Voiceless and voiced consonants table Russian. Paired consonants

In the Russian language, voiceless and voiced consonants are distinguished. The rules for writing letters denoting them begin to be studied already in the first grade. But even after graduating from school, many still cannot write words containing voiceless and voiced consonants without errors. This is sad.

Why do you need to write voiceless and voiced consonants correctly in Russian?

Some people treat writing culture superficially. They justify their ignorance in this area with such a common phrase: “What difference does it make how it’s written, it’s still clear what it’s about!”

In fact, errors in spelling words indicate a low level of personal culture. You cannot consider yourself a developed person if you cannot write correctly in your native language.

There is one more fact that testifies in favor of the rule of error-free writing. After all, voiceless and voiced consonants are sometimes found in words that are homophones in oral speech. That is, they sound the same, but are written differently. Incorrect use of a letter in them is fraught with loss or change in the meaning of the context.

For example, the words “pond” - “rod”, “cat” - “code”, “horn” - “rock” are included in this list.

Shameful loss

During your Russian language lesson, you can tell schoolchildren a funny episode from your life. It should be based on the fact that several children did not know how to correctly write in words the letters denoting voiced and voiceless consonant sounds.

And this happened during the school team game “Treasure Hunters”. In its rules it was noted that it was necessary to move along the route indicated in the notes. Moreover, the place where the next letter was hidden was not indicated precisely. The note contained only a hint of him.

The teams received the first letters with the following text: “Road, meadow, stone.” One group of guys immediately ran towards the lawn and found a stone there, under which the letter was hidden. The second one, having mixed up the homophone words “meadow” and “onion”, ran to the garden bed. But, naturally, they did not find any stone among the bright green rows.

You can change history in such a way that the notes were written by an illiterate scribbler. It was he who, when giving instructions to his team members, used “bow” instead of the word “meadow”. Not knowing how to write paired voiced and voiceless consonants, the “literate” misled the children. As a result, the competition was canceled.

The rule for writing dubious paired consonants according to deafness and voicedness

In fact, checking which letter should be written in a particular case is quite simple. Paired voiced and voiceless consonants raise doubts about the spelling only when they are at the end of a word or are followed by another consonant voiceless sound. If one of these cases occurs, you need to choose a cognate or change the form of the word so that the dubious consonant is followed by a vowel sound. You can also use the option where the letter being tested is followed by a voiced consonant.

Mug - mug, snow - snow, bread - bread; carving - carved, sweat - sweaty.

Didactic game “Connect the word being tested with the test word”

To get more done during class, you can play a game that reinforces skills without recording. Its condition will be a task in which children are asked only to connect test words with the trait being tested. It takes less time, and the work done will be extremely effective.

The game will become more interesting if it is played in the form of a competition. To do this, three variants of tasks are made, where two columns are used. One contains test words. In the other, you need to include those in which voiced and voiceless consonants are in a dubious position. Examples of words could be like this.

First column: bread, ponds, snow, onion, meadows, twig. Second column: onion, bread, meadow, twig, snow, pond.

To complicate the task, you can include in the column with test words those that are not suitable for verification, that is, they are not the same root as those whose spelling there are doubts: snacks, servant, octopus.

Table of consonants according to voicedness and voicelessness

All consonant sounds are divided according to several parameters. During the phonetic analysis of a word in school, characteristics such as softness-hardness, sonority or deafness are indicated. For example, the sound [n] is a consonant, hard, sonorous. And the sound [p] differs from it in only one characteristic: it is not voiced, but dull. The difference between the sounds [р] and [р’] lies only in softness and hardness.

Based on these characteristics, a table is compiled, thanks to which you can determine whether the sound has a softness-hardness pair. After all, some consonants are only soft or only hard.

They also separate voiced and voiceless consonants. The table presented here shows that some sounds do not have a pair on this basis. For example, these are

  • y, l, m, n, r;
  • x, c, h, sch.

Moreover, the sounds of the first row are voiced, and the sounds of the second are unvoiced. The remaining consonants are paired. It is they that make writing difficult, since a dull sound is often heard where the letter denoting a voiced consonant is written.

Only paired consonants - voiced and voiceless - require verification. The table reflects this point. For example, the sound “b”, falling into the final position or being in front of another voiceless consonant, is itself “deafened”, turning into “p”. That is, the word “hornbeam” (wood species) is pronounced and heard as [grap].

