Traditions, ceremonies and rituals for baptism. Epiphany evening

Baptism is popularly called Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19; in 2018, this date falls on Friday. In Russia, this event is not considered a non-working day, although it is an official holiday.

The ancient and revered holiday of the Epiphany by all Christians is becoming one of the most anticipated events in the entire church year. Everyone who has ever heard of the Orthodox faith knows about this holiday, which is why it is not surprising that even in the modern world people continue to adhere to the strict canons of celebrating this wonderful day.

Epiphany 2018: History of the holiday

This church holiday has been celebrated exactly since Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River more than 2000 years ago. It is believed that after baptism itself, the holy spirit descended from heaven in the form of a white dove. Everyone heard the voice of God, which said: “You are My Beloved Son; I am well pleased with you!” Starting from this day, Jesus began his earthly mission, which ended, as everyone knows, with the resurrection, which became the progenitor of the Easter holiday. After baptism, Jesus Christ went into the desert, where he stayed for 40 days and nights, preparing himself to fulfill his sacred duty.

Epiphany 2018: Holiday traditions. Do's and Don'ts

Over time, the holiday of the Epiphany has acquired a huge number of traditions that are sacredly revered by people to this day. Perhaps the most significant of them is the ritual of swimming in an ice hole, the features of which should be known to everyone who wants to perform this action. Before swimming, a hole is cut in the ice, which is usually called the Jordan in honor of the river in which Jesus was baptized. The priest dips the crucifix into the water and reads a prayer, thereby consecrating this place for further ritual. You should plunge headlong three times, after which it is customary to read a prayer and get out of the water. It would seem, why expose your body to such stress on days when the Russian winter is especially fierce? However, swimming in an ice hole on Epiphany is an ancient and wise tradition. It is believed that it is on this day that the water in natural springs acquires special properties: after bathing in such water, not only diseases, ailments, evil eyes, but also sins, of which many could have accumulated by this moment, are washed away...

  1. People with diseases of the heart, nervous and vascular systems, as well as pregnant women and children should not enter the water. This is especially true for the latter, because in childhood the process of thermoregulation has not yet been formed, which makes the child’s body at risk of serious complications.
  2. You cannot swim while intoxicated - because it is life-threatening!
  3. You can have a hearty meal before diving, but don’t overeat, and drink hot tea after.

If you adhere to all the rules, then this procedure for the Baptism of the Lord will definitely have a beneficial effect on your well-being: both physically and spiritually.

Epiphany 2018: Tradition of collecting Epiphany water

Of course, not everyone will be able to plunge into the ice hole on January 19, 2018, but at the same time, each of us will be able to collect holy Epiphany water for ourselves, and we will tell you how, where and when is best to collect Epiphany water.

It should be noted that the consecration of water in churches occurs both on January 18, Epiphany Eve (after the Divine Liturgy), and on the feast of the Epiphany itself. On these two days you can collect Epiphany holy water, and there is no difference when you collect it in the temple - January 18 or 19. If you decide to draw water from the tap, then, accordingly, the best period for this will be the period of time from 00:10 to 01:30, which falls on the night of January 18th to 19th, and the water You can also dial later, throughout the 19th (before 24:00).

It is forbidden to quarrel and do bad things when holy water is in your hands.

Epiphany 2018: Signs

This holiday has many signs, both regarding everyday life and nature:

It is bad luck to dilute consecrated water;

Starting from Christmas Eve, it is not recommended to lend money. Otherwise, the culprit may lack money for a year;

You cannot perceive a holiday only as entertainment to plunge into an ice hole;

A good omen for Epiphany is the completion of some task;

Any agreement on this day necessarily ends in success;

Nature at Epiphany also says a lot:

Heavy snowfall and dark clouds on Epiphany foretell a rich harvest in the fall;

Barking dogs at night is good news;

A cross painted on the doors can protect the house from evil spirits;

During the holidays, nothing can be taken out of the house, otherwise there will be material losses.

Epiphany (Epiphany) is one of the main Christian holidays. On this day, the Church remembers the gospel event on the Jordan River - the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. Every year from January 18 to 19, Russia celebrates Holy Epiphany, the signs and traditions of which exist to this day.

