Decorating a squad corner at a summer school camp. Squad corner

Master Class:

“Designing wall newspapers in a day camp”

Have a nice day, everyone!

Let's create and make our lives brighter and more colorful!

I would like to invite you to decorate a squad corner with your own hands at a summer day camp. I will tell you how to make a poster that can decorate a detachment place or a general camp stand.

You will need: a sheet of whatman paper (A-1), gouache, brushes, jars of water, glue, marker, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, self-adhesive, etc. It is important to remember that design is an applied work, and therefore it is important to stock up on the necessary art materials.

You can, of course, write lists, draw graphs and pin it all on your tablet. But how boring it all is...

In the squad corner, in addition to the name, the following can be placed: motto, chant, songs, commandments, squad list, voucher of the day, congratulations (to birthday people or winners of any competitions).

I suggest possible headings for the squad corner:

    Shift plan (“Grid plan”; “It’s not evening yet”; “Not a day without an order”; “Merry paths of summer”; “Our strategy”).

    Today (“Today at our fire”; “The day is boring until the evening, if there is nothing to do”; “And today we have...”).

    Congratulations (“Hip-hip, hurray!!!”; “Maestro, music!”; “Kiss on the cheek”).

    Sport (“From start to finish”; “Exactly in the ring!”; “Our hundred-meter race”; “In spite of the records”).

    Squad list (“Meet us, it’s us!”; “Bah, all the faces are familiar!”).

    our song (“And we sing...”; “Come on, sing us a song, cheerful wind”; “Musical gramophone”).

    Our achievements (“The country must know its heroes”; “Our ups and downs”).

    All sorts of things (“And you know that everything is different...”).

    Very important information (“Soon in the detachment”; “What they write in the newspapers”).

    Our mood (“Mood Tree”).

    Book of complaints and suggestions (“Barrel of complaints and suggestions”; “Lake of trust”; “Squad mail”).

    Squad laws (“Everyone should definitely know this by five”).

Based on the name of the squad, we will design a squad corner so that it attracts the attention of others with its unusual, bright, interesting appearance.

Headings, titles, texts - they should be literate, interesting in content, but it should be remembered that everyone who reads them is influenced by how they are written. Color and font are what play an important role.

Letters can be multi-colored, striped, polka dot, flowered, etc. The font used to write the text must match the nature of the content. (View samples)

“Designing a squad corner”

    The detachment corner is best designed on a sheet of Whatman paper (A-1).

    Let's choose the name of the detachment corner. I suggest choosing a name for the junior squad “Sun”.

    If the squad is called “Sun”, then you definitely need to draw a cheerful Sun on the poster. (Showing an image of the sun).

    The drawing is ready, now let's write the title using the font. Let me remind you that the text must correspond to the nature of the content. Let's look at the drawing - it's a sun, which means the letters can be multi-colored, polka dots, flowers, etc..


    Let's add the squad's motto, chant and song to the squad corner. We can use a free-form font. To ensure that the font is even, we use additional stripes (they can be smooth, wavy, wider at one end, etc.).

WITH O l n s w To O

Meet us!

1. Kikina Yana

2. Kuznetsov Andrey

3. Lifanova Maria

4.Lipatova Tatyana

5. Moiseeva Margarita


    The most important thing in the design of a squad corner is, of course, the headings. For our corner, I propose the following sections: “Meet us, this is us!”, “The country should know its heroes”, “Soon in the detachment”, “Laws of the detachment”, “Today at our fire”, “Kiss on the cheek”. Each section is designed in a square, rectangle, oval, or in the shape of a flower, sun, butterfly, etc. Free writing font. (Showing different sections).

We got this poster! Which will decorate the squad corner in the camp shift.

Thus, summer is a period favorable for the development of the child’s physical and spiritual strength, the formation of his valuable personal qualities, for the manifestation of creativity and independence in actions, choice and evaluation of his actions. Decorating squad corners in a summer camp is an exciting and educational educational activity that unites all participants in the pedagogical process during the holiday period.

"Squad corners"

The kindergarten where my daughter grew up and where my son now goes, turned 30 years old . “Rowanushka” is decorated for the holiday, all groups make posters and collages with congratulations.

