Essay on what the Russian soul is. Secrets of the Russian soul

soul, Russian soul, courage, love, faith, freedom, regularity


The article examines the phenomenon of the “Russian soul”. The term “soul” is defined from various points of view. The main factors in the emergence of the concept of “Russian soul” are identified and its components are listed.

Article text:

"Russian soul. This is a cauldron in which a variety of substances are mixed: sadness, madness, heroism, weakness, mysticism, sanity, and you can get out of it anything you want, even what you least expect. If only you knew how low this soul can fall! If only you knew how high it can rise! And how she is thrown from side to side.”

Eugene Melchior de Vogue

The study of Russian traditional culture has been going on for many centuries. At first superficial glance, it may seem that this concept has been studied for a long time, and if not completely, then at least to a greater extent. The culture of our state has been studied by many scientists from different, sometimes completely opposite, points of view. Its diversity amazes and delights. Until now, no one can clearly and easily describe the Russian person as a bearer of such a rich and unusual cultural heritage. Our mentality has become a kind of puzzle for other nations. The breadth of the Russian soul is a concept that characterizes more than one or even two generations; it dates back many centuries. And yet, it has still not been possible to give a comprehensive definition of such a phenomenon of Russian culture as the “Russian soul.”

The term “soul” itself has many definitions.

In the Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, “soul” in ordinary usage is a set of impulses of consciousness (and at the same time the basis) of a living being, especially a person, the antithesis of the concepts of body and matter. Scientific concept of the soul: the soul - in contrast to the individual spirit - is a set of mental phenomena closely related to the body, in particular feelings and aspirations (vital soul)."

The philosophical understanding of the soul as a substance led to the fact that the properties of “the subtlest substance” were first attributed to it... According to Plato, the soul is immaterial and precedes existence. Aristotle calls it the first entelechy (purposefulness, purposefulness as a driving force, active principle) of a viable body; only the rational soul of a person (spirit) can be separated from the body and is immortal.”

In the “Dictionary of the Russian Language” (in 4 volumes) the soul is defined as “1. The inner mental world of a person, his experiences, moods, feelings, etc. 2. A set of characteristic properties, traits inherent in a person; person's character".

In V. Dahl’s dictionary, “The soul is an immortal spiritual being, endowed with reason and will, in the general sense a person, with spirit and body. The soul is also the mental and spiritual qualities of a person, conscience, inner feeling, for example. The soul is the disembodied body of the spirit, in this meaning the spirit is higher than the soul.”

In S.I. Ozhegov’s dictionary, Soul is: “The inner, mental world of a person, his consciousness.” This is also: “in religious ideas, a supernatural, immaterial immortal principle in a person that continues to live after his death”...

Thus, the soul is a very multifaceted concept. This is a set of motives, and a special substance, and a hypostasis of personality, and the inner world of a person.

If we turn to the ancient syllabary, then the soul is, first of all, the good that glorifies life.

But why did such a concept as the “Russian soul” arise? Why not American or, for example, German? What does this phenomenon of Russian culture include?

There is a point of view that the “Russian soul” is one of the established stereotypes unique to Russia, the same as a matryoshka doll, a birch tree or a balalaika. The Germans have amazing neatness, the French have romantic love, the Americans have dreams, and we have the soul.

The importance of this concept in Russian culture is confirmed by at least the versatility of its interpretation: this is the specificity of Russian spirituality (“the secret of the Russian soul”); and the inner world of a person (“put your whole soul into it”); and the man himself as the main person (“the soul of society”); and the properties of his character (“kind soul”; this is just a person (“not a soul in the house”); and his immortal principle (“think about the soul”); and the measure of the individual’s openness (“with all his soul”); and socially -spiritual death of a person (“dead souls”), etc.

The concept of “the soul is the measure of everything” is alien to Western people; the idea of ​​conscience and kindness for him, as a rule, are abstractions.

The mysterious “Russian soul” amazes both its admirers and haters with its excessiveness in relation to all established canons, with its constant going beyond “limits”.

In a positive sense, this is perceived as breadth, scope and openness of the soul, aspiration to the lofty, the ability to achieve heroism and sacrifice, and the absence of petty calculations.

The Russian soul is more sensitive to mystical trends, it encounters spirits, and the Russian soul easily succumbs to temptation, easily falls into confusion and substitution.

“The feeling of universal connection and participation in everything has the consequence that the dispute that usually takes place in the West between different people, in Russia often takes place in the soul of one person,” writes Billington (6).

Russia is a huge country inhabited by many nationalities, so the question arises: does the “Russian soul” have any geographical features?

Here, first of all, we should turn to the history of the emergence and formation of the Russian state. Konstantin Krylov writes in one of his articles about the terrible climate: “Russians have been a people living in geographic and cultural isolation for a very long time. Vast distances, combined with a terrible climate and extremely inconvenient spaces to traverse, prevented any kind of mobility. Travel—any kind—was a costly and unsafe undertaking.” A simple conclusion follows from this: Russians are an extremely homogeneous ethnic group, and the spread of characteristic features of Russians throughout the vast space from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok is half as much as, say, for the population of Western Europe.

If we trace the development and formation of Russian culture from its inception to the present, it becomes obvious that it represents a certain system of events, somewhat random, but still natural.

Since ancient times, Russian people have been ready for any difficulties and hardships, since they constituted their everyday life, their culture of everyday life. This fact is described by many researchers, here is what Alexander Vlasievich Tereshchenko writes about it in “The History of Culture of the Russian People”: “The Slavs, initially lived scattered throughout Europe and in the coastal regions of Anatolia, despised heat and cold, were accustomed to every need and to many deprivation. Rough food seemed tasty to them, and damp earth usually served as their bed. They were proud of their physical strength and did not care at all about appearance. Often, being dirty and covered with dust, they gathered at gathering places and talked not about jewelry and rich clothes, but about the fact that the dignity of a person lies in strength, courage and dexterity, because it was thanks to these qualities that they climbed steep rocks and overcame ditches and swam across deep rivers. Their fair skin became dark under the rays of the sun, their hair was mostly brown.”

All of the above qualities that the Slavs possessed were a natural result of their life activity. Difficulties strengthened the spirit, fostered perseverance and strength of character, and developed intuition that helps one navigate difficult everyday situations.

But it cannot be said that all the obstacles experienced by our ancestors turned them into cruel and embittered people with a hardened soul. On the contrary, it was they who forged in the Russians the ability to sympathize, be tolerant, help, understand, accept, etc., other people and other nations. Therefore, the Russian soul is predisposed to feeling, sympathy and kindness. And all this is not an idealization or a myth, but the living force of the Russian soul and Russian history.

These positions are reflected quite deeply in Russian folklore. For example, Russian folk tales are all imbued with melodious good nature. Russian song is a direct outpouring of heartfelt feeling in all its variations. The dominant feelings in the Russian soul have always been faith and love. The mind and will of the Russian person are brought into spiritually creative movement precisely by these virtues.