Folk signs for Epiphany

Epiphany is a great holiday that is celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. People consecrate reservoirs and believe that such “healing” water will get rid of all ailments. Epiphany is preceded by Holy Week, when it is customary to tell fortunes, the future and listen to nature, as well as caroling. The series of “non-Christian actions” ends with a day of strict fasting and Epiphany evening. Rituals, traditions and signs for Christmas Eve and Epiphany have existed for many years, but many have not lost their relevance.

How to correctly collect Epiphany water - signs

The main signs of Epiphany are associated with blessed water, which is usually carefully stored (the liquid does not spoil for a long time) and drunk on an empty stomach throughout the year. With its help you can heal wounds, sprinkle your home and drive out spirits. Access to containers with holy water in temples is open for several days, and it can be collected at any time. For those who decide to take water directly from the tap, this can be done from January 18 to 19. Time – from 00.10 to 01.30. It is advisable to pray beforehand and choose a container purchased from a church store to fill. Regarding water, some prohibitions are also introduced:

  • do not collect more than necessary;
  • do not swear when you bring holy water into the house;
  • Do not dilute ordinary water with blessed water.

Epiphany dream - a sign

For a long time, various signs and traditions have been associated with Baptism. According to ancient belief, at midnight the heavens open and miracles happen; a wish made at that moment will certainly come true. All dreams on January 19 are considered prophetic and hide special messages of fate. Sometimes they are specially “ordered”: before going to bed, they think through what they wanted to see, they prepare themselves for a specific problem, the solution to which they are supposed to see. Without “settings,” Epiphany dreams usually reveal family secrets, and the sleeper receives clear instructions for the future.

Signs for Baptism for love

Although the church forbade it, it was customary to tell fortunes on the holy night. The girls looked for their betrothed and tried to look into the future, received predictions from a wide variety of objects and paid close attention to the signs associated with Epiphany. They concerned love affairs.

  1. If any of the girls gathered for fortune-telling suddenly cries, she will be separated.
  2. According to legends, the one who is matched for the holiday will be happy in .
  3. While diving into the ice hole, girls tried to jump after the men - this promised good luck in love.
  4. If a wife sprinkles snow on her husband three times at Epiphany, they will live in peace for a year.
  5. In order not to quarrel with your loved ones, you need to go out to the crossroads together at midnight and kiss three times.

Baptism signs for an unmarried girl

Russian folk signs on Epiphany night proved that this date was favorable for achievements. Often, maiden shows were held on Epiphany. Mothers and daughters came to the square, dressed in their best outfits, and grooms looked closely at the brides. It was customary to carefully choose a girl; mothers of grooms were invited for this purpose. They examined and felt each girl, paying special attention to her hands - they should be warm. There were signs and customs for Epiphany that can still be practiced today.

  1. On the evening of January 18, young people, both girls and boys, go out into the street, where they ask the name of the first person they meet of the opposite sex. This is what their betrothed will be called.
  2. Girls who dream of marriage take note at Epiphany. Leaving the house in the morning, they look to see who is meeting them halfway: if it’s a man, it means their dream will come true. If it’s a woman, a child or an elderly person, there won’t be a wedding yet.

Baptism - signs and superstitions for good luck

In Rus', many beliefs and customs were known, which they tried to adhere to so as not to tempt fate and attract good luck. The signs at Epiphany were no exception:

  1. Leaving festive shoes outside the threshold promised illness.
  2. To protect the house from Satan, housewives drew crosses over the windows and doors.
  3. To eliminate discord in the family, it was necessary to draw water at night, leave it open at the doorstep, and in the morning wipe the family’s shoes with it. After this, the water was poured into a latrine.
  4. Those caught in the Epiphany snowfall expected good luck in business.
  5. On the holiday, it was not allowed to throw away garbage, so as not to lose it along with it.

Signs for Epiphany on January 19 for prosperity

In the old days, a special place was occupied by Epiphany signs associated with an increase in material condition, wealth, and a good or bad harvest. Pets helped us look into the future:

  • barking dogs promised a lot of game in the forests and material well-being;
  • On the holiday, it was customary to feed the chickens so that in the spring they would not spoil the harvest, and it was a success.

Bad omens and traditions at Epiphany did not recommend lending money on the eve of the holiday - this foreshadowed a great need in the future. Noting future prosperity, it was customary to cook porridge on Christmas Eve as a symbol of wealth and family happiness. If the dish is successful, the year promises to be happy, but if not, the family will face troubles. Various additives in a dish have a special meaning:

  • raisins are added to the abundance;
  • honey - for a sweet life;
  • nuts - to solve everyday problems;
  • poppy – to drive out evil spirits.

