Training to burn fat: rules for effective exercise. A set of exercises for girls and men to burn fat at home

Fat burning exercises have the property of accelerating metabolism, so this makes it possible to get results faster, unlike strength exercises. The essence of such metabolic exercises is that excess fat is burned by saturating the body with oxygen, increasing heart rate and body temperature. Consequently, fat breakdown occurs. Workouts to burn fat take place at the fastest possible pace with virtually no rest. It is important to train indoors with plenty of fresh air.

How to burn fat correctly?

Let's look at several ways to help you lose weight faster. The choice of time for training does not matter much if you train correctly and correctly structure the exercises. But a great time to instantly burn extra pounds is the morning. Running or an interval complex at this time, performed on an empty stomach, will take energy from subcutaneous fat, and not from foods eaten for breakfast.

The rest of the day, it is advisable to train one to two hours after eating. But after training, you need to take a small portion of protein and carbohydrate within forty minutes. You don't need to go hungry to lose weight. Everything eaten during this period of time will go towards muscle recovery, but not into excess fat.

Fat burning workout complex for home

A set of exercises for weight loss is also available to perform at home. It is not necessary to use special equipment; your own weight will be enough. Workouts should last at least 45 - 50 minutes. Fat burning will begin only twenty minutes after the start of the workout, so it is not advisable to train for only 15 minutes. An important condition for losing weight is the pulse zone. The zone of 120 - 160 beats per minute is considered comfortable for the cardiovascular system and effective for fat burning.

Superset for all muscle groups

The superset is performed without stopping, with a smooth transition from one exercise to another. The number of laps performed depends on what kind of load you want to get. It is advisable to repeat this complex for at least five circles. After performing, do a light stretch of all muscles.

Jump Squats

This type of squat involves all the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, while jumping in place is added, which increases the heart rate for fat burning. It is not advisable to do exercises every day. Unprepared athletes need to rebuild their muscles. This may take 4 - 5 days.

  1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly apart;
  2. Inhale: lower the pelvis, thigh parallel to the floor, as if sitting on a chair;
  3. Exhale: jump from the bottom point, lifting your socks off the floor;
  4. We repeat the squat while inhaling. We perform 20 - 30 times.


This type of exercise is very effective for losing body weight, because it is performed at the fastest possible pace and involves absolutely all muscle groups. Depending on the level of training, you can perform from 20 to 40 times.

  1. From a standing position, while inhaling, we squat down, placing our palms on the floor;
  2. Pushing off with our feet, with an exhalation we jump into the plank on straight arms;
  3. Inhale: jump back to the palms;
  4. Jump up while exhaling and return to the starting position.


This exercise trains the upper shoulder girdle well. You can perform such exercises after 2-3 days, as small muscles recover quickly. Push-ups form correct posture; the main thing is to keep the abs tense, preventing the lower back from sagging. Perform 10 - 15 repetitions. Let's consider the option with wide palms.

  1. From a plank position, palms wider than shoulders, feet hip-width apart;
  2. Inhale: lower the chest to the level of the elbows. Elbows point to the sides;
  3. Exhale: push up and return to the starting position.

Effective exercises for abdominal muscles

You can train your abdominal muscles quite often. Three to four workouts per week is enough. The complex will help burn extra centimeters in the waist area. These exercises can end any workout. Whenever possible, the complex is performed one circle without rest. After which it is repeated three more times.

Warm up. Exercise "Hundred"

The exercise is fat burning, but at the same time breathing. Improves blood circulation and prepares the body for other exercises.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees at a right angle. The shin is suspended parallel to the floor. Hands along the body;
  2. We lift the shoulder blades off the floor and maintain the position using the abdominal muscles. Chin above collarbones. Hands in front of you, palms down;
  3. We take five gradual short breaths, clapping our palms in the air, as if walking on water;
  4. Also, five short exhalations without lowering the shoulder blades to the floor;
  5. Perform ten more such cycles without pausing.

Stretching legs alternately

Exercise is the beginning of the complex. Trains the deep abdominal muscles and also stretches the back and legs.

  1. Lying on your back, right knee pulled up to your chest, palms holding your knee. The second leg is straight, held above the floor, at an angle of 30 degrees. The shoulder blades are torn off the floor;
  2. Inhale – pause. With an exhalation, we change legs, pulling up the opposite knee;
  3. We repeat the change of legs 20 - 30 times.

Stretching your legs at the same time

Strengthens the abdominal muscles, stretches the arms and legs.

  1. Starting position: lying on your back, shoulder blades off the floor, legs together above the floor at an angle of 30 degrees. Arms are straightened behind the head, stretched back;
  2. While maintaining a stable position, as you exhale, pull both knees to your chest, touching your shins with your palms;
  3. Inhale: return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise 20 - 30 times.

Level Leg Raises

Trains the abdominal muscles. It especially works the lower part of the abs.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, shoulder blades off the floor, legs straight at the top. Feet over the pelvis;
  2. Inhale: lower your legs to an angle of 45 degrees, without lifting your lower back from the floor;
  3. Exhale: raise your legs using the press to the starting position. Repeat 20 - 30 times.


Strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles and shapes the waist.

  1. Lying on your back, palms behind your head, legs straight at an angle of 45 degrees;
  2. The shoulder blades are constantly in weight. Exhale: the elbow of one hand reaches towards the opposite knee;
  3. Inhale: return to the center;
  4. Exhale: twist to the other side. 30 reps total.

Interval training for weight loss

A very simple and effective complex. Performed without rest, as quickly as possible. It is important to monitor your pulse. By performing this complex every other day, you can quickly lose weight.

Jumping to higher ground

Performed using a special cabinet or bench.

