In the dream, my ex-boyfriend ended up in the hospital. Dream interpretation of seeing yourself in the hospital

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a hospital in a dream is a sign of success in business, health, well-being and relief from suffering and worries. Sometimes a dream about a hospital predicts that your friends will not leave you in trouble and, perhaps, will make a lucrative offer. Finding yourself in a hospital in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon face an unpleasant test, from which you will be able to successfully get out with the help of your friends. Seeing a mental hospital in a dream is a sign of great worries and the need for support and help from friends. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will soon witness an unusual incident that will seem simply incredible to you. Finding yourself in a hospital means success in business. Working in a hospital means that you will be able to help other people in need. Running around a hospital in a dream means that you are worried about some illness or suspicion. See running.

Seeing empty hospital beds in a dream means that you are worried about the consequences of a recent operation. Visiting someone in the hospital or taking someone to the hospital means that someone will need help after you do something that may upset other people or cause them pain.

Why do you dream about a hospital according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Lying in a hospital in a dream means you need to see a doctor immediately. Working in a hospital means going through difficult times. Ending up in the hospital as a result of an injury and being bedridden - you can avoid an impending illness if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Visiting someone in the hospital means receiving unpleasant news. Visiting relatives means worries and sadness, children means a family event, friends means pleasure. Visiting a psychiatric hospital is a harbinger of great mental stress with which you will have to overcome hardships and adversities. Lying in a psychiatric hospital means obstacles in business.

Night sleep is the most beautiful thing that happens to a person! And you don’t have to pay for this pleasure! A soft bed and a duvet make for a cozy and restful sleep. But at this time a person still sees stories, cartoons and real movies through dreams. It is not surprising that many psychologists have tried and are trying to interpret what they saw at night. The capabilities of the brain are such that we can dream about the future, the past, and even the solution to a problem. Why do you dream about being in a hospital? Let's look at the question.

Great gift

Sleep is a gift, but it needs to be used wisely. After all, when insomnia happens to a person, you can’t imagine a worse test. The person becomes nervous and twitchy. He takes it out on his loved ones. The complexion deteriorates, excess weight gains. But proper sleep is a panacea for all diseases! If the illness has overcome, then the mother sends the baby to bed, covers him well with a blanket and gives him a cup of chicken broth to drink. In the morning the child becomes fresh as a cucumber! And if the problem doesn’t give you peace or the ticket before the exam doesn’t come to mind, then our grandmothers advised us to go to bed, they say, the morning is wiser than the evening. And they were right! In the morning, with a fresh mind, the answer was found, and the ticket was learned. It’s just that in the peace and quiet of the night, our brain actively worked and digested the information received during the day. He even reproduced some situations anew in the sleeper’s mind’s eye. In dreams we see what worries us, what requires attention. Sometimes dreams allow you to see those who are far away, to say what you lack the resolve to do. In dreams we get a second chance.

But sometimes we see dreams that are disturbing. For example, why do you dream of being in a hospital? There are few people who like it. In dream books there are interpretations of this image, and in general it cannot be called positive.

Analyzing dreams

You woke up, stretched and realized that sleep had thrown off its shackles. Don't rush into everyday life. Remember the dream in detail. Add your feelings to the overall picture too. Who are you at this stage of your life? Are you sick or sleeping at home after a party? If the first option is relevant, then the dream is good, as it foretells a speedy recovery. If you have no real health problems, then the dream can be called prophetic, since the body reminds you that it’s time to get checked by a doctor and identify hidden diseases. Get a medical examination for your own peace of mind. Diseases can be not only physical, but also psychological. Perhaps the dream indicates inner loneliness and lack of friends.

Around and around

Let's think about why you dream about being in a hospital, and doctors are present in your dream? Even if we don’t delve into psychology, an establishment of this type and people in white coats do not evoke positivity. Rather, they are alarming and make you worry. It is unlikely that such an image will appear in a dream for good. However, sometimes dreams affect not only the sleeping person, but his family and friends. If in a dream you visit someone and you are overwhelmed by bright emotions, then perhaps this person will have a pleasant surprise in life. But working in a hospital is a bad dream. It means the approach of difficult times.

