Master class on modeling “Plasticine still life” in the second junior group. Making a relief composition, a still life of two objects (modeling) Still life from plasticine on cardboard

Nadezhda Moshkina

Master class on modeling« Plasticine still life» (in second younger group)

Children are always delighted when they make something with their own hands. My task is to develop the creative abilities of my students, teach them the ability to think in images and convey these images through the means of fine art.

For our « plasticine still life» us will be needed: plasticine(red, yellow, green, blue, purple, orange, black, white, boards, steak and a little imagination.

1. Roll from purple plasticine medium sized balls to create grapes.

2. Roll from blue plasticine small balls and combine to create blackberries.

3. Roll up black plasticine for blueberries.

4. Take one half of an egg from a large kinder surprise and cover it in red plasticine, then smooth it out plasticine(makes an apple).

5. Take one half of the Kinder Surprise and cover it with green and yellow plasticine, then smooth it out plasticine, while mixing it (it turns out to be a pear).

6. From green balls plasticine We form leaves and roll thin sausages to decorate the grapes.

7. Roll the sausage out of orange plasticine, and cover it with white on top plasticine.

8. Roll a sausage out of yellow plasticine, and on top – white plasticine.

9. Cut sausages from yellow and orange plasticine(makes 8 pieces of each). We combine halves of orange and lemon in the form, add the desired color on top plasticine for the fruit and smooth it out, forming the fruit itself.

10. Putting it all together plasticine still life. (The background is prepared in advance for plasticine still life).

Publications on the topic:

Dear colleagues, let me bring to your attention an interesting panel made from different materials on the theme “Still Life with a Samovar”. This collage.

Summary of the lesson on modeling “Plasticine Zoo”“Plasticine Zoo” Goal: to develop the creative abilities of children of senior preschool age through the creation of collective work from.

MASTER CLASS FOR PARENTS WITH CHILDREN IN THE SECOND YOUNGER GROUP SLIDE 1. Hello dear mothers and fathers! The purpose of our meeting today.

We present to your attention a vegetable garden on the window in the second junior group. A vegetable garden on the window is very useful and educational for kids. Children see.

Today we are making a parrot; many people dream of keeping this bird at home, but many families cannot have this bird in their homes.

“Still lifes of I.I. Mashkov” - It was in still life that I.I. Mashkov reached the heights of full-blooded pictorial realism. The main genre in which he most fully and vividly demonstrated his talent was still life. Select epithets for the words: Strawberries - Cherries - Apples - Lemons - Grapes - Poppies - Cornflowers - Jug - Vase -. What will be the main idea of ​​your essay?

“The Art of Still Life” - The artist’s goal is to create a colorful feast of the fruits of his native land. E. Manet. Oil. 1976. Ulyanovsk Regional Art Museum. I. I. Kozlovsky (1830 -?) Still life. French School Still Life (Attributes of the Arts). Wood, oil. 1631. Saryan, A. Osmerkin, A. Gerasimov. State Russian Museum.

“IZO Still Life” - Determine the type of still life: realistic, decorative, abstract. I. Grabar. Determine the lighting of the still life (artificial lighting, direct natural, natural diffused). To make the still life look more expressive. S. Sudeikin. In which image is the correct size of the still life chosen?

“Still life lesson” - Yu. Pimenov. "Long road". Side lighting. Transferring the volume of objects. We use: pencil. Still life with bird cherry. Light - Shadow. Example of a presentation. I. Mashkov. M. Saryan. Still life with ham Claes P. Netherlands. Very often still lifes were called breakfasts. The ninth wave. The composition can be expanded horizontally and vertically.

“Dutch Still Life” - A butterfly born from a cocoon means resurrection. Dutch still life. Still life. From the history of still life. Flemish school of painting. Breakfast with ham. Dutch still life of the 17th century. Ian Faith. What is still life? In the second half of the 17th century. Dutch still life became more spectacular, complex and multicolored.

“Still life genre” - Additional motive. I.E.Grabar. The image of the objective world is a still life. Dynamics Statics. Still life in fine arts. Holland is the birthplace of the still life genre. Dpi. Ancient Rome. Schemes of solutions for static and dynamic compositions. Arrangement of objects in a still life. Educational work.

Master class on working with plasticine (plasticineography). "Field still life"

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers and parents.

Appointment of the master class: interior decoration, gift making.

Target: acquaintance with plasticine technique as a type of visual activity.


Learn how to work with plasticine;

Development of creative abilities, aesthetic perception and artistic taste;

To cultivate cognitive interest, a careful and aesthetic attitude towards nature.

Not long ago I became very interested in the technique of drawing with plasticine - plasticineography.

When painting with plasticine, as well as among watercolors, oil paintings and gouache compositions, extraordinary landscapes, mouth-watering still lifes and recognizable portraits emerge.

These plasticine “works” are imbued with the warmth of the hands of the artists who created them, and perhaps that is why they emit some special energy, similar to a little fairy tale. And this fairy tale is revealed only to those who know how to let it into their everyday world, without letting it become stale.

