Astrological encyclopedia. Marriage in the horoscope



A person whose Venus occupies the 5th house of the horoscope will be full of wisdom and will be able to become a minister to a king or a commander of an army. He will be lucky enough to see his grandmother alive, and he will have a young wife and good children. The owner of the horoscope will receive honor and respect from the government; he will become a smart minister. His wife will be happy. If Venus is conjunct with a malefic planet or is in the sign of a malefic planet or in its sign of debilitation, the lord of the horoscope will have a sedentary mind and will experience difficulty in procreation. When Venus is conjunct with a benefic planet or is in its own sign or sign of exaltation, the owner of the horoscope will become wise, experienced in worldly affairs, will have many children, as well as means of transportation.


People having Venus in the 5th house of a horoscope are usually charming, artistic, intelligent, religious and romantic. They may have a good education and teaching abilities, make successful investments, and are able to give practical and correct advice. Venus being a benefic planet gives good children. Having a feminine nature, she gives more daughters than sons.

The most beneficial positions for revealing the indicators of the 5th house are the positions of Venus in Capricorn, Taurus and Gemini during the rise of Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius, respectively. In the first case, Venus will be the lord of the 9th house, and for Capricorn and Aquarius ascendants, Venus will be the yoga karaka.

Bhrigu Muni's words about “being lucky to see your grandmother alive” should be understood as a prediction about her long life and good health.

Other opinions:

"Brihat Jataka"- prudence.

"Phaladipika"- wealth, great honor, happiness from children.

"Saravali"- the owner of the horoscope will be happy, rich, love pleasure, have good friends and children. He can become a minister or a judge.

"Chamatkar-chintamani"- a person whose Venus occupies the 5th house of the horoscope will not know happiness from his children, will not be brave, but will achieve success in his endeavors through hard work. He will be educated, but will not become a poet.


All authors agree that the position of Venus in the 5th house is quite favorable. The last remark is noteworthy for its apparent illogicality. "Chamatkar-chintamani": “He will be educated, but will not become a poet.” In ancient times, education meant knowledge of Sanskrit and the Vedas. Sanskrit is the language of the demigods, Devanagari, and it is presented in poetic form. Studying the Vedas enlightens a person, and he himself becomes a poet. A striking and famous example is Kalidasa, who was not only a famous poet, but also a great expert in the Vedas, in particular the Jyotisha Shastra. His treatises on astrology amaze not only with his knowledge of the subject, but also with his beautiful, sublime presentation.

(Based on lectures by I. Danyuk)

  • If Saturn afflicts the marriage planet (lord of Dsc), it gives a delay to marriage.

  • Saturn on the cusp of 5th, 7th houses in barren signs - marriage may not happen. (Fertile signs - Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio; barren signs - Virgo, Gemini, Leo, (Capricorn))

  • If the Sun or Moon is at 5 - early hobbies.

  • If Jupiter or Venus is in the 7th house - a happy married life, comfort and profit from marriage.

  • To indicate marriage, the square of Uranus, Saturn, Mars - there may be an accident or operation with the spouse. Saturn square - also delayed marriage, grief, disappointments, Mars - suspicions, irritability, scandals. Neptune square - deception in marriage.
  • Planets in the 7th house.

    In the male horoscope - a proud, worthy partner, success from marriage. In the female horoscope - marriage in middle age and a happy family life.

    The partner is unreliable, especially in the female horoscope. Romance on the side. Often early marriage.

    The partner is smart and resourceful. Marriage after correspondence, communication, travel. The partner is younger, maybe a relative.

    Happy marriage with a beautiful, lucky partner. If Venus is afflicted, then each subsequent partner will be better than the previous one.

    Quarrels, danger of violent death of a spouse. In the female horoscope - energy and devotion (her).

    A faithful partner, success from marriage, wealth and independence. Jupiter is afflicted - courts and litigation.

    A reliable partner, older in age, cold, dry in relationships.

    Divorce, infidelity, early marriage. If with harmonious aspects, then the spouse is a friend.

