Lesson on visual arts in the younger group on the topic: “Inflate, bubble. Experimental activity in the second junior group: “Wind is a breeze” Blow up, bubble, Blow up big

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten No. 77 “Golden Fish”
Summary of GCD
in artistic creativity (drawing)
on the topic: "Trees look into the lake" for children of the preparatory group
art teacher
Sukhonosova L.A.
Stavropol, 2014
Goal: to develop children's creative abilities through the depiction of an autumn landscape.
To cultivate an aesthetic attitude towards nature through the depiction of its image in one’s own creativity.
Develop children's imagination and ability to create a composition, independently select colors in accordance with the invented plot.
Reinforce children's concepts of landscape and symmetry.
Introduce one of the options for an unconventional technique for depicting a landscape - “mono”.
Materials and equipment: illustrations with landscapes reflected in water, with autumn landscapes, album sheets with a finished horizontal fold line, the upper part of which is tinted blue (sky), and the lower part is tinted blue (water), ikebana of autumn flowers and leaves, gouache sets, brushes, non-pouring paints, audio recording “Seasons” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.Preliminary work: observing the reflection of objects in a puddle or in a pond during walks, tinting paper, looking at illustrations with the reflection of objects and landscapes in water, drawing up autumn ikebana.
GCD move.
The teacher reads E. Avdienko’s poem “Golden Autumn”.
Autumn is on the doorstep again,
The leaves have turned yellow.
Spun on the road
Yellow snowstorms.
The branches lit up brightly
A thin rowan.
Light rain puts nets
Hares at the hollow.
Autumn enters the dense forest,
Enters with a yellow brush.
The breeze rakes it into heaps
Golden leaves.
- Guys, what else indicates that autumn has come?
(children's answers).
- The air has become cool, the weather is more often cloudy and rainy.
- The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer.
- Insects are disappearing.
- In the morning, the puddles are covered with a thin crust of ice.
- Migratory birds fly south.
- The leaves are starting to fall.
- Beauty autumn delights us with her many colors: she paints the leaves of trees in the brightest colors and their shades. The crown becomes like a festive fireworks display of multi-colored leaves-lights.
(The teacher demonstrates illustrations depicting golden autumn).
- Guys, what feelings does the golden autumn evoke in these illustrations? (joy, delight, admiration, etc.).
- One season passes and is replaced by another. What comes to replace autumn? (winter) And brings new colors. I really want to capture the variety of colors of golden autumn. Would you like to depict the beauty of autumn nature? (Yes).
- Children, what is the name of the image of nature? (Scenery)
- Someone takes photographs that touched their soul as a souvenir of the golden autumn, and then photographs, and you and I will draw landscapes and make an exhibition out of them so that all the kindergarten children and parents can admire your creations.
Today I wanted to invite you to draw a landscape in an unusual way, using the “monotype” technique. We have already become acquainted with one of the variants of this technique, when we drew a butterfly, a dragonfly (the work is demonstrated), obtaining a symmetrical drawing by folding a landscape sheet in half vertically. Before introducing you to the second version of this technique, I want to invite you to conduct an experiment.
Children are encouraged to work in pairs. Pictures with landscapes the size of the mirror (preferably rectangular) are distributed, which are placed on the lower edge of the mirror.
- What do you see in the mirror? (Exactly the same picture).
- Is the image in the illustration similar to the picture in the mirror or are they different in some way? (The image in the mirror is upside down).
- If you connect a picture to a mirror and look through the gap left, what happens to the pictures? (they connect)
- What does this remind you of? (reflection in water)
The teacher draws the children's attention to the available illustrations and invites one group of children to select and place only illustrations with landscapes on the board and easels, and to the other group - reflections of landscapes in water. (At the end of the task - mutual control of children).
- The reflection on the surface of the water can be well depicted with the second version of the “monotype” technique by folding a landscape sheet of paper in half. (The teacher shows a tinted sheet of paper.) In the upper part of the sheet, blue, above the fold line (horizon line), we will draw everything that is on the ground and in the sky, and in the lower part, blue, everything that is reflected in the water.
- Let's close our eyes and imagine that we are on the shore of the lake. In the mirror-like surface of the water we will see everything that is on the shore: trees, birds, mountains, houses, but it will only be directed in the opposite direction from the real picture. After depicting each object on the shore and in the sky, fold the sheet along the fold line and, tapping, get an imprint (reflection) on the bottom of the sheet. (Before painting the reflection, pass a wet brush over the water surface). After receiving the print, the original drawing (landscape on the shore) is revived with paints again so that it becomes clearer and more expressive. There is no need to paint over the reflection in the water again; it will remain slightly blurred.
Before starting work, the teacher suggests preparing your hands for work:
Soap can be different - different. They imitate soaping hands.
Blue, green, orange, red, yellow, purple, plum and
Scroll, warming up each finger
But I don’t understand why it always
The water is black - very black. Shake off your hands.
Children take each tinted sheet and, to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" begins work.
At the end they admire the works. The teacher says that everyone did their best, we will place the works at the exhibition, and everyone can admire them.
- In the next lesson, I will show you how to complicate this version of the “monotype” technique by folding the sheet twice horizontally, then you will get a reflection of not only objects that are on the shore, but also objects that are on the water surface, for example, from a sailboat. (Show the finished landscape).

