Drawings related to May 9. How to draw a tank with a pencil step by step

May 9, Victory Day, is a solemn holiday, a real event for the whole country. As a rule, in schools, kindergartens and amateur clubs, children study the heroic past of their ancestors through creative means. Drawing competitions are not uncommon. Here are a few ideas that can be embodied in a child’s drawing for May 9:

  • Military equipment: tanks, planes, ships
  • Eternal flame
  • Flowers, such as carnations, as a symbol of the holiday
  • Dove of peace
  • Soldier
  • Monument

To make drawing easier, you can use the templates and lessons given below. Do not forget that a child’s creativity is his creativity. It is beautiful in any form, as a way of self-expression.

How to draw drawings for May 9, Victory Day?

  • Come up with a plot for your future drawing. After all, an idea is the first step towards realizing a plan.
  • The composition of the drawing is very important if you want to depict multiple details. Also think about the background and small elements
  • If the drawing is complex, first draw a draft sketch, where the placement of the main elements will be visible
  • Think about what you will draw with. Prepare everything you need so you don’t have to be distracted from the process later
  • Draw a sketch with a pencil, you can use a template
  • Haste is a bad help. If you feel tired, take a break
  • After finishing the drawing, evaluate it critically. Look at your creation as if from the outside. Perhaps something needs to be fixed
  • Come up with a name for the drawing that will correspond to the idea

Templates for drawing and copying in pencil

  • Use templates to ensure that the contours of the future drawing are smooth and correct
  • There are two ways to use the template: using a window (lamp) or tracing paper
  • Print the template you like on your printer. It should be exactly the same size as the future drawing.
  • Now place the tracing paper on the printout and carefully outline the template. Then place the tracing paper on a clean sheet of paper and press the outline with force. Now the invisible pressed outline of the template is on the paper
  • The second method is even simpler. Place the printed template under a piece of clean paper and place it in the light (for example, on a window). Trace the emerging contours with a simple pencil

Pencil drawing of a tank

  • It will be easier to draw a tank if you divide the drawing process into several stages
  • Visually divide a sheet of paper into zones. Mark the horizon line. If there is more than one tank, mark all the objects on paper
  • Decide which side the tank will be facing towards the viewer. The simplest angle is a side view
  • To begin, depict the body and caterpillar of the tank by drawing straight basic lines. Connect them, respecting the proportions
  • Next we draw the tank turret, barrel, gas tank and wheels
  • The important part of drawing is the details. Try to give them special attention
  • When the tank is ready, work on the background of the picture. It should favorably emphasize the main object

Airplane drawing in pencil

  • Carefully study the model of the aircraft you are going to depict. Military aircraft differ in structure from passenger aircraft
  • Pay attention to the proportions of the future aircraft. Especially the wings and tail
  • Contour lines will help draw the base
  • When the outline is ready, select the tail and wings
  • Erase extra auxiliary lines after the base is drawn.
  • Painting a military aircraft is complex. Be careful especially when working with liquid paints

How to draw a carnation?

  • Red carnations are a symbol of May 9, so it would be appropriate to add them to any design composition
  • The hardest part of a flower to draw is the bud. Please note that the carnation has a complex shape, the petals have pointed ends. The bud has a trapezoidal shape that tapers towards the bottom
  • You can draw several carnations in a bouquet, some of the buds will be open, and some will be closed
  • Next we start drawing the stem and leaves. To make the leaves look natural, depict them as “fused” with the stem as possible
  • The color of carnations can be different: red, burgundy, pink or white. But on May 9, it is most appropriate to depict red flowers

Carnations in pencil

Carnations with paints

How to draw a star for May 9?