The table shows that these sounds are paired in terms of voicedness and deafness. The same can be called “v” - “f”, “g” - “k”, “d” - “t”, “g” - “w” and “z” - “s”. Although you can add the sound “x” to the “g”-“k” pair, which often sounds in a deafened position in place of “g”: soft - soft[m'ahk'ii], easy - light[l’ohk’ii].

Didactic lotto game “Doubtful consonants”

So that classes in which the spelling of voiced and voiceless consonants is studied do not turn into a tedious routine, they should be diversified. For a didactic game, teachers and parents can prepare special small cards with pictures and words that contain dubious consonant sounds. A dubious consonant can be replaced with dots or asterisks.

Additionally, larger cards should be made, which will contain only letters indicating paired consonants in terms of voicedness and deafness. Cards with pictures are laid out on the table.

At the leader’s signal, the players take them from the table and cover with them the letters on the large card that they think are missing. Whoever closes all the windows before others and without mistakes is considered the winner.

Extracurricular activities in Russian language

Advantageous options for developing interest in this area of ​​science are evenings, competitions, and KVNs. They are held outside school hours for everyone.

It is very important to create an exciting scenario for such an event. Particular attention should be paid to designing activities that are both rewarding and fun. Such activities can be carried out with students of all ages.

Interesting tasks can also be those that contain an element of literary creativity. For example, it is useful to offer the guys:

Make up a story about how the sounds “t” and “d” quarreled;

Come up with as many words with the same root as possible for the word “horn” in one minute;

Write a short quatrain with rhymes: meadow-onion, twig-pond.

Alternation of consonants in Russian

Sometimes, contrary to the laws of spelling, some letters in words are replaced by others. For example, “spirit” and “soul”. Historically (etymologically) they are the same root, but have different letters in the root - “x” and “w”. The same process of alternation of consonants is observed in the words “burden” and “to wear.” But in the latter case, the sound “sh” alternates with the consonant “s”.

However, it should be noted that this is not an alternation of voiced and voiceless consonants making up a pair. This is a special type of replacing one sound with another, which occurred in ancient times, at the dawn of the formation of the Russian language.

The following consonant sounds alternate:

  • z - f - g (example: friends - to be friends - friend);
  • t - h (example: fly - flying);
  • ts - ch - k (example: face - personal - face);
  • s - w - x (examples: forester - goblin, arable land - to plow);
  • w - d - railway (example: leader - driver - driving);
  • z - st (example: fantasy - fantastic);
  • shch - sk (example: polished - gloss);
  • sh - st (example: paved - paved).

Alternation is often referred to as the appearance of the “l” sound in verbs, which in this case has the beautiful name “el epentheticum”. Examples could be pairs of words “love - love”, “feed - feed”, “buy - buy”, “graph - graph”, “catch - catch”, “ruin - ruin”.

The Russian language is so rich, the processes occurring in it are so diverse, that if a teacher tries to find exciting options for working in the classroom, both in the classroom and outside of class, then many teenagers will plunge into the world of knowledge and discovery, and will become truly interested in this school subject.

When spoken voiced consonants the air flow creates vibrations of the vocal cords. If the vocal cords are not used, then the sound is considered deaf.

But in Russian, a voiced letter does not always denote a voiced sound (and vice versa: a voiceless consonant does not always denote a voiceless sound). It depends on the position of the letter in the word.

Voiced consonant often stunned at the end of a word. For example, in the word “colander” we read “k” at the end, because the sound is in a weak position. Can also be stunned before a voiceless consonant. For example, we pronounce the word “gait” as “plowing”.

To determine which letter will be written correctly, the letter must be placed in a strong position in a word with the same root (that is, before the vowel or consonants M, L, N, R).

For example: “boat” - “boat”, “mushroom” - “mushroom”.






L, M, N, R, J


Also paired in deafness/voicing are pairs of soft consonants from those indicated in the table. For example: “b’ - p’”, “v’ - f’”.

Hard and soft

In words, the same letter can represent both hard and soft sounds. This is due to the influence of subsequent consonants on softness/hardness. Hard consonants sound before A, O, U, Y, E, soft consonants sound before I, E, Yo, Yu, I.