  1. Exhale: standing in front of the bench, jump with both legs;
  2. Inhale: smoothly return to the floor. Perform from 20 to 40 jumps.

Jumping rope

Jumping helps speed up fat burning by increasing your heart rate. We perform one minute, immediately move on to the next exercise.

Body lifts

The exercise trains the abdominal muscles, toning them. Perform at a fast pace, watching your breathing. At the same time, we lower ourselves smoothly, without falling on our back. Abdominal exercises are performed every other day.

  1. Lying on your back, feet connected to each other, knees apart;
  2. Exhale: raise the body using the abdominal muscles, hands from behind the head touch the feet;
  3. Inhale: we lower ourselves smoothly.

Repeat jumping rope for one minute. Without rest, we immediately move on to the first exercise of the complex. We perform at least ten circles.

We bring to your attention a short video lesson with simple but very effective fat-burning exercises:

Don't forget to drink plenty of water during training; fluid also improves metabolism. If you can only train late, try not to have dinner afterward, then the burning process will continue at night. Follow the technique of doing the exercises and breathing, then the training will only be beneficial.

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What is the best weight loss workout program for burning fat? What exercises are the most effective for weight loss due to fat mass? You will find answers to these and other important questions about fat-burning training in this article. If you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments below and receive a qualified answer.

  1. How much strength training should be included in the program?
  2. How much cardio should you do to lose weight?
  3. How much fat can you burn by following this program?

Everyone wants to have a great body, but not everyone achieves this goal. This is usually not due to lack of effort. Rather, most people simply don't know how to plan a weight loss routine to burn maximum fat.

A well-designed fat loss training program includes many components; there are many aspects that determine how successful it will be. Before you start any kind of workout, you should pay attention to your diet.

The diet you follow while training is a key factor in fat loss. All efforts will be useless if you take in excess calories (especially from inappropriate sources such as sugar).

Use the following calculator to determine your daily calorie and macronutrient needs:

In addition to a calorie deficit, a fat-burning diet must meet the following requirements:

  • high protein content (2-4 g per kilogram of body weight);
  • low to moderate amounts of carbohydrates (low on rest days, moderate on training days);
  • high content of essential fatty acids (EFA);
  • as little sugar as possible;
  • no carbohydrates after 18:00.

By following such a diet, you force your body to burn fat rather than muscle mass. By alternating the level of carbohydrate intake, you give the body the required amount of carbohydrates on training days, and reduce them on rest days.

A large amount of protein helps keep the body in an anabolic state and prevent it from becoming catabolic. EFAs are needed because you will be taking in fewer carbohydrates than usual. They will give you energy and allow your metabolism to function optimally. The last thing you want on this diet is a slow metabolism.

Sugar is mostly stored as fat, so you should avoid it at all costs. Consuming sugars is beneficial after workouts, when the insulin surge will serve you well. One of the main conditions of this diet is the exclusion of carbohydrates after 18:00. This allows the body to reduce glycogen stores while you sleep.

When you wake up and start doing cardio, your body will use fat as an energy source because there will be either no or very little glycogen left.

Workout program for weight loss

The best exercises for a fat-burning workout combine strength training and cardio. I believe that strength training is the best choice when you are on a diet for several reasons. I think heavy weights are best for building muscle and strength. If you can maintain strength gains while dieting and doing cardio, you will successfully lose fat and maintain muscle. This is especially important for those who are looking for a weight loss workout program to improve their appearance by getting rid of excess fat.

I recommend doing workouts 3 times a week, according to the Mon-Wed-Fri schedule. On some days you should train your lower body, on others you should train your upper body. In the first week you should do 2 upper body workouts, the next week 2 lower body workouts, which is a good way to shock the muscles.

This split focuses mainly on compound exercises, which promotes the production of growth hormone and ensures maximum strength and muscle gains while dieting. Keeping a training log is very important. Write down how much weight you work with, as well as the number of repetitions you perform in a particular exercise.

This will help you monitor your progress and determine if your diet is too restrictive (if the weight starts to fall quickly and steadily, then the diet is too strict and you need to adjust it). The bottom line is that while you're on a diet, your weight should come off slowly, allowing you to retain almost all of the muscle mass you've worked so hard to build.

Two week split

Here is a two-week split that should be repeated once every 2 weeks:

Monday 1: Upper Body Workout #1

1. Bench press with medium grip

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Army bench press

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

3. French Bench Press

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

4. Pull-ups to the chin

  • 2 sets to muscle failure

5. Bent-over barbell row

  • 2 sets of 10 reps

Wednesday 1: Lower Body Workout #1

1. Lifting the barbell withEZ bar for biceps

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Curls with dumbbells (hammers)

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

3. Seated calf raise

  • 1 set of 15 reps

4. Straight-legged deadlift

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

5. Hack squats

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 20 reps

Friday 1: Upper Body Workout #2

1. Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Seated dumbbell press

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

3. Dips (triceps)

  • 2 sets of 12 reps
  • 2 sets of 10 reps

5. Deadlift

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 4 reps

Monday 2: Lower Body Workout #2

1. Alternating dumbbell curls for biceps

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Turns with a pancake while lying down (twist)

  • 3 sets with the highest possible weight

3. Leg press on calves in the simulator

4. Leg curls in the simulator

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

5. Barbell Squats

  • 1 set of 8 reps
  • 1 set of 20 reps

Wednesday 2: Upper Body Workout #3

1. Incline bench press upside down

  • 2 sets of 8-12 reps

2. Military press while sitting in a machine

  • 2 sets of 8 reps

3. Close-grip bench press

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

4. Pull-ups to the chin

  • 2 sets to muscle failure

5. One-arm T-bar row

  • 2 sets of 10 reps

Friday 2: Lower Body Workout #3

1. Scott Bench Curl

  • 2 sets of 12 reps

2. Biceps curls with dumbbell twist

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

3. Standing calf raise

  • 1 set of 15 repetitions with a 5-second pause at the top of the exercise

4. Wide-legged barbell squats

  • 2 sets of 15 reps

5. Leg press

  • 1 set of 20 reps or until muscle failure

Exercises for abdominal muscles

  1. Incline crunches
  2. Raising bent legs on parallel bars
  3. Crunches on a fitball

Note: The abdominal muscles should be given 2 workouts per week, alternating them with rest days. Training should be short, that is, 2-3 approaches. Sets should be strenuous and include 8-12 repetitions.

