Evgenia Petrova on Instagram. Official Instagram page of Zhenya Petrova Who is Zhenya Petrova dating?

Evgenia Petrova born in the winter of 1987 in St. Petersburg. She considers herself a fiery girl - in her hometown she was a regular at nightclubs, dancing and singing all night long.

The creative path of Evgenia Petrova

Show "Holidays in Mexico" became for Eugenia a pass to a new world, where she hoped to meet her prince and marry him. Throughout the history of the project, she met with several contenders for her hand and heart: Kirill, Saint, Roman, Orkhan and Timur.

Paired with the latter Evgenia Petrova recorded a song and created a musical group "HOLIDAYS".

The owner of the villa in which the project participants were accommodated was Zhanna Friske. She also took on hosting duties for the reality show.

At the casting Evgenia Petrova stated that she must be in Mexico to give advice to the popular domestic singer and help her answer the question “How to get married and become happy?”

The audience of the “Holidays in Mexico” project liked the girl thanks to her charm and easy-going nature. However, as Evgenia herself admitted, the final days of filming were very difficult for her - she managed to miss her family and friends, and her bad mood often affected those around her. Thereby Evgenia Petrova really upset her fans, who hoped that this cheerful and fiery girl would definitely win the main prize of the project - one million rubles.

At first glance, the villa is truly luxurious. It’s like a Barbie house, all the bedrooms (in which two people live, always a guy and a girl) are multi-colored, they serve seafood, a swimming pool... But, firstly, it’s very hot in Mexico at this time of year - the temperature reached 40 degrees, it’s stuffy, you can’t breathe , it is difficult to remain irresistible in such conditions. We lived completely isolated from people - in a remote village, we had no money, so, for example, we had a pedicure only once in two months, a manicure once a week. For the first week we didn’t even have a hairdryer!

In 2018, Evgenia became one of the participants in the STS TV channel show “,” which premiered on October 14. The essence of the show is to evaluate the best excursions, hotels and restaurants in the world by representatives of three groups of typical Russian vacationers: “provincials”, “snobs” and “Instagrammers”. Petrova entered the third group of participants.

Once a participant in "Holidays in Mexico", and now a singer and one of the enviable brides of the two capitals, Zhenya Petrova congratulates the country on Valentine's Day and reveals different sides of her personality.

What associations do you have with the word Drinking?

Zhenya Petrova: Piteiny - from the word drink, and if you replace the first letter, you get Liteiny. In total, we manage to drink at Liteiny. On Liteiny Prospekt, where my favorite places are Geometria cafe and Nebar. Here they shouted to me: “Throw away the remote control, let’s dance with us.”

For almost 2 years, NeBar’s face control was notorious
Pasha the Enemy. What kind of relationship did you have in those days and maybe it was you who helped him enroll in the second vacation season?

Zhenya Petrova: We have known Pasha the Enemy for a long time. He and I have always had excellent friendly relations. He and I are from the same St. Petersburg crowd. When I returned from Vacation, I remember we accidentally crossed paths with him somewhere and he asked me that he could also try to go to the casting. I then told him that in life you need to try everything, and so that he would not doubt, just go and that’s it. When the casting took place for the second holiday, I was then in Moscow and he came to visit me, and asked me how to behave and all that, if I had the opportunity to ask someone, I would also go for advice, this Fine. At the casting, I didn’t help him, I’m often asked to put in a good word, but that’s not about me, I can always say my opinion, but I’ve never practiced asking for someone. Be yourself and everything will work out. Recently we went on tour with the Enemy. In general, everything is fine.

Do you think it is possible to find true love in a nightclub?

Zhenya Petrova: I always say that my boyfriend should be serious, promising, with a good job. But all my serious relationships began in a nightclub. Terrible, yes! My first love - we met in a nightclub. Now I’m communicating with a person with whom I also crossed paths at the club, and, to be honest, everything is unclear... we’re friends.
But I think it’s definitely possible!

