Musical lesson in the senior group “Spring has come to us. Open lesson on music music of spring Synopsis of a music lesson on the Federal State Educational Standards spring

Goal and objectives – To develop the cognitive interests of children.
Expand children's understanding of the signs and phenomena of nature at different times of the year.
Continue to instill in children a caring attitude towards the world around them.
To instill in children a sense of the beauty of nature (slides with spring nature are used).
Evoke an emotional response to vibrant music.
Encourage statements about the content of the play.

Progress of the lesson.

Music leader: Children, before listening to a new play, I will tell you about the great Russian composer P. I. Tchaikovsky, (a slide with a portrait of the composer is shown) who created musical works known all over the world. His music is very melodic, beautiful and expressive. Today we will listen to an instrumental piece from the “Seasons” cycle “Spring”.
A multimedia presentation with a spring landscape is shown.
Music leader Spring is a special time of year. The time of nature's awakening from winter sleep, when everything comes to life, blossoms, and rejoices in the coming warmth. Let's listen to the piece.
After the auditions.
Music leader: Tell me guys, what does the music talk about?
Children: About spring. (Children talk about the signs of spring)
Music leader: What kind of music?
Children: Tender, excited.
Music director: Yes, this play is reverent, excited like spring. Although there are no words in this music, it is very expressive and vividly tells us about spring. The melody sounds bright and joyful in a high register. There is another melody in this piece - very beautiful, light, like a breath of wind. In the accompaniment you can hear the murmuring of streams, the rustling of spring nature and the noise of spring foliage.
Now let's determine what musical instruments sounded in this piece.
A multimedia presentation with musical instruments is shown. Children identify the specific musical instrument sounded in a given piece.
Musical director: Children, now we will play the game “What are the children doing”
Musical excerpts from different genres are played: dance,
lullaby, march. Slides are shown on the screen showing
dancing, marching, sleeping children. You must guess:
Does the image match the music genre?
Then, with the help of multimedia presentations, children are invited to sing the musical song “Cornflower” by E. Tilicheeva, conveying the rhythmic pattern of the melodies. The slide shows cornflower flowers.
Two small cornflowers mean short sounds, and one big one means a long sound. Children sing and easily convey the rhythmic pattern of melodies.
Musical director: And now we’ll play children’s musical
instruments song “Merry Musicians” - E. Tilicheeva
When a drum appears on the screen, the boys will play the drum.
If a pipe appears on the screen, the girls will play the pipe.
If a tambourine appears on the screen, the girls will play the tambourine.

Dominant activity for music perception in

Preparatory group

"Musical Spring"

Tasks: Teach children to distinguish between the expressiveness of music, changes in moods, and highlight parts of a work.

Encourage children to express their musical impressions through creative dance activities.

Improve the ability to orchestrate a piece by choosing the timbres of musical instruments that correspond to the nature of the music.

Expand children's knowledge about music.

Progress of the lesson.

The music is “Morning” by E. Grieg. The children calmly enter the hall.

Teacher: Guys, I see you are all smiling, you are in a good mood. And why?

Children: Because the music is playing and the sun is shining.

Teacher: Yes, the sun is shining, the music is playing. And also because guests came to us today, and we love guests and are always very happy to see them. Let's give them our love, let's welcome them.

Children wave to guests.

Teacher: Did you notice what music we entered the hall to?

Children: "Morning" by Edvard Grieg.

Teacher: Right. Grieg is a Norwegian composer and in his music he often glorified the beauty of his homeland, which he loved very much.

And in this music we present a picture of nature awakening.

And when else does all nature awaken from sleep?

Children: In the spring.

Teacher: Yes, spring is a special time of year. The time of nature's awakening from winter sleep, when everything comes to life, blossoms, and rejoices in the coming warmth. And how much joy it brings to people! How many hopes and aspirations come to life in people in the spring!

Spring, Spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

The streams are noisy! The streams sparkle.

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised.