Before A, O, U, Y, E - solid.

Before I, E, E, Yu, I are soft.

Solid Soft
b b white
vase V V


d d uncle
ash h h
To To brick
varnish l l
m m world
our n n
P P song
rose R R


In the elementary grades, the basis of a person’s spelling literacy is formed.

Everyone knows that the difficulty of the Russian language is largely due to the discrepancy between spelling and pronunciation. This is often associated with paired consonants.

What is a paired consonant?

All consonants are in one opposition or another with each other according to their characteristic features. One of them is the contrast between sounds based on deafness and voicedness.

Some consonants, while all other features coincide, such as the place of formation and the method of pronunciation, differ only in the participation of the voice in the sound process. They are called pairs. The remaining consonants do not have a voiceless-voiced pair: l, m, x, ts, ch, shch, y.

Paired consonants

examples of words with paired consonants

tables[b]s - table[p]

draw[v]a - draw[f]

doro[g]a - doro[k]

boro[d]a - boro[t]ka

blah[zh]it - blah[sh]

frosty[z]ny - frosty[s]

Paired consonants are given here. The table also contains examples that illustrate the spelling “Verified consonants in the root of a word.”

Spelling rule for paired consonants

During pronunciation, paired sounds can be interchangeable. But this process is not reflected in writing. That is, the letters do not change, no matter what sounds we hear in their place. This is how the principle of uniformity of morphemes is implemented in the Russian language. The spelling of paired consonants is completely subject to this law.

The rule can be stated in the following paragraphs:

  • the root of the word is always written the same way, since semantics depends on this;
  • spelling needs to be checked by selecting or changing word forms;
  • You must select as a test one the one that has either a vowel sound or a sonorant sound after the dubious consonant (р,л,м,н,й).

This can be seen in the examples from the table: consonant spellings appear either at the end of words or before other paired sounds. In test words they are located before vowels or before phonemes that are unpaired in voicing.

Application of the rule

The spelling of paired consonants needs to be practiced. You need to start by developing the ability to see the spelling pattern being studied. This will be the end of a word or a combination of consonants, in which sounds begin to influence the sound of each other - the subsequent one changes the quality of the pronunciation of the previous one.

When we know what a paired consonant is, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion about which option to choose:

  • bo[p] - beans - bean;
  • bro [t] - broda - ford;
  • bro[f"] - eyebrows - eyebrow;
  • nail[t"] - nails - nail;
  • vegetable garden [t] - vegetable gardens - vegetable garden;
  • dro [sh] - trembling - trembling;
  • stripe [s]ka - stripe - stripe;
  • ko[z"]ba - mow - mowing;
  • re[z"]ba - cut - carving;
  • goro[d"]ba - fence - gorodba;
  • kro[v"] - blood - blood;
  • str[sh] - guard - guard.

Paired consonants. Examples of differentiating words

Deafness and voicedness are able to distinguish words by meaning. For example:

  • (soup) thick - (above the river) bush;
  • (telegraph) pole - (Alexandria) pillar;
  • bark (oak) - (high) mountain;
  • (unbearable) heat - (surface) of the ball;
  • (bouquet) of roses - (boy) grew up;
  • (new) house - (thick) volume.

In weak positions, at the end of words, for example, as in the example of “roses” and “ros”, verification is required to avoid semantic confusion. Paired consonants in Russian require careful attention.

Test on the topic studied

grass[..]ka, fish[..]ka, zu[..]ki, arbu[..], lo[..]ka, kor[..]ka, ko[..]ti.

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - groove, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, jump - jumping

6. F or W?

Boots...ki, doro...ki, bum...ki, cro...ki, ro...ki, vice..ki, bara...ki, lo...ki, game...ki, cha...ki, lie down...ki.

  • g...ki (__________);
  • fl...ki (__________);
  • gr... (__________);
  • gla... (__________);
  • jump...ki (____________);
  • lo...ka (____________);
  • horse (______________);
  • zu.. (_______).

Sha(p/b)ka, provo(d/t), kru(g/k), povya(s/z)ka, myo(d/t), su(d/t), sla(d/t) cue, oshi(b/p)ka, doba(v/f)ka, uka(z/s)ka.