Funeral for Epiphany - signs and superstitions

If being born on Epiphany is considered a rare stroke of luck—such a person is automatically sanctified by the Lord and successful in business—then departing into another world on major church holidays is a thankless task. and beliefs do not recommend burying the dead on this day. However, there are no civil or religious prohibitions on this matter; if necessary, priests can perform the ceremony not in the church, but at home.

Weather signs for Epiphany

Our ancestors loved and knew how to take note of the weather: observe the sun, wind and precipitation. And even in the modern world, when everything can be explained by the Hydrometeorological Center, the weather signs for Epiphany on January 19 are not without logic:

  • windy and frosty weather promises a bad harvest;
  • a strong south wind blew - the summer will be rainy;
  • The weather on January 18 corresponds to the weather for Maslenitsa and the beginning of next winter.

Signs on Epiphany night say the following:

  • if the sky is clear and stars are visible, peas, berries and nuts will be produced in summer;
  • a clear month indicates that there will be a flood in the spring;
  • bright stars foreshadow early spring and dry summer.

Epiphany snow - signs

According to Epiphany belief, snow is endowed with miraculous powers on a par with water. It was customary to collect it, and for this occasion there was even a special jug in the house. The snow was stored in the cellar, used only when it was necessary to put a person on his feet. Melt water helped relieve cramps and headaches. Some ancient signs for Epiphany are associated with snow, which foreshadowed a rich harvest:

  • snowfall on the holiday promises an abundance of grain;
  • there is little snow on the trees - an abundance of berries in summer;
  • there is little snow on the branches - there will be a lot of honey;
  • snow falls in flakes - the earth will be especially generous.

Warmth for Epiphany - signs

January 19 is the first day of Epiphany frosts, the harshest and coldest time of the year. It lasts until next month. Only according to legends the frosts are really very severe, and sometimes there are strong warmings. Such a rare phenomenon as a thaw on Epiphany prophesies terrible phenomena in society: wars, revolutions. It is impossible to predict which signs of Epiphany come true and which do not. However, sometimes weather checks prove the veracity of popular judgments.

Sun at Epiphany - signs

Mid-January is a time of cold weather, and good weather is immediately noticed, so weather signs for Epiphany pay attention to the sun. It was believed that after Epiphany the cold weather subsided and the sun turned towards spring. According to legend, if the holiday morning of January 19 turned out to be clear and sunny, the summer will be hot. The main thing is that the weather remains cold like winter, since warmth on this holiday foreshadows troubles and illnesses.

One of the main Christian and folk holidays was and remains Epiphany, the signs and traditions of which are observed regardless of beliefs. People happily dive from the ice hole, carry holy water into the house, tell fortunes about their betrothed, and watch natural phenomena with interest. Some beliefs and customs are a thing of the past, but most are known and continue to occupy the minds of people.

Today you can undergo the sacrament of Baptism at any time, with the exception of a few days a year. All you have to do is come to the temple, discuss the details with the priest and set a date. It wasn't like that with our ancestors.

For a long period, people were baptized only on Christmas Eve, which according to the new calendar falls on January 18. The procedure itself was significantly different. Church ministers blessed the water in an ice hole cut out in the shape of a cross, and those immersed in it became baptized and put on pectoral crosses.

The tradition of plunging into an ice hole at Epiphany three times dates back to those times. But even if someone who has already been baptized plunges into water, he draws even closer to the Lord and cleanses his body and soul.

Previously, holy water was collected directly from an ice hole, and then stored for exactly a year in a special bottle. In addition, each housewife had a jug, which was filled with snow on the day of Epiphany. After melting, the water was stored like the apple of an eye. Our ancestors believed that this particular liquid had healing properties and helped overcome illnesses and any evil.

Today, stocking up on Epiphany water is not a problem. It can be collected even after the holidays, in any temple. And it is not at all necessary to go to a service, fast, confess, or receive communion before this. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the attitude towards the shrine has become mediocre, and if there is no faith, then it will practically “work”.

Believers observe strict fasting before Epiphany. After the blessing of water and ablution, they put on new clothes (if it is not possible to purchase new ones, they should at least be clean and made of white fabric), and then they “break their fast.” The main dish, as at Christmas, is kutia. It is prepared from rice, wheat or other cereals, with raisins, honey, poppy seeds and dried fruits added. In addition, there may be baked goods, boiled or stewed fish, vegetables, fruits, dumplings, uzvar, etc. on the table.