In previous classes we listened to a piece of music with the same name “Spring”. Let's remember(Listen to the fragment).Who wrote this wonderful music?.

Children: Antonio Vivaldi from the cycle “The Seasons”

Teacher: Who did the composer want to tell about with his music?

Children: About the joyful chirping of birds.

Teacher: Yes, they are probably making their own nests and enjoying the spring sun.

Let's play with you now. The girls will be birds who rejoice at returning to their homeland and make nests for themselves: looking for fluff, straws, and making cozy houses for themselves. The boys will be a thunderstorm with strong winds and rain. We will give them “streams of rain”

Children improvise to the music “Spring” by A. Vivaldi

Teacher: In spring the first flowers appear. Which?

Blooms from under the snow,

Welcomes spring before everyone else.

Children: Snowdrops.

Teacher: They are so small, tender, defenseless, I can’t even believe that when there is nothing else in the forest except snow - no grass, no flowers, they are the first to boldly break through the cold snow.

The Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky also has a cycle “The Seasons”, in which there are 12 pieces, as many as there are months in the year. And now we will listen to the work “April. Snowdrop". Poems are written before each work in the album. Before this play there is a poem by Maykov.

The teacher reads a poem,

Performs “Snowdrop” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Teacher: How music tells about nature. What is she like?

Children: Tender, sometimes excited

Teacher: Yes, the music is trembling, excited in spring. At first timid, timid, affectionate. The snowdrop reaches for the sun and the melody rises higher(Sound fragment)

But it sounds either light, high, or more alarming, low. The music tells us that the sun doesn’t always shine, that it can still be cold, dark, and stormy.(A fragment sounds).

There is another melody here - very beautiful, excited, light, like a breath of breeze(25-32 bars sound)The snowdrop flower seems to sway in the wind.

But then the sun came out again and the music again became bright and gentle(Fragment)

You and I know that every piece of music can be depicted with a diagram of how the mood of the music changes(show cards - joyful, calm, anxious)Listen to the piece again, look at the diagrams and see which diagram fits this piece.

Children listen to the piece again in its entirety, choose the appropriate diagram and explain.

Teacher: In spring, not only snowdrops appear, but also other spring flowers. Do you know poems about such flowers?

Children read poetry.

Teacher: Well, violets, lilies of the valley, daffodils, and tulips have already bloomed. And you and I know very beautiful music in which all the flowers dance.

Children: “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “The Nutcracker”.

Teacher: Today we will try to play this waltz with an orchestra. And I will be your conductor... To the accompaniment of quiet, calm, gentle music, calm instruments will play - maracas, rattles, bells will ring quietly, metallophones - a light glissando. And when the music starts to sound bright, tambourines, rumbas, triangles, and cymbals will play.

Instrumental improvisation to the music of “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P.I. Tchaikovsky

Teacher: And now little fairy-tale creatures have flown to our flower meadow. Who is this?

Children: Elves.

Teacher: What music do they dance to?

Children: “Dance of the Elves” by E. Grieg.

Children improvise to music.

Teacher: Well, our “Musical Spring” lesson has come to an end. I am very pleased with you, we made me happy today, I really liked you, and now I would like to know what you liked most about this lesson.

Children speak out.

Teacher: Thank you, and also many thanks to our guests for listening to us so carefully and supporting us. Let's say goodbye to them.

Open music lesson in the senior group.

Topic: “Spring has come.”

Prepared by: music director of the MKDOU Ergeninsky kindergarten “Girl” Ovkadzhieva Danara Talyevna.

Goals and objectives:

Development children’s musicality, ability to emotionally perceive music through solving the following problems:

Development of musical and artistic activities;

Introduction to the art of music;

Development of children's musicality;

Developing the ability to emotionally perceive music.

Education children's singing and musical-rhythmic skills.

Upbringing ability to perceive, feel and understand music.

Equipment: lesson notes, music center, photographs of composers, plates.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall in pairs to the music of D. Kabalevsky “Our Land” and stand in a circle.