Before work, I would like to offer you a fairy tale about friendship that you can use in your classes.

A Tale of Friendship

A long time ago there lived a girl named Kolosok. She was beautiful, especially her hair, which, blowing in the wind, resembled gold. And she had a beloved friend - Roman. They loved to play together, they had their own secrets that only they knew about. Every day they met in the same place - on a sunny field. One day Roman brought his girlfriend a flower. The girl admired this flower for a very long time. It was modest - white elongated petals settled around the sunny center, such simplicity and tenderness emanated from the flower that the girl really liked it. She thanked Roman and asked where he got such a miracle? He said that he dreamed about this flower and when he woke up, he saw this flower on his pillow. The girl suggested calling this flower Chamomile, after Roman’s affectionate name, and the boy agreed. The girl suggested: “Why will only you and I have such a flower? Let you collect a whole bouquet of these flowers in that unknown country, and we will give these flowers to all good people!” Roman agreed and set off on a long journey. He looked for these flowers for a long time. I found them at the end of the world, in the Kingdom of Dreams. The King of Dreams offered him an exchange - the boy was to remain forever in his kingdom, and the King would give the girl a field of flowers. And the boy agreed, for the sake of his girlfriend named Kolosok, he was ready to do anything!

The girl waited for Roman for a long time. I waited a year, two, but he still didn’t come. She cried, was sad, lamented that she had wished for something impossible. But one day she woke up, looked out the window and saw an endless field of chamomile. Then the girl realized that her Romashek was alive, but he was far away, and we needed to save him! Kolosok gave people Chamomile flowers. And people fell in love with these flowers for their simple beauty and tenderness. Feeling the girl’s boundless love, Roman freed himself from the evil spell of the King of Dreams. And he returned home unharmed to his beloved friend.

And now we can often see the golden Spikelet and the delicate Chamomile standing on a sunny field and admiring each other.

To work you need:

Cardboard with or without a contour pattern;

Plasticine set;

Hand wipe;

Board for rolling out plasticine;

Waste material (candy box, pen refill);

Hairspray (for varnishing).

Before working, you should slightly warm up the plasticine.

Modeling ears of grain. Roll 4 sausages from yellow plasticine (2 for stems, 2 for grains). Roll the sausages until they are thin.

Outline the location of the stem in the background space of the picture. Place the stem in the intended place, press and lightly smear.

The exposed edges of the stem can be easily corrected using a stack.

Cut the two remaining sausages into grains (roll them into oval shapes).

Form an ear from the grains, placing small grains closer to its top.

Make a shallow notch along each grain.

Roll very thin sausages from yellow plasticine 2-3 cm long - these will be the awns that need to be placed between the grains, directing them to the top of the ear.

We form leaves from thin long yellow sausages. First you need to press them, and then smear them a little, making them flat.

Modeling a chamomile. Roll 8 identical balls from white plasticine and place them in a circle of the desired size.

Now each ball needs to be smeared in a special way, leaving the outer part of the plasticine ball convex and directing the movement of the finger towards the center of the circle (you will get a smeared plasticine drop).

Press balls of yellow plasticine into the middle of the flowers.

In the middle of the flower we “draw” dots using a pen rod.

From green plasticine, roll a long sausage - a flower stem, press it to the background. From the same plasticine we form leaves and, using a stack, cut out the “teeth” characteristic of a chamomile leaf and “draw” the veins.

Spray the finished work with hairspray to prevent it from becoming dusty, as plasticine strongly attracts dust.

Place the finished work in a chocolate frame. You can leave the frame as is or decorate it to your taste.

(pasta, grains, pits, seeds, raised wavy lines, etc.)

Sabaktyn bagdarlamasy

Lesson plan

The plan of the lesson

Seungeup / Class /class : 2

Pәn / Subject / Subject: art

Sabaktyn takyryby / Lesson topic / Theme: making a relief composition, a still life of two objects (modeling)

Sabaktyn ulgіsi / Type of the lesson: combined.

Sabaktyn turi/Type of lesson/ Kind of the lesson: practical lesson.

Maksaty/Lesson Objectives/Objectives:

bilimdik / educational / educational: to introduce students to relief composition, to teach competent layout taking into account the perspective of distortion.

damytushylyk/ developing/ developing : develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movement, eye, observation.

tarbielik / educational / bringing-up: to cultivate a love of fine arts, responsibility, perseverance, and love of adult work.

Kornekі kurandar/Equipment/Resources:

Adis/Method/Method: explanatory-illustrative, verbal, practical.

Sabaktyn zhospary/ Lesson plan/ Plan:

I . Organizing time.

II . Psychological and pedagogical attitude.

III . Updating knowledge.

IV . Learning new material.

V . Physical education minute.

VI . Practical work.

VII . Lesson summary. Assessing student work.

Sabaktyn Barysy/Lesson progress/The lesson’s going:

    Organizing time:

Salemetsiz be balalar!

    Hello guys!

