Summary of the thematic music lesson “Colorful autumn” (preparatory group) outline of a music lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Notes H

Subject:"Autumn is colorful."

Program content: generalize children's knowledge about the signs of autumn; development of creative activity (through musical and rhythmic activity in improvisation); developing the ability to speak out about a piece of music listened to, to replenish the vocabulary that characterizes music (means of musical expression), and the ability to speak figuratively; encourage emotional performance of the song; cultivate friendly feelings during the game; creating a friendly, positive atmosphere in the classroom.

Material: magnetic board; pictures with signs of autumn; autumn leaves (according to the number of girls), blue ribbons (according to the number of boys); "Musical Primer" by Vetlugin, 3 illustrations for the section "Listening"; stylized autumn wreath.



Department of Preschool Educational Institution of the Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Syktyvkar"

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 57”, Syktyvkar


Thematic music lesson

"Colorful autumn"

(preparatory group)

Designed by: Music Director

MADO "Kindergarten No. 57"

Ivanova M. A.

Subject: "Autumn is colorful."

Program content:generalize children's knowledge about the signs of autumn; development of creative activity (through musical and rhythmic activity in improvisation); developing the ability to speak out about a piece of music listened to, to replenish the vocabulary that characterizes music (means of musical expression), and the ability to speak figuratively; encourage emotional performance of the song; cultivate friendly feelings during the game; creating a friendly, positive atmosphere in the classroom.

Material: magnetic board; pictures with signs of autumn; autumn leaves (according to the number of girls), blue ribbons (according to the number of boys); 3 illustrations for the “Listening” section; stylized autumn wreath.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the hall with a dance step).

Musical director:Hello guys.

Educator: The rooks have flown away,

The forests have turned yellow,

Some turn green

Only pine trees and spruce trees.

The days have become shorter

The nights have become longer...

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (Autumn).

Tell us, guys, by what signs do we know that autumn has come?

(Children name the signs of autumn. The teacher lays out the corresponding pictures so that a picture of autumn is obtained).

Look what a wonderful, beautiful autumn we have had. Let's try to depict all the charm and beauty of autumn in dance, with the help of movements. Girls will be autumn leaves, and boys will be droplets.

(Children improvise to the music, then sit on chairs).

M.R.: Children, there are three months in autumn. Which? Every month is beautiful in its own way. For each of them, the autumn artist found her own special colors. Let's see how colorful autumn can be. (Shows illustrations of golden autumn). What colors did the artist use to depict golden autumn? (Children's answers).

Child: Autumn, sunny autumn!

We carry armfuls of leaves.

Variegated leaves, very different - silver, yellow, red.

And the road that is visible

To me from our window,

Unfolded under the window in a multi-colored canvas.

M.R.: What a wonderful, bright poem you told about the golden autumn. Listen to how the music tells about the golden sunny autumn, what kind of music?

(Children listen to the song “Autumn wanders through the forests” by E. Tilicheeva).

M.R.: How did music tell us about the golden autumn? (Children's answers).

(Shows an illustration of rainy autumn).

M.R.: Children, what colors did the artist choose for the rainy autumn? (Children's answers).

Child: All the clouds, clouds. Rain,

Cold like ice, prickly like a hedgehog,

It wanders through the autumn.

M.R. : Now listen to how the music talks about rainy weather.

(Children listen to the song “What the Rain Cries About” by E. Tilicheeva).

M.R.: How did the composer convey the rainy mood? What music? (Children's answers).

What a sad song. And the picture of autumn rain is sad, dull.

But we won't be sad, because autumn has many other colors. (The teacher shows an illustration of vegetables and fruits).

M.R.: What mood does this painting convey? (Children's answer). What a wealth of colors!

Child: According to mysterious laws, still incomprehensible,

The cucumber grows green, next to it is a red tomato. Blue eggplants

Next to the yellow melon, And the earth is black and black,

And there is only one land.

M.R.: Now let's listen to how music, with its musical colors, tells about the harvest.

(Children listen to the song “What does autumn have in the basket?”).

