Translations of Romeo and Juliet into Russian. What is the best translation of “Romeo and Juliet”? And you will leave without reassuring me

Characters Escalus, Prince of Verona. Count Paris, a young man, a relative of the prince. Montagues) Capulets) heads of two warring houses. Uncle Capulet. Romeo, son of Montague. Mercutio, relative of the prince, friend of Romeo. Benvolio, nephew of Montague, friend of Romeo. Tybalt, nephew of Lady Capulet. Brother Lorenzo) Brother Giovanni) Franciscan friars. Balthasar, Romeo's servant. Samson) Gregorio) servants of the Capulets. Peter, the nurse's servant. Abram, Montague's servant. Pharmacist. Three musicians. Paris's page. First citizen. Lady Montague, wife of the Capulets. Juliet, daughter of Capulet. Juliet's nurse. The townspeople of Verona, male and female relatives of both houses, mummers, guards, servants. Chorus. The location is Verona and Mantua. PROLOGUE The choir enters. Chorus Two equally respected families In Verona, where events greet us, They are waging internecine battles And do not want to stop the bloodshed. The children of the leaders love each other, But fate sets up intrigues for them, And their death at the grave doors Puts an end to irreconcilable discord. Their life, love and death and, moreover, the World of their parents on their grave For two hours will constitute the creature Played out before you. Be more merciful to the weaknesses of the pen - the game will try to smooth them out. ACT I Scene 1 Verona. Square. Enter Samson and Gregorio, servants of the Capulet, with swords and shields. Samson Gregorio, an agreement: do not be ashamed in front of them. Gregorio What are you doing? Vice versa. Whoever I meet, I will disgrace myself. Samson Let's give them a bath! Gregorio We'd like to get away with it ourselves. Samson I'm quick to hand when I get boiling. Gregorio Boiling you is not a quick thing. Samson When I see the Montague mongrels, I boil like boiling water. Gregorio Boil - you'll leave. You boil it and it runs away like milk. But the brave one will resist - he won’t budge. Samson Before the mongrels from Montague's house, I will resist - I won't budge. I will grind everyone into powder: both the good guys and the girls. Gregorio Just think, what a hurricane! Samson Every one of them. Well done to the side, and the girls in the corners and in the cracks. Gregorio The quarrel is a master's quarrel and between male servants. Samson No matter. I'll handle the men's, then I'll take on the women's. I will show everyone my strength. Gregorio And the poor girls? Samson As long as the girls have enough urine. I, thank God, am not a small piece of meat. Gregorio It’s a good thing you’re not a fish, otherwise you’d be a salted cod. Hurry, where is your sword? There are two Montagues over there. Samson Ready, the sword is out. Get 'em. I will not leave you. Gregorio What kind of conversation is this? How! To chicken out and show your heels? Samson Don't worry about me. Gregorio There's something to worry about! Samson Let's get them mad. If they start a fight first, the law will be on our side. Gregorio I'll make an angry face when I pass by. Let's see what they do. Samson I will bite my nail at their address. They will be disgraced if they remain silent. Abram and Balthazar enter. ABRAM Is it because of us that you are biting your nail, sir? Samson I'm biting my nail, sir. ABRAM Is it because of us that you are biting your nail, sir? Samson (in a low voice to Gregorio) If this is confirmed, is the law on our side? Gregorio (in a low voice to Samson) No way. Samson No, I'm not biting my nail at your expense, sir. And I'm biting my nail, sir. Gregorio Are you looking for a fight, sir? ABRAM Me, sir? No sir. Samson If you're stuffed, I'm at your service. I live with the gentlemen no worse than yours. Abram But not the best either. Gregorio (to the side, to Samson, noticing Tybalt in the distance) Speak to the best. There's one of the owner's relatives. Samson The best, sir. Abram You are lying! Benvolio enters. Samson Fight if you are men! Gregorio, show them your great kick. They fight. BENVOLIO Weapons away - and quickly to your places! You don't know what you're doing, you fools. (Knocks their swords out of their hands.) Tybalt enters. Tybalt How did you get into trouble with this peasant? This is your death - turn around, Benvolio! Benvolio I want to reconcile them. Put down your sword, Or let's separate them together. Tybalt I hate the world and the word "world", Just as I hate you and all the Montagues. Wait, you coward! They fight. The adherents of both houses enter and join the fight; then the townspeople with clubs and halberds. First Citizen Come here with a club and stakes! Loopy! Down with the Montagues and the Capulets! Enter Capulet in a dressing gown and Lady Capulet. CAPULET What's all this noise? Where is my fighting sword? Lady Capulet A crutch for him! The sword was missing! Capulet Give me the sword! Montagues are in the yard And he raised his weapon at me. Enter Montagues and Lady Montagues. Montague You, Capulet, are a rogue! Let me go, wife! Lady Montague I will not let anyone take a step near the fighters! The prince enters with his retinue. Prince Traitors, killers of silence, Contaminating iron with brotherly blood! Not people, but likenesses of animals, extinguishing the fire of mortal strife with streams of red liquid from the veins! Who am I telling? Under pain of torture, throw away your swords from inglorious hands and listen to the prince's will. Three times, under the influence of nonsense words, both of you, the Capulets and the Montagues, disturbed the peace of the streets with massacres. Having taken off their robes, Verona's advisers clutched blunt halberds three times in their senile hands, Deciding the litigation of decrepit antiquity. And if you ever run into each other again, you will pay me with your life for everything. This time let the people disperse. You, Capulets, follow me, and I am waiting for you, Montagues, in Villafranca on this matter during the day. So, on pain of death, disperse! Everyone leaves except Montague, Lady Montague and Benvolio. Montague Who started this argument again? Tell me, nephew, you were there, weren’t you? Benvolio I have already found our servants with the enemy's servants in the midst of hand-to-hand combat. As soon as I began to separate them, suddenly Furious Tybalt ran in with a sword and began to wave it over his head. He challenged me to a fight, and the wind whistled mockingly in response. While we were alternating blows, With a crowd of people running to the call, the prince appeared and separated the fighters. Lady Montague Where is Romeo? Have you met him? Wasn't he here? Is he really unharmed? Benvolio Madam, an hour before the sun lit up the window of the east with gold, I went out for a walk in restlessness. Crossing the sycamore grove, At the western gate I came across your son. He was walking there so early. I walked after him. Having recognized me, he disappeared into the depths, And since he was looking for solitude, I left him alone. Montagues They often saw him there in the morning. He wanders and the dewy vapor of the meadows multiplies the pairs of tears and the haze of sighs. However, as soon as the sun opens the bed canopy in Aurora’s bedroom, My son gloomily trudges home, rushes into his secret corner, and with curtains in broad daylight turns it into an artificial midnight. Where does this persistent darkness come from? I want to understand but I just can’t understand. Benvolio Do you know the reason, dear uncle? Montague I don’t know and can’t find out. Benvolio Did you approach him with questions? Montague What about it! Me and best friends. But he is impenetrable to questioning and is as protected from everywhere as a worm-bitten bud, which will not drive out the leaf and will not reveal the core to the sun. Are you asking if I know the reason? If I knew the essence of this sadness, I would heal the patient with something. Romeo enters. Benvolio Here he is. You are here as if by accident. You'll see, I'll get to the secret. Montague Let's go wife. Let's leave them alone, Like a confessor with a confessor. The Montagues and Lady Montagues leave. Benvolio Romeo, good morning! ROMEO Is it morning? Benvolio Tenth hour. ROMEO How long is the hour of melancholy! What is it, my father has not left? BENVOLIO Yes, your father. What melancholy lengthens your hours, Romeo? Romeo Longing for someone who could cut them down. Benvolio Are you homesick for love? Romeo No. BENVOLIO Do you love? ROMEO Yes, and I yearn for love. Benvolio Oh, this gentle-looking love, As in fact evil, is inexorable! Romeo How immediately, despite his blindness, Finds a vulnerable heel! -Where are we going to have lunch? - How much blood! Don't talk about the landfill. I heard. And hatred is painful and tenderness. And hatred and tenderness are the same ardor of the Blind, the forces that arose from nothing, Empty burden, heavy fun, Discordant collection of harmonious forms, Cold heat, mortal health, Sleepless sleep, which is deeper than sleep. This is what, and worse than ice and stone, is my love, which is heavy for me. Aren't you laughing? Benvolio No, I'd rather cry. ROMEO What about, my friend? Benvolio In response to your tears. Romeo What evil we do with kindness! I’ve had enough of my own melancholy, And you hurt me with your participation. With your worries about me, you have doubled my sadness. What is love? Madness from fumes. Playing with fire leads to fire. An inflamed sea of ​​tears, Thought for the sake of thoughtlessness, A mixture of poison and antidote. Goodbye, my friend. BENVOLIO Wait, you are too fast. I'll go too, but let's finish the conversation. ROMEO I have lost myself and I am not here. Romeo is gone, Romeo will not be found. Benvolio No, tell me not jokingly: who do you love? ROMEO Were there still jokes? Benvolio Of course not. But who is she, no joke? ROMEO Tell the sick man at his bedside that it is time to die in earnest. She's no joke woman, mate. Benvolio I knew it, and I hit you not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. Romeo A dashing shooter, but the maiden is not about us. Benvolio The better the aim, the more accurately we aim. ROMEO These words are not applicable here. She has the soul of Diana, Cupid is not afraid of a virgin and is funny. She will not give in to the tenderness of her gaze, not for any mountains of gold. Beauty, she will take her world of beauty untouched to her grave. Benvolio What, she took a vow of celibacy? Romeo Alas, she gave and will cope with the task. From this maiden and her fasting there will be emptiness left in posterity. She is such a strict saint, That I have no hope for happiness, She lives in righteousness, but I am finished: I am not alive in the world, I am dead. Benvolio I advise you to stop thinking about her. ROMEO So advise me how to stop thinking. Benvolio Give freedom and space to your eyes - Admire others. Romeo This is a way to recognize the more perfection she has. In the slits of black masks, the women's faces sparkle with whiteness with greater force. The blind man always remembers the preciousness of his lost sight. And in the features of the Beauties I will read a reminder of the one who is without comparison the best. I still haven’t learned to forget. Benvolio I will teach you, no matter how hard you try. They leave. Scene 2 Street. Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant. Capulet Montague and I were fined. Would it be difficult to live in harmony? Paris Yes, it's strange. Two venerable elders - And for some reason they are always at knifepoint. However, you did not give me an answer. CAPULET I will repeat what I have already said: After all, my daughter is still just a child, She is not yet fourteen years old. Wait another two years, and we will declare our daughter a bride. Paris They marry younger than she. Capulet But this early maturity is harmful. My hopes were devoured by the grave, And heaven only saved my daughter. Face her, dear Paris, - That’s all you need for us to get along. Find out her wishes in advance, And I bless you in advance. Tonight we have a reception - We are setting up an annual celebration. A lot of people will gather here. We will be glad to see you. You will find yourself at a rich congress, Like the stars of the night, shining brides And you will witness fun, Similar to the flood of waters in April, When their round dance surrounds you And you find yourself among the beauties, You decide which one has struck your imagination with greater power. Without the right to such praise, the Daughter will also be at the ball that night. Let's go, Count. (To the servant, giving him the note.) And you, low swindler, go through all the invitees on the list. Tell the guests whose name is here that the entrance to us is wide open for them. Capulet and Paris leave. Servant. "Go around the list, go around the list"! Who will understand this list? Or maybe it says here that a shoemaker’s job is a yardstick, and a tailor’s job is a last. "Go through the list"! Or maybe it says here that fish are caught with a brush, and roofs are painted with seines. "Tell the guests whose name is here"! Tell me, whose name is here? There are people who can do this. Yes, here they are! Easy to remember. Enter Benvolio and Romeo. BENVOLIO Be silent, my friend. Fire is met with fire, Trouble is cured with trouble and illness, With circling the circling is stopped, And you argue with misfortune in the same way. Try to grab a new infection, And the old one will never be remembered. ROMEO Plantain is also good. BENVOLIO What's that got to do with it, my friend? Romeo With broken legs. BENVOLIO Are you crazy? ROMEO No, not crazy at all, But on a chain, like someone crazy, Tortured and in a straitjacket. Servant Hello, sir. Are you a master reader? ROMEO Oh yes! Your lot according to the warehouses of misfortunes. Servant Thank you for your frankness. But we need those that are written. ROMEO Where are you going? I was joking. Let me read it. (Reads.) “Call Signor Martino with his wife and daughters; Count Anselmo with his beautiful sisters; Dowager Mrs. Vitruvio; Signor Placenzo and his dear nieces; Mercutio with his brother Valentine; Uncle Capulet with his wife and daughters; lovely niece Rosaline; Livia; Signora Valenzio with his brother Tybalt; Lucio and his playful Elena." Great choice! Where are they waiting? Servant Over there. Romeo Where? Servant Come to our house for dinner. ROMEO To whose house? Servant Master's house. ROMEO About all this I should have asked you first. Servant I'll tell you that myself. My master is the rich Capulet. Maybe you've heard? If you are not related to the Montagues, come and have a drink with us. (Exits.) Benvolio The Capulets, in addition to Rosaline, Your sweetheart, will have at the ball the most prominent beauties of Verona. Let's go there. When you compare them with your peahen with an open mind, She will seem like a crow to you. ROMEO Oh, if you are such blasphemers, the pupils of my God-apostate eyes, Let your tears turn into flames And you burn like heretics! Has God really offended me with my eyesight, so that I don’t see the sun in the sky? Benvolio But you haven’t even once put this beauty of the sun on the scales. Look around at those who are more beautiful, And you are unlikely to sing the same thing. Perhaps your only diamond will turn out to be a simple piece of glass. ROMEO Let's go to the ball, but not to the review of the meeting, But for the sake of one who is beyond description. They leave. Scene 3 A room in the Capulet house. Enter Lady Capulet and the Nurse. Lady Capulet Nurse, rather: where is Juliet? The nurse, I swear by my former innocence, called. Juliet, where are you? What a fidget! Where did my little darling go? Juliet enters. Juliet Well, what else? Nurse Mother is calling you. Juliet I'm here. What, mother, do you want? Lady Capulet Now. Nurse, come out for a minute, we'll talk. However, wait, don’t go, you’d better listen. My daughter has grown up quite a bit. Nurse Have mercy, I will count her summer to an hour. Lady Capulet She is not fourteen years old. Nurse I will pawn my