excellent remedy for many ailments; the main thing is not to overuse it, so as not to cause harm to the body.

Proper preparation

So, having understood the useful and not so useful properties of this drink, we need to pay tribute to the rules for brewing it. In order for the result to be a high-quality and truly the most healing drink, and not harmful, when preparing it you need to take into account some nuances so that all the aroma, taste and benefits of this drink are fully revealed.

Brewing stages

  • take a dry and warm teapot (the teapot can be made of glass or porcelain);
  • add tea at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup;
  • fill the tea with water, but not to the edge of the teapot, leave a couple of centimeters to the top;
  • the water temperature should be between 70-85 degrees;
  • finer varieties of tea should be filled with water at a lower temperature, but the brewing time should be extended;
  • after brewing tea, you need to cover the kettle with a napkin and close the spout of the kettle so as not to lose the aroma of the tea and prevent the essential oils from evaporating;
  • After 3-6 minutes, pour the tea into cups.

Tea prepared with love, taking into account all the subtleties of its preparation, will give true pleasure and delight you with its taste and aroma.


Green tea is a drink with a centuries-old history that continues to win the hearts of admirers to this day. There will always be both supporters and opponents of this healing elixir. Yes, if used incorrectly, any product can harm the body, so you should be careful and strictly adhere to the recommended dosages. Only in this case you can not only enjoy the aromatic tea, but also absorb all the beneficial properties.

Green tea is recommended for all people; it is advisable to drink it without sugar and buy the best varieties of large-leaf green tea. It is useful for both athletes and people who want to improve their mental performance, for example, to show better results at work.

Article content:

Beneficial properties of green tea

Tea strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of brain vessels, improves cardiac activity, relieves fears and nervous tension, increases the amount of sexual energy and creates balance in all body systems. You can also lose weight by drinking strong green tea every day, as it has a diuretic effect. But so far only one property of green tea has not been fully studied - the fight against malignant tumors. Of course, tea helps even with cancer, but research still cannot understand how this happens.

This is most likely due to clearing bacteria from the blood and strengthening the immune system. Green tea reduces the level of radiation in the blood, this was proven after a survey of residents of Hiroshima was conducted. Their health was normal, precisely because they regularly consumed green tea. This is also associated with the removal of strontium-90 from the body, but if it is deposited in the bones, there can be no talk of any purification. People should drink green tea, if only because they spend a lot of time in front of the computer and TV, tea will reduce the effect of radiation on the body.

Green tea is used to enhance feelings of spirituality, as evidenced by the fact that green tea is consumed in Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies. Thanks to tea, people can fully concentrate and relax, this helps improve mental concentration and the emergence of new ideas and goals. Many people note that after drinking tea, new thoughts appear in their heads, a solution to a particular problem is found, and so on. It is very encouraging that tea does not contain substances harmful to the psyche, so it can be used as a psychic stimulant without the slightest fear. Nervous system conductivity, reaction, vision, memory and concentration on creative activities improve when a person drinks green tea daily. Many people say that depression goes away quickly after drinking green tea, perhaps this is due to cleansing the body of toxic substances, although other people believe that tea charges with special positive energy that cleanses energy channels.

Also, don’t forget that you can have a great time and have a heart-to-heart conversation with a glass of green tea. You can learn something new about your friends, but you need to drink high-quality tea and always fresh. Of course, the shelf life is indicated on the packaging, approximately from one to three years. But fresh tea is much tastier than one that has been stored for 3 years. Before purchasing, read the production date; you also need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the tea; artificial ingredients are often added to improve the taste of the tea. Perhaps these substances were added to make the tea last longer, but these are preservatives that are harmful to health and deteriorate the quality of the tea. But the manufacturer may specifically add pieces of fruit, jasmine, lemon, chrysanthemum and hibiscus to the tea in order to confuse buyers and divert attention from preservatives to additional ingredients. Additives may well be artificial fruit substitutes, so you need to buy pure green tea.

In our country, green tea was more popular than in Europe, since it was introduced before the 19th century. Next, all residents of Russia began to drink black tea, which is also very tasty, but not nearly as healthy. This is due to the fact that black tea undergoes additional processing. It is because of the black tea habit that people brew green tea incorrectly. You cannot brew it with boiling water in a huge teapot and then add sugar - this reduces the beneficial qualities of green tea. You need to use fairly warm water, but not boiling water, and let the tea steep for at least half an hour to experience its natural taste. Only properly brewed green tea has beneficial properties, but if you do not want to waste time on brewing, buy capsules with green tea at the pharmacy, they also have all the beneficial properties, however, you will not be able to enjoy the true taste of green tea.

Harmful properties of green tea

Green tea has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. For example, it can provoke a deterioration in thinking, concentration, increase blood pressure, and so on. You can avoid black tea and coffee because you don't want your blood pressure to increase, but keep in mind that green tea also contains energizing substances, and in the same amount. It also contains caffeine, which activates the central nervous system.