M.R.: How did the music describe the harvest of autumn? What mood did she convey? What musical colors did the composer convey the mood in the song? (Children's answers). Cheerful, cheerful, perky, loud, rhythmic, clear. And in the music we heard a colorful, fruitful autumn.

M.R.: Guys, you and I know a wonderful song that also sings about rainy weather and the harvest. Guess the musical riddle. It's called "Autumn".

(Children sing the song “Autumn”).

(Children step into a circle in a dance step).

Education: So we love this wonderful time of year - autumn. Let's ask her what she brought us as a gift?

(Musical game “Autumn we’ll ask”).

M.R.: Guys, did you remember our lesson? What did you like best? What new did you learn today?

(They say goodbye to the music director).

(They leave the hall in a dance step).

Natalia Chernikova
Scenario for autumn leisure “How the children woke up Autumn”

The material will be useful for educators and music directors when preparing and conducting autumn leisure activities with children of middle preschool age in kindergarten.

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through musical and cognitive activities


To form in children an idea of ​​autumn as a time of year;

Improve the ability to distinguish the leaves of trees: maple, oak, birch;

Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, coordination of movements, speech breathing, creative abilities;

To cultivate a desire to help a fairy-tale character, the ability to see the beauty of autumn nature.

Facilities: toy - magpie,

autumn leaves of maple, oak and birch, one for each child,

tree models with autumn leaves: maple, oak and birch 3 pcs.,

leaf templates: maple, oak and birch 3 pcs. ,

twigs with leaves made of colored paper 2 pcs. ,

easels 3 pcs. ,

gouache, cotton swabs according to the number of children,

a tape recorder with recordings of children's songs and funny music on the theme “Autumn”.

Methods: didactic game, outdoor game, breathing exercise, game task, songs, dance, use of poems about autumn.

Hall decoration: the walls of the hall are decorated with autumn leaves, in the corner near the window there is a screen, behind it there is a chair on which Autumn sits and sleeps, there are chairs along the window, on the contrary, there are 3 easels near the wall.

Leisure participants: leader - one of the teachers, magpie - the second teacher, assistant teacher, Autumn, children

Leisure activities:

/children, together with the presenter, to the song “Golden Song”, music by G. Vikhareva, words by Z. Petrova, enter the hall, walk one after another in a circle and pass, sit on chairs/


Guys, what time of year is it? (autumn)


How did you guess? (leaves are falling from the trees, birds are preparing to fly to warmer climes, it rains often, the sky is gloomy, the weather is cold)


Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness,

This means that autumn is not spring.

V. Nirovich

Let's sing a song about autumn.

Song “Autumn” lyrics by M. Evensen, music by M. Krasev

/children sit on chairs, a magpie flies into the hall (it can be controlled by a second teacher)/


Hello guys. Have you heard the news?


Hello, magpie. What news are you talking about?


How come you don't know anything? There is such confusion in the forest.


What happened in the forest?


Autumn has not come to the forest.


Can't be. Soroka, the guys and I just now clarified all the signs of autumn and came to the conclusion that autumn has arrived.


Nothing like this. In the forest, even the leaves on the trees did not change, they remained green. The animals are worried. It's time to make provisions for the winter, but in the forest the cones are not ripe, the mushrooms and nuts have not grown.


How so? What could have happened?


Autumn walked through parks, fields, orchards, and fell asleep. I never made it to the forest.

/The teacher's assistant removes the screen. Autumn sits on a chair and sleeps/


Guys, please help me wake up Autumn.


Of course, the guys and I are ready to help. But where to start?


Let's first think together about how to color the leaves in the forest.

Game task “Color the leaves”

/ the presenter invites the children to paint the leaves with autumn colors using cotton swabs. To do this, you will need leaf templates that can be mounted on 3 easels. It is necessary to select patterns of maple, oak and birch leaves. You can ask the children which tree the leaves come from and what paints will be needed to paint them. It is recommended to use large templates so that each child has enough space for creativity. Children should be divided into 3 groups accordingly. The leader, magpie and assistant teacher help each group of children complete the task. A beautiful autumn melody sounds/


Well, that's another matter. You can already feel the arrival of autumn.