As you can see, this program involves low volume training. This will help keep your muscles toned as you will burn less muscle glycogen. Additionally, low-volume workouts are good for dieters because they require minimal energy expenditure.

These workouts are short, allowing you to activate your muscles without doing 20-30 reps. They are also safer. While on a diet, you are at greater risk of injury, and such training will prevent you from overdoing it in the gym.

Cardio is a key element in a fat loss training program. This version of cardio is different from what most people do, but it WILL work. My cardio routine and diet will turn you into a fat burning machine. Cardio should be done in the morning, on an empty stomach.

It should be done every day, except on days when you train your lower body. As soon as you wake up, go straight to the treadmill. I prefer slow cardio. Each cardio session lasts 25-60 minutes at LOW SPEED and at an incline. Try to maintain a speed of 5.5 - 6.5 km/h with as much incline as you can handle.

If the load seems easy, you should increase the incline rather than the speed. This type of cardio will force your body to use fat as an energy source rather than simple carbohydrates.


It is very important to understand that it is not only cardio or only diet that will burn a large amount of fat. Strength training, cardio, and diet will all combine to force your body to burn fat rather than muscle for energy. With this program, you should burn approximately 450 - 700 grams of fat per week.

If you want to burn more or less fat per week, you can make changes to the program to suit your goals. One of the determining factors here is calorie deficit. If you want to lose weight faster, then reduce your intake by 225 calories. This will allow you to burn an additional 200g of fat per week.

It is important to note that the body cannot burn fat too quickly. If you rush this process too much, you will begin to burn the muscle mass that you gained with such difficulty.

By following this program, you will transform your body in a matter of weeks. Once you understand that there are many factors that determine progress and take them into account, then you WILL achieve success. So now you have the knowledge, as well as the methods to put it into practice, go and get rid of the fat once and for all!

Obesity among children and adults is a real nightmare epidemic in the Western world of the 21st century.

No one is immune to gaining extra pounds. However, what many people don't realize is that patience, coupled with a well-designed fat loss and muscle gain program, can easily change their lives.

You must have your own program or goal that will force you to come to the gym. The goal should be clear enough that you can truly enjoy the process and know that you are getting one step closer to it. You should always remember the goal, no matter what it is - health, participation in competitions, looking great, etc.

What kind of workout should you do to burn fat?

  • Heavy
  • Intensive and with a consistently distributed weekly load
  • Complex with work on the whole body in a week

Heavy sets of 8-12 reps will put more stress on the muscle fibers. This, in turn, will damage them more, compared to lighter weights and 15 reps. Your central nervous system takes over and your entire body is mobilized. All this forces your body to work harder and literally gives you an adrenaline rush.

You must train without remaining in a training plateau. The body must be put to the test, forcing it to respond and develop. Try to increase your working weight every week, even if it is only 2 kg; but not only in squats and deadlifts, but also in biceps curls and arm extensions on a block.

Complex workouts help you work many parts of your body in a short period of time. Greater stimulation of muscle fibers helps the body respond better. Combined with the right diet, this can be a great workout refresher for those who use standard splits that focus on working 2 body parts in one workout.

This puts a greater shock load on the body, which raises your metabolic rate and allows you to burn more fat daily. You spend less time in the gym and work more muscle groups.

The program is simple and straightforward (change something if you want). Keep in mind that these workouts work many muscle groups, so you must have good experience doing them.

A set of exercises for weight loss

  1. Squats
  2. Bench press with medium grip
  3. Military bench press
  4. Barbell row to the chin
  5. Extension of arms on a block
  6. Leg extension
  7. Barbell curl
  8. Standing leg curl

Note: All exercises are performed in 2 sets of 10-12 repetitions (taken from the book “The Abs Diet” by David ZincZenko). I recommend these comprehensive workouts because they help my brother stay lean and ripped all year round. The second exercise is given so that you can make changes to the program after a couple of weeks if you want.

It is worth sticking to the program for at least 4 weeks.

Note: Rest and train according to the following schedule.

  • Day 1 (training)
  • Day 2 (rest)
  • Day 3 (training)
  • Day 4 (rest)
  • Day 5 (training)
  • Day 6 (rest)
  • Day 7 (rest)
  • Repeat the same thing!

Cardio training

Note: Just change the way you do your cardio, for example, 2 days on a stationary bike, then 2 days on the elliptical or treadmill. Next week, jump rope and swim. It's simple.

How much strength training should be included in a fat loss program?

In the same volume as you did before you started burning fat. However, if you have not burned fat before, you should train exactly as the program prescribes, whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete.

Strength training is the key to burning calories and maintaining the anabolic process.

How much cardio should be included in a fat loss program?

As stated above, there should be no more than 4 workouts per week.

Note: Do cardio for 20 minutes after strength training because glycogen is used up during strength training and the body will primarily burn fat as an energy source.

Cardio helps you reach your goals

Do cardio for 15 minutes at an intensity that gets you sweating and breathing faster. The heart rate should be at least 65% higher than normal. Of course, you will adapt over time, so it only makes sense if you build up the intensity.