Well, can you guess who makes the wall newspaper for our group? Yes. I:-).

I’m happy with the result, so I’m happy to share the idea, since it can be used not only for kindergarten, but also for school, and for children’s summer camp (in the photo my Vovka is in the foreground in a blue shirt :-)).

I wanted to make some unusual applique. I came across these voluminous pictures on the Internet:

They are very easy to make! Cut out 5-10 identical clouds from one template and fasten them in the center with a stapler. The paper must be double-sided! Ready!

I made a wall newspaper on a sheet of whatman paper, the balloons turned out to be quite large and did not hold their shape well. To prevent the “pages” of my volumetric appliqué from sticking together, I taped all the inner folds with thin strips of tape. After such manipulation, the umbrellas, balls and clouds looked great!

I photographed the children in groups in hoops, so that later it would be easier to fit them into the silhouette of the basket. My baskets are wicker :-). Remember how they taught you in 1st grade? Cut strips 1 cm wide, weave them into fabric, glue them onto cardboard, and cut them into the shape of a basket.

The wall newspaper for kindergarten had to be funny, so at the moment of photographing I asked the children to shout the word “Hurray!” Then I glued replicas “Hurray!”, “Congratulations”, “Happy birthday, “Rowanushka” near, to “sound” our picture.

My teachers and nanny also fly in the clouds in the image of Mary Poppins. They posed standing on their toes and stretching their arm up, holding an imaginary umbrella. The umbrella is also made in the form of a three-dimensional applique.

All! All that remains is to assemble our children's wall newspaper!

I tinted the sheet of whatman paper a little with a blue pencil (it’s better to grind the lead into powder and use a piece of cotton wool).

I made the congratulatory posters (red ribbons) in a graphics program and printed them on glossy paper.

The children's wall newspaper is ready for the kindergarten anniversary!

Children are always interested in the successes of their squad, the results of sports and creative events, they love to read witty advice from counselors, compare scores for cleanliness in their room (cleanliness screen), know who is from the squad and what they managed to excel at over the past day, etc. d. Therefore, the place where all information is concentrated should be the ship’s logbook and a general information stand. The ship's log reflects the ship's activities and its participation in the life of the children's planet. The ship's magazine is designed to develop the activity of children, expand their knowledge, help in cultivating good taste, teach the culture of design, and awaken interest in the life of their team. The ship's log is where the ship's crew constantly works. The successes and victories of the ship are presented here, the imagination, ingenuity, and skill of the children are reflected. This is a kind of newspaper, and it is constantly operating, lively, and creative.

The ship's journal is the creativity of you and your children, but nevertheless we want to give some tips that will help you:

The journal should reflect various aspects of the life of the ship (sports, participation in camp life, awards, birthdays);

Children should take part in decorating the corner and updating the content of the headings.

The design of the magazine (corner) should correspond to the name of the ship (and the age of the children, of course). The ship's log can be placed on one sheet of whatman paper, but if possible, it can occupy the entire wall in the hall, or you can even decorate the entire hall in accordance with the name of the ship. The most important thing is that the magazine should largely be made by children (of course, if the children are very small, you can limit yourself to only minor elements on their part). The counselor should take mainly a leading and directing part.

As a rule, in the first days, only the base of the corner is made, containing the necessary elements, and it is filled during the entire shift. Before leaving, the children take the corner apart piece by piece as a souvenir, so if the corner is large, then everyone will get a memorable piece, and there will be no fights.

For the arrival of new children, the following sections are drawn up in the corner:

Congratulations on your arrival - welcome posters (“Hello, we are glad to see you!”, “We have been waiting for you for a long time!”, “Hurray! You have arrived!”, etc.);

Information about the camp, counselors, camp address;

Laws and traditions of the camp (see below);

Instructions for the guys from the last shift (if this is the first shift - from last summer);

Daily reflection;

Daily plan, shift plan and other sections at the discretion of the counselors.

Squad corner

During the main shift period, the detachment corner reflects the daily activities of the detachment:


Preparing for the holidays;

Participation in creative competitions;

Encouraging children, etc.

