Matthew Bomer 50. Matt Bomer to star in 50 Shades of Grey? Personal life of Matt Bomer

Matt Bomer is a famous actor whose fame and fame was brought to him by the television series White Collar. Having played the main role in this project, he became a full-fledged star of world television, and therefore instantly found himself in the lens of hundreds of cameras.

Today we decided to delve a little into interesting facts from the actor’s life, preparing this short story about the life of everyone’s favorite hero especially for our readers.

Matt Bomer's Early Life, Childhood and Family

Matthew Staton Bomer was born on October 11, 1977 in a town called Spring, located in the suburbs of the larger and busier Houston. His father was a professional player and at one time managed to make a successful career in American football.

The brightest pages of his biography were associated with the Dallas Cowboys club, for which Matt, as well as his siblings, later supported. In this context, it is worth noting that American football was something more than a simple hobby for our today’s hero. From an early age the guy dreamed of sports. Therefore, he always showed great zeal in playing for the school team. He played with his soul, but at some point in the life of our today’s hero, another bright passion appeared - theater.

Matt Bomer began to engage in art from an early age. As the actor himself admits, already at the age of eight he wanted to become a star so much that he even seriously began to ask his mother to find him a professional agent. However, the woman, of course, did not take her son’s words seriously. Therefore, the young actor could only wait and hone his skills at rehearsals for school musicals.

Thus, at a more mature age, Matthew faced a serious choice - sport or art? Realizing that he would not be able to make a career in two fields at once, the guy simply sat down with a piece of paper and wrote down on different sides of the sign all the pros and cons of this and that option. In the end, the theater won. Matt left football, and probably hardly ever regretted the choice he made.

Our today's hero successfully graduated from Klein High School in the suburbs of Houston, and then began performing in semi-amateur productions with his longtime friend Lee Pace. Their acting tandem became very successful, and therefore both guys subsequently made good careers on television.

As for Matt Bomer specifically, the next step on his path was studying at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh), where our today's hero received a Bachelor of Arts degree.

The actor was awarded a university diploma in 2001. From that moment on, Matt Bomer's professional career began.

Star Trek actor Matt Bomer, filmography

The first step on a long journey for our today's hero was moving to New York City. In this place, he began to constantly attend various castings and soon managed to find himself a suitable place in the theater. At first he performed exclusively on the stage, but later managed to find work for himself on television.

Matt Bomer: interview with Russian subtitles

At first, like many other celebrities, Matt Bomer played exclusively small roles. So, in particular, our today’s hero was featured in the projects “All My Children” and “Guiding Light”. It is quite noteworthy that filming in these projects allowed the actor to leave his previous job - as a courier in the New York Twin Towers. As a result, Matt quit just a few weeks before the terrible tragedy of September 11, 2001.

However, let's not talk about sad things...

A small but constant role in the series “Guiding Light” brought our today’s hero his first popularity. He began to receive offers from famous directors more often, but, of course, there was no talk of real fame. In 2003, Matt Bomer appeared in the series “Birds of War: Diary of an Unknown Aviator” and “Back from the Dead.” After this, there was also filming in the TV series “North Shore” and subsequent roles in cinematic projects – “Illusion of Flight” and “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. In the last of these projects, Matthew played the main character for the first time, which, of course, added value to him in the eyes of the directors.

In the period from 2007 to 2009, our today's hero again starred exclusively in television series. Among his works are the projects “Chuck”, “Losers”, as well as the adventure film “The Lost”, in which Matt again played the main role.

50 Shades of Gray - Alexis Bledel and Matt Bomer

These roles made Bomer a recognizable actor, but the actor’s truly impressive success came from filming the TV series “White Collar.” Our today's hero began working on this project in 2010 and instantly became a superstar on American television.

The series was so successful that it soon began to be broadcast in other countries. To date, five seasons of the project have already been filmed. And this is far from the end of the story!