Pay attention to the hospital itself. Does she depress you? Is it clean? If you like it here, you'll probably attend a big event, like a christening. If you accompany a friend to a doctor's appointment, you will soon receive shocking information about him.

Sick leave leads to difficulties and sometimes to lack of money. If there are many doctors walking along these corridors, then they symbolize worries and concerns.

The intensive care unit should be feared both in reality and in dreams. It means danger. Clues about this threat should be looked for in the interior of the department and the surrounding people.

I'm lying there like this...

Before answering why you dream of lying in bed, he advises you to decide on the department where you were. If the setting is therapy, then you need the care of loved ones and depend on other people.

What does the day have in store for us?

Why dream of lying in a hospital and enjoying it? Most likely, you avoid any responsibility and suffer from infantilism. It is unlikely that such an attitude towards life will bring good results. But internal growth stops, and the subconscious begins to ring alarm bells. Why dream of lying in a hospital and regularly taking medications, and very unusual ones at that? For example, drink a potion or taste a wonderful powder? Perhaps the person sleeping in reality has taken his health seriously and is succeeding in this, even if his methods are not always traditional.

If the room in your dream is small and unpleasant, then this is internal torment, which our brain expresses in this way. Perhaps you are to blame for someone or reproach yourself for failure. It may also be that you were offended, and you will not come to terms with it. In a dream, does the hospital seem endless? Probably, in life you worry about some kind of wrongdoing and try to correct it. Paradoxically, a dream in which a person is forcibly imprisoned in a psychiatric hospital can be considered truly good. Such a dream promises complete success in all endeavors.

These are general interpretations of the most common dreams, but there are also versions presented in the most popular dream books.

Let's take note

For different people, dreams may coincide, but differ due to small details that at first glance seem insignificant, but they are what make the dream unique and inimitable. These are people you know, things and objects that are important to you. By the symbols of esotericism you can determine why you dream of a hospital. To lie there is to heal your soul from typical mistakes or receive punishment for negative thoughts in life. The hospital also symbolizes a place of relief from worries and mental anguish. This “treatment” takes place in your subconscious, but after waking up you are unlikely to remember the process.

Should a dream be considered prophetic?

Why do you dream about being in the hospital before surgery? Can such a dream become prophetic, especially considering that dream books consider this image to be a harbinger of a disease or possible disorder? Yes, to some extent, the dream really predicted the possibility of such a future, but it did not make it accurate, so there is no point in recording yourself as a psychic. The main work was done by our brain, which understands the number of internal “sores” and accumulated stress and is aware of what this can entail. Your body needs peace and rest, and through sleep the brain makes this clear and points out mistakes. And the doctors themselves in a dream are higher beings who give you strength and charge you with energy. Take a closer look at the faces. Maybe you recognize any of them?!

Miller's Dream Book

Let's ask ourselves, why do you dream of being in a hospital? Miller's dream book provides comprehensive answers. If you are a patient yourself, there is a contagious, avoidable disease looming on the horizon. If you are only a visitor, then bad news awaits you in reality. If in a dream you are leaving the hospital, then you can rejoice - you have defeated insidious enemies and escaped their machinations. According to Miller, a psychiatric hospital does not promise joy. It symbolizes mental tension and upcoming difficulties. Being in the ward is even worse - illness is approaching.

Tsvetkova and Grishina

The dream books of these ladies also give a negative answer to the question of why they dream of being in the hospital after surgery. According to Tsvetkova, the hospital is a close christening, but visiting it is unpleasant news, and being inside means lack of money and an incident. - a good dream, but going to the hospital means finding yourself in the center of intrigue.

According to Grishina, a hospital means misfortune, and visiting it is more expensive for yourself, since it means outliving your essence and having dark thoughts. An appointment with a doctor is a new discovery, and a visit to a sick friend at home brings good news. If in a dream you walk the streets and see sick and vicious people everywhere, then in reality you will face many difficulties on the way forward.