The name of the unit, motto, emblem and anthem of the unit;

Shift calendar;

Daily routine (you can come up with a poetic one);

Sports news;

Squad list;

Clean screen;

Book of complaints and suggestions;

Revelation Fence (where children can write whatever they want);

Funny phrases: after the “Hang up” command it becomes dark; If you chase two counselors, you won’t catch either one, etc.

You can enter a changeable heading “Congratulations”. You can congratulate the guys not only on their birthday or on winning a competition, but:

To all of us that we woke up today;

Everyone, everyone, everyone have a good week at camp;

With the first rain in the camp;

Happy opening of the swimming season to all of us;

All the girls who were invited to a slow dance, all the boys who decided to invite these same girls to a slow dance, all the other boys and girls who did not dance a slow dance, but only watched, watched, watched...

You can make an interesting section “Time”. This section is placed next to the daily routine, the guys and counselors figure out what time it is:

Clean rooms;

On duty in the dining room;

Collect lost things;

Seize the moment;

Check watches, etc.

In addition to the obligatory contents, you can hang absolutely everything related to the squad in the corner (for example: drawings after a caricature competition, gratitude, angry sheets, a treasure map after searching for treasure). Design options can be very different, and they are limited only by your imagination: flat, three-dimensional, sliding, with rotating parts or hanging elements, and you can use anything as a material, not just paper.

Design secrets

First of all, take this advice: when packing your bags for camp, be sure to take some office supplies with you - they are never superfluous! You can also take something that can help you with the design - these are color magazines, postcards, catalogs that you are going to throw away, believe me, they will come in handy in the camp. You can read how they can be used here. Another very important point in design - NEVER THROW AWAY FROM COLORED PAPER (you will need them later)!

Registration of numbers for rooms

It is very convenient when colorful numbers hang on children's rooms indicating the squad number and the names of the children who live there.

1. This can be done in this form (a boat is glued together from colored paper): the room number is written on the flag of the boat, the squad number is written on the hull, and the names of the children are written on the sail. In order to make it easier to remember the names of all children at the beginning of the shift, names can be entered in the same way as the beds and room. Thus, when entering a room, the counselor will see in front of him a small plan of the room with all its inhabitants.

2. Take out the color magazines you brought with you. There will definitely be photographs of boys and girls. If you cut them out and paste them onto a sheet of colored paper according to the number of girls or boys living in the room, then each child can choose a “photo of themselves” and sign their name next to it.

3. For the little ones, you can glue daisies - for girls with a red center, and for boys - with a blue one. The number of Petals can correspond to the number of children living in the room, in order to sign a name on each petal.

Design of business cards for children

At the beginning of the shift, it is difficult for children and counselors to remember each other's names. The counselors have badges indicating their names, so the children also need to make business cards.

1. You can draw any cartoon and enter everything you need:

2. You can glue the faces of boys and girls from colored paper:

Laws and traditions for the detachment corner

Counselors should focus children’s attention on three “don’ts”: you can’t disrupt the daily routine, you can’t leave the camp territory without permission, you can’t offend anyone. But along with this, each unit must have its own laws and traditions. There are laws and traditions that apply throughout the camp.

Some of them:

. Law of law- this is the rule of strict compliance with all laws that apply in the camp. Remember: laws exist to be followed.

. Law 00- this is the law of accuracy. Camp life is a series of events. If you yourself are accurate and punctual, then your squad will be the same. Late arrivals and unnecessary pauses are what make camp life uninteresting and lead to conflicts among children and adults.

. Law of territory- this is a very strict law. Neither the children nor you are allowed to leave the camp territory without permission from the administration. Violation of the law threatens the life and health of the child.

. Law of Water- these are the rules for the safe behavior of children on the beach and while swimming. Often on the beach or in the pool they forget about everything. But you, the counselor, must remember and follow all the rules, all the requirements for the safe interaction of children with water.

. Law of Greenery- this is the law of caring for nature, the flora and fauna that surrounds us. It is also important to consider that many plants, insects and animals can pose a threat to the life and health of children and adults (poisonous mushrooms, berries, insects, snakes, etc.). The law of the forest says: “Be careful and attentive in the forest!”

. The Law of Creativity. For a long time in camps and children's groups there was a great rule: “Do everything creatively, otherwise why?!” Creativity cannot be limited. Invent, create and fantasize, without this there is no children’s camp, no leader’s work.