    An unusual husband who goes to extremes in relationships. Platonic union, or, conversely, a strong emphasis on the physical side of marriage. A person gets married only if Neptune has harmonious aspects, otherwise there are difficulties. Neptune without harmonious aspects - there may be a marriage with a cripple, an inferior person.

    Dominance in marriage, the desire to remake a partner in your own way. But if the 1st house is weak, then these indicators are softened.

    Marriage in the women's horoscope.

  • Good indicators of marriage stability are the Sun in conjunction with the Moon with harmonious aspects to the 1st and 7th houses (with their lords or planets);
  • A good aspect of Venus to Mars speeds up marriage.
  • If the Sun has any aspect with Saturn or Uranus, and Saturn and Uranus themselves are in harmonious aspect with each other, the marriage is late, unsuccessful or early widowhood. If Saturn and Uranus are in a tense aspect - celibacy.
  • The Sun in conjunction with Jupiter, or in trine to Saturn - remarriage.
  • Sun in double signs and almuten of the 7th house in double signs (Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Libra) - remarriage.
  • The Sun is in harmonious aspect to Mars, and Mars is well placed - a good marriage.
  • If the Sun has no aspects to Mars, but has bad aspects to Saturn, it is difficult to get married.
  • A tense aspect of Venus with Saturn means difficulties in family life.
  • Almuten 1st and 7th houses in good aspect to each other - a favorable marriage.
  • Venus has an aspect with Jupiter or Mercury - the attitude towards sex is cultural. If Venus has an aspect only with Mars (without Jupiter, Mercury) - laziness, love of sexual pleasures. If Venus is in conjunction with the Sun, but not combusted, she is often the mistress of a superior person.
  • Saturn in a feminine sign, having negative aspects, tends towards sinfulness. If he is in the East in a male sign - base love, base passions. If there is a Mercury aspect to him, it is made public. If there is a positive aspect to Jupiter or Venus, the situation is smoothed out.

    Marriage in the men's horoscope.

  • If the Moon is in the East and in phase 1 or 3, he will marry early, or to a younger woman. The Moon in the West is in phase 2 or 4 - he will marry late, or older.
  • It is more difficult for a man to get married if his Moon is in Aries, Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini.
  • Mars characterizes a man's sex drive. If Mars does not have aspects with Venus and Saturn, but has any aspect with Jupiter, the person is honest and faithful in marriage. If Mars is connected only with Saturn, the man is phlegmatic and cold. If Mars has an aspect with both Venus and Jupiter, he is ready to love himself and has a need for love, but at the same time observes moderation. If Mars and Venus are in the West, he strives for women. If at the same time both planets are in female signs, he is easily enslaved by women. If both planets are in the East, there is a tendency towards homosexuality.
  • Mars, Saturn, Venus have positive aspects with the luminaries - marriage is legalized, and its fate depends on the aspects between the planets.
  • If Venus is in good aspect with Saturn - constancy, fullness of love. If Mercury is added to this, happiness increases. And if Mars is added, there is jealousy and quarrels in the marriage. If at the same time Venus and Saturn are in signs related to them, there is a connection with relatives by blood.

    Marriage in any horoscope (for both men and women).