Musical director: Mendvt, guys!

Children: Mendvt!

Musical Director: How did you spend your weekend? Are you bored?

Children: Okay, we miss you.

Musical director: Today I invite you to go on a journey through the Musical Land, where spring has come. Who is the first to rejoice at the arrival of spring?

Children: Birds.

Musical director: That's right, guys! These are birds. Are you ready to travel to Music Land? Let's hold hands, close our eyes and, accompanied by the chirping of birds, move to the Musical Land.

The recording “Birds Chirping” is playing.

Musical director: One, two, three. Now open your eyes, look, here we are in Music Land. Sit down on the chairs.

The children take their seats.

Musical director: Guys, guess what kind of bird it is?

Little dark girl

White from the belly.

The tail will spread into two tails.

Children: Swallow.

Musical director: That's right, guys! Let's listen to A. Mandzhiev's song “Harada”.

Listening to the song “Harada” by A. Mandzhiev.

Musical director: Why do you think this particular composition was performed? Who is this Harada?

Children: Swallow.

Musical director: That's right, it's a swallow. It is she who brings us spring, arriving first from warm countries. What other birds return to us from warm countries in the spring?

Children's answers.

Musical director: I suggest you listen to the composition and remember its name.

Rimsky-Korsakov's "Dance of the Birds" is playing.

Musical director: Do you guys remember the name of this composition?

Children: "Dance of the birds."

Musical director: That's right, guys! Now let's imagine ourselves in the role of these birds who rejoice at the arrival of spring.

Children pretend to be birds to the music.

Musical director: What a great fellow you are, guys! Do you know that there are many songs about spring. And we will now begin to learn one of them. But first we need to develop the vocal cords.

Chanting sounds.

Musical director: Now we will listen to the song “The Sun Laughs” by L.A. Olifirova. Look at her portrait.

The song “The Sun Laughs” plays.


1. The sun laughs, and the icicles cry,
Sunny bunnies jump along the paths (2 times)
Jump-jump, jump-jump, jump-jump. jumping gallop

2. Mommy, can you hear it on our roof?
Cats are walking and cats, come on, be quiet (2 times)
Meow-meow, meow-meow, meow-meow, meow-meow. Shoot!

3. Let's open the window, wait a little,
When starlings fly to us, here is millet and crumbs (2 times)
Tick-tweet, chik-tweet, chik-tweet, chik-tweet. Fly!

4. The sun warms the ears, strokes the top of the head,
Gives mommy and me red freckles (2 times)

Learning a song.

Musical director: Well done, guys! How well you sing. And what kind of sounds are heard?

Children: The clock is ticking.

Musical director: That's right, guys! This clock is ticking. And they tell us that it’s time to dance. Now we will begin to study the “Clock” dance. Let's stand in a large circle, take a plate in each hand and repeat the movements after me.

The music director gives each child a plate in each hand, and to the music of “Clock” G. Vasiliev shows the movements, and the children repeat after him.

Musical director: How well you are doing. Well, now it’s time for us to return to the group. Let's hold hands again, close our eyes and return to the group while the birds chirp. Three two one. Well, here we are in the group.


What did you do today?

What country did you travel through?

Did you like it?

What did you like most?

Children leave the hall in pairs to the music “Our Land” by D. Kabalevsky.

Galina Kovergina
Musical lesson in the senior group “Spring has come to us”

"Spring has come to us"

Music lesson in the senior group.

Kovergina Galina Vasilievna, musical director of MBDOU"Kindergarten "Sun", Uvarovo, Tambov region.

On music lesson it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Develop the ability to listen musical the fabric of an instrumental work;

Learn to independently determine character and content piece of music, respond emotionally to it;

Expand children's musical horizons, promote the manifestation musically-creative abilities;

Learn to sing expressively, conveying the character of the song (affectionate, calm, cheerful, perky);

Foster a culture of communication, teach thinking;

Summarize children's ideas about typical spring phenomena;

Preliminary work:

Children's observations of spring phenomena on walks.

