Download the best mods for tanks. Download Mods for World of Tanks

Mods make the game brighter and simplify the process. The popular game tanks is constantly updated and the developers make changes to improve the game mode. The graphics are becoming closer to reality, and the goal is for the game to not differ from reality. It’s good that there are craftsmen who have figured out how to help them and diversify our game, making fashion. When updating the game, WOT patches need to be updated.

Mirtankov, helps players in the game World of Tanks (World of Tanks) by checking mods, helping with installation and solving problems with their operation. At the moment, the update in the WOT game is And it is necessary to update the mods: penetration zones, hangars, sights, damage panels, mini-maps, sounds and icons.

Download ready-made mod assemblies for World of Tanks right away.

A mod (short for modification) is an addition to a computer game, usually developed by fans of the game or third-party developers. In World of Tanks there are modifications to the combat interface (GUI), tank models, as well as various improvements to the maps.

Many WoT players use mods to increase FPS, improve the appearance of tanks, improve graphics, etc. The most popular mods in WoT mods are sights, sound mods, mini maps, laser sight, zoom mod (maximum camera distance for Arta and regular ones), user meter (aka deer meter and WoT mod xvm), modified hangars, skins, well and of course penetration zones! There are also prohibited mods, which some still use - the WoT colored tracer mod.

How to install a mod for WOT?

Now mods need to be installed in the "res_mods\\" and "mods\\" folders. If your mod stops working after the update, then simply move it from the folder from the previous version to the new Mod Assemblies folder and some mods may not work or work with bugs. In the very near future, all non-working mods and assemblies will be updated. Pay attention to the patch number on which this mod was tested. Please be patient and stay tuned for updates. If after updating the mod/build your client freezes or crashes for no reason, download the game cache clearing script and run it, the problem should be solved.

You can also send your own World of Tanks mods that you would like to see in the game. Mod authors You can also add your own creations to different sections of the site.

Some mods after the patch comes out World of Tanks you need to install it in the scaleform folder, not flash. Read more in the included instructions. Stay tuned. Have a good game!

Initially, it is worth noting that the development of mods is carried out by the most ordinary players who are not satisfied with the appearance of the standard client. Thanks to their work in 2017, some of them are already used by Wargaming developers, these include the shelling indicator, battle events and event history in the client settings.

All existing mods can be divided into three types:

  • Hangar mods
  • Combat
  • Informative
  • Sound modifications

The most popular modification of the world of tanks is XVM: eXtended Visualization Mod, popularly called the deer hunter. With the modification installed, you will see the statistics of the players of the teams with which you went into battle. This mod is informative and depending on the color, the skill level of each player will be clear. From red to purple. You will also see the winning percentage of each player and the number of battles played by him. On the mini map you will also find useful information. You will find everything about modification and installation on the official website of the mod.

Frequently used mods

Many people complain about the standard sight in the game, which, even with additional settings, remains quite inconvenient to use. That is why there was a need to refine it. At the moment there are a huge variety of them and everyone can choose the one that suits their needs. The same situation applies to the aiming of the gun.

Recently, the game has introduced the ability to display equipment in a hangar in two or more rows. Initially, this option was only available when installing modifications. Now such settings are available in the client. A mod for installing each tank in a hangar will be useful to the player - such information will help you find out which of your combat units should pay special attention to.

Installing a post-battle statistics mod will be very useful. The mod will detail all the game parameters of the current session. You will also have access to WIN 6 and WIN 8 indicators in the overall player rating.

Popular combat modifications

Mods to improve combat efficiency

The natural desire of every “World of Tanks” fighter is to inflict maximum damage, and client modifications that help in combat will help with this. One of them is the commander’s camera mod, which will allow you to see the whole picture of the battle from a bird’s eye view. The mod allows you to see the enemy’s actions from behind cover by moving the camera upwards.

