Real stories about other worlds. How I got into a parallel world

Alexander Katalozov remembers

That day, in the morning, Slavik called me and said that he was ready to repay the debt. I was tight on money, so I was happy and assured him that I would be with him in an hour. On the mobile phone it was 13.33. I took the metro to Proletarka, from there it was a seven-minute walk to Slavik’s house. He lit a cigarette and strolled down the avenue. I was in a good mood, I walked and thought about where, first of all, to use the unexpected money. There were many options and thoughts on this matter too. I woke up from my thoughts after the cigarette went out. It was drizzling and my Chesterfield got wet. It’s strange, a minute ago, when I left the subway, the sun was shining. I looked around for the trash can and then noticed two young guys carrying sports bicycles. Two girls walked behind them at arm's length, both pushing strollers in front of them. Something strange seemed to me in the appearance of these four. Over my shoulder, to maintain decorum, I looked at them more carefully. That’s right, all four had the same hairstyles: white hair and fashionable bob haircuts, the same length.

What the hell, some kind of flash mob, maybe I’ll meet a few more of the same weirdos soon?

But with such actions, people are in a cheerful mood, but these were serious, their faces were inscrutable, and they walked quickly, the strollers only bouncing on the cracks in the asphalt.

Staring at it, I fell out of reality for a moment, and when I returned, it was getting dark outside.

But this couldn’t be, I took out my mobile phone - 20.75. So... the clock is also acting up... But why evening?

I went to Slavik’s at half past one, ten minutes to the station, five to wait for the train, twenty minutes trip, now it should be 14.30, no more. I looked around - the avenue was empty.

Again, some kind of absurdity, I saw it empty once in my life, when they crushed the cinema here. Then the street was blocked on both sides, and the police sent curious citizens around.

But that time there was a huge crowd of people at the barriers. Now it didn't look like a movie.

So... I tried to put my thoughts in order, firstly, a strange group with the same hairstyles, then, sudden rain, an empty avenue, which should not happen and, most importantly, ? Oh yes, another clock on the phone.

I wonder if the device itself works? I dialed my wife's number from the speed dial. Silence... there wasn't even a beep.

To be honest, I became scared, as scared as I had never been in my life. I remembered some tips on how to calm down, took a few deep breaths, it didn’t help.

He took another cigarette out of the pack...

I thought I had to run away... but where and from whom?

A shadow was moving towards me... I didn’t have time to light a cigarette, and the lighter burned my finger.

The shadow came closer and turned into an elderly man, quite ordinary-looking. He shuffled past, not paying attention to me.

I reached the traffic light and stopped waiting for the green light. There were no cars on either side, but he stubbornly refused to cross the street when it turned red. And the green one was in no hurry to light up.

The old man stood and I watched him.

Several minutes passed in this way, after which he suddenly turned around and walked towards me with quick, springy steps.

I wanted to run away, but everything suddenly became like a dream, and, as in a dream, my legs refused to obey me. In a panic, I waited for what would happen next.

The man came close and handed me a piece of paper. Mechanically I took it, mechanically put it in my pocket.

And suddenly I clearly saw who this stranger really was!

Hanging over the three-day stubble, four pairs of spider eyes gazed at me tenaciously.

The next time I woke up on the landing, in front of Slavik’s door. The sun was peeping through the entrance window, music was coming from the next door, and the front door slammed downstairs.

In my left hand I held my , in my right hand a folded piece of paper. Automatically I looked at the screen - 14.30, unfolded the note. In uneven purple letters, there was a large inscription running diagonally: “What if there are spiders there?”


“We all see eternity as an idea that cannot be understood, something huge, huge! Why does it have to be huge? And suddenly, instead of all this, imagine there will be one room there, kind of like a village bathhouse, smoky, and there are spiders in all the corners, and that’s all eternity.”