Development of observation of birch branches standing in music hall, pre-positioned vase with water in musical hall at the end of February.

Examination of illustrations on the topic.


Slides with pictures, music recordings, printed proverbs and sayings, plot pictures, recording sounds spring, crossword, coloring about spring.

Progress of the lesson:

I Organizational moment

Children enter one after another music hall, sit on chairs.

Musical greeting: up the scale - Hello, guys!

Down triad - answer: - Hello!

II Statement of the topic classes

Musical director:

Guys, now we will spend with you class, and you will try to determine the topic yourself after watching the next video. Slide 1-3.

(Slides on spring theme No. 1,2,3

So, guys, what do you think is the topic of our classes? (Lesson about spring)

Musical director: in spring everything in nature changes? How do you think (children's answers)

Target: To develop children’s attention to the world around them through music, be able to compare its sound with what you see on the screen.

You are right, it has become warmer during the day, you wear lighter clothes... But the naughty girl spring can cook for us surprises: frosts and even snowfall...Therefore, with such unstable weather we can with you....what?

That's right, get sick.

Who will answer what you and I can do to avoid runny noses and fever? Do children like you harm you who like to get sick? (Answers) That's why on every musical lesson we are with you.... That's right, we do breathing exercises, deep and noisy. Who remembers how these exercises help us? (answers) What exercises do you remember? (answers)

Together with the teacher, children perform 2-3 Strelnikov breathing exercises under music played and sung by music director.

1 exercise "Flower":

We smell the flower - we really like it.

Gives a smell, it gives a smell to you, and to you, and to us (children take deep, noisy, rhythmic breaths)

Exercise 2:(clench and unclench their fists in rhythm, taking deep breaths at the same time)

Fists and again palms - palms, palms - 2 times

Exercise 3: "Pumps"(Tilts - palms unclenched, straightening - palms in fists)

We are pumps, we are pumps - we sniff noisily with our noses - 2 times

Musical director: Well, now we have improved our health, and we can calmly walk on the street, without fear of the wind or spring rain, right, children?

Children are invited to perform the first verse of a previously learned song.

There's a song playing « Spring came» Music Eremina. Sl. Petrova.

1. Rooks and herons will fly to us from the south again

Outside my window drops, drops, drops are ringing



Outside the window again spring - please, please, please!

III Main part

Musical director:

What spring months do you know?

Children's answers

Musical director: And this is what people call them. Why? (March - snowmelt, April - snowmobile, May - grass). Children's answers

(slide No. 6 of each month).

Musical director: Guys, do you like to argue? And now I’m going to argue with all of you and assure you that it’s autumn outside. A! Don't you agree? Then try to convince me and name the signs spring(children take turns naming with the help of the teacher)

1) Main feature spring in inanimate nature is that the sun rises much higher above the horizon than in winter.

2) It shines brighter and warms more and more every day. The days are getting longer.

3) The most noticeable sign of attack spring in inanimate nature - this is snow melting.

4) The ice begins to melt. Ice drift begins on the rivers.

5) When rivers and lakes overflow with water from melted snow, water fills meadows, forests, and fields along the river. This is called high water.

6) The soil thaws from the spring heat. A lot of moisture accumulates in it. Plants really need this moisture.

7) It rains in spring, not snow. The first thunderstorm is not far away.

Musical director: Well, now you’ve definitely convinced me that real spring has come!

The alarm melody sounds "Stand up, children, stand in a circle"

Educator: And now, guys, we’ll play in a circle, do everything after me.

Held music game"Spring"(Repeat)

To the tune "Belarusian polka" Children sing along and perform the following movements.