Yes, the leaves turned out beautiful, as if they were real. The autumn breeze just wants to play with the leaves.

Breathing exercise “The wind plays with the leaves”

/ the presenter holds in his hands two branches with leaves made using the origami technique from colored paper, suspended from the branch by strings, and invites the children to blow on the leaves like a breeze so that the leaves spin. The exercise is repeated several times. The presenter reminds that we take in air through the nose and exhale through the mouth, without puffing out our cheeks. Shows sample/


Well done! A breeze blew in, the leaves began to tremble, began to fall from the branches of the trees, swirl in the air and fall to the ground. I just want to dance with fallen autumn leaves.

/the presenter gives the children a leaf of maple, oak or birch/

“Dance with leaves” by G. Vikhareva


And now I invite you to play with autumn leaves.

Outdoor game “Which tree is the leaf from”

/ The teacher’s assistant displays 3 tree models: maple, oak, birch. Each child has a piece of paper in their hands. To the music, children run in a circle after each other, then spin. When the music ends, the children run up to the corresponding tree and squat down. The presenter checks whether the task was completed correctly. Then the children can exchange leaves. Tree layouts can also be swapped. The game repeats itself/


Well done boys! Did a great job!

/gather leaves into a bouquet, children sit on chairs/


The leaves were painted, and even a real leaf fall was arranged. And Autumn does not wake up.


Don't be upset, magpie. Now we will read poems about autumn with the guys. Maybe then Autumn will wake up.

/children read poetry/

1 child

After summer comes autumn,

The wind sings yellow songs to her.

He lays red foliage under his feet,

A white snowflake flies into the blue.

V. Stepanov

2 child

Here is a maple leaf on a branch.

Now it's just like new!

All ruddy and golden.

Where are you going, leaf? Wait!

V. Berestov

Yellow coins fall from the branch.

There's a whole treasure underfoot!

This is golden autumn

Gives leaves without counting.

I. Pivovarova

4 child

The leaves are falling, falling -

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

M. Evensen

What good poems! And Autumn sleeps soundly.

/at this time Autumn yawns and stretches/


Now the guys and I will sing a song for Autumn. And she will definitely wake up.

Song “Autumn Song” music by N. Lukonin

/during the song, Autumn opens her eyes, then gets up, spins to the music, waltzing around the hall/


What a beautiful song! I heard her in my sleep and woke up. Hello guys and magpie.


How long, Autumn, have you been sleeping?


I know, I know, magpie, that I have a lot to do. I remember that I had never been to the forest. Believe me, now I will restore order there.

/the magpie thanks the children for helping to wake up autumn, Autumn and the magpie say goodbye to the children and leave/


Well done boys! We woke up autumn and helped color the leaves. Now we can say with confidence that autumn has arrived. I invite you to join the group for a festive tea party.

/children leave the hall to the song “Autumn wanders through the forests” music by E. Tilicheeva and go to the group/

The task of a music primer is to introduce a child to the world of music and to develop an emotional and conscious attitude towards it.

The previously published musical primer (8th edition 1972 and earlier) pursued a narrower goal, aimed mainly at developing an ear for music and preparing children to learn to sing from notes.
The new primer is distinguished by a broad musical and aesthetic approach, although it partially preserves the material of previous editions.
The primer is intended for preschool children. It can be used in senior groups of kindergartens, in preparatory classes of general education schools, in preschool groups of a music school, as well as at home.