For a pregnant woman

The most impressionable segment of the audience is, of course, pregnant women, who are terribly frightened by dreams about hospital wards. How will she perceive such visions? Why do you dream of being in a hospital while pregnant? In such a situation, the dream is considered good, as it means that worries are unnecessary and everything will be fine. For young mothers, doctors seen in a dream symbolize a desire for entertainment, but inevitable sacrifices to please the child. If a woman works in a hospital in a dream, then a difficult change in career path awaits her, but gynecology in a dream hints at some kind of flirting or romance on the side. Traumatology does not bring good associations and predicts failures on the love front.

The children's department can predict worries, and the gloomiest department - the morgue - portends disappointment in the other half. If in a dream you are a doctor and are going to perform an operation, then think about whether you are ready for it? Can you do everything right? This way you can rehearse the mindset for the difficult decision you have to make.

Let's keep calm

Many girls have a question: why dream of being in a hospital for safekeeping? There are two possible options: is this dream for a pregnant woman or for a girl? The first option predicts an easy birth, but the second hints at the possibility of ending up in a stupid position. If a woman is not pregnant, then such a dream may mean a problem for her in her relationship with her husband.

If you lie in an old and abandoned hospital, then the misfortune will be general and very sad. If you see blood in the hospital, then unexpected guests will fall on your head. A dream about a hospital from Monday to Tuesday is especially bad, as it promises the realization of the worst predictions regarding health.

If there are dead people in the room with you, then in reality a severe and terrible trouble awaits you, and the presence of a surgeon promises a bad deed on the part of a close friend. If in a dream you live in a hospital ward, then there is probably a risk of becoming seriously ill. It will be extremely difficult to cope without the support of a loved one. Do you see an IV next to you? Maybe syringes or drugs? The more medications there are, the more ways to get out of an unpleasant situation in reality. If the room is empty, then you have, accordingly, zero support. But you can’t isolate yourself, otherwise everything will only get worse.

A very bad dream where a tuberculosis clinic is in the center of the vision. This image symbolizes the peak of despair. With such a moral state, it’s time for you to see a psychologist, otherwise a nervous breakdown cannot be prevented.

In short, dreams about a hospital almost always foreshadow problems, but this is not an accurate prediction of the future, but only a warning. So treat this calmly and carefully.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

christening; visiting or taking someone away is incredible news; to be in it is a lack of money, a stupid position; psychiatric, to be placed there is complete success, fame, recognition; being a doctor, a nurse means successful things; get into the hospital - beware of the intrigues of the other sex.

I dreamed about a hospital

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself leaving the hospital means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who have tried to cause you a lot of trouble. Seeing a psychiatric hospital in a dream foretells you great mental stress with which you will overcome difficulties. If you dream that you are sick and in a hospital room, then this is a sign of an impending illness. Visiting the sick means unpleasant news.

Why do you have a dream about illness?

according to Vanga's dream book

The appearance of this symbol in a dream should not be perceived as something tragic. According to the biblical interpretation, illness is sent to people as punishment for sins committed and to purify thoughts, feelings, and actions. For a person, this symbol is a warning that the time has come to reconsider one’s position and life values. A dream in which you saw yourself suffering from a serious and incurable illness indicates that in reality you committed an ugly act and in your soul you condemn yourself for a momentary weakness. Seeing someone close to you sick in a dream is a sign that in reality your loved ones need support and attention. In a dream, you saw crowds of people on the scorched earth, dying in the streets from a serious and incurable disease - this dream foreshadows an environmental disaster caused by the use of bacteriological weapons. Perhaps you will witness this disaster. Seeing yourself in a dream recovering from a serious illness means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unpleasant situation. If in a dream a person close to you died of a serious illness, this means damaged relationships and personal problems.