March icicles hung from the roof (holding hands we walk in a circle)

And the drop rang. (stopped, clap rhythmically)

The sun is higher, higher in the sky. (raise your hands up)

Everyone is busy with a lot of things. (tilts to the right and left)

Soon the snow will completely melt. (squat and stand up)

The tractors will go out into the field. (hands on the belt, we move forward with a stomp)

Black rook welcomes spring(we walk, raising our knees high)

loud song: (we wave our hands, "wings")


Sounds musical signal: “Sit down, sit down, sit down quickly”

Musical director: Of course, you love riddles. Now you and I will solve alternately: girls and boys.

Presentation "Spring Riddles" Slide No. 7 (separate presentation No. 2

"Let's play" Riddles - answers)

1 riddle (to girls) Slide 2.

Guess which image here does NOT match spring? (Answers)

2riddle: (to boys) Slide 3.

Are there spring flowers in this picture and what are they called? (answers)

Educator: And we will figure this out together (girls and boys)

3 riddle: “What did the artist mix up?” Slide4.


I see you guys are attentive. And if so, then answer, what can you say about the spring sun? What is it like? (selection of epithets)

Children perform a song « Stonefly» (you can dance in a round dance with the teacher)

1. It became clear that the sun was baking, baking (Both hands up)

It’s as if the earth is being filled with gold, filled with gold. (hands down smoothly)

The pigeons began to coo and coo louder.

The cranes have returned to us again. To us again (waves hands,

And in the forest the snowdrops bloomed, bloomed (walk in a circle)

There are many bright colors in the spring land.

Target: Consolidation of a simple round dance step, rhythmic movements below and above the hands according to the text of the song.

Musical director:

Spring... The ice melted... Let's run...

Track2 "The Sound of the Stream". Slide number 8.

What does a stream do? in the spring? (selection of verbs)

Now imagine that you find yourself in a spring forest.


What did you hear? (birds sing loudly).

Where and when do birds sing like this? (In the woods in the spring before the chicks appear).

What migratory birds do you know?

Who returns to their native land first? (rooks) Slide No. 9-10

Musical director: As soon as thawed patches appear in the field, rooks arrive - the first messengers spring.

Which bird is the last to arrive? Why? (swallows, swifts; when insects appear).

What are the birds doing now? (build and repair nests, lay eggs and hatch chicks).

Musical director: Children, you and I all live in houses and apartments, but how can people help birds so that they also have a place to sleep, to sing their bird song? (Answers)

Yes, people simply need to build birdhouses for starlings and all the birds that came to us from the south. (answers and conversation about those who already have built birdhouses).

Let's learn the second verse of the song « Spring came»

Techniques and stages of learning:

Display and performance musical leader of verse 2.

Question for the children, what is this verse talking about?

Learning technique - game "Echo", children repeat phrases after musical director.

Singing by subgroups: girls, separately boys.

Target: Learn to listen and understand the text, memorize it.

Task: Repeat the melody line exactly with the new lyrics.

Children perform verse 2 of the song « Spring came» Words by G. V. Kovergina

2. We will build a house for the birds - the birds will live in it,

But they sing in the morning, they can’t sit in the house.

Chorus: same.

Target: Sing, briefly pronouncing the last words in musical phrases, learn to listen to the voice musical leader and the sounds of the piano, trying don't shout over each other.

Musical director: Birds are of great benefit. By feeding on insects, they help people preserve forests, fields, gardens and parks. We are pleased with their deft and fast flight, they give us a feeling of freedom and beauty, the enchanting sounds of trills.

The teacher spends with the children musical game"Skvorushki".Mus. etc. Kovergina G.V.

Slide No. 11-12

Text and progress of the game: (The teacher brings out the flat sun)

Children sing: Skvorushki, skvorushki - gray feathers,

Adults: The sun is getting warmer, come quickly.

(children "fly", the chairs are placed with their backs - these are their birdhouses)

Little gray squirrels flew and flew,

Pecked, pecked grains from the feeder (pecking)

The sun is going down.

The day is over - you fly, find your birdhouse!

("Fly away" V "birdhouses", squatting, as if hiding behind chairs).