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

VIDEO: Other dimensions



Mishka, my friend, works as a psychiatrist in a regional hospital. And, like any psychiatrist, he has interesting patients and cases from his practice. There are not as many of them as it seems, but you come across characters straight from the cabinet of curiosities. And not all of them are so funny, people do not lose their minds because of a good life, and certainly not of their own free will. For example, he talked about a woman. You meet her on the street and you won’t understand that anything is wrong. He walks with a stroller and smiles. Sometimes he will lisp the baby and rock him in his arms. And if you come closer, it’s not a child at all, but a doll in rags. Lost in her mind due to the tragic death of her daughter. After treatment, the woman became more unhappy and looked worse than before. So think after this, what is better - to live in an illusion or in reality?
At seven in the evening, as scheduled, Mikha stumbled into my bachelor pad, clinking bottles in a bag. A simple table for home gatherings was already set. Everything is as usual - roach, sandwiches and beer.
“I’ll ask you a question,” he said thoughtfully. — Do you know about the theory of “many-worlds interpretation”?
- Many-Worlds... what? - I asked.
— This is one of the many theories of quantum physics. She suggests that there may be an infinite number of worlds similar to ours. The differences can be either completely insignificant, for example, in one of the worlds you ate sausages for dinner, and in another fish, or they can be so global that not only our world can be different, but also the entire galaxy or Universe,” Mishka finished explaining.
“I knew you’d go crazy at your job.” It’s not for nothing that there is such an anecdote: “In a mental hospital, whoever puts on a robe first is the psychiatrist.”
- Yah you. You try to enlighten an ignoramus, but he also calls you crazy. Be that as it may, it was with this question that the patient I want to tell you about began.
* * *
- Yes, I know about this theory. But I would like to talk about what you actually came for? — I asked a young, decently dressed guy who came to see me.
I quickly glanced at his medical record: 25 years old, previously not registered in a mental health clinic. At the age of 19 years, a traumatic amputation of the little finger of his right hand occurred at work. Next came the standard ARVI and influenza.
- You see, there are two options for the events that happen to me. Either this theory is correct, except that these worlds actually intersect, or I'm crazy and I need your help,” he spoke calmly, showing no signs of anxiety or fear.
It became clear that his approach to me was carefully thought out.
“Come on, you tell me about everything that worries or bothers you, and after that I’ll try to think about how and how to help you,” he was the last patient of the day, so I wanted to quickly finish and go home.
- I’ll start from the moments when it started, but I still didn’t notice anything or didn’t attach any importance to it.
- Whatever is convenient for you. The more I know, the better.” My hope of leaving early was instantly extinguished. I'll have to listen to everything, that's my job.
* * *
— It started three years ago. One day I left the house and noticed that something was wrong. This feeling happens when you arrive at a familiar apartment, and they have cleaned it or rearranged something. You can’t even say exactly what exactly has changed, but the feeling doesn’t go away. When I began to analyze that moment two years later, I remembered that there was always an oak tree growing in the yard of the house. Powerful, with thick branches and powerful roots. I also remembered how I collected acorns under it as a child. And now there was larch growing there! Just as big and even similar in appearance, but the trees are completely different!
People are very afraid to change their familiar world. It is easier for them to believe a lie that maintains its existence than a truth that will destroy it. I did the same, convincing myself that there was no oak tree, as if larch had always grown there. Remembering all the moments later, I understand what a fool I was. Constantly convincing myself not to notice the truth, not believing my eyes and memories, I was getting closer and closer to disaster.
There were many more moments like this after that. Many were so insignificant that I don’t even remember them. I'll tell you about a few that I remember. Once, while walking with a friend, I remembered the “Tarkle” chewing gum, which he and I often bought for a ruble at a stall. There were also transfer tattoos inside. The friend was surprised, saying that they were called “Malabar”. Moreover, I was simply sure that he was making fun of me. At home I googled it - and yes, “Malabar”!