  • If the Sun is in the place of the Moon in another horoscope, or Mars is in the place of Venus, there is good physical compatibility.
  • Marriage is favorable when it occurs during the passage of Jupiter through the angles of the horoscope (house cusps).
  • The Moon, passing through the 7th house, usually arouses love feelings.
  • Venus in conjunction with Saturn is an obstacle to marriage, sometimes lonely life. It is especially dangerous for a person with a weak will.
  • Venus conjunct Jupiter - happiness in family life.
  • Venus in conjunction with Mars in the 7th house in the male horoscope - passion, immorality, danger from women. And in the female horoscope there is a lack of principles.
  • The Sun is conjunct the Moon, if Venus is in the 6th house and the Moon is in the 7th, the bride and groom will separate before the wedding.
  • Mars in opposition to Venus is unhappiness in love, especially for women.
  • Venus in conjunction with the Moon in a man born at night means a secondary marriage.
  • The Sun is in conjunction, square, or opposition with Mars in a woman’s horoscope - an unhappy marriage, if added to this is the defeat of Saturn or Uranus - the sudden death of the husband.
  • If the Sun and Jupiter are in a tense aspect, and one of these planets is at 7, a difficult family life.
  • If the Sun or Saturn in the 8th house is afflicted by Mars, there will be quarrels over the division of inheritance, even to the point of violent death.
  • If, in addition to the Moon in opposition to the sun, there is also a tense aspect with Mars - the marriage is unhappy, and if Mercury is added to this - publicity.
  • Saturn at 8 - the husband or wife will be poor, and the marriage will bring material troubles.
  • Saturn at 12 - spouse is sickly, weak in health.
  • Venus square Saturn and one of them at 7 - unhappy love, marriage, for men - misfortune from women.
  • Jupiter at 11 - usually early marriage.
  • Mars is no further than 5 degrees from the cusp of the 7th house, in Aries, Cancer, or Scorpio - life will be shortened by excesses, and in the 6th, 18th, 30th and 42nd years of life there will be danger from fire and enemies.
  • Mars in the 11th house in a woman's horoscope - the husband is wasteful and quarrelsome. In the male horoscope - poor health, quarrels in the family, dangerous birth of a wife, deception of friends, attack by criminals.
  • Venus in the 2nd house means a good financial situation in marriage, but the marriage is not always happy, and in the male horoscope there is also extravagance.
  • Venus in the 3rd house in the women's horoscope - marriage with a foreigner is possible.
  • Venus at 8 with bad aspects to Saturn and Mars - loss of fortune, early widowhood, divorce, loss of children, instant death, but long life.
  • Venus in the 9th house - marriage with a foreigner.
  • Venus in the 4th house - the marriage was arranged by the parents.
  • Venus in the 5th house - marriage for love.
  • Venus in the 11th house - a happy marriage, good financial situation. If the 11th house is in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius, or Pisces - a secondary marriage.
  • If Saturn strikes Almuten 7 - the death of a spouse, or the cooling of relationships.
  • If the Sun and Moon are weak, and Saturn is strong, and there are barren signs on the cusps of the 5th and 7th, marriage is unlikely.
  • If the almuten of the 7th house is in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, and has more than one aspect - the likelihood of remarriages.
  • In the male horoscope, the Moon in any aspect with Uranus is a connection with a married woman, and Venus with Uranus is with an unmarried woman.
  • If Saturn, Neptune and Uranus are in the 1st, 5th, or 7th houses, there is a tendency towards infidelity.
  • The Sun conjunct the Moon at 7 - honor and respect in society after marriage.
  • The Sun at 7 is afflicted by Uranus - adultery.
  • Moon at 7 in Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius - change of residence due to marriage.
  • Moon at 7 in Aries, Leo, Sagittarius in the male horoscope - the wife will be the real head of the family, enemies among women.
  • Moon at 7 in air signs in a woman's horoscope is an unfaithful husband.
  • Mercury afflicted at 7 - a marriage of convenience, possibly with a relative. Marital infidelity.
  • Venus at 7 in Aquarius in the women's horoscope - late marriage, in Virgo - celibacy.
  • Mars at 7 in the female horoscope, with a tense aspect with Mars - widowhood is possible.
  • Mercury at 7 - in Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces - more than one marriage, marriage with an older partner occupying a prominent social position.
  • Saturn in 7 - obstacles to marriage, if at the same time he has good aspects to the Sun, or Uranus - marriage to a widower with children. And if there are tense aspects to Venus, the moon - a barren marriage.
  • Uranus in 7 - often cohabitation without registration. If he has harmonious aspects with Jupiter - a rich dowry, and if he has tense aspects with the Moon - a love affair with a married woman, if he has a tense aspect with Venus - then a relationship with minors.
  • Neptune at 7 - spiritual marriage, strives to get married in a church. In case of defeat - a fictitious marriage or marriage with unworthy people.
  • Pluto at 7 - marriage with a famous person, in case of defeat - collapse, bankruptcy of the partner and loss of property through the courts.
  • The Sun at 8 is a generous partner, but in the female horoscope - widowhood.
  • Jupiter at 8, in good aspect with the Moon - financial situation improves after marriage.
  • Saturn at 8 in Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius, in good aspect with Jupiter - a rich inheritance from a spouse.
  • Conscious person. The placement of Venus in the 5th house indicates a life role shaped around images of personal beauty and grace. You want to appear as a loving person. From a psychological point of view, you are more similar to a dancer or fashion model than to an actor. The presentation of the conscious ego is socially tactful with an acceptance of magnetic receptivity. The trap is the disorder and confusion that arises between subject and object, between entertaining others and entertaining yourself, while the challenge is to make your personal beauty shine for everyone to see and enjoy.

