The riddles are interconnected in meaning. The best thing about a riddle is the answer

Both small children and school-aged children absolutely love playing together with their parents and grandparents. Therefore, interesting riddles with answers will definitely attract their attention. The most important thing is for adults to think through a scenario in which an exciting game will take place.

Riddle as a way to develop a child

In general, interesting with answers is not just an inspiring game. This is a fun way to develop:

  • thinking;
  • logic;
  • fantasy;
  • perseverance;
  • pursuit.

These are just some factors indicating that complex, interesting riddles with answers are not only fun, but also useful for children.

An exciting game with a logical twist

Of course, it is best to translate tasks into game form. This can be done taking into account:

  • how many children take part in the event;
  • what age are the guys;
  • what is the goal of the game.

You can have a relay race in which every child can show ingenuity and speed of thinking. It will be more interesting if the children are given coins for each correct answer. Then, at the end of the game, you can exchange coins for some kind of sweet or toy. In a playful way, children will not perceive the task as a lesson, so it will be much more interesting and fun to complete.

The most interesting riddles with logic answers

Thinking tasks will help test how much a child can think outside the box. It is for this purpose that you will need interesting riddles with answers.

There are three sofas in the room, each of them has four legs. There are also five dogs in the room, each of them has four paws. Later a man came into the room. How many legs are there in the room?

(Two, the sofa has not legs, but the animals have paws.)

My name is Vitya, my younger sister is Alena, my middle sister is Ira, and my elder sister is Katya. What is the name of each sister's brother?

Which car wheel does not move when turning right?


Where did the great traveler Gennady end up when the candle in his hands went out?

(In the dark.)

They walk, but never move a step.

Two friends played football for three hours. How long did each of them play?

(Three hours each.)

What is the name of an elephant that has no trunk?


The girl Arina was walking towards the dacha and carrying apple pies in a basket. Petya, Grisha, Timofey and Semyon walked towards them. How many children in total went to the dacha?

(Only Arina.)

What constantly gets bigger, but never gets smaller?


Grandmother was carrying two hundred chicken eggs to sell. Along the way, the bottom of the bag came off. How many eggs will she bring to market?

(Not a single one; they all fell out of the broken bottom.)

Children will enjoy logical and interesting riddles with answers. Adults will also have great fun thinking about such questions.

Fascinating and interesting riddles with a clever answer

It is also worth paying attention to tasks in which the solutions are completely unpredictable. Interesting riddles with answers are presented below.

What will a green T-shirt look like if you wear it into the Black Sea?

An animal that is in the zoo, as well as on the pedestrian area of ​​the highway.

Two houses are on fire. One is the house of rich people, and the other is the house of poor people. Which house will the ambulance put out first?

(Ambulances don't put out fires.)

How many years are there in a year?

(One summer.)

It can be tied, but cannot be untied.


To whom do even kings and lords take off their hats?


Fifteen people were traveling in the subway car. At one stop three people got off and five got on. At the next stop, no one got off, but three people got on. At another stop, ten people got off and five got on. At another stop, seven people got off and three got on. How many stops were there in total?

A river that is even in a person’s mouth.

The husband gave the ring to his wife and said: “I am leaving to work abroad. When I leave, look at what is written on the inside of the jewelry.” When the wife was happy, she read the inscription, and she became sad, and when she was sad, the inscription gave strength. What was written on the ring?

(All will pass.)

What can you pick up in your left hand that you can never pick up with your right hand?

(Right elbow.)

These are interesting riddles with answers that will help your child move his brain and think carefully.

Logic riddles for little ones

It is best for the smallest children to be given the most easy-to-understand puzzles to solve.

In the garden, five apples grew on the Christmas tree, and four pears grew on the birch tree. How many fruits are there in total?

(Not at all; fruit does not grow on these trees.)

What plate can you eat nothing from?

(From empty.)

The vase contains four daisies, three roses, two tulips and two chrysanthemums. How many daisies are there in the vase?

(Four daisies.)

Vitya made three piles of sand. Then he combined them all into one and added another assembled mound. How many slides did you make?

December came, cherries and raspberries ripened in my grandmother’s garden. How many trees or bushes gave fruit?