Here is a technique that will help you burn maximum fat:

  • in the first week, write down the distance you covered in 15 minutes;
  • next week, try to walk a greater distance in the same amount of time.

You, in turn, will become stronger and burn more fat in the same amount of time due to the fact that you trained more actively.

Video - The best fat-burning workout or how to lose 10 kg?

What results can you expect from the program?

If your body mass index is 30-35, then you may be able to lose 13-22 kg. There is no telling how useful this program will be for you! It depends on your effort if you do it right.

My brother, for example, lost 18 kg in a year! This is a great way to transform your entire life! He is slim and has six-pack abs.

During normal running, approximately 10 kcal per minute is burned. Everything is great, but it could be better.

Harold Gibbons, an instructor at Mark Fisher Fitness and director of the National Strength and Conditioning Association in New York State, doesn't think running is the best way to burn more calories:

In general, you burn more calories during high-intensity strength training than during running.

Time passes, technologies are improved, new, much more accurate and correct research is carried out, thanks to which we can learn better about the processes occurring in our body.

Outdated methods calculate energy costs based only on the process of aerobic metabolism. However, with high-intensity training, the process of anaerobic metabolism starts in our body. In the old literature, this fact is not taken into account, or its effect is considered incorrectly.

A University of Southern Maine study using more advanced calorie counting methods found that intense strength training actually burns 71% more calories than expected.

The main advantage of high-intensity exercise over running is the greater amount of energy expended per unit of time. The training is shorter, the effect is greater.

We present to you a selection of 10 great exercises that burn more calories than running.

Jump rope

Everything ingenious is simple. At a pace of 100–120 jumps per minute, 13 kcal are burned. As a bonus, you develop a sense of balance and coordination.

Tabata Protocol. Squats

Extremely simple and extremely effective interval training. 20 seconds of maximum intensity work, 10 seconds of rest. Repeat 8 times. The cycle takes only 4 minutes. According to research from Auburn University in Montgomery, you will lose 53.6 kcal and double your metabolic rate for at least 30 minutes.


Scientist and trainer Jeff Godin says one burpee uses 1.43 calories. If you do 7 or more burpees per minute, you will already be able to reach double-digit calorie consumption per minute. It is recommended to increase the number of repetitions to at least 10 per minute. At a high pace, 10 burpees are equivalent to 30 seconds of cycling.

Cindy and Mary

Cindy - 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats without weight. That's all. Do this cycle as much as you can for 20 minutes. At an average pace and not too long breaks, you will be able to burn 13 kcal per minute. For the hardcore, there is the Mary option - 5 vertical push-ups, 10 pistols, 15 pull-ups.


The College of New Jersey conducted research and compared various types and techniques of workout in terms of oxygen consumption and energy expenditure. It turned out that the most calories are burned during training with ropes - 10.3 kcal per minute.

Kettlebell swings

According to research from the University of Wisconsin, this exercise burns 20.2 kcal per minute at an average heart rate of 93% of maximum in a 20-minute workout. Such movements are unnatural for our body, and therefore the response from the body is simply amazing. The exercise can be dangerous, so here is a video with instructions.

Rowing machine

Have you seen the Olympic rowers? It would seem like just one exercise, but such a body! The fact is that rowing involves almost all major muscle groups. Research from Harvard University shows that 30 minutes of rowing burns 337 kcal, or 12.5 kcal per minute.

AirDyne Bike

The AirDyne Bike is a progressive exercise machine. The more active you are, the stronger the resistance. Do you know how many calories you managed to burn in a minute on this simulator? 87 kcal! Of course, the data was obtained not in laboratory conditions, but from a built-in computer, but the result is still impressive.


Have you noticed these strange bicycles with disproportionately large wheels? These are fat bikes - all-season and all-weather bicycles that can be ridden on sand, snow, tall grass and anywhere. And on such a monster they manage to burn 1,500 kcal in one hour, or 25 kcal per minute.


If the miracle bicycle proposed above is not to your liking, then turn to the classics - get on skis. The energy expenditure here is very high, and even at a moderate skating pace you can burn more than 12 kcal per minute.

Do you know other exercises that burn more than 10 kcal per minute? Tell us about them in the comments.

Today, a huge number of people have problems with excess weight. This topic worries women most acutely.

The accumulation of excess pounds often occurs due to the modern rhythm of life. But the daily routine does not cancel the fashion for a beautiful and slender figure. However Excess fat can have a detrimental effect not only on appearance, but also on the condition of the entire body.

There are a variety of abdominal exercises for women at home and in the gym. Read on to learn about the best and most effective ones.

In order to return your figure to normal, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and get rid of fat reserves that have already accumulated. The most effective way to get back slim is to exercise to burn fat.

Features of training for burning fat

Fat burning workouts for women will help you regain your fit figure. The same effect cannot be achieved either with miracle creams or with the best diets. These options do not work separately - extra pounds and cellulite will remain in any case.

This type of training has two distinctive positive qualities:

  • they can be used with any physical fitness;
  • classes are possible at home or in the gym.

However, they need to be selected carefully. If you perform the entire list of exercises that are known in the gym or at home, this will not be enough. This attitude often makes losing weight difficult, even if you exercise regularly.

Modern workouts for burning fat for women are striking in their diversity.

To choose the type of training, you need to decide on the goal:

  1. To keep your body in good shape and prevent you from gaining unwanted pounds, you should give preference to aerobic cardio training.
  2. Strength exercises are perfect for significant weight loss.
  3. For those who want to achieve the best results, many professionals advise combining strength and aerobic training.

For any workout to burn fat, it is important to:

  • maintain regularity;
  • adhere to a certain diet plan;
  • combine types of training;
  • gradually increase the load.