fourteen teeth, even though there are only four of them, and there are none. How long until Peter's day? Lady Capulet More than two weeks. Nurse With or without excess, that’s not the debate, but she’ll get a blowjob at fourteen on Peter’s Day, I’m telling you right. She and Susanna - God rest her! - were the same age. But I wasn’t worth it, and God took it away. And she got a blowjob at fourteen on Peter’s Day, don’t doubt it, I remember it well. This shaking of the earth, you now count, is eleven full years. And in the midst of the turmoil, as I remember now, I excommunicated her. I rubbed my nipples with wormwood and sat down near the dovecote in the sunny heat. You and their honor were in Mantua, tell me, what is the memory! She, darling, grabbed the wormwood from her nipple and rolled away - God forbid! At this very time, the dovecote in front of me tumbled, and, of course, God forbid, I left there. And this case is now fully eleven years old. She was already getting on her feet then - what am I saying, on her feet! - she was already running and walking, by God, really, the true Lord! Now I’ll tell you, she hurt her forehead at that time. And here is my husband... may he rest in heaven, he was a terrible joker!.. he took the child in his arms and said: “It’s not good to fall on your face,” he says, “Julinka.” When you grow up, you will, he says, strive to fall on your back. “Will you?” - speaks. So what do you think? My little one wiped away her tears and answered him: “Yes.” Just think, what a laugh! I will live a thousand years and never forget. “Will you, he says, lie on your back, Dzhulinka?” And she, as if nothing had happened, answers him: “Yes.” Lady Capulet Enough chatter! Shut up please! Nurse I'm listening, madam. But tell me, isn’t it hilarious? She calmed down in a minute and, without hesitation, answered him “yes,” but the lump was hefty, the size of a pigeon’s egg, and she was crying with burning tears. “It’s not good to fall on your face, he says. Will you grow up, will you, he says, fall on your back? Will you?” - speaks. And this baby answers him “yes” and immediately calms down. Juliet Calm down, nurse, and you too. Nurse I obey, I won’t do it anymore. Of my pets, you were the prettiest. If only I could live to see your wedding, it would be a joy! Lady Capulet Before the wedding? And we're talking about the wedding. Then she came. Tell me, Juliet, how would you feel about marriage? Juliet I did not think about this honor. Nurse About this honor? Just think! It’s a pity, I’m your nurse, otherwise one could say that you sucked your brain in with milk. Lady Capulet So think about it. Younger than you, they become mothers in Verona, And I gave birth to you even earlier. So, in a hurry and briefly: Paris has wooed us for you. Nurse Well, this, my young lady, is a man of glory! Such a man that you will travel the whole world - you will not find a better one. Not a person, but a picture. Lady Capulet A flower such as Verona has never seen. Nurse Flower, no word. There is no word, flower. Lady Capulet What do you say? Is he after your heart? You will study it today at the ball. Read, as in a book, on his face Hints of affection and charm. Compare his features like writing, Measure the depth in each, And if anything remains in the fog, Look for interpretation of everything in the eyes. This is where you have a complete vault of bliss, And the binding is only missing. Like a fish - the depths, with the same strength The picture requires a beautiful frame, And the golden contents of books Need golden clasps, That's how you, thinking about your husband, will not become smaller or worse. Nurse You won't become smaller! More, madam, more. Men make women fat. Lady Capulet Well, will you take care of his special one? Juliet I don't know yet. We need to do a test. But this is only for you. I'm just following your orders. A servant enters. Servant Madam, the guests have arrived, food is served, they call you and they don’t hear you, everyone asks the young lady what’s going on in the pantry, they scold the nurse, and everything is upside down. I'll run to the guests. Do me a favor, please immediately. Lady Capulet Let's go. The servant leaves. Hurry, Juliet! The Count is already there. Nurse Good nights in addition to good days! They leave. Scene 4 Street. Enter Romeo, Mercutio and Benvolio with five or six mummers, torchbearers and a boy with a drum. ROMEO Shall we read the greeting in verse, Or should we enter without further ado? Benvolio No, that is not in use nowadays. We can do without Cupid With a woolen bandage over his eyes, With a Tatar bow made of moulted shingles, Who looked so ridiculous that the ladies were scarier than scarecrows. We won't have to torment anyone with Impromptu speeches using a prompter. We will not dance to their tune, but we will dance to our own and leave. ROMEO Then give me the torch. I'm upset and not a dancer. I'll be the torchbearer. Mercutio Romeo, no, you can't escape dancing. ROMEO Fire me. You are wearing light ballroom shoes, And I am pressed to the ground by the weight. Mercutio You're in love, so flap your cupid's wings more decisively and break away. ROMEO He nailed me with an arrow right through. I'm so wounded that my wings can't support me. Under the burden of love I buckle. Mercutio If you fall, don't crush her: She is tender for your fall. ROMEO Is love tender? She is rude and angry. And it pricks and burns like a thorn. Mercutio And if so, be cruel to her too, Stab and burn, and you will be even. However, it's time to put on a mask. Well, that's all, and the mask is on the face. Now let them tell me what they say: I am a mummer, let the mask turn red. Benvolio Knock on the door, and as soon as we enter - Everyone dance, and move your feet. Romeo Give me the torch. Let the fools dance. The rugs were not laid for me. With a candle, as the grandfathers said, I’ll watch the game from over my shoulders, Even though it doesn’t seem worth the candle. Mercutio Ah, torch-bearer, with your ardent love You are as tired as a smoking smokehouse! Knock on the entrance so as not to rot alive. We burn fire during the day, as they say. ROMEO Hanging out on a visit is a good idea, But the lawsuit is good. MERCUTIO What, may I dare ask? ROMEO I had a dream. Mercutio Imagine, me too. ROMEO What did you see? Mercutio That dreams are nonsense. ROMEO I have never made a mistake about them. Mercutio All Queen Mab. Her pranks. She is the fairies' mother, And in size - the size of an agate pebble In the mayor's ring. At night, she rides in a train on a gear of dust particles along our noses while we sleep. The wheels have spokes made from spider legs, The carriage top is made from locust wings, The tug straps are made from cobweb threads, and the clamps are made from dew drops. A foam whip is wound around the bone of a cricket, A mosquito on a sawhorse is the size of a worm, The kind that, out of sleepy laziness, starts in the nails of craftswomen. Her cart is an empty hazelnut. This carriage was made for her by the Coachmen of Sorceresses - a beetle and a squirrel. At night she crosses the brains of lovers who dream of tenderness, the humps of nobles who dream of the court, the mustaches of judges who dream of bribes, and the lips of maidens who dream of passion. The minx Mab covers them with a rash Because they are greedy for sweet pies. Litigation will roll up to the bridge of his nose, And he will smell the aroma of litigation. The bristle will tickle the pastor's nostril, and he will have a dream about the profitability of the new parish. With a running start he will rush for the Soldier's collar, and in his dreams he will dream of Massacres, Spanish knives, and spells in two buckets, and drums. In fright, he jumps up from sleep and crosses himself, trembling, and falls asleep. These are all Queen Mab's tricks. She braids her manes in the stables, And her hair becomes tangled, Which is not safe to unravel. Under her, girls moan in their sleep, Preparing in advance for motherhood. This Mab... Romeo Mercutio, be silent. You are idle. Mercutio It's about dreams. They are the fruits of an idle dream and a sleeping idle consciousness. Their substance is like air, and their leaps are like explosions of wind prowling blindly, now to the north, now from north to south, in a surge of affection and a fit of anger. Benvolio This wind of yours would not chill our supper while we foolishly procrastinate. ROMEO We are not foolishly slow, and not in a hurry to meet the deadline. I don't expect anything good. Something unknown, Which is still hidden in the darkness, But will be born from this ball, Will untimely shorten my life Through some terrible circumstances. But the one who guides my ship has already raised the sail. Gentlemen, come in! Benvolio Beat the drum! They leave. Scene 5 Hall in the Capulet house. Musicians. Servants with napkins. First servant Where is Anton Soteyshchik? Why doesn't it help clean up? So it sticks to the leftovers! So he plays around with his tongue! Second servant It’s bad when all the work is done by one or two, and even those have unwashed hands. First Servant The carved chairs are over there, the piles of dishes are against the wall. Keep an eye on the silver. Hide me, my dear, a piece of marzipan and, if you love me, warn me downstairs at the entrance to let Nadezhda Nazhdachnitsa and Nellie through. Anton Soteishchik! Third Servant Here I am. What is the cry about? First Servant In the large room they are calling you, calling you, demanding you, and I don’t know how to say it. Third servant You can’t keep up everywhere, you can’t tear yourself in two. Have fun, guys! If you live longer, you will earn more. Enter the Capulet, Lady Capulet, Juliet and Tybalt with their household to meet the guests and the Capulet mummers. Hello, gentlemen! Ladies without calluses We have enough work until the morning. What do you say, beauties? Which one won't dance after that? Now we suspect that they are calluses. You see, we have you in our hands. Hello, gentlemen! Ladies, there was a time, And I whispered confessions in my ear. That time has passed, passed... Enter Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio and others. Hello friends! Play, musicians! Everyone out of the way! Dancers, ladies - in a circle! Music. The guests are dancing. More light! Move your chairs back! Turn up the heat in the fireplace: it's stuffy. (To Uncle Capulet.) You look at the dancing and it’s clear. No, what are you saying, sit down, where can we dance! When, tell me, Uncle Capulet, did we dance in masks for the last time? Uncle Capulet Yes, I think about thirty years ago. CAPULET Oh no, not so long ago, not so long ago! Consider how many years Lucenzo has been married? No more than twenty-five. We danced at his wedding. Uncle Capulet No, their son is thirty-something years old. CAPULET He's only been out of care for a year. Romeo (to a servant from his company) Who is this young lady with whom this gentleman stood in a row? Servant I don't know, sir. ROMEO The torches were eclipsed by her radiance. She, like the bright beryl in the ears of a blackamoor, is too bright for the world of ugliness and evil. Like a dove among a flock of crows, I immediately distinguish her in the crowd. I'll get through to her and look at her point-blank. Have I ever loved before? Oh no, they were false goddesses. I have not known true beauty until now. Tybalt It seemed to me that the voice was Montague. Boy, sword! This scoundrel dared to sneak into us under a mask in mockery of a family celebration! Well, we have enough resourcefulness. He will pay me with his life for this step. CAPULET My dear, why did you cry out? Tybalt We are Montagues! How did he get to us? He rushes in to us, without looking at anything, To disgrace us at the masquerade! Capulet Are you talking about Romeo? Tybalt About wretched Romeo. Capulet Come to your senses. Why are you pestering him? He behaves as he should, and in Verona is unanimously recognized, they say, as an Example of true nobility. For all the riches in the world, I will not let anyone here offend him. Leave him, this is my order to you. And if I mean something to you, have fun and don’t frown anymore. This pouting is inappropriate when visiting. Tybalt No, it’s in place if the extra ones are visiting. I won’t demolish it... Capulet You will demolish it when you order! You heard? What! He won't take it down! He won't take it down! Not me, but he is the owner! He won't take it down! Just look at me, Society will riot in my living room! He's the boss here! He's everything! He's a horse breeder! Tybalt But, uncle, this is a disgrace. Capulet No talking! Calm down! (To guests.) Yes, yes. Can't be! (To Tybalt.) He will give me more advice! (To guests.) It can’t be! (To Tybalt.) You are ignorant and rowdy! Learn manners. (To the servants.) Light, more light! (To Tybalt.) If you don’t want good, I’ll teach you by force. (To guests.) What kind of confusion is this? Be friends, dears! Tybalt Leave, having conquered anger with humility? Well, I'll leave. But your uninvited guest, who cannot be disturbed, will also cost you a lot of blood! (Leaves.) Romeo (dressed as a monk, to Juliet) I touched your hands with a rough hand. To wash away the blasphemy, I make a vow: The lips will make a pilgrimage to the saint and kiss the trail of sacrilege. Juliet Holy Father, shaking hands is legal. Shaking hands is a natural greeting. Pilgrims bow to the shrines. There is no need to apply. Romeo However, lips are given to us for something? Juliet Holy Father, send up prayers. ROMEO So here is a prayer: give us work. Incline your ear to me, holy mother. JULIET I will incline my ears, but I will not move. ROMEO No need to bend over, I'll get it myself. (Kisses her.) Now all sin has been removed from my lips. Juliet But mine were covered with it for the first time. ROMEO Then give it back to me. Juliet My friend, where did you learn to kiss? Nurse Mother calls you in two words. Juliet leaves. ROMEO Who is she? Nurse Where are you? She is the head of the family, the mistress of the house. I was here as a mother and my daughter was coming out. You were standing with her now. Remember: Whoever marries her will take away a good jackpot. ROMEO So this is Capulet? I'm in the enemy's hands and caught in a net! Benvolio Farewell. I see the joke was a success. ROMEO And even too much this time. CAPULET Oh no, where are you going, gentlemen, so early? There the servants are coming with refreshments. You can not? Are you in a hurry? Well, thank you. Farewell. Bon voyage. Shine on them! And I'm on the side. Oh, damn, it’s really late! Time to go to bed. Capulets and others leave. Juliet Nurse, listen: Who is this guest at the exit in the corner? Nurse Son and heir of the old man Tiberius. Benvolio leaves. Juliet And this one, who stood at the door? Nurse And this, it seems, is Petruchio Jr. Mercutio leaves. Juliet And the one who came up to him And is not willing to dance? Romeo leaves. Nurse I don't know. Juliet Go find out. The nurse leaves to join the dispersers. If he is married, Let them cut me a shroud for the wedding. Nurse (returning) His name is Romeo. He is a Montague, the Son of your archenemy. Juliet I am the embodiment of the hated force. Inappropriately, out of ignorance, I fell in love! What can the times promise me? When am I so passionate about the enemy? Nurse What are you muttering? Juliet So, poetry, empty. At a dance in the park, someone gave me a hint. Lady Capulet (offstage) Juliet! Nurse We hear, we hear! I know I know! Everyone left. Let's go too, dear. They leave. The choir enters. Chorus The former passion lies on his deathbed, And a new one has replaced it. And the former Romeo is dearer than everyone Before Juliet is no longer sweet. Although their love is more and more invincible, They are still divided. The primordial enmity of families between them has torn an abyss of terrible depth. In her family, Montagues are hated, In the eyes of her relatives, Romeo is not a groom. When and where will she see him and how will she save them from their hatred? But passion teaches them to overcome suffering and finds a way for them to date. The choir leaves.