Unnatural hair, eyelashes, nails, artificial lips - is this a trend or a stereotype? What do you think about this?

Zhenya Petrova: A person should like himself, first of all, and if he is uncomfortable with this or that appearance, then I don’t see anything wrong with changing. Of course, if it does not harm your health. I came from afar... As for my hair, I personally used extensions, but since because of this I lost half of mine, I don’t do it anymore. Nowadays I prefer extensions, they are made from natural hair and are very convenient, especially if for a performance. I think there is nothing wrong with this: all the stars have been using it for a long time - both Jennifer Lopez and Beyoncé. She actually sews her hair on, but she hides it, but I don’t. Nails - now there is a wonderful shellac coating that does not deform the nail plate, so extensions are a thing of the past. Regarding my lips: I can say that even before the “Vacation” I was thinking about enlarging them, but I didn’t do it, since my lips have one peculiarity. I constantly get colds, and that’s why I don’t want to do this, in case everything becomes unevenly distributed. Eyelashes don't suit me, my eyes become small. That's all that concerns me. If you like it and if it suits you, do what you want! The main thing is not to overdo it.

Extended nails and 20 minutes in a horizontal solarium every other day - how could we live without it?!" - these are your words?

Zhenya Petrova: Mine, mine!!! I was 19 years old, and it was fashionable to have my nails extended: gel, acrylic, pink tips... It happened - I sat in the solarium for 20 minutes, I could go to the solarium every day, and it seemed to me that I didn’t tanned. I dreamed of when the fashion for tanned girls would end, because the tan always stuck to me very slowly, and then I had spots that took a very long time to heal. I also loved straight hair: I remember how I carried a curling iron in my purse and always straightened it at the first opportunity.

What advice do you have for aspiring party girls?

Zhenya Petrova: I remember the first time I went to hang out with a friend, it was the Cadillac club. At the entrance we met some guys who sold us tickets for some crazy money, as it seemed to me then. And what do you think - we approached the entrance, stood in a crazy line, it was freezing, we handed over the “tickets”, but these turned out to be the most ordinary advertising flyers! In short, we were simply scammed. Like this.
In general, I would really like to advise girls not to get into cars with strangers or people they barely know - it’s all unsafe. And never leave your cocktails unattended, because now there are enough freaks who can add some kind of rubbish. Be carefull.

Then give advice to the male gender too

Zhenya Petrova: Men, remember that you are men! Don't forget to take care of us, look after us. It seems to me that many have relaxed. You are knights! And we need to be conquered! Love us, give flowers and more - and in return you will receive a triple return.

The best gift for Valentine's Day

Zhenya Petrova: The main thing is not a material gift, but presence, unity. This is a holiday of two hearts and you just need to be together on this day.

Let's talk a little about you. Why did you leave Mtv?

Zhenya Petrova: In fact, I didn’t go anywhere, the channel is renamed “Friday”. It will be aimed at a more mature audience; there will be no music charts. I was told that for now I can rest, as the format is changing. Wait and see.

What's new? What are your plans for the future?

Zhenya Petrova: Recently I went to a famous radio station and tried myself as a radio presenter. I really liked it. I was told that I needed to work on my breathing and speech. They told me about this on Mtv, but then I never did it. Now I’m serious, I’ve found an excellent teacher in speech techniques, and I’ll work on myself. So soon you can hear me on the radio. About the singing. I got in touch with a young, talented man from London, we will make a new hit with him. I've already agreed on the video... And in general, I'm not stopping at all!
And I also want to tell you that anything can happen. If I wake up tomorrow and want to fall in love, get married and cook borscht, don’t be surprised, because anything is possible. I live for my own pleasure and don’t want to prove anything to anyone.

“Holidays in Mexico” - it was with this unpredictable and scandalous reality show that the story of Zhenya Petrova’s popularity began. The fiery St. Petersburg girl charges with positivity and crazy energy. We type in the search: Zhenya Petrova Instagram. Is her essence displayed in the account of the social network so beloved by girls?