  • The difficulty of drawing a star is that it must be even and proportional
  • To begin, draw a base circle. It must be the same size as our future star
  • Inside the circle we draw two lines in the form of a cross, the center of which is the center of the circle
  • We will get a circle divided into quarters. Then we draw two more lines so that our circle is now divided into 8 segments
  • Now we divide the opposite segments in half
  • The resulting lines in the end are the guidelines for our future five-pointed star. Auxiliary lines can be erased
  • Now we connect our landmarks into a star and decorate it at our discretion

Victory salute drawing

  • The fireworks will look good against the backdrop of the city. Single fireworks in the sky are very difficult to identify
  • Fireworks should be as bright as possible, but not blend in with other details
  • Since fireworks are launched at night, the main background of the picture should be dark
  • Fireworks are not only symbols of Victory. Therefore, when depicting fireworks specifically for this holiday, you should depict some other auxiliary details

Flowers drawing

  • Flowers are the easiest to draw, as this drawing offers many options and ideas.
  • To show that the flowers are dedicated specifically to the Victory Day, you can depict them tied with a St. George's ribbon
  • Flowers are depicted in the hands of soldiers and veterans, laid at monuments or at the eternal flame
  • On May 9 you can draw carnations, tulips, daisies, wildflowers

Eternal flame drawing

  • The eternal flame is quite difficult to depict. The first important detail is the base of the monument, the second is the flame
  • The base is usually shaped like a star, which is placed on the ground. All proportions must be observed to make the base realistic.
  • Using shadows and textures, add volume to the resulting monument
  • An important detail is the flame. It shouldn’t be too tall, but it should still stand out from the background.
  • The eternal flame is usually located near monuments in the park. Flowers are laid on him. All this needs to be depicted in the drawing. The background is no less important than the main composition

Peace Dove Drawing

  • The dove of peace is a bird that symbolizes world peace
  • Doves are depicted with an olive branch in their beak, sometimes against the backdrop of the globe.
  • The color of the dove is white. It’s easy to draw it using one of the templates

Drawing of St. George's ribbon

  • St. George's ribbon is a ribbon that consists of orange and black stripes
  • There are five lines in total. The extreme ones are black
  • The St. George ribbon is depicted as a zigzag, loop or part of some other object in the drawing

How to draw a soldier?

  • Drawing a soldier is not easy, as you need to correctly draw the proportions of the human body, details of clothing and weapons
  • If you're not good at drawing small elements like the face and hands, draw a soldier in the distance
  • The first stage is the location of the soldier against the background and his proportions
  • To make drawing easier, draw auxiliary horizontal lines on the sheet. Observing the proportions, draw a sketch of the head, body, legs and arms
  • Look at the image from afar. If you are happy with everything, you can draw lines and remove auxiliary landmarks
  • Now let's get down to the details. We draw the face, headdress, elements of clothing and shoes. The soldier's facial expression must correspond to the main idea of ​​the drawing
  • Don't forget about the background. To make the soldier look realistic, connect him with other elements of the picture

What is the easiest thing for children to draw for a competition?

  • Bouquet of carnations with St. George's ribbon
  • War Hero Award
  • The inscription “May 9” in the form of a St. George ribbon
  • Military parade
  • Dove of peace
  • Children with flowers congratulating veterans
  • The soldier returns home
  • Monument to fallen soldiers

Children's drawing idea

Children's drawing idea

Children's drawing idea

Video: Drawing a tank

There is a fairly common belief that some people are good at drawing, while others lack creativity. This statement is completely wrong; every person is talented from birth. I suggest you familiarize yourself with how you can help your child express himself in the artistic field.

What could be more enjoyable than drawing with your child? Especially when there is an event to which you can dedicate your work of art. Victory Day is a solemn holiday that deserves attention. In addition to creating a drawing, you can introduce your child a little to history and tell him about the great feat of our ancestors.

How to draw drawings for May 9 - Victory Day?

There are several ways to sketch:

  • Through carbon paper or a gap (for example, placing the original drawing on the glass, press a blank sheet of paper on top of it and trace the lines). The easiest way to copy an image
  • By cells. You can transfer the original drawing to a sheet of paper in a box, and then redraw it, or draw both sheets into squares of the same size. If the image you want to draw is on your computer, you don’t have to print it, but make a grid in the Paint program:

  • In the form of geometric shapes:
    -Measure the height and width of the original drawing, make a frame for yourself of the limits of the drawing
    -Before you start redrawing, try to imagine the picture in the form of simple shapes: square, oval, circle
    -Imagine the relationship between horizontal and vertical
    -Start adding details by measuring their size with a pencil on the original drawing
    -Round sharp corners, blend lines
    -Add what is missing
  • Arbitrary lines. In this case, you simply redraw the image, maintaining the proportions by eye, without measurements or aids. The most difficult method of copying, often the copy is very different from the original image