Then there was an acquaintance from a rock concert who didn’t recognize me and kept wondering where I got his phone number and name. Such events happened more and more often each time, and the changes became stronger. I could no longer constantly justify them with my forgetfulness or changeable memory. And yet I tried just not to think about it. I protected my little world to the last. Even when it was covered in patches and bursting at the seams.
The last event was not unexpected; on the contrary, it was quite predictable if I had not been such a stubborn ass. When I arrived home, I was greeted by unusual silence and darkness. There were no eternal dialogues of the characters from the TV series, no sizzling or gurgling of cooking dishes from the kitchen. Not, most importantly, greetings from my beloved wife Sveta. If she went out with her friends, she would definitely leave a note, send an SMS or call. Calling her right away did not give me the understanding that everything was wrong at home. There was no wall that she liked so much that I immediately bought it. Instead of it there was my old chest of drawers. Moreover, there were none of her things or anything we bought together. A phone call brought me out of my state of shock:
- Where did you leave work?! — by the voice I recognized my boss from my previous job, where I left a couple of years ago and got a job at another one, on the recommendation of my father-in-law.
- What are you about? - I was perplexed, - I quit my job a long time ago.
“Didn’t you hit your head there?” I forgive you for today, but next time you will actually be fired.
Everything that happened simply did not fit in my head. I don't remember how long it took before I calmed down and my head started working again. First of all, I called my work, acquaintances, friends, Sveta. They didn't know anything about me at work. Friends and acquaintances didn’t even know that I got married, although they were all present at my wedding. And Sveta... Sveta simply didn’t recognize me, or pretended not to know me. Her realization that I knew about her scared her greatly. After that, her phone number was unavailable.
When I calmed down, I began to analyze what had happened to me earlier. And two ideas came to my mind: either I’ve gone crazy, which is most likely, or I’m somehow traveling between worlds, quietly moving from one to another. These worlds are not much different, just in one there was oak, and in the other there was larch, in one there was “Tarkle” chewing gum, and in the other “Malabar”. And finally, in one of them I was late for the bus, which closed the doors in my face, and met a beautiful girl Sveta at the bus stop. And in another world, I probably caught that damned bus and watched her go. I could find her again, start dating and marry her again. But what's the point if I'm crazy or a traveler between worlds?
* * *
I heard a lot of sad stories, saw mothers who killed their children during an exacerbation, considering them demons, and after that sobbed inconsolably, I saw a lot. But this is the first time I've heard of this. At first glance, he himself invented these “other” memories, trying to escape from his lonely reality. But a lot of things didn’t add up. Suppose he somehow found out the phone numbers and names, but then why does he know so much about his “wife” if she doesn’t know him? Muddy story.
I advised him to talk more with his friends, to find out if he had any traumatic memories and how he could know so much about the Light. Perhaps he knows her husband or relative, has learned everything about her and has made himself believe that she is his wife. I shook his hand and said goodbye. He never came to the appointment again.
His ticket was still hanging open, so I called the phone number he left. When he found out who I was and why I was calling, he was very surprised. He began to claim that he had not gone to any psychiatrist, did not know about any wife, and believed that his friends were playing a prank on him. But I still persuaded him to come to the reception.
When Sidorov came and extended his hand to me, I suddenly remembered one detail that had hidden from me then. This Sidorov did not have a finger, as it was written in his card. But at that first appointment, carried away by the patient’s story, I did not attach any importance to the fact that all his fingers were intact.
* * *
After this story, Mishka fell silent, and we drank beer for a long time in silence. We were both thinking about the same thing. Are there worlds besides ours? If they exist, what are they? What decisions did we make there?
- Do you remember how I fell from a branch and broke my leg? And you dragged me on a hump for a good two kilometers? Just imagine, my parents don’t remember this,” I decided to ease the tension. - Maybe collective amnesia?
“No, it wasn’t like that,” Mishka was surprised.
We looked at each other worriedly, but said nothing. None of us wanted to destroy our little worlds.