(None; fruits don’t grow in December.)

Two twin sisters Anya and Tanya decided to have a game and during their vacation they agreed that one would tell only the truth, and the other would always tell a lie. The girls from the yard figured out how to figure out which of them was lying. What question did they ask?

(Is the sun shining?)

In the snow there is only one, in the cold there is none, but in the sausage there are three of them. What is this?

(Letter "C".)

What kind of person doesn't get his hair wet even in a downpour?

Can a peacock say that it is a bird?

(No, because peacocks don't talk.)

Two boys climbed into the attic to find old toys. When they came out into the sunlight, it was clear that one’s face was all dirty, while the other’s was clean. The boy whose face was clean went first to wash. Why?

(He saw that the second one was dirty and thought that he was like that too.)

How much yoghurt can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One, the rest are not on an empty stomach.)

How fast must a cat run so that the can tied to its tail does not make noise?

(The cat must sit still.)

Logic riddles for schoolchildren

Boys and girls who attend school should be given more difficult problems where they need to think carefully. Let's look at what interesting children's riddles with answers can be included in an entertaining event.

How can you jump from a twenty-meter ladder without hitting yourself?

(Jump from the bottom steps.)

The dog had a twelve-meter chain around his neck. She walked more than two hundred meters. How did this happen?

(She wasn't tied.)

What to do if you see a green man?

(Cross the pedestrian crossing.)

Can a person be in a room without a head?

(Yes, if you stick your head out the window or window.)

Can you see last year's snow? When?

When will it be more convenient for a white cat to go into a dark room?

(When the door is open.)

You have a match in your hands, in a dark room at the entrance there is a candle and a stove. What will you light first?

What weighs more - one kilogram of cotton candy or one kilogram of iron nails?

(They weigh the same.)

How many grains of buckwheat will fit into a glass?

(Not at all, the grains don’t move.)

Each of the four siblings Angela, Christina, Olga and Irina has one brother. How many children are there in the family?

I came to the hospital for examination. She was the doctor's sister, but the doctor was not her brother. Who was the doctor?


Nastya and Alisa played with toys. One of the girls played with a teddy bear, and the other played with a car. Nastya did not play with the car. What toy did each girl have?

(Nastya is with a teddy bear, and Alisa is with a car.)

How many corners will a rectangular table have if one corner is sawed off?

(Five corners.)

Nastya and Christina ran eight kilometers together. How many kilometers did each girl run?

(Eight each.)

These very interesting riddles with answers will help your child show his mental abilities. Parents should show their imagination and organize a real marathon of emotions.

Why should you ask riddles?

Spending time together is very necessary for the baby so that he understands how much his parents love him. Therefore, such events should be organized more often. The child will also be able to show his talents during the game.

Fun party

Moms, dads, grandparents should understand that the brighter the event, the more interesting and fun the child will have. Therefore it is worth:

  • arrange a carnival in which everyone will be in beautiful costumes;
  • come up with gifts for the relay winner;
  • reward the one who scored the maximum points with some gifts for each correct answer.

The kids will be happy about any event. And when an ordinary evening turns into a holiday, there will be no limit to happiness. It all depends on the imagination and ideas of the parents. Make your little sons and daughters happy, and they will thank you with sparkle in their eyes and satisfied smiles.

A collection of riddles for fun and educational activities with children. All children's riddles are given with answers.

Riddles for children are poems or prose expressions that describe an object without naming it. Most often, the focus in children's riddles is on some unique property of an object or its similarity with another object.

For our distant ancestors, riddles were a kind of means of testing the wisdom and ingenuity of fairy-tale heroes. Almost every fairy tale asked questions that the main characters had to answer in order to receive a magical gift.

It is customary to separate riddles for children and adults. In this section you will find only children's riddles, solving which turns into a game and not only teaches, but also develops your child's logic. Their number is constantly growing, because people continue to come up with ideas, and we continue to post the most interesting ones.

All riddles for children have answers so you can test yourself. If you are playing with a very young child, then you should look at the answers in advance, because you need to make sure that he already knows the word that is the answer. Play riddles with your child and he will understand that learning can be interesting and even fun!

Children's riddles: how to choose?