Very similar to the Christmas table, right? There is only one very important difference. At Christmas there should be 12 dishes on the table, but on the Epiphany table they put an odd number of treats and there is no exact number.

What to do at Epiphany

To feel the mystery of the holiday, even those who do not fast should at least limit themselves to food on Christmas Eve. Alcohol and cigarettes are strictly prohibited. On the evening of January 18, you need to go to an evening service in a temple or to the consecration of a reservoir located nearby. After this, you can have dinner, gathering your closest people at the table. But loud noise, music and noisy fun are unacceptable.

In the morning, be sure to wash your face with holy water, wipe your body with it, and take three sips on an empty stomach. If possible, you need to attend the morning service, take communion after it, and when you come home, have breakfast.

The hostess must enter the house first. She sprinkles the house with holy water, and draws crosses in chalk on the front door and in the corners of the rooms. After such a procedure, not a single person with reckless thoughts will come close to the home.

The rest of the day is meant to rest and enjoy. By “rejoice” is meant spiritual grace. Take a walk with your children, visit your parents and other relatives. If you can’t go visit, at least call them.

What not to do at Epiphany

Set aside household chores. Of course, you can’t leave your pets without food, and you also need to cook or serve ready-made food. But washing, cleaning and handicrafts are strictly prohibited.

Men should not take on repairs. Many people use their days off to catch up on things around the house. But this is a big mistake.

It is strictly forbidden to quarrel, use foul language, or drink a lot of alcohol. Even bad thoughts are considered a sin. There is no need to succumb to provocations. Take other people's aggression as a challenge.

You cannot be greedy on this great holiday. Give alms to the poor, lend money, if you have it, of course. Provide others with any other assistance you can. All good things will come back to you a hundredfold. You can’t think about it only by doing good deeds.

Is it possible to guess at Epiphany?

Fortune telling on the night of Epiphany is a great sin. This is considered a conspiracy with evil spirits. But just as our ancestors dabbled in this, so too today many, no, no, will try their fate.

If you decide to do fortune telling, be sure to take a swim in the Epiphany ice hole afterwards. Otherwise, there will be no happiness from God’s protection all year long.

Most often, young girls make fortunes about the “betrothed-mummer.” To do this, you need to comb your hair before going to bed and put the comb with your hair under your pillow. Whoever dreams at night will be the groom.

It was also possible to find out the name of your significant other in a harmless way. I should have gone out the gate in the evening and asked the first person I met for them. There was just no point in starting conversations. It was believed that an evil spirit could walk along the street.

The bravest ones approached the already locked temple after the service at night. What kind of sound came from there - wedding bells or funeral bells - was to be expected throughout the year.

Folk signs for Epiphany

But there is nothing bad in folk superstitions. On the contrary, they are considered the most faithful throughout the year. Here are the most common ones.

On January 19, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the most ancient church holidays - Epiphany, or Holy Epiphany. What kind of holiday is this and what interesting traditions and signs are associated with it, read in our regular “Question and Answer” section.

What is the meaning of this holiday?

The holiday was established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The sacrament happened when Jesus Christ was 30 years old. According to the parable, at that moment the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the guise of a dove. After the rite of baptism, the Son of God gave man fallen in sin the opportunity to receive grace. Since then, those who are baptized receive forgiveness of sins and are reborn to a new life.

The holiday begins on January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve. The water is blessed at the service. Also on this day, the consecration of wells takes place on the territory of temples, and in the late afternoon - on the river. According to legend, such water cures various ailments, gives strength, and improves health. That is why on Epiphany there is a tradition of plunging into an ice hole.

Is it true that holy water even flows from the tap at Epiphany?

There really is a belief that holy water at Epiphany even flows from the tap. As the press secretary of the Barnaul diocese, Vladimir Matusov, told the portal, this is an erroneous opinion; water itself does not become holy; in any case, even on this holiday, it must be blessed by a priest.

“Sacred water is the water that is consecrated in the church, or the water at the springs, which is also consecrated by the clergy. Traditionally, on January 18, water in churches is consecrated, and on the morning of January 19, they go out to rivers and lakes and consecrate the font. After the consecration ceremony, the water in the source receives healing benefits properties,” said a church representative.