Attached files

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with words, to move rhythmically. Exercise children in squatting and forming in a circle, in running in different directions.

Description: Children stand close together in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say: “Blow up your bubble! Blow up big! Stay like this and don’t burst.” By reciting poems, children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says, “The bubble has burst,” all the children lower their hands and say in unison, “Pop!” and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children stand up, form a small circle again, and the game resumes.


Say in unison “Clap!” and squat down only after the words “The bubble burst.”

Options : Perform swinging movements with your arms, first a small ball, then a large one - wide swings of your arms. After the words “Don’t burst!” The teacher says, “The bubbles are flying!” The children run away wherever they want.

Run to the flag (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Learn to act on a visual signal. Practice running and walking.

Description: Children receive flags of two colors - some red, others blue. The teacher stands on one side of the playground and holds a blue flag in one hand and a red flag in the other. Children with blue flags are grouped near the blue one, and with red ones - near the red one. Then the teacher invites the children to take a walk. Children walk and run around the playground. The teacher goes to the other side and says: “One, two, three - run here quickly!” He stretches his arms to the sides, the children run to the teacher and group themselves near the flag of the corresponding color. When all the children have gathered, he suggests waving the flags.


    You can disperse around the playground only when the teacher says, “Go for a walk!”

    You can gather around the teacher only after the words “One, two, three - run here quickly!”

Options : Take a ribbon or handkerchief instead of a flag, then dance with it. Enter 2 red and blue flags. The teacher can change the flags by moving them from one hand to the other. Turn on the additional signal “Stop!” (everyone closes their eyes).

Sunshine and rain (II junior group)

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements at the teacher’s signal, to find their place on the playground. Practice walking and running.

Description: Children sit on chairs along the room, this is their “home”. The teacher looks out the window and says “What good weather, go for a walk!” Children get up and walk in any direction. “It’s raining, run home!” - says the teacher. Children run to the chairs and take their places. The teacher says “Drip - drip - drip!” Gradually the rain subsides and the teacher says, “Go for a walk. Rain stopped!".


    Children leave home at the signal “Go for a walk!”

    They run home when the signal “it’s raining!”

Options : Children first occupy any chair, then only their own. Instead of a house, build a portable canopy to hide from the rain. During the walk they can pick “mushrooms and berries”. Walking can be replaced by dancing.

psychological exercises for training

Game "Blow up, Bubble"

Target: getting to know and bringing children closer to each other and to the teacher.

Age: preschool.

In this game, children acquire a new motor experience for them. On the one hand, this is a formation in a circle, typical of a round dance; on the other hand, it is the performance of rhythmic movements, subordinated to figurative words. All play actions are performed together by all children in imitation of the teacher and each other. The game remains fun and enjoyable.

Description of the game: The game begins with the teacher inviting all the children to sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle, and approaching one of them with the question: “What is your name? Say it loud so everyone can hear!” The child says his name, and the teacher repeats it loudly and affectionately: “Mashenka, let’s go play,” takes the child by the hand and together with him approaches the next one, asking his name, then invites him to join them and give his hand to Mashenka. Now the three of them are going to invite the next one. So all the children are invited in turn. In this case, it is better to first approach those who express a desire to quickly join the game, and invite the constrained, inhibited children last - watching how willingly everyone agrees to play, they are gradually infected with the desire to join the game. If someone still refuses to play, you should not insist on it.

After all the children are invited, a long chain is formed. The teacher gives his hand to the child standing last and closes the circle. “Look how many of us there are! What a big circle it turned out to be! Like a bubble! Now let’s make a small circle.” Together with the teacher, the children become a tight circle and “blow a bubble”: with their heads tilted down, the children blow into their fists placed one below the other, like into a pipe. They straighten up, take a breath, and then bend down again, blow out the air and say “f-f-f-f”. These actions are repeated two to three times. With each inflation, everyone takes a step back, as if the bubble had inflated a little. Then everyone joins hands and gradually expands the circle, moving backwards and saying the following words:

Blow up, bubble,
Blow up big...
Stay like this
Don't burst out!!!

Towards the end of the text a large, extended circle is formed. The teacher enters the circle, touches each pair of joined hands, stops at some point and says: “The bubble has burst!” Everyone claps their hands and says the word “Clap!” and run together in a huddle (towards the center). After this, you can start the game over again, i.e. blow the bubble again.

You can finish the game like this. When the bubble bursts, the teacher says: “Little bubbles flew, flew, flew, flew...”. The children run away in different directions.

Rules of the game

  1. When the bubble inflates, move backwards and join hands towards the end of the text.
  2. To the word “Clap!” hands separate, and everyone runs to the center.
  3. Give a hand to anyone who happens to be nearby.