Review circles have always been very popular. The mod greatly helps the player in battle by determining the possibility of highlighting the enemy, as well as avoiding detection of his own equipment. Marking enemy and allied equipment will also be useful for analyzing and choosing battle tactics and choosing a strategy.


With its introduction into the game, the progress mod for performing LBZ in battle became popular. At the beginning of each battle, he will remind you of the combat mission you chose. With the acquisition of a new game engine, light tanks and tank destroyers began to appear in places where they simply could not appear before, which is why the new 3D replanting mod has recently become popular.

Ease of play

Of course, it is worth noting that for some time various kinds of sound modifications have become popular in the game. This is replacing the voices of the crew from cartoon characters to politicians, replacing the music in the hangar with your favorite artist, and the like. There are a huge number of such mods and finding them is not difficult.

Decided to install mods? Take note!

There are a huge number of sites on the Internet that, under the guise of modifications of a popular game, will send a virus. Unfortunately, some of the players encountered this. The case ended not only with infected hardware but also with the loss of the account. Therefore, download mods from trusted sources which are the official website of the game and its forum.
It is also worth noting that the most popular modifications are combined into assemblies. Everything about each mod is described in detail. Among the time-tested and the number of installations, we can note the assemblies from protanka and jov.

Unfortunately, there are prohibited modifications in the game that provide a significant advantage in battle. Using them you will probably lose your account in the game. Wargaming is closely monitoring such players; many of them have already received a permanent ban. Play honestly, good luck in random!

1) New convenient sights

Improves the aiming process, although it requires getting used to and possibly relearning.
Download: (downloads: 555)

Installation: Unpack and copy the flash folder to World_of_Tanks\res_mods\0.7.4\gui\ (better make a backup, in case you don’t like the sights)

2) ZOOM map - Moving camera away / Commander camera

Bird's eye view is a useful thing for commanders and players who want to better navigate the map and properly assess the situation. You can move the camera very far from your tank.
Download: (downloads: 541)

Installation: unpack the archive and install the files into the game/gui folder with replacement.

3) Skins with penetration zones "Red Star"

Convenient skins that give a visual representation of tanks’ vulnerable zones:

Red - vulnerable spots.
Purple - ammunition.
Yellow - crew.
Green - engine.
White is the top gun.
Blue - fuel tank.

Open the archive with textures and copy all the contents (2 files and a folder) to the World_of_Tanks\res\packages folder with replacement. After this, run the file AHuMex_autoinstall_0.7.3_only.bat*. - A black console window will appear. The installation of the skins will be completed when the window closes itself. Will have to wait.

Installation in 0.7.4:
1. The game must be installed on a disk with the NTFS file system.
2. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed.
You can check your installed .NET versions using this utility:
3. Install DokanLibrary
4. Unzip the archive into the game folder:
Right click on the archive -> "Extract all..." -> select the game folder -> "Extract"
5. If necessary, configure the configuration file:

You can select a ready-made one from the \xvm-doc\samples\ folder, or use
online editor:

Attention: By default, statistics are turned off, so if you need them, turn them on
it in the editor, or take a ready-made configuration file.
Attention: If you change the config manually, use Notepad,
DO NOT use word, wordpad or similar editors)
6. If statistics are not needed, run the game as usual.
To display statistics, you need to run the wot-xvm-proxy.exe file (the game will start automatically).
If you need to display statistics and launch the game through the launcher,
run wot-xvm-proxy.exe with the /launcher command line argument:
Create a shortcut to the file wot-xvm-proxy.exe
Open Shortcut Properties
In the Object field write "wot-xvm-proxy.exe /launcher" (without quotes)
Click OK
7. If you have Skype, you need to
tools -> add-ons -> advanced -> connection -> UNCHECK
"Use ports 80 and 443 as incoming alternatives."
8. If you need to submit a bug report, run wot-xvm-proxy.exe with
switch /debug and add console output to the report.

You can select a ready-made config from the \xvm-doc\samples\ folder, or use the online editor:
Old OTMData.xml configuration files are also supported, you can
use them if you don't need new features.
All possible settings can be viewed in this file:
\xvm-doc\samples\Full config\XVM.xvmconf


Write about other useful mods if you know.