Surprisingly, children's preferences for riddles are so different that it is not possible to identify any trend. Of course, kids are delighted with riddles for children about birds, animals, all sorts of bugs and spiders. Older children love to play riddles about fairy-tale characters and modern cartoon characters.

To turn solving into an entertaining game, you need to choose a topic in accordance with what you are doing now and where you are. On vacation outside the city, choose children's riddles about animals and birds; if you went mushroom hunting in the forest, choose riddles about mushrooms. This choice will bring you and your child new experiences and joy. Imagine that you are relaxing on a lake or river and your child sees a fish. What if you prepared fish riddles in advance and took them with you? You are guaranteed success in playing a riddle game on a water and sea theme.

Attention: the site contains riddles for children with answers! Just click on the word "Answer".

Riddles nowadays are a very popular pastime that allows you to show your wits and intelligence. They are expressions that describe something through similar objects. Some tasks are quite simple and familiar to most people since childhood. It is enough to listen or read them carefully to find the answer. But to solve the most difficult riddles, you often have to use your entire mental potential. But even this is not enough to get the correct answer.

Riddles appeared in ancient times. They were passed down orally from generation to generation, constituting the most valuable cultural heritage. Many riddles have been invented by the greatest minds, which makes finding the answer extremely difficult and exciting. They are also often used to assess a person's intellectual level. Each reader will be interested in testing himself, trying to find answers to the most complex riddles given in the article.

Particularly popular are logical tasks, which are real “gymnastics for the mind.” Often the answer to them is easy to find by using innovative thinking. Such riddles are often included in the tests that people need to pass to get jobs in world-renowned organizations. Here are some of them:

  • The famous Nike brand opened a factory for the production of sports shoes in Africa. The company's management had to deal with a high level of thefts. The company has taken measures to eliminate theft. What was done?

Answer: Another plant was built and now one produced sneakers for the left foot, and the other for the right.

  • The man could not sleep for a long time, tossing and turning in bed. Then he took out his phone and called some number. After a few rings, he ended the call and fell asleep peacefully. For what reason did the dream not come to the person earlier?

Answer: Strong snoring was heard from the neighboring apartment, heard through the wall. The call woke up the neighbor, and the man received enough peace to fall asleep.

  • To entertain little patients in the hospital, they were given beautiful teddy bears. The children became so accustomed to the toys that after recovery they took them home. What measures have been taken by the hospital management to solve this problem?

Answer: Each toy was bandaged and the children were told that sick bear cubs should not leave the hospital until they recovered.

It is very interesting to look for the answer to riddles with a trick. They often seem very simple, but in fact the correct solution can be found after careful thought. Here are some examples of such tasks:

  • Four frogs were sitting on the shore of a pond. One of them decided to jump into the pond. How many frogs were still sitting on the shore?

Answer: Four frogs. One actually decided to jump into the water, but so far she was only thinking about it, staying on dry land.

  • Two houses were built nearby: the mansion of a noble rich man and the shack of a poor man. A fire broke out and both buildings were engulfed in flames. Which house will the police begin to put out when they arrive at burning buildings?

Answer: The police will not extinguish any house, since this is the job of firefighters.

  • One Parisian found the Eiffel Tower a terrible design, but preferred to dine only at the restaurant located in it. How can his actions be explained?

Answer: This is the only place from where he could not see the Eiffel Tower.

Scientists have proven that solving mathematical riddles contributes most to the development of mental abilities. Looking for clues on them is useful not only for children, but also for adults. It was experimentally found that people who often had to look for answers to complex mathematical riddles are able to find the right solutions much faster in difficult life situations. Here are a few examples that can be solved with skillful calculations and lateral thinking.

  • In a store, a buyer decided to purchase goods worth 10 rubles. He gave the seller a 25 ruble bill. Since there was no more money in the cash register, the seller sent an assistant to a nearby shop to change money. He brought the following bills: 2 for 10 rubles and one for 5 rubles. The seller gave the buyer change, putting the money he earned in the cash register. Soon they came to him from a neighboring shop demanding that they return the money, since the 25 ruble bill turned out to be counterfeit. How much money did the seller lose?