Another important property of the Russian person was the desire and boundless love for freedom; his heart and consciousness should breathe freely. Freedom was inherent in Russian people by nature itself. It is felt in everything: in the slow smoothness and melodiousness of our speech, in Russian clothing and dancing, in Russian food and life. The vast expanses and isolation of one settlement from another required a high degree of universalism in everything and the provision of all assistance to travelers, especially those in trouble. This was the duty of a Russian person. But most of all, as O.V. Romakh writes. (7) The Russian man felt paternal responsibility for the entire space that surrounded him. All flora and fauna were in this case not his natural environment, but his living space - a house that he was obliged to keep in order.

It should also be noted that Russian people have a special attitude towards obstacles. Difficulties can be overcome systematically, purposefully, planning in advance, carefully delving into every detail. This approach is not typical for a Russian person. He can “lie on the stove” for a long time, “harness”, shirk and refuse. But if you provoke him, he will move mountains. In this case, we are not talking about laziness. It’s about tolerance and understanding the scale of the task. Reflecting on every little thing is unworthy of a self-sufficient person. If an obstacle actually becomes such, then it needs to be “dealt with”, in transcription – eliminated.

Such a unique combination of different components, features, and characteristics has created a unique phenomenon that is difficult to study and therefore has acquired an aura of “mystery.”

Perhaps it was thanks to this mysterious Russian soul that Russia endured all the trials that befell it: numerous internal splits, the long-term oppression of the Golden Horde, and countless wars, accompanied by enormous destruction and irreplaceable casualties, and many others. etc. Over time, Russian people have acquired and retained many positive spiritual qualities. The speed of life of modern society creates the impression that now there is little demand for this, but this is not so, all of the above features, pouring out from the breadth of the Russian soul, are also noticeable and relevant, they are also broadcast to the world and to the world, it’s just that the speed of life does not allow it properly plunge into them.

Numerous conversations, anxiety among specialists in various fields indicate that the decrease in the speed of life is an extremely pressing problem, the second is the ability to let go of thoughts and disturbing problems in your free time and learn to live “here and now”, then the impulses of the soul and its wide warm the atmosphere will be felt both by the person himself and by those around him.

Genetic qualities: courage, love of truth, kindness, mercy, the ability to see the useful in the most ordinary events have always constituted the mental structure of the Russian person. “In the old days, people tended to see hidden meaning and special significance in the most everyday things; This is how children of fear were born - dense superstitions, and the fruit of a rational, applied understanding of the world around them - a complex of diverse signs, proven by thousands of years of practice: weather forecasts and timing of economic work; the first attempts, still at the everyday level, within the limits of cause and effect, to comprehend the laws of the course of things"

It should be remembered that you cannot lose your own and replace it with a foreign one. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality, what is foreign to a Russian person will never become native, the “Russian soul” will never become the “American dream” or something else. In our country, relations between people are regulated not by laws, not even by reason, but by a higher substance.


  1. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M., 1997.
  2. Dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 volumes. M., 1981, T. 1.
  3. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Great Russian language. T. 1-4, M., 1989.
  4. Ozhegov S.I. and Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1997, p.
  5. Tereshchenko A. V. “History of the culture of the Russian people.” M., 2007.
  6. Newspaper “Our Time” - “Myths about Russia. The Russian soul will rise" Authors: Vladimir Aristarkhov, Vladimir Medinsky, Nikolai Petrov., 2007.
  7. Romakh O.V. Mentality of Russian culture. // Genesis and morphology of culture. T., 2007, p. 58

Mysterious Russian soul. How often can you hear this expression? Why do they never talk about the “mysterious English soul” or the “mysterious French soul”? What is so mysterious and incomprehensible about this soul? In general, the term “mysterious Russian soul” is much broader. Most likely, it embraces the entire “Slavic soul.” The Russian soul is like the “riddle of Hamlet”; it is impossible to solve it. Russian people are both religious and atheists, greedy and generous, smart and stupid at the same time. No matter how much foreigners try to explain this phenomenon, it is impossible to understand Russian people.

The Slavs have such a quality as patience. It was this quality that more than once led the country to collapse. The Russian people can endure for a very long time. It's as if a spring is clamped in it. But, if this reason is unclenched, then hold on!

It has been known for a long time that Russian people are unpretentious in everyday life. The historian V. O. Klyuchevsky wrote that there is no people in Europe who are less spoiled and unpretentious, not accustomed to expect favors from nature, and more resilient than the Russian people. It was these conditions that created the mysterious Russian soul.

To Russian people since ancient times such qualities are inherent, How forgiveness And compassion. Even the ancient Greek historian Herodotus mentioned the ancient Slavs, namely, their attitude towards slaves. The Slavs ate with slaves at the same table. They had a fixed term of slavery. After this period, the slave could gain freedom and remain living next to his former masters.

The Slavs paid great attention physical health, but could easily appear in public tattered and dirty. Appearance didn't matter much to them. It is known that the Slavs were quite contemptuous of luxury and convenience. Very often, those decorations that were captured on the battlefield were simply buried in the ground. Nestor the Chronicler in his “Tale of Bygone Years” mentions Prince Svyatoslav. When Byzantine merchants brought him gold as a gift, he contemptuously refused it, but gratefully accepted the weapon.

Our ancestors are Slavs always famous for their hospitality. To insult a guest meant to cast a shadow of shame on the entire tribe.

Inside the Russians there is complete confusion and chaos. This means a complete lack of planning. Compared to Europeans, there are some hints of organization. A disregard for laws, a complete rejection of any restrictions. All hope for Russian "maybe".

Mysterious Russian soul…. You can’t understand her with your mind, but you can love her with all your heart.


If we are so good, then why do we live so poorly, why are there so many criminals, why is life expectancy so low, why are there so many divorces, why are there so many abortions and abandoned children, why is life so poorly organized, so many lies and corruption, so much rudeness? and cruelty. Most likely because the described qualities of Russians are only desirable, not actual.


Tatyana. It is unlikely that anyone will answer your questions. After all, even A.S. Pushkin, the greatest expert on the “Russian soul,” complained in a letter from Moscow to St. Petersburg to his wife: “The devil guessed that I would be born in Russia with a soul and talent.” I myself am Russian, sometimes I hate everything that happens outside the window, in our bureaucratic country. But if, God forbid, ... - I’ll sign up as a volunteer! Maybe we are an experimental ground for God?

I blame all our troubles on ourselves and go, look at how the Germans protect their history and traditions or the British. Why do we always look at them and not at ourselves? This is why it’s bad with us, we come with an open Russian soul, and leave empty, because our “idols” will first rip this soul out of us and then crap inside us” and we are “proud but CRAPED” and we don’t even understand why we were so disfigured. And there is only one answer: remain a Russian Man and carry Russian Culture yourself and teach the same to your offspring and your loved ones. This is what I call the “Boomerang Effect” And it works, look back....