Templates for drawing and copying in pencil

  • The May 9 holiday, like any other, has its own symbolism and distinctive features. For example, this image of the eternal flame:

Eternal flame drawing template

Template for copying
  • or entire compositions:

Boys love tanks, so why not learn how to draw them? In order to learn how to draw a tank you will need:

  • A simple pencil of medium hardness (for the ability to draw lines of different thicknesses or shade)
  • Ruler (not everyone is good at drawing straight lines)
  • Paper
  • Soft eraser

If you have prepared everything you need, start drawing:

  1. Draw with simple shapes
  2. Draw or outline the base for the tracks and body, and mark the location of the wheels in the outline for the tracks. There should be 5 of them of the same width and two small ones on the sides
  3. Draw the tower and the barrel. The tower is a beveled rectangle
  4. Draw five wheels of the same size and one smaller one.
  5. Round off the lines of the turret and tracks
  6. Draw the gas tank and hatch, draw small details on the tower
  7. Draw the tank in detail, add the outline of the wheels, draw the axles.
  8. Use an eraser to remove excess lines, you can shade it a little

Perhaps the algorithm described above is a little complicated for your child. For preschool children, you can simplify the drawing a little:

Of course, we must not forget about the smallest artists. The following tank model is suitable for kids:

For such a simple but cute tank, start drawing it from the base and tracks. In this case, it will be 2 ovals flattened on top. Then move on to the tower and cannon. If you wish, you can add your own details (gas tank, hatch, tank driver).

Drawing on the cells allows you to combine business with pleasure. With this technique, you not only end up with a proportionally correct image, but also develop the child’s fine motor skills and his imagination, because only the outline is drawn in the cells, and the baby has to come up with the internal content.

Airplane drawing in pencil

Of course, there are a lot of types of airplanes, but let’s first look at how to draw military and passenger airplanes.

When drawing a military aircraft, sharp angles and strong lines predominate, so keep a ruler handy

  1. Using a ruler, draw the main lines of the body, which you will later use as a guide. On the main horizontal line, draw a small rectangle on the right side. This will be the cockpit. Don’t forget to make additional lines on the wings - flaps
  2. Trace the contours and give the plane its shape. Start tracing from the nose, making it pointed, move to the wings last to see the proportions
  3. Separate the nose with a curved line, and round the corners of the rectangle (cockpit)
  4. Take care of the wings. Draw the rockets on the edges, and mark the flaps on the sides with rectangles. If desired, you can add inscriptions or identification marks
  5. Add tail details
  6. Remove excess lines with an eraser, shade where necessary, colorize

A passenger aircraft is dominated by smooth semicircular lines:

  • Start drawing from the body of the plane, it is an elongated oval. Using a ruler, draw a line for the wingspan and outline the tail section
  • Add wing lines to create triangles, draw the top line of the tail
  • Using small circles, depict the aircraft's turbines at the tail.
  • Draw the turbines to create cylinders, shape the wings
  • Draw a line in the middle of the oval to indicate the windows

How to draw a passenger plane
  • Draw the details and remove unnecessary lines

For children of preschool and primary school age, use the following algorithm:

Another invariable attribute of Victory Day is, of course, cloves. Like any flower, start drawing from the stem - straight lines, then the base of the flower - an oval and the petals - of any shape.

A distinctive feature of carnations is the jagged edges of the petals, so do not draw straight edges of the petals at the beginning of the drawing to make it easier to erase unnecessary lines.

How to draw a star for May 9?

You can read how to draw a star using a ruler and compass in the article on our website.

I suggest considering other drawing methods.

Without lifting your hands

  • This is the fastest and easiest way to draw a star, but it is unlikely to be perfectly straight the first time.
  • Draw an upside down V shape starting from the bottom left corner (DAC)
  • Draw a line to the right so that it intersects the letter at 1/3 (CE)

  • We start with an isosceles triangle
  • Draw an isosceles triangle (ABC) Extend the sides of the triangle by 2 times
  • Extend the base so that the center (BC) is approximately 1/3 of the total length
    Draw the missing lines

Victory salute drawing

There are many types of holiday fireworks, so we will look at different ways of drawing.