Undoubtedly, this play is one of the most difficult works to translate. The most obvious difficulty is created by the poetic rhythm of the work, not to mention other related difficulties. Table 1 will show how different translation authors dealt with this: Pasternak, Mikhalkovsky, Grigoriev, Radlova, Soroka, and Shchepkina-Kupernik.

Table 1

Features of the translation of the work “Romeo and Juliet” by different translators




1. Prince. Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace, Profaners of this neighbor-stained steel-Will they not hear?

What, ho! you men, you beasts, That quench the fire of your pernicious rage

With purple fountains issuing from your veins!

Prince. Traitors, killers of silence,

Contaminating iron with brotherly blood!

Not people, but likenesses of animals,

Extinguishing the fire of mortal strife

Streams of red liquid from the veins!

Prince. Rebels, enemies of peace,

Disgracing their swords with blood

Extinguishing the fire of their enmity

From your veins!

Prince. Rioters! Calm enemies

Desecrating swords of fellow citizens with blood!

Can't you hear? Hey! People! animals,

The fire of its destructive enmity.

Ready to extinguish with a crimson current

Lived his own!


You, rebellious enemies of peace,

staining steel with the blood of their neighbors,

Can't you hear me? You are people-beasts, extinguishing the fire of mortal malice.

With the crimson streams of your veins,

Prince Troublemakers, enemies of our world, who blasphemously raised against their neighbors

Weapons!.. They don’t hear. Hey, beast, quenching your hostility and predatory rage with your blood!

Rioters! Who is disturbing the peace? Who defiles his sword with the blood of his neighbors?

They don't listen! Hey, hey, you people! Animals! You extinguish the fire of criminal malice with a purple stream from your veins.




To hear true font. Come, madam, let's away,

ROMEO enters.

Benvolio. And here he is. You are here as if by accident.

You'll see, I'll get to the secret.

Montagues. Let's go wife. Let's leave them alone

Like a confessor with a confessor

Romeo appears in the distance. Benvolio. Ah, here he is. Go away; - will try. Find out his sadness, but I can’t guarantee. Montagues. Oh, if only you could achieve it - what caused it in him! Let's go, let's go, wife.

ROMEO appears in the distance.


He was sincere! Wife, let's go home!


Romeo enters.

Montagues. May your game be happy, To find out the truth. Let's go, it's time!

Romeo enters. Benvolio. Yes, here he is. Leave us alone.

I find out what kind of verse I found on it. Montagues.

I wish you success. Let's go, wife. We're just a nuisance here.

Benvolio. Here he comes. Stay away. I hope that he will open up to me! Montagues.

I would like you to hear his entire confession soon! - Let's go, signora!




3. Enter Capulet, County Paris, and -the Clown.

Cap. But Montague is bound as well as I,

In penalty alike; and "tis not hard, I think,

For men so old as we to keep the peace.

Par. Of honorable reckoning are you both,

And pity "tis you liv"d at odds so long.


Capulet. Montague and I were fined.

Would it be difficult to live in harmony?

Paris. Yes, it's strange. Two venerable elders -

And for some reason always at knifepoint.

However, you did not give me an answer.

Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant. Capulet. The same fine was imposed on the Montagues as on me; and for us, two old men, I think it would not be difficult to live in the world of Paris. You are both deeply respected,

And it’s a pity that your discord continues.


Capulet. Montague, like me, is punished;

Under equal penalties. It’s not difficult, really,

Peace be kept for two old men like us.

Paris. You are both respected equally

And it's a pity that you were in a quarrel for so long


Enter Capulet, Paris and Servant.

Capulet Montague is punished, just like me. One penny. I think it’s not difficult for two old people not to disturb the peace.

Paris You are both respected people, And it’s a pity that you live in a long-standing quarrel.

Street. Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant.


The same penalty was imposed

And to Montague. In our years

It would seem that it is not difficult to maintain peace.

Paris. You are both respected and noble,

And it’s a pity that a long-standing dispute divided you.

Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant.


We're both the same as Montagues

Punished; and I think it's not difficult

We old people would like to live in peace.

Paris. In virtues you are equal to each other;

And it’s a pity that your discord lasts so long.




4. Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

One desperate grief cures with another"s language


Benvolio. Be quiet, my friend. Fire is met with fire,

Trouble - trouble and illness cure illness,

By circling in reverse the circling is stopped,

And you argue with misfortune in the same way.

Enter Romeo and Benvolio.

Benvolio. One fire is lost in another,

Suffering will be reduced by suffering;

If your head is spinning,

Make her spin again;

One sorrow will be healed by another:


Benvolio. Eh, my dear! Knock out wedge with wedge,

Put out fire with fire, ease suffering

Other suffering!.. If your head is spinning -

Spin it in the other direction, it will pass!

Pain must be treated with pain.


Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

Benvolio. Believe me, one fire will devour another, The sadness of another will be reduced by sadness, A new pain will heal the pain with itself, And otherwise your head will spin.

Enter Benvolio and Romeo. Benvolio. Give it up. They extinguish another with one fire, and dull the pain with another pain, and drown out grief with a new misfortune,

And the dizziness is stopped by spinning in reverse.

Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

Oh, this comes in handy!


If you feel dizzy,

Spin in the other direction - it will help!

One fire will burn the other,

Any pain can be driven away by another.




5. Enter Capulet's Wife, and Nurse.

God forbid! Where's this girl? What, Juliet!


Lady Capulet. Nurse, rather: where is Juliet?

Nurse. I swear by my former innocence, I called.

Juliet, where are you? What a fidget!

Where did my little darling go?

Signora Capulet

Nurse, where is my daughter? Call

Her to me.


I swear I already called her.

Lamb, fluttering bird!

Oh, Lord, where is she? - Juliet!


Maiden's honor is a guarantee!

Oh, you little bird!

Where's the goat? Where are you, Juliet?


Enter Mrs. Capulet and the Nurse.

Lady Capulet

Where is my daughter? Call her now!

The nurse, I swear by my virginity at ten years old, has already called. Lamb! Birdie! Where is the girl? Oh god, where is Juliet?

Signora Capulet and the nurse enter.

Signora Capulet

Tell me, nanny, where is my daughter?

Nanny. I swear on my girlhood

At twelve years old, still intact,

I already called. Where are you, Juliet?

Hey, dove! Girl, where are you?

Signora Capulet and the nurse enter.

Signora Capulet

Where is my daughter? Send her to me


Nurse. my innocence

At twelve years old - I swear, I've been around for a long time

Called her. - My little lamb, little bird!

Where did she go? A? Juliet!




6. Nurse. Even or odd, of all days in the year,

Come Lammas Eve at night shall she be fourteen.

Susan and she (God rest all Christian souls!)

