Olga Motsak biography. Olga Motsak does not like to wear feminine dresses

Increasingly, former stars of “House-2” find themselves at the center of crime stories. So, a few weeks ago Masha Politova tragically died. The girl froze to death in the Moscow region and was found only a few days later.

Some of the star participants continue to remain in the public eye, while others do not want to show off their lives. After ex-participant of “House-2” Olga Motsak left the television set, little was known about her personal life. The girl married her neighbor in the stairwell, Konstantin Akolzin, and enjoyed family life away from the cameras.

However, the happiness did not last long. In September 2012, Konstantin disappeared. The young man urgently went to Lyubertsy to visit a friend, but never returned home. Attempts to find out about the fate of her husband were unsuccessful: Olga contacted the police, but law enforcement officers formally approached the search and did not even interrogate the main witness - Ivan Irodovsky, who was the last to see Akolzin.

Olga Motsak believes her missing husband is alive

The tragedy of the situation was aggravated by the fact that Olga Motsak was 9 months pregnant. 10 days after Konstantin disappeared, the girl gave birth to a son, who never saw his father.

For five years, Olga Motsak has been trying to reach out to the police, who have never undertaken a serious investigation.

This fall, Ivan Iradovsky was sentenced to prison for fraud with cars. Olga wants at all costs to have the case of her husband’s disappearance reopened, since now the police have a real opportunity to interrogate the main witness.

Despite the fact that the case of the disappearance of Konstantin Akolzin was opened under the article “Murder”, Olga Motsak believes that her husband is alive:

I believe that my husband is alive. I am waiting for his return and am not looking for other men.Kostya is also waiting for his son Matvey, who was born ten days after his disappearance. The boy is five years old and dreams of seeing his dad.

In 2006, the creative and strong personality Olga Motsak came to the television project “Dom-2” “to build love.” During her time on the reality show, Olya tried to create a relationship with several young people, but after eight months of living on the territory of the television project, Olya left the vote. After leaving, Motsak became actively involved in club music and worked under the pseudonym DJ “MO”.

Did it smell pink?

Even on the project, there was gossip about Olga Motsak as a girl with a gay orientation; she was even credited with an affair with another participant in the show, Anastasia Dashko. Whether this is true or not is not known for sure. But judging by the way Motsak dresses, she is clearly far from being a feminine and gentle girl.
Bright jeans, colorful shorts, breeches, black trousers, shapeless T-shirts with various dark patterns, caps, tracksuits, short haircuts and gloomy makeup - all this is about her.

Are there any dresses in Olya’s wardrobe?

Only a couple of times Olga Motsak was seen in dresses. A short steel-colored dress without sleeves and straps looked especially beautiful on her. It revealed the girl’s beautiful, refined arms and shoulders. Of the jewelry, Olga only had a round pendant, which perhaps means something special to her.

In another photo, the girl is drinking tea or coffee on the windowsill in a little black dress with straps and high-heeled shoes that complement her look.

We all wouldn't mind being photographed in clothes from other eras. Olga Motsak is no exception. Ex-participant of “House-2”. In a black and white outfit from the wardrobe of French ladies at the court of Louis XIV, she looked simply charming. The hat and fan added pomp and splendor to the outfit.

In 2012, a very joyful event happened in Motsak - her son was born.
Olga hides who the father of the child is.

Back in 2010, on the project, Motsak spoke about a serious relationship with a Japanese man, with whom she was thinking about starting a family. But how fresh this information is is known only to its fans. And in almost all the photographs on her page on social networks, there are only girls next to her. By the way, in one of these pictures Olga is also wearing a dress: pink, light, it emphasizes the girl’s luxurious bust and waist.

Account: motsak

Occupation: participant of the show “Dom-2”

Olga Motsak has been on Instagram for a very long time. A girl with an attractive appearance, a calm and gentle character, who loves friendship and mutual understanding between friends and acquaintances, does not like pathos.

Olga Motsak adds photos from Instagram almost every day. There are very few personal photos of her on the page, since she does not like to show herself in all her glory, with the exception of those photos in which she is with her beloved son. Olga loves all animals, and most of all cats, she can even give all the money for their health and life. And you can immediately guess this by going to Olga’s page, which is half filled with photographs of animals and her child. By nature, Olga is a home girl who dreams of a complete and friendly family.

On the Instagram feed itself, Olga Motsak posts new photographs and various advertisements, writes comments on them, answers all questions from followers, writes congratulations to all her subscribers on various holidays, and much more. In a word, Olga Motsak’s Instagram is an interesting and informative page, without a single pretentious word.

Biography of Olga Motsak

In the past, a contestant in the popular love television project “Dom-2” and part-time musician, Olga Motsak was born in 1982 on October 18 in Murmansk. It was from this city that the biography of Olga Motsak began. Since childhood, Olga differed from her peers in her cheerful character and activity. She loved to sing and dance. Starting from the age of 2-3, mom and dad immediately saw that their daughter would become a famous creative person. While studying at school, Olya often performed at various school events. And from that moment on, her creative career began to cross the first step on the career ladder:

  • After school, I entered the humanities university at the department of “Civil Law” and “Psychology and Law” in Smolensk.
  • She graduated from university in 2001 and worked in her profession for some time.
  • In the spring of 2006, she came to the famous show “Dom-2” in search of her long-awaited love.
  • On January 25, 2007, after unsuccessful attempts to start a romance, he left the television project.
  • In the summer of the same year she came back to the show, but lasted only 2 weeks.
  • Since July 2007, I completely forgot about the television project and began to develop my musical career. I got a job as a DJ in a cafe.
  • After some time working as a DJ, she wanted to become a popular singer.
  • In the fall of 2012 she became a mother.
  • Currently he sings his own songs in clubs under the pseudonym DJ MO.

Of course, Olga Motsak, whose biography is completely unknown to many people, is a talented performer and may soon burst into the peak of popularity.