Answer: 40 rubles: 15 rubles and goods worth 10 rubles gave to the buyer, which is 25 rubles, and returned 25 rubles to the store, of which 15 rubles were his money.

  • Given a series of numbers: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15. They need to be substituted for question marks so that the total is 30: ?+?+?=30. Each number can be used several times

Answer: To 7.9 you need to add 9.1 and plus 13.

  • Apples are stored in a box. At first, half of all the fruits and another half of the apple were taken from it. Then they took half of the remaining apples and another half of an apple from the box. After this, another half of the remainder and half of the apple were taken. As a result, there were 31 apples left in the box. How many fruits were in the basket?

Answer: 255

Every people living on the planet has its own riddles, the answer to which is quite difficult. But after thinking carefully, everyone can find the answer.

  • Egyptian riddle: It is better than God and worse than the Devil, the poor have it, but the rich do not know about it. Anyone who eats “this” will die. What is this?

Answer: Nothing

  • English riddle: The world famous Prime Minister of England Winston Churchill wanted to get rid of the annoying neighbor who came to him. He sent the butler, coming up with strong evidence that he was not at home. What did Churchill come up with?

Answer: Winston Churchill was always seen with a cigar in his hands. The Prime Minister instructed the butler to open the door for the guest, lighting his favorite cigar.

  • The riddle of the Gauls: The priests of Gaul had to face one problem: during mobilization before battles, the warriors did not appear at the specified point for a very long time to receive equipment. The priests found a solution, which was to sacrifice a person. Who suffered the sad fate?

Answer: The person who most recently arrived at the specified collection point.

Video riddles

The child’s logic must work! Do not take precedence over creative activity, but be in harmony and balance with it. Therefore, like creative abilities, the ability to think logically needs to be developed in children.

And those logical riddles with answers that we have collected for you on this page, we hope, will help you with this. Some of these riddles are very simple, they are for fun or for very little ones. And others are more complicated. Although, of course, not as difficult as for adult children. But the kids will still have no way of coping with them without your help and without answers. Help them, don't be too serious! 🙂

Anyway, enough talk, let's get down to business!

1) Grandma Anya has a grandson Seryozha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Bobik. How many grandchildren does grandma have?

Answer: (One)

2) The thermometer shows plus 15 degrees. How many degrees will these two thermometers show?


3) How to say correctly: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?

Answer: (The yolk cannot be white)

4) The truck was driving to the village. On the way he met 4 cars. How many cars were going to the village?

Answer: (One)

5) My father’s child, not my brother. Who is this?

Answer: (Sister)

6) There are 4 oranges in the vase. Question: how to divide these 4 oranges between four boys so that each boy gets one orange, and so that 1 orange remains in the vase?

Answer: (Leave the fourth orange in the vase)

7) Twelve brothers
They wander after each other,
They don't bypass each other.

Answer: (months)

8) A famous magician says that he can put a bottle in the center of the room and crawl into it. Like this?

Answer: (Anyone can crawl into the room)

9)What kind of comb should you not comb your hair with?

Answer: (Petushin)

10) My name is Misha. My sister only has one brother. What is the name of my sister's brother?

Answer: (Misha)

11) Can it rain for two days in a row?

Answer: (No, there is night between them)

12)Which month is the shortest?

Answer: (May, since it only has three letters)

13) Say a word that contains 40 vowels.

Answer: (Forty, namely forty “A”)

14) There are 8 benches in the park. Three were painted. How many benches are there in the park?

Answer: (Eight remain)

15) There are 25 coconuts in a box. The monkey stole all the nuts except 17. How many nuts were left in the box?

Answer:(17 nuts left)

16) Which hand is better to stir tea?

Answer: (It is best to stir the tea with a spoon)

17) Each of the 5 sisters had two brothers. How many brothers were there in total?

Answer: (Two brothers)

18) You are ahead of the skier who was in second position. What place do you occupy now?

Answer: (Having overtaken a skier, you take his place, namely second)

19) The housewife needs to bake 6 pies. How can she do it in 15 minutes, if only 4 pies fit in the frying pan, and the pies should be baked for 5 minutes on each side?