Were of an age. Well, Susan is with God;

Nurse. With or without excess, that’s not what the debate is about, but she’ll get a fourteenth blowjob on Peter’s Day, I’m telling you right. She and Susanna - God rest her! - were the same age. But I wasn’t worth it, and God took it away.


Well, it’s equal to two, or a little, but only

She will be fourteen years old

On the eve of Peter's Day; my Susanna

She is the same age - may she rest in peace

All Christian souls are Lord

Susanna is with Him; I was unworthy

Have it.

Nurse. Well, is there less or more... it's a matter

Not that. On the very, on Peter's day, on the night,

Fourteen years old gives her a blowjob

Susanna - God rest her - If only she were equal... God took Susanna away

Know for my sins...



Well, two or more, only I know - On the night of Peter the Fourteenth she got a blowjob. Susanna (may she rest in peace) was the same age, but God took it away. I was unworthy of her.

Then she will turn fourteen.

She is the same age as my Susanna.

The Lord took my Susannochka.

Apparently I was unworthy of her.


Well, on Peter's day to night

And she’ll have a blowjob when she’s fourteen years old.

She was with my Susanna (kingdom

Heavenly to all Christian souls!)

Same age. God took Susanna away.

Oh, I wasn't worth it!




7. Rom. What, shall this speech be spoken for our excuse?

Ben. The date is out of such prolixity.

Romeo. Should we read the greeting in verse?

Or go in without further ado?

Benvolio. No, this is not in use nowadays.

Romeo. Should we say something upon entering?

Or just go in, without preamble?

Benvolio. They are no longer in fashion;

Romeo. Well, how? With an apology speech

Benvolio. The fashion has already passed on the outskirts,


Well, shall we say something when we enter?

Or will we enter there without a greeting?

Benvolio. Such verbosity is not in fashion.

And this prepared speech

Shall we tell? Or shall we enter without announcement?

Benvolio. All these outdated tricks:

Well, we'll give a speech of apology

Or will we just go in without any explanation?

Benvolio. No, verbosity is no longer in fashion these days.




8. Cap. Welcome, gentlemen! Ladies that have their toes

Unplagu"d with corns will have a bout with you

Capulet. Hello, gentlemen! Ladies without calluses

We have enough work until the morning.


Welcome, greetings, gentlemen.

All the ladies who are on their feet

There are no calluses, they will dance with you.

Capulet. Sirs, you are welcome! Job

It will be for you if the ladies’ legs don’t suffer




Come in, gentlemen. Will fight us

Those ladies who don't have calluses.


You are welcome, gentlemen! Our

Ladies don't have calluses. Dance

They are all happy to be with you.


Welcome! And let those ladies

Whose feet do not suffer from calluses,

They will dance with you!




9. Chor. Now old desire doth in his deathbed lie,

And young affection gapes to be his heir;

That fair for which love groan"d for and would die,

With tender Juliet match"d, is now not fair.

Chorus. Former passion lies on his deathbed,

And a new one replaced it.

And Romeo's ex is dearer than everyone else

I'm no longer cute in front of Juliet.

Chorus. The old passion suddenly cooled,

And a new passion replaced it;

The one who captured Romeo's heart

Lost power over this heart;

Chorus. On his deathbed, the former passion dies out

And eagerly awaits a new inheritance:

The beauty that confused the dreamer's peace,

Faded before Juliet's beauty.


Chorus. On the bed of death is old love, And young passion is already looking at the door; The beauty to which he dedicated his blood, With Juliet next to him, is not beauty now.

So the former passion is gone.

It was replaced by young passion.

I couldn’t bear comparison with Juliet,

The former wonder has lost its power.

Former passion is swallowed up by the grave -

A new passion awaits her inheritance,

And she faded before sweet Juliet,

Who was previously the crown of beauty.




10. Romeo! humours! madman! passion! lover!

Appear thou in the likeness of a sigh;

Romeo! Crazy adorer!

Stand before me like a cloud, like a sigh!

Romeo! passion, lover, crazy,

Blessed! appear before us in the form of a sigh,

Hey Romjo! Hey you, norov! passion! madness!

Come to us even in the form of a sigh;


Romeo, jester, madman, passion, lover!

Appear under the guise of a sigh

Oddball! Madman! Hot admirer!

Appear to us like an embodied sigh,

Romeo, passion, love, ardent madman,

Freaky! Appear at least in the form of a sigh!




11. But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!

But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony?

There is light there. Juliet, you are like daylight!

But, hush, what is that light in her window?

It is the east, and in it Juliet is the sun.

But be quiet! What kind of light flashed in the window?

ABOUT! then - sunrise! Juliet is the sun!


But what kind of light flashes in that window?

There is a golden east; Juliet is the sun!

But shh! What is that glow there in the window?

It is sunrise, and the sun in it is Juliet.

But be quiet! What kind of light flashed in the window?

Oh, there's the east! Juliet is the sun.




12. Friar. The grey-ey"d morning smiles on the frowning night,

Check"ring the Eastern clouds with streaks of light;

The night is angry, and the day is stealthy

Paints clouds with paint.

With a smile on a gloomy night,

Dappling the east, the eyes of the morning star look;

Lorenzo. The clear smile of the gray-eyed dawn

Stripes of light from the clouds of the east,


In the gloomy night, the day looks laughing,

And the clouds are dappled with rays and the shadows are driven away,

The eastern clouds are already dawning

Colorful, and the gloomy darkness of the night,

Like a sleepy drunkard, he runs away

The grey-eyed dawn has already smiled,

The clouds of the east are spotted with light.

Like a drunkard, with the wrong foot

From the road of the day, staggering, the darkness of the night




13. What early tongue so sweet salutes me?

Young son, it argues a distempered head

So soon to bid good morrow to your bed.

Oh, is that you? Are you completely healthy?

What woke up before the roosters?

Whose greetings do I hear at such an early hour?

My son, why did you get up so early?

You must be upset about something

It’s not a very good sign, my son,

If someone says goodbye to his bed before dawn,


Whose affectionate greetings do I hear so early?

My son, you have proven a disorder of feelings

Because I got out of bed quickly today.

The Lord be with you. What to raise

And bring you to your cell so early

Could it? This is strange for a young person.

Lord be it

Blessed! But who awakens my ears?

Gentle greetings at such an early hour?

O my son, I must be driven by melancholy

The one who leaves the bed so early.




14.Mer. Where the devil should this Romeo be?

Came he not home tonight?

Ben. Not to his father's. I spoke with his man.

Mercutio. Where the hell are this Romeo?

Was he at home tonight?

Benvolio. No. I managed there.


Where the hell was he?

I didn’t return home that night

Benvolio. Yes; he didn't spend the night there:

I asked his servant.

Mercutio. Where the hell did this Romjo go?

Tell me, did he come to the house at night?

Benvolio. In my father's - no! I asked the servant



Where the hell did Romeo go? Did he spend the night at home?

Benvolio. Didn't spend the night. I spoke to the servant.


Where the hell did Romeo go? He didn't spend the night at home, did he?

Benvolio. No. I spoke to his servant.


Where the hell did Romeo go?

Was he never home?

Benvolio. No, I spoke to his servant.




15. Ben. Here comes Romeo! here comes Romeo!

Mer. Without his roe, like a dried herring. O flesh, flesh, how

art thou fishified!

Benvolio. Look, no way, Romeo!

Mercutio. Power with power, like a dried herring! O poor human flesh, how much have you become like a fish!

Benvolio. Here comes Romeo, - Romeo comes!

Mercutio. He is like a dried herring without caviar. Poor body! it's made of meat

turned into a fish.

Benvolio. Here he is - Romjo! here he is - Romjo!

Mercutio. Just bones and skin: like dried herring! You fish, fish!..


Benvolio. Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo!

Mercutio. Without his soul mate, he is like a herring without milk. Oh meat, meat, how crazy you are!

Benvolio. And here comes Romeo, and here comes Romeo to us!

Mercutio. Sluggish, like dried herring. O juicy flesh, how you have withered like a fish!

Benvolio. Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo!

Mercutio. Completely dried herring without milk. Eh, meat, meat, you've completely become




In half an hour she "promis"d to return.

Juliet. I sent the nurse away at nine.

She wanted to run away in half an hour.

Juliet. I sent the nanny at nine o'clock sharp,

And she promised me to return

After half an hour.

Juliet. It struck nine when the nanny sent away,

And she wanted to go in half an hour...


Juliet. When I sent the nanny it was nine; She promised to be back in half an hour.

Juliet. When I sent the nanny, it was striking nine.

She said in half an hour

Will return.

Juliet. I sent a nurse as soon as

It struck nine. After half an hour

She promised me to return.




17. Here comes the lady. O, so light a foot

Will ne"er wear out the everlasting flint.

Here she is. Such a light foot

I haven’t walked on these slabs yet.

Here she is. - With such a light leg

These flint slabs cannot be erased.

Here's the signora. ABOUT! such a light foot

I haven't stepped on the platform in ages.


The bride is coming. So light is the foot that it would never erase stones.

Here comes Juliet. Her light step

Will not wear out the floor tiles forever.

Here she is. Like a light leg

Do not trample durable slabs forever.




18. Cap. When the sun sets the air doth drizzle dew,

It rains downright.

Capulet. The sunset is accompanied by dew,

The nephew's sunset is marked by rain.

Capulet As the day sets, the dew falls to the ground,

But my nephew's sunset

Brought us rain.

Capulet. As the sun rises, dew falls on the ground,

But after the sunset of my brother's son

The rain is pouring down...



As the sun sets, the dew falls, But my nephew's sunset is drenched in rain.

Capulet. The ground is wet with dew at sunset.

But Tybalt's sunset is no longer dewy

Wet and persistent rains.

Capulet. The dew comes down as the sun sets;

But after poor Tybalt left

It's pouring rain.




19. Par. Happily met, my lady and my wife!

Jul. That may be, sir, when I may be a wife.

Par. That may be must be, love, on Thursday next.

Jul. What must be shall be.

Paris. Happy moment, wonderful wife!

Juliet. We don't belong to each other yet.

Paris. On Thursday you will become my wife.

Juliet. Everything is in the will of God!

Paris. I'm happy to have met you, signorina,

My wife.

Juliet. Perhaps, if only

Can I be a wife?

Paris. You must

And you will be my wife on Thursday.

Juliet. What should be, will be.

Paris. Here's a happy meeting, oh my

Signora and my wife!

Juliet. I will only be her when I get married.

Paris. Yes, it will be, it should be on Thursday,

My love.

Juliet. What will be will be.


Paris. I'm happy to see you, my wife!

Juliet. This may be the case when I become a wife.

Paris. Darling, this is how it should be on Thursday.

Juliet. What should be will be.

Paris. Hello my wife and madam!

Juliet. Such premature greetings.

Paris. It's Thursday.

Juliet. And rain on Thursday.

Well, whatever happens, we can’t avoid it.

Paris. I am happy to meet my wife here!

Juliet. Yes, if I can become your wife.

Paris. So it will be, it should be: on Thursday - our marriage.

Juliet. What should be will be.




20. Par. Give me your torch, boy. Hence, and stand aloof.

Yet put it out, for I would not be seen.

Paris. Give me the torch and go. I think no:

Blow it out. I don't want to be seen.

Or not, blow it out: I wouldn’t want it,

For anyone to see me here.

Paris. Give me the torch, page! Go and stand apart!

No! take him away! I don't want

Be visible


No, better turn it off; let no one

Doesn't see me.

Or not, blow it out, otherwise they will see me.

Analysis of translations based on table 1:

Grigoriev's translation is particularly complex. Clarity was never part of Grigoriev's critical talent. It was not without reason that the extreme confusion and darkness of the presentation scared the public away from his works.

“Rom. What, shall this speech be spoken for our excuse?

Or shall we on without apology?

Ben. The date is out of such prolixity.”

"Romeo. Well, how? With an apology speech

Or will we go in without excuses?