The disappearing Russian soul somewhere beyond the horizon of the globe. She lives as if looking back, no matter where she moves. For our crazy times, unnoticed by others, this is more than strange. But you have to walk forward with the back of your head, not be afraid of stumbling, like the blessed ones. I think it will be appreciated.

Whatever you say about the Russian soul, there is an opposite opinion for everything.

Religiosity and atheism are the same thing, they are two- Did you deliberately put yourself in such an awkward position? When people come on stage with instruments who don’t know how to play instruments? IVANOV: Well, of course. This is one of the most important principles of our existence - to put ourselves in a very awkward position. ZAITSEV: By the way, this also happened in the orchestra - we asked the musicians to play instruments other than their own. Guitarists on drums, drummers on guitars. So that they try, but do not use cliches. So that this safety zone does not exist, so that a spark is struck. And a kind of ideology. Believers believe sacredly, and non-believers do not believe sacredly. And both of them equally accept power. It’s probably better to replace intelligence and stupidity with wisdom and stupidity, however, everything is different for everyone. It seems to me that when they begin to discuss the issue of the Russian soul they immediately imagine a savvy but illiterate peasant peasant, how justified is this? It’s good that you remembered about Tatyana. I don’t know about generosity and greed. At first I didn’t understand why at all, now I remembered that we have a country of the richest and the poorest, perhaps this is also a logical feature: when you are not rich, you are either independent of money, or you have a grudge against the rich, who, when they become rich, cannot stop , they begin to experience something like star fever and the desire to become richer grows. And so it is everywhere, we just have created favorable conditions for the growth of oligarchs, who, while growing, devastate ordinary people. In general, we are no different from other people, but there are certain conditions that make us that way. Does this create the phenomenon of soul mystery? Maybe it's all a make-believe. And if not, then do all Russians have such a soul? Even among those who fiercely defend its non-existence and hate Russia with all their Russian souls? Surely everyone has it, if they have it at all.

(Accidentally inserted an unnecessary piece into my comment) Religiosity and atheism are the same thing, they are two types of ideology. Believers believe sacredly, and non-believers do not believe sacredly. And both of them equally accept power. It’s probably better to replace intelligence and stupidity with wisdom and stupidity, however, everything is different for everyone. It seems to me that when they begin to discuss the issue of the Russian soul they immediately imagine a savvy but illiterate peasant peasant, how justified is this? It’s good that you remembered about Tatyana. I don’t know about generosity and greed. At first I didn’t understand why at all, now I remembered that we have a country of the richest and the poorest, perhaps this is also a logical feature: when you are not rich, you are either independent of money, or you have a grudge against the rich, who, when they become rich, cannot stop , they begin to experience something like star fever and the desire to become richer grows. And so it is everywhere, we just have created favorable conditions for the growth of oligarchs, who, while growing, devastate ordinary people. In general, we are no different from other people, but there are certain conditions that make us that way. Does this create the phenomenon of soul mystery? Maybe it's all a make-believe. And if not, then do all Russians have such a soul? Even among those who fiercely defend its non-existence and hate Russia with all their Russian souls? Surely everyone has it, if they have it at all.

Andrey Rus.

Andrey. Atheism is not a religion, not even close. This is a false thesis. Considering an atheist a believer is the same as saying that water is non-alcoholic vodka, bald is hair color, and non-smokers smoke without tobacco. 1. It is necessary to answer the basic question of philosophy: what comes first is mind or matter; for atheists, matter. 2. Why such a choice? not from believing it. Everything depends on the criterion of truth. The question of the truth of knowledge is a question of practice. In practice, a person becomes convinced of the falsity or truth of his judgments. From practice he learns what is less and what is more important. Practice forces you to abandon delusions and leads you forward to the truth.

There is a Russian spirit there, it smells of Russia! But they are good because we don’t like luxury!

Kolya second person Masha

And there are few divorces, because there are a lot of non-Russian admixtures! My real name is Masha.

There are a lot of divorces*. I WILL BECOME A NUN

drunk woman

Russia, drunk woman! Even a drunkard, falling into the mud on a Pole, mutters: “Pole!” “Hey, prince!” The poor, reduced to bestiality, are taught by both the authorities and the tavern to feel their own superiority: “I’m a tramp, but still a hare!” Baba turns her head. Everything swings before your eyes. He wants to be young, but he can’t. And the accordion will either flow, or scream like a burdock... Drink, Russia, if you drink, And the woman rolls around drunk in the mud. Floating in the fog, the king boasts... And the drunk woman rolls around in the mud. Poring over their plans, the ministers are toiling... And the drunken woman is lying in the mud. A monument is being prepared for someone... And a drunk woman is lying in the mud, you, Russia, a drunk woman! A great destiny has been given to you!

"Mysterious Russian soul". This phrase can be heard periodically in different parts of the world. Why do they say this about the Russian soul? What is it about the Russian soul? I wouldn't know the answer if my breast was different. It was somehow difficult to define the Russian soul before. Perhaps because mine was still immature. Somehow today I know the answer. Or I think I know...

The Russian soul is probably, first of all, simple. Its complexity is in its simplicity. While studying a little about the cultures of other peoples, I often saw some kind of software. There is already a program on how to live and what to do. Simple Russian souls have no idea how to live or what to do. Because of the first reason, there is such a mess in the country, and constantly, for centuries. The second reason leads Russian souls to actions that defy any logic or explanation.

No, of course, there are many Russians whose souls are covered with ideas taken from outside. Worst ideas. Such Russians are clearly visible; they look like people who have lost their soul. But they are just similar. Fortunately, they are not without their mysterious soul. Somewhere in the depths, it glimmers in exhausted bodies, sometimes so deep...

The Russian soul is patient. Russians have a lot of patience. This quality has more than once brought the nation to the brink of its destruction. We endure as much as it is impossible to imagine. I used to think the reason for such patience is fear. But no, this patience is not always due to fear. Some kind of nonsense, a small nonsense thing inside, does not allow Russians to proudly stand up to their full height. We get up, but we sway for a very long time. This has long been noticed by the Russians. Well, if the Russians get up, you can safely turn out the lights.

The unpretentiousness of the Russian soul constantly amazes me. An entire people can live in caves. In some tiny spaces, in undeveloped places. Without basic amenities. Until now, in Russia a huge number of people live without gas, electricity, or telephone. I am not comparing with poor nations who live like this because they simply do not have electricity. But we have everything in bulk. And yet many live as if this is how it should be.

We are too lazy to get up and go fist bump. You can’t push us into a demonstration in the name of your comfort. We tolerate everything that officials come up with. We tolerate people like us. The nation is suffering from corruption. Some Russian souls have turned into destroyers of their nation. The percentage is scary. They love power, themselves, money, their junk. And they love to betray. A shameful trait that, like nothing else, kills the Russian soul.