Back in the fifties, the American physicist Hugh Everett substantiated the secrets of quantum mechanics. The meaning of a “many-world” Universe is that every new event is possible and causes the division of the Universe. The number of alternative outcomes is equal to the number of worlds. An example was given: a car driver sees a pedestrian jumping onto the road. In one reality, he, avoiding a collision, dies himself, in another he ends up in the hospital and remains alive, in the third a pedestrian dies. The number of alternative scenarios is endless. The theory was considered fantastic and was safely forgotten for many years.

Currently, the opinion of scientists has changed; evidence has emerged that we live in only one of many parallel worlds, and not in the only one.

I received a higher technical education, but do not have deep knowledge of quantum mechanics. However, I had the opportunity to travel to parallel worlds and return back. Skeptics may object to me, saying these are hallucinations or visions of an inflamed consciousness. I won’t convince anyone, I’ll just share my experience.

The first incident occurred at a tender age, when my face was grimy and my knees were always broken. During the day, in the presence of my mother and grandmother, I screamed at the top of my voice in fear. The adults could not understand what had happened, I shouted through my tears: “Tiger! Huge tiger! He bared his teeth, flattened his ears, let out a menacing roar and beat his tail on the floor. Then I somehow came to my senses, another world closed, I calmed down. Not only the tiger was my uninvited guest. Maybe the Higher Powers took pity on me, I was too young for such travels. Transitions to other worlds were closed to me for several years.

Everything happened again during my student years. My classmate and I were heading to the institute for classes. All I had to do was cross the road, when suddenly I saw myself on the other side, at the entrance to the institute. I watched myself, peering and identifying my wardrobe. There could be no mistake, it was me myself. At that moment when the words addressed to my companion almost escaped from my lips: “Lyudmila is already waiting for us at the doors of the institute,” everything disappeared. I understood the absurdity of what was happening for those around me and was incredibly glad that I did not have time to say anything. I soon forgot about this incident. But this was only the beginning of my travels.

I was returning home, and a trolleybus slowly passed me with a lone passenger in the cabin. I recognized my friend. She sat by the window, unnaturally straight, looking ahead detachedly. I was surprised that my friend did not get off at the stop, which was located opposite her house. I decided that the woman was lost in thought, had passed her stop and would now find herself in the trolleybus depot, which was very close. At that moment I did not see any other transport or people. Keeping the trolleybus in sight, I followed it. As soon as I heard the sound of the doors opening, everything changed. Passers-by and cars appeared, and I heard the noise of a big city. The most interesting thing is that there was no one in the trolleybus.

Such stories have become a frequent occurrence, I even allowed myself to think, they say, nothing surprising. It was as if they heard me, the scripts changed in content, I received evidence that I had actually been in a parallel world.

One weekend in July, I sent my daughter to a camp site from the company where I worked, while I stayed in the city. Usually, employees went to the camp site in two buses - an old Lvov bus, which always broke down, and an IKARUS excursion bus. The daughter was supposed to return on Sunday. That evening, I left the house to run errands. Along the way, on a narrow street, I noticed a factory bus (“Lvovskiy”), from which several factory employees got out. Looking out the windows of the bus, she looked around among other plant employees whom she knew by sight, but did not see her daughter, was glad that she would return home on a reliable bus and continued on her way. It’s also interesting that I didn’t try to talk to anyone, I just watched, although I was two meters from the bus. The next day, Monday, I met an employee who was getting off the bus and asked how she had a rest at the camp site. My question surprised her extremely, and the answer surprised me, because she didn’t go to the camp site. Perplexed, I hurried to another employee, whom I also saw getting off the bus. The result was the same, and she did not go to the camp site. I felt uneasy, so I went to the senior garage mechanic. It was necessary to find out everything about the bus. Great was my amazement when I found out that the Lviv bus was under repair; there was no way it could have been on the route on a day off. But, I saw people on the bus whom I had known well for many years.

It turns out I went for a minute into a parallel world, where events unfolded according to a different scenario. Crossing the line between worlds, I was in an altered consciousness. There were no emotions, nothing stopped me from observing what was happening. I tried to figure out what contributed to my transition back and forth. I remembered about the American doctor of philosophy and hypnotherapist Michael Newton. He developed a technique of hypnosis (age regression), extracting memories of the other world. He put patients into hypnosis, received the necessary information from them, then brought them out of hypnosis. I was not hypnotized. If we look at the above case, I uttered the key words, putting energy and anxiety into them. It was very important for me that my daughter return in reliable transport; the unknown worried me. I moved to a parallel world, where I saw a scenario in which my daughter did not go on emergency transport. That is, through my journey, I received an answer - my daughter would return on another bus, as I wanted. This information brought me back balance and peace, which in turn brought me back to the real world.

I didn't tell anyone that I was traveling. They might not understand me. At that time, I worked as a manager at an enterprise and my walks could cost me dearly.

One more case is worthy of attention. She saw off guests and returned home from the airport. In autumn it gets dark early, I slowly turned the steering wheel of the car. I felt some kind of vacuum in my head. I think that's what allowed me to move into another world. I lost my connection with the real world - thoughts, feelings and emotions. The world changed, I found myself on the road between the trees, behind which I could see low stone houses. The windows of the houses were frighteningly dark. I didn't see any lanterns. I have never seen anything like this in the city. Everything was alien and gloomy. I slowed down, the car didn’t move, but dragged along like a cart on the off-road. Suddenly, I saw a ginger cat running right in front of the car, she looked at me through the windshield. I braked sharply and stopped. Fear covered me, my hands were shaking, my thoughts were confused: “It can’t be! How so! The cat ran over." I looked back with caution; there was no one on the road. Doubt about what happened brought me back to reality. She even said out loud: “Are there cats the size of cars in my world?” She turned to face forward and saw a familiar street, the road was illuminated by lanterns, and the light burned comfortably in the windows of the houses.