Holy water can heal wounds and illnesses. You need to consecrate every corner of your home with it in order to ensure order and peace in the house in the coming year. It is worth noting that water may lose its healing properties if, while drinking or drinking it, you quarrel with someone or have bad thoughts. It is believed that on Epiphany you must drink holy water in order to be healthy all year round.

What signs are associated with Baptism?

A huge number of folk signs are associated with Epiphany. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe in these signs or not. But our ancestors were attentive people and always noticed especially strange coincidences.

For Christmas Eve:

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.
In the morning snow means a good harvest of buckwheat.
Snowstorm - bees will swarm well.
Bright stars - there will be a good offspring of livestock, a lot of peas and berries.

For Epiphany:

In the morning it is cloudy, warm, snow or frost - a grain-bearing year.

Clear, cold - crop failure. Summer is dry.

A lot of dogs bark - a lot of animals, there will be game.

Traditions of Christmas Eve and Epiphany

At Epiphany, mothers baked cross-shaped cookies for breakfast. For each member of the household, the housewife specially marked his cookies. If the cross turns out to be lush, ruddy and well baked, success and prosperity await the one to whom it was placed. If the baked goods are burnt, then the year will be unsuccessful. If the cross turns out to be cracked and uneven, serious problems await this family member. Most often, burnt and failed crosses are not shown to anyone; they are best fed to the birds.

And Epiphany Christmas Eve is usually called Hungry Kutya. On this day, the last meal of the Christmas and New Year holidays is prepared. They called her hungry because from then on until the next day, until the water in the reservoirs was blessed, people did not eat.

The remains of the kutya were given to the chickens, and three spoons of dishes that were on the table on Epiphany Eve were placed in a separate pot for fate. The one who was the last to return home from the river at Epiphany ate from this pot. And therefore, everyone who went to bless the water tried to return home as quickly as possible.

Epiphany frosts in Rus' have been very strong since ancient times. On Epiphany Christmas Eve, before dinner, the owner put on kutya and, looking out the window, invited the frost to taste the treats. At the same time, one must certainly say: “If the frost does not come to my house, let it not come to the harvest.”

On January 19, all Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the biggest holidays - the Epiphany. The holiday of Epiphany has always been considered a particularly important celebration among the people. All Orthodox Christians spent the eve of Epiphany in strict fasting. Even children and old people tried not to eat “until the first star,” and during the evening service, small churches often could not accommodate everyone who wanted to atone for their sins. The crowd was especially great during the ceremony of consecrating the water, since most people were firmly convinced that the sooner you collect the consecrated water, the more healing it will be.

After the water was dedicated in the church, each owner, with all his household, drank a few sips from the brought jug, and then sprinkled holy water on all his property in order to protect his home for the whole year not only from troubles, but also from the evil eye. In the villages, they also poured a few drops of holy water into each well so that evil spirits would not get there and spoil the water. It was strictly forbidden to draw water from such a well until the morning of January 19th. After all these rituals, holy water was placed near the icons, since everyone not only believed in the healing power of this water, but were also convinced that it could not spoil.

On the feast of Epiphany, not only the water consecrated in the church, but also ordinary river water was considered special. People believe that on the eve of Epiphany, all water has special powers. In the Orthodox world, it is believed that on the night of January 18-19, Jesus Christ himself bathes in the river - therefore, in all rivers and lakes the water “sways”, and to notice this wonderful phenomenon, you only need to come to the river at midnight and wait cut through until “the wave passes”, a sign that Christ was immersed in the water.

The water collected from the ice hole on the eve of Epiphany was considered healing and was used by healers to treat diseases throughout the next year.
On the day of Epiphany, as soon as the bells rang, believers lit bundles of straw in front of their houses so that Jesus Christ, who was baptized in the Jordan, could warm himself by the fire. Orthodox men set up a baptismal hole on the river, which was called the Jordan. They carefully carved a cross, a ladder, a dove, and a bathing bowl in the ice. Near the bowl, during a church service, the bottom of this bowl was pierced with a strong blow, and water quickly filled the prepared depression. A mass of people gathered for this celebration, from young to old - everyone hurried to the ice hole, so that the thick ice sometimes even cracked under the weight of people. Orthodox people were attracted not only by the beauty of the spectacle, but also by the desire to drink the blessed water and wash their faces with it. Many, especially the brave ones, swim in an ice hole on Epiphany, knowing that a person cannot get sick in the blessed water.