Target: Teach you to easily run freely around the hall, while waving your arms "wings" without hurting anyone. Movement "peck" perform with a straight back, moving your head up and down.

Tasks: Hear in music 3-part form and, in accordance with it and the text, perform the necessary movements. Develop children's attention to text.

Educator: Now we’ll dream up... Imagine that I - Spring(puts on a wreath of flowers, takes a bouquet of willows, snowdrops, and green grass in his hands)

Attention, now your favorite riddles will be played. And if you guess right, you will see the answer (Slides No. 12-20)

And today I'm on class I brought several pictures that I will distribute to you (distributes pictures depicting icicles, a Snowman, pieces of ice, a starling)

Sounds music, against its background, the teacher asks riddles to the children.

1. The very first day spring,

The very first one.

At the edge of a pine tree

Bloomed... (willow).

2. Snow in the forest. There are a lot of snowdrifts.

But you can hear the trill of tits.

From the roof straight onto the road

It's dripping loudly... (drops).

3. The first to get out of the dungeon

On a thawed patch.

He is not afraid of frost

Although small... (snowdrop).

4. I lived in the middle of the yard,

Where the kids play

But from the sun's rays

I turned into a stream. (Snowman)

5. This smooth road

It won't last long.

How to get through it spring,

It will all be destroyed. (Ice)

6. The carrot is white,

It grew all winter.

The sun has warmed up,

I ate all the carrots. (Icicle)

7. There is a palace on the pole.

There is a singer in the yard.

And his name is... (starling).

8. The beauty walks

It touches the ground lightly.

Goes to the field, to the river,

Both the snowball and the flower. (Spring)

9. She dies in the fall.

And again comes to life in spring.

The green needle will come out into the light,

It grows and blooms all summer. (Grass)

Musical director: That's it for us the lesson has come to an end. You all did a good job, and I want to give you a picture book about spring, which you can color.

Sounds musical low register signal (second chord)- children line up in a certain place one after another.

Musical director sings: “The end has come classes!

Goodbye, guys!"

Children sing: (Descending melody from "salt" before "Before") "Goodbye"

Sounds music….

Children "fly out" from music hall, transforming upon request music director, into birds with mobile, light hands - "wings".

I offer you a summary of the thematic music lesson “Sounds of Spring” for children of the older group (5-6 years old). This material will be of interest to music directors for the purpose of carrying out work on the development of metrorhythmic and timbre hearing in children.

Target. To form children's timbre hearing and metrorhythmic skills using game situations and didactic games. Develop coherent speech and imaginative thinking by creating a creative atmosphere.

Material. Children's musical instruments: claves, triangle, tambourine, box; flashcards “Beetles”; pictures of birds, children and caterpillars; two caterpillars - soft toys; pea - a green ball from a dry pool; cockerel hat.

Musical material: Hungarian folk melody “After the Rain”, “Two Caterpillars are Talking” music by D. Zhuchenko, call “Sunny, don’t hide”, “Skvorushka” music by Y. Slonov, “Pea” music by V. Karaseva

Progress of the lesson.

Calm music sounds.

Children enter the hall in a chain and form a circle.

The musical director, in an ascending stepwise movement within a fifth, sings the phrase: “Hello, guys!”

Musical director. Guys, what direction of the melody did you hear? (children's answers).

Now let’s all sing this welcome song together and show with our hands the direction of the melody (Performance by children with hand movement).

Musical director. Spring has come again -

How many sounds did you bring...

And there really are a lot of sounds. Let's listen, maybe we'll hear them.

Everyone is listening.

Musical director. What did you hear? (children's answers).

The phonogram “Sounds of Rain” plays.

Musical director. What sounds did you hear now? (Answers). Well done, you heard the sounds of rain. What time of year can you hear them? (Answers). The rain passed, but after it there were ... (children's answer).

Puddles, puddles, puddles - full of water.

Puddles, puddles, puddles - traces of rain.

Now I propose to stand scattered and everyone imagine a puddle. We will show raindrops on the palm, and splashes of water on a puddle.