Part I. Music is the language of feelings
E. Tilicheeva - Sunshine
E. Tilicheeva - Rain
E. Tilicheeva - Thunderstorm
E. Tilicheeva - Mom sings
E. Tilicheeva - We are marching to the parade
E. Tilicheeva - A man walks
E. Tilicheeva - At the movies
E. Tilicheeva - Winter forest
E. Tilicheeva - Charging
E. Tilicheeva - They will manage without me
E. Tilicheeva - What the rain is crying about
E. Tilicheeva - Autumn wanders through the forests
E. Tilicheeva - What's in autumn's basket
E. Tilicheeva - Sad song
E. Tilicheeva - Hot
E. Tilicheeva - Rain, pour down!
Part II. What does the music tell?
I. Arseev - Border Guard
I. Arseev - The ringing trumpets are blowing
I. Arseev - Spring leaves
I. Arseev - Elephant and Moska
I. Arseev - Little Red Riding Hood and the Gray Wolf
I. Arseev - Three bears
I. Arseev - Car day
I. Arseev - Morning
I. Arseev - Day
I. Arseev - Night
Part III. How does the music tell the story?
E. Tilicheeva - Chicks
E. Tilicheeva - Swing
E. Tilicheeva - Echo
E. Tilicheeva - Clock
E. Tilicheeva - Trumpet
E. Tilicheeva - Lullaby
E. Tilicheeva - Accordion
I. Arseev - Counting table
E. Tilicheeva - Bells
E. Tilicheeva - Our home
E. Tilicheeva - Ladder
E. Tilicheeva - High staircase
Cockerel. Arrangement of a Russian folk song (Arrangement by I. Arseev)
E. Tilicheeva - I'm coming with flowers
E. Tilicheeva - On skis
E. Tilicheeva - At dawn
E. Tilicheeva - Bullfinches
E. Tilicheeva - I will be a pilot
I. Arseev - Trumpet and echo
I. Arseev - Boys are dancing
I. Arseev - Girls dancing
I. Arseev - Soldiers are marching
I. Arseev - Grandfather and grandson
I. Arseev - On a visit
I. Arseev - On foot
I. Arseev - On a bicycle
I. Arseev - By car
I. Arseev - Train
I. Arseev - Top
I. Arseev - Dad and Mom are talking
I. Arseev - Rooster and Cuckoo
I. Arseev - Balalaika and accordion
Page contains "Musical ABC Book" sheet music for piano and voice.
The notes "Musical ABC Book" are suitable for playing keyboard instruments such as piano or pianoforte, grand piano, synthesizer and others.
If you do not have sufficient skills to play Musical Primer, then apply to find easy notes or chords for piano (piano) and voice.
You can download similar notes, midi, chords or tabs, watch video lessons, order a search or arrangement of notes and chords for any instrument and much more!

2. P. Tchaikovsky. “Autumn Song” from the “Seasons” cycle.

3. E. Tilicheeva. "Autumn wanders through the forests."

4. F. Chopin. "Waltzcis- moll».

5. A. Ponomareva, A. Chemeneva. "Autumn".

Hall decoration and equipment

The hall is decorated with reproductions of paintings, children's drawings on the theme of autumn and compositions of autumn leaves and fruits.

  1. Table for musical instruments and props.

2. Balls with threads of four colors: white, green, red, yellow.

  1. Saucer for a ball.

4. Colored paper (blue, green, yellow, orange, red).

5. Children's musical instruments: maracas, rumba, triangle, metallophone.

  1. Apples in a large basket.
  2. Audio equipment with audio cassettes.

Children enter the hall to quiet music.

  • Guys, I'm so glad to see you! Come in, sit down more comfortably. Today we will listen to beautiful music, read poetry, look at paintings by artists and learn a lot of interesting things about the miracles that Mother Nature gives us. After all, she is constantly transforming, constantly changing her outfits: autumn comes and the aspen leaves flare up, the rowan berries turn red. Autumn gives way to cold weather - and we too are fascinated by the magic of sparkling snow accompanied by the tunes of a blizzard.

In spring we admire the first leaves and delicate flowers. And summer with its riot of warm, sunny colors. days - miracle of miracles!

Listen to the new song, which is called “The Many-Colored Song.”

Sounds “Multi-colored song” by N. Murycheva and V. Orlov

Host: Do you understand, children, what magical balls this song is talking about?

Children answer:

four balls are the four seasons.

Leading. Of course, these are four seasons, and now we will hear the song again in order to choose the appropriate color for each season. Here I have multi-colored balls lying on the table (shows). What color are they?

Children answer: red, green, yellow and white.