Benvolio. The fashion has passed by now,”

“The clear smile of the gray-eyed dawn

The gloomy night drives away and turns golden

Stripes of light from the clouds of the east, "

Grigoriev also tries to follow the original, which sometimes sounds very ridiculous in the original version:

Wife. Nurse, where's my daughter? Call her forth to me.

Nurse. Now, by my maidenhead at twelve year old,

I bade her come. What, lamb! what a ladybird!


Signora Capulet. Nurse, where is your daughter? Call her out!

Nurse. Yes, I clicked; here's my old one

Maiden's honor is a guarantee!

Oh, you little bird!

Oh, you little sheep! Lord have mercy!

Where's the goat? Where are you, Juliet?

Grigoriev's translation does not feel the rhythm of the original. In an effort to maintain the high style of the work, the translator’s text does not feel light, the lines are always different, the rhythm is lost, and in some places it even comes down to the usual translation:

Ben. See where he comes. So please you step aside,

I"ll know his grievance, or be much denied.

Mon. I would thou wert so happy by thy stay

“ROMEO appears in the distance.


Here he is. You better get out of here...

I’ll find out if it’s not, but I’ll try.

Montagues. God bless you! At least he's with you

He was sincere! Wife, let’s go home!”

In Mikhailovsky's translation one can feel the rhythm of the original:

“Prince.” Rebellious subjects, enemies to peace,

Profaners of this neighbor-stained steel-

Will they not hear?

What, ho! you men, you beasts,

That quench the fire of your pernicious rage

With purple fountains issuing from your veins!

“Prince. Rebels, enemies of peace,

Disgracing their swords with blood

Fellow citizen! Hey! - don’t they hear?.. People, animals,

Extinguishing the fire of their enmity

Destructive purple jets

From your veins!

It can also be said that Mikhailovsky does not use words that are too difficult to understand; it is clear that he keeps to the middle:

"Enter Capulet"s Wife, and Nurse.

Wife. Nurse, where's my daughter? Call her forth to me.

Nurse. Now, by my maidenhead at twelve year old,

I bade her come. What, lamb! what a ladybird!

God forbid! Where"s this girl? What, Juliet!"

“Signora Capulet and the nurse enter.

Signora Capulet

Nurse, where is my daughter? Call

Her to me.


My innocence at twelve years old

I swear I already called her.

Lamb, fluttering bird!

Oh, Lord, where is she? - Juliet!

A distinctive feature of Radlova's translation is its simplicity and ease. Its translation does not contain any complex structures, there are no sublime words, which provides the maximum opportunity for understanding the original:

“Cap. When the sun sets the air doth drizzle dew,

But for the sunset of my brother's son

It rains downright."

“Capulet. With the sunset the dew falls, But my nephew the sunset is drenched in rain.”

Excessive simplicity and freedom in translation confused critics of that time, for example, even K.I. Chukovsky accused Radlova of comprehensively coarsening her works.

Ben. See where he comes. So please you step aside,

I"ll know his grievance, or be much denied.

Mon. I would thou wert so happy by thy stay

To hear true font. Come, madam, let "s away,"

“Romeo enters.

Benvolio. Here he comes. I'll forgive you, go away

I will find out everything, or all the threads will be tangled.

Montagues. May your game be happy, To find out the truth. Let's go, it's time!

The enormous merit of Boris Pasternak in translating Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet" lies in the fact that, translating primarily for the theater, he decisively broke with literalism, striving for internal rather than external similarity. Take for example the conversation between two servants at the very beginning of Romeo and Juliet. Here is the literal translation: “Gregory, honestly, we will not carry coals.” “No, otherwise we would become coal miners.” “I want to say: if we get angry, we will draw our swords.” “As long as you’re alive, don’t get your neck caught in a noose.” The whole “salt” here is in puns: “Carrying coals” is doing the most pitiful, shameful job for a “noble lackey.” Pasternak superbly recreates the very spirit of these puns pouring in one after another: “Remember, Grigory, don’t hit your face in the dirt. - What are you. On the contrary. Just get caught in the face with dirt. - We’ll give them a bath. - We’d like to get away with it ourselves.” Dialogues of this kind in Pasternak are always lively and clear.

As can be seen from this example, Pasternak follows the path of “free translation”. At first glance, it may seem that he is simply reviving the traditions of the school of those old translators who did not so much strive to recreate the original as retell it in their own words.

“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?

It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!”

“But what kind of shine do I see on the balcony?

There is light there. Juliet, you are as clear as day!”

After reading this translation, you will immediately notice that the lush colors of the “elegant Renaissance” have faded somewhat in it. Everything was illuminated with soft, white, daylight. Somehow the stormy, all-consuming flame of Shakespeare's passions softened; but there was more warmth, more sincerity in the feelings of the two young lovers.

The translation also contains deviations from the semantic content of the original. In some cases, he does not modify, but rather simplifies Shakespeare's thought.

"Friar." The grey-ey"d morning smiles on the frowning night,

Check"ring the Eastern clouds with streaks of light;"

“The night is angry, and the day is stealthily

Paints clouds with paint"

Pasternak’s translation preserves Shakespeare’s aphorism and pathos, for example in the words of Romeo:

Love brought me here.

Walls don't stop her.

If Pasternak's translation is more of a free translation, then Shchepkina-Kupernik's translation has a more careful approach: she better preserves the style of the original, uses more appropriate words and comparisons. For example, the famous: “Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, wich mannerly devotion shows in this...” Shchepkina-Kupernik translates the image and sound similar: “Dear pilgrim, you are too strict with your hand, only piety in her...", and Pasternak translates: "Holy Father, shaking hands is legal. Shaking hands is a natural greeting..." Maybe the general meaning is preserved, but there is no music. If Shakespeare says “pilgrim” and we can say “pilgrim” in Russian, then in principle there is no need to replace this word with a synonym. Yes, and I don’t really want to call Romeo a holy father, although “father” here means a monk or priest, but still this word does not sound in relation to a handsome, ardent young man, just as “holy mother” does not sound in relation to Juliet. There is another not entirely successful, in my opinion, place in Pasternak, when Signora Capulet speaks to Juliet about Paris’s matchmaking: “Speak briefly, can you like of Paris” love?” And Juliet replies: “I”ll look to like, if looking liking move..." Shchepkina-Kupernik translates this as follows: "As you look at his love, answer." - “I’ll try to look kindly...” Pasternak translates: “Well, will you take care of his special one?” - “I don’t know yet, I need to do a test...” - it sounds like this is a conversation between two experienced courtesans, which hurts the ear a little. True, one can also find oddities in Shchepkina-Kupernik. Juliet ends the exchange of allegories and kisses in Shakespeare with the words “You kiss by th” book, in place of which in Shchepkina-Kupernik there is “The guilt has been removed from you”, in Pasternak - “My friend, where did you learn to kiss?”, and in Mikhalovsky - “You, pilgrim, kiss according to the breviary.” (perhaps the most correct of the three options).

The translation of Hosea Magpies was made relatively recently. His translation shows how the line between a free translation and the transmission of the original’s thoughts is observed:

“Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

Ben. Tut, man, one fire burns out another's burning;

One pain is lessoned by another"s anguish;

Turn giddy, and be holp by backward turning;

One desperate grief cures with another"s language"

“Enter Benvolio and Romeo.

Benvolio. Give it up. After all, one fire extinguishes another,

And the pain is dulled by other pain,

And grief is drowned out by new misfortune,

And the dizziness stops by spinning backwards.”

Hosea Soroka has the rare gift of turning Shakespeare's original to us with such facets, revealing its hidden meanings to our eyes.

The translator frees and cleanses Shakespeare's text from later sentimental-romantic layers, from pseudo-classical rhetoric - he returns to Shakespeare's poetry the broad and free breath of the era that created him.

“Rom. I must indeed; and therefore came I hither.

Good gentle youth, tempt not a desp"rate man.

Fly hence and leave me. Think upon these gone;

Let them affright them. I beseech thee, youth,

But not another sin upon my head

By urging me to fury. O, be gone!

By heaven, I love thee better than myself,

For I come hither arm"d against myself.

Stay not, be gone. Live, and hereafter say

A madman's mercy bid thee run away."

“I’m going to my death.

Then I came.

Dear young man, don’t tease trouble.

Run away from here. Remember the dead

And be afraid. Oh don't make me angry

And don’t hang a new sin around my neck.

I love you more than myself.

After all, I came here to commit suicide.

Leave without delay, live -

And you will say yourself, saved from death,

That a madman spared you.”

Having analyzed Table 1, it was revealed: Grigoriev is a translator and writer of the old school who preferred free translation. Also in the translation there are complex and sublime words that complicate the understanding of the text. Mikhailovsky, as a translator who knows several European languages, tried to preserve the rhythm and beauty of the original. Radlova, a translator and poet, makes her translation simple and easy. Pasternak broke with literalism, striving for internal rather than external similarity. Shchepkina-Kupernik, as a translator-writer, has a careful approach to the translation of Shakespeare: she better preserves the style of the original, and also selects appropriate words and comparisons. Hosea Soroka, an experienced translator of English-language literature, frees the original from unnecessary rhetoric and layers, which returns broad and free breath to Shakespeare's poetry. Hosea Soroka's translation is a fresh look at old things.


Escalus, Duke of Verona.

Paris, a young patrician, is his relative.

Montagues and Capulets are the heads of two families at war with each other.

Uncle Capulet.

Romeo, son of Montague.

Mercutio, relative of the Duke, friend of Romeo.

Benvolio, nephew of Montague and friend of Romeo.

Tybaldo, nephew of Capulet's wife.

Lorenzo, Giovanni - Franciscan monks.

Balthasar, Romeo's servant.

Samson, Gregorio - Capulet servants.

Pietro, servant of Juliet's nurse.

Abramo, Montague's servant.


Three musicians.

An officer.

Page Mercutio.

Paris's page.

Signora Montague.

Signora Capulet.

Juliet, daughter of Capulet.

Juliet's nurse.

Verona citizens, relatives and relatives of both warring families, masks, guards and servants.

The location is Verona, one scene of Act V is Mantua.


The Choir enters.


Two noble families, equal
Venerable ones, they lived in Verona,
But hatred tormented them for a long time, -
They were always at odds with each other.
Their strife led them to vengeance,
And their hands were stained with blood;
But they produced two hearts,
To the evil of enmity, burning with love,
And the sad fate of two loving people
The ancient discord has ceased.
The names of those fierce struggles,
Lovers' death, their passionate love's strength, -
This is what we will depict for you here,
I ask you for two hours of patience,
And if we miss something, we'll give it to you
We are in action on the stage of explanation.

Act I

Scene 1

City square in Verona. Samson and Gregorio enter, armed with swords and shields.


Gregorio, I guarantee that we will not allow anyone to spit in our faces!


Still would! The face is not a spittoon.


I want to say that when we are angry, we will quickly draw our swords from their scabbards.


And while you are alive, don’t get into trouble.


When I'm pissed off, I'm quick to strike.


But it won’t be long before you can be riled up enough to get hit.


Every dog ​​from the Capulet house drives me crazy.


To go out means to move, and to be brave means to stand strong; therefore, if you lose your temper, you will become afraid and run away.


The dog of the house of Capulet will make me stand strong; I’ll definitely hit the wall, fighting off every man or girl from this house.


Well, it’s clear that you are a weak slave: only the weakest are pinned to the wall.


Right; Therefore, women, as weaker vessels, are always pushed against the wall. I will push the Montague servants away from the wall, and I will push the maids against the wall.


But our masters are quarreling, and we are only their servants.


It does not matter. I will show myself as a tyrant: having beaten the men, I will not give mercy to the girls either: I will rip off their heads.


Will you rip the girls' heads off?


Well, yes, or their virginity, take it as you wish.


Those who feel should understand.


They will feel me; I stand up for myself; I'm known to be a healthy piece of meat.


It's good that you're not a fish; If you were a fish, you would be no good for hell. Take out your tool: there are people coming from the Montague house.

Abramo and Balthazar enter.