When playing this game, it is very important to monitor the children’s movements, adhering to a leisurely and optimal pace for them. It should be remembered that by pronouncing the sound “f-f” when inflating the bubble, children master correct articulation. This is a good exercise for developing sound pronunciation. In this game, educators often encounter conflicting relationships between children: some of them do not want to give their neighbor a hand, they run from one place to another, etc. Children especially often quarrel because everyone wants to stand next to the teacher. Reminding children of the third rule, which is necessary for friendly play, should not dwell on these conflicts. It is better to resolve disputes quickly and tactfully.

interesting exercise, I’ve never seen anything like it
Yes, you can play it even with adults!!!
thanks for the idea
I played this game with preschool children - the children were delighted
My daughter came from kindergarten (3 years old), grabbed the youngest (1.6 years old) by the arms and played: “You’re a big belly, don’t flap.” She stamps her foot and “pshshhhhh” And the little one is crazy))) So I decided to look for what kind of BUBBLE this is))) Thanks for the clarification.

Natalya Nikolaevna Zakharova
Lesson on visual arts in the younger group on the topic: “Inflate, bubble”

Abstract art classes

V younger group

Subject: « Get bloated, bubble…» .

Target: teach children to convey images of outdoor play in drawings. Strengthen the ability to draw round objects of different sizes.


educational: consolidate previously learned drawing and painting techniques Images; knowledge of flowers;

developing: promote the development of figurative representation and imagination of children;

educational: promote aesthetic education.

Means of education:

1. Visual arts classes in the second junior group. Komarova T.S. – Moscow, 2008.

2. Album sheets.

3. Gouache paints (red and yellow).

5. Jars of water.

6. Napkins.

Progress of the lesson

1. Updating knowledge.

The teacher invites the children to remember how they played an outdoor game « Get bloated, bubble…» . Asks:

What's happened bubble?

What does he look like?

2. Goal setting and motivation.

Educator. Guys, today we have drawing lesson. We will learn to draw round objects of different sizes.

3. Discovery of new knowledge.


Guys, what shape? bubble? (Round.)

And what size there was a bubble at the beginning? And what did he become when we were together? they said: « Get bloated, bubble? Physical education minute ( « Get bloated, bubble» ).

The teacher asks them to show in the air how they will draw small and large bubbles.

Now take a brush and green paint, first draw like the bubble was small.

Now take some red paint and paint a big one bubble, color it, repeating the outline, from the edge to the center.

Physical education minute

Get bloated, bubble,

Blow up big.

Stay like this

Don't burst out. (inflate)

Burst bubble. (psh-sh-sh-sh)

4. Summing up.

The teacher asks questions:

What did we draw today?

What shape bubble?

What color did we paint the little one? bubble? How big is it?

The teacher lays out all the finished work on the table, examines it together with the children, and enjoys the beautiful bright drawings.

Publications on the topic:

Good afternoon dear friends! I bring to your attention a photo report of a visual arts lesson on the topic: “Transport”. Goal: continue.

Goal: to expand children’s understanding of poultry and their chicks. Objectives: expand ideas about poultry and their chicks (features.

Educational field: artistic and aesthetic Type of activity: fine art (applique) Age group: second junior group.

OBJECTIVES: To teach how to choose the right size and format of a sheet for work, how to correctly position a drawing and fill it with color, and highlight the main thing.

Visual arts project on the topic: “Wild Animals” (Use of non-traditional drawing techniques in the development of creative abilities.

Program content: -To form children's ideas about the physical properties of water. - Bring to an understanding of what water has.

Topic: “The girl is dancing” Purpose: To develop children’s ability to draw a human figure by composing an image from simple parts: a round head, a girl.

Summary of OOD "HT" drawing in the 2nd junior group

topic: “Blow up the bubble...”

Target : teach children to convey images of outdoor play in drawings. Strengthen the ability to draw round objects of different sizes.

Tasks :

  • educational: to consolidate previously learned techniques of drawing and painting images; knowledge of flowers;
  • developmental: promote the development of figurative representation and imagination of children;
  • educational: to promote aesthetic education.

Means of education:

  1. Visual arts classes in the second junior group. Komarova T.S. – Moscow, 2008.
  2. Album sheets.
  3. Paints (red and yellow).
  4. Brushes.
  5. Cans of water.
  6. Napkins.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Updating knowledge.

Educator invites children to remember how they played the outdoor game “Inflate, Bubble...”. Asks:

What is a bubble?

What does he look like?

Educator. Guys, today we have a drawing lesson. We will learn to draw round objects of different sizes.


Guys, what shape is the bubble? (Round.)

How big was the bubble at the beginning? And what did he become when we said together: “Blow up, bubble!”? Physical education lesson (“Inflate, bubble”).

Educator asks them to show in the air how they will draw small and large bubbles.

Now take a brush and green paint, first draw how the bubble was small.

Now take red paint and draw a large bubble, coloring it, repeating the outline, from the edge to the center.

Physical education minute

Blow up, bubble,

Blow up big.

Stay like this

Don't burst out. (inflate)

The bubble burst. (psh-sh-sh-sh)

  1. Summarizing.

The teacher asks questions:

What did we draw today?

What shape is the bubble?

What color did we draw the little bubble with? How big is it?

The teacher lays out all the finished work on the table, examines it together with the children, and enjoys the beautiful bright drawings.