9. Insert letters in the text:

Swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is, like a dream..., white, graceful, he has shiny eyes, black varnishes and a long, flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading stories.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown on the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The tray floated on the lake.
  • Berek is gradually approaching.
  • Storosh is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel rattles loudly in the yard.
  • Yosh rustles in the bushes.


1. What is a paired consonant? A consonant that has a pair of deafness or voicedness.

2. Complete the sentence:

To check paired consonants, you need choose a test word.

3. Highlight the words that need checking:

immer..ka, underwater... smooth, smart... horse, careful..prepare, du..ki, l o...ki, other..ny.

4. Write the sounds in square brackets:

grass[V]ka, lo[D]ka, zu[B]ki, arbu[Z], lo[D]ka, koro[B]ka, ko[G]ti.

5. Underline the test word:

Fabulous - fairy tale, head - head, pie - pies, ditch - ditch, birch - birch, eyes - eyes, stripe - stripes, notebook - notebook, spikelet - spikelets, bounce- jumping

6. F or W?

Boots, paths, pieces of paper, crumbs, horns, powders, lambs, spoons, toys, cups, frogs.

7. Write down the test words and insert letters instead of dots:

  • beeps(beep);
  • checkboxes(checkbox);
  • griB (mushrooms);
  • glaZ (eyes);
  • jumping (jump);
  • boat (boat);
  • horse(horses);
  • tooth teeth).

8. Choose the correct option:

Hat, wire, circle, bandage, honey, court, sweet, mistake, additive, pointer.

9. Insert letters in the text:

The swan is the king of all waterfowl. He is like snow, white, graceful, he has sparkling eyes, black paws and a long flexible neck. How beautifully he floats on the smooth water of the pond!

10. Correct errors:

  • I love reading fairy tales.
  • How fragrant the strawberries are!
  • Carrots are sown in the beds.
  • A flexible birch tree flutters its petals in the wind.
  • The boat was sailing on the lake.
  • The coastline is gradually approaching.
  • The watchman is not sleeping.
  • A mongrel barks loudly in the yard.
  • The hedgehog rustles in the bushes.

Consonants are voiced and voiceless. Stunning and voicing of consonants

According to their sound and method of formation, consonant sounds are divided in Russian into voiced and voiceless.

Voiced consonants are formed with the participation of the vocal cords and consist of voice and noise. Voiceless consonants are formed without the participation of the vocal cords and consist only of noise.

Most consonants form voiceless/voiced pairs. Table:

[b’] - [p’]

[v’] - [f’]

[g’] - [k’]

[d’] - [t’]

[z’] - [s’]

Some consonants do not form voiced/voiceless pairs (they are, so to speak, “only voiced” or “only voiceless”).

Unpaired voiceless consonants: [x], [x’], [ts], [ch’], [sch’].

Unpaired voiced consonants: [й’], [l], [l’], [m], [m’], [n], [n’], [r], [r’].

In the flow of speech, in certain positions, paired voiced consonants change to voiceless (voiced), and paired voiceless consonants change to voiced (voiced).

Voiced consonants are devoiced in two positions:

  1. At the end of the word:

Bread - [hl’ep].

(Many) flowers - [tsv’itof].

2. Before a voiceless consonant:

Claws - [kokt’i].

Spoon - [loshka].

Under the floor - [patpolam].

Voiceless consonants are voiced in position before paired voiced ones:

Request - [pros’ba].

Lights out - [adboy"].

With a friend - [to friends].

Consonants are soft and hard. Softening hard consonants

According to their sound and method of formation, consonant sounds in the Russian language are divided into hard and soft.

Soft consonants are formed with the participation of the middle part of the tongue and have a special, “soft” sound. Hard consonants are formed without the participation of the middle part of the tongue and have a “hard” sound.

Most consonants form hard/soft pairs.

Some consonants do not form hard/soft pairs (they are, so to speak, “only hard” or “only soft”).

Unpaired hard consonants: [zh], [sh], [ts].

Unpaired soft consonants: [th’], [h’], [sch’].

Hard consonants cannot be combined with the vowel sound [i] that follows them; soft consonants cannot be combined with the vowel sound [s] that follows them.

Man - [man] (here after the hard [zh] it sounds [s]).