My weapon is drawn. Start a fight, and I will be behind you and support you.


Yes, you will run away!


Don't worry about me.


I'm not worried about you, damn it! Worry about you!


Let the law be on our side: let them begin.


I will furrow my brows as they pass us; let them take it as they wish.


That is, how dare they. I will bite my finger on them, and it will be a shame for them if they put up with it.


Are you the one who bit your finger on us, sir?


(addressing Gregorio)

Will the law be on our side if I say yes?


No, sir, not on you, I just bit my finger.


Do you want to start a quarrel, sir?


A quarrel? What quarrel? No, sir.


If you wish, I am at your service, sir. I am in the service of a master who is no worse than yours.


And no better.


Okay, sir.

Benvolio appears in the distance.


Admit it's better. Here comes one of my master's relatives.


Yes, better, sir.


Take out your swords if you are men. Gregorio, remember your famous blow.

(They fight.)

Benvolio enters.


Be gone, fools! Sheathe your swords; you don't know what you're doing.

(Knocks the swords out of their hands.)

Tybaldo enters.


With a sword in hand, among these worthless servants!
Turn around, Benvolio, look
To your death.

I bring peace
No more. Sheathe your sword
Or help me separate this bastard.

You take out your sword and talk about peace!
I hate that word just as much
Like hell, like all the Montagues and you.
Coward, defend yourself!
(They fight.)

Various adherents of both families enter, then citizens come running with sticks and reeds.

First Citizen

Hey! halberds, clubs and reeds!
Beat them! Down with the Montagues, Capulets!

Enter Capulet in a dressing gown and Signora Capulet.


What's all this noise? Give me my long sword!
Signora Capulet

Crutch, crutch! Why do you need your sword?

Sword, I say! Old Montague is coming,
He waves his blade,
With a threat to me.

Enter Montague and Signora Montague.


Wretched Capulet!
(To my wife.)
Let me in!
Signora Montague

You won’t take a single step;
I won’t allow you to attack the enemy.

The Duke and his retinue enter.


Rebels, enemies of peace,
Disgracing their swords with blood
Fellow citizen! Hey! – don’t they hear?.. People, animals,
Extinguishing the fire of their enmity
Destructive purple jets
From your veins! On pain of torture, stop
Weapons from bloody hands
And listen to the angry prince.
Three times already internecine strife,
Of trifles, you old Capulet,
And you, Montagues, disturbed the peace
On the streets of Verona, forcing
Its citizens, sedately taking off their attire,
Grab the old reeds,
So that in your inveterate enmity
Take part, when again?
Dare to break the silence
On the streets, then you are with your life
Responsible for the outraged world.
This time let everyone else
They go away; you, old Capulet,
Come with me, and you, Montague, to our
The court of justice will come to us, in the afternoon,
To listen to our further orders.
Everyone - get away from here, under penalty of death!

The Duke, his retinue, Capulet with Lady Capulet, citizens and servants leave.


Who reignited the old enmity?
Were you here when the quarrel arose?

No; your enemy and your servant
They were already gathered when I approached;
I wanted to separate them, but at that moment
Fiery Tybaldo appeared,
With a sword in hand; he insulted me
Waving your sword over your head
Through the air that only whistled
In response to him, as if with contempt.
While we were exchanging
With blows; more and more flocked
People from two warring sides,
To take part in the general dump,
Until our Duke separated them.
Signora Montague

Have you seen Romeo today?
I'm so glad that he wasn't there
During this fight! Where is he?

An hour before at the golden window
The sun showed its face to the East,
Excited, I went out to wander
And in that fig grove to the west
It lies from the city, I saw
At such an early hour Romeo wandered.
I headed towards him, but I
Having noticed, he disappeared into the thicket of the forest.
I realized, judging by myself, that he
Is in that state of mind
In which we wish the more strongly
To get away from everyone, the more they look for us;
And, busy with himself, he didn’t
Disturb him by giving in to his thoughts.
I was glad to avoid meeting with him
Who ran from me, wanting to hide.

We've seen him in the grove many times,
During the hours of the morning; cold dew
Romeo strengthened there with tears
And he added new clouds to the clouds
Through the mists of your deep sighs.
But only the farthest edge of the east
Illuminated by the all-pleasing sun,
There's barely any shady cover
He will begin to lift from Aurora’s bed,
My sad son is in a hurry to go home, -
And he locked himself in his room alone;
He drives the daylight out of there,
He closes all the windows there tightly
And creates an artificial night.
Romeo's dark despair
It will bring such despondency,
If no one saves him with advice,
It will not eliminate the cause of his melancholy.

Do you know her, my dear uncle?

I don't know and I can't find out
From Romeo himself.

Have you tried
Persistently question him?

I asked myself and through friends,
But in his feelings here he is his own adviser;
Is it good - I won’t say
But only he is so secretive, inaccessible,
Like a kidney where a worm is already sitting,
When she hasn't unfolded yet
In the air of beautiful petals
And she didn’t devote her beauty to the sun.
When would we just know why?
He is sad, if only we could save him.

Romeo appears in the distance.


Ah, here he is. Go away; will try
Find out his sadness, but I can’t guarantee.

Oh, if only you could achieve what she did
Summoned in it! Let's go, let's go, wife.

The Montagues and Signora Montagues leave.


My cousin, good morning!

Ah, sad hours
So they drag on! Isn't that my father?
Did you leave here in a hurry?

Yes, that was him. Why does sadness last so long?
Your watch?

The absence of
Which gives them a fast flow.


Love like this
Beautiful in appearance, it should be
So hard, painful in fact.

Alas, love, although it is blind,
Without eyes she will find which way to go
Reach us and rule over us.
Where will we have lunch? - Woe is me!
What kind of fight was there? However, no
Don't say: I heard everything; with enmity
There are so many worries involved here,
But more of them with love... Oh, love
Cruel! O loving malice!
Something created out of nothing!
Oh, sad fun, vanity
Serious, formless chaos
Beautiful shapes, lead feather,
Brilliant smoke, freezing flame,
Ailing health, sleepless sleep,
Which cannot even be called a dream!
This is how I feel love
Not feeling any joy in such love.
Aren't you laughing?

No, I'd rather cry.

What is this about, kind soul?

About the sorrow that oppresses your soul.

The cause of this sorrow is love.
I feel heavy from my own sorrows,
And you want to add yours to them,
Their excess will be strengthened by compassion.
Love is the smoke that rises from sighs;
She is the fire sparkling in the eyes
Lovers; in anxiety, this is the sea,
Which their tears feed.
What's next? That is cunning madness,
The bitter bile that suffocates us,
And the sweetness that sustains us.

Wait, and I will go with you, -
It's a shame for me when you leave like that.

I've lost myself, I'm not Romeo
He's not here, he's out there somewhere...

Seriously, who is the one you love?

Demand that a sick person
In suffering, he made a will:
How the word will amaze the sick!
But, my cousin, I will tell you seriously:
I love a woman.

With your guess
I hit the target.

Oh, you are a skilled shooter! –
Beautiful is the one I love so much.

The better the target, the easier it is to hit it.

Well, here, cousin, you made a mistake: in her
You can't hit Cupid's arrow,
Diana's intelligence is given to her, innocence is in her
Protected by indestructible armor,
A child's bow of love won't hurt her.
She is indifferent to speeches of love,
Can't stand impudent eyes
Sometimes saints cannot be seduced.
Oh, she is rich in beauty - together
She is poor because when she dies,
Wealth is wasted in vain.

Or did she vow to remain a virgin?

Yes; and will lead to a big loss
Such abstinence is fruitless:
After all, the whole offspring in it will die,
Losing my existence in advance.
She is pure, beautiful and smart, -
But is this what all these perfections are for?
So that, having plunged me into despair,
How can she earn bliss in heaven?
She took a vow of celibacy;
I am killed by that harsh vow,
Although I live and talk about it.

Listen, friend, forget about her and think about it.

Oh, teach me how to do this!

Give free rein to your eyes, to other beauties
Pay attention.

Here's a remedy - more often
I remember her beauty!
So masks that the faces of beautiful women
They touch, they make us think
About the beauty hidden underneath.
He who is blind cannot forget
Treasures of lost sight.
Oh, show me the beauty -
Out of the ordinary - and her beauty
It will only serve as a memory book for me,
Where will I read the features of another,
What surpasses her in beauty?
Goodbye; you can't teach me
You are oblivion.

I will teach or I will
I am indebted to you until my death.

Scene 2

Street. Enter Capulet, Paris and a servant.


The same fine was imposed on Montague,
Like me; and us, two old men,
I think it would not be difficult to live in peace.

You are both deeply respected,
And it’s a pity that your discord continues.
But why are you interested in my matchmaking?
Will you tell me?

What I said before:
That my daughter barely entered the world,
She is not yet fourteen years old;
When the beauty fades for another two years -
The time has come for her to be a bride.

There are mothers younger than her.

But they fade too early.
I buried all my hopes
She is my only hope in the world.
But, my dear Paris, please her,
Try to achieve her love:
My consent is concluded
In the consent and choice of Juliet.
Today I give an evening feast,
According to the old custom of the family,
And I invited many guests
Of those whom I love; including
You will be my welcome guest.
And I'm waiting for you; come this night
To my humble home, to the earthly stars
There to see whose bright shine
The radiance of the heavenly stars eclipses.
I have that pleasure waiting for you,
Why do young men feel so much in the spring,
When she, blooming, goes
Behind the boring slow winter.
There in a flower garden of young buds
You will enjoy their beautiful view;
Listen to everyone and take a closer look -
And choose the best one.
And my daughter will be there among others
Just for the record: she is nothing before them.
Let's go, Count;
and you hurry up and go
Around town; search and invite
Everyone who is written here on this list;
(giving the note)
Tell them that I’m waiting for them with affection and greetings.

Capulet and Paris leave.


Find those whose names are written here? And here it is written that the shoemaker should take the arshin, and the tailor the awl; for the fisherman to use a brush, and the painter to use a net. I was sent to find those whose names are written here; but I can’t find who exactly is written down here. I must turn to learned people. Oh, here they are by the way!

Enter Romeo and Benvolio.


One fire is lost in another,
Suffering will be reduced by suffering;
If your head is spinning,
Make her spin again;
One sorrow will be healed by another:
Let new poison enter your eyes -
And the old infection will disappear.

Your plantain is useful here.

For damaged bone
Your legs.

Are you crazy?


No, he didn’t, but worse than he did:
I am imprisoned, I am deprived of food,
I'm tormented, exhausted.
(To a suitable servant.)

Hello Darling.


Hello, sir. Tell me, please, can you read?


My fate is in my misfortune.


You could learn this without books, but I ask if you can read what is written.


Yes, if I know the letters and language.


You answer honestly. Happy stay.

(Wants to leave.)


(Is reading.)

“Signor Martino with his wife and daughters; Count Anselmo and his beautiful sisters; widow of Signora Vitruvio; Signor Placenzio and his dear nieces; Mercutio and his brother Valentine; my uncle Capulet, his wife and daughters; my beautiful Rosaline; Libya; Signor Valenzio and his cousin Tibaldo; Lucio and cheerful Elena."

Wonderful society. Where is it invited?


For dinner, at our house.


To my master's house.


I should have asked first of all who your master is.


I will answer you without asking questions. My master is a noble and wealthy Capulet; and if you are not of the Montague family, I beg you, come and drink a glass of wine. Happy stay.


At the Capulet party there will be
And your dear Rosaline,
And the first beauties of Verona:
Go there and, with an impartial gaze,
Compare her with others who
I will point out, and the white swan is yours
It will turn out to be a simple crow.

If they become infected with such heresy
My eyes, then let them die;
Let their tears turn into fire,
Heretics and apostates will be burned!
To have another beauty
More beautiful than my beloved?
No, the sun, contemplating everything in the world,
I haven't seen another one like her.