Matt Bomer today

In parallel with his work on the popular television project, Matt Bomer also starred in other films. Among his recent works, his roles include roles in the films Magic Mike, as well as in the dystopian film In Time with Justin Timberlake and Amanda Seyfried.

Currently, the actor continues to work as an actor and producer on the series White Collar. In 2013, Matt Bomer, as a voice artist, took part in the creation of the cartoon “Superman: Invincible,” in which he gave his voice to the main character.

In 2014, the broadcast of Matthew Bomer’s new projects – the film “The Normal Heart”, as well as the science fiction films “Love Through Time” (aka “The Winter’s Tale”) and “Space Station 76” - should begin broadcasting on screens all over the world.

Personal life of Matt Bomer

For a long time, the actor’s personal life was hidden under a thick veil of secrecy. Only at the beginning of 2012 did Matt Bomer come out, admitting his non-traditional sexual orientation.

Matthew is currently in a long-term love relationship with American writer Simon Hall. The couple has three children and looks absolutely happy.

0 October 5, 2012, 16:50

Dozens of Hollywood stars have already spoken about their desire to star in the project, but film bosses are afraid to make a mistake with the choice of an artist for such an ambiguous role, the mentally traumatized, cruel and noble at the same time Christian Gray, who cannot imagine love without whips, bondage and other attributes of a sadomasochistic relationship. They are afraid to make a mistake and waste time.

Maybe they should take a closer look at the results of an independent online voting organized by one of the Western sites? The portal invited all history fans to choose the most worthy candidate for the role of a mysterious millionaire who knows a lot about submission, humiliation and dominance.

And what do you think? He won by a significant margin: the video with his participation received 42 percent of the votes, while the video with his rival Ian Sommerhalder received only 23 percent!

Matt Bomer and Ian Sommerhalder: who will play Christian Gray?

Fans (or rather, female fans) believe that Bomer is ideal for the role of Gray and, like no one else, will be able to reflect the controversial character of the hero.

However, there are those who disagree with this decision. Their main argument is that a priori he would be false in such a role.

But Sommerhalder can handle it without any problems:

I can't imagine anyone else in this role other than Ian. He's sexy, he has charisma and that special mysterious look that just pierces right through you. This is a perfect fit!

Sommerhalder, by the way, is himself, but it is unknown whether the producers will listen to his wishes and the wishes of the fans. What will Gossip Girls say?

Dear readers! I bring to your attention interesting facts about the film “50 Shades of Gray”

1) Dakota Johnson did not allow her parents to watch the film because of the presence of sex scenes in it;

I think at first I wanted to experience the emotions of this film with my parents, but then I imagined what it would entail...

2) Melanie Griffith once looked on the set of the film and saw the game room, which in turn made Dakota very confused and nervous;

3) Almost 80 thousand readers of the famous British magazine “Glamour” noted Jamie Dornan as the sexiest man in the world;

5) Jamie Dornan said that going to private, so-called “sex dungeons” and watching sex scenes from the TV series “Sex and the City” helped him get used to the role;

6) To play well in the film, Jamie Dornan had to learn to walk in a new way - not from toe to heel, as he usually did, but from heel to toe;

7) Initially, Dakota Johnson and Charlie Hunnam were cast as the main characters of the novel.

however, die-hard fans of the novel were against this choice and demanded that the actors be replaced. As a result, the filmmakers still left Dakota Johnson in the project, but Charlie Hunnam had to refuse the role in favor of Jamie Dornan;

8) According to the unofficial version, Charlie Hunnam dropped out due to a fan petition, and according to the unofficial version, because his schedule was too busy;

9) Several large companies, such as Paramaunt, Universal, Warner and Fox, competed for the right to film 50 Shades of Gray. As a result, Universal Pictures, together with Focus Features, acquired the film rights for $5 million;

I met with many famous filmmakers from different studios and it was not easy to choose. In the end, I settled on Universal: its head, Donna Langvi, convinced me that they would make a movie that would best meet the book and the hopes of its millions of readers,” said Erica Leonard