Taught - [uch’il] (here after the soft [ch’] it sounds [i]).

In some cases, paired hard consonants are softened in the flow of speech.

Hard [n] can change to soft [n’] in combinations [n’ch’], [n’sch’].

Pancake - pancake [bl'in'ch'ik].

Change - changer [sm'en'sh'ik].

Hard [d], [t], [z], [s], [n] can soften before soft [d’], [t’], [z’], [s’], [n’].

Whistle - whistle [s’t’]net.

Forest - le[s"n"]ik.

The treasury is in the treasury.

Bow - ba[n"t"]ik.

India - I[n"d"]iya.

Similarity of consonants in sound and pronunciation, loss of consonants in difficult-to-pronounce combinations

In addition to softening, voicing and deafening in the flow of speech, consonant sounds undergo other changes in certain positions. Let's note some of them.

The sounds [z], [s], [d], [t] before the consonants [zh], [sh], [h"], [sch"] are similar to them in sound and pronunciation.

Sew - [shshyt’].

Kindle - [razzhech’].

Account - [sh’sh’ot].

He became generous - he became generous.

Clean up - [pach’ch’is’t’it’].

With a beetle - [buzz].

From wool - [ishshers "t"i].

In the verbs na -tsya and -tsya, the sounds [t’] and [s’], mutually similar in pronunciation, coincide in the double sound [ts].

To tear - [vazza].

Suitable - [gad’izza].

In the combination of TSC, the sounds [t] and [s], mutually similar in pronunciation, coincide in the sound [ts].

Arbatsky - [arbatskiy"].

Pirate - [p’iratsk’].

When a combination of consonant sounds is difficult to pronounce, one of them may be dropped.

Imperious - imperious.

Heart - s[rts]e.

Late - late.

The sun is so[nt]e.

Envious - envious.

Feeling is feeling.

Six hundred - she[ss]ot.

Dutch - goll[ns]ky.

Vowels are stressed and unstressed. Reduction of unstressed vowels

According to the characteristics of pronunciation, duration and strength of sound, vowel sounds are divided into stressed and unstressed.

Stressed vowels in Russian have a significantly longer duration and sound strength than unstressed vowels. Stressed vowels are characterized by clearer pronunciation than unstressed vowels.

Stressed vowels form stressed syllables in speech, unstressed vowels - unstressed syllables.

In an unstressed position, vowels are pronounced less clearly and sound for less duration (i.e., they are reduced).

Vowels [и], [ы], [у] without stress generally retain their sound.

Saw - [p’ila].

Smoke - [smoke].

Hand - [hand].

Vowels [o], [e], [a] without stress change the quality of their sound.

After hard consonants, unstressed [o] and [a] coincide in a short vowel sound, close but not identical to [a] (in the school phonetics course there is no special symbol for this sound; the symbol [a] is used).

Chapter - [chapter].

Words - [glory].

After soft consonants, unstressed [e] and [a] coincide in a short vowel sound, close but not identical to [i] (in the school phonetics course there is no special icon for this sound; the symbol [i] is used).

Deeds - [d'ila].

Pyatak - [p’itak].

The dual role of the letters E, E, Yu, I in Russian graphics

Letters e, yo, yu, I play a double role in Russian graphics.

Letters e, yo, yu, I denote two sounds at once if they are at the beginning of a word, either after the separating b and b, or after a vowel sound: [y'e], [y'o], [y'u], [y'a].

There is - [y'es"t"] (letter e denotes two sounds at the beginning of a word).

It will shed - [pral "y" from] (letter e denotes two sounds after b).

Comfort - [uy’ut] (letter Yu denotes two sounds after a vowel).

The letters e, e, yu, i, standing after soft consonants, denote only the vowel sounds [e], [o], [u], [a] and the softness of the previous consonant.

Forest - [l’es].

Honey - [m’ot].

Luke - [l’uk].

Row - [r’at].

Exercise 17, p. 10

17. Help the cat and dog put letters that represent voiced consonant sounds into one group, and letters that represent voiceless consonant sounds into another group. Connect the letters of each group with lines.