    Romance, giving love. You are capable of falling in love with love.
    This position is simple, and, like the position of the other receptive planets, the Moon and Neptune, in this case there is an inversion of the usual modes of operation of the 5th house. You give love by receiving it. In other words, you attract people to you through the presentation of your own “attractiveness” - this method is magnetic and receptive, not pushy. Seduction and insincerity are possible pitfalls, along with confusion in giving and receiving love. The challenge is to love in a balanced way as well as beautifully; turn the risk of courtship into a smooth dance where the loved one feels enchanted rather than coerced. In the case of Venus, the creation of beautiful images is extremely important, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house.

    Sexy performance. Love relationships are an aesthetic art, a reflection of grace and beauty. You are characterized by strong “feminine” energy, regardless of your biological structure; centripetal charisma is your natural form of self-expression - drawing your loved one ever deeper into the flow of your personal beauty. As with the Lupa position, in this house this position indicates the active expression of the self, which is reactive in form, but, unlike the Lupa, here we are dealing with receptivity rather than responsiveness. The gracefulness of your perception fascinates people. Sometimes you fall victim to the trap of vanity - “come on, mirror, tell me...” - but Venus is so calm and even that even such an insult rarely causes a protest from the people you love, at least the first time. The challenge for you is to become beauty itself, personified in the act of love; create heaven on earth.

    Personal creativity. Of course, artistic creativity is emphasized here, but it merges with the general background, and does not stand out from it. You embrace a wide variety of aesthetics, and your body and personality are often the canvases on which you paint your favorite pictures. The trap is narcissism in relation to one’s own ego, falling in love with one’s mirror image. The task is to make sure that every creative process turns out to be a natural extension of the “I”; let the graceful acceptance of applause become truly sincere.

    Competition. By nature, Venus wants to minimize any dissonance, so competition does not attract you, except when you compete in the name of beauty. The usual interpretation of this level of experience varies; here competition turns into an opportunity to achieve harmonious interaction in the face of conflict. You will “fight” within yourself to maintain a balanced presentation of self in a social setting. This is not “victory over other people,” but “pulling them” to your side, this is winning their love, friendship and support. The trap is giving up any competition, while the goal is to make every risky situation turn into a smooth, effortless dance.

    Bill Herbst

    The 5th house is characterized by demonstrative behavior with clear sexual overtones. However, in our time, deliberate asexuality can be demonstrated in the 5th house, expressed in shocking, even offensive appearance and manners: many, especially those who have libido planets with harsh aspects in the 5th house, consider this to be very witty and modern. The influence of aspects of libido planets in the 5th house on appearance and behavior is very clearly visible in women's charts. Venus in the 5th house more dependent on its aspects than Mars. Positive aspects emphasize the good taste and attractive, sleek appearance of a woman. Negative aspects include sloppiness in clothing and lack of style, perhaps unconsciously.

    The libido planet of the opposite sex in the 5th house indicates the search for a partner with a strong sexual desire. At the extreme of this tendency, sex is the main factor in the relationship: the partner is significant only as a sexual object. But with opposition to the 11th house, the opposite attitude may appear - sexual coldness, morally motivated abstinence. In this case, the potential partner must meet high moral and ethical standards, including abstinence and renunciation of all sexual functions. So the 11th house makes itself felt in the 5th house.