With all this, the Russian soul retained the ability to forgive. This is amazing and inexplicable. Forgiveness can be found everywhere. Compassion for the grief of others, to the detriment of oneself - this is only possible among Russians. That's why Russia is so hospitable. Hatred towards newcomers has already appeared, but no one is driving anyone away. We let others into our apartments, we huddle ourselves, but we don’t drive anyone away.

Of course, there is no certainty today. The nation has become very contrasting. There are dissatisfied and rebels and corrupt, cunning, arrogant and so on. But overall, the nation is still alive. One Russian soul, having preserved itself in its original form, shines so that it can be seen from space. You meet such a soul and you want to thank God that you also have a Russian soul. Although there are many fools among us, this stupidity is due to the lack of strict internal order. We have been free since childhood. We do whatever comes into our heads.

My son once asked me about traditions in our family. At school they asked. What are our traditions? New Year and birthdays. I couldn't find what to answer him. And now it seems ready. Our tradition is to protect peace in our family every day. Not on holidays, but every day to take care of each other. Our tradition is not to lose love. Let us not have any ceremonies or order inherent in tradition. Let these be ongoing traditions. My soul doesn’t belong to the classical forms of tradition, for some reason it doesn’t.

Russians often do things without really thinking about why? It often turns out brilliant! There is nowhere to put talent. There is not just one talent, but several. God forbid these talents go in the wrong direction, this is the end. The nation is not at all poor in invention, that’s true. And also endurance, especially of Russian women. This is worthy of every exaltation. Women's endurance is amazing. A Russian woman is not physically strong, like all women in the world. The endurance here is different. This is the ability to endure any dirt and move on.
Real yogis, you can’t say anything.

In general, the Russian soul is very similar to the soul of seekers. The chaos in their heads is slowly but surely leading the Russians to the source of everything. The Russians somehow find this source. Having no idea what they are looking for, but they find it. And through many little things in their daily life, they strengthen this connection. Without noticing it, they serve the Divine laws. Keep inner peace accessible to God.

Because I have that same Russian soul in me too, I can say as the bearer of this riddle. There is complete confusion inside. This concerns affairs and arrangements in this world. There is no planning. Faded outlines, nothing more. The unknown of tomorrow. Lack of a life schedule. A disregard for all laws. Rejection of any framework or restrictions. A craving for some kind of flight. Only this flight matters. It doesn't matter where or why. Something doesn’t allow me to live according to the rules inside. Only one rule is accepted - one’s own conscience: it contains all the rules for all occasions. If something coincides with the generally accepted ones, good. Doesn't match - happy.

Thanks to my search and many years of studying myself, a lot of things have come into order. There is no chaos inside and there is no longer such chaos in the head. There is nothing in my head anymore. There is a certain emptiness in which the word of truth is born. A vacuum that is not kept for oneself. Spontaneity has been adopted and has even taken root. And the feeling of victory. It doesn't matter over whom. Inside, I have already defeated everyone and, by and large, there is nothing left to do. I don’t know anything, but there’s nothing to ask either. There are answers to everything, but often they are still deep somewhere. But I feel calm because they still exist somewhere inside.

Probably a lot more can be written about the Russian soul. How vulnerable she is, how kind she is. How the Russian soul takes care of everyone except itself. How she knows how to preserve the terrible and not forget. How she looks openly at her enemies. How she can't hate for long. How fearless she is. How incompatible things coexist in the Russian soul. How she yearns for her land. How easily she sacrifices herself... Ultimately, this is an amazing soul. It is impossible to understand her, she changes all the time, grows within herself.

The Russian soul does not succumb to this world, it succumbs to God. Perhaps this is its value. She will not exchange God for anything else. The Russian soul is very dirty, constantly attacked. She is disliked by the forces of darkness. It cannot be streamlined or completely subdued. She is free and her freedom is ready to serve God. It is impossible to come to an agreement with her. She is easily deceived, but having recognized the deception, she will easily leave the framework of the agreement. The Russian soul will never serve the devil. She is naive, she is pure and simple. This is its greatest value. The bearers of the Russian soul will become a door, a threshold, behind which is the light of the Divine world.

Perhaps I don't know the full answer about the mysterious Russian soul. But it’s so nice that in this life, she is Russian. I feel how it is losing its contours on the path of spiritual ascent. But the potential of this amazing combination of energies left a huge mark on my new, emerging being...

At some point, the site was “filled” with the word “Russian” or phrases of different meanings, in which the main role is still assigned to the above-mentioned term. I won’t say that this happened without my participation, but still, the significance of my participation is “somewhat exaggerated” because the greater degree of “appearance” of this term both on the site and on the Internet, and in general throughout the world, all the same events played and are playing, happening around or with the direct participation of Russia.

For this reason, there was a desire to take a closer look at the current phrase “Russian soul” and try to understand what is “hidden” behind this definition.

The Russian people “can be fascinated and disappointed,
You can always expect surprises from him, he is eminently capable of inspiring strong love and strong hatred.”
N. Berdyaev.

Instead of a preface

At first I thought that the ability to create a collective mind was a feature of only the Russian people, passed on to them by their distant ancestors. But gradually, studying, observing and comprehending the life of the human community, I came to the conclusion that the collective mind is capable of creating other nations, in which all its constituent entities are connected to each other by a spiritual, or rather, energetic connection, which has its own distinctive properties for each nation in separately in a single spiritual (energy) field of the Earth.

Peoples whose subjects live on the same territory according to common laws, but are not united by a single spiritual (energy) connection, are essentially not a single people (let alone a nation) and are not capable of creating a collective mind. At critical moments, such nations fall apart into separate parts. In this regard, Russia, as a multinational state, is an exception to the rule, and this is a special conversation.

What interesting and “new” can be said about the “mysterious Russian soul” and is it such by definition? After all, even in the work of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) “Beyond Good and Evil” there is a description of the German national character: “In the German soul there are passages and passages, there are caves, hiding places and dungeons; in its disorder there is much that is charming and mysterious [...]. Foreigners are amazed and attracted by the mysteries that the fundamentally contradictory nature of the German soul poses to them.” If you wish, you can replace the term “German” with “Russian” - and now we can say that Nietzsche wrote about Russians.

It should be noted that N.A. was one of the first to conduct a detailed analysis of the psychology of the Russian people and European peoples. Berdyaev. He noted several differences between representatives of Russian and Western cultures.

1. Western people view every problem directly in the manifestations of culture and history of the past, that is, indirectly in terms of time. I will note in passing that this way of perceiving Russians or Russians themselves as a certain “problem” (I would correct the question) is now being imposed on us. Why do we look for all solutions not in ourselves today, but in our past. Foreigners, when considering a problem, do not make it personal, that is, they do not attribute it to their personality, but include the entire people as a whole in the “solutions”. Russians consider problems on their merits, and not in cultural reflection.

2. Westerners extol their culture and achievements
own civilization, which is why they are under strong pressure. Their thinking, broken by historical periods, formed a certain chronological and psychological structure, which is why it lost flexibility and was burdened and, in essence, weakened by the tradition of thought. They do not believe in the possibility of resolving issues on the merits, believing that this is only possible through the study of the history of thought.