Answer: (first put 4 pies and fry them for 5 minutes, then turn 2 pies over, and remove 2, then put in 2 new pies and fry for another 5 minutes. After that, remove 2 finished pies and finish frying all the rest)

20)Where was Moses when the candle went out?

Answer: (In the dark)

21) The magician has 2 bags: one contains cards, and the other contains balls. Each of the bags is signed: one with cards is true, the other with balls is obviously false. 1 says: “There are no marbles in this bag”; on 2 - “Balls and cards are here.” In which bag are the cards?

Answer: (cards in the first bag)

22) What can’t you pick up from the floor by its tail?

Answer: (Ball of thread)

23) There is an elevator in a 12-story building. Only 2 people live on the ground floor; from floor to floor the number of residents doubles. Which button in the elevator of this building is pressed most often?

Answer: (button on the first floor)

24) The loaf was cut into three parts. How many cuts were made?

Answer: (Two cuts)

25) Who walks while sitting?

Answer: (A chess player walks while sitting)

26) A pan was placed on the edge of the table, tightly closed with a lid, so that two-thirds of the pan hung from the table. After some time the pan fell. What was in it?

Answer: (There was ice in the pan)

27) The more you take from it, the more it becomes... What is this?

Answer: (This is a pit)

28) Which wheel does not spin when turning right?

Answer: (Spare tire)

29) A husband and wife, a brother and sister, and a brother-in-law and son-in-law were walking. How many are there?

Answer: (Three)

30)What does half an orange look like most?

Answer: (For the second half of the orange)

31) What can you cook, but cannot eat?
Answer:( Lessons)

32) Two boys played checkers for 2 hours. How long did each boy play?

Answer: (Two hours)

33) What do all people on earth do at the same time?
Answer:( Getting older)

34) How can a thrown egg fly four meters without breaking?
Answer:( You need to throw the egg more than four meters, then the first four meters it will fly intact)

35) What can travel around the world while remaining in the same corner?
Answer:( Postage Stamp)

36) There is a well-known story about a little boy who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to pet the gift.” What kind of gift is this?
Answer: (This gift turned out to be turtle)

37) What kind of utensils should you not eat from?
Answer: (From blank.)

38) If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?

Answer:(No, in 72 hours it will be midnight again)

39) Which elephant does not have a trunk?

Answer: (The chess bishop does not have a trunk)

40)What do we eat for?

Answer: (We eat at the table)

41) Four birch trees grew, On each birch there were four large branches, On each large branch there were four small branches, On each small branch there were four apples. How many apples are there in total?
Answer: (None, since apples cannot grow on birch trees.)

42) A grandmother was walking to Moscow, three old men met her, the old men each had a bag,

and in each bag there is a cat. How much did it go to Moscow?
Answer: (Only the grandmother was going to Moscow, but the old people were going in the other direction.)

43) When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?
Answer: (The easiest way for a cat to get into the house is when the door is open.)

44) Which question cannot be answered “yes”?

Answer: (Yes, you cannot answer the question “Are you sleeping?”)

45) A flock of ducks was flying: two in front, two behind, one in the middle and three in a row. How many are there in total?

Answer: (Three ducks were flying)

46) A flock of birds flew, sat two by two on a tree - one tree remained; They sat down one at a time - one was missing. How many birds and how many trees?

Answer: (Three trees and four birds)

47) On what road do they drive for half a year and walk for half a year?

Answer: (By the river)

48)What always increases and never decreases?

Answer: (Person's age)

49) How to make four sticks out of three without breaking them?
Answer: (Add them to the number 4.)

50) The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, and the bottom fell. How many eggs are left in the basket?
Answer: (Not a single one remains: after all, the bottom fell)

51) They knock and knock - they don’t tell you to be bored.
They go and go, and everything is just there.
Answer: (Clock)

52) Why do birds fly?
Answer: (Birds fly through the air.)

53) Irina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Lesha also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he was only 1 ruble short. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?

Answer: (The cost of a chocolate bar is 10 rubles. Ira had no money at all)

54) What can’t a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?

Answer: (A magnifying glass in a triangle cannot magnify the angles)

55) What will happen to the crow when it turns 7 years old?