  • Droplets
    Draw curved stripes from the center with droplets at the end. The more such droplets, the more magnificent the fireworks. To make it more believable, add shorter lines in the center of the fireworks.

  • Small segments
    You can also depict a fireworks using small segments or dotted lines of different lengths, which are drawn from the center to the edge of the fireworks circle.

  • Long lines
    The easiest way to draw fireworks. Draw as many curved lines as possible from the center.

Drawing of flowers

You already know how to draw a carnation, let’s look at how you can draw other flowers:

  • Wild flower
    Start drawing with the stem, then draw the semicircular head of the flower, and on it the petals. First draw a few main petals, and then add the rest between them, next to them, on the side
  • Bell
    Start drawing this flower from the head. Mark with light lines the place of the flowers with circles, then draw the petals, start with an oval, pointed on both sides, and add sharp petals on the sides. Then draw the semicircular base of the flower, stem and leaves

  • cornflower
    Draw a circle - this will be the core of the flower, draw 7 petals around it, expanding towards the edge. Make the edges of the petals jagged. The cornflower flower is ready, all that remains is to finish drawing the stem and leaves
  • Tulip
    Start drawing a tulip from the central, front petal, which is an oval
  • Chamomile
    When drawing a daisy, start with the outlines. To do this, draw a line of the stem and above it 3 circles of different sizes - the center of the flower, the core and the diameter of the petals. Draw the petals in the space between the second and third circle.
    Draw the stem and sharp leaves of the chamomile
  • Draw the outline of the leaves and buds, draw the outlines of the bud in ovals or circles, place them in small groups.
  • Draw smaller circles in the circles of the buds - these will be the cores of the flowers.
    Draw the shape of the flowers, mark the petals with teeth or wavy lines
  • You can depict a bouquet ribbon by drawing two parallel semicircular lines at the base.
  • At the end, draw the leaves in the bouquet and fill in the missing details

Eternal flame drawing

  • Draw a small oval and draw the rays of the future star from it
  • Indicate gradations between the ray lines
  • Connect the lines together
  • With additional duplicate lines you can add volume to the star and burner
  • Draw a fire over the burner

You can draw an eternal flame according to the template and all you have to do is add the fire and decorate the drawing:

Peace Dove Drawing

I offer you 2 drawing options, but they differ only in small details. So:

  • Draw a circle and an oval - the head and body of a dove
  • Smoothly connect the shapes and mark the tail. The tail is approximately the same length as the body
  • Move on to the wings. First, outline the contours with obtuse angles, then draw large feathers
  • Add a beak (diamond-shaped), an eye (a circle or an oval pointed at the sides) and elongated legs

Drawing of St. George's ribbon

  • Draw 2 parallel lines crosswise
  • Connect them at the top with semi-ovals
  • Erase the extra lines in the middle
  • Decorate

Video: How to draw the St. George ribbon?

How to draw a soldier?

When drawing a soldier of any complexity, start with the head, then draw the neck and smoothly move to the body.

  • First, draw a circle and, focusing on it, draw the contours of the face
  • Draw oval eyes, nose, eyebrows. It is not necessary to draw it carefully, in general the face is quite small, so the lips can simply be outlined with a straight line

  • Draw the sheet with light lines; take the height of the head without a headdress as a unit.
  • Use straight lines to mark the middle (end of the uniform), outline the arms and legs
  • Draw a shape on this “skeleton”
  • On the uniform you can draw shoulder straps, a belt, orders, identification marks

For little artists, it won’t be difficult to draw a marching soldier:

  • Draw a circle - the head, the torso with straight lines, arms and legs, hands and feet with triangles
  • Add body and shape to this frame
  • Decorate

Very simple 2 drawings of a soldier to draw for children.

What is the easiest thing for children to draw for a competition?