Deaf→ h → x → w → s → t → c → k → w → p → f

Voiced→ j → l → n → r → z → m → d → b → g → g → c

  • Say the sounds that can be represented by highlighted letters

h- [h’] m- [mm'], th- [th’] T- [t], [t’]

Exercise 18, p. 10

18. Read. Fill in the missing word in the sentence.

It's so cold outside -
I’m like an icicle, completely frozen.

L. Yakovlev

  • Underline the letters in the highlighted word that represent voiceless paired consonant sounds.

Exercise 19, p. eleven

19. Read. Fill in the missing words that are the names of the consonant sounds.

1. A voiceless consonant is made up of noise.
2. A voiced consonant consists of noise and voice.

Exercise 20, p. eleven

20. Fill in the “house” with the missing letters indicating consonant sounds that are paired in deafness and voicedness.

  • Select and write down words that end with these letters.

Exercise 21, p. eleven

21. Find in the textbook’s spelling dictionary words with a consonant paired in deafness and voicedness at the end of the word. Write down a few words.

Alphabet t, suddenly, city, factory, pencil, class, hammer, frost, people, lunch, scarf, drawing, student, language.

Exercise 22, p. 12

22. Read. What rule are we talking about? Why are the consonants so named?

Paired consonants- the most dangerous!
Basically you check them -
Place a vowel next to it!

We are talking about the rule of spelling words with a paired deafness-voiced consonant sound at the root of the word. Such consonants are called “dangerous” because we can choose the wrong letter, denoting the paired voiced-voiced consonant sound at the root of the word before another paired consonant. These are "dangerous" places, or spelling.

Exercise 23, p. 12

23. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. There will be bread b, there will be lunch. 2. If there was a pie, there would be an eater. 3. He who is lazy is also sleepy. 4. Ugly in face, but good in mind. 5. The bear is clumsy, and hefty.

  • Orally select test words for words with missing letters.

Hle b (bread), lunch (dinners), pie (pies), eater (eaters), lazy (lazy), sleepy (sleepy), ugly (ugly), good (good), bear (bears), clumsy (clumsy) .

Exercise 24, p. 12

24. Read.

The frost creaks. The frost is angry.
And the snow is dry and hard.
And the elm was cold, and the oak was frozen.
The trees were frozen through.

G. Volzhina

  • Choose the correct letter from brackets for each word and underline it. Write these words down.

Moro z, snow, elm, chill, oak, frozen, through and through.

Exercise 25, p. 13

25. Read the lines from the American song translated by Leonid Yakhnin.

Pyro old lady Fogg bakes
In the kitchen by the stove,
And the dog is a bulldog named Dog
He goes to water the flowers.
Old Lady Fogg takes the pie
And I have tea with milk,
And the dog is a bulldog named Dog -
In it next to the table.

  • What do you think is true in these lines?

Is it true:
Old Lady Fogg bakes a pie
In the kitchen by the stove...
Old Lady Fogg takes the pie
And tea with milk...
The lines about the bulldog are a tall tale.

  • Underline the spelling patterns in the words based on the rules you have learned.

Exercise 26, p. 13

26. Read. Write down the words, replacing the highlighted sounds with letters.

cha[sh]ka - cha sh ka uká[s]ka - ukáz ka
ló[sh]ka - spoon ka ká[s]ka - kás ka
lá[f]ka - láv ka ló[k]ti - lók ti
kó[f]ta - kofta kó[k]ti - cóg ti
shá[p]ka - hat ka ló[t]ka - boat ka
fur[p]ka - fur coat cheek[t]ka - brush

  • Be prepared to prove that you spelled the words correctly.

Cha sh ka (cup), spoon (spoon), lav ka (bench), kof ta - vocabulary word, must be remembered, hat (cap), fur coat (fur coats), pointer ka (pointer), helmet (helmet) , elbows (elbows), claws (claws), boat (boat), brush (brush).

Exercise 27, p. 14

27. Read. Underline the consonants whose spelling needs to be checked.

But g ti, riddle, slippery, carrot, carrot, timid, guard, robok, slide, nail, guard, make a riddle.

  • Find a test word for each word being tested. Write it down according to the example.

(Ró b ok) ro b cue, (side and it) side and ka, (zaga d yat) zaga d ka, (but G ot) but G ty, (how much h how much h cue, (carrot V ny) carrot V ka.