Since then, I have regularly received news confirming parallel worlds. I can’t decipher everything, I can’t explain everything and understand why I need this or that information. Let me give you an example:

In the evening, passing by a friend’s house, I felt an irresistible desire to visit her. She appeared as if she were an uninvited guest, which surprised her, since we had left her two hours earlier. Out of politeness, she offered to have dinner with her. The apartment in which my friend lived was communal. Along a very narrow corridor, about one and a half meters wide, there were doors to other rooms on opposite sides. Opposite my friend's room, a lonely grandmother lived. She was sick, she didn’t get up anymore, it was no secret to anyone - the person was leaving. I left the room and wanted to wash my hands. And, again, an altered consciousness arose, everything around me disappeared, and a stretcher with the deceased floated past me through the air. I even stepped aside a little so that the stretcher wouldn’t hit me. The deceased was tightly wrapped in a white sheet from head to toe. I thought: “They packed the man up like a mummy.” My thoughts brought me back to reality. I returned to the room and, completely detached, announced to my friend: “Today your neighbor, that is, your grandmother, will die.” My friend’s surprise and lamentations finally brought me back to reality. In the morning, a friend reported that my grandmother had died during the night; she was wrapped in a white sheet and taken out of the apartment on a stretcher. The only difference from my visions was that people were carrying her away.

What was incomprehensible to me was that I did not order this scenario, the date of death, of a stranger to me. There were no key questions, and I saw what would happen in a few hours.

I must say that similar cases, with people strangers to me, have happened to me more than once. I was returning to the city from the region. Approaching a large populated area, I remembered that I would soon pass a traffic police post. I prudently slowed down. Suddenly, memory pulled out a memory from its bins. A few months ago, while passing the same traffic police post, I witnessed an accident. A man was running across the road and died under the wheels of a truck. He was lying on the road in a green insulated jacket, torn jeans exposing the unfortunate man’s leg. The memory did not go away, I did not understand why. It dawned on me: “Well, of course the jacket the man was wearing was brown, not green. However, what difference does it make to me, and even more so to the deceased.” Here is the traffic police post. What happened there again? Some kind of traffic jam has formed. I came closer and understood everything. Like a carbon copy, an accident occurred. A man died again while running across the road under the wheels of a truck. You can imagine my amazement when I saw the deceased wearing an insulated green jacket. Just like with my grandmother, I saw what would happen, specifically in the scenario of my reality. I do not know how to explain it. I didn’t ask what would happen to people I didn’t know. I need to think about why I need this experience, maybe understanding is already close.

I hope to meet like-minded people who are able to take seriously and with understanding what is happening to us. I am sure that in disputes enmity is born, and in dialogue - truth.

Parallel worlds have attracted thousands of researchers; it has already been proven that this is a reality that exists in parallel. The physics of space can be both similar and different, there is witchcraft and magic, time flows differently. People who managed to accidentally find a portal to a parallel world were absent for a long time, and only hours passed in another reflection.

Parallel worlds - what is it?

The idea that there are many worlds was put forward by the ancient philosophers Democritus, Metrodorus of Chios and Epicurus. Later, scientists developed the same theory, based on the principle of isonomy - equal being. The laws of physics argue that all dimensions are connected by photon tunnels, this allows you to move through them without distorting the law of energy conservation. There are versions about such portals:

  1. The door to another world opens in “black holes,” since these are funnels that suck in matter.
  2. It is possible to open a portal to a parallel world with correctly designed models of different mirrors. Such stone surfaces were found near the Tibetan pyramids, when expedition members began to see themselves in a different reality.