Exercises for burning fat - the main rules

1. High pace of training. You should not focus on training in the fat-burning sector (50-70% of maximum heart rate).

This method primarily burns fat, but this is often reflected only as a percentage and not in quantity. For example, running burns more calories over the same period of time than walking.

2. The selection of activities should be approached with special attention. How much energy is expended during exercise depends not only on it, but also on the effort applied, duration and regularity of training.

3. Increase endurance and strength. By increasing the load on large muscle groups (legs, chest, back), you can increase the rate of fat burning. The more muscles involved in the work, the faster calories are burned. Such exercises include squats.

4. Maintaining the required pace. Exercises that are performed at a good pace throughout will help achieve the best fat burning effect.

5. Take a closer look at interval training. Interval training involves alternating periods of exercise and recovery. They are able to maximize the number of calories expended, which will give amazing results in a shorter period of time.

To begin with, you should practice for 2 minutes. and give the body 2 minutes. rest.

6. Use your own weight. Exercises that involve effort against gravity are more effective. For example, walking or running instead of swimming or cycling. Working with your own weight causes the body to burn more calories.

7. May your day be active. Scientists have proven that people who are active spend 300-400 kcal more than those who are lazy.

8. Try to train with an empty stomach. Exercising on an empty stomach allows you to burn more fat.

But you need to be extremely careful: a prolonged “hunger strike” before exercise can have a side effect - it is quite possible that the body will not be able to withstand the intensity or duration of the load.

9. Take advantage of the afterburn effect. High-intensity exercise has one great quality - the fat-burning effect continues even after the workout is over.

This is the “afterburn” effect (or increased calorie consumption). Its activation occurs under load with a heart rate of 75% or higher of the maximum.

10. Try to increase the intensity of your exercise. A smooth increase in training intensity allows you to improve the progress of fat-burning training.

Workouts to burn fat at home and in the gym

Exercises for burning fat can be done both at home and in a specially equipped gym. In order to choose the most suitable option, you need to carefully study all the qualities of both types of activities.



  • Professional equipment - exercise machines, sports equipment, etc.
  • An experienced instructor who will help you perform all the exercises correctly, avoid injury, and choose the right exercise program and diet.
  • Surrounded by people who share common goals.
  • Sports figures that help inspire.


  • To visit some gyms you will need an impressive amount of money.
  • You will need to adapt to the operating hours of the center.
  • Many ladies who have an imperfect figure may be embarrassed by the presence of beautiful, fit girls nearby.

Home conditions - pros and cons


  • The classes are completely free.
  • Training time depends on individual preferences.
  • There is no need to go anywhere or rush.
  • There is no one at home, so there is no constraint.


  • For home training you will need enormous willpower, because... Laziness can triumph over the desire to lose weight.
  • Lack of special equipment.
  • Create your own exercise and diet program. This will take quite a lot of time, because... you will have to study a considerable amount of relevant literature. The wrong choice will lead to the lack of the desired result or even harm to health.

Circuit training to burn fat for women

Circuit training includes a set of exercises that work all muscle groups. The intervals between different exercises should be minimal. Load each muscle group in turn.

Pros of circuit training:

  • saving time (a set of exercises lasts about 30 minutes);
  • high intensity, which allows you to quickly burn fat;
  • increase in physical endurance;
  • working out each muscle, which is a guarantee that their mass will remain the same;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • strengthening the heart and blood vessels;
  • accessibility for beginners;
  • Classes can be completed at home.


  • Muscle mass does not increase.

Basic Rules:

  • Prepare a training schedule. Choose 2-3 exercises for each part of the body or 5-6 for most muscles.
  • Before you start training, do a warm-up.
  • The first exercise for each muscle group should be the easiest. This is necessary to prepare the muscles for subsequent loads.
  • Choose your free weights carefully. They shouldn't be very heavy.
  • Each exercise can be repeated from 10 to 50 times.
  • Try not to delay the training time (up to 30 minutes). If you increase the duration, you risk losing some muscle volume.
  • For general health, it is recommended to conduct classes 2-3 times every 7 days.
  • Full muscle recovery requires 48 hours.

The main components of circuit training:

  • Squats. Forms the muscles of the buttocks. If you want to achieve a greater effect, you can supplement your own weight with dumbbells or a barbell.
  • Push ups. Working out the muscles on the chest and arms using body weight.
  • Squatting emphasis is a transition using a jump from a position like a push-up to a squat.
  • "Starfish" - jumping with arms and legs spread to the sides. It is recommended to perform rhythmically;
  • Abs pumping. Strengthens the abs. During exercise, the load should fall on the upper and lower abs.
  • Jumping rope They are a cardio exercise and give a good workout to your legs.

  • Shuttle run. It means continuous running from one point to another. When turning, you need to squat and reach to the floor. Try to reach maximum speed.

You can complete your circuit training by jogging.

For home exercises, you can add several more effective options to these exercises. It is recommended to perform lunges, leg swings, and “bicycles.”

Cardio workout to burn fat

Cardio training has a beneficial effect on metabolism, the state of the cardiovascular system, and figure.

Cardio exercises help achieve the desired effect in a short period of time, but this is only possible in combination with proper nutrition. It is worth knowing that fat burning occurs after 20 minutes of active exercise.

Features of cardio training


  • the fastest fat burning effect;
  • the ability to get rid of cellulite;
  • strengthening the muscles responsible for breathing;
  • benefits for the heart muscle;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • increased metabolism;
  • benefits for hypertensive patients (pressure reduction);
  • reducing the risk of developing diabetes;
  • increased lung volume;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • decrease in resting heart rate;
  • beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • reducing the risk of seizures.

Cardio exercises that can help burn fat include swimming.


  • with some types of cardio training, the joints, cardiovascular system, and ligaments are heavily loaded;
  • The training program should be carefully selected based on physical condition.