    The love affairs of such a person are happy and successful. Children give him a lot of pleasure, and stock exchange transactions are most often completed successfully. He loves art and has many creative abilities. He is distinguished by his natural talent for acting and writing. Can achieve success in sports games. There are likely to be many love affairs, since the aspect favors sexual attractiveness and success with people of the opposite sex. He is a kind-hearted, sociable and very passionate person, seeking pleasure and loving to work with children and young people.

    If the planet is damaged, achieving goals is associated with significant difficulties, to overcome which you will have to put in a lot of work. This is a romantic nature, adoring pleasure and approaching life with an optimistic and serene attitude. The love stories of such a person are of great importance to him, and therefore there are usually a lot of them. He is very popular, talented, loves the theater and tends to frequent social events and entertainment venues. He is a good parent, a charming teacher, and an excellent specialist in the field of child psychology. Often such people give birth to girls who are distinguished by artistic talent and physical attractiveness.

    The marriage of such a person turns out to be happy and fruitful. He has wonderful children and successfully interacts with them thanks to his artistic and musical gifts. Often, thanks to his children, he is able to organize his own life and achieve considerable profits and earthly happiness. Success often comes through love affairs and friendships, as well as the ability to entertain others. Such people successfully invest their money in profitable enterprises, they are enterprising and lucky, and are able to make considerable profits from everything related to children, entertainment and beauty.

    Defeat of the planet determines the tendency to deteriorate health due to abuse of excessive indulgence of one’s own passions. Serious disappointments are possible due to love, passion for excitement and children. There are likely to be great troubles and even dangers associated with frivolous, reckless and indiscriminate behavior with members of the opposite sex. Such people show an enviable talent for entrepreneurship and a love of dancing. Their children are beautiful and well brought up.

    Success in theatrical and teaching fields is possible. Improper use of energy causes unbridled erotic desires and leads to large expenses for pleasures and pleasures. The defeat of the planet causes frequent losses in gambling and the lottery. Often such people become film actors, stand-up comedians, famous educators, opera singers and successful stock brokers.

    Francis Sakoyan (Cherpik)

    Romantic natures, loving pleasures, are optimistic and serene. Lots of possibilities for novels. As a rule, they are popular, talented, especially as actors, and often go to the theater. They love children, are good parents, teachers and specialists in the field of child psychology. Their children are often girls, with artistic talent and physical beauty.
    You love romance and want the honeymoon of your love to never end. You need dramatic gestures and open expressions of affection from your partner; You would like to feel like someone very special in relation to your lover - at least a king or queen. You also have artistic ability; You like to create beauty in one form or another.,Beauty.
    This position can give external beauty, especially with Venus trine to the 1st house. In any case, a person will strive to be beautiful in society: dress elegantly, move gracefully; in extreme cases, a thick layer of blush and lipstick, blue eyelids and black stockings will help. Specific means of creating the image of a beauty (handsome man) will be suggested by aspects of Venus and the 5th house as a whole, but in any case, this role will be desirable for a person and, as a rule, natural; at the very least, his appearance in any situation creates a threat or significant tension to the prima donna.
    An image always needs specific energy from the outside world, confirming it: an artist needs a full house and a storm of applause, otherwise his roles are covered with astral dust: low essences generated by self-doubt and in the future, envy and intrigue of colleagues, etc.
    In this case, at a low level the image is imbued with envy and love, at a higher level - with aesthetic emotions.
    In general, this is the position of artists in the broad sense of the word, and elaboration makes it possible to create the most perfect forms.
    At the average level, a person, however, tends to consume beauty (aesthetic energy flows) more, entering the image of an Indulgent or Enthusiastic Connoisseur and Connoisseur, rather than creating and transmitting it to the world.
    Religiosity is associated with a sense of beauty, not necessarily of material forms (with the aspect of Uranus to Venus, one can comprehend God through the beauty and greatness of the human, i.e., the mind revealed by God to man).

    Izraitel Boris Zinovievich

    Gives fertility. A person can have several children. Relationships with children are very close and generally harmonious.
    Self-expression in art - painting, theater, dancing. Entertainment - holiday decoration, fashion show.
    Problem: overindulgence in entertainment.