Parallel worlds - evidence of existence

For many years now, scientists have been debating: do parallel worlds exist? Serious studies of the problem were carried out in the middle of the last century, when the scientist Hugh Everett published the materials of his scientific work, giving a formulation of photon mechanics through the convention of states. The physicist was the first to notice the discrepancies between the wave and matrix formulas, which formed the basis of the theory of the Multiverse:

  1. During the selection process, all its possibilities are realized.
  2. Each choice is different from the others because it is implemented in a different reflection.
  3. It does not matter who makes the choice: an electron or a person.

The theory developed by physicists about the existence of many worlds is called the superstring theory or the theory of the Multiverse. Parapsychologists, for their part, argue that there are supposedly more than 40 portals to other dimensions in the world, 4 of which are located in Australia, another 7 in the USA, and 1 in Russia, in the Gelendzhik region, in an old mine. There is evidence that the young guy who decided to go down there disappeared for a week, and came up already very old, and did not remember anything about what happened.

How many parallel worlds are there?

Physicists suggest that the existence of parallel worlds is confirmed by superstring theory. It testifies that all the elements of the world are made of oscillating threads and membranes of energy. According to this theory, there can be from 10 to the 100th power to 10 to the 500th power of other dimensions. Mathematicians present their proofs. If parallel lines can coexist in two-dimensional space, and parallel planes can coexist in three-dimensional space, then parallel three-dimensional spaces can also coexist in four-dimensional space.

What does a parallel world look like?

Scientists find it difficult to describe parallel worlds, because the parallels cannot intersect, and it is difficult to visit that reflection for the sake of experience. In this matter we can only rely on the words of eyewitnesses. In their vision, parallel worlds are:

  • nature of amazing beauty, inhabited by elves, gnomes and dragons;
  • an area similar to a volcanic crater, bathed in crimson light;
  • rooms and streets reminiscent of childhood places, filled with light.

The only thing in which the descriptions are similar is in the strong stream of light that appears from the void. Scientists saw similar phenomena in the pyramids of the pharaohs; researchers came up with the theory that the chambers were covered with unique alloys that glow in the dark. When you try to expose the chip to sunlight, these alloys disintegrate, it is impossible to study them, so there is no exact data.

How to get to a parallel world?

Traveling to is one of the popular themes of science fiction writers and the dream of many inhabitants of the Earth. According to theorists, the simplest way is a dream, in which information is received and transmitted many times faster than in reality. If we talk about conscious movement, then the situation is somewhat different. According to esotericists, it is possible to get into another world, but it is very dangerous, since the different nature of the emitted waves can negatively affect the structure of the human brain. But through trial and error, several ways have been developed to help make such a journey:

  1. Lucid dream, which involves turning off consciousness and immersing yourself in another reality.
  2. Meditation. The methods are similar.
  3. Using a mirror. Since ancient times, magicians have created special rituals for this.
  4. Via elevator. The transition is best done at night, alone, pressing the floor numbers in a certain sequence.

Creatures from parallel worlds

It’s difficult to say what parallel worlds are and what lives there. But a great many people have observed creatures from another reflection of reality at all times. It's not just about humanoids. The most famous cases of such meetings:

  1. '93 In Rome, people saw a glowing, golden ball that floated across the sky.
  2. 235 In China, the warring parties saw a large scarlet ball, which threw out rays in the form of daggers, moving from north to south.
  3. 848 The French noticed objects in the sky that were shaped like glowing cigars.
  • fairies;
  • poltergeists;
  • Critters.

Movies about parallel worlds

There are many films about parallel worlds; directors and writers call this genre fantasy. There our world is depicted as part of the multiverse. All categories of viewers love to watch about parallel worlds. Most popular films:

  1. “Parallel Worlds” (2011, Canada)- adventure, fantasy.
  2. "The Chronicles of Narnia" (2005, USA)- pure fantasy.
  3. “Sliding” (1995 - 2000, USA)- a series closer to science fiction.
  4. “Fierce Planet” (2011, USA)- adventure, fantasy, thriller.
  5. "Verbo" (2011, Spain)- fantastic.

Books about parallel worlds

Are there parallel worlds on earth? – writers have been looking for an answer to this question for a long time. The very first tales about the Gardens of Eden, Inferno, Olympus and Valhalla completely fall under the category of stories about parallel worlds. The specific concept of the existence of other dimensions appeared already in the 19th century, with the light hand of Herbert Wells. There are hundreds of novels about time travel in modern literature, but the following classics are called the pioneers:

  1. H.G. Wells, "The Door in the Wall."
  2. Herbert Dent, "Emperor of the If Country."
  3. Veniamin Girshgorn, "Unceremonious Romance".
  4. Jorge Borges, The Garden of Forking Paths.
  5. “Multi-tiered world” is a cycle of fantasy stories.
  6. “The Chronicles of Amber” is the most striking reflection of other dimensions in literature.