Older people and pregnant women should not drink strong green tea. Tea can affect the development of the fetus due to the general excitability of the body. Elderly people are at risk of tremors - hand trembling, as well as decreased immunity and insomnia. Tea is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers and hypertension.

To reduce the intensity of the side effects of green tea, you need to keep in mind that you should not brew it too strong. The tea should have a soft and delicate taste that in no way irritates you. Do not drink hot green tea, as this has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Drink fresh green tea half an hour before meals, then drink a glass 40 minutes later to speed up the digestion process. Do not steep the tea for too long, because the microbes in it multiply quickly and then poison your body. 2

Diets and healthy eating 20.10.2017

Dear readers, today I want to talk to you about green tea. These days it has become very popular, even coffee and black tea lovers are increasingly turning their attention to this drink. And this is completely justified, because in addition to taste and aroma, it gives us health, improves vitality, and improves our mood. In addition, green tea acts very gently, harmlessly, improving the general condition of our body.

Even in ancient times, Mongols, Buryats, Tibetans, and Uyghurs knew the benefits of green tea, they drank it for centuries and still drink it. He helped them survive in the cold winters and escape the heat in the summer. Today this invigorating drink is drunk in all countries of the world. In Russia it became popular relatively recently. If we associate black tea with a samovar, home comfort, and pies, then many do not consider green tea to be tea at all; when first taken, it seems bitter and lacks taste.

Many years ago, this amazing tea of ​​different varieties was brought to me from China. Since then, I have started my day with a cup of this invigorating drink, I find it extremely tasty, and even the taste of regular tea has faded in comparison to its green counterpart. To appreciate the taste of the drink, you need to buy a good quality product from a trusted manufacturer and, most importantly, you need to be able to brew it correctly. Today we will look at the benefits and harms of green tea and all the subtleties of its preparation.

Composition and calorie content of green tea

Many may have a question - how many calories are in green tea? The calorie content of green tea without sugar is so low that it can be considered zero; it does not contain fat, protein or carbohydrates. So what is green tea and how does it differ from black tea? Let's figure it out.

Green and black tea. What are the differences?

Green and black tea are differently fermented leaves of the same plant. Fermentation is a complex, labor-intensive process of processing tea leaves, which results in a particular color, aroma and taste. To obtain the necessary qualities, the fermentation process of tea leaves is suspended after a certain time, which allows the green color and fresh aroma to be preserved. This drink retains the maximum amount of nutrients, for which it is valued all over the world.


Green tea contains amino acids, catechins and other flavonoids, glycosides of plant origin, tannin, chlorophyll and other beneficial substances that are essential for our body. Green tea saturates us with vitamins C, E, A, F, U, K, P, as well as the most important B vitamins. The drink is also rich in mineral salts, including potassium, fluorine, zinc and others. In total, more than a hundred different substances and compounds were found in these green leaves.

About caffeine

A reasonable question is: is there caffeine in green tea? It contains several alkaloids, including caffeine. Although, for the sake of clarity, it must be said that the caffeine contained in tea differs in its effects from the caffeine that is rich in coffee. Tea contains a type of caffeine, theine, which has a much milder effect, but its effect is longer lasting. Therefore, green tea invigorates us more than coffee, and there are much fewer negative side effects. The caffeine content in green tea depends on the place where the tea bush grows, on weather conditions, and on the time of collection, so it is always different for different varieties and varies from 60 mg to 85 mg per cup of tea.

Properties of green tea

Green tea has many beneficial and medicinal properties, but the most important thing for us in this drink is its ability to slow down the aging of the body and resist the development of oncological processes in it. What are the benefits of green tea? Let's consider its other properties:

  • It is an excellent tonic;
  • Smoothes out the negative impact of computers and TV on our body;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Accelerates metabolic processes in the body;
  • Helps remove waste and toxins from our body;
  • Destroys excess calories, promotes weight loss;
  • Has a beneficial effect on sexual function;
  • Prevents fatty liver;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Relieves spasms of cerebral vessels;
  • Strengthens the nervous system;
  • Reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke;
  • Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol;
  • Improves stress and depression;
  • Has a mild diuretic effect;
  • Has a rejuvenating effect on the skin;
  • Stops the development of caries;
  • Has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Improves the body's thermoregulation.

Green tea is not just a tonic drink, as many of us believe, it is a healing remedy that will help improve well-being and prevent many health problems. Green tea is beneficial for women and men, and there are very few restrictions on its intake.

Green tea - benefits and harm to the body

As you can see, the benefits of green tea are obvious; if you drink it regularly, but within reasonable limits, there should be no harm. Green tea can only be harmful to the human body if you drink too much of it, but we’ll talk about that at the end of the article.

For the heart and blood vessels

The tea drink is good for the heart and blood vessels, as it contains potassium, ascorbic acid, rutin and other flavonoids that affect the vascular wall and the functioning of the heart muscle. It is a good prevention of atherosclerosis. Particularly useful for capillaries and other small vessels, it improves peripheral circulation. But under no circumstances should you overuse it; 1 – 2 cups of tea during the day is enough. If you drink it in unlimited quantities, you can provoke arrhythmia and blood pressure failure.