I dreamed about illness

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are sick promises you a slight illness or unpleasant conversations. For a young woman to see herself terminally ill means that she will soon highly appreciate the charm of being an unmarried girl. If you see a sick relative in a dream, this means that an unexpected event will disrupt the well-being of your home. Having rabies or hydrophobia warns you of the machinations of ill-wishers. If you are bitten by a rabid animal in a dream, beware of deception from a close friend in real life. Typhoid fever in a dream also warns you: be careful with your enemies and be attentive to your own health. Watching a typhus epidemic in a dream means unfavorable development of your business. Suffering from dropsy in a dream means a successful recovery from some disease. If someone else is sick with it, expect good news. Gangrene in a dream does not bode well for the future. Dysentery in a dream for you or your loved ones is also a bad omen. Be especially attentive to your affairs - failures are possible due to someone's negligence. Seeing yourself as mentally ill means an unexpected bad result of the work you have done or an illness that will most sadly change your prospects for the future. Getting sick with jaundice in a dream means a quick favorable resolution of difficult problems. Seeing others with this disease is a sign of disappointment in companions and discouraging prospects. Seeing in a dream that your child is sick with croup is generally a good omen: vain fears for your child will pass, and harmony will reign in the house. Gout in a dream promises you extraordinary irritation from the senseless stubbornness of one of your relatives, which will lead to small material losses. Getting infected with leprosy in a dream is a harbinger of a disease that will cause you to lose money and displease many people. Seeing people with this terrible disease means an unexpected turn in your affairs and love, which will discourage you. Curing someone from cancer is an omen of success in business and even wealth. Getting cancer means a quarrel with your loved one. After such a dream, a person may become depressed and neglect his affairs. Possible cooling in love, anxiety and restlessness. To see in a dream how cholera devastates the country foreshadows in reality an epidemic of a viral disease, many sad and anxious days. In general, any dream about illness means that you should be very attentive to your own person.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If a sick person dreams that he is sick, then he will soon recover. If a young man dreams of illness, then this dream will be a warning against bad company and ardor. If you dreamed that you were sick, then you are likely to become a victim of temptation. And if you do not confront her, then she will harm your character.

Seeing illness in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Curable diseases indicate a favorable attitude towards the world around us. Many of us want to believe that we are good people who are able to make our contribution to the chronicle of humanity. And illness and recovery from it make it possible to feel power over the lives of other people. Illness reflects a self-destructive lifestyle, especially if you become crippled as a result of the illness. Passing on a disease from someone means that you feel negatively about that person's influence on your life. If the illness is forbidden, such as AIDS or another sexually transmitted disease, then you are concerned about the moral side of your life. The disease also reflects the fears sitting in you, both rational (family history) and irrational (for example, a newspaper article as a trigger event). Is there anything unusual about this disease: for example, is it known only to a certain circle of people, or maybe it only manifests itself in the presence of specific people? The body often symbolizes the emotional content of your relationships with others. Are you trying to hide your illness and its consequences or, on the contrary, are you boasting about them?

Why do you dream about pain?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

liberation in what the sore spot means.

I dreamed about pain

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is usually caused by physical reasons and does not need such an interpretation. Sometimes experiencing pain in a dream foretells that you will soon have to experience a great misfortune. If you see others suffering from pain, then this dream is a warning against a possible mistake.

Seeing pain in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Physical. Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes the trigger event is an uncomfortable sleeping position; This is your body's way of telling you, “Honey, turn over.” Moreover, the ability of the mind to produce physical stimuli corresponding to the events of a dream is amazing in itself. From an emotional point of view, dreams with elements of physical reactions are more realistic, or, more correctly, more real. Often pain sensations are related to a specific area of ​​bodily injury. Such sensations are most appropriate in dreams where bruises, infections or amputations are present, and the physical sensations are accompanied by visual images. Try to remember exactly where the pain was felt and compare this part of the body with the aspects of your life most closely associated with it. Was the pain caused by you, another person, an object? Is it caused intentionally or by accident? Was the pain so severe that it could lead to amputation, or was it simply inconvenient? Psychological. In dreams, we often encounter dilemmas that serve as sources of anxiety for the sleeper. Some things, the direct meaning of which is inaccessible to us, remain unknown as a result of introspection, since the traumatic effect of unraveling them can be truly destructive. If a dream is a source of psychological pain, it should be treated in much the same way as a dream in which physical pain is present. Is the pain so great that you need help, or does it only make itself felt as a result of something happening quickly? How often does pain occur? Does the pain get worse or stay the same? Do residual pain bother you in real life and how does it affect your daily activities? Do you feel like you have the knowledge and resources to deal with your pain on your own, or do you feel like your pain is rooted in your memory? Depending on the answers you give to these questions, you may need professional help to deal with the psychological pain you experience in your dreams.