This distrust of one’s own mental capabilities shaped national views on history and the development of mankind and on attitudes towards other cultures. The irony manifested in this creates a certain hierarchy in consciousness, which is why they place their culture higher than the cultures of other peoples. In Russia, the soul is not yet completely shackled by human civilization, which is why Russian thought is still capable of not only leading to consensus, but also resolving contradictions without the use of pressure and force, i.e. allowing for a different opinion and a different solution to problems. “Therefore, in Russian nature, in Russian houses, in Russian people, I often felt creepiness, mystery, which I did not feel in Western Europe” (Berdyaev, p. 333).

3. Russian mental life is more obvious, i.e. is on the surface of Being than the mental life of Western man, which is closed and oppressed by the norms of the so-called civilization. “The Western soul is much more orderly, rational, organized by reason than the Russian soul, in which there is always a significant irrational, disorganized and disordered element.”

4. Russians are much more oriented towards the opinions of their community, more inclined and capable of communication than people of Western civilization. They have no conventions in communication. Since the need to communicate not only with friends, but also with good acquaintances, to share thoughts and experiences with them, to argue, reveals the remaining ability and possibility of spiritual consolidation and communion. Hence, they tend (I would add the need) to unite in communities, commonwealths and groups, discuss world problems and philosophical worldview aspects in them.

Russian people do not so much exalt the “small cell of society” and the related component of life, but rather the social, collective formation. Why, when pronouncing the term “Kin”, most often it means not one’s family and one’s own relatives, but the entire people as a whole. The French, for example, are less sociable. The French, according to N.A. Berdyaev, is characterized by isolation, “clogging” in one’s own type of culture, lack of interest in foreign cultures and the ability to understand them. The French are convinced that they are bearers of the universal principles of Greco-Roman civilization, humanism, reason, freedom, equality and fraternity. The French believe in the universality of their culture; they do not recognize the plurality of cultural types. Most Russians have difficulty penetrating French culture. Germany is a world in between. Its culture is based on a reality that is deeper than facts. The Germans believe in the irrationality of fate (Berdyaev, p. 334).

5. The Russian people are characterized by a kind of collectivism, which must (can) be understood not sociologically, but psychologically. In Russian culture there was absolutely no individualism characteristic of European history and European humanism. A.S. Khomyakov, I.V. Kirievsky, Yu.F. Samarin, P.Ya. Danilevsky, V. Solovyov, F. Dostoevsky, N. Fedorov, V. Rozanov, P. Florensky - opposed individualistic culture, preached a collective, “conciliar” culture, although differently understood (it was these authors who put psychological resonance into circulation - Slavophilism).

Back in the 1970s, scientists from different countries discovered a phenomenon that is referred to as the ethnic paradox: “the features of ethnic culture are being erased, but people’s ethnic self-awareness is growing.”
At the same time, as noted by researcher of Russian culture Yu.V. Harutyunyan: “ethnic self-awareness is understood not only as identifying oneself as one or another nationality, but also one’s idea of ​​one’s people, their characteristic features, culture, language, nature, and historical past. These ideas, which create the image of “we,” are emotionally charged and form a feeling of pride, empathy, etc. The study showed that Russians, one of the most urbanized and educated ethnocultural communities in Russia, consistently identify themselves regardless of their ethnic environment (“Russians, with . 369-440).

In foreign anthropology, the “Slavic soul” was studied by J. Gorer, M. Mead, E. Erikson, K. Kluckhohn. And singling out the “Russian” from its composition, K. Kluckhohn believed that Russian people are characterized by such qualities as warmth, humanity, dependence on social contacts, emotional instability, irrationality, strength, indiscipline, and the need to obey authority. At the same time, “Western rationalism is opposed by Russian spirituality, morality, and the Russian desire for the ideal; Western individualism - conciliarity, community, collectivism" (Kluckhohn, p. 226)

According to the American scientist V. Mendel (“A New Look at Russia”), Russians are characterized by the following features: 1) “an extraordinary ability to survive: physical, mental and moral endurance are very high; 2) high need for knowledge; 3) high distance in relation to power. Russians view power as a force that exists against, not for, the people. This explains the attitude of Russians towards the law as something imposed. Compassion for another person surpasses the law in importance; 4) indulgence towards human weakness, kindness and tolerance towards oneself and others. Russians do good out of love, sympathy, the instinct of charity is more developed in them than the sense of duty; 5) Russians have an innate sense of spirituality - the search for something outside of themselves."

National character, and this is well known, is formed under the influence of many different conditions, these include the historical path and location of the territory and climate, and traditions, in which I include the worldview and the forms and methods of arranging life and the gastronomic component. For me, the most important are only three components: territory (hence the climate), worldview (hence the traditions) and nutrition (hence the forms of life).

All this explains why we are the way we are and not otherwise. And even if everything is explicable, like Russian patriotism arose from constant military danger, which I very, very doubt. Rus' as a state fought few serious wars with anyone. “Mice would hardly dare to fight a bear,” and even more so the lands of Rus' (the main part of it) were not in the zone of attention of world militancy. Forests and swamps, before the discovery of minerals in them (17-18 centuries), attracted few people. Further: collectivism is a derivative of climatic conditions. Quite logical. And so on, that’s not the point...

Many foreigners, “admiring” our collectivism, explain this by the fact that we lived in communities for a long time and resolved issues together. But few of them wonder why it was this way, i.e. why they lived communally and why their individualism was so “developed”. After all, with all their admiration, they just can’t understand why even today Russians, without hesitation (on request), interfere in the affairs of strangers (relatives, loved ones, friends) and even, which is completely unacceptable, give advice and interfere in the communications of strangers right on the street .

They “notice” that Russians have at least a “strange” attitude towards legislation and more so towards the laws themselves. Considering that laws are created by people (we think by someone, but not by us), so that they can be followed, otherwise life turns into anarchy. It seems that the form of thinking plays a big role here. A Russian, regardless of the regulation of the laws of life, still relies more on his own understanding of the situation, even if in the end he ends up “losing.” Foreigners, relying on the law, “turn off” their thinking, surrendering to its power completely and completely.
This mentality stems, in my opinion, from different conditions for the formation of legal relations. At the “dawn of the development” of law in Europe, the result of breaking the law was death. For the laws in Europe were not “written” by the inhabitants themselves, but were written by those who usurped this right by force. In Rus', the situation was different, laws were not written at all, since there was an order of trust, providing for the concept “one of your own will not peck out your own eye,” i.e. even if it came to a “showdown,” everything was handed over to someone whom both parties trusted. And in this case, having “entrusted” the decision to someone, they no longer complained about the decision of a third party, because in this case the person himself “chooses his own destiny.”