The plot of the drawing for the competition can be completely different and is limited only by your imagination. It could be a star with a ribbon, a soldier being greeted by his parents, a battlefield, a holiday fireworks display, and much, much more.

We invite you to look at a few children's drawings for Victory Day, and perhaps they will give you the idea of ​​​​creating your own unique competition work:

In this lesson you can learn how to draw a soldier using a pencil and your own patience.

Previously, we have already drawn drawings on military themes:

In drawing a soldier, you may also find the “” lesson useful, but this is for in-depth understanding. So let's get started.

First we make a base-marking, such a frame for the body of our soldier. At the top there is an oval in the form of a head. Then it connects to the body of two trapezoids, then the line of the legs and also the lines of the arms. Did it look like the picture below? Let's move on.

Within the oval we need to draw the soldier’s head-face. First, we mark the oval with guide lines and draw ears on the sides. Draw the eyes and eyebrows along a horizontal line, and a little lower – the nose and mouth. Add lines to the ears, draw a little short hair of the soldier.

We draw a cap on top. Add its top, as well as a star. Let's finish drawing the neck.

So, our head is ready, we can finish drawing the collar and shoulders of our friend.

The next step will be to draw its shape, or rather its upper part. We draw shoulder straps and a belt.

Pockets, buttons and a star on the belt should also be depicted on the top of the form.

Now you need to draw the lower part - the trousers. Pay attention to the folds.

Don't forget to also draw the hands of our soldier in uniform. We draw the sleeves step by step, and then draw the palms. It won't be very easy for beginners to draw detailed hands, so everything is very sketchy.

All that remains is to draw the boots.

On May 9, all of Russia celebrates a great holiday - Victory Day. To talk about what kind of holiday this is in a playful way, and at the same time prepare a gift for veterans, draw a picture with your child.

Drawing is an important element necessary for the harmonious development of a child. With the help of drawing, he learns about the world around him and tries to reproduce it using images that are understandable and accessible to him. Psychologists say that before the age of 8, you should not teach a child to draw or point out mistakes, thereby you are imposing your own vision of the world on him.

Before you sit your child down to draw, tell him about the theme of the upcoming holiday, the feat of the Russian people and the dedication of the soldiers, tell him about your relatives who fought and their merits. Show photos from the front and listen to war songs, all this will help you gain the necessary mood. Explain that on this day we always say “thank you” to veterans, and any veteran will be pleased to receive a sincere children’s drawing.

How to draw a picture for May 9?

The technique can be anything, for example:

  • gouache
  • watercolor
  • colour pencils
  • watercolor pencils
  • felt-tip pens
  • wax crayons
  • crayons

For work, take small A4 or A3 paper; it is better if the paper is thick, then the drawing will look better and will last for a long time.

You can also draw a picture on a computer; there are many programs with which you can easily create an image and be able to make adjustments to it. A graphics tablet is also a great option for creating drawings using digital technology.

Drawing for May 9 step by step

Not only children, but also adults want to express themselves and draw, but not everyone has artistic talent. To make the drawing look like the picture, draw in stages, constantly checking the instructions. For example, to draw a St. George ribbon, repeat the following steps:

  • Place in front of you a blank sheet of paper, a simple pencil, a ruler, an eraser and a black and orange felt-tip pen.
  • In the center of the picture, draw two parallel lines at an angle of 60 degrees, the distance between the lines is approximately 2-3 cm, then you need to draw two more lines that will intersect the first lines at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the picture.

  • Remove the extra lines, as shown in the figure, and connect the upper ends of the two outer lines with a semi-oval; the same semi-oval should also connect the inner ends of the lines. Connect the lower ends in pairs with a straight line, erase the extra contours.

  • now draw 3 black thick lines along the entire length of the drawn tape

  • Paint over the rest of the space with an orange marker and the St. George ribbon is ready. To complete the drawing, you can add the inscription “Congratulations on May 9!”

Military drawings for May 9

Since the holiday is military, the cards and drawings that are presented at the holiday are mainly on a military theme. You can depict a soldier, a tank, a helmet, a machine gun or an airplane.