Why do you dream about a doctor?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see - losses for a woman in personal matters, for men - in business; dentist - to illness; meeting a doctor in society, in company - a sign of good luck, favor; loving consolation (for women); rise in life (for men); to be at a reception or to meet (young) - for money, (elderly) - for patronage, protection, (female doctor) - illness or troubles will pass.

I dreamed about a doctor

according to Miller's dream book

If a young girl dreams of a doctor, it means that she will sacrifice her beauty for the sake of empty entertainment. If she is really unwell and therefore has such a dream, then it foreshadows illness and anxiety, which she will soon overcome, unless the doctor in her dream appears extremely worried - because in this case everything may end in loss and grief. If a woman in a dream is going to marry a doctor, this is a sign of possible deception in the future. A quack doctor trying in vain to cure you in a dream promises you anxiety and illness. If in a dream you come to a dentist for dental treatment, this is a sign of imminent disappointment. It is possible that the insincerity of loved ones will upset you. If you see a dentist treating a young girl’s teeth, in reality you should expect a real scandal among your friends.

Why do people dream about sick people?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

seeing yourself - to health; happy event; illness (fatal) - (literally) - a bad or fatal hobby; quick resolution of worries or desires.

Seeing a nurse in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The nurse is a unique character in dreams involving medical personnel due to the aura of romance that accompanies representatives of professions whose task is to help those in need. Sometimes nurses appear as angels. Along with romantic connotations, nurses can be presented as simple characters in medical and morbid dreams.

Seeing a doctor in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The figure of a doctor is often found in dreams as a reflection of the existence of a real person of this profession in your environment, but it can also appear as a symbol of your attitude to primary knowledge. It symbolizes sacred knowledge, spiritual strength and healing not only of the body, but also of the soul. Numerous dream characters can play this role - from strangers to family members or friends. A meeting with a doctor is a meeting with the wisdom of the world's subconscious. His figure bears the imprint of something frighteningly supernatural and, at the same time, reassuring; safe and, at the same time, inspiring some anxiety. Such a meeting or simply the presence of a physician often changes our perception of the world. It is important to remember that the role of this dream character is to personify the connection between the past and the future, the conscious and spiritual principles. Thus, dreams with the presence of a physician often reflect our attitude towards the factors influencing the course of our lives. Do you see yourself as a healer for others in your family or community? Does the medical figure, whether you or another person, seem benevolent, powerful, or taboo compared to the mere mortals present in the dream?

Seeing medical staff in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In the age of science and technology, we feel less and less dependent on divine powers and rely more and more on the professionalism of specialists. In this regard, a mental disorder can take the form of a medical dream. Medical dreams can manifest themselves in three typical scenarios: you are in the role of a patient, you are in the role of a doctor, and you are receiving help from a doctor under ridiculous, absurd circumstances. The patient role reflects your desire to use outside help to heal some illness. In a dream, this is expressed by a feeling of helplessness or inability to influence current events. The picture of physical distress is likely to symbolize an area of ​​emotional discomfort. The relationship between the two may vary. If you act as an attending physician or nurse, you may not know your patient, but you see yourself as endowed with the knowledge and skills necessary to help the patient cope with his illness. If you know the patient, so much the better. The dream may indicate the care or support that you provide to him in real life. The patient's visible symptoms of illness may be related to an aspect of their life or interpersonal relationships that you need to pay more attention to. The plot of receiving help from doctors or nurses under absurd circumstances usually falls into the category of dreams that are difficult to accurately interpret. Perhaps others do not understand your needs, or you are not able to clearly formulate them. It is likely that your connections with people are rather unstable and your needs are essentially not being met. A romantic relationship with a representative of the medical staff is another possible scenario for the development of events in a dream, which often takes place. Dreams of this kind indicate your desire to achieve more attention from the person you like in real life. Or you are one of those people who are predisposed to falling in love with doctors/nurses and experience wish fulfillment in their dreams. A doctor appearing in your dream symbolizes a person who is trying to save the life of someone close to you. Perhaps the doctor is a reflection of yourself, indicating a desire to help someone who needs that help. Is the doctor ignoring you or unable to understand your questions? Does the doctor convince you that everything will be okay?(Olga)