    Good afternoon children!

Otyryndar! Sit down!

II . Psychological and pedagogical attitude:

In art lessons we discover all the diversity of life around us. I will read you a poem by M. Voloshin. Listen, let these words inspire you to get active.

See everything, understand everything,
To know everything, to experience everything,
All shapes, all colors
Take in with your eyes
Walk all over the earth
With burning feet
Perceive everything and embody it again!

III . Updating knowledge.

Guys, now I will name the items that we need for work, and you can check their presence with your eyes. Whoever has everything ready, raise your hand (plasticine, colored cardboard, wet wipes)

What is sculpting? (Modeling is the creation of sculptural works from plastic materials)

What types of modeling do you know? (subject, plot and decorative)

Let us repeat the safety rules when working with plasticine.

Rules for safe work with plasticine.

    While sculpting, you should not touch your face, eyes or clothes with your hands.

    Choose the desired color of plasticine for the job.

2. Cut the required amount of plasticine into a stack.

3. Warm a piece of plasticine with the warmth of your hands so that it becomes soft.

4. When finished, dry your hands well with a dry soft cloth and only then wash them with soap.

IV . Learning new material

Lesson topic message

During the lesson, we will perform plasticine appliqué on disks, namely a still life. Look at this composition, tell me what objects the still life consists of.

That's right, guys. This is a torso and an apple.

Tell me, how do you say apple in Kazakh? (Alma) In English? (Apple)

Which city in Kazakhstan is famous for apples?

Who knows what a torso is?

(Torsyk is a classic Kazakh vessel made of leather, designed for storing liquids, primarily kumys. Unfortunately, the art of making waterproof torsyks is disappearing from our lives, but kumys or shubat was preserved in it for a significant time, without losing its medicinal properties. Nowadays, only souvenirs in the shape of a torso remind of the ancient invention of the Kazakhs.)

Introductory conversation

Relief is a type of sculpture in which the image is convex (or recessed) in relation to the background plane.

The main types are bas-relief, high relief, counter-relief.

When making reliefs, children learn how to use a tool, various sculpting techniques, and most importantly, beautiful decorative filling of space.


This is a relief in which the convex image protrudes above the background plane, as a rule, by no more than half the volume.

Work on the relief is carried out in several stages: first, the base is covered with a thin layer of plasticine, then a drawing is applied to it in a stack, then a stucco ornament is laid out according to the drawing. The edges are firmly adhered to the base.

The relief can be made in another way: a pattern is applied to the plate, and the excess plasticine around it is carefully removed with a stack, as if scraped out. As a result, the background is lowered, and the relief remains raised above the plane of the plate.

    High relief

This is a relief in which the convex image protrudes above the background plane by more than half the volume. Some elements may be completely separated from the plane.


And this relief, on the contrary, goes deeper into the surface; it is, as it were, a “negative” of the bas-relief.

The counter-relief pattern can be scratched or pressed with a stick, a stick, a finger, or a stamp.

Types of plasticine applique

Plastic and brightIt is perfect for making appliqués, as it is easy to process and give the desired shape. And the application itself retains its shape for a long time. Forplasticine applique you will need multi-colored plasticine, cardboard (colored or white), in addition, the application can be done on a glass surface, then covering it with the same piece of glass and inserting it into a frame.

The subject for the applique can be any drawing from a book or magazine that can be transferred to the surface using carbon paper.

Plasticine applique can be done in different ways.

First you need to transfer the drawing you like onto a sheet of cardboard or with a marker onto glass, fill each section of the picture with plasticine of the appropriate color, which can be done with small balls, flagella or whole parts, giving the edges the desired shape with a stack.

Types of plasticine applications:

    whole piece applique

    applique made of plasticine flagella.

    applique made of plasticine balls (plasticine mosaic)

    applique on glass

    an unusual type of application - application on disks (DVD, CD, etc.)

V . Physical education minute

    One two three four five,

Everyone is so necessary

Strong and friendly.

    Now the guys will massage their fingers, with our right hand we massage the fingers of our left hand, and now, on the contrary, with our left hand we massage the fingers of our right hand.

VI . Practical work

Now let's get to work. First, let me show you how to do it, and then you will do it.

Ped. Show (step by step)

Place the disc in front of you. To begin, apply the drawing with a marker (pencil) to the disk.

Then we will need plasticine. We choose the color we need. Cut off half of the plasticine. We soften it before work. And apply it in small pieces along the contour of our drawing. Afterwards we fill in the entire drawing. When finished, remove the excess from the stack. This is the kind of still life we ​​should get.

VI . Lesson summary. Assessing student work

Guys, what composition did we meet today?

What is relief?

What objects does our still life consist of?

How do you say apple in Kazakh? In English?

What is a torso?

Well done ripples!

Analysis and evaluation of student work

The guys in the first row show your work to the guys in the second and third row. Now the second - to the first and third. And the third - to the first and second.

Well done boys!

Now let’s clean up our workplace, and I’ll go around and give you an assessment.