When laws began to be written and presented in a “European” way, the attitude towards them did not change, because Russians believe that if a law is written by a person, then a person is free to cancel it, change it, follow it or not follow it. Only the highest law of Rule, due to its immutability and inevitability, could not be violated by the Russian people. And even if he committed a crime, he never tried to avoid punishment, considering it pointless and impossible. Subsequently, the concept of “Rule” was replaced by the concept of “God”. But the relationship to higher powers remained. That is why many foreigners, without understanding the essence, noted the great, so to speak, religiosity of the Russian person.

In the present desire of many “Rodnovers” to return a reverent (I would note thoughtful) attitude towards higher powers (gods) has no basis, since this desire is caused by the desire to have a certain surroundings. But in its deepest content, the situation is not just different, but diametrically opposed. The main thing is not the presence of gods (higher powers), but in understanding their significance for the Russian race and the corresponding attitude, which should form the basis of the forms of existence of the Russian person.

And for this you don’t need to “run away” either to the wasteland, or to an eco-village, or even to Prostokvashino. In this I see not just resistance to the existing order, but also the restoration of the original parity between the original Russian existence and the existence that is being forcibly introduced among us, only so that we become “Ivans who do not remember kinship.” And repeated repetition of the word “sugar” will not make your mouth any sweeter.

I hope this will be the topic of the next article.

I once already expressed the idea that we are not really who we consider ourselves to be, but who others see us as. Now, having corrected myself a little, I will note that we are both as we consider ourselves and as others see us.

“Well, you’re right, Borisych, you gave out “earrings to all the sisters” and you think that this is enough for both those on the left and those on the right to agree with you?

In this case, I do not want to “reconcile” the parties by identifying myself as the middle. I am only deepening my original thought. The main thing I have... What do you think? That's right, the concepts of trust and mistrust. What is surprising is that, for all our gullibility, we are the most distrustful people. We instantly find a common language with a fellow traveler on the train and for years we cannot establish relationships with our neighbors at the entrance. We trust poverty, believing that someone who has nothing to lose and has no need to deceive, and we do not trust wealth, believing that if he only has ways to make money in his head, then why can’t we also be the object of these desires. We don’t believe our friends who bring bad news, but we happily exaggerate the “nasties” that “pour down” on us from the TV screen. And finally, we obstruct the words of the “eyewitness”, the words of a person who thinks differently and says this to our “face” personally, but we selflessly “fall out” in that “good” that many have already eaten, digested and high, excuse me, then, what came “under our feet” on the polluted field of the public Internet.

Our innate sense of thirst for justice “plays” such a cruel joke on us, which is why we are sometimes even proud of the fact that we are poor and constant in our thoughts, believing that God cannot give everything to one. And money for one and one “smart chamber”, but not for others. After all, internally understanding that there is a lot of everything in Space, but everyone should have it equally, and if someone does not have something, it means that someone else did not receive it fairly, since others, for various reasons, are deprived of it. Unfortunately, this is just a manifestation of elementary envy. Envy and greed arising from the laziness and pettiness of the soul, the soul whose priorities are the desire to have, and not the search for ways to achieve it.

For these very reasons, many Russians (I do not exclude myself) do not bother to put in a lot of work to “shorten their language” in their statements, or to “cut down” their desires. In short, match your needs with your own capabilities. And do not strive to make your complexes “public knowledge”.

Fortunately, any phenomenon does not have an unambiguous not only in its manifestations, and hence its interpretation, but also in its solutions leading to a certain conditional development. That is why, having statements regarding some of the negative traits of the Russian person, one cannot help but note his so-called positive traits.

Breadth of soul. Russian people are so broad-minded that sometimes it becomes dangerous. Gifts that a Russian person can give you can not only shock you, but also cause damage. But sometimes something is presented that you never expected and the rational thinking of a foreigner simply would not have thought of. A Russian person, not for ethical reasons, but out of a sincere impulse, can give you something, the absence of which will ultimately lead him to problems. But at this moment he does not think about the consequences, he thinks about making you feel better. He may rush to your aid without adjusting his actions to the extent of the danger to himself.

Researchers studying relationships in Russian and foreign environments have drawn attention to the fact that people in Europe or America, when building their relationships in the professional sphere, focus primarily on professional competence, while being very biased and intolerant of the manifestation of impulsiveness in communication.
In our country, this topic is also “gaining momentum” and many of our fellow citizens react more to the form of presentation of the material, the expression with which this material is presented, than to its content.

In the West, importance in relationships is given to abilities, special social norms and sanctions that follow their violation. Russian people try to earn the approval and respect of others, not by depicting the benefits of decency and tolerance (tolerance), but by showing their individuality, originality and openness in expressions of feelings, i.e. they are largely focused on establishing trusting, friendly rather than partnership relationships.

This is also noticeable in the existing order. In the West, a person is assessed from the point of view of loyalty to society and laws through professional growth, the external structure of his life (front gardens, lawns, flower beds near houses), through his relationships with neighbors and complete strangers.

In social relations, what matters is not the results of activities, but the loyalty of the individual to the community: the management of the company, enterprise, team. The manifestation of professional and territorial solidarity is of great importance. For Westerners, moral principles of relationships are not important. Society places great importance on mutual expectations of conformity and agreement. This is a special, different from Russian, form of realization of public (here I would not use the term collective) self-awareness. Where, in a generalized perception of the surrounding world, a person strives with all his might to break out of this environment, thereby cultivating materialism in parallel with not being tied to material well-being. This contradiction in the composition of the foreigner’s psyche makes him not just “deaf” (lack of compassion) to other people’s problems, but also contributes to the development of aversion to these problems (lack of need for complicity) in the circle of his own interests.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences from St. Petersburg L. Pochebut drew in her research on the “reverse paradox” that exists in our society. In relationships in the professional sphere, people demand competence from an individual, but evaluate it (the individual) by the degree of loyalty to the community. Thus, the Western form of perceiving an individual based on professional qualities, which has “penetrated” into our environment, forces the opponent to believe that he will be assessed by professional competence, and accordingly will be blamed for his lack of it. But while “demanding” competence from a person, the assessment is nevertheless made based on the level of his loyalty to others. And they punish him for showing disloyalty.

This is confirmed by a “series of comments” on some topics, which resulted in a small demarche by Yarana.
But there is nothing “surprising” about this. While we adopt Westernized behavior in our professional activities, we still essentially remain in “our own field,” we are Russian. And we don’t care about the knowledge of this or that person; we are only interested in him as someone who will “write in the same hole with us.”

That’s why when they start telling me that, they say, the Magi, the Magi this, and the Magi that. I do not believe in this. A Russian person could not blindly and unconditionally follow the even competent, but personal opinion of another person. And don’t convince me that they “had great respect for the knowledge that these wise men possessed.” Firstly, the Magi did not share this knowledge with everyone, which is why many did not know what the Magi knew, and secondly, in order to understand something it is necessary to know. Here I will say with complete confidence that if a Russian person (Rus) says that he knows, then he always knows about it. Other peoples sometimes confuse their so-called knowledge with awareness or sensations. And this, as you understand, is two big differences.