Seeing your own pregnancy in a dream often means its imminent onset in reality, or this may be how your subconscious desire to become pregnant from a specific person may manifest itself. Also, such a dream can foretell a pleasant acquaintance.

Going to the hospital or being in it is not a very good sign; it may be a harbinger of troubles or losses.

Being in a hospital room is a sign of impending resentment or dissatisfaction with one’s actions or behavior; visiting the patient and being in his hospital room.

Lying in the hospital - you can expect worries, internal loneliness, under the influence of external circumstances, long and painful self-knowledge.

Being in a hospital means someone will try to ignore you, ignore your opinion, and create additional problems for you.

To undergo an examination at a medical institution - a change for the better will soon begin, both in health and in business.

Going through a medical examination in a hospital is a warning; you need to take care of your health.

Taking tests in the hospital is a waste of effort.

Being in a first-aid post means obstacles await you, and your work will be difficult, but in the end you will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Being in a hydropathic clinic means you will be able to avoid an unwanted meeting.

If you are sent to a hospital for treatment, then you will have to defend your point of view for a long time.

You are visiting someone in a clinic for hopeless patients - someone is in a very difficult situation and needs your help.

Stay in a hospice - you will be able to solve all the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

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Seeing a Hospital in a dream

Seeing yourself leaving the hospital means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who tried to cause you a lot of trouble.

Seeing a psychiatric hospital in a dream foretells great emotional stress with which you will overcome difficulties.

If you dream that you are sick and in a hospital room, then this is a sign of an impending illness.

Visiting the sick means unpleasant news.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What does the dream Hospital mean?

The hospital symbolizes a frigid woman, or a woman whose sensuality has not yet awakened; perhaps due to the lack of a worthy partner.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

What do Hospital dreams mean?

It means disorders of the psychosomatic character, or diseases that are caused by negative influences.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

Dream about Hospital

In a dream, being in a hospital is a harbinger of an accident or illness. If you leave the hospital, it means you will get better. And if in a dream you came to the hospital to visit a sick friend, this is a sign of a quick improvement in your affairs and the sympathy of a noble heart.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does Hospital mean in a dream?

Hospital - Visiting someone, being in a hospital - you will be asked for a service that you cannot refuse. Lying in the hospital means you need rest, otherwise you risk getting sick. You are a doctor - you will be busy organizing other people's affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

What does the Hospital predict in a dream?

A hospital seen in a dream foreshadows troubles at a time when it seems to you that there is neither strength nor point in fighting them. Getting hospitalized as a result of an injury and being bedridden is a sign of an impending illness that can be avoided by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Discharge from the hospital - you will find a way to curb the unruly ill-wishers who have crossed the boundaries of what is permitted.

Visiting someone in the hospital means receiving unpleasant news, visiting relatives means worries and sadness, children means a family event, friends means pleasure. Visiting a psychiatric hospital is a harbinger of great mental stress with which you will have to overcome hardships and adversities. To be cured in it means obstacles in business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Interpretation of sleep Hospital

to see a hospital in a dream or that you are visiting a patient in it is good; this is a sign foretelling success in your personal affairs, health, joy and good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

What does a dream predict? Hospital

The dream foretells troubles or losses.

Imagine that the hospital is disbanded, and in its place a luxury hotel with a garden and a swimming pool appears.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

The meaning of the dream Hospital

If you dream that you are in a hospital, then you may get sick.