You haven't seen others with her yet,
She alone owned your gaze;
On the cups of your crystal eyes
Weigh her appearance with the appearance of others -
And you will find very little beauty
The one that has captivated your gaze until now.

I'll go there, but not for that
To admire other beauties:
I will admire mine there.

Scene 3

A room in the Capulet house. Signora Capulet and the nurse enter.

Signora Capulet

Nurse, where is my daughter? Call
Her to me.

my innocence
When I was twelve, I swear I called.
Lamb, fluttering bird!
Oh God, where is she? - Juliet!

Juliet enters.


What else is there? who's calling?

I'm here. What do you want?
Signora Capulet

That's the problem…
Nurse, leave us; we need
Talk in private. - Wait, come back.
I remembered that you should
Be present during our conversation.
You know that Juliet has grown up...

I will count her years hour by hour.
Signora Capulet

She is not yet fourteen years old.

Yes, it is true. I'm ready to give
Fourteen of my teeth, that's it.
(Fourteen is just for decoration here,
I only have four of them). How many
What's left until Peter's Day?
Signora Capulet

There are a little over two weeks left.

Well, exactly two, or a little, but only
She will be fourteen years old
On the eve of Peter's Day; my Susanna
She is the same age - may she rest in peace
All Christian souls are Lord!
Susanna is with Him; I was unworthy
Have it. So, I say,
What on the night before Peter's Day to Juliet
Just turning fourteen.
Yes, exactly, I remember it firmly.
Now eleven years have passed
Since the earthquake; We
Then she was weaned from the breast.
I will never forget that day; of all
He remained memorable days of the year for me.
I smeared wormwood on my nipples -
And she sat down with her by the wall of the dovecote,
In the sun. You weren't there that day:
You went to Mantua with your husband.
(What a good memory I have!)
When the child tasted the breasts,
With wormwood, and felt bitterness, -
Poor thing, how wrinkled she is!
She dropped her chest, and at that very moment
Suddenly our dovecote began to shake.
I’ll get away quickly, God forbid, just my legs!
Eleven years have passed since then -
She already knew how to stand then.
No, what am I! I could walk and run,
Clinging to something. She
I bruised my forehead the day before
Same day; and my husband is a funny guy
There was a dead man - he picked up the child
And he says: “Your face fell,
But when you become smarter,

And the fool, I promise you, stopped
Immediately she cried and said: “Yes.”
You see how a joke helps.
Even if I lived a thousand years,
I wouldn’t forget this to the death.
"Isn't that right, baby?" - he asked; baby
She held back her tears and said, “Yes.”
Signora Capulet

Enough about this, stop it

I'll stop, signora.
But I can't stop laughing
I just remember how, having left my crying,
She said: “Yes,” but she had
A huge lump appeared on my forehead -
She hurt herself painfully and began to cry.
He tells her: “I fell on my face,
Today you, when you grow up,
Then you will fall backwards. Is that right, baby?”
She restrained herself and said: “Yes.”

You too, please, restrain yourself.

I won't do it anymore. God bless you!
Of the children I fed,
You were the most beautiful of all.
Oh, if only I could wait for your wedding.
Signora Capulet

This is the subject I want
Talk. Juliet, daughter, tell me
Do you wish to get married?

To me
He does not dream of this honor.

If only I were not your nurse
I was the only one, then I would say
That you sucked in the mind with milk.
Signora Capulet

So now think about marriage.
There are respectable gentlemen in Verona,
Mothers who are younger
You, Juliet; yes, me too
I was already a mother in those years,
What kind of girls do you remain in?
Here's the thing: young Count Paris
He wants your hand.

Ah, Juliet,
Here's a man! such and such a person
What equal cannot be found in the world!
Picture, wax!
Signora Capulet

In Verona flower beds
There is no such flower in the summer.

Yes, truly a flower, just as a flower is!
Signora Capulet

What do you tell me, Juliet? Can you
Will you love him? Today we have
You will see Paris at the evening.
Then read the whole book carefully
His faces, look at his features,
What are inscribed by the hand of beauty,
And notice how they all agree
One with the other; and if anything is unclear
You'll see that you can read his eyes -
Then you will understand everything unclear.
For the completeness of that precious book,
Unrelated, she needs a cover
As precise as the depth for a fish,
And outer beauty must
Give a glimpse of beauty from the innermost gaze.
For most it becomes more valuable
The whole book is from the richness of the binding;
The advantages here are shared with her,
In the eyes of the crowd, clasps, gilding;
So exactly everything that the count has,
In alliance with him, you will share in no way
Without losing what she had.

Without losing! there is only one profit -
After all, women get fat from men.
Signora Capulet

Well, speak quickly, Juliet,
How do you like Paris's love?

I will look at him to love him,
When love can be aroused,
Moreover, I will let my eyes look,
As much as you like.

A servant enters.


Signora, the guests have gathered, the dinner table is set, they are waiting for you, asking for the signorina, cursing the nurse in the pantry. The turmoil is terrible, I have to go serve. For God's sake, go quickly.

Signora Capulet

Let's go now. - Juliet, the Count is already there!

Go, my light, to your happy days,
I wish you happy nights.

What is the best translation of "Romeo and Juliet"?

  1. I like Boris Pasternak's translation more than anyone else.
  2. Translations

    Russian translations of the tragedy have appeared since the first half of the 19th century. A poetic translation of scenes from Romeo and Juliet was published in the magazine Moscow Observer M. N. Katkov in 1838.
    The first translation is considered to be that of I. Raskovshenko (1839).
    There are known translations by N. P. Grekov (Svetoch, 1862, 4), A. A. Grigoriev (Russian Stage, 1864, 8), D. L. Mikhalovsky (1888), A. L. Sokolovsky (1894), P. A Kanshina, T. Shchepkina-Kupernik, A. Radlova, Hosea Soroka, A. V. Flori and other poets and translators. The advantages and disadvantages of the most famous translations of the tragedy into Russian can be assessed based on several lines, so the following are the initial and final lines of the play in these translations:

    T. L. Shchepkina-Kupernik (according to the publication of Goslitizdat, 1950):
    In two families equal in nobility and glory, / In magnificent Verona, the bloody discord of days past flared up again / Forcing the blood of peaceful citizens to flow.
    The sad world brings us the luminary of the day / The face hides from grief in thick clouds. / Let’s go, let’s think about everything that happened. / Forgiveness for some, punishment awaits others. / But there is no sadder story in the world, / Than the story of Romeo and Juliet.

    Boris Pasternak:
    Two equally respected families / In Verona, where events greet us, / Are waging internecine battles / And do not want to stop the bloodshed.
    Your approach is shrouded in darkness. / The sun does not appear through the thick clouds. / Let’s go, let’s discuss the losses together / And we’ll accuse or acquit you. / And the story of Romeo and Juliet / Will remain the saddest in the world

    Ekaterina Savich:
    One day, two Verona families, / Having equal merit in everything, / Wash their hands in their own blood, / Keeping prejudices about each other
    The morning brings us a gloomy world, / And the sun is in no hurry to rise. / Let’s go and talk about everything / Who should be brought to justice, who should be forgiven. / There is not and will not be a sadder tune / Than the song about Juliet and Romeo.

I smeared wormwood on my nipples -
And she sat down with her by the wall of the dovecote,
In the sun. You weren't there that day:
You went to Mantua with your husband.
(What a good memory I have!)
When the child tasted the breasts,
With wormwood, and felt bitterness, -
Poor thing, how wrinkled she is!
She dropped her chest, and at that very moment
Suddenly our dovecote began to shake.
I'll get away quickly - God forbid, just my legs!
Eleven years have passed since then...
She already knew how to stand then.
No, what am I! I could walk and run,
Clinging to something. She
I bruised my forehead the day before
Same day; and my husband is a funny guy
There was a dead man - he picked up the child
And he says: “Your face fell,
But when you become smarter,
Then you will fall backwards. “Is that so, Julia?”
And the fool, I promise you, stopped
Immediately she cried and said, “yes.”
You see how a joke helps.
Even if I lived a thousand years,
I wouldn’t forget this to the death.
"Isn't that right, Julia?" he asked; baby
She held back her tears and said, “yes.”

Signora Capulet

Enough about this, stop it


I'll stop, signora.
But I can't stop laughing
I just remember how, having left my cry,
She said yes, but she had
A huge lump appeared on my forehead -
She hurt herself painfully and sobbingly
I started crying. He says: "In person
You fell, when you grow up,
Then you will fall backwards. Is that right, Juyaya?"
She restrained herself and said, “yes.”


You too, please, restrain yourself.


I won't do it anymore. God bless you!
Of the children I fed,
You were the most beautiful of all.
Oh, if only I could wait for your wedding.

Signora Capulet

This is the subject I want
Talk. Juliet, daughter, tell me
Do you wish to get married?


To me
He does not dream of this honor.


If only I were not your nurse
I was the only one, then I would say
That you sucked in the mind with milk.

Signora Capulet

Well, now think about marriage.
There are respectable gentlemen in Verona,
Mothers who are younger
You, Juliet; yes, me too
I was already a mother in those years,
What kind of girls do you remain in?
Here's the thing: young Count Paris
He wants your hand.


Ah, Juliet,
Here's a man! such and such a person
What equal cannot be found in the world!
Picture, wax!

Signora Capulet

In Verona flower beds
There is no such flower in the summer.


Yes, truly a flower, just as a flower is!

Signora Capulet

What can you tell me, Juliet? Can you
Will you love him? Today we have
You will see Paris at the evening.
Then read the whole book carefully
His faces, look at his features,
What are inscribed by the hand of beauty,
And notice how they all agree
One with the other; and if anything is unclear
You'll see that you can read his eyes -
Then you will understand everything unclear.
For the completeness of that precious book,
Unrelated, she needs a cover
As precise as the depth for a fish,
And outer beauty must
Give a glimpse of beauty from the innermost gaze.
For most it becomes more valuable
The whole book is from the richness of the binding;
The advantages here are shared with her,
In the eyes of the crowd, clasps, gilding;
So exactly everything that the count has,
In alliance with him, you will share in no way
Without losing what she had.


Without losing! there is only one profit here -
After all, women get fat from men.

Signora Capulet

Well, speak quickly, Juliet,
How do you like Paris's love?


I will look at him to love him,
When love can be aroused,
Moreover, I will let my eyes look,
As much as you like.

A servant enters.

Signora, the guests have gathered, the dinner table is set, they are waiting for you and asking
The signorina and nurse are cursed in the pantry. The turmoil is terrible, I have to go
serve. For God's sake, go quickly. (Leaves.)

Signora Capulet

Let's go now. - Juliet, the Count is already there!


Go, my light, to your happy days,
I wish you happy nights.


Enter Romeo, Mercutio, Benvolio, several
masks and servants with torches.

Should we say something upon entering?
Or just go in, without preamble?


They are no longer in fashion; Cupid,
With a blindfold, with a Tatar bow
Painted, it does not come before us,
Scaring the ladies like a scarecrow crow.
We don't need any prologues
With hesitations, prompted by the prompter.
Let them consider us what they want;
We'll just make them walk to the beat
Yes, and we'll get out of there.

Give me a torch -
I have no time for jumping now; in my heart
So hard; I will carry the torch.


No, my dear, you must dance.

I can't: you're wearing ballroom shoes,
On thin soles; I have the same
Melancholy lies on the heart like lead;
She chains me to the floor
I am unable to move.


Are you in love -
Well, borrow the wings from Cupid
And soar high above the earth.

I was wounded too seriously by his arrow,
To soar on these light wings.
Numb with grief, I can’t
I will rise above the numbing grief,
And I fall under its burden.


Having fallen with this burden, you yourself
You will burden love: it is tender,
Can't stand that kind of pressure.

Is love tender? No, too harsh
Rough, violent and prickly, like a thorn.


When love is so harsh with you,
Then you yourself be harsh with love;
Prick her when she is prickly,
And you will knock you off your feet and conquer love.
Let's put the case on my face,
(Puts on a mask.)
On a mask - a mask. What an image!
Let them laugh at me, what do I care?
Let this hari blush for me
Loose forehead.