The first thing that is quite impressive is the number of subscribers. About 190 thousand people - an impressive figure, considering that Zhenya is an aspiring “starlet”. We also see the treasured check mark confirming: Petrova Zhenya Instagram is a real account, an official page.

In the status of a girl we read the words - DJ Radio Record. At the moment, Zhenya collaborates with a Moscow radio station and also lives in Moscow. The celebrity changes places of work and creativity at the same speed as he dances in nightclubs - all to the rhythm of “electro”.

Perky Instagram

In the first pictures, a completely different girl shows off - calm, graceful, a real lady, not shy about showing off her beautiful, sometimes half-naked body. However, Evgenia Petrova’s Instagram is not devoid of the owner’s perky optimism: the next series of photographs is bursting with fun, jokes and good mood.

Below we see a photo of the tickets that Zhenya played live on Radio Record. The host of the show sweetly congratulates the winner, and in response receives words that all fans of Petrova’s work would probably subscribe to: “for me, since distant Mexican times, you have been an example of femininity, charm, attractiveness, brightness and positivity!”

Be sure to post a new photo from the sports club on the blog. The star's shape is excellent - it's hard not to believe that the girl is working on a flat tummy, as she writes in the comments under the photo. Her love for sneakers and sports style can be seen in other photographs - Zhenya Petrova's Instagram is full of photos from walks. The girl is really active - she went for a walk the very next day after the overnight operation! Even young people will envy such optimism and cheerfulness.

On her Instagram, Evgenia Petrova reveals to us what celebrities usually carefully hide. The girl had blepharoplasty, removing excess skin under her eyes. Entertaining revelations in a women's blog.

Despite the interesting work that provides self-expression, Zhenya is engaged in drawing. “There is nowhere to hang pictures at home” – Evgenia Petrova’s Instagram is replete with discoveries.

The former lead singer of the group “Vacation” can rightfully receive the title of “hairpin” of the Instagram network. An example of love of life, femininity, and activity for all women. At the same time, Zhenya creates the impression of a simple, “her” girl, far from the bitchy “socialites”. And where does all this come from? Fantastic energizer.

Account: jenya_petrova

Occupation: participant in the show “Holidays in Mexico”

Zhenya Petrova has been on Instagram not long ago, but has already managed to gain enormous popularity among subscribers. This is a young, lively girl with an attractive appearance and a slender figure.

Despite the fact that Zhenya Petrova was born in winter, she is a hot and cheerful girl, as she constantly goes to various discos, holidays, or, to put it simply, her whole life is spent dancing. Of course, people like Zhenya make life more interesting and fun. Zhenya Petrova often posts photos from Instagram. Mostly these are her own photos or selfies. The photographs show her all her beauty. Also on her Instagram page you can see Petrova in restaurants, clubs, and at various photo shoots. However, everything that surrounds the girl. She signs each photo with funny comments, which further arouses the interest of her fans. On Zhenya’s Instagram you can see that the more naked she is in the photo, the more grades she gets. The girl herself sees all this and floods her page with even more beach photos in swimsuits. All her photos almost violate the rules of the network, but still do not cross the line.

Zhenya often posts advertisements on her Instagram feed, which sometimes leads to trouble. For example, she once advertised a bicycle equipment store, the owners of which, as it later turned out, were scammers. They disappeared with all the stolen money, and Zhenya herself had to justify herself to the visitors. Of course, the girl herself treats all this with a joke and makes her subscribers treat the advertising on her page with understanding. But still, her blog contains the most self-promotion. She happily shows advertisements from events where she encourages all her fans to go. In a word, Zhenya Petrova’s Instagram is a place where she can show herself, boast about her achievements, and also for publishing various advertisements.