If you saw in a dream that you were being discharged from the hospital, you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies.

Dreaming of a psychiatric clinic brings great emotional stress.

Visiting the sick means unpleasant news.

D. Loff wrote that we dream about the hospital quite often, but they are rarely related to illness. In his opinion, the dreamed ambulance departments are connected precisely with the well-being of people significant to us.

To dream of a therapeutic department means that you need other people or want them to need us. This is a manifestation of dependence, since the situation in the hospital is characterized by the patient’s dependence on the doctor.

Intensive care is a department associated with danger, and sometimes with relief. People in critical condition go there, which means that a dream about resuscitation may remind you of a person who has passed away or of a person who needs your help.

If in a dream you don’t want to leave the hospital, then in real life you feel insecure and crave someone’s care and support.

A dream in which you are being treated with some absurd methods reflects your desire to balance something in life.

The most unpleasant dream about a hospital is associated with the fact that you feel seriously ill, but cannot get the proper attitude and treatment from the doctors.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Sleep Prediction Hospital

To recovery if you are sick.

Towards a successful resolution of an important problem.

Leaving the hospital means recovery.

Going to the hospital means a future illness.

Mental – it makes sense to get checked by a neuropsychiatrist.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Why do you dream about Hospital?

Seeing yourself lying in a hospital: needing to see a doctor or being overwhelmed by worries, inner loneliness.

Visiting someone in the hospital means circumstances improve.

Working in a hospital means going through difficult times.

Dreams about sick people and hospitals do not always portend illness.

But, since such dreams are rarely deciphered, they often look like prophetic dreams.

But not in the direction in which an inexperienced dreamer perceives them.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing yourself in a hospital in a dream, it would seem, is not the best dream. But dream books interpret this differently, and in most cases such a dream brings only good news.

To know for sure why do you dream about a hospital?, we recommend reading our article. Here you will find answers to all questions.

Before looking for an interpretation for your dream, write down everything you remember on a piece of paper. Also remember how often you have a dream, with what frequency or after what events. This will be useful in the future in order to interpret the dream as accurately as possible.

Dreaming of a hospital and doctors

Remember what the hospital looked like, what they did? A clean, beautiful hospital is a good sign; seeing doctors in clean white coats there means that in reality you will be faced with an unpleasant situation, which “people in uniform” will help you deal with, most often these are law enforcement agencies. A dirty hospital means you are facing a difficult situation that will compromise you, ruin your reputation and quarrel with your loved ones.

If there are also doctors in dirty coats with dirty instruments, then it is unlikely that they will help you. You will have to get out of trouble only yourself. By the way, take a closer look to see if there is on doctors' coats. If yes, then your relatives and blood will try to help you. Unfortunately, nothing good will come of this.

What to do if you dream about a hospital and wards?

Seeing chambers in a dream is a bad sign; perhaps you will face several similar problems, the solution of which will be a very labor-intensive process. Don't be shy to ask for help, you will need it.

Small, dirty rooms are dreamed of if in real life a person feels dirty, locked in a labyrinth of his own problems. More often they are psychological and the dreamer needs the help of a psychologist. But you need to pay close attention to such a dream if it is not repeated for the first time, but if you Have had this dream once or twice, then don't be upset. A short rest and communication with dear people will help you cope with all your problems.

Beautiful, bright chambers in a dream- harbingers of pleasant troubles. You will dominate a situation that will bring only pleasant emotions. Perhaps good news will become a frequent guest in your home.

Sometimes people dream of chambers when they think it’s time to be alone. Well, loneliness is often a good helper and helps to understand any situation. This is both a good psychotherapist and adviser. But don't push all people away from you, such behavior is fraught with consequences. Everything is good in the right dosage.

Dreamed of a psychiatric hospital

Such a dream is interpreted mainly as a round dance of problems, deceitful people and lies around a person. Perhaps the dreamer is confused and cannot understand who is lying to him and who sincerely wants to help.