The study of celestial bodies is fraught with a number of difficulties. However, while scientists are coming up with ingenious probes, interplanetary stations and other devices for research, simple dugouts, not in any way connected with high technology, managed to visit other planets, meet their inhabitants and write down their impressions.

To the average person, such stories may seem like nothing more than fiction, an attempt to break away from reality. To this it can be argued that quite respectable women left memories of their travels.

Helena Roerich, the wife of the Russian artist, philosopher, scientist, writer and traveler Nicholas Roerich, described her journey to Venus in great detail. According to her recollections, the planet is painted in shades of sea green, there is a real kingdom of flight - everything and everyone soars: people, birds and even fish. The animals she met there are much more perfect than those on earth: birds understand human speech.

Venusians do not live long - about 40 years, but they do not age and do not suffer from diseases. A newborn in its development corresponds to a seven-year-old earthling, although childhood lasts very little - 5 years. Everyone communicates using telepathy.

In addition, Helena Roerich described the social life of the planet. Everyone there is equal, there is no division into states and regions. The population is busy working to curb the oceans. Since frequent tornadoes cause giant waves, it is necessary to build dams and breakwaters. There are no radio, television or newspapers familiar to earthlings on Venus - all information is transmitted using light pictures and inscriptions that appear directly in the air.

The wife of Japanese Prime Minister Miyuki Hatoyama is a very extraordinary lady: she eats sunlight, sews unusual clothes and claims to know Tom Cruise, although in his past life, when he was Japanese. But that's not all. The first lady of the Land of the Rising Sun is sure that she visited Venus with aliens.

She talks about this striking event in the book “Very Strange Facts I Encountered.” In the dead of night 20 years ago, Miyuki was abducted by aliens. “While my body was sleeping, my soul ended up in a triangular UFO and went to Venus,” she writes. The prime minister’s wife describes the planet as “a very beautiful and green place.”

Most likely, a resident of the glorious city of Volgograd, where aliens are rampaging, also went along the beaten path to Venus. Ellina Glazunova once woke up from a vertical column of light appearing in her room. A beautiful blonde in a white jumpsuit appeared in it, somewhat similar to Marilyn Monroe. Then the stranger ordered Ellina, numb with horror, to go with her to the exit, but she resisted - the torn nightie and curlers, which she had unknowingly wrapped around her head the day before, did not allow her to go on a visit. However, Marilyn Monroe did not back down and promised the woman that she would return, “only in a slightly different form.”

Ellina Glazunova obediently followed her overnight guest and found herself on the landing of a multi-story building, although she lived in a private house. There she met four young girls - also in the same underwear. One of them, apparently not the first time receiving such an honor, reassured Ellina: “Don’t be afraid... Once there, once back home, it won’t be long.” And then a beam descended on them, which took the women to the laboratory.

There Ellina was met by a woman who introduced herself as her real mother. She said, “You are ours,” and explained: “We take girls more often. We take it periodically. Sometimes we need to communicate so that they don’t forget their own.” Glazunova does not remember any experiments performed on her.

Ellina woke up in her bed as if from a sharp blow. Having come to her senses, she went to the store and bought good underwear. “I don’t want to mess up again,” she said. She has not yet discovered new abilities - after all, the aliens promised her a different hypostasis - but she is still expecting something.

Member of the board of the International UFO Association, chairman of the Volga group for the study of anomalous phenomena, Gennady Belimov not only believes in such stories, but also collects them. “Showing an interest in esoteric knowledge, I, of course, believe in such travel to other planets with our subtle bodies, not physical. Of course, these journeys do not occur at our request, but are sanctioned by someone above, by the civilizations that care for earthlings. But such a journey needs to be earned by something, by some personal qualities, but even more so, you need to have the courage and courage to decide to talk about such a fact,” says the ufologist. He is sure that some of us are under the control of “otherworldly people,” but for what purpose this is being done, he cannot yet say.