. Law of the Raised Hand. Discussions often take place in the camp - they discuss how life is going, which things worked out, which didn’t, and why. If you want to express your opinion or judgment, agreement or disagreement, raise your hand. The law says: if a person raises his hand, he needs to tell people something necessary. When a hand is raised, everyone around should shut up and listen carefully. But you have the right to raise your hand when you want to say something important.

. Law of the Eagle Circle. The circle brings the guys together. It’s great when your friends are nearby, to feel a friend’s elbow, a faithful hand, a kind look. In the circle of eaglets, with their hands on the shoulders of their comrades, the guys sing their favorite songs. There is a rule - we place our right hand on the shoulder of the neighbor on the right, and the left hand on the waist of the neighbor on the left. The Eagle Circle is a symbol of frank, spiritual comfort.

. Tradition of treating people kindly- This is a tradition of goodwill and respect for each other. Smile, rejoice, wish everyone who lives next to you health and goodness. Support and help each other out, and then all things will work out faster and better.

. Tradition of a good attitude towards the song. The sages said that song is the soul of the people. Every camp, every unit has its own favorite songs. Appreciate the song, love the song, treat it like your most precious relic. Do not disturb those who are singing, do not sing if you do not know the melody and words of the song. A song, like people, requires respect.

. The tradition of the evening light. Every day there is an evening light at the camp. From the very first light, the principle is accepted - sincerity, goodwill, truth in the eyes. Light is a frank assessment of the deeds and actions of one’s comrades. On the fire they dream, argue, sing their favorite songs. These are lessons about integrity, genuine love for people and lifelong friendships.

You can create other laws and traditions of your life in the camp yourself, together with your guys.

Show creativity, establish your laws and traditions!

Laws and traditions can be formalized in poetic form on a common “scroll”:

Fonts for camp design

Design of a squad newspaper

The design and content of wall newspapers should always correspond to the theme of the newspaper. Children make a newspaper in a small group, so it is necessary that all children do something. There is not very much time to make a newspaper, therefore it is very important to properly organize the work of each child and the micro-group as a whole. In a newspaper, not only the information itself is important, but also its appearance. It needs to be bright and attract attention. To attract attention, you can use an unusual newspaper shape, since ordinary rectangular sheets do not always attract the attention of viewers. For example, if the content of a newspaper summarizes the results of the game "Treasure Island", 10 it can be cut out in this form (see figure).

To create a pop of color in your newspaper, you can use appliqué - it's a very quick and colorful shape that can be used in camp decorations. It is especially good to use appliqué in junior units, as they spend a very long time drawing, and this will save time on making a newspaper. Not only colored paper can be used here, but also magazine clippings from the cut out letters of the headlines, you can add up the necessary words for the newspaper, and images can also come in handy.

Making awards for children

During the shift, you will conduct squad activities, competitions, games, and based on their results it is necessary to carry out awards; for this you can make medals, certificates or thanks.


Medals should always be bright, always indicating the nomination or place. Try to move away from the usual round shape and come up with an interesting, unusual shape. For example, a medal for the cleanest room might look like this (see figure)

Certificates and gratitude

Certificates and commendations are presented to one child or a small group, so in addition to stating the reason for the award, it is important to list the winners by name. The usual form of a letter is an A4 sheet, but try to come up with a new form. For example, a gratitude message may look like an ancient scroll (see picture).

And to create an applique on the letter, you can use the remaining scraps of colored paper.

Club advertising

To attract the attention of children to the sections, workshops and studios organized on the camp territory, it is recommended to use bright advertisements.


If you want to be beautiful

Accurate, dexterous, super cool,

Come join us for basketball

It's fun to work out here.

Here is guidance, transmission,

Here a ball is thrown into a hoop.

You overcame your laziness,

He came to us for basketball.


To all the little girls

Aerobics is needed.

This is strength and health

And, of course, beauty.

If you want to be beautiful,

But you don’t know where and how,

Come and study with us,

We won't let you get bored.


Dance studio

You dance the best

You dream of being on stage.

Well, success awaits you,

Come visit us soon.

Break dance studio

Hey, strong guys, don't pass by,

Check out our party a couple of times.