Well, what then? Let's knock
Yes, let's go in.

Pass the torch to me.
Let the naughty ones with a cheerful, light heart
They move the soulless reed with their feet,
And I, adhering to the old proverb,
I will shine for you and watch: fun
Cheerful, but I was completely lost.


When you got into the mud, then you
We will pull you out of this swamp,
From this, if I may say so,
Love, where you're up to your neck. Come on,
We walk with fire during the day.

You're talking nonsense.


I say that we are burning in vain
We are our torches, like lamps during the day,
Not moving forward; understand, Romeo,
Our intentions are good
And this makes more than five times more sense,
Than in all our mental abilities.

We go with good intentions
To a masquerade - but there is no point at all.


And why? May I ask?

Last night I had a dream.


Me too.

What did you see in your dream?


Which is very common
Dreamers lie.

But they dream of truths.


Oh, I see that you had
Queen Mab, midwife of sorceresses.
She is very little: all of her
No more than an agate stone
On the sergeant's finger; drives around
On atoms drawn single file,
In your airy cart, over the noses
People who are sleeping. There are spokes in his wheels
Made from spider legs
A tire made from grasshopper wings,
From thin cobwebs - traces,
From the moonlight - clamps,
Whip - made from cricket bone for handle
And the thinnest film for the whip.
Her driver is a tiny mosquito
In a gray caftan; it's much smaller
Those worms that sometimes crawl
On the lazy finger of a girl.
Her cart is an empty hazelnut;
It was created by a skilled squirrel
Or a worm, which is for fairies
Chariots have worked since ancient times.
In such and such a parade, at night,
Queen Mab rushes in the lovers' brains, -
Then they dream dreams of love;
Or jumps on the laps of the courtiers -
And they dream of low bows;
Or the judge has it on his fingers - and to him
Dream about bribes; or I’ll give it to your lips -
And then they dream of kisses;
(But these sponges are often evil Mab
Covers with pimples for addiction
Them for treats); or on the nose of a nobleman
He passes and in his sleep he smells
New goodwill towards him;
And sometimes the priest’s nose will touch him,
With a bristle from a pig's tail - and immediately
He will dream of another arrival;
Sometimes it will go down your neck
In a sleeping soldier - and in a dream
He sees battles, attacks, ambushes,
Spanish blades, feasts and cups
Five feet deep; then again
He will imagine the thunder of drums, -
He will shudder and wake up with a curse
In fright, and having read the prayer,
He'll fall asleep again. She's this Mab
At night he braids his manes
In horses and in dirty lumps
Their hair gets knocked off; if they
Unravel, then big trouble threatens.
She, the witch, crushes those girls
That they sleep on their backs, teaching them in advance
Them to gravity, and makes them
Good wives.

Will you shut up?
Mercutio? After all, you are talking nonsense.


Yes, that's right: I'm talking about dreams,
The fiends of an unoccupied brain,
From nothing conceived to empty
Fantasies. It is thinner than ether;
More changeable than the wind that first
The cold breast of the north caresses,
And suddenly then, angry, he flies
Get away from there, turning your face
To the countries of the dew-moistened south.


And that wind confuses us.
What are we waiting for? Dinner is probably over there.
And we will arrive too late.

And I
I'm afraid it's too early; soul to me
Some premonition is disturbing:
It seems to me that it is hanging over me
There's some kind of threat in the constellations,
That this feast is just a bitter beginning
My destiny, and it will end
An untimely, violent death.
But let him rule my boat,
Who holds its helm in His right hand.
Forward, gentlemen.


Beat the drum.


Hall in the Capulet house.
Musicians on stage. Servants enter.

1st servant

Where is Potpan? Why doesn't he help clean up? After all, his job is to change
plates and wipe tables!

2nd servant

When all the net work lies in the hands of only one or two people and
these hands are not washed, only dirt comes out.

1st servant

Away with those folding chairs, move away that sideboard, and keep an eye on
dishes. - Please save me a piece of marzipan, and be a friend:
the gatekeeper to let Susanna and Lenora through here. - Anton! Potpan!

3rd and 4th servants

Here! Now!

1st servant

They are looking for you, calling you, waiting, demanding you in the hall!

3rd servant

We cannot be both here and there at the same time. Live, guys!
move around. Whoever lives longer will take it all.

Enter Capulet, his uncle, Lady Capulet,
Juliet, the nurse, guests and Romeo, with masks.


Welcome, greetings, gentlemen.
All the ladies who are on their feet
There are no calluses, they will dance with you. A,
Madams! let's see which one of you
Refuses to dance; if it becomes
Someone to pretend
I swear she has calluses.
Isn't it true that I cleverly tricked you?
Hello to you, gentlemen! -
There was a time,
When I’m in the ear of beauties
Whispered captivating speeches,
Under the mask. It's already passed
It's gone, it's gone...
(to Romeo and masks:)
I'm glad to see you, gentlemen.
Well, musicians, let's begin! - I beg
Move apart; girls, dance!

Music. The guests are dancing.

(To the servants.)
Hey you idiots, more light! away
Tables! Extinguish the fire in the fireplace:
And without him it became too hot here.
This is truly what came in handy
Unexpected fun.
(To Uncle)
No, sit down
Sit, my good uncle; dance time
It's gone for you and me. How long ago
Last time we wore masks?

Uncle Capulet

Probably about thirty years old.


What are you talking about, that's enough!
It can’t be that long ago; from the wedding
Lucentio has passed twenty-five years,
No more, whenever
Trinity Day. For the last time then
We were wearing masks.

Uncle Capulet

More; his son
Much older: he is thirty years old.


Interpret! after all, son two years ago
He also had a guardian.


Who is this lady
What gave that man your hand?

I don't know, sir.

The lamps dimmed before her;
Like a diamond on a noob_and_anka's earring,
She shines with her beauty in the darkness,
Priceless, accessible only to the eyes,
Not made to have it.
The beauty is surrounded by a crowd:
She's like a white dove there,
When the crows gather around.
Just let her finish her dance -
I'll come up with a rough hand
To touch her divine hands.
Have I ever loved before?
Oh, renounce this, my sight!
After all, these eyes are true beauties
Not seen until this night.


From the voice, it's a Montague. - Boy!
Give me my sword! How! the scoundrel dared
Enter here, under a jester's mask,
So that over our family celebration
It’s impudent and brazen to mock!
I swear on the honor of my family,
I would not consider it a sin to kill him!


What are you raging about, nephew?
What's the matter?


Uncle, this is Montague,
Our enemy, the scoundrel who got here,
To mock our holiday.


Romeo - this young man?


Yes he,
He, the scoundrel Romeo.


Calm down,
Leave him alone, don't hurt him; after all, he
He behaves as a nobleman should;
And, to tell the truth, all of Verona
Proud of him as an honest youth
And well-mannered - and I
For all the riches of the city of Verona
I won't allow it in my house
He was offended.
So, restrain yourself, don’t notice him:
I want it that way. When you respect
My desires, then look cheerful
Accept it, don't frown, it's inappropriate
On the holiday.


It is just appropriate if,
Among the guests, a scoundrel climbed in,
And I don’t want to endure it.


You'll get over it! Arrogant boy!
I say you will. - Go,
Who is the boss here: me or you? go!
You don't want to move it!
Oh my God! the commotion you want
Produce among my guests?
Making a fuss? Enough, be a man.


But, uncle, this is a shame.


Go, go
You are a cheeky boy. Ashamed? Indeed?
Your enthusiasm will not lead to good.
Contradict me! You just found the time.
(Addressing the guests.)
Well said.
(to Tybaldo)
Well, go ahead
Baby, don't make any noise, otherwise...
(To the servants.)
Add more candles!
(to Tybaldo)
Well, shame on you!
I will pacify you!
(to guests)
Well, it's more fun
My friends!


Involuntary patience
And free anger comes into conflict,
And my whole body trembles from them.
Friendly accept I must look -
And to reconcile with impudence for a while;
But my patience will turn into bile!

(to Juliet)

When my unworthy hand
I could insult your shrine,
Let my lips, two pilgrims,
To atone for my sweet sin with a kiss.


But, pilgrim, there is little guilt
Your hand: piety is visible in it;
Pilgrims are allowed to use their hands
Touch the hands of the saints with prayer,
And they shake each other’s hands themselves,
Shaking hands is kissing them.

But, in addition to hands, they were also given lips.

Oh, if so, then, dear saint,
Let your lips pray, imitating
My hand; give her grace
So that I don’t lose my faith.


The saints remain motionless,
At least they send mercy for prayer.

Don't move until you ask
I am merciful with my prayers...
(Kisses her.)
Well, now I have washed away the sin,
Connecting my lips with yours.


And on my lips your sin lies.

How cute you are indignant at this!
Give it back if it bothers you.
(Kisses her again.)


You, pilgrim, kiss the breviary.


Mother is calling you.
(Juliet leaves.)

And who is she?


Do not know? My God! mistress of the house;
So kind and so smart
Signora; I fed her daughter
The same one with whom I am now
You said; and I can assure you
That the one who gets it
And he will get good money.

So she's Capulet's daughter? Badly!
Now my whole life is in the hands of the enemy.


Let's go, let's go, the fun is over.

Ended; I'm afraid of it
I part with my peace of mind.


No, gentlemen, don't go yet:
What else should I treat you to?
It is forbidden? - So I thank you all,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, ladies and gentlemen.
Good night! - Torches here!
Now - to bed: I want to sleep. It's too late.

Everyone leaves except Juliet and the nurse.


Come here, nurse. Tell -
Who is the gentleman over there?


Son and heir


And the one that comes out the door?


I think Petruchio is young.


And the one who follows him, who
Didn't dance?


Don't know.


Find out
Who is he.
(The nurse leaves.)
Oh, if he's married,
Then the coffin alone will be my wedding bed.

The nurse returns.


He is your enemy Montague's son
The only one; his name is Romeo.


Among my only feud
My only love has arisen.
I didn’t find out who he was in time;
I saw him at the wrong time!
My love will not lead to good:
I fell in love with my sworn enemy.


What? what are you doing there?


I remember the poems
Which one taught me
From the cavaliers.
(Behind the stage they call: “Juliet!”)


We are going! Now! -
Let's go, it's time, all the guests have left.
(They leave.)

The Choir enters.

The old passion suddenly cooled,
And a new passion replaced it;
The one who captured Romeo's heart
Lost power over this heart;
Her beauty has ceased to be beauty
In his eyes - and he fell in love again.
Juliet captivated his gaze,
He himself is loved - dangerous love!
As the enemy of Juliet's family, he does not dare
Enter her house with recognition as yours;
And has no hope
She wants to meet him.
But time sends them cases,
And the ardor of love gives them courage
For meetings - and a moment of bliss consoles
And it pours sweet joy into the heart.



The area adjacent to the Capulet Garden.
Romeo enters.

Can I leave when my heart is here?
Come back, heavy dust, find
Your center.
(Climbs over the garden wall.)

Enter Benvolio and Mercutio.


Cousin Romeo! hey Romeo!


I swear he went home
And went to bed.


He ran here
And he climbed over this garden wall.
Call him Mercutio.


I will
Not only to call, but even to conjure.
Romeo! passion, lover, crazy,
Blessed! appear before us in the form of a sigh,
Say at least a rhyme - "blood, love"
At least a word in honor of the chatterbox Aphrodite,
Or give her a funny nickname
Heir and son Cupid,
To the naughty boy who is so clever
King Kofetua shot the arrow
Suddenly he fell in love with a beggar. - He doesn't hear
Doesn't move - the monkey has died!
And I am forced to conjure him.
Appear to us; I conjure you
With the sparkling eyes of Rosaline,
Her brow, purple lips
And the leg, and the trembling thigh,
And everything that is there in the neighborhood -
Appear before us in your image!