A mental hospital is always a limitation; expect that you will not be trusted, all your decisions will be questioned and it will be difficult to complete the matter. Work hard towards your goal. This is the only way you will succeed and your words will be believed.

The dream in which you ended up in a psychiatric hospital, portends big troubles. You will lose quite a large amount of money if you are not careful and trust supposedly “trusted” people.

Being treated in a psychiatric hospital - being ridiculed by others.

Be a doctor in a mental hospital

A good dream, it foretells that you will be the master of the situation. Get ready, very soon you will have to watch how those around you will have problems, insoluble situations, and the like, one after another. And everyone will look to you for help, protection and advice. Be patient spend less time advising others, and then you will survive this period without significant losses and troubles for yourself.

Soon you will have to tell truths that will hurt people. Remember if you saw blood in a dream. If yes, with your words you will hurt a loved one.

If you spent in a dream, you saw human internal organs, then soon you will learn too much truth, which will be useless to you and may even be harmful. Think carefully, do you really need to interfere in the destinies of other people? If in a dream they operated on you- this is not the best sign. Soon you will literally be turned inside out, everything that you hid from others will become public knowledge.

There is another interpretation of this dream; perhaps someone can help in your situation, because you, like no one else, now need help. Do you remember whether the operation was successful? Did you feel pain? If everything was fine, then they will most likely help you.

The dreamer has actually found himself or will soon find himself in a rather strange situation. It will seem to him that everyone around him lives according to some unwritten rules, but the dreamer himself cannot understand them and therefore is in prostration, in complete detachment from everything and everyone. Gain strength and fight, you have to defend your rightness and the right to a quiet life.

If in a dream you saw flooded hospital, this interesting dream will actually affect your future. Stretch your memory, remember everything down to the smallest detail, what kind of water it was flooded with, what did you see there? All this is very important. You dreamed of a bright, beautiful hospital, flooded, perhaps you saw white ones - a very good sign. You will have fun events, relaxation with friends and unexpected profits. Don't miss this happy, almost carefree time. But be careful, it can get very addictive.

Dirty, old hospital flooded with dark water

In fact, the dream warns of an abundance of problems, all of which will really spoil your nerves and take up a lot of time. Perhaps your psyche is facing a serious test of strength. The problems that have accumulated inside will begin to wear you down. Try to pay attention to your psychological state. Now this is very important.

I dream of a simple hospital, to lie there

Such a dream for a girl, bad harbinger. Relationships with the stronger sex will be problematic; in the near future you will not get married or meet a new young man. If you are in a couple, then expect disagreements, right up to... Your relationship will balance on a razor's edge, try to maintain it. Look for compromises and give in more often, this will help preserve the relationship.

Seeing a doctor in a dream

A man doctor in a girl’s dream may actually be the person who will help her get out of trouble. Especially it’s good if you dreamed of a psychologist/psychotherapist or cardiologist.

Soon the girl will be surrounded by a man who can solve her problems. An affair with a worthy person is possible.

I dreamed about a female doctor

This is for illness not the best dream, especially if the woman in the dream is brunette, with short hair or in a dirty robe. Remember what the woman did in your dream? If you had an injection, an IV, or some other medical procedure, then get ready for an unexpected illness. It will not last long, but you need to treat it immediately, otherwise serious consequences are possible.

Seeing parents or other relatives in a hospital in a dream means observing in real life how your loved ones are trying to cope with problems. Whether you can help them depends on who you were in this dream. If you are a medical professional, then your help will be invaluable. If you are a simple observer, it is unlikely that you will be able to help your loved ones.

Dreams are not just visions inspired by the problems and hardships of the day, or emotions that are continued in the subconscious. Dreams are also a good reason to think about the real state of things. Those who believe in mysticism note that (those that come true in reality) come when a person faces major changes in life. In any case, you need to pay attention to dreams. Especially those that are repeated or that are etched into memory with an abundance of details. It doesn’t matter if it’s a signal from the subconscious or really a sign from above, it can be a good clue.

Think about it, maybe today you dreamed about it? Our dream book will help you interpret it.