To draw a military aircraft follow the instructions:

  1. Draw the body of the aircraft in the form of a lying cone, in the middle of the cone mark the line for attaching the wing
  2. Draw two wings from this line in different directions, erase the extra lines at the far wing, because part of it covers the body of the plane
  3. Draw a vertical stabilizer at the tail of the plane.
  4. Draw a streamlined cockpit that rises above the body,
  5. Draw a propeller in the front and stars on the wings
  6. Color the resulting drawing

Easy drawing for May 9

The easiest drawing for May 9 is a star. It doesn’t need to be drawn so much as it needs to be built using reference points:

  • Using a compass, draw a circle and draw two lines through the center that will divide the circle into 4 even segments.
  • Now on the circle you need to mark reference points, between which there is the same distance.
  • Point 1 is located at the intersection of the line and the circle at the highest point of the drawing, to find points 2 and 3, place a compass at point 1 and draw a circle of the same radius as the first circle, mark the intersections of the circles with a pencil to find points 4 and 5 alternately draw two more circles from points 2 and 3.

  • Erase the extra lines from the drawing, mark only 5 reference points on which the entire drawing will be built.
  • Connect them as shown in the picture and erase the extra contours.

  • To make the drawing bright, color the star.

Drawings on the theme of May 9

To make the drawing good, you can draw it in stages or use a transfer stencil. If you have a beautiful picture on hand, you can transfer it through glass and then simply color it.

To choose a theme for your drawing, look at popular pictures on the Internet, postcards, or use the most popular step-by-step diagrams for drawings for May 9, which are given in the article below.

Tank on May 9 drawing

To draw a tank you will need a simple pencil, an eraser and green and red pencils or gouache.

  1. Draw the body of the tank, which consists of an oval (caterpillar) and two truncated pyramids (cabin)
  2. Then draw the wheels of the tracks, the barrel of the tank
  3. Draw the chain on the tracks, the cockpit, the stars on the tank and small details
  4. Color the tank with a green pencil

Drawing of a carnation for May 9

The symbol of May 9th is, of course, carnations, which are very easy to draw if you follow the diagram:

  1. Draw a long stick for the future stem, a triangle and a circle for the future flower
  2. Draw small processes in the form of triangles on the stem
  3. On the head of the flower, mark the petals with smooth lines.
  4. Add detailing, make the petal lines zigzag
  5. Color the drawing with pencils or watercolors

Drawing of fireworks for May 9

Children and adults, everyone is waiting for the fireworks, this is not just a symbol of the end of the holiday, but also a stunning sight. People gather together on observation decks and rooftops to admire the bright lights in the sky. Fireworks can be called one of the simplest drawings, because in essence they are just splashes.

  1. Draw a slanted line
  2. At the top end of this line draw splashes flying out from the center
  3. Add bright colors and stars and the fireworks are ready

You can follow a simpler scheme: apply paint (watercolor or gouache) to a brush and shake it over the paper; the scattered drops are very similar to fireworks. Use several different colors to make the design vibrant.

Little children can draw fireworks using air markers; all they have to do is blow hard and bright splashes will appear on the piece of paper.

Drawing of the eternal flame for May 9

The drawing of the eternal flame may seem more difficult to execute, but if you carry out the work step by step, you will succeed:

  • Draw an oval, 5 rays of different lengths extend from it, as shown in the figure, these are the upper edges, the edges of the star

  • To make the star voluminous, repeat the contour at a distance of half a centimeter and draw the folds with straight lines

  • Draw the fire with smooth lines, as if blowing away in the wind; if desired, the drawing can be colored

What to do with the drawing for May 9?

There can be quite a few options for the future fate of the drawing:

  1. Give to your grandfather or grandmother, great-grandfather or great-grandmother who participated in the Great Patriotic War
  2. Give to veterans who gather in the main square of the city on May 9, along with a carnation
  3. Send to an exhibition of drawings, which are often organized by the local administration on the eve of the holiday
  4. Turn it into a beautiful card and give it again
  5. Decorate the wall in the room
  6. Save as a keepsake in an album with children's drawings

Drawing a picture for May 9 is a great way to spend time with your child in a fun and educational way. Come up with an interesting story and draw with the whole family!

Video: Drawing for a veteran on May 9