Break is business, break is life,

Hey people, sign up with us.

Beauty saloon

If you want to be beautiful,

Charming and sweet,

Come to us quickly

Bring your friends.

You will become the queen

Here - in the beauty salon!


Let's color the gray everyday life

We are in bright colors,

Won't be black and white

Seas and cities.

We will paint any fabric

Magic flowers

And the world around will light up,

You won't be bored with us.


We are young artists, talented and creative,

We draw the sea with dunes, portraits and palaces.

And with our talents you won’t be broke,

We'll be famous like Salvador Dali


This is embroidery, oh, marvelous,

It looks very nice.

One stitch and two stitches,

It turns out to be a flower!

Come quickly and learn

And don’t be lazy to work!


I want to invite you all

To the land of magic glass,

It will be interesting for everyone here,

Time is not wasted here.

There are baubles and brooches,

Rings and earrings

Learn to weave.

Come on, come on

Show your talents!


Do you like to decorate your home beautifully?

Do you like to have fun congratulating your friends?

Then don’t hesitate and don’t be timid,

And quickly run to our ikebana.

We will teach you how to make a bouquet,

You can update your apartment!

Design of a squad plan-grid at a school summer camp.

Author: Oksana Nikolaevna Koshevaya, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution “School No. 97 in Donetsk”, Donetsk People’s Republic
Purpose: in order for children to be interested in getting acquainted with the activities that await them during the camp shift, I propose an original design of a grid plan for squad activities. The presented materials may be of interest to primary school teachers, counselors, educators at school and country summer camps.
Target: show how you can take an unusual approach to designing the content of the team’s work.
Tasks: prepare the detachment's premises for the camp shift; evoke an emotional response in children and their parents; develop fantasy, imagination, creative abilities of children.
Summer silence came to school. But in camps - especially urban ones - and at school recreational grounds, hundreds of children spend their holidays, waiting for some to go to camp, or to go with their parents to the resort.
Here, educators are constantly looking for what and how to occupy their charges, so that they spend their free time usefully, so that this pastime for the children becomes not dull, but festively varied, exciting and truly meaningful.
Summer is a time of great and serious concern for all of us who will work with students during the holidays.
Plan-grid- This is a compact content of the work of the detachment on shift. It is an internal regulatory document that defines and regulates the life of the detachment. It reflects the main events and affairs of the day, which should harmoniously fit into and complement the general camp plan. Regular moments are not recorded there; there is a daily routine for this.
For many years I have been working as a teacher at the school summer health camp “Veterok” at the municipal educational institution “School No. 97 in Donetsk”.
The question always arises: “how to make children feel comfortable, how to change an ordinary classroom?”
The grid plan is an integral part of the design of the detachment.
Agree, the banal table with the listed detachment affairs, in my opinion, has lost its appeal. I wanted to add variety.
Whether it worked or not is up to you to judge.
Preparation for work begins in May, when the guys and I choose the name of the squad, the motto, and discuss events.
Based on the name of the detachment, we plan to draw up a plan.
I definitely try to involve my parents in my work. They assist in making costume elements that reflect the troop name and differentiate my children from others.
In the squad corner we make sure to place sections: “Meet me - it’s me!”, “My interests”, “We know this” (safety rules).
The shape of the grid plan should be unusual, since the perception of children differs from the perception of adults. The main thing is that it should be interesting and attractive for children, both in appearance and in content.
I bring to your attention several design options.
Let's break off all the hooks - we are tough worms!

We are Indians, the best

Success accompanies us!

Squad"Golden Hands"
Our motto is four words:
“Golden Hands” is cool!

Don't get bored yourself
Don't let others get bored!

More action, less words -
This is the only way with ants!

Freckled and snub-nosed
Never hang your nose!

Once I fell into sunflowers -
Don't give up, the enemy has hit!

Bees are a friendly family!
It's not for nothing that we are called...
Both in fun and at work
We're buzzing on a good note!!

Everyone stick together so as not to get blown away.

Squad"The Bears"
Ahead, like bears,
We are boldly moving towards victory!

Dear colleagues, of course, there are many options for designing a grid plan, it all depends only on your imagination, imagination and creativity.
I will be glad if you are interested in this material.