Leading. Well done! Now be careful and, after listening to the song, tell me in what order you need to put the balls together. The clue is in the song.

The song sounds again, and the children name the colors: white, green, red, yellow.

Leading. So we have a magical palette of the seasons. Each color is special and carries its own mood.

Our lesson today in the music room takes place in the fall. What magical ball will lead us into an autumn fairy tale?

Children answer: yellow.

Leading. You answered correctly, and now I’ll take the yellow ball and roll it on the saucer - the magic begins.

“Autumn Song” from the cycle “Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky

Leading. Do you hear the music that sounded?

The children answer.

Leading. Yes, the music is thoughtful and a little sad, just like the season called autumn. This music calls us to unravel autumn miracles, autumn transformations.

Like a red fox

Autumn wanders through the forests,

Where he waves his fluffy tail -

The leaves will turn golden...

Leading. Do you recognize the song? Who wants to paint the forest with autumn colors like the autumn sorceress?

Children sing E. Tilicheeva’s song “Autumn wanders through the forests”

(see: N. Vetlugina. Musical primer. M.: Muzyka, 1988) and act out a skit based on the plot of the song. At the end, the Presenter comments on the children’s performance, noting their imagination and invention.

Leading. Look, I have colored paper on the table, and since we have now painted the forest with different colors, I suggest you choose those colors that correspond to the autumn colors, the autumn mood.

Children choose colors and explain their choice, colored sheets are displayed on a flannelgraph.

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall stands above a bright clearing.

Birches with yellow carvings sparkle in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Now there, now here, through the foliage,

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

And Autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his colorful mansion.

Today in an empty clearing,

Among the wide yard,

Air web fabric

They shine like a silver net.

The presenter compares the colors taken by the children with the flowers mentioned in the poem.

Leading. Now we will look at the paintings hanging in the hall and try to feel the mood of the artists who painted the autumn landscapes.

Children approach the reproductions and sharewith your ownchatting.

Leading. How subtly you felt the mood of the artists! Can you find words that convey the state of nature at this time of year?

Children select “autumn”epithets, The presenter comments on the children’s answers.

Leading. Let's listen to our favorite song, which conveys the shades of mood that you just named, and play along on children's musical instruments. Here they are, lying on the table - maracas, rumba, triangle, metallophone.

Children sing a song about autumn (chosen by the music director)

And play alongplay musical instruments.

Leading. It turned out beautifully, didn't it? And now the autumn leaves will swirl in a round dance. Let the girls be stick-sticks. and the boys - with the autumn breezes that swirl the leaves and carry them far, far away.

Sounds like "Waltz" cis - moll F. Chopin , children improvise movements or perform a previously learned dance that suits their mood.

Leading. Amazing you did it! But I would like to remind you that although it can be a little sad in autumn, it is a wonderful time of year. Why do you think, children?

The children answer.

Leading. Of course, you are right, this time is wonderful because the earth is giving back its fruits, and everyone is very happy to reap the harvest - what they grew with their own hands. I have prepared a musical surprise for you, a song called “Autumn.” Listen carefully and tell me what the mood of this music is and what the name of autumn is in the song.

The song by A. Ponomareva and A. Chemeneva “Autumn” sounds

children share their impressions.

Leading. You are right, children, indeed, this song gives a feeling of joy and cheerfulness; I want to admire the beauty of autumn gifts. And autumn is so well named, really, guys - “hostess”! Why do you think the poet called her that?

The children answer.

Leading. At the beginning of our meeting, we sang that autumn, like a red fox - a sorceress, works wonders, decorates the forests with new colors. But autumn, like a generous mistress, gives people a rich harvest. Your wonderful compositions confirm my words. Do you want to listen to this song again?

The song is performed again.

Leading. Our meeting is ending, and Autumn the hostess has prepared a gift for us!

Apples are brought into the hall and distributed to the children.

Leading. Did you enjoy meeting autumn?

Children share their impressions.

Presenter (against the background of quietly playing music). Today, on a walk, we will certainly admire the autumn colors, and then draw our impressions.