Answer: (She will be eight years old)

56) If you only had one match and you walked into a room where there was a kerosene lamp, a fireplace and a gas stove, what would you light first?

Answer: (Match)

57) What is the correct way to say: “I don’t see the white yolk” or “I don’t see the white yolk”?
Answer: (The yolk cannot be white)

58) How many peas can fit into one glass?
Answer: (Not at all, because peas don’t move)

59) There are four legs under the roof,
Above the roof - soup and spoons.
Answer: (Table)

60) What is lighter than 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron?

Answer: (They weigh the same)

These are some interesting logic riddles for children. We hope you liked it. But in general, our collection is a feast for the eyes! Check it out for yourself, you won’t regret it!

- This is a way to show your ingenuity, develop logical thinking and have a lot of fun. Here you can find riddles with a trick, but with given answers. Sometimes you come across very difficult riddles that you will need to think about a little.

Riddles about school

Riddles for children 12-13 should be both interesting and funny, they should awaken imagination, make the child think and develop logic. So, the riddles themselves are for schoolchildren aged 12-13 years.

  • At the dawn of his life he walks on 4 legs, at noon of his life he rises on two legs, and by the end of his life he has three legs.

We are talking about a person’s life: as a baby he crawls on all fours, as an adult he walks confidently on his feet, and in old age he takes a cane and walks with it.

  • If it was pouring rain outside the window at midnight, is there a chance that the sun will shine brightly in 72 hours?

This is not possible, since after the specified time it will be night again.

  • On the edge of the table lies a glass jar with a tightly screwed lid. 2/3 of the can hangs over the edge. At first the can lay motionless, but then it picked it up and fell. What was in the jar?

There was ice there and it gradually melted.

  • The plum tree produced only 6 pears, but the cherry tree produced 8. How many pears were there in total?

These trees are not intended for growing pears.

  • Little Dima poured five piles of sand together, then added two more piles and poured another large one. How many piles did he have in the sandbox?

The boy poured out one large pile of sand.

  • How many orange seeds can be placed in an empty tea cup?

Not at all, since the cup is empty.

  • How can you carry water in a sieve?

If you freeze water into ice, you can quickly move it from one place to another before the ice begins to melt.

All of the tricky problems listed above can be easily solved by children aged 12. They will help you take your mind off boring studying, laugh a little and have fun, but at the same time, the time spent guessing will be spent usefully.

Riddles for children 6-7 years old. Learning to solve riddles

Be smart

They will force the child to think and correlate all the factors described in the problem with reality and quickly find the answer. Usually these are very cool tasks that children never refuse. By the way, such funny exercises with a trick can be included in the scenario of a children's party, for example, a birthday.

  • When not working, it hangs, but when working, it stands there, and after work it is completely wet and dries.
  • Two barrels, four ears, this is a soft...
  • During the day they always have legs, but at night their legs disappear somewhere.
  • The owner lit five candles on the table, but suddenly a draft blew in and put out one. How many candles will be left in the end?

There will only be one candle left, as the other four will burn out.

  • Is it possible to be silent and speak at the same time?

You can if you speak sign language.

  • It winds through forests and mountains, runs towards the horizon, but no matter how you look, it is always in place.
  • Which repair tool is solid or liquid?

Nails come in liquid and metric types.

  • There is a cork, but you can’t plug the bottle with it?

There's a traffic jam.

  • How many years are there in one year?

One summer.

Funny riddles

Funny riddles can be made for birthdays, during breaks between lessons, or simply when 12-year-old children simply have nothing to do. Such riddles with a trick will greatly help maintain a good mood and bring the kids together if the company has not yet become acquainted.

Riddles about school

  • How many seeds can fit into one empty glass?

It won’t go in at all, since the seeds don’t have legs and they don’t walk.

  • A man is walking in the pouring rain, without an umbrella or a raincoat, you are wet through, but his hair is not wet.

The man was just bald.

  • Ear decoration that suckers usually get?
  • You have half an orange in your hands, tell me what it looks like?

For the other half of the orange.

  • There is a black cat sitting near the house, she is waiting for when she can get into the house. When will this time come?

When the door is opened for her.