Cardio training for burning fat at home is suitable for those who do not have enough time and money to visit a sports center.

Without a specially equipped room, you can run, step aerobics, yoga, play badminton, walk or ride a bike (if you have one).

Also popular in cardio training are rowing, elliptical training, swimming, and boxing.

Aerobic exercise to burn fat: examples and benefits

Exercises in which energy is generated by increasing the supply of oxygen to the body are called aerobic.

These include:

  • dancing;
  • aerobics;
  • swimming;
  • moderate running;
  • walks at a brisk pace;
  • some daily activities.

All these Exercises perfectly increase the body's endurance and strengthen the cardiovascular system. They can also be used if you want to lose a little weight (2-3 kg per month).

However, they are not suitable for long-term exercise for the purpose of losing weight, because... after a month of training, the process of losing extra pounds slows down and muscle mass begins to be burned.

To achieve a fat-burning effect, the workout should last at least 40 minutes., because the use of fat reserves as fuel begins only after 20 minutes. classes. After you stop exercising, your body stops burning additional calories.

During exercise, the heart rate should be at least 60% of maximum. The maximum heart rate for women can be calculated using the formula: 220 - age.

Doing activities

The best time for cardio training is in the morning. At this time of day, the body is not yet tired and full of strength. But it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. There are also situations when it is not possible to train in the morning.

Cardio is combined with strength training. To begin with, you should perform cardio exercises, and then move on to strength exercises. This combination will be an excellent solution for those who want to lose weight.

You can include cardio at the beginning, middle and end of strength training. However, one cardio period should not last more than 20 minutes, otherwise the body can be exhausted.

Interval training to burn fat

Interval training is a set of strength and cardio exercises, between which there are short breaks.

Such activities force the whole body to work, increase the heart rate to the maximum and help the body consume more oxygen. They require a lot of energy, so they must be strictly limited in duration and frequency.

The maximum time for one workout is 20-30 minutes, which can be performed no more than 3-4 times during the week.

Positive traits:

  • burning fat 4 times faster;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • muscle development;
  • increased calorie consumption during the recovery period;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • training time is 20-30 minutes;
  • no need to exercise every day;
  • execution at home;
  • no loss of muscle mass.

Negative sides:

  • not recommended for beginners (you can start intensive training after 2-3 months of training);
  • not suitable for people with trauma, heart failure or other cardiovascular diseases;
  • inability to perform if you are overweight (BMI >30).

Interval training can consist of one exercise for most muscles(speed running, squats, push-ups, etc.). It must be repeated during training at the fastest possible pace. This method allows you to achieve amazing results from 5 minutes of training.

Strength training to burn fat

Strength exercises are very effective in losing weight. They require more energy, which allows you to burn more carbohydrates and build muscle mass. The greater the muscle volume, the better the metabolism and the more calories burned.

Benefits of strength training:

  • maintaining muscle tone;
  • muscle mass growth;
  • improved performance and endurance;
  • intensive burning of fat deposits;
  • increased bone density;
  • reducing the risk of many diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.);
  • prolongation of body youth.

The most common strength exercises:

  1. push ups;
  2. pull-ups;
  3. free weight squats;
  4. weighted bending;
  5. leg pull-ups while lying on your back;
  6. barbell bench press;
  7. swing your legs;
  8. biceps curl with dumbbells.

Basic rules of strength training:

  1. Using basic exercises. You should not load only problem areas. Basic exercises performed in one workout will load most of the muscles, which allows you to quickly achieve better results.
  2. Regularity. In order to lose weight faster, you need to exercise more intensely. This can only be done through regular training.
  3. Using the “correct” load. Before training, you should warm up using light weights. After this, you can begin to perform exercises with a weight of 80% of the maximum. Exercises should be performed 5-6 times.
  4. Use intense and circuit training. Rest periods should not be longer than 90 seconds.
  5. Be patient. Before the result becomes noticeable, the body must adapt to the stress. Losing weight is a long process, so the effect does not appear immediately, but gradually.

Pre-workout nutrition to burn fat

If classes are held in the morning, it is best to train on an empty stomach. In other cases, in order to force the body to use up its own fat reserves, it is recommended to eat foods that contain only proteins and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are needed to provide energy to the brain and muscles. Proteins do not fill the body with energy, but they increase protein synthesis in the muscles. Protein food before training is necessary for people who want to increase muscle mass. It is recommended to use it half an hour before training.

Before training, you can eat fruits (except bananas and grapes), poultry, eggs, cereals, milk and protein shakes.

Post-workout nutrition to burn fat

To build muscle, you need to eat within 20 minutes. after training. If this is not done, then muscle mass will not grow, only a little fat will be burned.

Meals after training, just like before, should not include fats. Immediately after exercise, it is recommended to saturate the body with carbohydrates that were spent on exercise. Fruits or freshly squeezed juices are perfect for this (orange juice is the best option).

After restoring carbohydrate balance, you need to take care of your muscles. This could be a protein meal or a protein shake.

What to drink before and after training to burn fat

In 30 min. Before training, you can drink coffee without additives. Those who do not like coffee can replace it with strong tea (preferably green).

Drinking these drinks will give your body the energy boost it needs, which will help you burn more fat during your workout and avoid feeling tired for a longer period of time. Also It is recommended to drink 200 ml of water before each workout.

As soon as the workout is over, it is better not to consume anything. However, if you feel very hungry, you can indulge in milk or a protein shake.

It is important to drink fluids during any activity. The slightest dehydration can significantly reduce the effectiveness of your workout.

During the training process, the functioning of the receptors is dulled, so you may not experience the feeling of thirst. You need to drink every 20 minutes. in small sips (the amount of liquid depends on the degree of sweating).