10) Readers suggested taking Mila Kunis, Emma Watstone, Cara Delevingne, Kristen Stewart for the role of Anastasia Steele;

11) For the role of Christian Gray, readers suggested Chris Hemsworth, Michael Fassbender, Ryan Gosling or Robert Pattison;

12) According to some rumors, Universal offered Angelina Jolie to act as director and screenwriter of the film;

13) The film's director, Sam Taylor-Johnson, is famous in film circles not so much for her directorial talent as for her talent for charming young guys. At 46 years old, she managed to become the wife of 23-year-old actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who is quite in demand lately;

14) The producers of “50 Shades of Gray” wanted Darren Aronofsky to direct the film, but he chose to participate in the creation of a film about the Flood - based on the plot of the biblical story;

15) Gus Van Sant really wanted to direct the film, he even shot a pilot for the film with Alex Pettyfer;

16) Jamie Dornan said that he found it difficult and disgusting to act in sadomasochistic scenes. According to him, every time after filming he had to take a shower before going to his wife and small child;

17) To look good naked, Dakota Johnson had to go on a strict diet and literally live in the gym;

Of course I want to look good naked. Now I understand why people go to the gym, the effect of these workouts is amazing! The feeling is damn amazing!

18) In fact, there was no romance in the film;

It was on the screen that our bodies and movements looked erotic. On the set, it was more like dancing or acrobatics, Dakota admitted;

19) Jamie Dornan said that he did not devote much time to training, although he literally drank protein shakes on his alarm clock;

You can’t just go up to your wife, who is in the last months of pregnancy, and say: “You know, I have to study every day for six hours, so text me when you get ready for the maternity hospital.”

20) Christian Gray's sister was played by 24-year-old singer Rita Ora, who kept forgetting her lines;

I needed people to tell me my lines all the time because I was so nervous.

21) According to a Fandango survey, the film “50 Shades of Gray” became the most anticipated film of 2015;

22) Trailers for the film “50 Shades of Gray” set a record for viewing such videos. Number of views on YouTube - 93 million;

23) According to some rumors, the costumes for the main characters were created by Victoria Beckham (who, by the way, is a fan of the novel), but Victoria denied this;

24) Residents of Vancouver, namely the area where the film was filmed, tried in every possible way to disrupt the filming. In particular, there was a lot of noise during the shooting of the scene in the rain. One man specifically rang a bell, ruining more than one take. Another said he would demand compensation if water flooded his home;

25) There are two versions of the film. Universal said a more explicit version of the film would be released in limited release and on DVD;

26) Although the film is full of explicit scenes, the main characters behaved very reservedly (even rather coldly);

27) The role of Christian Gray was offered to Matt Bomer, Ryan Gosling and Ian Sommerhalder, but the actors flatly refused the proposed role;

28) Robert Pattison really wanted to play Christian Gray, but Erica Leonard was initially against Christina Stewart and Robert Pattison as the main characters;

29) The role of Anastasia Steele was offered to Emma Watson and Shailene Woodley, but both actresses refused;

30) Dakota Johnson won the love of the director and author of the book at first sight. This was largely due to the fact that the actress carefully prepared for the casting, having carefully read the novel;

We realized that we had found our Anastasia as soon as we met her. She has the perfect combination of vulnerability, audacity, beauty and courage - just what you need for the role,” said the director’s assistant

31) To achieve maximum realism, there was a BDSM consultant on site - a practicing “dominant” whose name is kept secret;

32) The film was shot in winter in Canada, and according to the plot of the film, the action takes place in the spring, so the actors had to play in thin coats and boots. Dakota Johnson was constantly cold;

33) The director of the film, Sam Taylor-Johnson, visited themed clubs with Dornan. As Sam states, she made these trips in order to stay on topic;

I had no idea about that world, so I didn’t want inaccuracies and falsehoods

You may also be interested in this article, which provides an overview of the film.