Biography of Zhenya Petrova

The participant in the scandalous show was born on January 23, 1987 in St. Petersburg. It was from this city that the biography of Zhenya Petrova began. Since childhood, Zhenya was a cheerful, dancing girl - in her city she was the center of attention at all discos. One day in their city there was a casting for the legendary TV show “Vacations in Mexico” and Zhenya wanted to go there to become even more famous and meet a handsome guy. But she never found her love there, but she acquired a new hobby and stepped onto the first step towards career growth:

  • While participating in the show, together with a partner, she came up with the musical group “VACATIONS”. After that, the guys began performing at various parties and clubs.
  • At the same time, she hosted MTV’s highest-rated program, “Vacations in Mexico,” together with Dmitry Nagiyev.

Thus, Zhenya Petrova, whose biography, until recently was unknown to everyone, has made herself a popular singer and presenter. Currently, she and her group perform at any celebrations in clubs and, at the same time, host various television shows.

Bye "House 2" celebrates another anniversary, projects such as "Holidays in Mexico", leave behind really warm (more precisely, Mexican) memories. Admit it, you often hung out in front of the TV when the guys from this reality show started another dance, fight or date! Today we decided to remember the participants of the first season of the show "Holidays in Mexico" and find out how their lives turned out after the project and what they are doing now.

Svyatoslav Bystrov (Staff)

Anastasia Smirnova

But one of the on-screen lovers Svyatoslav not life, but a real roller coaster began after the end of the show. By the way, she was the winner "Vacation", however, the second season. According to Nastya, for the sake of victory, she “was an inadequate person” for two whole seasons.

After finishing the first "Vacation" Nastya returned to Nizhny Novgorod, but realized that now this was not enough for her, so she urgently moved to Moscow. This is where her strong character came in handy. She decided to connect her life and career with television, so she began going to auditions, and quite successfully. Soon she began to appear in various projects (for example, she came to look for love in the program "Let's get married"), attend social events and tried her hand at music - first she did DJing, and then she started singing.

One time Nastya She worked as a presenter for beauty contests, and then even managed to star in several TV series. Today the girl can be seen at the most high-profile events Moscow, and also she works as a presenter on the channel STS Love . Nastya dreams of a family, but for now her career comes first.

Diana Makieva

It seems that ill-wishers have Diana there were more than fans. However, the girl didn’t care, she knew that she came to the show to win. And she won! True, it turned out that from a million Diana only got 600 thousand, and Roman (Roman Nikitin- second winner) and 400 thousand.

And it was precisely because of her disruptive character that the girl achieved success in her career. During the start of the second season, she became a co-host Dmitry Nagiyev. Parallel Diana She organized various events and collaborated with many television channels and radio stations.

Today Diana can often be seen in the project "Male and Female", and she also works with radio station k ids.fm, positions himself as a journalist. Recently, the girl dyed her hair blonde, which was an important step for her, since since the time "Vacation" she said that she would never change her hair color.

Gamzat Luguev

Strange, but on the project Gamzat had a last name Lukoev, now it has changed a little... Before "Vacation" this handsome guy with a perfect figure worked as a stripper. Gamzat often said that he went to the casting of the show with the goal of finding love and changing his life. And he did it (the second one for sure)!

Even during his stay in the project, he received offers to appear in commercials. After leaving "Holidays", he didn't go to Petersburg(where he lived before), and to Moscow - to conquer the modeling business. And for a while everything went well for him, Gamzata could be seen not only in advertising of chips Lays.

By the way, he also managed to act in a movie! Gamzat got a cameo role in a feature film "Kitchen in Paris".

Evgenia Petrova

It is with Zhenya Staff recorded a famous track that personifies "Holidays in Mexico". Zhenya I was remembered by the TV viewer as an objective and adequate girl (against the background of all the other brawlers). In many situations, one could really follow an example from her.

After the project Zhenya went home to Petersburg, but didn’t stay there for long. They started calling her from Ostankino and inviting her to appear on television - she didn’t expect this! For some time Zhenya worked as a presenter on MTV, but still realized that I felt more comfortable in my native St. Petersburg.

Today the girl lives in two cities. She has long established herself as a DJ and goes on tour around Russia, but more often, of course, he plays in St. Petersburg clubs. She also plays sports and looks great!