The Complete Fat Burning Workout Program

Those who exercise at home need to carefully select their training program. It should be drawn up taking into account the following factors:

  • purpose of the lesson;
  • health status;
  • amount of free time;
  • degree of completeness;
  • problem areas.

There are exercises that differ from each other for each individual part of the body. Let's consider exercises for each problem area separately.

Exercises to burn belly and side fat

  • The starting position is similar to the one that should be taken when doing push-ups, only you need to rest your hands on a table or chair.
  • Now we do partial push-ups. Start with a small amount, gradually increasing the number to 20. Using our elbows, we walk a short distance forward, and then in the opposite direction.
  • Squats. In order to get results, follow the execution rules. During squats, your back should be straight and your arms should be parallel to the floor. The return to the starting position should be smooth. It is recommended to perform 10-15 times.
  • Position - feet shoulder-width apart, place your right hand on your right side. Pull your left hand to the right with springy movements.
  • Then we repeat the same with the second hand. Perform 8 repetitions on each side. Lie on your back.

In this position, gently lift your legs with your knees slightly bent. As soon as you reach the top point, pause a little and then slowly lower it. Repeat 20 times.

  • Abdominal exercises to burn fat
  • The exercise described earlier is perfect for pumping up your abs (in which you need to lift your slightly bent legs while lying on your back).

  • An exercise familiar to everyone from childhood - we raise the body to a sitting position, without helping with our hands.
  • Lying on your back, you need to raise your body and legs, trying to reach your toes with your hands. This exercise is harder than it seems at first glance.

Plank. We lie down on a hard surface with our stomachs and lean on our elbows. Your arms should be bent at an angle of 90, and your gluteal muscles and abs should be pulled in. Hold the position for 1 minute.

Effective exercises to burn arm fat

1. Exercises using your own weight: We sit on the floor, rest our feet and hands behind our body.

Then, with a sharp movement, we tear off the buttocks (the body should be parallel to the floor surface).

2. For additional effect, we create tension in the abs and buttocks. We do it 60 times. The exercise is performed using a chair or stool.

We sit down, palms resting on the seat, lifting our buttocks off the surface and slightly hanging our butt down. Smoothly lower down and then return to the starting position.

During the exercise, we try not to help with our legs - the main load should fall on our arms. Do the exercise at a slow pace. It is recommended to do 20 approaches.

Exercises with weights:

1. These variations use dumbbells or any other object that is comfortable to hold in your hands (for example, water bottles). Pull in your stomach, lower your buttocks

2. (hips are parallel to the floor surface). We fix the position at the lowest point, placing our hands close to the body. We bend our arms. slow movements. We perform 20 times on each hand. The back should be straight. Raise your arms until they are level with your shoulders. We do it 25 times.

Exercises to burn leg fat

Classic squats effectively combat excess volume on the legs. To perform this exercise, you need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then lower your hips as low as possible to the floor, arms extended forward, and back straight.

We do it as many times as possible. Once the body gets used to the load, you can complicate the exercise with dumbbells.

Remove fat from the inner thigh exercises

1. Lie on your back with your buttocks on your hands(palms touch the floor). We raise our legs perpendicular to the body and spread them as far apart as possible, then lift them up to the starting position. We perform 20-30 swings.

2. Squats with legs wide apart. We spread our legs wide. The toes should not point straight, but slightly to the sides. Then we begin to lower ourselves down, shifting the body to the side. Let's get up.

The next squat is performed with the hips shifted in the opposite direction. During the exercise, the back remains straight. We perform the maximum number of squats.

3. We stand near a chair and hold on to it with one hand. The legs should be pressed tightly against each other. Swing your leg to the side (try not to move your leg back or forward). We turn to the other side and do the same for the other leg.

How to remove fat above the knees exercises

1. Get on your knees. The spine should be straight and the buttocks should not touch the floor. Slowly, we tilt the body back and move at the same pace in the opposite direction. To start, do 10 repetitions.

2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your hips. Move one of your legs forward and lower yourself down until your thigh is parallel to the floor.

We repeat the same for the other leg. First, perform 10 times on each leg.

Exercises to burn fat on the outer thigh at home

1. We lie down on our left side and lean on our elbow. Place your right hand in front of you and bend your legs at an angle of 90. As soon as the correct position is taken, raise the right leg as high as possible and lower it.

We do the same on the other side. We do 20-30 repetitions on each leg.

2.Raising your knees high while running copes well with fat deposits in the thighs. You can run in place, trying to reach your knees to the level of your pelvis.

3. Bike. We lie on our backs, raise our legs up and bend them at the knees. Then we rotate our legs in a circular motion that resembles pedaling. The duration of the exercise is at least 5 minutes.

How to remove back fat, exercises

1. Push ups. We lie face down on the floor. We rest on our palms and toes (the back should be straight). We slowly lower ourselves all the way down, and then smoothly rise. We do the maximum number of repetitions.

2. If physical fitness does not allow you to perform classic push-ups, it can be made easier. For this you need perform the same actions, only your hands can be placed higher(for example, choose a table as a fulcrum).

3. Lie on your stomach so that your body forms a straight line. Then we lift our arms and legs off the surface as high as possible. Once you reach the highest point, you need to linger a little. We perform 10 repetitions.

How to remove fat from armpits exercises

1. Push-ups on knees. Can be done using free weights. We take dumbbells, without letting go of them, we get on all fours. Bending your arms, bring your chest toward the floor, as with a standard push-up.

Then we raise one of the arms parallel to the shoulder line. We rise and repeat the actions, only using the other hand.

2. For this exercise you need Lie on your back on the floor, holding dumbbells in your hands. We place our hands perpendicular to the torso. Then we begin to move them apart with smooth movements. Keep your arms slightly bent. Let's put it together.