Exercise 28, p. 14

28. Read it. Name the fairy tales.

1. Zolushka, while running away from the palace, she lost her crystal slipper.
2. B elos tender I became very friendly with the seven dwarfs.

  • Fill in the missing words. Underline the letters in them that indicate paired consonant sounds in terms of deafness and voicedness.

Exercise 29, p. 15

29. Choose a single-root test word for each word. Write it down according to the example.

Du b ki - oak trees, berry ka - berries.
Dexterous is dexterous, close is close.
Spoon - spoon, pin - pin.
Pras ba - to ask, watchman - to guard.
Polite - polite, good - good.

  • Underline the letters in the words whose spelling you checked.

Exercise 30, p. 15

30. Read the riddle. Fill in the missing letters and the word. Draw the answer.

I'm round, I'm smooth
And the cue tastes pleasantly sweet.
Every toddler knows
What's my name?

Exercise 31, p. 15

31. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Sli V ki, golu b tsy, pyro and ki, aquarius h .
2. Suddenly G, blue h ka, sapo and ki, ruba w ka.

Unnecessary words - diver, all of a sudden, since the spelling is at the end of the word, and in the rest - at the root of the word.

  • Underline the extra word in each group of words. Explain your answer.

Exercise 32, p. 16

32. Read. Select the desired letter and insert it into the words.

B? P?
Oak, screw, mistake, button, flexible cue.
G? TO?
Iceberg, circus, easy cue, south, soft cue.
IN? F?
Island, giraffe, jacket, catch cue, beak.
D? T?
Yod, look, cage, riddle, mole.
AND? Sh?
Siskin, mitten, ruff, frog, book.
Cargo, sauce, sled, mask, tale.

Exercise 33, p. 16

33. Read. Insert the missing letters.

1. Each tree has its own fruit d. A boat floats down the river T.
2. In the boy’s hands there is a T. There is a deep stream in the village d.
3. Flowering lu is beautiful in summer G. Green lu grew in the garden bed To.
4. In the flower bed With scarlet bush h.

  • What is interesting about words with missing letters? In the last sentence, underline the main clauses.

In each pair, the words are pronounced the same but spelled differently.

Exercise 34, p. 17

34. Read. Complete the tasks given in the table.

  • Explain how you selected test words for words with an unstressed vowel sound and for words with a paired consonant sound in the root of the words.

We selected such test words for words with an unstressed vowel sound, so that the unstressed vowel sound would become stressed at the root. For a word with a paired consonant sound in the root of the word in terms of deafness and voicedness, we selected a cognate word so that the paired consonant sound in the root was before the vowel sound.

Exercise 35, p. 17

35. Read the riddles. Fill in the missing letters in the answers.

1. Sam hu d, the head is like a pound, as soon as it hits, it will become strong. (M o l o t o To)
2. Not snow, not ice, but sulfur bromine will remove trees. (AND Not j)

  • Underline the spelling patterns in the words.

Exercise 36, p. 18

36. Read. Title the text.


I love you, I January!
For me you are a month I ts the best -
M O l O doy, b O lshoy, skr And puffy,
Z O l O as clear as amber b!
Sun, dream G, O drive, m O roses -
Flame white b e ryo h!

S. Kozlov

  • Do you agree with the author's opinion? What does the word amber mean?

Amber is a fossilized resin, yellow-brown or golden in color.

  • Which of the highlighted spellings can you not explain? Why? Underline these spellings.

We cannot explain the underlined spellings, because these are unstressed vowel sounds at the root, which cannot be verified. The spelling of such words must either be memorized or checked in a spelling dictionary.

Exercise 37, p. 18

37. Read. Insert the missing letters.

Le dark frost, big snowdrift, silvery frost, Snow Maiden, snowfall, Santa Claus, fluffy snowflakes, soft snow, skates, smooth ice, snowman.

  • What theme connects these words and word combinations?

The theme of winter connects these words and combinations of words.

  • Compose an oral text on this topic.

It was slightly frosty outside. Yesterday's snowfall covered the city in soft snow, the roofs of the houses sparkled with silvery frost. The blizzard created large snowdrifts.
The children could not stay at home. Having put on new skates, we began drawing patterns on the smooth ice in the morning. The kids played snowballs and made a snowman.
Fluffy snowflakes swirled merrily, like children in a New Year's round dance with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

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