For the skeletal system

Vitamin K in the tea drink is involved in the proper absorption of calcium in the body and its interaction with vitamin D, without which, as you know, calcium is practically not absorbed. By drinking the drink regularly, we strengthen our bones, teeth, and nails.

For the liver and pancreas

Green tea contains biologically active substances that help cleanse the liver, help remove toxins from the body, prevent stone formation and improve the enzymatic function of the pancreas. It can be drunk for pancreatitis, for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, but not more than 1 - 2 cups.

For the nervous system and mental activity

In addition to its invigorating effect, the tea drink has a positive effect on brain activity; it is very useful for people with mental work. Reduces the impact of stressful situations, prevents the development of depression. But in large quantities it can cause overexcitation and sleep disturbance.
I suggest watching a video about the benefits of green tea.

Green tea. Benefits and harms for women

The benefits of green tea for women include the presence of substances necessary for the female body. These are vitamins A and E, catechins and other flavonoids, thanks to which the drink serves as a prevention of breast cancer. Green tea is useful for women during menopause, it improves their general condition and affects the health of the genitourinary area.

Green tea during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can pregnant women have green tea? The benefits of this drink for women during pregnancy are often questioned, and for good reason. Although you can drink green tea during pregnancy, you should not get too carried away with it. Tea contains caffeine and can overstimulate the nervous system. You also need to know that the substances contained in tea reduce the absorption of folic acid, which is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, as well as iron. For this reason, you should not drink tea with food.

All this applies to nursing mothers. Green tea is not prohibited during breastfeeding, but one cup of weakly brewed tea in the morning is enough to get only benefits from the drink. The drink will become even more useful if you add milk or a little honey to it if you are not allergic to it.

For youth and beauty

The presence of a large amount of antioxidants in green tea has benefits in maintaining youthful skin and the whole body. It contains a number of these substances, essential for our health, which continuously fight free radicals that lead to aging of the body.

Green tea for weight loss

Green tea promotes the oxidation of fats and prevents their absorption by the body, reduces appetite, so it is recommended to everyone who strives to achieve an ideal weight. Nowadays, various diets for weight loss are very popular, including the green tea diet. I am an opponent of all kinds of diets; I believe that all foods are good for the body, but within reasonable limits.

There is no need to drink liters of tea and replace water with it to lose weight; this may not be safe for your health. It is enough to drink two to three cups of green tea a day, but without sugar and provided that moderation in food is a priority.

The benefits and harms of green tea for men

What are the benefits of green tea for men? The drink is very useful for the stronger half of humanity, as it maintains the level of male sex hormones. Tea is one of the strong natural antioxidants, which suggests its undoubted benefits in the prevention of adenoma and prostate cancer. The drink helps to gain and maintain muscle mass at the proper level, improves physical condition, endurance, and gives muscle strength.

Is green tea good for children?

Green tea can only be given to children at the age of three; it should not be brewed strongly and only in the first half of the day. Children do not like the taste of tea, so many parents give their children green tea with honey, but here you also need to take into account the age of the child and his reaction to honey.

You should not give your child green tea at night, as it is a stimulant and can lead to sleep disturbances and anxiety.

It is best to brew for small children; it will calm the tummy and help the baby sleep soundly.

How to drink green tea correctly

Dear readers, there are articles on the blog about how to brew and how to drink green tea, where you can find detailed information on these issues.

But in short, when brewing green tea you need to follow a few simple rules to get the maximum benefit from the drink.

  • The teapot needs to be warmed up before brewing.
  • Do not use boiling water for brewing; the water temperature should be about 90 degrees.
  • For a cup of water you need to take a teaspoon of tea leaves.
  • Pour a small amount of hot water over the tea leaves and after a few seconds, drain the water. After this, finally brew the tea. This is what tea experts do in China, Morocco, and Japan. By doing this we reduce the amount of caffeine in the drink and disinfect the tea leaves.
  • Do not brew the drink for too long, 1-2 minutes is enough, after which you can brew the leaves twice more, each time increasing the brewing time by a minute.
  • Store tea in a glass or ceramic container with a ground-in lid, as it is hygroscopic, that is, it absorbs moisture, which will negatively affect its quality.

Very often questions arise about green tea, since conflicting opinions can be found both in the press and on the Internet. Here are the main ones:

Does green tea invigorate or calm?

Very weak, repeatedly brewed tea is practically devoid of caffeine, so it may have a calming effect. But a full-fledged, properly brewed drink invigorates, as it contains caffeine.

Does green tea weaken or strengthen?

This question is also often asked by people. But the fact is that green tea does not act so uniformly, it has neither a laxative nor a constipating effect, but will be useful for both diarrhea and constipation, since the substances included in its composition regulate digestion.

Is it possible to drink green tea every day?

There can be only one answer here - the drink can be drunk every day in the absence of contraindications, but no more than 2 cups.

Harm of green tea and contraindications

All of the above applies only to moderate consumption of good green tea; only in this case can we talk about its benefits. If you drink it too often and too much, you can get harm instead of benefit.