3. The previous exercise can also be performed while standing.

Prevention of maintaining optimal weight

In order to achieve an ideal figure, it is important not only to lose extra pounds, but also to be able to avoid gaining new ones. In order not to have to constantly struggle with excess fat deposits, you need to follow some rules for the prevention of obesity, namely:


First of all, excess weight appears due to poor nutrition. In order to have a slim figure, you need to limit the consumption of fatty and salty foods, sweets, canned food, etc. It is also not recommended to snack on the go (especially fast food).

It is better to give preference to fruits, vegetables, steamed food or water. The bulk of calories consumed should be distributed between breakfast and lunch.

If you need to lose a little weight, then it is enough to create a small calorie deficit - in no case should you starve. To correctly calculate the calorie content of the daily diet, there is a formula - body weight multiplied by 22.

Quitting alcohol

Those who strive to have an amazing figure should forget about alcohol. It promotes the deposition of visceral fat, which accumulates not under the skin, but near the internal organs.

These types of fat deposits are more difficult to remove and can also cause a host of health problems.

Be more active

To maintain body weight at the same level, it is necessary to balance the number of calories eaten and expended. In order not to have to greatly reduce your daily diet, you need more physical activity.

Mode and emotional state

Improper sleep, worries and stress lead to disturbances in the functioning of the body, which can cause increased appetite. In order to be in shape, you should protect yourself from negative emotions and sleep about 8 hours a day.


Some diseases (for example, diabetes or thyroid disease) cause disruptions in the body that can lead to excess body weight. If you already have any medical conditions, you need to undergo treatment before trying to lose weight by restricting your diet or exercise.

If you lose weight correctly, then after a while you will be able to acquire the slim and toned figure that you have dreamed of for so long. Next, follow all preventive measures that will help maintain the achieved results for many years.

Cardio exercises. AEROBICS at home for beginners:

Fat Burning Workouts for Women:

It is believed that to lose weight you need to run a lot. Aerobic exercise really plays an important role in the process of losing weight; in a minute of running you can burn about 10 calories. But not everyone likes to run. For such people, there are strength exercises that allow you to burn at least as many calories.

Igor Kalita, two-time world champion in bench press among amateurs, four-time champion of Russia among professionals, coach Alex fitness "Kolomenskoye":

— Exercises that work to burn fat are usually functional exercises. Although fat is also burned during strength training. It is best to do a set of strength exercises, after which you do some cardio work. It doesn't matter whether it's running or not. Of course, running is considered the most popular all over the world. The more muscles your body works during an exercise, the better. When running, all muscles also work, even the muscles of the arms. But all muscle groups work very well on the ellipsoid. But on a bicycle, mainly only the legs and buttocks work.

Also, all functional exercises that work the whole body are good for fat burning, including CrossFit exercises - burpees, barbell jerks from the floor, kettlebell pushes from a full squat, dumbbell pushes from a full squat. They are done 20-30 times at a certain interval. This gives a very high anaerobic load.

The most important thing in the process of burning fat is to keep your heart rate in a certain mode. If a person is under 40 years old and has a resting pulse of 70 beats per minute, then for fat burning the pulse should be in the range of 120-140 beats per minute, maximum 150. The duration of the exercises should be at least 40 minutes, because only after 30 minutes the body begins to use and break down fat resources. The workout should last from 40 minutes to one and a half hours.

The best exercises to burn fat

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is considered child's play and is undeservedly written off by adults. Rarely in the gym will you see someone training with a jump rope, but this simple device allows you to burn many more calories than running.

The faster you spin the rope, the better. To achieve the heart rate necessary for fat burning, the speed must be at least 70 revolutions per minute. The rest between approaches should be short - no more than a minute, so that the pulse does not have time to return to normal.

80% of the load during jumping rope goes to calves, thighs, abs and back are the most problematic parts of the body. 10 minutes on a skipping rope replaces running for one and a half kilometers or 3 kilometers on a bicycle.


Another type of cardio that can be a good alternative to running. Swimming at a fast pace burns as many calories as running, but it puts more stress on the upper muscle groups, not the lower ones, in particular the shoulder girdle. Therefore, a combination of running and swimming would be ideal.


This exercise, which combines several CrossFit movements at once, is incredibly energy-intensive despite its apparent simplicity. Five approaches, performed at short intervals, will burn no less calories than an intense half-hour run. In addition, burpees speed up metabolism, and it is slow metabolism that is one of the main factors influencing the tendency to gain weight.

The technique of the exercise is as follows: from a straight stance, you perform a squat, resting your hands in front of you, then jump back into a lying position, do a push-up, return to the squat position and jump up, stretching your arms above your head. The exercise should be performed for a minute with a minute interval between approaches.

Tabata squats

Squats are one of the most energy-intensive strength exercises, and the training method developed by Japanese doctor Izumi Tabata will make it as effective as possible for fat burning. The essence of the method is maximum load for 20 seconds, followed by 10 seconds of rest and another 20 seconds of work at the limit. In total you need to perform 8 such approaches. This will take only 4 minutes, during which you will burn almost 60 calories.

Barbell snatch

The snatch is an exercise that came to CrossFit from weightlifting. It is very technically complex, but it loads all muscle groups at once, making it the most effective strength exercise for fat burning.

Stand in front of a barbell with your feet shoulder-width apart. Squat down and grab the barbell with a wide grip, pushing your shoulders back and arching your lower back. Using a powerful force from your legs and back, lift the barbell to mid-thigh level, then, by fully extending your legs and tilting your body back, throw the barbell up and sit under it. You should end up in a squat position with the barbell at arm's length. Using powerful force, rise to a vertical position. Pausing for a second at the top, lower the bar to your chest and then to the floor.