Since it was customary to send matchmakers during the period from Christmas to Maslenitsa, maiden shows were usually held at Epiphany. They most often took place in the square, where mothers and daughters rode, and future sons-in-law looked at the brides. All the girls, dressed in their best outfits, lined up in a long row near Jordan. At the same time, each tried to flaunt and emphasize their advantages. Guys walked among the future brides and chose their betrothed. At the same time, the groom’s mother not only carefully examined, but even felt the girls’ dresses and took them by the hands to find out if the hands of the future bride were too cold. If the hands are cold, then such a bride, even if she had all the other qualities, was considered chilly and therefore not suitable for the harsh peasant life.

Epiphany fortune telling.

On the holiday, there are many superstitions related to the fate of a person. So, for example, if someone was baptized on this day, it was believed that such a person would live a long and happy life. It was also a good sign to set the day of the future wedding between the young couple on Epiphany - the family life of such a family would be peaceful and good.

Fortune telling for Epiphany is, in general, the same as for the old New Year and Christmastide. The only exception is the so-called fortune telling with kutya, which consists in the fact that the fortune tellers, having captured kutya in a cup and hiding it under an apron or scarf, ran into the street and threw the kutya in the face of the first man they came across, asking his name. Another type of special Epiphany fortune-telling is even more original: on Christmas Eve, after sunset, naked girls went out into the street, “hoeed” the snow, threw it over their shoulders and then listened - in which direction something is heard, in that direction the future husband lives .

Those girls who did not yet have a groom went out of the gate and looked to see who they would meet first. If a young guy comes across them, be good; an old man is a bad omen. On the evening before the holiday of Epiphany, believers bring snow into the house, firmly believing that it is very healing and cures many ailments. The snow is melted on the stove, and then everyone in their family, young and old, is washed in the melt water. They wash the older ones first, and then the younger ones. The remaining water can be used to wash windows and doors, “so that trouble doesn’t come knocking.”

On the night of Epiphany, people make wishes about their longevity. To do this, place a bowl of Epiphany water on a table covered with a new white tablecloth. Hold a lit aspen splinter in your left hand, and cross yourself with your right hand, then say:

"Luchina-Mother, I ask you to give a sign - to die or to flourish?"

Having said these words, you need to quickly lower the torch into the water. If it goes out immediately, your life will be short; if the splinter flares up brightly and the fire goes up, your life will be long and you will not recognize serious illnesses.

Signs for Epiphany.

Also among the people there are many signs for Epiphany, knowing which you can prevent a lot of troubles for yourself and your family. For example, it is believed that you should not cry on this day, otherwise you will shed tears all year.

The evening before Epiphany, the mistress of the house must draw crosses over the doors and windows to protect her home from evil spirits and other evil forces.
On Epiphany Eve it is worth stocking up on Epiphany water, for which you go to the river or springs at midnight. This water has amazing healing powers.
Before the holiday of Epiphany, you cannot take anything out of the house and lend money so as not to feel the need for the whole year.
On Epiphany Christmas Eve, the eldest woman in the family counts the tablecloths. Whoever does this will always have many guests in his house.
A bird knocking on the window at Epiphany announces to you that the souls of the dead are asking for prayers and all sorts of godly deeds for their forgiveness.
On January 19, if someone from the family leaves home, the ashes are not raked out of the ash pit until he returns, otherwise something bad will happen to the person on the way.
The one who is married at Epiphany will have a happy family life.
Whoever takes water from a well or ice hole first at Epiphany will never get sick all year.
If a person who takes baptized water from the church falls or spills the water, then he will not live long in this world.
If there is a snowstorm on Epiphany, the year will be rich and fruitful.
Anyone who was born on Christmastide definitely needs to bathe in the Jordan at Epiphany and gain strength and strength from Epiphany water.

Conspiracies for Epiphany.

On January 19, a special spell is read for good luck and prosperity. When you take holy water in church, leaving the temple, say:

"I'm going home with holy water, And you, money and luck, follow me. All the troubles and losses, Go the other side. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

If you have a baby in your family who is not yet one year old, then today you can talk him into an easy life. To do this, stick a piece of the candle with which you blessed the water today to the diaper, while reading the following plot:

“Lord, the child is in his first year of life, send him many easy roads in life. Give him the savior angel, the guardian angel of the best, with your holy hand bless the Servant of God (name) for a good hour, for a good time. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Hide the charmed diaper so that no one can see it.