Trying to diversify the gameplay, many were looking for which mods are best for World of Tanks. Not all of them are worthy of attention, but there are some that are worth installing. Mods are designed to help players or entertain them. Considering that World of Tanks is a fairly serious game, mods for it are mostly technical, designed to help make the gameplay easier.

What are mods and what are they like?

This concept refers to any modification of the game that does not violate the game balance and does not jeopardize the principles of fair play. Mostly images or graphic files are modified. There are mods designed to simplify textures if the computer is not the latest generation.

The game dynamics remain the same, and this does not affect the other players in any way. There are also mods that limit the number of frames per second; they are made for the same purposes as the previous version. There are a number of improvements that change, for example, the color of the sky or the color of foliage on the trees. Such mods are decorative in nature, and there is no fundamental benefit from them, just as there is no objective need for their use.

Among others, there are modifications, the use of which can help players win, but not in the most honest way

Such additions change the color of the enemy tank's armor, indicating weak points that are most advantageous to shoot at. You can easily win by firing two shots at such a painted tank. The game administration may strictly sanction players who use such dishonest tactics.

You can also add auto-aiming to the collection of prohibited mods. A technique that automatically aims at the enemy and shoots precisely at the target is the dream of any player. Only for some the effectiveness of such a technique depends on their hands, while for others it depends on the program code. It’s not even worth talking about the undesirability of using such a modification.

Modification is a universal thing; it can either ruin the game or make it much more exciting and interesting.

It all depends on the player’s honesty and his respect for other comrades. It is worth recalling that the World of Tanks game is beautiful in its originality, and all the necessary game balance in it is observed and taken into account by the developers. If you still want to change the color of the sky, then you will have to decide which mods are best for World of Tanks yourself, based on your personal gaming needs and preferences.

Tanks, money, two guns... No, this is not another continuation of the Guy Ritchie film, but a brief description of the game. WOT is one of the most popular games all over the world and rightfully ranks first among client games. But the game would be boring and monotonous if users couldn't make changes to it.

So called wot mods improve the game as a whole, making cosmetic and functional changes to it. For example, existing mods for tanks allow you to “decorate” the tank to your taste and color. And they will even allow a beginner to understand the tank armor scheme and successfully fight the enemy. After all, the vulnerable areas of the enemy tank are already marked on these skins. The main thing to remember is that the most vulnerable places of any tank are the driver’s hatch, triplexes on the turret, and machine gun nests. These parts of the tank have minimal armor thickness, and they can be easily attacked by all guns.

Popular mod assemblies for World of Tanks 1.0.1:

Types of mods in the game World of Tanks

Conditionally, mods for World of Tanks can be divided into 2 groups. As mentioned above, some mods make “cosmetic” changes to the game and are aimed at visually improving the game, while other mods increase the functionality and capabilities of the player. Of course, we are not talking about such mods as "God 'mode", "Immortality", "Endless ammo", which are found in other games. Everything is much simpler...

For example, the standard scope does not have a charge time display, and the scope's reticle leaves much to be desired. Many “modders” have released their own versions, providing them with a display of gun charging time, brief information about enemy armor, improved rangefinders and a laser, an armor penetration indicator, and a remote camera, convenient for both self-propelled guns and conventional tanks. One way or another, sight mods significantly expand the player’s functionality and give him an advantage in the fight against the enemy.

Installing mods for WOT is easy.

Just download the archive, go to the game folder and unpack it into the patch folder. For example, if the current game patch is 0.8.6, then you need to unpack the mod files into this folder, because it will not work from others.

World of Tanks mods download You can either from the official forum or from various download sites (for example, from ours). But remember that there are no mods that give free gold or boost your account, codes or cheats for WOT. By downloading such mods, you expose your computer to the risk of virus infection, and, most likely, you will lose access to your account in the game.