    Evgeny Nikolaevich Kolesov (pseudonyms: Het Monster, E. Efrosimov, Karo)

    Happy family life; the eldest child will be very beautiful and talented, but will cause a lot of trouble for his parents.

    Bill Herbst

    Conscious person. The placement of Venus in the 5th house indicates a life role shaped around images of personal beauty and grace. You want to appear as a loving person. From a psychological point of view, you are more similar to a dancer or fashion model than to an actor. The presentation of the conscious ego is socially tactful, emphasizing magnetic receptivity. The trap is the disorder and confusion that arises between subject and object, between entertaining others and entertaining yourself, while the task is to make your personal beauty appear for everyone to see and enjoy. Romance, giving love. You are capable of falling in love with love. This position is simple, and, like the position of the other receptive planets, the Moon and Neptune, in this case there is an inversion of the usual modes of operation of the 5th house. You give love by accepting it. In other words, you attract people to you through a presentation of your own "attractiveness" - this way is magnetic and receptive, not assertive. Seduction and insincerity are possible pitfalls, along with confusion in giving and receiving love. The goal is to love with balance as well as beauty: to transform the risk of courtship into a smooth dance where the loved one feels enchanted rather than forced.In the case of Venus, the creation of beautiful images is extremely important, in comparison with the symbolism of the position of the other planets in this house.Sexual performance. Love relationships are an aesthetic art, a reflection of grace and beauty. You have a strong "feminine" energy, regardless of your biological structure; centripetal charisma is your natural form of self-expression - drawing your loved one ever deeper into the flow of your personal beauty. As is the case with position Moon, in this house this position indicates the active expression of the “I”, which is reactive in form, but, unlike the Moon, here we are dealing with receptivity, not responsiveness. The gracefulness of your perception fascinates people. Sometimes you fall victim to the trap of vanity - “come on, mirror, tell me...” - but Venus is so calm and even that even such an insult rarely causes a protest from the people you love, at least at first. The challenge for you is to become beauty itself, personified in the act of love; create heaven on earth. Personal creativity. Of course, artistic creativity is emphasized here, but it merges with the general background, and does not stand out from it. You embrace a wide variety of aesthetics, and your body and personality are often the canvases on which you paint your favorite pictures. The trap is narcissism in relation to one’s own ego, falling in love with one’s mirror image. The task is to make each creative process a natural extension of the self; let the graceful acceptance of applause become truly sincere. Competition. By nature, Venus wants to minimize any dissonance, so competition does not attract you, unless you compete in the name of beauty. The usual interpretation of this level of experience varies; here competition turns into an opportunity to achieve harmonious interaction in the face of conflict. You will "fight" within yourself to maintain a balanced presentation of self in a social setting. This is not “victory over other people,” but “pulling them” to your side, this is winning their love, friendship and support. The trap is giving up any competition, while the goal is to make every risky situation turn into a smooth, effortless dance.

    Vronsky Sergey Alekseevich

    The love affairs of such a person are happy and successful. Children give him a lot of pleasure, and stock exchange transactions are most often completed successfully. He loves art and has many creative abilities. He is distinguished by his natural talent for acting and writing. Can achieve success in sports games. There are likely to be many love affairs, since the aspect favors sexual attractiveness and success with people of the opposite sex. He is a kind-hearted, sociable and very passionate person, seeking pleasure and loving to work with children and young people. If the planet is damaged, achieving goals is associated with significant difficulties, to overcome which you will have to put in a lot of work. This is a romantic nature, adoring pleasure and approaching life with an optimistic and serene attitude. The love stories of such a person are of great importance to him, and therefore there are usually a lot of them. He is very popular, talented, loves the theater and tends to frequent social events and entertainment venues. He is a good parent, a charming teacher, and an excellent specialist in the field of child psychology. Often such people give birth to girls who are distinguished by artistic talent and physical attractiveness. The marriage of such a person turns out to be happy and fruitful. He has wonderful children and successfully interacts with them thanks to his artistic and musical gifts. Often, thanks to his children, he is able to organize his own life and achieve considerable profits and earthly happiness. Success often comes through love affairs and friendships, as well as the ability to entertain others. Such people successfully invest their money in profitable enterprises, they are enterprising and lucky, and are able to make considerable profits from everything related to children, entertainment and beauty. The defeat of the planet determines the tendency to deteriorate health due to abuses in excessive indulgence of one's own passions. Serious disappointments are possible due to love, passion for excitement and children. There are likely to be great troubles and even dangers associated with frivolous, reckless and indiscriminate behavior with members of the opposite sex. Such people show an enviable talent for entrepreneurship and a love of dancing. Their children are beautiful and well brought up. Success in theatrical and teaching fields is possible. Improper use of energy causes unbridled erotic desires and leads to large expenses for pleasures and pleasures. The defeat of the planet causes frequent losses in gambling and the lottery. Often such people become film actors, stand-up comedians, famous educators, opera singers and successful stock brokers.