As we see, the inconsistency that comes from the “vinaigrette” of external form and internal content, which is not characteristic of Western culture, again makes us “unlike” Western people, forcing the latter to resort to the definition of “mysterious Russian soul.”

And there would be nothing mysterious about it if the Russians had not tried every time, in accordance with their “bursting” desire to “try everything,” to put on “that hat” that, in the apt expression of V.I. Lenin, “Europe has long thrown out into the trash can."

The conclusion, by the way, of the group headed by Lyudmila Pochebut was that “the psychological paradox of the system of relationships in Russian society that we discovered is a significant obstacle to the effective development of Russian society.”

It seems to me that if Russian social society does not find the strength within itself and does not “break” with “the entire civilized world” in terms of “dragging” other people’s mental manifestations onto its soil, it may face Hamlet’s dilemma - “to be or not to be.”

“Wow, it’s scary again. One such toilet scared me, now he’s sleeping it off!”
It’s not me who is scaring, it’s the Westerners who are gradually trying to bring us to the “European denominator”.

Of course, I would be more happy to talk about the positive qualities of the Russian people than to “raise” people’s pride in their own. But, firstly, each of you can say something good. And secondly, I was not going to raise anything from anyone. If it’s “worth it, it’s worth it,” if not, then no matter how hard you try, everything will “hang.”
- “But how it “hangs!” You cry out in a fit of “awakened” pride.
It hangs well, no doubt about it. And yet, I want to repeat, what I exaggerated (or massaged? I still wanted it to “stand”) higher.

Thus, the mystery of the Russian soul is explained by many by the fact that:
-Russians want to help everyone and always, even when they are not asked for it, a kind of messianism that Russian classics clearly wrote about;
-Russians have a pathological thirst for knowledge and, as a consequence, the development of new territories;
- Russian people, being typical shadow leaders, show their character only in cases of extreme situations;
- for Russians, labor, unlike Western (internal need) people, is only a “conscious necessity”, while Russians are a hardworking and persistent people;
- Russian mentality is determined by the vast territories of the Russian state, which influences the peculiarities of the national mentality and behavioral form and, accordingly, the worldview. And this, at a certain period of time, became not only the basis, but also the need for the existence of Russians. A Russian cannot live fully in the limited space of Europe. And Europe, no matter how it “covets” our expanses, is unable to live without having a sense of its border “next door”. Their psyche “goes to pieces,” while ours is “blissful” from the space;
- and lastly, the Russian is always ready to fight, and if at first he does it clumsily and reluctantly, then he subsequently goes into a “rage” and then any shaft becomes a formidable weapon. Russians can fight with anything, anything that comes to hand. That’s why when they tell me that many weapons came to us from the West, I only clarify that only a sword and all kinds of armor (except chain mail) came to us from the West. Everything else was born and applied by us and then “went for a walk around the world.”

I understand that on our Earth there is a German and Chinese and French and even American and Slavic soul. But by and large, I don’t care about them. Why is my own soul not a “mystery” for me and I don’t think that it is mysterious at all. Most likely it turns out like in that joke with cowboys, John - not perceptible. Elusive because no one catches him. Why am I not going to let in much fog and, by exaggerating, attribute non-existent (unknown) qualities to the “Russian soul”. And, nevertheless, regardless of our or anyone else’s attitude to this, the phenomenon of the “Russian soul” still exists, the question is: how is it expressed. But more on that in the next part.