  • There is a glass of cappuccino in front of you, you just need to stir the sugar. Which hand will you do this with - your right or your left?

It is better to mix the sugar with a spoon.

  • There is a certain object, but when it is needed, it is thrown, and if it is completely unnecessary, it is picked up.
  • Who travels the world and still sits still?

Man surfing the Internet.

  • There are only 6 billion people on earth, what are they doing at the same time?

About animals

To diversify the tasks a little, you can make puzzles about animals. They are very funny, but at the same time with a kind of catch, which is why children 12 years old will like them so much. If your 13-year-old child suddenly has a bad day, offer him a little fun and fool around with him by asking these fun puzzles.

about animals

  • An elephant was flying along it, and a hunter was running along the ground, hoping to shoot the elephant and get a big booty. Having taken aim, the hunter took and fired; the elephant fell straight on the hunter and crushed him. Who remained alive in this story?

Only the rhinoceros survived; it flew out later than the elephant.

  • A horse and a needle, what are their differences?

To sit on a horse, you first need to jump, and when sitting on a needle, you first sit down and then jump.

  • A dog runs with a tin can tied to its tail, bad children mock the dog. How fast must the unfortunate dog run so as not to hear the crash of the can?

The dog must stand still.

  • One eye and one horn are visible from around the corner, what kind of animal is this?

This is a cow peeking around the corner.

  • There was an animal sitting on the window of a small house. He has a mustache like a cat's, and paws like a cat's, and a tail like a cat's and a cat's face. But he himself is not a cat. Who it?

Riddles for children from grandmother Shosho

The most difficult riddles

There are also very difficult riddles with a trick, they are intended for children about 12 years old. Of course, our puzzles are accompanied by answers, but if you think a little, you can solve everything without them.

  • Two small coins were placed on the surface of the table, their total amount being three dollars. But one of the coins is not $1. What coins are on the table?

One coin is not 1 dollar, since it is two dollars. But the second one is 1 dollar.

  • A man is driving a car. He doesn't turn on the headlights on his car. But there is no moon in the sky either. A little girl ran out onto the road to get a ball, and the driver stopped and scolded the girl. How was the driver of the car able to see the baby?

It was day outside

  • We have two islands. And there is a man standing alone and he has two oranges in his hands. On another island there is a hospital with his sick daughter. Dad must bring both oranges to the girl, but here's a problem: there is a bridge between the islands that will immediately collapse as soon as a man walks across it. The bridge can support the weight of a man and only one orange. How did dad bring two oranges to his daughter?

It's simple, he juggled them while walking across the bridge.

  • Olechka really wants a chocolate bar, but she doesn’t have enough ten rubles to buy it. She invited Seryozhka from the neighboring yard to get together, but the children still didn’t have enough for a chocolate bar by one ruble. How much does a chocolate bar cost?

Olya had no money at all, and a chocolate bar costs 10 rubles. Seryozhka, accordingly, had 9 rubles.

  • What in our lives is always increasing and never decreasing?
  • The prison is on an island in the river. Three prisoners plan their escape, each separately and unaware of each other's plans. The first prisoner sawed through the bars and jumped into the river, swam, but was eaten by a great white shark. The second prisoner escaped through the back door, jumped into the river, swam, but the guards noticed him and pulled him out of the river by his hair and arrested him. Well, the third prisoner’s escape was successful, he ran away and disappeared. Attention, question, where did I deceive you in my story? If you guess right, will you get a chocolate bar?

There are no white sharks in the river. You can't drag a prisoner out by his hair; they all shave their heads.

You won't see any chocolate.

  • Today is not Sunday, and tomorrow is not Wednesday. Yesterday was not Friday, and the day before yesterday was not Monday. Tomorrow is not Sunday, and yesterday was not Sunday. The day after tomorrow is neither Saturday nor Sunday. Yesterday was neither Monday nor Wednesday. The day before yesterday was not Wednesday, and tomorrow is not Tuesday. Yes, and today is not Wednesday. What day of the week is it today, given that one statement on the list is false?


These are some interesting puzzles with answers that 12-year-old children really like. By asking riddles every day, you can give your brain a little workout and entertain 13-year-old children.

Riddles for children! check yourself