    Bruno Huber

    The libido planets Mars and Venus have only superficial, transitory influences in partnerships and are only in rare cases decisive factors. We will verify this below by considering the mutual aspects of the partners. Only when the libido planets of the two partners form more or less exact major aspects to each other is it very likely that sex is the main connecting force. But when the libido planets of one of the partners aspect some of the other planets of the other, sex is not so dominant. The latter is much more common. Libido planets play different roles in the charts of men and women. The 5th house is characterized by demonstrative behavior with clear sexual overtones. However, in our time, deliberate asexuality can be demonstrated in the 5th house, expressed in shocking, even offensive appearance and manners: many, especially those with libido planets with harsh aspects in the 5th house, consider this to be very witty and modern. The influence of aspects of libido planets in the 5th house on appearance and behavior is very clearly visible in women's charts. Venus in the 5th house is more dependent on its aspects than Mars. Positive aspects emphasize the good taste and attractive, sleek appearance of a woman. Negative aspects include sloppiness in clothing and lack of style, perhaps unconsciously.
    The libido planet of the opposite sex in the 5th house indicates the search for a partner with a strong sexual desire. At the extreme of this tendency, sex is the main factor in the relationship: the partner is significant only as a sexual object. But with opposition to the 11th house, the opposite attitude may manifest itself - sexual coldness, morally motivated abstinence. In this case, the potential partner must meet high moral and ethical standards, including abstinence and renunciation of all sexual functions. This is how the XI house makes itself felt in the V house.

    Generators of love and care. They think endlessly about relationships, who and how they can make it pleasant and fun. Very atmospheric people with unique charisma. They overly love the state of falling in love, which at times turns life into a search for romance.

    Venus occupies the favorite northern direction of the chart, therefore it is strong and ready to bestow the bearer of this position with a variety of pleasures, pleasures, pleasant relationships and other positive life experiences.

    5th house is the house of purva punya(piety from past incarnations), therefore, the conceived material part of life is easily given to this position of Venus. Money and relationships come into life easily, as if by themselves.

    They love and are friends with children. They find special satisfaction in caring for loved ones, children, subordinates, and students. They easily become close to interesting people, but when they lose interest in them, they can no longer show care and concern.

    Creatively developed in applied, object-based disciplines. They can be quite productive in the field of aesthetics, music, and artistic fields. In creativity, we are primarily focused on creating authentic, new things, rather than copying/imitation.

    Favorable Venus:

    • Romanticism, ardor
    • Relationship Analytics
    • Creative vision of the world
    • Easy material development
    • Originality, uniqueness
    • Mindfulness, sobriety
    • Care, guardianship

    Unfavorable Venus:

    • Obvious self-interest in caring
    • Lack of faith in one's own creativity
    • Parasites, content
    • They do not appreciate or see the uniqueness of people
    • Pedophilia (with severe Venus affliction)
    • “Alphonse” and “Angelique”
    • Codependency with children


    With an unfavorable, weak Venus there may be a reduced amount of enzymes in the stomach, generally poor digestion, hormonal disorders of the pancreas.


    Excellent position, which in practice is quite rarely overshadowed by side factors in the chart. I talked quite a lot about the positive. It is worth noting that a frequent, negative quality is codependency with children. With Venus in the 5th house, it is quite difficult to let your child go into adulthood. In everything else, as they say, tip-top.