Dear Comrades. Let me present scientific interpretations of the Theme of the Mystery of Dogma - the "Holy Trinity" ...... or in the interpretations of the Ethno-Russian people this is the culture of the work of three triune sets of processes - this is Rule, Reality, Nav ....... or in the more ancient culture are three triune sets of processes - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, Dasun......... in interpretations based on the technology of Russian Philosophical culture - the Trinity from an idealistic beginning? The most commonly used chronology is from the “Creation of the World in the Star Temple” - a peace treaty between Asur, the prince of the Slavic-Aryans, and Arim, the prince of the Great Dragon Empire (China) in 5527 BC. e. (as of 2019 according to modern calendar) after the victory over China. One of the monuments of that era is considered to be the Great Wall of China and the symbolic image of a horseman slaying a dragon. I am sending materials for one purpose - to familiarize myself and find out when and how this technology will be revived in Russia and what actions on my part need to be taken in your opinion??? The theory of organization, work and CHANGE of generations of spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People. (based on the technology of the Trinity from an idealistic beginning) Why do you call the technology of materialistic dialectics, which was brought into Holy Rus' by the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion, the PHILOSOPHY of Spirituality of Orthodoxy? Preamble. Your Christianity contradicts the technology of the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian People. Because modern Civilization is the dominance of the technology of materialist dialectics. And the Technology of work of the culture of people's life in general is the work of Harmony of diversity or is it the technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. The name "Orthodoxy" comes from the technology of the Rule or the life experience of the Ancestors. And the Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is the work of three triune processes - Rule, Reveal, Navi. NU or the technology of work of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Let me introduce SCIENCE from a simple Russian Scientist - this is a technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning, this is a technology that has developed from time immemorial as the culture of life of the Ethno-Russian people and is interpreted as the technology of the work of three triune sets of processes - these are Rule, Reality, Nav...... .. Well, or the technology of work of the culture of life of three triune sets of generations - these are ancestors, contemporaries, descendants....... 1. Technology of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. Philosophy is three triune sets of TECHNOLOGIES - these are three monistic (or metaphysics); three dialectical ones are materialistic dialectics, existential. idealistic; three triune technologies are a trinity from the materialistic beginning (this is the technology of Buddhism), this is a trinity from the existential beginning (this is the technology of Islam), this is a trinity from the idealistic beginning (or this is the technology of Christianity). You will generously excuse me, BUT after reading your materials, this is just CHILDREN’S pampering, because you live, understand, and reflect through KNOWLEDGE only the material world. And ONLY in interpretations using materialist dialectics. If you want to have SCIENCE from the Ethno-Russian PEOPLE? 2. Scientific interpretations of the Spirituality of ancient Rus'. (based on the technology of Russian philosophical culture - the trinity from the idealistic beginning). The spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people or in the interpretations of the Jewish-Christian-Communist religion is Paganism. The priestly-church lads reshaped the clothes of Ethno-Russian Orthodoxy onto their Jewish shoulders, and the result was Christian Orthodoxy. This religious CLOTHING was brought by Christianity to Rus' and simply put on the BODY of the cultural work of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people. Nowadays, like many years ago, the historical memory of the People, traditions, customs, morals, legends, etc., is being revived, returning both in the spirituality of the common people and in empirics, or is it the experience of ancestors, which is passed on in historical memory, and into science. The Spirituality of the Ethno-Russian People is awakening as the historical Memory of three triune processes - both material HERITAGE and social (this is economics, politics, law), and spiritual (or this is everyday consciousness and KNOWLEDGE, empirical, scientific). Symbols of spirituality are being revived at holy places. Images of gods carved from wood are placed on the temples, and a sacred fire burns in front of them. The words of ancient legends are heard again, new generations of Priests and Magi are being initiated. The renewed pagan movement is gradually gaining strength. Christianity, which originated far from the Slavic tribes, as the spirituality of the humiliated and their masters, perceived Slavic paganism as an alien religion. Because the technology of Christianity is materialistic dialectics. But the technology of work of Ethno-Russian spirituality is a trinity from the idealistic beginning, or from the spiritual, intellectual, SCIENTIFIC. But the objective necessity of the entry of the Ethno-Russian people into the world economic process brought its divine, religious, dogmatic, Christian technologies, terminology, rituals and veneration into Russian SPIRITUALITY. Well, or Christianity is just CLOTHING put on the BODY of Ethno-Russian spirituality. Moreover, in its historical path of development, Christianity also went through three triune sets of stages of complication itself - Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. The essence of the stages of development is that there was a change in three triune sets of processes - this is a change in the subject of religion, the technology of its work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships (the relationships are three triune sets of processes - interactions, relationships, mutual reflections). But the process of development of the spirituality of any people works in the technology of THREE triune processes - this is evolution, revolution, and leaps. So the change in the NAME of the Russian FAITH became Orthodoxy in Christian interpretations and names. But in the interpretations of Russian philosophical culture, the technological principles of trinity, unity, harmony of diversity of the totality of generations remain. Due to the objectivity of the spirituality of every people, Christianity simply changed its names in the Russian FAITH. Moreover, each of the three triune sets of World religions works in the technology of trinity. 3. What is the trinity? This is the simultaneous joint work of THREE triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. And the essence of the trinity is that in each specific process of life, of any person of property, all three work simultaneously, BUT one of the processes dominates, the second is a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. And the spirituality of people is simply people’s interpretation of the RULES, the work of these processes through the abilities available to each people in the work of three triune sets of principles - matter, space, time. But the basis of the spirituality of each people simply becomes more complicated, but does NOT change about the original one, which is laid in these triune sets of processes. Orthodoxy in Rus' was implanted in contradiction with the original Russian interpretations, because in place of the trinity of FAITH, dialectics or contradiction between the people and the authorities was implanted. And therefore Russian spirituality was brutally destroyed from above. The people resisted this for several centuries and introduced paganism into Christianity in different ways (through allegory, coding, allusion, renaming according to consonance or internal similar essence, etc.), in the end, the folk (original pagan) worldview, ethics, dissolved in Christianity, creating a unique alloy. Russian Orthodoxy, as a spirituality by the way and a pagan name, comes from three triune spiritual processes: Prav, Yav, Nav, well, or three triune processes in the life of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. Therefore, the name comes from the name of the Experience of the Ancestors - from the Rule. And in a more ancient interpretation of this trinity, the totality of persons of property is given in the following names - these are Yasun, Mirdgard, Dasun. The very concept of culture developed historically in the Russian language as processes built on the basis of people’s WORK, although it has historically different interpretations, which become more complicated depending on the complexity of the rules of the very practice of people’s lives. One of the interpretations of culture comes from the word “cult” - the faith, customs and traditions of ancestors, created by the LABOR of people in the course of socio-historical development. Moreover, labor itself is three triune types - physical, managerial, mental. And therefore there are three triune commodity processes - this is material production, this is social production (or these are constitutions, laws, tariffs, MONEY, etc.), this is spiritual production. And as the practice of people’s lives becomes more complex, people’s abilities to cultivate the process of life change and the interpretations of these rules of life change. Thus, spirituality, as a commodity production of the spiritual sphere of economic processes, is also changing. Here, such a concept as the Master Spirit (and similar ones: ruler; or the spirit of the locus, the spirit of the place, the genius of the place) fits perfectly - a commonly used term in primitive religions, as well as modern folklore, which has passed as a synonym for deity into all higher religions. Thus, the Master Spirit is the work of idealistic processes (spiritual, intellectual, scientific, etc.). And they work in three triune sets of processes - material, social (economics, politics, law), intellectual. 4. Master Spirit. The Master Spirit, as a set of RULES for the operation of any specific process, works in three triune sets of processes: - the first set is three triune sets of objects - matter, space, time. Matter is three triune sets of objects - these are physical, chemical, biological processes. Space is the medium for the distribution of these objects, which work in three triune sets of participation in the organization of the process - dominant, contradictory, harmonizing (this applies to all three triune sets of processes). Time is simply the process of the work of periodicities in each of the components. - the second set of processes is the RULES of the technology - these are monistic, dialectical, triune. Monistic technologies are a process in which the main principle is the dominance of one of the components over the others and the organization of processes based on its operating rules. Dialectical technologies are the organization of a process as a basis, where the principle of contradiction of two or more opposites works. The trinity of process work is when all three components work in each component, BUT one of them occupies a dominant position, the second forms a contradiction to it, and the third harmonizes the work of the process as a whole. - the third set of processes is the RULES of work, the tendency of quantitative-qualitative relationships during the work of processes – these are evolutionary processes, revolutionary, JUMP or transition to a new quality of being. 5. Subjectivity of the information work. What symbols, images, customs, etc. NU or visual, verbal, virtual reflections of the RULES of work of Ethno-Russian culture work in the practice of people's lives. Mention should be made here of the work of the trinity from an idealistic beginning. According to this technology, there are three triune levels of complexity of PERSONS OF PROPERTY in the process of people's lives - these are individual processes of existence of persons of property, these are individual, these are common. Well, or so, in the practice of people’s lives, three triune generations work simultaneously - this is the family, the nation, the INTER-national person of property. Moreover, the trinity of family spirituality is three triune sets of persons of property - this is male spirituality, female, children's. Likewise, national persons have three triune sets of components - past, present, future or continuity of generations, or these are three triune sets of generations - ancestors, contemporaries, descendants. And the INTERNATIONAL person forms three triune world religions - this is Buddhism or the dominance of material spirituality; Islam or the contradiction of the material and spiritual, Christianity is the harmony of the diversity of three triune sets of processes - material, social, spiritual. Moreover, Christianity is three triune STAGES of complication of religious technologies or is it Protestantism, Catholicism, Orthodoxy. Thus, in the practice of people’s lives, according to the existence of the spirituality of the Ethno-Russian people, there are three triune levels of complexity of spirituality processes: - is it the general subjectivity of the process or is it Universal Spirituality. - this is the Mediator between universal and earthly spirituality or a separate one - this is the Spirit-Simargl. - And only then the work of Earthly spirituality is the Spirit-Kin, this is the work of spirituality in the Souls of people or a single or three triune sets of processes or spirituality in the communication of people - these are the Spirits of Mother Earth, which people understand; these are Spirits-Children-People; These are the Spirit-Fathers of the Mind. Sincerely, Simple Russian Scientist Chefonov V.M.