Hungarian folk melody "After the Rain".

Option 1.

1 hour. Children tap their fingers on their palms with quarter notes.

2 hours. Rhythmically tap one foot on a puddle on a downbeat.

Musical director. I'm making the task more difficult.

Option 2.

1 hour. Children walk on their tiptoes around imaginary puddles.

2 hours. Having stopped, perform rhythmic jumps in one place (in the middle of a puddle) on a strong beat.

Musical director. Be careful, you will now hear other sounds.

The phonogram “Sounds of Insects” plays.

Musical director. Do you hear? Spring is filled with new sounds. Who's waking up? (children's answers). I offer to help my friend spider wake up.

Finger gymnastics song “Spider”

Pow-spider sewed a web.

Suddenly it started to rain and washed away the cobwebs.

The sun has come out

It started to get hot.

The spider spider is working again.

The music director picks up a flat ladybug from a didactic game.

Musical director. In the clearing, by the stump

I found a beetle in the grass.

The beetle is so cute

The back is covered in polka dots.

So this is a bug from the rhythmic family. I invite you to come closer and see how our rhythmic bugs are built today.

Children sit on chairs closer to the easel on which a rhythmic pattern of large and small ladybugs is laid out.

Game "Bugs"


a) pronounce the syllables “TA”

b) clap;

c) play on instruments (claves, tambourine, box, triangle)

Musical director. As we already understood, there are many and varied sounds in spring. What sounds did the composer hear in the spring and depict in his musical play?

Children listen to the play “Two Caterpillars are Talking” music by D. Zhuchenko

The music director offers three pictures depicting marching children, birds sitting on a branch, and an apple with two caterpillars.

Musical director. Please look at the pictures and tell me which one suits the music. Why do you think so? What is the character of this music? What voices do caterpillars have? (Children's answers)

The music director brings in two pom-pom caterpillars.

Musical director. Listen to a fairy tale. Once upon a time there lived two girlfriends, a caterpillar (what should we call the first one?) and a caterpillar (?). They loved to climb onto a branch in the evening and chat about this and that... What do you think the caterpillars were talking about?

(Children come up with their own versions of caterpillar conversations).

Musical director. Don't you guys think that the caterpillars are getting cold? What can be done to make the caterpillars warmer? (Answers). I suggest asking the sun not to hide behind the spring clouds.

Crypto “Sunny, don’t hide”

Draw the children's attention to the forward movement of the melody.

Sing on the syllable “la”.

Musical director. Guys, I remind you that today we are listening to the sounds of spring. And to find out what other sounds of spring there are, listen to the melody of a familiar song and remember who it is about.

The musical director performs the melody of the song “Skvorushka” music by Yu. Slonov

Musical director. That's right guys, migratory birds return in the spring and sing their funny songs. Let's remember the song about the birdhouse.

The soloists will perform the chorus, and the choir will perform the chorus.

1) repeat the chorus in chorus, paying attention to the correct articulation of vowel sounds in words;

2) choose soloists;

3) perform, lining up on stage.

Musical director. Today we listened to the sounds of spring and what did we hear? (Children's answers: raindrops, splashing puddles, the buzzing of a beetle, a conversation between two caterpillars, birdsong, etc.). Everything is correct. I want to tell you that with these sounds nature wakes up from sleep

The music director draws the children's attention to an unexpectedly (with the help of the teacher) “pea” (a green ball from a dry pool) rolling out into the center of the hall.

Musical director. What is this? (Answers are assumptions). Well, yes, in the spring we need to sow peas and, probably, this pea invites us to play. And whoever is the most perceptive today will tell us what game the pea suggests playing?

Children use a counting rhyme to choose a child to play the role of a cockerel in the musical game “Pea” Music by V. Karaseva

Musical director. It's time to end our lesson. And I would like to end our spring meeting with wonderful poems by the Great Russian poet - Alexei Nikolaevich Pleshcheev.